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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1910)
feasgaass,il;.!fawfrU e fji ' ' . ",j MJOPJiTOP MAIL TRD3UNE, MEDFORD, OREGON. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1910. Classified Advertising Gives to Your Offer or Your Want Highly Specialized Publicity Ml "'' $44 ktmmtK jpiiiumhiiI ilWWPJPIBHMWWIWP 1 rk -xr ; PENDLETON HAS WILD 1ST our Hundreds of Visitors Attcndlnp. "Tho Round Up" In Eastern Ore- ori OVer 600 Cowboys and Cow girls Participate. I'HNDLHTON, Or., Bopt. 20 With .laintlroilH of vlHltorn from vnrlnun pnrtu of tho Pacific rnnut proHoitt, lVmllutun'n Wild West Show, "Tho Roundup," bognn today. I'or thu noxt three days there will bo homo rnc lug, broncho roping, branding and tlolng, shooting contests and other xtiltltlonti of cowboy life. It In pro poned to mnlco tho nhow an annual nffnlr. It In being conducted along tho immo linos an that hold In Choy enno annually. IndlntiH will jiliiy a port In thu sportn nnd ovor 500 cowboys and cowgtrlit will participate. Cowboyn from tho surrounding country nro pouring Into tho rlty, hont on cupturlttK noinu of tho many proton that, nro offering. A squad of cowboyn from Idaho, Montnur. and Nevada reached hnro InHt night. Practically ovory outlaw homo In eastern Oregon Iiuh boon rounded up for UNO In (ho bucking contest!!. NOTICK In hereby glton that tho undonilgnod will apply nt tho noxt mooting of the city council of Medford, Oregon, for Ilcenso to noil malt, rlnoun nnd spirit out llquorH In loan quantltl a than ono Chllon, for six months, nt lot 10, block 20, In Mcdford, Oregon, for a porlod of six month. DASH & HAM2. Dated Soptombor 22, 1010. Investors' Snaps. I am offorod proposition in Illi nois valloy which I intend to accept if I disposo of property. Don't bo slow money talks. New nix-room modern bungalow, three blocks from Washington school, pos session, if dosirod or n cush tenant for ton months at $40; total amount $400 deducted from prico, $3800; terms. Will Undo interest in four lots for good team, wagon and harness. Addrons 73, aaro Mail Tribune, or cull Phono 4201. NOTICK. District Attorney I), F. Mulkoy ami Oeorgo Wi Chorry hnvo formed n partnership for tho purposo of trans acting civil buHtucuB, having tholr of fice In room 30, JnckHon County Dunk building. Air. Chorry will have chargo of tho criminal IiuhIiiosh, whllu Mr. Mulkoy Is attending terms of court In Grants PnHs. ATTKND COLLEGN. Arrnngo to attend tho Eugene litis Inosa College, nnd lot ua got you a good position whoa you graduate En ter bow, Soud for our now cata logue, 14 Vj West Sovonlh stroot, Eugene, OroLon. tt MEDFORD MARKETS. (Prices paid by Medford merchants.) Potatoes, now, $1.161.25 por awt.; oabbngo, 2a. Cuautnhorfl, 10a to 15a dot. Squash, 006$1. Com, 10(?15o. Cnntnloiipos, 2040a dozen, Tomatoes, IVfco. Pumpkins, 812'2o. AppltiH, 2o; Pours, lo, Prunes. lJa2c. Tokays, 5c. flutter, Eggs aad Poultry. (Prioos paid by Medford merchants.) Ranch butter, 30o; fancy oroamory, 35o. Frosli rnncji eggs, 35o. Mixed poultry, 1014o; spring nh'iokons, MOlOo; turkoys, 17o. (Prices paid produoors.) liny Timothy, $10; nlfnlfu, $12; grass, $14; grain hay, $10, Grain Whont, $1.15 bushel ; oats, $32 ton; bnrloy, $H0 ton. Boof Cows, 4ru)4Vs o; stoors, C 5Vjo; pork, flo; mutton, 5(S)5ijo; lambs, flo; veal, drossod, Re, (Selling prices,) Rollod bnrloy, $1.75 owt $32 ton; bruu, $1.70; middlings, $L851.00j shorts, $1,80(5)1.85. California Market, SAN FRANCISCO, Sopt 2!. Wheat Australian mid propo, l.O2V4(?0j.77jj Cullforiilii dub, HS)'iYMS)7V-i .northern whout, bliiOHlmn, 1.