Mosier bulletin. (Mosier, Or.) 1909-19??, August 11, 1916, Image 1

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Do You Read Papers or Magazines?
Place your subscriptions with us. We pay rent and taxes. Buy food
and clothing. Like yourself and your neighbor we help to Imlld up the
town and commnnity. O u r prices are t h e lowest to lie bad. No traveling
agent can give lower prices. We have been here a num lier of years and
expect to stay m uch longer.
The Mosier Book Store
• ) £ • MILES of smooth, firm, white sandy beach
sloping gently into the sea—no dangerous
under-tow—a score or more of delightfully inter­
esting oceanside hamlets—simple, restful life com­
bined with different, tasteful foods and only the
best of summer-resort pleasures—That’s
W eather anil heach conditions are just right
—therefore, UO N O W —we will he glad to
he lp plan your trip. Ask for th e n e w N o r t h
B e ac h F o ld e r —just off the press. Fares and
full information upon application to
F. A. A llington,, A gent
O .-W . R. R & CO.
Spokane Interstate Fair and Live Stock
Show, September 4-9
Prepare for the renting
season during ‘‘Wire Your
Home” month, March 15th
to April 15th.
Electrically e q u i p p e d
houses are seldom vacant.
Insure your p r o p e r t y
against undesirable tenants
or no tenants at all by hav­
ing it wired for Electric Ser­
vice. The investment will
not be great and the income
will be increased.
We have unusual induce­
ments to offer if you arrange
for the work now.
Pacific Power 4 L i t Co.
Dr. H . L. Dumble
Physician and Surgeon
T elephones:
R e sid e n c e
O ffice 1241
Office in B r o t i u i B ldg.
H o o d River
‘‘Breath of the Pines"
4,500 f**»t above sea-level, in the
1 Powder R i v e r Mountains
near Joseph, Oregon. E at, sleep,
• ■ plwy, live out-of-door*. A delight-
11 fill m ountain-lake resort. Good
!; fishing.
For full information, fares,
tickets, etc., ask
F. A. Allington, Agent
O.-W. R. R.
N. CO.
■t-.- H - l 1 I I I 1 1 I M -
D R . C. H . J E N K I N S
D erby & S t e a r n s
L a
w yers
Horse Shoeing and General
Repair Work.
M o sie r .
O regon
Leaves Hood River dailyP at
12:45 p. m. and 5:00 p. m. On
Sunday at 6:30 a. m., 12:45 p. m.
and 5:00 p. m.
Leaves Parkdale daily at 7:45
a. m. and 2:30. On Saturday
evening leaves Parkdale 6:30p.m.
Steam Train leaves Hood River
daily at eight returning at 2 .
♦It Hood Railroad Co.
By Leroy Childs. ,* I M u
During the past week first g e n e r a ­
tion worm s have been leaving th e ap
pies in large nu m b ers ; som e of these
have passed into tbe pupal sta g e and
wilt issue as m oths in a few days,
following which eggs will soon be de­
posited. In o r d e r t h a t th e poison
may be on the fruit before a n y of
tb es e batch, gro w e rs should plan to
begin th e i r spra yings ne xt week (Au­
g u st 14-20). T h e r e will undoubtedly
be som e eggs of th e second g e n e r a ­
tion h a tc h in g by th e 20th of th e
m onth and for th is r e a so n it will be
well to have the spray on by then.
T he behavior of th e codling moth
this p a st su m m e r h a s been f a r from
n orm al; the a p p e a r a n c e of the second
g e n era tio n is practic ally 15 days l a t ­
e r t h a n la s t ye ar a n d n e arly a m o nth
la te r t h a n occurred in 1914. T h is
condition Is not confined t o Hood Riv­
e r alone a s indicated from c o rre sp o n ­
dence received from se veral e a s te r n
entom ologists, who r e p o rt a sim ilar
condition existing.
Many grow e rs applied a r s e n a t e of
lead d uring the last few days of Ju ly
and e arly in August; the da te of this
applicatio n would have been Just
r ight in 1914, but th is y e a r the m a t e r ­
ial was practic ally wasted, th e only
benefit deriv ed being t h a t it caught
a few s tra g g le rs of th e first g e n e r a ­
tion. T h e d a te of th e application of
codling moth sp ra y s de pends upon
the developm ent of th e Insects a n d Is
not governed by d a te s use d In p r e ­
vious se a sons of successful codling
moth control.
Seasonal v a ria tions
a r ? such t h a t the Blowing of such a
procedure a s the last m entioned a r e
very u n sa tis fac to ry and would prove
d isa str o u s in a season of pre valent
codling m oth activities.
