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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1910)
mmmmmmmtm MEDffORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREOON, FRIDAY, 'MAY 20, 3910. --- -) Want Advertising Shortens Your Search For It If "If Is Findable - --- "---- - ------ - ?j EDEN PRECINCT ITEMS A. 1 Tnloul of Medford wiih up In I'lioonix lutiL Sunday on ImihIihmh. Chnrloy Holiurbi anil family of Medford woro up vlnlling Mr. Ilob ortH' fathor and mother, Mr, mid Mm. Alton Holnrlu, of I'lioonix, liiHt Stimliiy. N. W. Ilrophy mid family of Wng onor crank woro down talcing in tho nights jit Medford InHt Monday. MIhh Joniiio Font of Fern Vulloy wiib down to tho circus Monday. Mm. J. I). Copolnud of tho county poor farm wnn in Medford Monday. Mr. and Mm. William Fern woro attending tho circus in Medford Moiw lay. C. A. Waldruf of I'lioonix wah down to tho uliow with IiIh childroii Monday. Olivor IIolmH and wifo woro in Medford Mondav. Fred ltapp of Talnnt wont to tho bit; hIiow in Medford Monday. It. K. Robicon and fnmily of Wng nor orook woro in Medford Monday. JamoM McDonald of North Talent wan hcpii on tho oircim grounds at Bedford Monday. MIbb Llrrio Nothorlnnd, formerly of Talent, who han boon Hojouruing in HoHohurg for Bomo time, Ikik ro tnrnod to Medford. S. 0. Van Dyko of North Phoenix took IiIh family in thalr now auto to Medford Monday nftomoon. E. 0. Croy and wifo of AHhland camo down to I'lioonix Ittnt Friday. John Maat wan in Phoenix lant Sunday morning. 0. A. Ilovor of Valloy Viow orch ardn wan in Phoenix lant Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrn. C. Caroy of North Talent woro over in Foni Valloy lawt Sunday, returning by way of Talent. Mifiti Clara Alloa camo down from tho Ashlmid BusinosH collcgo to Bpond Sunday with homo folkn. Nonh Chandler of North Talent was up to Ashland laat Friday. Oscar Low, who livon eaflt of Tal ont, wan over in Foni valloy buying hogs lant Sunday. Mr. and Mr. Dr. Malmgrcn of Phoenix woro up in North Talent last Friday afternoon. M!h Marv Stancliff of Phoenix wont to AHhland Saturday, returning on tho evening train. Kd HobiKon of Talent was in Med io nl InHt Saturday. JarnoB Pellott of Talent and CIich troWoltors wont down to Medford Sunday. MrH. Lillian flibbfl camo down from Ashlnnd to boo Iior brothor, John Ilolmiro, who is convaloHcont. A party consisting of Mr. and CENTRAL POINT Kov. M. 30. Coon of Wooclvlllo was In town for a few liourH on Wodnos dny. MrH. George Fox Ih spending a fow .dnyH In Grnnta Pass. 0. E. Alketia and family will movo next wook to Rlddoll, DourIiib Coun ty. Mr. AtkoiiH camo hero laat fall 'from tho oast and and InHt wlntor .purchnaod a portion of tho flno much owiu'd by hlii brothor, A. I. Alkon. Ho lina Juat dlopoaod of this property, vory nilvniitngeoualy, and flnda It to IiIh IntorcHt to romovo to tho abovo town, iih ho luiH Invcatod heavily In jproporty In that auction. A card rccontly rocolvod from Mrs. I'aul Orlojip HtateB thnt tho family Is Btlll In Portland waiting for tho noxt. boat to Snn FranclHCo. Thoy will spend iioino tlmo In tho windy city, and thou will vlalt frlonCn in Lob Angoloa nnd othor California polntH. Mr. and Mm, 0. C. Porklim havo routed Mrs. Rachol Wliltosldo's houao la tho west pnrt of town and will movo Into It about noxt wook. E. A. Cockrnn Ih building a noat cottage In tho Bouthcnut pnrt of tho city, which, whon complotod, will bo for rent. A Hoclnl dnnco will bo glvon In tho opora houao on tho ovonlng of tho aiBt (Bntuiduy). Tho iiiubIo will bo riirnlaliod by tho Jnckaonvlllo or ohostrn, Tho