Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 04, 1910, Page 5, Image 5

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    Tfl.13 MISDFORP MAIL TKIBUmS, MTCPffORD, OHEGOy, TVftwh'At, XXmJARY 4, 1910.
Wonr Kltlil'8 HIioom.
.Km. Wottoror, ot .Inulmonvlllo, wim
In Mori ford Tiionriuy,
I'riKiMt Wulilt Iiiih relumed from n
.dip lo Portland on IiiihIiiuhh.
TIio iitly council will moot UiIh
menlng in riurtiltir hohhIoii.
'. P. Hun mid hoii won) ul Jnuk
unnvlllti Tinwduy mi IhihIiiuhh,
Col, Frank h. ToiiVillu 1h oxpoclori
in rot urn tliltt evening from Ban
Wear Klild'n BIioiih.
'. ..ii Ioiik proiiou of opportuni
ty fur 11I0, udvoillnod cluwil'lodly,
Ik whII iiailor way.
W. II. MdDiiiiIoIh, of tliu Apploguto
rtoullon, whh in Modl'nrri Monday on
n ItUMimmH trip.
Don't lot tliu otliur poo pi o llnd nil
(Im inoKt iniiortant want iuIm. KiltST
tli'm year.
.1010 in to ho m grout year for uri
vortiwinK and tlm Hlorou nru to got
now records in tlin direction.
Woar Kiihl'H SIiooh.
Claud Hoovor, hoii of L. C. Hoovor,
who wont to Portland litHt wuulc to
tako a eouro in tliu Portland huni
iJioHit College, relumed to Modford
thin morning, liadly crippled with
rlioiiimttiNiii. No Hoomtr lind young
Hoovor urrivori in Portland than tint
twinges of rhouinatiHiu bouutno ox
crutiutiug and llnally ho wan com
pelled to ruturn homo and await a
moro nuspioioiw wuathur condition.
Wear Kidd'H SIiooh. ' .
Tho Now Year Hlinuiri begin witli
nit .nrivtirUMltig muuoohh for yon
nolling a unci! nrtiolo that in not of
miy furthor uho to you for Its valtio
oven if it in hut a hiiihII one, Htioh ns
to someone oIho in ciimIi.
Fifteen writs hottt orchard land,
-only tlilriMvipiartorn inllo from town,
nonr 'l'roniion &. CIutlirlo'H orchards;
thin I va hiinp and worth double tho
prico atdcod; tonus to milt. 9 1 2C
per aero. Aylor & llarnott. 24 8
Al K. Woolvorton Iiiih purehnNcd
frt)in M. Krdiiiann, n tract compris
ing thirty loin fncing on Fourth
street, ouo block north of Main Htreot
and a block wont of Oakdalc. Tho
coiiHiduration in .$7,000 and tho tract
will bo put on tho market at once.
Jlr. Woolvorton liandlod tho Woolver
ton Hididivislon near this tract suc
cessfully Innt year.
Married At JackKonvillo, Jnnunry
an!. Nii'koli llcllor mid Stella Smith,
J. It. Neil, county judge, officiating.
A. K. Kellogg, of Gold Hill, win in
Mcdford Monday on buHincHH.
A. J. Olson, of flold Hill, was n
Modford visitor Moudny afternoon.
Horaco Pellon, of Siuh'm Vnlloy,
wiih in Modford Monday, iib waH nlso
P. .ana.
Tho I.udios' Aid Society of tho
Christian ediuroh will meet tomorrow
afternoon at tho church. A largo at
tendance in requested an officers uro
to bo elected. ,
iHiiao Ketch, of Itoseburg, was n
Modford visitor Tuesday.
W. M. IIoiIkoii, of tho Ilodnon Auto
Company, took out tho first liconfco
for Anliinc and hunting issuori by
County Clork Colomnn in 1910, Tuos-
dny morning.
