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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (July 24, 1910)
MEDFORD ALATJj TRIBUNE, aLEDITORD, OREGON, SUNDAY, JULY 2-1, 11)10. GIRLS IN AUTO GROSS. NATION The Car, the Girl and the Wide, Wide World Reach San Francisco in the "Lady Overland" Across the Continent From New York 41 Days WOULD UNIFY DIVORCE LAWS David Starr Jordan Says This Is the Only Practical Way to Improve the Human Race Would Bar Un fit From Marrlaoe. LITTLE EVA IS SHOP LIFTER Actress Who Played the Part of Uncle Tom's Protector Accused of Robbing Store and Has to Spend the Night in Jail. THE ONLY: SAN FRANCISCO, July 24. Two sunbaked and freckled society girls, Miss Ulancho Stunrt and Miss Gert rude Phillips of Now York, nrrlved here today ou their "Lady Overland" automobile after a journey of 41 days across the continent, during which they covered 5322 miles. Miss Stuart drove tho car most of tho way. This morning, accompanied by a l&fgo number of auto enthusiasts, from this city they boarded tho fer ry t Oakland and rolled out on this sldo, tholr Journey's end at 10:30. Tho pnrndo up Market street was m triumph. Every automobile own er In the city, who could do so, Joined In the procession, Tho little car with tho inscription, "Tho Girl and tho Wide, Wide World., was tho center of intoicst. "Wo had a delightful trip," said Hiss Stuart. "Wo fixed many punch era and break-downs ourselves when aa garages were available. We will spend some time in San Francisco, and then go to Ix8 Angeles. We lave demonstrated that a woman can cross the continent In a motor car as well as a man". I NEW YORK, July 23. The only sensible way to improvo tho human race, according to Dr. David Starr Jordan, president of Stanford uni versity, is to unify tho divorce laws of the various states niul enact stricter marriage laws. Dr. Jordan is chairman of a eom uritec of ten educators who arc elab orating nn hypothesis of human bet terment by the laws of natural selec tion. Concerning future human evolution ho said: "The quickest and most direct way of improving tho rnco is by barring the unfit from marriage. This is the only way the evils of heredity can be eliminated. Working along these lines, the divorce laws must be made uniform and the marriage 'relation placed in a different light. This will take time, but it is the only solution of nn enormous problem." Dr. Jordan also expressed an em phntiQ opinion of womnn suffrage. NOItTH YAKIMA, Wn July 24. "Little Eva." that innocent and lov ing child of southern parentage, whom millions have seen nscond to heaven, with the aid of a slender wlro and a husky stage hand, spent a por tion of last nlcht in tho county Jail charged with shop-lifting. This time "Llttlo Evn," was an ac tress who does "Juveniles" in a one nlgbt stand troupe which played hero last night. Her arrest came shortly beforo "making up tlmo". Chief of Police Kinnaman discovered four women's back combs, valued at J25, which "Little Eva" was accused of purloining from a local store, In her handbng. Sho was locked up, but re leased later when tho merchant re fused to prosecute her. But in tho meantime tho play had gone on and "Llttlo Eva" had been portrayed by u malo membor, whoso . voice squeaked exasperating! and I whoa chin showed suspicions signs of MILLION DOLLAR BANK IN SOUTHERN OREGON IS THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF MEDFORD, OREGON Wm. Crowell, President F. K. Duel, Vice President . M. L. Alf ord, Cashier Oris Crawford, Asst. Cashier LANG FORD TO FIGHT BURNS IN LONDON "I enn't see that where women , nw?l'ns the service of n safty razor, have the ballot their condition or publio conditions have improved," he said. BOSTON, Mass., July 23. Sam JL&ngford, the Boston colored bruiser, will sail from New York August 7 for London, where ho will fight Tom ay Burns late In September. The lout will bo put on by the Olympic club by Hugh Mcintosh, the Austra lian promoter. The fight wi: take place soon after Longford meets Al Kaufman in this country. After he has had a go with Burns fight critics say they will then be able to tell what chance the Bos ton scrapper has for Jack Johnson's title. JEFFRIES RETURNS FROM CATALINA FISHING TRIP COLONEL BOWER SHOWED DISRESPECT FOR SUPERIOR Make your store important to Tenders of this paper and you'll prosper. Fall in the one, fail in the otherl AVALON, Catallna Island, Cal., July 23. Jim Jeffries and his party ore back in Avalon today after a three days' trip to San Clement Is land. They brought with them near ly half a ton of fish, victims of their prowess. Tex RIckard carried off tho honors for the trip. Ho landed 17 gigantic yellowtall and innumerable smaller fry. Jeffries was a close second. Jack Kipper was the goat. He snagged a discouraged rock Doss which Jeffries asserted with upraised hand was placed on his hook by the boatman. Jeffries was in MANILA. July 23. Convicted of showing dlsrsepect to his command ing officer, Colonel William H. Bow en of the Twtlfth infantry today was reprimanded relieved of his com mand for three months. Secretary of War Dickinson, who will arrive hero next Monday, accord ing to wireless reports from his