(15001.70; club, $1572(' 1.07; turkey, $1.(10(71)1.05; Russian mil, 1.5UMi(ii)J.55. Barley Feed, good to choice, blfoVtfl; fancy, 1.01 1-4; poor lo fair, UUMtfiWio; shipping, $1.05 1.07V&J t'lmvullor, $U01.35. Eggs Ilighur. California frcdi, Including cuhcn, uxtriiH, 40o; firHtn, 40o; seconds anil storage, !IOu. Butter Higher. Calil'prnia fresh extras, Jl'J'aiiJ HrHlH, 20 'an; seconds, 28c; ntomgn, 302o. Cliounu New California flittnf fancy, lO'o; firHtH, M'io; seconds, IU'je: California Young American, fancy, 17c; firsts, IS'fcc; Oregon fancy, lOVao; Htorngo California, 15c. Potatoes Per cental, rivor whites, UOrGDIMOi BiilimiH Burbnnks, $1.45 C51.00; sweets, $1.852. OnioiiH Por sack, l(f1.10. Oranges Por box, clioicu, $1.50(Ji) 2.50; extra choice, $2,603.25; Valon cias, $2.50(u.'f; fancy, $3.50()4. Hssklns for health. FOUND FOUND August 12, fivo black bars, marked with crop off right car and 2 splita in tho loft; owner may hnvo same by proving property and puy ini; for their kcoping. Mrs. A. it. PhippBjModford. Or. 183 FOUND In Mcdford, on circus day, a Hinall black do);, white ring around neck. Address Hex H. Lampmnu, Oold Hill. If LOST. LOST On circus day, between Central Point nnd Mcdford, five now razors in case. Return to Mcdford Mail Tribune. FOR SALE. House. FOIt SALE New 5 -room bungalow and two lots, ono corner; south and cast front; finu neighborhood, paving; best buy in Mcdford; cnslt or tonus. Address "Owner," care Mail Tribune. tf FOH SALE A now modern 0-room bungalow, just completed; on South Orange St., 3 blocks from the Wash ington school; street to bo pnved; tho best buy in the city. Inquiro 000 E. Mniu. 100 FOR SALE Largo liouso and two largo lots; onchalf block from pave ment; house not quite finished yet; $1000 takes them. E. A. F., care Mail Tribune office. FOR SALE 7 room bungalow with bath. Apply Dick Sherwood, 14th and Newtown. . 10S FOR SALE Two-stor hoiihe and lot 50x250, East front, 10 minutes out $1200; Terms. John Reter, 0 S. Central Ave. FOR SALE 5 and 10-aoro traotB just within and adjoining city lim its, at a bargain, on 5 annual pay ments. Address Condor Water Power Co. FOR SALE-Mly ownor seven room house on good street, worth $3000 will sell for $2500 cash, cemoit walks in front and around liouso water sowor mid will complete bath also one beautiful comei lot with sewer nnd sidewalk, prico $750 cash. Two clump lots nt $350 mid $325, All sumo locality. Address Owner Cure Mail Tribune. IfiS FOR SALE Now ftrrniBhod liouso, fi rooms, both, pantry, closot, two porches, cement foundation, wood shed, 4 lots, W. 11th St., 3 blocks from paved strcot; prico $2000, tonus. P. E. Zopp. lflfl FOR SALE 8-room house with bath mid 00 foot of saroonod porch, $3500. 