Tho Jacksonville Firo Company
lield the annual mooting of tho or
gniiir.ntion Moudny. At that time 11
now memborH wore initiated with ap
propriate corcmnnicR, after which tho
-company silt down to n sumptuous nt which nil tho good thing
of tho Benson wore Borved.
Attorney 10. D. Higgs, of Ashland,
wbh in Jnoksonvillo Tuesday on legal
Wonr Kidd'B Shoos.
II. Walking, of Kaglo Point, spent
Moudnv night in Modford.
Mr. nnd Mrs. II. It. Atkin, of Kent,
Ohio, aro in Mcdford, looking ovor tho
vnlloy with n viow to loonting .
A. W. MoDonnld, of Topponifih,
WiinIi,, is in Modford, looking for n
business location. .
1 S. Pond, of Eugouo, is in this
city on a business trip.
S. K. Goorgo, of Fugono, arrived in
Modford TuoHduy on n visit to his
laughtor, Mrs. F. W. Caniahan.
Guy Monro tho Woodvllol .fnrmor
enmo up Krldny to spond tho holi
days1 with hla wlfo nnd young son.
Tho Indlnnoplls 8tnr of nocombor
27, contains u put ot tho prUo win
ning enr of Spltzonborga a ttlio flpo
ltano nntlonnl npplo Bliow. Thus tho
ndvorllHlng opronds.
II. O. Malloy and II. h. Kolly, Jr.,
loft Monday morning for Grnnts Pnws
to look ovor tho work of tho govora
inont fluhorlou buronu In that sec
tion. II, U. ImiUBdon of tho firm of
IIutchlHou & LuniBdon, rqturnod Mon
day ovonlng from Lob AngoloB. Mr.
TiUniBdon wll romnln horo n fow days
yhllo Mr. HutohlBon takes n vaca
tion, County Commlaalonor nPttorfion Ib
In Modford today, from Tnlont.
Chan. Llndflny ot ABhland wna In
Modford TuoBday on huslnoBa mat
tors, Col. J. W. llloka of Central Point
spoilt oMndny In Modford,
J, A, Guunynw, tho Indian, war
votoran, la Borlouely 111 nt hl homo
-on oNrth Central nvonuo near Fifth.
Oroijon Aurlcullural Colloyo Arranucs
Short Winter Courso For
Farmers of State.
Thoro aro no problems confronting
tho, grower of fancy Oregon fruits
and vegetables that aro of moro
vital interest nnd importance than
tliOBO dealing with the control of (he
various i'ungiiH nnd iuwect enemies.
Thoro is no other branch of horticul
tural practi'-o about which there is
moro diversity of opinion among
practical fruit growers than the
methods of treatment for tho vari
ous orchard pestu.
It is on nccouut of these facts
that the Department of Entomology!
and Plant Pathology of tho Oregon '
Agricultural College have made spe
cial nrruugomonts for crop pest
coursos to bo given in connection 1
with tho short courso in agriculture
which is to bo hold at the college
from January Ith to February 11th,
Plant Pathology,
The courso in Plant Disease will '
onanist of daily lectures and demon- j
stratioiis mid will deal with a do-!
tailed discussion of tho catiso and
control of nil tho important fungous!
nnd bacterial diseases of horticul
tural crops occurring in Oregon.
A sufficient number of introduc
tory lectures will bo given covering
tho fundamental principles of Plant;
Pathology in ordor to enable tho'
grower to understand (ho nature of
fungi and bacteria nnd (heir relation
as paniKitcs to tho crops which thoy
attack. This preliminary discussion
is iiecossary lo a full understanding
of tho detailed discussion of tho
special diseases of tho treo fruits,
small fruits, nuts nnd vegetables
which will ft How. Tho lectures of
tho flnnl week will deal with Pathol
ogicnl subjects of n gonornl nnturo
covering among others tho following
topics: "Fungicides and their Prcp
nration," "Development of Disenso
Kovjistnut Varieties of Plants," "Dis
semination of Plant Diseases," "Or
elinrd Sanitation."