tabornnclo Ih coniploto and tho much talked of ovangoUHtlo Horvlcoa will begin tonight (Thuraday). Rov. Robort H. JohiiHon and Ills wifo aro oxpeotod on tho afternoon train from tho north. Mrs. Robort Kylo and Mm. Abu Garvin vlHltod Medford on Thursday. Chorrloa In tho vicinity of Central Point aro beginning to rlpon, and Judging from tho quuntltloB hanging on tho troos in gront luuctoua dila tors, tho Roguo River valloy was ox ompt from tho froata tl'ivt lujurod tho chorrloa of tho Willamette val loy. Tho closing oxoiclaoa of tho Contral Point Hohool tuko placo on Friday ovonlng in tho opora Iioubo. Tho pro MrH. George McClain, Mr. and Mrn. F. K. Jaoolm, Mr. and MrH. Kbun Lovolnco, JnmoH McDonald and Mrn, McDonald, Mr. and Mm, William Fern, wont to Kingsbury Hodu HpringH for an outing InHt Sunday. All uxcopl Mr. and Mrn. Foni and Mr, and MrH. Lovolnco aro roHidonln of North Talent. MrH. MiloH Urownrig, noo MIhh Alice Smith, came down from Baker City InHt Saturday to viwit hor moth er, MrH. .Tana Smith, of Phoenix, John Cloro and family of South Medford camo out to 0. Caroy'H af ter tomato and cahhngo plautn Mon day ovening in their fine now lour ing car. MrH. Qoro is lonrning to run tho mnchino and doox Rplcndidty. Tho Phoenix baflcball nino recoived their now unifonriH lant Sunday morning and rnado a big hit in tho afternoon whon limy boat Talent on tho Phoenix groiuidH by a Hcore of 15 to 1. Tho boyH look real im pofling in thoir now hii'iIh, which aro groy and red in color. C. W. Woltcra of Talent took hi family down to Medford Monday in thoir auto, and whilo returning had a bnd breakdown. Turning out quick ly bocaiiRO of a frightened horse, tho car waB turned sidowiHo, given a wrench which broko tho chain and throw tho whoclH out of gear. Help was brought from town and rcpnirH nmdo boforn thoy could return. A. S. Furry of Phoenix has put down a largo well and comontod it up to keop out tho mirfaco water. Tho well ih on an elevation, high enough to raise tho wntor up into tho uppor Htory of their now residence, and tho wator is for use in tho hoimo and on tho grounds. Mr. Furry "v ill pump tho wator with a small gnsoltno engine lie has a tank and tank hniiBo at tho well. Tho wntor is pure and can ho used for any purpose. As tho scanon of irrigation ap proaches ninny of tho residents of Phoenix and vicinity aro ensting about for a bettor way of Hocuring a Hiifficlont Hupply. Among thoso lately making such improvements nro A. S. and F. E. Furry. F. K. Furry of Phoenix hns in stalled a big hydraulic ram at the drop of tho old millrnce, and his tnnk is in tho fourth story of the old flour mill, thus giviuir him n pressure equal to any of tho city water hydrants. Ho uses it in his livery barn for cleaning vehicles, in the ynrd and in tho hoiifio for bnth and wash sinks in fact, everywhere wanted about the placo. Tho boauty of the hydraulic ram, onco it in in placo it needs no fixing. NEWSLETTER gram follews: Drill, tho Jaj'nnoao fan; chorus, Eighth grado; rocltrtlon, Clif ford Ilattlold; piano boIo, Lcsllo Ha--voy; reading, "n Now Ilcok Cnnvai Bor," Robo Do Ford; quartot, MIbhcb Do Ford, Etmloy, Wharlon and Slmp klna; addroB.s to etnas, Profosaor 13. T, RoflBlor; quartet, Mecara. Garvin, Ponrt, UnpkliiH nnd Naol'j nolo, "Lit tlo Orphan Annie," Mrs. McKIUop; proHontntlou of diplomas, Superin tendent Wells; qunrtot, V bbob, Ellatcd, Poislngcr nnd llohnca; ora tion, "Footprints on tho Snnda of Tlmo," MIbb Merle Ensloy. Mra. Roho llartlott of Portlnnd, who hns been apondlug a fow days with hor mother, Mrs. M. M. CookBoy, loft for hor