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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 2, 1910)
r.. 'rp lim V'. . v v T.1TK MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, iAf lDJrORD, OUKGON, SUNDAY, JANUARY 2, 1910. it . WAR CLOUD STILL DARK J SOUTH Itoport Out Tlmt Nlniriigmt Itevolu tlouM Aro I'lopuilng to Con lliitio Wnrfww In Out nil Amorlcn, MANAUWA, NICiiKniKtin, Jan. 1. 'Clio fnulltiK horn that Urn rovoltitlon 1 h t h nro planning nlmultnncnun nt tiiukH upon (Iroytnwn and Acopnpl to day liatt iiMHiiinvit ultitont ttui propor tlimii of a certainly. Following Oouornl Knlraila'H nn iiotiiinutnviit that he would refuse to rucoKtilxo Mailrlz an pumlilunt ami tlio dnllvury of tilii iiltluiatuui containing nltornatlvo propositions (or tlio soloo t Ion ot a executive, Mailrlr. sup porters aro convinced that tlio Inmir giitt lender Ik plmmlng an attack iiopu ouo of tlio gnvorumotit strong IioIiIh, (Ireytown, thoy bollovo, Ih tlio ob pcrtlvo point I hi Iiiih decided upon. An it result or this belief, (lonornl To ledo today wan ordered to that city, (lonoral Vaniiuuz at tlio naino tlmo wiih ordered to Acoypl, whoro a sec ond attack Ih feared. WHAT IT COHT TO ItlJN COUNTY OK JOHKI'IIINi: Tho following Is tho npproxlmato uiuniiutti received nod pnld out by JoHophlno rounly during tho year 1U0U. Ah HiIh it.tntetiuint In not inndo n umttor of record, nil fractions of dollar nro loft out; A in on nt co Hoc ted from nil noil mil 192,772 Amonntisfl pnld out nro County court, mtlnry or JudKo and coinuilKMlouorn 1,300 Circuit court 4,440 JiiHtleo court 704 Clerk's offlci 3,21)9 HIi.-rlff'H office 3,443 AMumtHor'n offlco 1,837 Treasurer's offico 035 ttoliool fuiporlntondcnt'8 orrico 0C1 Janitor, pall and courthoutto 2,040 Curoner, fruit nnd Block In spectors nnd hcnlth lionrd 1,078 ItondM and bridge 20,000 HchooU 2 4,000 Hint,, tnx 12,750 Cnro of poor; county phyal- clnn nnd burials 3,711 3llcollnuoou, current x- ponnoa 3,500 Totnl $84,318 Tho now brldico ncroaa Hokuo river which, IncludltiK npproachea, has coat nl. out $29,000, la not Included In tho nbovo, Tho oxpctiaoa for tho yonr 1910 will necoMiutrlly bo about what thoy hnvo been thla year. Th0 Kront or part of the expenditure! nro atnt-uto-y nnd beyond tho control of the county court, ir road work la con tinued It will require n tlireo-mlll tnx levy It la ImpoHalblo to do Hub Htautlnt road work without money. O.VK DUADs TWO lll'RT flllt'AOO CKIiKllRATIO.V CIIICAOO.Jnn 1, Ono mnn la dend nud two nro thought to bo dyeing ns tho direct roault or New Year's celebrations reported to Chicago pol ice today. Irving Btnndrord wns Htnbhod with n kulfo nnd killed by his sweeUionrt, Mnhel 1 IfitiHi'it, with whom ho hnd boon aixilng tho old yonr out. Tho girl wns nr routed and chnrged with murder. llnrry Mnata ahot CornolliiH Lut tormnn live times when ho round Luttortunn with Mth, Floronco Cul ver Mont'H Kweethenrt. Harry Feathorstono. reported to bo nu ox-convlrt, Ih dying ns a ro ault or HhotH fired by Pollcomnn Mn loiioy, who ordered FenthorHtono to dlHcoiitlnnuo n dlHturbanco which ho wna cnnalng. Feathoratouo llred twlco nt tho pollcomnn who returned tho flru with probnblo fatal