000 flth st. West., W. II. Evorhnrd. tf FOR SALE Flvo-room nouao, lot 53 by 200, oast front. North Con tra 1 Avonuo. Call on J. T. Sum morvlllo, Whtsonant Barber Shop. tf fOnrSAXWl 20 neros, Evans Croolc fruit; improvomonts; buy of ownor. Wrlto S. F. Potter, R. F. D Wood- vlllo, Or, tt FOR SALE Sovoral housos and lots nlso fino furm. D, T. Lawton, Owner. tf FOR SALE Fiirnishod liouso with bum; also liouso mid two lots. In quiro of ownor, Np, 723 13th st. wost. 108 FOR SALE $1200 cnBh for ono liouso nnd two lota on Bentty st. Inquire nt 524 Bentty st. 167 Acreage, FOR SALE 35ij nores, 2 miles wost of Medford on main road; fuir buildings, 20 acres in 4-yoar-old Nowtowns mid Spitzonborgs, bat nnoo planted to ponra with poach fillors; big young team, Jorsoy cow, ohiokons, nil mnohinory and tools go with plnao; $550 mi noro; good torms. Thoro is a profit of $200 mi aoro in this buy iusido a yoar, W. T. York & Co. tf : To Find More Profitable Work for your Brain, Your Hands or Your Dollars ""18 Thin tort of work la a part of tho "ueual usefninefts" of tho clanslflcd ads. Thoy accomplish bo much of It at no llttl. expense, with ho llttlo delay that other wayo of finding work for either pcoplo or monoy aro going out of uno. i Want Ads One Cent a Word FOR SALE. Acreage. FOR SALE Or exchange, by ownor, Home Reed ranch property ; also some" town lots. AddrcHs P. O. box 083, Mcdford, Ore. tf FOR SALE 20 acres, 4 miles north east of Central Point depot; pood laud, fine locution ; $3500. Address E. Erickson, Houto 2, Central Point. 100 FOR SALE 30 acres of choico fruit land, partly set to upplcs and pears, with buildings, nt an investment prico if sold at once. Address owner, Box 20, R. F. D. 2, Central Point. 107 FOR SALE 80 acres in nil. 10 acres in 4-year-olds. 0 acres irrigated alfalfa. 15 acres cleared land. 5 miles from Mcdford. SOLE WATER RIGHT ON CREEK; PART OF WELL-KNOWN RANCH. Prido $14,000 $175 an acre; stnallor section if desired. Address A. McCoraack, care Mail Tribune- office tf FOR SLLE Fruit farm on Hear creek bottom, 34 acres ono nnd one miles from Talcn; soil very fertil; a young orchard of apples, mostly Newtowns nnd Spits; 12 1-2 acres in jMinrs; 2 acres in peaches;. fine new bouse, fivo room, bntli and pantry; screen ponrch on two sidos; bam, chicken liouso nnd other outbuildings A fine well of wntor nt tlu door; all fenced $8000. Come to Talent nnd I will show you tho place. Lot Jiid Roberts Building. tf FOR SALE A choico fruit farm of 31 acres, 1 milo from Talent, Or., can bo irrigated, pumping apparat us, machinery, etc.; young fruit of nil kinds, including two acres of Newtown apples and other van. ties; also pears, prunes, plums, ap ricots, cherries, etc.; a good dwell ing liouso, 12 acres in alfalfa; price 12,500, cash down, $5500, the Imlnuco on time; come to Talent on cars nnd I will show you tho prop erty. L. N. Judd, Roberts bldg., Talent. Or. 175" Huslncsa Ironcrty. FOR SALE OR RENT Good open ing for gonornl merchandise store in now town with $15,000 monthly payroll, on railroad, 12 milcc from . Mcdford. Gold Ray Ronlty Co., 210 W. Main. tf FOR SALE Choico business prop orty at a bargain, on long time; easy torms. Address Condor Wa tor Power Co. FOR SALE Only hotel in Butto Fnlls, now nnd doing good busi ness. Addross O. W. II. Albort, Butto Fnlls. Or. 174 FOR SALE, Any ono contemplating chnugo to Oakland, Cal. : I hnvo one lot with two houses in East Onk- land, actual cost to owner $3800; $1300 still to pay, nt $30 por month, incomo $26 monthly, rented: will oxohnngo oquity for small ranch noar Phoenix or proporty in Med ford or Ashland. Addross. Box 10, euro of Mail Trihuno office. 174 YO SALE Paying business in Mcdford. Address G. C. II., euro Tribune. 