homo on Sunday, Tho flno ll-ncro tract owned by L. L. Lovo icnr tho Roar crook brldgo wan sold wook for $8-100. Tho buyer, whoso nnnio wo did not lonrn, wnn from Scdro-Woolley, Wash. Tho tract JoIiib tho Floro orchard and nt tho prlco sold It Is conaldorcd n bar gain for tho man who purchased It. Wo lonrn lntor thnt tho buyor of this property 1 I. C. Young, who has IiIb family hero ard will inako tho placo his homo. Wo will booh hnvo .tho necessary flro equipment for our city, bo If a flro Bhould bronk out wo will not bo limited to tho oftnu lnofflclont work of tho obsoloto "buckot brlg ndo." Tho nmttor of tho purchnso of flro oqulpmont was tnkou up nt tho Inst mooting of tho council, and it wns tho consoiiaua of opinion that a hoso cart and and at load COO foot of hoso should bo hero ro'idy for ubo as soon as tho wator system Is liiBtallod. Robort Anhworth of this city has Jimt ncqulrod a now Ford automo bile At tho rate wo Contral Pointers aro Invoatlng In auton tho walking population will soon bo so stnnll that thoro will bq practically in. ono loft to dodgo tho nutomoblloa. Paymaster General to Roslfln. WAASMNGTON, D, 0 May 20.- -Eustaoo Itogors, paymnstor-gonotMl of tho navy nnd chiof of tho bureau YOU CAN BUY--YOU CAN SELL TIIIH I8HUE contains un offer of Noinnthlng you want to buy something to obtain which you'd make n Jounioy, nnd clinngo cars, and lilko to out-oMho-way streets, anl look up obacnro addresses If you liwl to, Tho next Jmhiio SHOULD contain an ad of something yon havo to sell something the other man want, nnd wants "really and truly." You can buy you can sell. of supplies and accounts, will soon resign, nccording to a Htntcmont by Secretary of tho Navy Moyor. Tho resignation will ho tho cul mination of tho controversy between Itogors nnd Moyor. FOR SALE. HKAJJ ICSTATfc. FOR SALK120 acrcB D 1-2 mlloa from Woodvlllo, Evans Creek Dis trict, DC acrcB cloarod; buildings, foncos, fruit. Inquire of ownor on placo. 8. F. Potter, Woodvlllo, R. F. D. FOR SALE 100 acres of rood land, half of It 1b cleared; 8 miles east f Medford. This Is a bargain at $20 por aero. Address, Ownor, care of! Mall Tribune FOR 8ALE A young 30-acro or chnrd tract sot to commorcla! applos and pears, adjoining tho city limits of Ashland, Or.; good soli; sightly location; lies practically lovol; or chard In flno cond itlon; ono of tho best buys In tho valloy ; price for a short tlmo only $250 por acre; or will subdivide. Address Gillette tc. Campbell, Ashland, Oro. Phono No. 1061 Main. 60 FOR SALE Ton acres under ditch, throo mlloa northcnBt of Med ford. This ia a snap at $1200. Siskiyou Realty Company, room 22, Jackson County nank bldg. FOR SALE 498 acred land in Scott Valloy, ono of tho most beautiful nnd fortllo spota in California; moBtly In Alfalfa, and can bo Irrigated; well Improved, good fences, and first class buildings. $4,500. For fur thor particulars address Walker Dros., Etna Mills, Siskiyou County, California. 08 FOR SALE 41)8 acres land in Scott Valloy, ono of tho most beautiful and foitilo spot". In California; mostly In alfalfa, and can bo Irrigated; well Improved, good foncos, and flrst clasa buildings; $45,000. or fur ther parMcuIara addrocs Walker nros., Etna Mills, Siskiyou county, California. TO FOR 8ALE Look I Llstoal For a fow days only, 120 acres of lnnd, now four-room house, small barn, chicken houses, poultry houses, fnrmlng tooh, 5 lncub.tors, 1500 chickens, 200 turkeys, 3 ncros in gnrdon, somo young fruit, plenty of water for l-rlgatlon; $3000; might consldor an oxchango for Medtord Improved, Woct Const P.cnlty Co., 232 Enat Main. 52 FOR SALE 10 acrea good gnrdon land, on main road 1 1-2 miles from Main streot; all under ditch. Price $3,500. Will tako $1,000 In city proporty as part payment. Aylor & Harnett, next to Mall Trlbuno of fice, tf FOR SALE 20 acroa of fruit land In tho valloy two miles from post offlco, ono mllo from city limits; good house nnd barn; spqu of mules and wagon; two bolters and ovor 500 chlckoiis. A bargain ns an Investment or homo. Inquire J. II. Crongor, 321 Jnckson avonuo, Medford. 