Tho lectures will bo illustrated,
where possible, by nodial specimens,
charts, photographs and lantern
ICroiiniiilc KutliomolKy.
Kconomic Kntomology in its rela
tion to horticulture will bo treated
in ii courso parallel with that of
Plant Pathology. Thirty lectures
dealing with the principnl insects of
horticultural crops will bo given.
After u fow preliminary lectures on
(he groups of insects and tho types
of life histories in tho severs! group,
tho courso will deal Inrgely with a
detailed discussion of the doscrip
lion, lifo history nnd mothods of con
trol of each of (ho important insects
which attacks horticultural crops.
Special lectures will bo given on
tho preparation, nnd application of
the vnrious insecticides.
Snmo attention will also bo given
to birds in thoir relation to Kconomic
Entomology, Orchard Sanitation
from tho standpoint of tho Entomol
ogist nnd othor gonornl topics.
The extensive collodions of (ho
Departmont of Entomology will bo
Moquontly drawn upon to furnish
illustrative material.
320 ncrcs, vory host land, deep
froo soil, 285 ncrcs or which Is In
a high stnto of cultovntlon. This Is
a farm, and n good ono, tho vory
befit of fruit or grnln land, only 8
miles from town; tonus to suit. Prlco
per ncro, $C0. Aylor & Ilonnott,
noxt door to Mall Trlbuno office
A sergeant was once drilling a squad
of recruits, Tlioy wore Incredibly ig
noraui, One or tliem could not tell tils
rllit liand from tils loft. The Ber
genia proceeded to teach thorn and nt
last attained some degree of success,
Sergeant Now, yer blessed Idiot,
hold yer hands In front ot yer and
twist tuoin round ono over the other.
Htop! Now, which Is your left hand
ajul which Is your right?
ltecrult (looking nt his hands for a
moment) I'm blowed If I know. I've
gone and mixed 'etui London Au
swers. Ana Ma Could Mavo Carrlod Her.
"I shall nover speak to hlm ngaln,'
alio declared vehemently.
"Why notV" her chum asked.
"When wo wore at that concert the
other night 1 told him If he didn't take
mo out or tho crowd I would faint and
he would have to carry ino away."
"Well, you'd have thought his life
depended on getting mo out ot there In
n hurry I"
Staff Surgeon Oswald Iteea-of tho
IlrltlHh navy says the negro's color
gives him an advantage over tho whlto
man In tho stokehold as well as In tho
sun, "In the sun," this authority ex
plains, "dark skins resist heat better:
In tho Htokehold It radiates heat bet
ter" Dr. Itees Bays the little thin
man loses heat much more rapidly and
therefore Is a much better stoker than
Is the larurr and more fleshy num.
Th FnmWy Pulr.
The wrlgly stlllncwi of the study
period was broken by n slumming door,
nnd a thlu boy In illrly. ragged clothes
slouched across the room, Halfway to
(he teacher's drNl hr drawled, "Pa
wants that you should lot Jim go homo
right, now." As Mix Davis looked a
little doubtful, he ridded, "He Icln como
bnck right away,"
The perinlMHloii given, (ho two badly
soiled, half starred sons of the most
shirtless family In the dlntrlct hIiuIIIhI
down (ho stairs. Very shortly Jim re
turned, wearliiK a pleased and Impor
taut smile on Ills pathetic little face.
"I come as soon's I could. I'n's
brother's dyln to Poplar," he announc
ed cheerfully. "That'll why pa wanted
"Hut you weren't koiic long: you
didn't stay home, I cnu't see why you
went at all." answered Hie Is-wlldered
MIhs Davis,
"Why, pa's goln'," explained Jim.
"Yes, hut what has that to do with
you?" nsked the teacher.
"Pa had to liaro tils suspenders,"
was Jim's matter or fact reply.--12x-change.