161) XiOtS. FOR SALE Lot, east front, 50c 140, fruit troos; n snap nt $335. Address Box 10, Mail Tribuno. 170 FOR SALE Two lots, half bjook north of West Main; piwod streot, sowor nnd city wntor. Soo owner, 436 S. Evorgroou st. 105 FOR SALE Iloro is mi opportunity for Hid man with a smnll income to buy u building Jot cheap, and torms to suit your iuoonio, No hotter lota iu West Medford for tho monoy; onst front, noar wntor, pavoniont, gns and light; must go quick to so ouro torms. Address I? oaro iiMil Trihuno office. tf FOR SALE I hnvo n nice businoss lot in Butto Falls, lot 7, block IB, Apply to J, A, MoLood, box 33, Medford. 100 Work for the Want Ads" FOR SALE. Mlaoeltaaeoaft. FOR SALE New general purpose wagon, bought in Juno; bolster springs, box und seat; price $00. Cor. Miusinctu and Niautic, Ken dull ndd. 1G0 FOR SALE Fine 4-year-old well bred driving horses for sale at u bargain, at the West Side bam. If FOR SALE Two rockers, roll top desk, center table, libray table, kitchen cabiuot, sowing mnchine, commodes, etc. 710 E. Taylor 100 FOR SALE Oliver typewriter No. , in good condition; price $25. 710 E. Tnvlor st. 100' FOR SALE Fine B. Orpington cock crels for sale at 320 Apple st. 104 FOR SALE I always have good in vestments in real estate; write me what you want. C. T. Forbes, route 2, Central Point. 107 FOR SALE 15 tons of first-class grain hay. C. W. Isaacs. tf FOR SALE Grapes, fresh from tho vines, fto. 507 Ulark st. 180 FOR SALE I am prepared to furn ish winter supplies of fire wood in oak, fir and pine; stove wood nnd four-foot lengths. F. Osenbruggc, phone 1041. 401 Riverside avenue South. FOR SALE Remington visible type writer, No. 10 model. Address Box 305. enro Mail Tribune 105 FOR LEASE FOR LEASE Fully equlrpod gold m!uo; ten-stamp mill and concen trator, all crorated by electric pow ei. Ownor will furnish free elec tric power for share In proceeds. Bee Smith, at Condor Water & Power Co. FOR LEASE Fishing, hunting, boating nnd bathing resort, 1V square miles body of wnter, on railroad, within 11 miles of Med ford. Addresr Box 201, enro Mail Tribune tf FOR RENT. Business Rooms FOR RENT-Oood office rooms, In puiiv at Ureogery Stuido. tf FOR RENT Businoss room on W. Main st., 24x140, suitable for res taurant or billiard room or other business, fcteam heat. Gold Ray Realty Co.. 216 W. Main st. tf FOR KENT Office rooms in Eleir trio building, modern equipment, steam hent, electric light, baths, toilet, hot and cold water. Gold Ray Ronlty Co., 216 W. Mnin st. tf PuniUlitM) Rooms. FOR RENT One largo ploiiMint room may be ued for light housekeep ing; no children, 327 S. Onkdalc. 160 FOR RENT -Nicely furnished rooms Ladies preferred. 313 N. Ivn St., 168 FOR RENT Furnished front room; nlso other rooms; No. 4 S, Orango strcot. 167 FOR RENT eloopiug room. 12th st. Nicely furnished Cnlb at No. 9 West FOR RENT Lnrgo fumishod front room, modern Phono 2455. 521 W. Hamilton. 16(1 FOR RENT-Nice b'odroom with good bed. 404 W. 2d st. 165 WANTED Bids for oomont side walk ontiro length Quocn Anno av onuo. For particulars soo Waltor McCnllum. notol Nash. tf FOR RENT Nicoly furnished room in modern homo, boat rosidonoo dis trict, oloso in; also privnto garage for rout. Phono M. 3501. FOR RENT Modorn furnished rooms with bnth. 604 W. 10th or 124 Kiug st. 170 FOR RENT Furnished rooms for transients, No. 10 North Grape street, noxt to Farmers and Frult growora' bank. ' tf Houses, FOR RENT 5-voom hquso, North ond. Inquire 339 North Frot streot. . 