results. ANTIPODKH WANT IIURNKH- JOHNSON 1'IOHT AO A IN BAN FRANCISCO, Jan.,, 1. -Hugh Melutoah, tho Austrnllnn fight pro moter. wnntH to mntrh Jnek Johntton nny Tommy Ilitrno for nnothor fight In tho nutlpodea, according to n cublegrnm to n local sporting mnn. MclntoRh would mntch tho big ne gro nnd IluniH H fight for n purso of $40,000, on a winner tnko nil hnsla next Beptembor. In his cnblo ho de clared thnt tho money to gunrnntoo Iho purRo hud nlrondy boon dopoalted nud that Ilurnn hnd nfflxcd bin slg uaturo to an ngreomout to fight. HIIKKP HKARDKRS SHOOTS KAHTF.RN ORKGON MAN I'HAIRIE'CITY, Or., Jan. 1. David Oilman, n young mnn, Is ho llovod to bo dying todny na tho ro biiR of bolng shot yoBterday nt Can yon City by n sheep border nninod Btowart, It Is said that Stownrt alined tho gun at Oilman, saying: "This Is tho wny Cecil Ilryau Hhoots." and pullod tho trigger, It Is not known who- thor Stownrt know tho gun was load- od or not. Columbia Hams and Bacon Swoot, wholosomo, dolioious nnd just tho thing for chilly mornings, Qlvo your broalcfnst o, zoat it ha novor known before. ASK FOR THEM BY NAME. i Vit i99 If eat Go BIG IS Han rrniirlNco Add flOO.OOO to tlio Aiiiouiit Clul'iicil Hliort In Hookw of Former Tieaniin'r, HAN KIlANCiaCO, Jan. 1. --Nearly $30,000 hail boon iddid 0) tho rlly's claim iiK'Knut tanner Vrecrwuf Chorion A. Hantol ulnco. notion wan brought aKaliiHt him a year ugo for d 0,000 ullogod shortngo rovoalod In hhi accountH an treiiHiirer from 1900 to 1908. In a civil milt filed into yesterday" Ban FrtinolHCii lays claim in 190.000 that Iiiih not heen account ed for by Hantol. Tho Aetna lndum- n ty company wns also named nH a defendant iih llaiitol'H mirety. Tho former ofriclnra bond amounted to $100,000. Tho undent Milt Ih In mibHtltutton of ono riled a year ngo. Blnc0 tho cotniimiidiiir or that action exportH and tho board or utiporviiiors claim to hnvo dlncovored rurlhor HliorlaKOH. Tho oreiionl milt ror tlio recovery or MhortaKOH thnt nil occurred In "apo dal fund' Included tliono allegou to hnvo boon caiiHed by Jnmen A. To malty, Unntol'M chief bookkeeper, who wiih Bontenced to flvo yeum' Imprlson ment nrter conviction on a charge of fuUlfyliiK nubllo recordH nnd wliouo ciiho Ih now on uppenl. ritliHNO HAH I-IItBT HNOU' BTOJtM IS 28 YHAItB FltUSNO. CAI... Jnn. I For tho Ilrat tlmo In 28 yenra, Fresno tlilH moniliiK experienced n Konuine enow Htorm: The flnkos tieKmi to ran at 5 o'clock thla morning nud con tinued tor aovornl houra until tho whole country wob covered with n mantle or beautiful white. Tho fall varied from n frnctlon to two Inches. HnowballltiK Ih beltu; Indulged In by old and vnuni: nnd tho town la Krently excited. Cnmern men nro enrly on tho aceno nud photoi;rnphH nro beltiK taken all around tho town. A great fenturo wnH n anow mnu built by Homo cnthuelnata in tho court liotiao yard. IWMOl-'H CLAIRVOYANT WANTKI) VOW BTUAIiINO BAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 1. Dr. A1 oxnnder A(jtro, tho fnmoiiH clnlrvoy unt, who la wnuted by tho police hero on n charge or ombozxlomont, wna locnted today In Mexico City. Ho will bo extradited. Aatro acctircd $500 from Jnmca 1. O'Kolly, tho bcow bont