Tho Power of OnalU.
Ono day by way of experiment I
horuessed two common garden snails
to a toy gun carriage to see lr they
could pull It along, says a writer In n
Loudon inngaxlne. Although the gun
carriage 'was a hoary leiuleu one. tho
buiiIIs pulled It so easily that I loaded
tho body or the cnrrlage with small
shot. The snails, however, were moro
thuu equal to tho tun!;. Anxious (o
(est their powers still further. I at
tached a toy cannon (made of lead and
brass) Ixihlad tho gun carriage, but tlio
mills and their additional load moved
on once again with the name apparent
case. Out of curiosity I decided to
weigh the cannon, gun carriage and
shot and to my great surprise found
(he total weight to be almost ono
pound. I venture to think this a very
cood load for two snails to.uuttmge.
Candles For Chrlstmat.
Christians candlemakcrs aro busy
for tunny months In tho yeir. It would
Is) ImiKxodblo to estimate how mnny
hundreds of thouvnnds of dozens of
pretty little colored wax candles nro re
quired for Chrlstmaa trees all over Eu
rope and America. Tlien; are also can
dles for church decoration nt Christ
mastlde. Whereas tho Christmas treo
taers nro, some or them, so tiny ns to
require seventy-two to make a pound,
tho great altar uhnfta or pure beeswax
will sometimes stand six feet and
weigh rorty jiourwlH nplcce. Tit-HI Is. "
Avoiding Temptation.
Ilntumert Ktytngtiam tuts neror
boiiKht a Christmas treo for his chll
I dre u.
; Callahan Probably he Is nfrnld or
i temptation.
Hnmmert Temptntlon7
CallahnnI mean that ho Is afraid
that If he did buy a treo he would bo
tempted to buy something to hang on
It. Town and Country.
Hurry Up Santa Claud
Yatidor Mlslali Clirln'mun,
In!ln' lonif tlo vray.
"lie iilower than a rnllromj"
Dut wlmt chlllun.tay.
Dey wnntu 'tin fr tr hurry up
An' pnnn le tlmo cr day.
Dreamtd' 'bout Uo comtn' cr do Chrla'muil
Atlanta Conttl tu tlon.
New England Pie.
Somo poor dweller In the benighted
beyond of Chicago asks what a real
Nuw Unglnnd plo Is like. It probably
will not help him to be told, but If ho
means apple It Is Hko an essay by Em
erson liquefied with the music or Mas
sanet and Hplccd with the syulcism or
Slmw. lr he menus pumpkin It Is like
some or Gounod's music heard In a
landscnpo all sun and (lowers, and If
ho means tuluco pie. why, It Is llko an
Increase In salary uud n present from
home arriving on the day when one's
conscience was behaving Itself. Bos
ton Globe.
Not In Love.
Tho cashier of a Fteueh bank en
ters the private otllco ot h president
nervous and agltatod.
"Sir." ho sayn. "I haro something on
my mind which 1 reol myaeir compel
led to dlsclotw, tbouBh ror months 1
linvo striven to conceal It." The presl
dent turns pate. "Tho met U I lovo
your daughter."'
The president brtothM more rreely.
"Ah, you lovo my daughter: Do you
over make any error a lu your books or
lu countlug your cash, llnd yourself
abstracted, eh?"
"Never, sir," with prldo.
"Thou, sir. I must decline to encour
Igo your suit. You nro not really In
.ovo." fans journal.
Queer Placo For a Will.
A Mexican miser who died not long
ugo was found to havo his will tattoed
on his breast.
- ---f
t T f f
Nicely furnlihed rooms with nil
niodorn convonlencos at tho Palms.
l.lvo nt tho Pnluis, now brtclc building,
now furnltur), strlotly mcdorn, cor
ner Grapo nnd Main streotB.