57 Acreage. FOR SALE 30 ncros under Irriga tion. Partly sot to poars and applos. On Uno ot Pacific & Enstorn R. 11., at Fish Lnko. Ad dtoaa O. T. Forbos, R 2, Contral Point, Oro. 100 FOlt SALE 5 and 10-noro traots just within and adjoining city lim its, at a bargain, on 5 annual pay ments. Address Condor Water Power Co. FOR SALE Ton and twonty-acro tracts, alfalfa and fntU. lands; Ir rigated by porpotual gravity system; wator dood with land. Prlco $150 to $175 por aero; terms, one-fifth down, balance 4 annual payments, 0 por cent lntorost. Soo A. A. Mar tin, California land man, ngont Los Mollnos Lnnd Co., Hotol Mooro, Medford, FOR SALE Ton acros 1-year-old orchard; half-poarB, bnlanco apples, poachos, otc.; flno building slto; two miles from business contor ot Med ford; will tako ono-thlrd In Medford proporty, balanco cash and tlmo. Ad dross X10, Mall Trlbuno, 57 One Cent a Word FUR SALE. IU. FOR SALE Cfty Iota, $B0; lor a Binnll, eafo investment ceo Ih city Iota I offer at $300 and $250 per lot; $20 cash payment, balance $10 per month; no lnteroM. H. G. Malt by, Palra lidar. FOR 8 ALB Lot on Robb court, just off Main; price $6S0. Room 22, Jackson County Honk bids. FOR SALE 15 good building lots In ono addition; will give good prices and terms If all are taken or tako half in good improved property. Ad dress Z3, Mall Tribune. 57 HBMM. FOR 8ALB Thrce houBes on 915 West Second street. 52 FOR SALE Good 10-room houso aid 100x150 lot; 5 blocks from Main, on North Riverside, for $3760; $750 down, oasy torms. Seo Owner, 317 Eact Main. Klrkpatrlck Herman, L. F. Klrkpatrlck. 66 FOR SALE Good 10-room houso and 100x150 lot; 5 blocks from Main, on North Riverside, for $3750; $760 down, easy terms. Seo ownor, 317 East Main. 56 TlaOer ImbL FOR SALE 49 acrea ot good Uniber five miles frwa Medtord; all down hill. Mat Calhoun, Phoenix, Ore gon. inarms or oreaarda. FOR SALE: A flno 80-acro farm; 60 acres In cultivation; 20 acres In alfalfa; 32 ii'r-i, In commorclnl or chard; 2 DjIIcs from good town; 11 mi lea from Medford; railroad and siding alongsldo ot tho placo; Im provements worth $3,000, all first class. I nm tho owner and will glvo you a bargain. Investigate this. Address L. W., ownor, care of this office 54 tTOR BALE BO acres, most bntUUng cito in the alley, Includh g 30 acrea good frnlt land; choap and terms right. H. 0. Maltby, Palm Bldg., Main aad Front. FOR BALE: Nfoet; acres. 30 in one year old applo and pear trees, 100 inches ot water, 2 1-2 miles from railroad atatkm. For terms write "Owner," caro Mall Tribune. 261 FOR SALE Aleut 30 acres ot good orchard land 1 1-2 miles east ot Phoenix. Ono-half Is in orchard. Tolophono, Medford, 1199, or ad dross O. T. Payne, Phoenix. Ore. ButJneea Property. FOR SAXE Cholco business prop erty at a bargain, on long time; eaBy terms. Address Condor Wa- tor Power Co. Home. QUICK SALE Oao team, medium sizod wo.'k horses, wagon, harness, now plow, cost $200; cheap for quick Balo. Chas. Codor, Jim How ard place, ono mile from ond ot Onkdalo South. FOR SALE Heavy pair of horse. 