165 FOR RENT 4-room modorn house. Call nt 343 N. Ivy. 168 Flrt REIT. Vrm. FOR RENT Ranch, good buildings, for ono year, with privilege of five. Inquire 11 N. Central ave. 168 FOR RENT Farms from 40 acres to 400 acres, alfalfa land, fruit ranches, garden lands, general farming ranches. Gold Ray Realty Co.. 216 West Mam. tf WANTED. MJacellaMoas. WANTED Call or phone Main 32 for all kinds of dressmaking. Mrs. J. S. Carroll, 320 N. Riverside ave nue. 165 WANTED Phono Main 32 for gen eral hanling, long or short job, or rubbiBh. 165 WANTED A second-hand bicycle, in gopd condition. Phono Main 6131. H. G. Stoeckman, 528 W. 10th st. WANT fruit land or city property; have a 1020-acrJ grain farm, near ly all undor cultivation, full line of farm machinery, good buildings, several fino wells, water piped in house; 1000 acres to be sown this full to wheat; price $30 per acre. L. K. Moore, 517 Board of Trade, Portland. 165 WANTED To trade two five-acre tracts near city, ono unproved and one unimproved, for improved city property. Address Lock Box 31, city. tf WANTED Two or three modern furnished rooms for light house keeping. Close in. Call at 246 S. Rivnraidn "lfi Help Wanted Festale. wamx&u ruree or tour young women and ono young man to assist in work of smnll family for board, in nnothor city, while attonding school. For particulars nddrcs R, Mail Tribune office. 167 WANTED Girl for general houso wark Good wages, call at 528 S. Fir street. WANTED An experienced fitter for cloak and suit department. Ad dress Boa 400, Moil Tribune, tf WANTED A capable general house work mnid; ono used to service. Ap ply Mrs. C. H. Glnizc, 313 S. Graoe street. 165 WANTED Compotent woman for genornl housework, two in family, wagos $30. Addross Box 60, care Mnil Tribune office. tf WANTED Saiosmon In every local ity ot the north woet; money ad vanced weekly; many make ovor 11000 month; choico ot territory. Yakima Valley Nursery Co., Top penlub, Wash. WANTED Girl for general house work; good wagos to tho right party. Address Box 29, care Mail Trihuno nffico. WANTED Lady npprintico nt tho Grcogry stuido nt ouco; small wa gos to start. tf WANTED Nurso wanted at tho Ashland hospital 'for training. tf Rooms to Rent. WANTED To rout or lease a furn ished or unfurnished house, 10 ropms or nio-j. Address '37 South Ivv. Phono No. 2843. WANTED To rout modorn bunga low on West Side; would consider proposition to buy. A. B. C, Trib uno office. 105 WANTED Four or five-room house, smnll family, no children. Inquire or address cigar factory. 119 E. 0th St.. Situations Wanted. WANTED Position by stonographor with three yenrs' oxporionco; legal proforrod. Box 306 160 WANTED Offjoo employment by married man; roforoncos furnished. Addros C. M 105 Tripp st. 16d Help Wantednutale WANTED Man mid wifo would liko n position on ranch. Addross W. P, Anderson, Medford, Ore. 109 WANTED Young, mnn, single, wishos to roit small cabin, tout or fiirnishod room, suitable for slosp ing purposes, Addross Box, 7, enro of this office, 109 FOR EXCHANGE. FOR EXCHANGE Medford and suburban property, ranches, timber lands, for othor proporty. Address Box 100, care Mail Tribune. tf FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Five