mnn, by representing thnt ho would return tho Inni: IohI dntichter of O'Kelly. Aa iro prouuceii n young wumnii, lilted the description nnd wns paid tho money. Tho girl soon nfterwnrds dlayapenred mid thon It waB lcnrncd thnt tho girl hnd .only been subatltut-, ed for tho purpoHo of securing tho tro produced n young woman, who money llODY FOUND IN RIVKR wi:i(iirri:i) my ROCK SANTA MONICA. Cnl., Jnn. 1. Weighted down with threo bricks, which hud been stuffed under tho wnlBtband of his trousors, tho body of Chariot C. Colbaln wns round undor tho pier hero today. Tho body hnd been lu tho water probably n month. What wna llrst thought to havo been murder Is .now believed to bo suicide, ub $15 and n gold wntch wns found In his pocekt. Tho caso has boon reported to tlio police and coroner nnd an Investi gation Is being mado. CHRISTIAN HC1UNTISTS TO HKHKAFTKR ASK FKKS IIOSTON. Miibb. Jnn., 1 In tho future ChrlBtlnu Sclonco practltlonoro may iihIc fees that nro no higher than thoso chnrged by roputnhlo physl cIiiiih In tho community. "Christian Sclonco practitioners Bhould mnko their charges for treat ment equal to thoHo of roputahlo pby alclniiH lu tholr respectlvo localities. "Blncorely yours, "MRS. MARY 11AKICR EDDY." NOTION. Tho Nlckell vs. Ooodpnaturo snlo bnn boon postponed until Snturdny, Jnnunry 0. 215 ADVHRTISKI) IriMCTR LIST Tho following letters romnln un cnlled for at tho Medofrd post olllco, William AndurHon, A. 13. Austin, A. J. Avernll, Mrs. J. W. llnrr, O. II. Hrirnhlll, Percy Deohlnt, Mrs. Sophia llodkln, Roger C. Ilurnor, John Hur cham, Charles HuriiH, Edward A.-Cnr-berry, Mrs. f), Cooper, Mr. Colwoll, Ono. 10. noun, Johtn Dtnmnn, War ion Drake, Maud Urennon. 10. F. Fay, Dr. II. ForgiiHon (2), Chnrles L. Front, J. O. Clnrdnor, Mrs.' I. I. Oil bort, lloss nilbert, lOfflo Oregg, II, D. Fnrnuin, John Hnnloy, Ooorgo D. lliilo. Clyde IIIuioh, Mrs. J. Horton, DISCOVERED i Classified Ads and f f 4-4- - Mnry A. IIurHt, W, M. Jackson, M. 1). Llndormnn, J, C. Moyor, Frank Alnder, A, N, Miller. J. M. Moore, Ithodit A. Ornnn, Mrs. W. J. Oaton, jT)Hephlno Be'iuln, OoorKo V. Bpcnco, Mra. If. II. Btophoiiaon, Mr, Krnnlc Btephena, Bnm Btouo, Mra. Amanda Htnrk, Mra. Norn WllllamH, mid two aro thought to b0 dylnr; culebrntlona roportod to Chicago po lice today. I'artlCH calllriB for tho nbovo lot lern will plnnMo any "Advcrtlaod," A cluirKo or ono cent will bo mado upon delivery. FAIR KXCIIANOH. A New Ilnck for nn OIl One It la Ilonu In Medford. Tho back ncJiea nt tlmca with n dull IndoH crlbnblo feeling, making you wenry nnd rostleaai 'plorcng pains shoot ncroaa tho region of tho kidneys, nud again tho lolnu nr0 ao lamo to atoop In ngony. No ubo to rub or np ply n plaflter to tho bnck In this con dition. You ennnot reach tho cause. Kxchnngo tho bad back for a now and Btronger ono. Follow tho exnmplo of thin Medford citizen. Mrs. William Chnrley, Ornpo street,' Modford, Or., says: "Tho public state ment I gavo In pralso of Doan's Kid ney Pills in 1907 still holds good. I occasionally tako this remedy now and I find thnt It keeps my kidneys In propor working ordor. A rail was tho cnuao or kldnoy complaint in my caso. Tlio xianoy secretions wero un natural