5 and 6 years old. AIbo wagon and harness, Euqulro at tho old Clint Stowart ranch 4 mllos south of Medford or phono Farmors 7146. 53 Dullness Opportunities. FOR SALE Good paying business nnd lease, whole or half interost. Addroes B, care of Tribune. WANTED Two Bisters to tako chargo ot dairy; ton cows; to busi ness women that aro hard workers, strong and hoalthy, a llboral lntor ost will bo given and hord Incroasod; oxcollont quarters with bath will be provided; throo hundred ncro ranch In tho mountains; one and ono-half mllos from Gold Hill, Oregon; Roguo rlvor and Southern Paclflo runs through ranch; splendid opportunity to tho right partlos. Apply to II. En sign, GoldnnLOrogon. FOR SALE Chop houso at a bargain. Must leavo at onco, of this offlco. Address W, caro 53 Miscellaneous. FOR SALE AH furnlturo nnd bod dlng. Brooks' Rooming Houso, cor nor South Coiitral aud Eighth stroot. 53 FOR SALE. MtaceOaaecnB. FOR SALE! For good wood and good measure, try the Dnnkor Hill Wood Yard, at North end of C streot. Phono 841. J. A. McLeod, Prop. TO EXCHANGE Incomo property in Lob Angolcs, valued nt $27,600; mortgaged for $3,500; owner's equity $24,000. Will exchange for proporty of oqcsl value In or near Medford. Tlis property Is In flrst closs condlt'on and Ii bringing In a good ro.ital. It will .itand close Inspection. W. T, York & Co. POR BALE; A mil Uno of Old Hamp shire and Oak Bonds, plain and cloth finish; letter heads and envelope. Mall Tribune office. FOR SALE Or trado, a 1901 model, 2-cylInder, S-paseengcr covored Reo touring car, with 5 lamps, mud chains, delivery platform and storm glass; a good car In first-class con dition; also a 2 1-4 Bain wagon. Call on or address Geo. Stannard, Phoenix, Or. FOR SALE In beautiful Illinois Val ley, at Kerby, orchard nnd Improve ments and equipments, 2 milk cows, 1 horse, harness and wagon and bug gy; full bearing 14-year-old trees, apples and pears; 10 acres; see It and make offer; railroad survey passes It. Henry Klopper, M. D., ref erences, First National of Grants Pass, Or. FOR SAlfl Or trade: Large 4 room house, 7 blocks from Central Main streot; lot 50x112; good shed, etc; $900; small hotol and lease or good paying buslneso.. P. O. Box 48. Medford. 54 FOR 8ALE: Upholstorod furniture of oak and leather; new piano; ev erything complete for five rooms; lease on bungalow. Address A6, care of this office. 53 FOR SALE Legal blanks of all kinds trespass and other notlcea, at Mall Tribune office. " FOR SALE Wall paper, paints, oils, brushes, a very complete line; In formation cneerfnily given y an experienced painter. M. J. Mo teal f, 318 E. Main t. FO'R SALE Chandler tt Price Qor don Jobber, 11x14 press ; a bargain. Inquire Mall Tribune office. " FOR SALE Range and extension ta blo at 729 West 13th st. 54 FOR RENT. Famished Rooms. FOR RENT New, modern, fur nished rooms, ono block ot Main Btreot, nt 128 South Holly, second door south City Park. Phono 14S2. 62 FOR RENT Two-room sulto of" housokooplns rooms, vacant May 20; no children. 222 South Holly. FOR RENT Modorn lumla:td rooms at 604 West 10th or 124 King street. FOR RENT Room and board. 