passenger 4-eylinder touring auto mobile. Address Box 200, care Mail Tribune office. tf BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Attorneys. WITHINSTON & KELLY Lawyers, Palm building. A. E. REAMS Lawyer, over Pest office. PORTEB J. NEFJP. WM. P. MBA LEY Attorneys-at-law. No. P street, ground floor. COLVIG k BEAHES W. M. Col vig, C. L. Reatnes. Lawyers. Of fice Medford National Bank baild ing. eecand floor. NOTARY PUBLIC Room 207, Phippa bldg. NOTARY PUBLIC Mail Tribune office. "tlBJoa. CARPENTERS' UNION, LOCAL 1840 Meets at Smith's haH, 128 North Grape street, every Thurs day evening promptly at 8 o'clock. All journeymen carpenters, as well as local members, urged to be pres ent Business of vital interest to all carpenters transacted at these meetings. J. J. Seal, business agt. Bieaognipaera. ELLA M. GUANYAW Paka Block. Stenographic work done qaickly and well. Granite Works. GOLD RAY GRANITE CO., 216 W. Main st, manufacturers and deal ers in gmonumental and buildin granite, crushed granite", common brick and pressed brick; coarse and fine washed river sand. PAUL.& WOLFF sell sand and foun dation gravel; all orders promptly delivered. Phone 4721 and 1213 Main. Pataters ud H. G. DEAN. O. P. MTfULLEN Phone 3732. Dean & MeMalloo contracting painters, pain tin. p. per hanging and tintin. Ettimat on all kinds of painting work Medford. Or. Tailors T. D. MORGAN, JR 719 E. Taylor st. Up-to-date paper hanger; 10 years' experience in the cast. 173 Architect. NORMAN WINDER, architectural draftsman and builder See me about your new home. I can save you money by planning to your own ideas and figuring with you right Write Box 37, P. O., Med ford. JOHNS & TURNER, Architects and Builders. Office 7-8, 325 Main. Phono Main 3471. Residence phone 744. Dentists. DR. ARTEMAS W. DEANE in Rialto bldg., 123 E. Main. Gas administered for extraction of teeth. Tolophono Main 681. Night phone 4432. DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOC. Dentist- Office in rooms 203-204, Farmers' & Fruitgrowers' bank building west of the trsoks Undertakers. MEDFORD FURNITURE CO. Un dertakers. Day phono 351. Night phonos, C. W. Conklin 3601, J. H. Butler 3571. Real Jastate. EABLE C. SABIN Orchard tractt oRy proporty. List prour holdrnpi with me. Only desirable propert handled. Room 202, Fruitgrowert BnnV bldg. Dill Posters. VERNE T. CANON Bill Poster an4 Distributor. All orders prompth filled. Room 29, Jaokson Couat) Bank building. Medford. Ore. Cigars aad Toaaeee. mELAND & ANTLE, Smokehouse Dealers in tobacoo, cigars an smokers' supplies. Exclusive agent of Lewis Single Binder, 1 Merit and El Palencia. 213 Weit Map street. FurNttare. H. F. WILSON & CO., dealers b new and second-hand furaitun and hardware. Agents for House hold stoves and ranges. 10 Soul) . Fir wtroftt. Phono Main 3101. MIS8ION FURNITURE WORKS Corner 8th and Holly sts., Med ford. Mission Furniture made tt order, Cabinet work of all kind A trial order solicited. MORDOFF & WOLFF Cook stove nnd ranges. New and second-hand furniture. EadV old stand, 18 W F st. South. Phone 1, Medford Owe. