Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 28, 1910, Image 1

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    r,,r,, (iMiirfral Society $
United I'HVh AhnocIiiIIoii,
Full IkminimI Wire Report
Tho only pnpor In tho
world published In it city Wio
do of Medford ImvliiK
'oimed wire.
Medford mail Tribune
Tonight and Saturday -Cloudy.
Thursday High
CI, low 40, range Gl,
No. 268.
Stencil From Sewers Is Increased and Danper of Spread of Disease
from Foul Gases Is Groatcr-Hundrfeds of Doctors Arc
Working Day and Night In Dattlo to Slop
Spread of Pestilence.
PARIS, Jan. SS. IUmrlnt? Its ugly lu-nd oi.t of tho polluted waters
of tho flood, tho lionllilo dragon of dlHwiHo Imroil Iih fangs In tho fuco of
I'nrln today and tho atrlekon city bt-sl'.nti'd In Its rojolclng at tho nrrlvnl
of the crest of tho flood with a ntokctiltuj HiiH..tlon of tlio now peril.
IVopIo Ar Warned.
Tho health offlclnln nro minding out placards Riving tho people
varnliiK of tho dojuh thnt lurks In tho waters befouled hy Ino broken
unworn. Tliu newspapers puhllnh In hl( typo Instructions to tho citizens,
mid ovory moans within tho rotourcoH of tho crippled muiilclpr.llly In be
ing employed to bnttlo with tho peril,
Tho soldiers and police havo punitive orders not to allow the people
to move hack Into hounds tl.U havo been flooded after thu waters begin
to recede.
Mum lliirn Clothing.
Inspectors reported thnt breaks In sowors Imvo been bo frequent
that It will ho ncooM-iry for tbo officers to bury nil clothlni;, bedding,
carpet and othor tuiitorlaW which nlmorli water. All tho flooded houHca
tniiNt ho fuinlgr.'ed and tho walls nniBt ho ncrapod befnro tho occupants
can Bufoly return to them.
Hteiitli In flrvnt.
With tho higher tempornturo today tho Btcnch from thoTtowers was'
Increased nad tho danger of tho spread of disease from tho t 'Ul gases
was correspondingly greater.
Tho hospitals nro being taxed with number of pntlontn far grentoi
thnn they could accommodato properly under ordlnnry circumstances.
. With tho lack of boat nnd light and tho dansor of n fnlluro In BitpplleB, ,
tho doctors hro facing a moat critical Bttuntlon. I
Hundreds of doctors hnvo been
rorklng under iiiohi adverse clrcuin
fltnncen day nnd nlsht. Tho herolu
deeds that hnvo marked Jl.o dark
days of tho flood hnvo not all taken
plaeo upon tho water fiont In tho
nattitil struggle with thu peat tide,
hut tho hrnvoiy of tho dootors and
nurses who hnvo met tho situation
' v'thout flinching ranks with tho spir
it shown by tho fatunuu leaders of
tho Itd CroRH society In times of
Flood Hemic.
Korty miles nbovo Paris toward
tho bead water's of tho ttver flolno tho
floods today nro beginning to fall
uud tho assurances nf that
tho rising tide practically hns roaoh-
-.1 II. . I . - I ... I ... . KI,A..ln.l
Cll Hit UIvui liuiu iiiu iiumji lutuiiuit
with hyatorlcal Joy.
Tho Selno boennio nlmost station
nry hy 0 o'olcclt nnd, although tho
swirling waters had ceased to rife,
tho flood w.-xh tit Its tiiout dungorous
It was expected, howovor, that tho
waters would begin to rovodo soon.
Tho extent of dosolntlon they v
rcvcnl romalns for tho flood Itsolf to
dlscloso, '
llelleve Dentil Mint Ureal.
ltbough over of fort hna been mado
to rescuo thousnudn of marooned
citizens, It Is not cortnln thnt all es
caped with their llvos.
Scores of porsons In tho poorer
sections of tho city nro known to
hnvo hlddon In their homos. It Is
hoped that they cscapod, but tho au
thorities fonr that bodies will ho
found In tho oozy dobrls.
Couriers today report, that tho rlv
or Mnrno lo rocodlng to Ita channel that tho waters nro falling.
Itulldlngn May Collapse.