3? Rlvorsido avonuo, S. 53 FOR RENT Two front rooms, un furnlBhred; flno for offices, dress making parlors, otc. Second floor 133 W. Main. 53 Housekeeping Rooms. FOR RENT Threo room sulto of llnht housekeeping rooms, vacant May 25; no children. Call at 222 South Holly street. Miscellaneous. FOR LEASE Fully oqulrpod gold mine; ten-stamp mill and concen trator, all ororatod by oloctrlo pow oi. Owner will furnish froo elec trlci power for sharo In proceeds. Soo Smith, at Condor Wator & Powor Co. HELP WANTED. WANTED . ToachorB and high school pupils dcclrlug lucrative om ploymont during vncatlo i on a sal ary. Apply Box No, 500, caro this offlco, Help Wanted Mole. WANTED A plumbor, wagoa $4.60 or ?5 pop day to tho right man. I. F. Mooro, box 283, Medford, Oro, 52 WANTED. WANTED Salesmen In every local ity of tho northwest; monoy ad vanced weekly; many mako ovor $100 month; cholco of territory. Yakima Valloy Nuree'? Co., Top- W ANTED FlrBt-class survoyor. Call at offlco of Rogue RIvor Elec tric Company. WANTED Experienced stone cutter nnd quarry man. Call at Condor Wator and Power Co's. office. WANTED Mon capablo of earning $50 per week selling trees for larg est and best known nnrcory In tho west; choice torrltory; g(.ranteed stock. For particulars ad dross Ore gon Nursery company, Orenco, Ore gon. 61 WANTED To borrow, $600; fiv7 room bouse; 10 per cent. Box 118, Medford. 54 H-lp Wasted Female. WANTED Olrl to do housework for family of four. Apply at 26 South Laurel street. WANTED Bookkeeper and clerk. Address G. W., 123. 52 WANTED Girls to learn telephone operating. Apply to chief operator, the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. 52 WANTED Lady cook at tho mond. Dla- HlscenaaeoM. WANTED Laco curtains to launder. 215 West Jackson street. 52 WANTED Horso and buggy for several months. State price 'with or without board. G. P., Mall Tri bune. WANTED Setting hens and little chickens. Call up Main 441. tf WANTED Modern Call Mala 1771. 8-room house. FOR EXCHANGE. FOR SALE: Or exchange for coun try property, 2 3-4 acres, 10-room house; pumping plant, 40 fruit trees; 5 blocks from Main street; on North Riverside; Bear Creek bottom. Inquire at 317 E. Main BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Attorneys. WITHLVGTON & KELLY Lawyers. Palm building. A. E. REAMES Lawyer. Over Post ffic. PORTER J. NEFF, WM. P. MEA LEY Attorneys-at-law. No. 9 D street, ground floor. COLVIQ & REAMES W. M. Col vig, C. L. Reamos. Lawyers. Of fice Medford National Bank build ing, second floor. B. P. MULKEY Attornoy-at-law. Offices room 30, Jackson County Bank building. Medford. Undertaken. MEDFORD FURNITURE CO. Un dertakers. Day phone 351. Night phenes: C. W. Conklin 3G01, J. H. Butler 3571. Photoghapben. MACKEY'S STUDIO "Psse with Maekoy nnd dio with joy." Over Al len & Reagan's store; entrance on Seventh streot. Medicince. CHOW YOUNG'S CHINESE MEDI CDES Will cure rhocmatism, asthma, paralysis, sores and pri vate diseases. Those remedies may bo procured at tho Sing Leo laun dry, 123 S. Riverside avenue, Med ford, Or., where they will be sold by tho proprietor Dr. Chow Young has treated sev eral sovoro casos with his remedies since coining to Medford and has for reference somo of tho beat known and most intelligent citizens in Southern Oregon. Call on him. Tin Shope. J. A. SMITH Tin shop. Tin and 6heot iron ware on hand and made to ordor. 128 North Q Street. Mesjenger Service. MESSENGER SERVICE Messen gers furnished at nil house of day and till 0 p. m. to any part or city, from lOo to 25o. Phono Main 1812. Medical. CHOW YOUNG'S CHINESE MEDI CDTES Will cure rhoumatism, asthma, paralysis, sores and pri vate .diseases. These remedies may be procured at tho Sing Lee Laundry, 123 South Riverside avo., where thoy will bo sold by the pro prietor, CHOW YOUNG. Dr. Chow Young has treated several severe cases with his rem edies jinco coming to Medford nnd has for roforencos soma of the best known and most intlligont citizens in Southern Oregon. Call on him. Stenographers. ELLA M. GAUNYAW Palm Wook. Stenographic work dono quickly and