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. iMHBdck-ies SING LEE has sold his laundry to Wah Loo Co., and hereafter it will bo conducted by W,ah Leo. He ia an experienced man in the bnsi- ness. Oemeat (MwUu CEMENT 8IDEWALKB, bnmaos atone mason, plasUrkf and all kiuds of stucco work. Expert work manship at reasonable charge bj the day or contract AddreH Ma sone. 511 E. Mate wt. Medford. Qrf NEW AND SECOND-HAND UOODS James A. MaoKenzie, dealer k new and second-hand furniture, hardware, clothing, boeis and shoes. Highest cash prices paid for good cast-off cloUrfag. Call aad see ae when yoa have something to selL 103 South Central. I'rteters aad Fmsshw. MEDFORD PRINTING CO. kas the best equipped job office ia South ern Oregon; Pertlaad ericas. 37 Month iMntral avenge Millars fMete. 8. T. BROWN k CO. Btliiara. Ci- , gars and Soft Drinks. Up seairs, Young k Hall buildkg. A aioa, cool place to spend the hot after noons. SOUTHERN ORKJON HOSPITAL 844 43eath C st, Medfera, Ore. . W. Hisey, Metros. Official hospital P. 4 E. B. S. fl QUAKER NUESERHK Our trees are budded, not grafted. Our stock is not irrigated. We guarantee ev erything put out. We are riot in the trust EL B. Patterson, office re moved to 116 East Main BOGUS SIVER VALLSY NUB SERY CO., Inc. Growers of high grade narseCTi atopk. VOffiee M Phystdaas aad CHOW YOUNG'S CHHfESE MEDI CDJES Will euro rheumatism, asthma, paralysis, sores and pri vate diseases. These remedies may bo procured at house, No. 241 D and 10th sts., Medford, Or., whore they will be sold by the proprietor. Chow Young. Dr. Chow Young has treated sev eral severe cases with his remedies sinco coming to Ashland, and has for references some of tho best known and most intelligent citizens in Southeni Oregon. Call Ou him. This is to certify that Dr. Chow Young, the bearer, attended me, my trouble being lung trouble and asthma. I am better than I have been for twelve years. I saw the lotter written by Judgo Hanna and as he recommended the doctor so well, thought I would try him nlso. Mrs. St. Louis, Ashland. Or. "I was afflicted with heart and stomach troublo for many years, and at last ending in a stroko of paralysis, from which no ono ox pectcd my recovery, and no one knows how I suffered, but at last I got a littlo better and I heard of one Dr. Chow. Young. I took treat ment and am woll now and can rec ommend him to any one who may be sick or afflicted with any of these complaints. I assure you II am well pleased and thankful that I am alivo at this time. Mrs. Mary Ni dav. Grants Pass. Or. R. W. STEARNS, M. D. Oppoiita Jackson County bank. Night calls promptly answered. Office aad residonco phone Mnin 3433. DR STEPHENSON fits glasses to correct any detect of tho eye. Of fice over Allen & Reagan's. Phono Main 1851. Photoaraplu'rs. MACKEY'S bTl'DlO "Poso with Mnckey nnd dio with joy." Ovor Allen & Reagan's store; entrance on Seventh rct , , DR. 'CLARK P. SAUNDERS Prnc tice limited to diseases of the eye, ear, noso and throat Office 210 E. Main st., ovor Medford Hard ware Co. DBS. CONROY & CLANCY, Physi cians and Surgeons, Taylor aad Phippa bldg., rooms 310, 311, 311, Office phone 501, residence psoas 612. Office hours 9 a. m. to 8 p. at. DR. F. G. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathia Physioians. Mission block. Phoas 292. Medford. Brick Companies. MEDFORD BRICK CO. Geo. W. Priddy, O. D. Nagle, Geo. . O'Brien Contractors and wa faeturors of briok; dealers ia pressed briok and lime. Offies ia Poetoffioe block; rooai S. PaM No. 8181 Tta Shops. J. A. SMITH Tin shop, Tfa aa4 sheet iron ware en ha t order. 13S Nertk ft i