T he codling m oth will do a great
deal of inju ry a t a late d a te this s e a ­
son unless the grow ers of th e N o r t h ­
west a r e not watchful. Many worm s
will be e n te r in g the apples a f te r th e
15th of S e p te m b e r; for th is r e ason
o r c h a r d ists who ha v e had
with the pest In the p a st should not
only put on th e A ugust spra y but
should follow th is up b e tw ee n th e
10th and 16th of S e p te m b e r in o r d e r
to avoid t h e losses t h a t will occur.
With th e a r s e n a t e of lead it would
be very advisable to a pply Bordeaux
T h is would prove not only a d r a n t a g
eous in pre v en tin g a late infection of
scab, should th e w e a t h e r conditions
favor such developm ent, but in con­
trolling apple tr e e a n th r a c n o s e . T his
d isease is becom ing a serious fa cto r
in m an y localities a n d a s infection
occurs with th e first Fall rains, Bor
deaux applied a f te r th e fruit Is h a r ­
vested does not p r e v e n t th e early In­
T he following f orm ula s a re t h e r e
for suggested for the n e x t sp ra y :
For codling moth and a n th r a c n o s e :
B luestone ............................ 3 lbs.
Stone lime .......................... 4 lbs.
A r s e n a te of lead (p a ste ) 2% ”
W a t e r ................................ 50 gal.
F o r codling m oth only:
A rs e n a te of lead ( p a s te ) 5 lbs.
W a t e r ............................ 100 gals.
Office Phone 1461. Res. Phone 333
Uniting Learning and Labor
In its Si* Schools an<l Forty-*ight b e
part m e n u is engage«] in tLe great work
of uniting Learning and Labor.
F orty-eighth School Year Opens
SEPTEMBER 18, 1916.
D egree Courses requiring s four yesi
high school preparation, are ottered in
the following
18 Departments;
COMMERCE, 4 Deportment» E N G IN ­
E E R IN G , n Departments MINKS. 3
Departments. FORESTRY, 2 Depart
■lent« : HO M E ECONOMICS 4 Depart
ment« . and PHARMACY.
V o c a t i o n a l C o u r s a * requiring an
Eighth Gn<le preparation for entrance
are offered in Agriculture. Dairying
Commerce, Forestry Home Maker« and
Mechanic Art« Pharmacy with a two-
year high school entrance requirement
SCHOOL O F M U SIC .- Plano Strtag,
Band and Voice Culture
Catalogue and beautiful illustrated
booklet free.
Address T o e R i g i s t b a b ,
1 -
i* 1« u> « ■ IS)
C u iv ttu s
u lS O u .s
(From t b e Hood River Glacier)
When D. Wolf, J r . , of The Dalles,
accompanied by his friend. Eugene E l­
ton. also of the neighboring city, made
application last Thursday night for a
license to wed Miss Zita C. Doran, he
proffered a medical certificate, as r e ­
quired by law, signed by a Wasco
county physician. The law requires a
certificate of a resident physician of
the county in which the license is a p ­
plied for, and County Clerk Shoem aker
refused to issue the m arriag e license.
The vain effort of Mr. Wolf to secure
the m a rria g e license was followed by
an interchange of telephone m essages
with County Clerk Fox of The Dalles,
who was asked to send a document from
t h a t county by messe nger. Finally Mr.
Elton took a late train to The Dalles
and re tu rn e d here Friday m orning with
the troublesome license. An anxious
wedding party , consisting of the proa
tive bride, her friend
friend. Miss Leola
Leola S.
bert and Mr. Wolf, remained in the
m eantim e a t the Hotel Oregon.
Shortly a f te r Mr. E lto n 's re tu r n F r i ­
day morning, the paty proceeded to the
Catholic church, where they were m a r ­
ried, Rev. F a t h e r Roman officiating.
The impression in tom e of the se c ­
(F rom the O r * , - tan)
It is re m a rked by the Eugene Regis­ tions e a s t of the Cascades th a t Hood
t e r th a t application of governm ent River people a re a pathetic over pro­
fund* to construction of the Mount posed im provem ent of the e as t e x t e n ­
Hood Loop would be a crim e against sion of tbe Columbia River highway is
O r e g o n ; t h a t the s l a te m ust out up re fu te d by the very action of local mo­
dollar for dollar of g overnm ent money; torists. num bers of whom weekly a ra
t h a t the crying need is for general taking motor trip* through e as te rn
p a rts of tbe state. While it ia no more
utility roads.
The s t a te m e n t s clearly a re founded than n a tura l th at Hood River citixen*.
on lack of understanding of the new because of their geographic location,
federal road law.and it therefore seems be interested more keenly in the com­
proper again to call atte n tio n to its pletion of the scenic river route be­
tween here and Portland, there ia a
The money for the Mount Hood loop realization in all minds th a t tbe Co­
would come from an appropriation \ lumbia River highway should, as s w i f t ­
available only for roada w ithin national ly as funds a re available and the work
forests. The law does n ot require the is feasible, be pushed th rough the
s t a t e to m atch federal appropriations , e as te rn p a r t of the s t a te to connect
for t h a t purpose. Nor is the money with the branch of the Lincoln h ig h ­
appropriated for forest roads available way a t Ontario.