.Tho dnngor of buildings collaps
ing no tho result of tholr fouudntlona
bolnu undonnlnod wlclll bo groator
than over when tho wator boglna to
rocodo, nccordlng to tho govortnnont
ongtuoorH today, ns at present tho
roslstntico of tho flood filling tho ex
cavations Is bollovod to ho actually
giving support to many of tho weak
onod walls,
So far It has boon fmposslblo to
malco n comploto ostlninto of tho dam
ago done to tho vast underground
notwork which in plncos has boon
washed out tontll tho surtaco crusts
Lavo collapsed, Tho onclnoors bo
llovo, howovor, that throughout tho
flooded districts, tho underground
passages hnvo boon so badly damag
ed thnt thoy cannot bo clonrcd excopt
by tunny monthn of constant nnd hard
Cnn't Pump Out Water.
An order was Issued today pro
hibiting cltlzons from pumping tho
water out of tho basements of tholr
homos oxcopt after an examination
I. as boon mado by authorized agents
of tho cnelneors of the city, and por-i
mission glvou.
Tho building of extra dykes along
tho Solno at tho most dnngorous
points was continued today as rap
idly as heretofore. Kvon though tho
flood Is believed to hnvo i cached Its
hlgl-ost point, It will bo many days
before all danger Is pnssod.
Knglneors worked all nlfht In tholr
efforts to save tho Louvro, Satnto
Chapollo and othor world famous
structures which have boon constant
ly throatonod by tho floods.
film! Flood Is Lowered. j
Reports roco'.vcd .today from tlio (
upper Selno nnd Mnrno rlvors say,
that tho people wopt with Joy whoni
Informed that tho flood had reached i
Its hlghst points nnd tl. valors wero,
receding. i
Town crlora pnssod through tho!
streets announcing tho Joyful nowa
through mognphonos, and drum corps
formed to celobrnto tboiotcnslon.
Hundreds of flood sufferers In tho
various llttlo towns foil In lino bo
hind tho drum corps and marched In
triumphant processions singing tho
Paris Joyful.
In- all tho rlvor towns nbovo Paris
practically tho entire population turn
ed out to colobrato tho passing nt tho
crent of tho flood.
Tho full (rxtout of tho dnmngo In
tho rural districts nnd In tho small
towiiB cannot bo dotormluud ns yot,
an tho pooplo In tlioao sections hnvo
thrown thomuolvos hysterically Into
tho demonstration,
Tremendous Loss,
As npprenhonslon of (urthor dnn
gor from tho rushing waters wna nl
lovlated during tho uftornoon tho
pooplo of Paris bog.m to ronllzo tho
onormous loss tho city hns sustained.
Tho rojolclng nt tho quick rocos
bIqji of wators was lossonod hy tho
p.'tlful sconoa In tho soctjons whoro
tho rofusoos liavo congrogntod,
(Continued on pga I.)
Shores of Enrjllsh Channel Doited
With Wreckarje Channel Today
Whipped by Worst Storm It Has
' Known In Years.
LONDON, Jnn. 128. From rciwrtn
received today from various HintS
on the west const of Kurope mid the
shores of thu KiikHhIi channel, it is
believed thnt between 300 and .400
livtis have been lost at sea in tlio
horios of terntlo utiles that have
swept thu Atlantic from Gibraltar to
tho Danish peninsula during tlio last
three days.
The f holes of the channel are dot
ted with wreck a 1:0 and many bodies
hnvo been washed in bv tho moun
tainous sens. Hundreds of craft un
doubtedly have gone to thu bottom.
Tlie channel todny is beiiiK whip
ped by 0110 of tho fiercest storms
that have visited it in many years.
Additional death toll undoubtedly
will bo demanded.
The steamer Laura foundered
enrly today off Coniium, Spain, ac
cording lo advices received hore, nnd
her crow of .'10 drowned.
Tho Itnlian steamer Giupusco was
swallowed by the waves in tlio bay of
Hiscttp, near liilliao, Spain, todny.
Sovcrnl sailors were washed ovor
board before lifeboats could bo low
ered. A Ilritish torpedo-bont destroyor
which broke from its moorings near
Dover Inst night, is a total wreck on
the beach. Its crow of -10 men was
General Estrada Informed That
Cases Against Officers Have
Been Dropped.