Ono-half h. p. motor, 1 'JO-qt. White
Mountain, n lot of pecking
onus, tubs, etc., for sale. Inquire
Lewis' eonfootionory.
Sei tho bnrgain for 80 noros of
land ns advertised in tho for snlo
column of (his paper.
Stockholders' Meeting.
A moodng of tho Btockholdojs of
tho Ilartbrouhor Lend Mining com
pany will bo hold at tho offlco WltU
Ington & Kwlly, In tho Palm build
ing nt ,8 o'clock. All subscribers to
tho stock of tho compnny aro noti
fied to nttond. 247
Tluy onough wnnt ndvortising to
soil that unwnntod nrtiolo of valuo.
Hoys nnd girls, you only have ono
week in which to hustle for lirown
iokar coupons. You must get thorn
in by Monday, January 10, at noon.
No coupons will bo received rrftor 12
M. on Mohday, Janunry 10. There
arc thousands, of columns still out.
Duplicnlo checka count tho same ns
Pay For Coupons.
Don't forgot that wo pay for tho I
coupone-ovcry bey or girl who has'
. , .. . I
worked in this contest gathering
coupons will get somothing for their I
work. Tho ono having tho largest j
number will receive tho Hrowniekar'
nnd nil others will bo paid. Isn't
this Hiifficiout inducement to work?
Mnny boys nnd girls work twice ns
hard for a prize not onc-tunth us
line. Hero is something to work for.
Next Monday afternoon n com
mittee of throe young business men
will open tho box for tho finnl count
nnd the result will bo announced in
the pnp-T Tuesday.
Mr. Orth, of tho Mcdford Nnlionnl
bunk, has kept tho key in his posses
sion nil tho time nnd three disinter
ested parties have mndo the count
ench week. Tho Btoro hns had abso
lutely nothing to do with tho count
ing in nny way.
Ilelow wo show just how the stand
ing of onch constestnnt is at this
Total to January 4, 1910.
Francis Kurlh 7131
Neil Ilnrris 0011
Geo. Leonard .r07
Myrl Davis 437-1
Hex Unkor 152
Willio Stinson 723
Carter Brandon 3428
Myrl Gnrno(t 885
Hlsn Snyder .' 885
I.eorn Dnvis ; '510
Hay Reynolds 314
Browning 1'urdon x02
Paul IhiBscll 116
Hnrry Wortmnn 579
Mubel Kdmondes 25
JnmoM Brpphy 83 1
Chns. Buy 898 j
Mnblo Rhodes ' 204 j
Willio Cubborley" 58;
Ethel Snydor : 10
Violet Hanson Cj I
Murrion Fisher 203
Walter Wilson 117 1
Willio Hooker
John Frees ; 22
Mnry A. Moo 105
Ethol Murphy 91
Eroll McKillignn 100
Sixty ncrcs vory beat deep black
froo soil, tho best fruit land that
can bo bought In tho Boguo river
valloy, two miles from town, small
houso, good barn, all under fence.
Out buildings, etc. $125 por acre.
Aylor & llarnott, noxt door to Mall
Trlbuuno offco. 24S
WANTED A 4 or 5 room, furnished
house. Address Box 402, city.
FOR RENT A suito of 3 nicely
furnished housekeeping rooms; no
children. 222 South Holly. Mrs.
Joo. Thomns.
FOR SALE Underwood Typewriter,
latest model, with 2-color ribbon
shift; baso and mctnl cover; cost
$110.00; will Boll for cash only;
prico $90.00. Address Box No
588 tf
FOR SALE Roguo Rivor three-color
stntunry showing Comico penr nnd
Spitzonborg apples. Modford Mnil
Tribuno. 2GC
WANTED Farm enrponter. Cnll
Condor Wntor and Powor Co's of
flco. WANTED Man nnd wlfo; man to do
gonornl work, woman for gonornl
housework. Condon Wntor nnd,
Powor Co.