" T h e construction of the link of the
for m a r k e t roads or any other roads
transcontinental road betw een here
outside of the national forests.
The sam e law contains a nother sec­ and the e a s te rn p a r t of the s t a te will
tion providi-g fur g overnm ent aid for not only be a g r e a t benefit to Hood
roads not w ithin the national forests, R i v e r , " says E. O. Blanchar, who with
which m u st be m atched with sta te a p­ Mrs. Blanchar. Mr. and Mrs. A D.
propriations. It is not our understand­ Moe and C. Dethm an re tu rn e d last
ing t h a t application for the latter a l ­ week from a th ree day tour as fa r aa
lotm ent conte m pla te s use of it on the j Spray on the John Day riv er in a Reo
six, “ but it will be an economic factor
Mount Hood loop.
I f th ere is any question a t all about in the developm ent of the fertile com­
the Mount Hood loop, it perta in s to munities of the e as te rn interior. K is
comparison of its ad v an tag e s with gratifiyr.g to find road interest running
those of o th e r roads within the national so high in e as te rn Oregon. Over there
forests, and not as to comparison of its the phase presented by g r e a t acenic
uses with those of m ark e t roads or other highways, which is perhaps uppermost
in our minds, is overshadowed by the
highw ays within se ttle d districts.
benefits which will accrue to the road
builders from the making of their com ­
munities more accessible to outlying
m arkets, in the h e a r t of the a g ric u l­
tural section of e a s te r n Oregon, the
g r e a t wheatfields of Sherm an county,
road work is going forw ard rapidly.
There the authorities are putting their
highways in first class shape
It ia a
From th e Hood River Glacier
pleasure to travel through Sherm an
If the city council accepts a liberal county.
offer made the city Monday night .by
"D o w n in the John Day valley are
J . F. B atchslder to allow free of some of the most fertile communities
charge use of tree covered acreage at of the s ta te . In the near f uture g r e a t
the west lim its of town. Ho id River de velopment is going to ta k e place
may have the first cam ping [park for there. The rich Boil can be made to
trave ling m otorisls on the Columbia produce a g r e a t v ariety of crops.
River highway. Mr. Batcheldar offers However, up to the present time, be­
the free use of the grounds provided cause of isolation, the distric t ha* been
the city furnish free lights and water. devoted to a large e x te n t to stock r a i l ­
Already a m ain of the municipal wuter ing. So g r e a tly a re the citizens of
syste m extends within 400 l e e t of the Wheeler county inte rested in the con­
tr a c t, and wire lines of the power com­ struction of b e tte r roads t h a t by p r i­
pany are even closer.
va te subscription they a re m atching
In his appeal to the city council Mr. funds appropriated by the county court
Batchelder cited the public spirited to raise money for surveys of trunk
work of the people of Ashland in gs- t roads. They will undoubtedly vote a
tablishing « 'p a rk for the exclusive use bond issue a t the coming fall election,
of m otorists.
having been assured of s t a te aid in the
"B e ca u se of this p a r k , " said Mr e vent of tbe bond election c w ry in g .
"A sh lan d has become
" B e t w e e n Condon and Foaail con­
known to m otorists all over the United struction of a b e tte r road down tbe
Sta te s, and when one s t a r t s on a trip ; g r e a t canyon running north and aouth
over the Pacific highway he makes is now in progress. The s t a te ia sp end­
Ashland a g o a l.”
ing 330,000 on thia p r o j e c t. "
It is proposed to allow a t the park
The local motorists, who left here
contem plated here, a re a lu r a n t where . Sa tu rd ay morning. July 29. a t 6.10
tr a v e le r s may purchase lunches and o'clock, returne d home a t 6.40 p. in.
dinners. The proposed pa rk m et with f Monday, J u ly 31, completing a 356
favor among the m em bers of the coun­ mile journey. A log of the tr ip was
made by Mr. Blanchar. This log from
Hood River to Spray, via Condon and
Fossil, was as follows:
L e f t Hood River a t 6.10 a. m., a r r i v ­
ing a t Mosier, nine miles, a t 6.67;
reached The Dalles, 23 7 miles, a t 7.46;
left The Dalles a t 8.10, arriv in g a t
Millers bridge, 41.1 miles, a t 9.06 (at
Following a conference a t the Inn this point call for ticket, which p e r ­
of free toll on re tu r n ) ; a rrived a t
Monday with T hurnton l.add. of P o r t ­
land, Dorsey B. Sm ith, who operates Wasco, 63.7 miles, a t 9.46; leaving
the hostelry under lease, announced Wasco at 10.25, arriv in g a t McDonald’s
t h a t tolls on autom obiles using the ferry across John Day river, 69 miles,
road p e n e tr a tin g the national forest as 11.16; leaving McDonald's ferry *at
far as Cloud Cap Inn would h e rea fte r 11.25, arriving a t Rogers Station, 7*.6
he charged a Mat r a te of 32. The r a te miles, for lunch, a t 11.56; leaving R og­
since last fall has been 33 on large a u ­ ers S ta tio n a t 12.40, arriving a t Con-
tomobiles and 32 on small cars. Up to dun, 105.5 miles. 2.25 p. m. ; leaving
t h a t time a ch arg e of 35 had been made Condon a t 3.05, arriving a t Fossil, 125
on cars passing over the forest h igh­ miles, a t 4.50; leaving Foaail a t 6.20,
way, which was constructed by the arriv in g a t Spray, 161.5 miles, at 8.10.