and too frequont In passage and somotlmes I nnd such ncuto pains In my back thnt I could hardly bond ovor. I did not-alcop woll nnd dcaptto tho uao of plnatora, liniments and romcdlos of various kinds, I contin ued to suffer. Whilo lu that condi tion, Donn's Kidney Pills wore brought to my attention nnd procur ing n box at Hnsklns' drug ntoro, I LcommencoJ using them. In about two woeks I folt bettor and tho contents of four boxes of this remedy mado mo woll. I hnvo recommended Doau's Kldnoy Pills to many other people." For salo by nil dcalors. Prlco 60 cents. Fostor-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y solo agents for tho United States. Romomhor tho namo Doan's nnd tako no other. Notico is hereby p;ivcn to nil the ,i , f riiPHter A Arthur Post 01,1 ' 8 01 .T. ? Artnur iosi that thoro will bo n spccinl meeting Monday, January 3, nt 2 o'clock p. Rlmn), for tho purposo of Kcttin ,, fnr !nBfniin,:nl, s,rviiv .., ,,, .i.i. Iiouso Tuosdnj', Jntiunrj' 4 nt 7 ciock p. in. so ns nir ns possiuie, boys, bo sure nnd bo present to neip in tho work to bo done. O. W. EIOIIMY. Commnnder. 4- -f f4- 4-f - ' FOR SALE Oood houso nn.l lot nt 540 Hamilton street, end of Oak dale pnvlng; rents for $10 per month; nlso two lots on Jnckson street, cheap If taken nt onco. Ad dress Win. 13. Stncoy. Hox 82C. 233 FOR SALE-t-5 room hotiso on West Tenth streol. Box G07. 210 FOR SALE Lot 80x1 fiO nnd 5 room houso, modern. W. O. DavidFon. 240 FOR SALE House in Medford 3 blocks from P. 0. RontB for $05 por month, nlso 100 nercs fruit lnnd one mile from Phoenix, nil undor oul tiuvtion, $115 por noro. Address box 300. Modford. 245 FOR RALE 10 ncros good frco soil six miles from Modford on main traveled rond. Thoro is nbout 1, 500 cords of wood on this trnot; no improvements. Price $1000. Aylor & Bnmott, noxt door to Mail Tri- buno office. 244 FOR SALE A gront hnrgnin if tnken soon, 50 noros of ordinal nud hot torn lnnd ono milo north of Phoenix on Modford rond, known ns tho Itrnwley estnto. For pnrtioulnrs soo owner. Snrnh Fell, 135 Bnrt- lott St. FOR SALE Lot 50x100, splendid locution for business. Corner 8th nnd Pcnoh. Seo ownor, 20 South Punch street or P. O. box 842. 240 FOR SALE Ono'ncro trnot or moro undor Fish Lnko ditch on Mnin Contrnl Point rond. $275 por noro, J. Bowlin, 20 S. Pencil, or P. O. box 812. 240 FOR SALE: Eight good milch cpws, nil giving milk; ono good 4-yonr-old horso, woight 1C00. Qoorgo Hilton, 2 1-2 miles north of Modford, on county rond. ' 253 FOR SALE T6-ncro rnnch, with good wntor right; finest frwll Jnnd; chnnp:; also property In Portland; will trndo for Modford poporty Soo Colomnn at cigar factory, FOR SALE Lot 74xl3d'oii Gonosoo, ouo-half block from Mnin, Inquiro 114 Qonosoo etreot or nddrosa box 798. 