HI.UHFIKLD, Nicaragua, Jnn. :J8.
(Hy wireless to Colon.) Tho pro
visional government of Ooijornl Es
trada wns informed through (lis
patehos roccivoil todny from Mnn
ngim that tho officers responsible
for tho execution of Lcroy Cannon
nnd Lconnrd Qroco hnvo been exon
erated ns tho rosult of tlio investiga
tion ordorod by Presldont Jfndnz.
Tho dispatches stnto thnt nfter
hearing tho ovidonco prcsonted'to tho
officers in elinrgo of tlio investiga
tion decreed that tho oxcoutiouors
noted within their vighls. Thoy fur
ther .stated that, tho Mndrir. govern
ment will drop tho chnvgoB against
the men nnd regnrd tho mutter
LONDON, Jan. 28. -Promlor Hor
bort Asqulth Is roported ns being
so suro of having a woruing major
ity In parliament that today ho haB
complotod nrrangoinonts to contlnuo
In tlio promlorshlp, It Is- assorted
thnt Asqulth Is further strengthened
In his bellof by an nlllanco with John
Redmond, tho Irish' lendor, noports
of this nlllanco wero conflrmod todny.
Explosion Kills Thrco.
RALRIQII, N. O., Jan. 28. Throo
mon woro killed and a number bo
rlously Injurod today In an explo
Blon of dynamlto whloh destroyed tho
now nnd mngnlflcont courthouso at
Silver City, N. O.
W B I to ft 1 W
Comet Increases in Brilliancy and
Lenrjth of Flight Is Largest For
eign Body in Solar System Since
Dawn of History Astronomers
Over Entire World Are Startled.
residents of this section of the state
will climb to tho highest places to
night to view "Comet A, 1910," a
colestlnl vagrant that hns appeared
In tho western sky.
Tho vlstor was first sighted by a
lucky accident a few nights ago. Last
night the comet had Increased in
brilliancy and length of flight so that
thousands were able to watch It until
It disappeared undor tho western rim
of the horizon.
The visitor nt first Is somewhat
difficult to locate, as It begins slowly
to come Into view, owing to tho light
of tho sun and Its own brilliancy. Ab
tho sun's rays recede and tho Bky
grows darker, however, tho comet,
first appearing ns a faint star, begins
to shine of ltc own light. Tho tall
gradually grows longer and brighter
until by C o'clock In tho evening Its
full proportions nro soea. Then It !b
noted that tbo tall', reaches nearly
two-thirds up the arclfot tho sky to
ward tho zenith.
Idirgest In History.
"Tho huge comet," Bnys Edgar Luc
cln Lnrkln, the astronomer, "now on
display nort.. of the sun at sunset Is
tho largest foreign body over In tho
solar system so far ns Is known since
tho nrt of writing was discovered.'
From tho beginning of Chlneso rec
ords n. C. 2000 and Chnldean, no
such colossal comet has been men
tioned. To comet proper at this writ
ing, S o'clock p. m,, Jauuary 26,
1910, Is not tho largest on record,
but Its attendant mass of luminous
mnttor Is wider in area than can be
convolved of by vivid Imagination.
Tho area of tho sun Is about one-fifth
squar dogrco, but tho nroa of tho
luminous sheet of matter high nbovo
and far to the south of the comet Is
not loss than 1000 squaro dogrees.
Tho comet nt Sunet was roughly 25
degrees In length. Tho longth was
vortlcnl, but the stem was not less
than 10 degrees In width, leaning
toward tho south. North ot tho com
et's length tho sky was normal, but
far nnd nway toward tho south for
20 degrcoa and toward tho zonlth GO
dogrees oven to Saturn, tho ontlro
sky wns covered with brilliant mat
ter. No such thing Is recorded In tho
history of man, This comot Is mag
nificent boyoiu' nil powers of des
cription. The nucleus Is of enormous
dlnmotor and wo nro now making
history that will enduro for ages."1
Astronomers Puzzled. I
Astronomors nro as much puzzled
over tho visitor as aro ordlni.ry folk. 1
thoy cannot predict how long It will
bo on exhibition hero, for tho reason
that thoy do not know tho comet's
orbit nnd nro not certain but nearly
suro that It has pnssod back of the
sun and Is swinging away from old
Tho vagrant body of tho sky Is not
so brilliant ns Vonus, Its nenrost plan
otary nolghbor, lu It lights tho heav
ens with Its own and tho roflectod
light of tho sua, nnd hn3 tho appear
unco of a great searchlight swooping
tho hoavonly vault.