ship, probably will Investigate personally the reports of friction said to oxlst between regimental officers and Gen eral Duvall, commanding tho Phil ippine division. MEDFORD MAY GET POSTALS DUNK Business Men Are Considering Ask ing for Location of Bank Here If They Decide That One Will In Any Way Benefit City. for opening tho postal banks in differ - mime, and by a woman In her own ent offices throughout tho country , name, and free from cantrol of In it Is expected that the postal wiving tor,oro,,c, . "or l"",bnl: t i.n-1, .i. bIWBon n nt tho name tlmo have ....... v.n i in uu I'luivi'U III 1110 local oftlco. Tho bill specifies that tho board of Aged Man Shoots Woman. SPRINGFIELD. Mass., July 23. George Creley, 71, today shot and excellent spirits killed Mrs. William H. Shepherd, and every member of tho party ap-wife of the passenger agent of tho peared happy. Jeffries refused to . Boston and Maine railroad. Creloy talk of his possible second meeting , is the father of Shepherd's first wlfo. with Jack Johnson. i It is believed Creley is insane. A number of business men in tho city havo been working for tho past few days determining whothor it will be expedldont to endovor and Bocuro n postal saving bank in this city. Medford, thoy say, Is blessed with good bunking Institutions, but local peoplo wish to overlook nothing which might bo secured for tho be nefit of tho city. Howover, prelimi naries in tho way of putting into of feet tho postal saving banks, as pro vided for in tho bill under this head ing, passod by the last congress, aro as yet incomplete, but tho postofflco department, through tho board of trustees, having chargo of tho propo sition now working on them, and as soon as everything la In reddlness more than one postal saving account In his or hor own name. "Thnt lit Innut tl .... .. T.,.. ffStaSlS 8WKS. "', ':."""" "-"" ' '""''- ury and tho attorney general of tho'., '" "" awun " "I'0" Wll United States. It may require throe Ith" ,0"n!.TBlt,"K tho BA,no' nnd of four months more tlmo before tho V. ""'" P ' may h0 (' preliminaries lodklng to tho establish- ,,oslu'' "fter BUC account has boon ment of tho postal bank aro gotten ' "'T ' ut " " 8,,n11 ,)0 Promlttod through with. Tho bill Itself does not ,1Uo;M,t mar,0 t,,nn 100 " "? provide all tho rules nnd regulations t;n,0",,,r nion",! I'-ovl.HK. that In or that will govern tho making of dopos- ' ,lor t',n,1 8"' or ncC0,mtH "" bo nc Itfl under tho now system. Thnt Is w" "" """"". ny person left n !,., hnnni mi, la ... , '"' Purchaso for 10 cents from any mutating theso rules and rogulatlonB. ' ,0I'0"1 " " l'0"tnl saving card No postal bank can bo put In opera-' ,0 wh,c l '"ny bo cliod specially tlon until work Is complete. Some ,rolmrw ndhoiwlvo "tamps , to bo cities already have their applications iTSi in, but their requests for postal bunks amount to ono dollar, or a larger sum will not bo grnnted until tho proll- multiple thereof. Including thn mlnnrlcH above aro completed. no-( 10 cent postal saving card, tho Bamo iuw are Home 01 mo provisions or ino mny bo procouted as n deposit for bill, showing what stops tho doposlt- opening an nccount. Additions mny ora will go through, ond what thoy bo mado on any nccount by means must expect nftor tho banks nro In of such cnrdH and stamps In tho oporatlon. amount of $1 or multiples thereof, "That tho accounts mny bo oponod nnd when a card nnd stump nro nc deposlts mado in nny of tho postal ceptcd as a deposit tho pofttmnstor snvlng depository established under shall Immediately cnuclo tho samo. this act by any person of tho ago of "Thnt Intorest nt tho of 2por 10 years of over, in JiIb or hor own ccnt Ir annum ohnll bo nllowod and entered to tho credit of each dupoBlt ton, noce In onch year, tho samo to bo computed on such bnslH nnd under such rules and regulations as tho board of trustum may prescribe; but Interest nhnll not bo computod or nl lowod on fractions of n dollar, pro vided thnt tho tmlnnco to tho credit of any portion shnll nover bo iilluwed to oxcoed $C00, oxcIubIvo of ncnmlnt od intorost. "That any person may withdraw tho whole or any amount of tho funds deposited to lis or hor credit, with nc cured Intorost, upon demand, and un der such rcgulatlonH as tho board of tniHtooH uiuy nroBcrlbo." STEAMER IS ABLAZE, BUT CREW IS SAVED CIIAHLK8TON, 8. C, July 23. With hold on tiro and passengers be ing transferred to safety In a high sen, tho steamer Moiiiiih Is anchor ed off Capo Cnnnvoral, Florida, ac cording to wireless dispatcher receiv ed hero today. Tho sinter nhlp Co in us of tho ntuno lino Ik Mtnndlng bq tho Momus receiv ing tho Intter'M pnsnougorB. Crow of both vohsoIb nro fighting tho flames. TlnRkinw for TTnnllh EXCHANGE LIST V 1 , .' s 180 ACRES-Good Hill Ranch; Old Improvements; Good Soil and nearly all Good Orchand Land. 120 ACRES-12 Acres Young Orchrrd; Small Old Orchard: Fine Buildings. 60 ACRES-Near City; Orchard and Hill Land. 10 ACRES- Young Orchard 30 ACRES-3 Miles South; Part Cleared. 320 ACRES-Good Level Land; 3 Miles from Railroad; $25.00 per Acre; Will Take Half in Medford Property. 10 Fine Building Lots on Wejft Side $2500.00 v H. C MALTBY Room 7 P. O. Bldg, Phone 3 1 32 ---i -