240 X rnn ni rr 7 v . run OHUt. FOR SALI3 Two Jersey cowh cheap, Cull 621 8. Hamilton utroct, Mod- ford. 210 FOTI SALE Ilorso nnd wngon at 411 Houtli Laurel ntrcoU 248 FOIL SALIi Fivo room houso and tlirco lots, clone in, for $2500; $1000 will linndlo. W. T. York & Co. FOIt BALE 240 ncros two miles from Tnlont, about ICO acres under cultivation, Rood fruit land, at $70 an aero. This in a snap. W. T, York & Co. FOR SALE Youhk orchard in bear- inif. Mat Calhoun. Phoenix, Or. FOR HALE Onk, fir and pino cord wood, 12 and 10-inch; also dry rail wood; drj.pitch for kindling. Phono order toilMain 420L FOIt BALE Qenuino Navajo blank cL Inquiro at Medford Furnituro Co. Full SALE 5 nnd 10-aore tracts just within and adjoining city Vim its, at a bargain, on 5 annual pay mort. Addrea P. O. Box 418. FOR SALE Choree business proper ty at a bargain, on long time; easy terms Address P. O. Box 418. FOIt EXCHANGE What have you to cxchniiKO for choice of qunrtcr sections under ditch in Crook Co.? EnieHL. Brown, Wnrrcn, Minn. 245 WANTED. WANTED Three and four room house, with bnrn. Enquire "E, ire Mail Tribnno office 244 WANTED Mnn ncqunintcd with tho valley toshow Innd. Benson Investment Co. 250' WANTED TO BORROW $1000 on rnnch worth $3000, close in, 10 per cent. Address k, cnro of Mail In bune. 247 WANTED To buy a grocery or general storo in the Rogue river val ley. Addross "A," caro of this of fico. 248 WANTED A Iday solicitor to soil electric heating, cooking and light ing dovicos. Apply at the Condon Wntcr nnd Power Co. WANTED Agents to go to Cnlifor- nin to sell territory for tho "Hidden Window Scroon." Inquiro E. C. Aylor and Barnctt, real estate of fico on South Central avenue. 2G1 WANTED Experienced qunrry mnn Addross P. O. Box 418, Medfdrd, Or. WANTED Good elenn cotton rngs nt tho Mnil Tribuno office. Will unit ! rvlt f nnfia f anmti FflR RENT. FOIt RENT Desk room in n very light offico in tho now Phipps-Tnylor building. Prefer mnn who will bo in office most of tho time. Address "IC," care of this offico. 245 FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room with niodorn improvements; claso in; reasonable. Telephone 33S2. 245 FOR RENT Swell offico rooms, host locution in tho city. Address "G," cnro of Mnil Tribuno. 245 FOR RENT Furnised rooms. No, 10 North Grapo street, i"Ult H&Nl lsow raoaorn S room bungalow, $20 por month. Wool vorton Ronl Estnta Compnuy, room 22, Jnckson CountyBnnk Bldg. 243 FOR RENT Nicoly furnished houso keeping rooms; no smnll childron. Mrs. Joo Thomns, 222 South nolly St. FOR RENT Iiouso of two lnrgo rooms, unfurnished or will furnish for housekeeping. Cnll 1048 West Niiithjstrcot. 240 FOR RIONT Farms, from 40 ncros upward, sultnblo for fniR, nlfnlfn, stock or gonernl forming. Inquire at offico Condor Wntr & Powor com pany, 209 W. Main stroot. FOIt RENT Trnots of lnnd from ono to forty ncros; with wntor for irrigntion, suitnblo for raising po tntoos nnd garden truck, nlso suit nblo for ohiokon nnd turkoy wising. Ownor will furnish a ronsonnblo nmount of lumber nnd poultry nnd other foncing for improvements if lossoo porform lnbor of eroding snmo. Cnll nt offico of Condon Wntor nnd Powor company for pnr tioulnrs. tt f - LftftT LOST Two cows, red Durham and speckled blue muloy, fresh. Address Ilox G77, Medford, or dollvor to Mrs. II. E. Imkoivoud of Jnckson st. 24-1 LOST A key ring of nbout a dozon lcoys; somo Ynlo; bolonglng to tho llbrnry shelves, Flndor plonso lenvo nt P. O. Box 704. Librarian. 246 Business Directory j 4 H f 0USIHESS OinECTOBV Restavranto. BEE HIVE RESTAmANT Merfs 15o; bois, 15c. Oivo an a trial. 