TAOOMA, Wash., Jan. 08. Tnco.
mn biisinoss mon hnvo raised tho
$15,000 irunrnntoo demanded by Pro
motor Dick Ferris for tho proposod
aviation moot hero, an idoni site on
tho opon prnirio just south of tho
oity, has also boon secured nnd today
tho committoo is awaiting word from
Ferris ns to tho dntos. Any dutaa
Forris mav soloot will bo acceptable
to Taconw.
l'be recent Illness of Count Leo Tolstoy, the liuxslau philosopher, novelist
and reformer. Is moro serious than any of the many attacks be has under
gone In the Inst few years. It Is believed thnt the grand old friend of man
kind Is ncnrlng his end. He celebrated Ms elcbty-Orst birthday anniversary
on Aug. 23 Inst He Is confined to bis bed. but Is able to do n few hours'
work each day on the novel which he ban In hand bj dictating to n stenog
rapher nin brain Is ns clear as It ever was. buf he Is physically weaker
than he has evpr been before. Count Tolstoy was bora at Yasnaya Pollana,
Kuiwla. near wherp he now Uvea, lo ism
N. S. Bennett Only Had 5000 Trees in
Was Shipped In His Name Says .Stock Was Ordered and
Shipped In Good Faith.
In response to n telegram sent by
N. S. Bennett, O. D. Threlkel, rep
resentative of Silva & Bergholdt, the
Newcastle nursorymen, whose car of
apple trees was condemued by Com
missioner Carson, hns arrived in
Medford and will meet Comraission-
r Carson in rogard to tho shipme it
nnd decido on the future disposal of
tho car. It is said that n portion of
the trees nro all right and may bo
While tho car was consigned to J.
S. Bennett, tho local nurseryman.
only 5000 of tho trees it contained
were for him, othor nurserymen re
ceiving trees by the same car in or
der to take advantngo of tho rate.
In speaking of the ear, Mr. Bennett
"Loss thnn 5000 of tho trees in tho
car wero intended for mo, though the
onr wns billed to me nnd I had m
knowledgo thnt it wns to bo sent to
mo till I roooived tho bill of hiding.
Tho grentcr part of tho ear wns made
up with orders tnken by n Mr.
Franklin, n transient ngont, repre
senting tho Silvn it Borgtholdt Co.,
nnd woro shipped under sight draft
to L. E. Hoover of Medford, D. D.
Sago of Central Point, L. B. Warner
of Modford, Brown, riohnes & Ingle
of Englo Point, W. M. Ilolmos of
Medford and C. F. Lancing, propri
etor of tho Quaker nursorios at Sn
lom. "By shipping theso sovoral lots to
gothor nil shared tho bonofits of ear
rates. Howovor, tho onr wns sont in
my enre.
"Professor O'Gnru did not sco the
onr till nftor Commissioner Corson
eumo on tho nftornoon train. Mr.
Curson enmo to puss on n logal mnt
tor eoming up by tho California ship
pers asking thnt all stock that did
not como up to our standard of ox
colloneo bo packed nnd roturuod to
"In justico to Silva & Borgtholdt
Co., I will say thnt thoy nro, among
tho londing nursorymen of tho Gol
don Stnto and tho stock was both
ordorod nnd shippod in good faith.
"I wirod tho firm and their ropro
sentativo is now hero, so I havo
Car and Explains How It Was Car
( nothing moro to do with the shipment
jwhntover. When you get stock from
tho Eden Valloy Nursery it is nil
right, or I make it all right. I have
culled out trees and put them on the
IKmteli niln offni. tlin inenaninrc Yinil
passed the stock, and told tho in
spectors wheu wo first opened tho
car that thoro was stock in tho car
thnt I would turn down, even if pass
ed by them.
"I havo a good trade and appreci
ate it nnd will do all in my power 10
merit the continued pntronngo of the
By Their Control of Refrigerator
Cars, Trust Causes Great Losses
to California Orchardists.