well. M. FORTESCUE Stenographer, 18 N. Front st. Phone 231. BUSINESS DIRECTORY, lioftptt). SOUTHERN OREGON HOSPITAL 344 South C fit., Medford, Or. E. W. Hiaoy, Matron. Official hospital P. & E. R. R. 11111 Posters. VERNE T. CANON Bill Poller and Distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 29, Jaokson County Bank building, Medford, Or. Iteal Kotate. SEE WM. E. STACEY & CO. for somo of the choicest bargains in real estate in this valloy. Also Brit ish Columbia and Alberta, B. C, and other parts. Call on him at Bitntr's office, Phipps building, or at the Medford Auto company's garage, whore we start out our agents for the Aladden Mantle Lamp and hid den window screen. We will treat oq right. Come and see. Prfciten aad PabUafeem. MEDFORD PRINTING CO. kaa the best-equipped job office in South ern Oregon; Portland price. 37 South Central avenne. Billiard Parlors. 8. T. BROWN & CO. Billiardi, Ci gars and Soft Drinks. Up stairs, Young & Hall building. A nice, cool place to spend the hot afternoons. Architect. JOHNS & TURNER, Architects and Builders, office 7-8, 235 Main. Phone Main 347L Residence phone 247L Carriage and Aato Paint!. VALLEY SIGN AND CASR TOl WORKS, High-class work guaran teed. Signs. Riverside arenas. Phone 801. PnrKkra. H. F. WILSON & Co., dealers in new and second-hand furniture and hardware. Agents for Mound Cityi kitchen cabinet. 323 E. Seventh st. MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Corner 8th and Holly ste., Medford. Mission Furniture made to order. Cabinet work of all kinds. A trial order solicited. MORDOFF & WOLFF Cook Stoves and Ranges. New and Second-Hand Furniture. Ends' old stand, 18 W. F st. Sonth. Phone 91. Medford, Or. KBneriea. QUAKER NURSERIES Our trees are budded, not grafted. Our stook is not irrigated. We guarantee ev erything put out. We are not in the trust. H. B. Patterson, offiee in .Hotel Nash. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NURSERY Growers of high-grade nursery stock. C. F. Cook, Prop., R. R. V. depot. P. O. Box 841. Phone 120L Medford. Dentists. DR. W. M VAN SCOYOC, Dentist Office in rooms 203-204, Farmers' & Fruitgrowers' bank building, west of the tracks. Physicians and Surgeons. R. W. STEARNS, M. D. Opposite Jaokson County bank. Night calls promptly answered. Office and resi denoe phono Main 3432. CONROY & CLANCY Office in Stowart building Physicians and Surgeons. Office phone Main 341; private phone Main 012. DR. F. G. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic Physicians. Mission block. Phone 201. Medford. Cigurs und Tobacco. UlELAND & ANTLE, Smokehouse Dealers in tobacco, cigars and smok ers' supplies. Exelusive agents of Lewis Single Binder, El Mojito and El Palencia. 212 West Main Btreot. Ilulldlng Contractor. ALEX. TAYLOR, Building Con tractor' Houses, bungalows, altetr atious, repairs. 31 North Central avonuo, opposito postoffice. llrlck Companies. THE MEDFORD BRICK CO. Brick manufacturers and o ontraetora; also lime, cement and plaster in any quantity. Office, Medford National Bank bldg. Phone Main 545. G. W. Priddy. G. T. O'Brien. O. D. Nagle Drlcklayore. BRICKLAYERS K. Kuzin, at Smokehouse, first-class bricklayer, stoneworker, cement stepping stucco and moulding, fireplaces and tile work a specialty, European plan: dnv ov contract. Painters and Paperbjuigen. GERWOLF & WARD, contracting painters, paperhangera and deco rators; signs. Estimates given oh nil kinds of day nnd job work. Park View Hotol. Phone Main 1801. Legal Dlanks, LEGAL BLANKS All Btyloa of le- gal blanks for sale, a hundred dif ferent forms. Medford Printing Ce, fi M