20 Cvnirni ovenno, ppwtaiwi. CHOW YOUNG'S CHINESE MEDI CINES will cure rheumatism, asth ma, paralysis, sores and privato dis eases. Thoso remedies may bo pro cured ut tho store of Wall Chung on A street, Ashland, Oregon, where thoy will bo sold by tho propriotor. Chow Young. Tin ahapa. J. A. SMITH Tm shop. Tin and Bbet iron ware on hnnd and made to ordor 128 North O atrW. CIHMNEY SWEEP If your chim ney needs cleaning be sure and boo D. D. Woods. LcaTo orders at tho Medford Hardwaro Co., or phone 2581. 231 Auctioneers. E. F. A- BITTNER Auctioneer, will bo fonnd in room 208, Taylor & Phipps Building. Sewing Machines. Singer and Wheeler & Wilson sowing machines for rent and for sale on easy payments. All lands repaired nnd woik guaranteed. Best oil and needles for all makes at tho Singer store, 27 South C Bt. Phono 3431. Attorneys. WITHINGTON & KELLY Lawyers. Pakn Building. PORTER J. NEFF Attoraey-at-la No. 0 D street, ground floor. COLVIG & REAMES W. M. Col vig, C. L. Reamcs. Lawyers. Of fico Modford National Bank Build ing. Second floor. ELLA 1L GAUNYAW Palm block. Stenographic work dona qniokly ana wolL Real Estate. BENSON INVESTMENT CO. Real estate, loan nnd fire insurance Offico 112 W. Main St., Medford Ore. Phone 3073. iLUAiuo on umuua ucai siaie, Insurance. Farm and city proper ty. Butto Falls, Oregon. ADAMS & DRIGGS O. Adams, C. P, Drlggs, real estato, Insurance, farm and city proporty, tlmbor. Dutto Falls, Or. Printers and Publishers. MEDFORD PUBLISHING CO. baa tho best equipped job office is Southern Oregon; Portia id prices 37 South Central avc. Opticians. DR. GOBLE Tho only oxelusivo op-' tician betwoen Portland and Sao- ramento. Office on West Main street nnd rmirond. Jeweler. ELWOOD AND BURNETT, the jew olers, carry a complete stock and make a specialty of high grade re pair work. Opposite the Nash Ho- to!. Brick Companies. G. W. Priddy. T. O'Rri O. D. Naf S. THE MEDFORD . TICK CO. Briok manufactu.-v and oontrc tors; also lime, cemal and plnst iu any (iiinntity. Office, Medfo. Nntionnl bank blJg. .boneo Mah 545. Undertakers. MEDFORD FURNITURE CO. Un dortnkors. Day Phono 351. Night Phones C. W. Conklin 3001; J. n. Butler 3571. PLno Instruction. HARMONY, Bight rending, musical form. Mrs. E. E. Goro. Metropolitan Collogo of Musio. Miss Flora Gray, Studios, 144 South Central avonuo Phono 403, Carriano and Atito Painting. rALLEY SION AND CARRIAGE WORKS Iligh-clnna work gunrnn toed. Signs. RWermde avenue. Phono 801. MACKEY'S STUDIO 'Tose with Mnokoy nnd die with joy." Over Al Imi & Rencnn'H Hioro; entnuict on' Seventh street CIRGARS AND T0BBAC0S. IRELAND & ANTLB Smoko House, doalers In tobneco, cigars and smok ers' suppllos. Excluslro ngonts of Lowls Slnglo Rlndor, El Mortto nnd El Paloncln, 212 Wos Main street. . -;"- BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Bill Posters VERNE T. CANON-Bill Poster and Distributor. All orders promptlj filled. Room 7, Jnclcson Count; Bank Bnildit-.g, Medford, Or. Billiard Parl&rs S. T. BROWN & CO. Billiards, Ci gars and Soft Drinks. Up stairs. Yonng and Hall bnilding. A nisi cool place to sjnd tie hot after noons. Architects. J. K. A. BILES Architect and Builder. P. O. Box 486, Medford Or. Your bnilding respectfully so licited. Furniture H. F. WILSON & CO., dealers in ne and second band furnituro and bard ware. Agents for Mound City kit chen cabinet. 