FOR SALE Must ho sold nt onco,
m nee A tr n ... 1 . 1 . I 01 iav ui:ic8, xuv lit cuiiiYii
tlon, rich soil, well adapted to al
falfa, 8 room houso, outbuildings,
farm utonallB, etc; nlco trout stream
running through tho placo, flno cold
springs; timber, pltio nnd onk. Goes
at $00 por ncro. Wf. Gardner, P.
O., Sams Valloy, Oro. 250
(From Gold Hill News.)
C. A. Potorson wns married in
Portland today. That's nbout nil
that nnyono hero knows nbout it,
so well hns "Pete" kopt his socrct.
Mrs. Emily Stovons, Mrs. D. P.
Bluo nnd Vornon Bluo enmo down
from Ashland Saturday (o visit T.
P. Bluo nt tho Centenninl mino for
a fow dnys, excepting Mrs. Blue, who
roturnod Monday.
Gold Hill streots nro now once
moro brilliantly lighted. Repairs
havo boon complolod on (ho Oregon
Wntor & Powor Company's plant on
Roguo Rivor, nnd only nbout two
volts of tho full strength of (ho
dynamo nro lucking. Mnnngor Reed
reports that everything Is working
smoothly and that thoro will bo no
fniluro of power in tho future.
E. T, Staples, owner of tho Jossio
mine, was in Oold Hill Monday from
Ashland, whoro ho runs nnd oporatos
a splendid hostelry, tho Hotel Ore
gon. Miss BoBsto Flippin, of tho corps
of touchers in tho Mcdford schools,
spent sovornl days of tho holiday va
cation at- tho homo of her father,
Wrn. Flippin, in Gold Hill.
MrH. M. If. Hico returned yester
day from Portlnnd, whoro she was
cnllod ton days ngo by tho serious
j""0,85 0,hor 'J."uKht?r' Mr8' Chc9f"
Gnult. Tho Buffcrcr is now regarded
Gnult. Tho Buffcrcr is now regarde
aB beinr? out of danrror.
Tho local lodge Rcboknhs elected
officers nt their meeting this week,
and wj" jn8ta,11 thcm nt tho meeting
next Wednesday evening. Tho now
For Srxiri or Exchanrje
40 ncros heavy timber landsovon
miles from Mcdford; tho wood will
moro than pay for tho land.
12 ncrcs full bearing orchard, 4
miles from Mcdford. Spitzenbcrg
und Newtown Pippin apples; best Boil
in vnlloy; good buildings. A bargnin
for n few dnva.
For Bale New 5-room modern;
tortus; $2000; plumbing and wiring
completo; plenty of bearing fruit
trees; East Side.
Now house, 4 rooms and bath, near
park; cholco location; terms; $1500.
Grocery store nnd stock goods;
terms; $2500; good trado establish
ed. See Tows era d
134 31AIN ST.
in the progress of
Domestic Science
We nrc devoting
our attention to
the latest improve
ments in
Cooking without lire
Heat without ilame
Challnjj Dishes, Cereal
Cookers, Ovens
We would like to .answer
questions about thcm today
Rogue River Electric Co.
Thirty-two acres in this tract, f
fruit laad, about two miles fVtM
a shipping point. The baildiBf
consist of fhre-room box houue,
rood-eicad barn, etc. There are
12 noros of 5 aad G-yoar-old aj:
pls. Mostly Newtowns, with com
mercial peachos planted be twee
as filloru. Also three acres of
young pear tres and some family
orchard. Poor acres in alfalfa.
Six or eifiht aon,. of timber, most
ly onk and Innrel. There is a
pumping plant on tho placo which
supplies water for tho garden nnd
nlfnlfn, equipped with gnsolino
ejieiuo. About 40 rods from n
trood school, nas rural mnil do
livery nnd tolephono. Prico
$10,500. Terms.