CHICAGO, Jan. J8. It was learn
ed today that ono of tho first mat
tors to bo investigated by tho grand
jury in connection with tho beof trust
will bo tho refrigerator car line mo
iiionolv which tho nnokors. it is nl-
lleged, now maintain. United States
j District Attorney Genoral Sims, it
j is said, already has in his, nossos
siou ovidenco touding to show that
tho California fruitgrowers chose to
lot their fruit rot in certain instances
rathor than to pay tho heavy cliargo
for ioing rofrigorator ears during
shipment oast.
It is understood that this phaso of
tho operations of tho hoof trust has
boon investigated in ndvanoo and
that it will bo brought forward ns
ono of flio most definito and appar
ent foaturos of tho ullogod monopol
istic mothods of tho packers.
It is charged that by tho absoluto
control of rofrigorator car linos
which must bo used in tlio successful
shipment of moats and othor parish
ablo foodstuffs, tho trust has boon
nblo to control tho movement of
thoso nooossitios.
Government Pomologlst In Washing
ton Hames Report from Yakima
Regarding Rogue River Fruit a
Lie Bex Was in Splendid Condi
tion Which He Examined.
WASHINGTON, Jnn- 28. To tin
Medford Mall Tribune, Medford, Or.:
Any claim of the Yakima fruit grow
ers that Iloguo River apples were
found diseased by this bureau must
Ik; a canard. .1 personally examined
the only lxx of Rogue River Apples
' which could hnvo been in questloa
I nnd found them exceptionally fine la
.both appearance and quality. So far
'ns I know, there Is nothing In the
The apples wero submitted to M.
1$. Walt, iwtliologlst, who rejMirted
that ho found the fruit without dis
ease. AVe want It distinctly under
stood that tho bureau of pomology
is not circulating a report that the
prize apples were diseased.
(Signed) W. A. TAYLOR,
Pomologlst In Charge of Investiga
tions. Such, then Is tho unmistakable
termB In which W. A. Taylor, pomol
oglst In charge ot field Investigations,
denies tho report sent out Thursday
from Yakima discrediting tho prize
winning car of Roguo River fruit.
The affair has developed as predict
ed It was slmply a case of trying
to "queer" tho product of Roguo Rlv
or, whoso fruit topped that of Yak
ima when offered In competition.
When the first Intimation was re
ceived In Medford Thursday ot the
attempt in the form ot a dispatch to
tho Medford Mall Tribune, stops wore
Immediately taken to learn of. tho
matter from Washington direct, and
tho foregoing dispatch was tho re
sult. Since a car of Roguo River fruit
swept everything before It at tho na
tion apple show In Novembor offorta
havo been made to discredit Roguo
Rlvor fruit, but all attempts have ex
ploded as has this.
Representative Frultmen of the Val
ley. Will Lay Foundation for
Union of Growers.
The following Is tho committee se
lected by Professor P. J O'Gara In
accordanco with the resolution pass
ed at tho Horticultural socloty moot
ing In Decombor, to act with C. B.
Whlsler, ts-offlclo chairman, In for
mulating plans for tho foundation of
a union of tho fruit grawora of tho
whole Roguo Rlvor valley.
Tho committoo will orgaulzo at tho
meeting to bo hold Fbruary at
which time Mr. Whlsler will mako
his report of tho trip east;
C. II. Gillette, B. V. Cartor, 0. D.
Sohell, Ashland; Captain Gordon
Voorhles, Talent; G. A. Ho-or, Phoe
nix; C. B. WblsW, R. II. Parsons,
W. A. Smunar, F. II, Cowles, J. A.
Wostorlund. Medford; J. W. Morrltt,
Central Polnf; h. K. Ilaalc, Eagle
Point; Iloraco Polton, Gold Hill; 0.
A. Hamilton, O. E. Bollock, Grants
Pass; H. B. GJo, Merlin.
Christy Gots Girl.
ZANESVILLE, 0., Jan. 28. Tho
court today nwurdod Howard Chan
dlor Christy, tho wrtist, possession of
his 12-yoar-old daughter, Nntnlio,
for which ho nnd his wifo havo waged
a dosporato logal battlo for mors
than two weeks.