323 E. Seventh st. MJ8SION FUIKITURE. W0RK8 Coraer 8th and Holly Ste., Med. ford. Mission Furniture made tc order. Cabinet work of all kinds A trial order solicited. MORDOFF & WOLFF Cook Stove and Ranges. New end Second Hand Furnitnre. Ends' old stand, 18-20 E St .Sonth. Phone 91. Medford, Or Hiiraerfes QUAKER NURSERIES Onr tree are bndded, not grafted. Our stoel is not irrigated. We guarantee ev erything pat ont. We are not in th trust IL B. Patterson, office, ic Hotel Nash. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NURSERY Growers of high-grade nursery stock. C. E. Cok, Prop. B, R. V depot P. O. Boc 841. Phono 583 Medford. Transfer and Drayae. H. S. BRUMBLE Drayage and transfer. Baggage stored. Office r nnd Sevenths Cement Workers. B. J. ADYLOTT All work guaran teed strictly first-class. Residence No. 406 Beatty street. A card will bring mo to yon. Music. MUSIC AND LANGUAGES Mrs. H. L. Huillier, 707 Main street West. Private lessons in singing (method Rossini) and languages French. Italian, German, Spanish. MRS. E?E. GORE Piano instruction Metropolitan t'ollege ot Music. Miss Flora Gray. PJione 4l3. 144 South Central avenue. Building and Loan Association JACKSON COUNTY BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION O. C Boggs, Acting Secretary, 128 E Main street Carpenters and Builders. A. D. JOHNS, Contractor and Build er 225 "Riverside avenue. Phoue 2471. F. E. HILL Will furnish plans an list of all timber to be put in build ing. Medford, Orogon. W. G. HOLMES, contractor nnd builder; plans and estimates furn ished. Inquiro Star rostaurant or address Box 818. Dentists. DR. FRANK ROBERTS-Dentist Office hours: 8 to 12, 1 to 4. Miles Building, Main street, Medford, Ore- gon. Physicians and Surgeons. R. W. STEARNS, M. D. Opposite Jackson County bank. Night calls promptly nnswored. Office and res ident phono Mnin 3432. S. A. LOCKWOOI'. M. I) MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD, M. D. Officos iu Haskins' Building. Phone Main 1001. CONROY & CLANCY Offico in stowart Building Physicians and i 8urgoonB. Offico phono, Main 341; i private phono, Main 612. S. R, SEELY, M. D. Physicinu and Surgeon. Modorn equipped operat ing rooms. X-Rny. Offico hours 10-12, 2-4 p. m. Office In Jackson Co. Bnnk Bnildinc. DR. F. G. CAR LOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Ostoop at h i c Phynioinns. Mission Block, Phon 201. Medford. CALL ON DR. E. J. BONNER, Ey Bpoo'nhst. when others fnil. Offio in Eagle Phnrmuoy. Main 233. Ens! Mninnoor D'Anjon, CM( Encjlneors WILL tuke by contract, on renson- rtblo tonus, nil kinds of work, nlso irrignting, plnnting nnd cultivating, oto. Lnndsonpe gnrdening. First olnss roforoncos, William Peters. Civil Engineer, Phono 1801. 322 East Main Btroet, Modford, Oregon, 1 j Chi I llll Hll CQ O JHHHMri P CD P j CD W"d N . 4 rf CD 1 y 2D rVL CD ?f err is g o crS Li Pi m TO P P JO H- i c Eh CD CD tu cV. P. go go & 3 lZj CD 8 (Ti e-4 , CD l rJ Cj Hj 5 i? nHW h S) V L-J HH tH j 3 hH- CD cP Lj c H hcd 4 S.oS a t P V" m. Pj?D O xn k- kj Hi. O rs PjS 4 O ?0 . CD o S- o a I M Ik j