W. T. YORK & CO.
For the Best
In harness, saddles, whips,
obes, tents, blankets, wag
on sheets, axlo groaso and
gall cure, as well as all kinds
of custom work, see
J. G. Smith
314 E. Main.
officcra: Knto Kellogg, N. O.; Nellio
Rood, V, G.; MrB. I. Coy, treasurer;
Maud Stickel, recording Bccrotnry;
Maggie Harvey, pormanent Bccro
tnry, W. A. Carter, of Portlnnd, is hero
for a visit with his sister, Mrs. J. h.
Hnmmorsly and Miss Ninn Cnrtor.
With J. P. Hughes, of Salem, he
owns n splendid limo ledge on Knnos
"That reminds me" musod McCutch
oon, "In my offlco up tho street, (
I've got everything bo handy thoro,
that working Is a treat,
I'vo got labor earing systems nnd j
tolophonos and cool electric fans.'M
"Tho reminds mo" Bald McCuthcon
"Why should I havo all tho snaps?
With my wlfo at homo, a struggling
with a lot o' handicaps,
An' fusflin' round with smoky lamps!
an' gas an' gasoline !
An' gottin, all worn out with ped-;
ailing that old machine." i
"Tho reminds" says JlcCuthton
"my wlfo's birthday's coniln' Booon
Sho's lookln' sick and weary and
she's getting pale and thin,
Ifl llko to get hor something that'll
help her health to win."
"That reminds mo" says McCutheon
"my wlfo'o goln away to visit,
An' I havo struck upon a notion that
Is not so dusty, Is It?
While she's gone I'll wlro tho house j
up from the' garret to tho ground.)
An we'll havo a homo electric' time
her birthday comes around.
So Mac got awfully busy, whllo his
f rati was out of town
And blew himself for "everything.
oloctrlc," money down.
Electric fixtures, reading lamps, all
J. E. ENYAHT. President
JOHN S. ORTH, Cn.-hier
J. A.
SURPLUS $10,000
Safety boxes for rent. A gefleral Banking Buslnees transacted.
We solicit yew" patresage.
Have you a friend coming west? You
ought to bring one to Medford. Call and
see us. Let us talk routes and rates
with you. Information eheerfuHy fur
nished. Phone, address or call on
Southern Pacific R. R.
Three Color Stationery
Letter Headsand Envelopes
Cornice Pear and
Spitzenburg Apple
orcok, throo milou from Gold Hilt.
Thoy havo purohnsod a lirao kiln of
the latest improvod make, nnd it In
now on its wny horo from New York
47,000 pounds of machinery. Ah
soon ns tho kiln arrives, which will
bo shortly, nnd is placed in position,
tho ledgo will bo worked for limo
that tests havo shown to bo of tho
very highest Quality.
gleaming bright and clean,
And flat Irons, hoators, ct.lflng dlah
nnd motor run machine
You should havo scon tho fnco on
Mrs. Mac when sho reached homo,
And saw hor houso olcctrlflcd. and
nnd spied the lovely domo
(That hung within tho dining roam)
all beautiful and bright
She could only gazo in rapture nt tho
brilliancy of light.
If ever a husband mado a hit, Mc-
Cutchcon was tho boy,
Hla wlfo was half hysterical with
happiness and Joy.
Sho tried tho Irons and chafing, dish
anod started up tho fan
And llko a happy child, around hor
electric room sho ran.
And It Is nothing now unsual to hear
tho neighbors say
"SInco Mrs. Mac got 'lectrlfled sho's
youncer overy day,"
And, no wonder, for her druggory
don't tako up all her lifo
Like It used to when McCutheron had
a non-electric wife.
P. S. M. Mnn-with-an-unwlred-houso:
Why not make a hit with
your wife, llko McCutcbeon didJ wltk
P. S. Mrs. Ditto: Read the poena
out loud to him.
PERRY, Vice-Presnie-Jt.
W. B. JACKSON, Ass't Cashier.
East ?