The re tu r n trip was made by way o f
Ladd e sta te , of Portland, owners of
the place. A formal communciation, Fosail and Antelope. The p a rty left
a t 2.14 Sunday afternoon, re a c h ­
se ttin g forth the reduced toll, has been
ing Fossil, 35.7 miles at 6.50 p. m.,
sent to the Hood River county court.
During the p a st several weeks many slopping over night at Fossil hotel.
" F o r an inland t o w n . " says Mr.
Hood River motori«*: had complained
Blanchar, "o n e would have to go f a r to
because of the toll charge.
find b e tte r accommodations than we
were given at the F'oasil h o t e l . "
The log for the r e tu r n from Foaail
was as follows: Leaving Fosail a t 6.50
a. in., a rriv in g a t Clarno bridge on
John Day, 54.8 miles from Spray, at
8.45; a rriving a t Antelope, 69.2 mile*,
a f te r a clim b up E ight Mile grade, 10
The last of the 1916 crop a f Hood a. m . ; leaving Antelope a t 10.10; a r ­
River valley str a w b e r r ie s, a month rivin g at Shaniko, 76.7 miles, 10.45;
late r than in form er ye ars, was shipped ; arriving a t Grass Valley, 110.1 miles,
Monday by the Apple Grow ers Associa­ for lunch a t 12.30; leaving Grass Val­
tion. The shipm ent, consisting of 15 ley a t 12.30; arriving a t Waaco, via
crates, was grown by E. C. Owens, Moro. 130.2 miles, a t 2.30; arriving a t
whose place is on high land near Mount Miller's bridge, 142.4 miles a t 3.10; a r ­
Hood |>ostoffice. Up to two weeks ago riving a t The Dallea, 159.8 miles at
huge d r if ts of snow remained within a 42.5; r e turning to Hood River, 183.5
atone'* throw of the Owens berry tract. miles, a t 6.40.
The Association is this week making
its first sh ip m en ts of apples, of the
Red Astrachan and Early T ransparent
Bu.lM» l o « I . . U I W c h W d W „ MBtap « B n,
I *iru aovovtiM rM nu will <a all o m w S o a fcm a k
n 0;
-M-n 111 t u n 111 h 111111 i n ■ i - h - h - i . m i n i i - h - h - i m i n i
Nichol & Company
"F* I I I I H d l l l l I I I I I I I I I 4-l- H - l -l- l
I I I 111 M I I 1 I I 1 I I
T h e O n ly W a y
to eon vine« you t h a t n u r w orkm anship is superior—that, there is nothing
fn th e repair line too tet'hnu'nl nor too «mall to be handled in o u r repair
d e p a rtm e n t, ia to gend ua the watch that it« not giving you Hatiofactinn.
We take pride in th e accuracy of o u r work and it is absolutely gua r­
ante ed, O ur charges are moat reasonable and honest.
W. F. Laraway, Jeweler and Optician
Don’t Neglect your Teeth
Even if business is quiet. It is true eeonomy to guard your
health and personal appearance. You can secure the same
grade of work in this office as you will at any office in Port­
land at the same prices. You will also he spending your
money at home, which is the best place, as that will help us
all. Why pay more than the following prices?
22k Gold Crowns
idge Work, per tooth
" ‘ Fillings
$2.00 to 5.00
Porcelain Crowns
Porcelain Fillings
Silver Fillings
$1.00 to 1.50
$0.00 to $12.00
D r. W . M. PO S T
O ffice H o u r s
V to l i, I to *
Rooms I and 2 Hall Bldg.
New Cherry Propagated
The diacovery of a seedling cherry
which looks and ta s te s very much like
the Royal Anne, but which is ju st now
ripening, one month late r than the
Royal Aline, is announced by C. E.
S te w a r t, f r u i t inspector of Lane coun­
ty. He found aeveral tree s of the new
variety growing on a farm in the upper
W illam ette valley, and predicts that
this cherry will become an important
factor in tha commercial cherry crop of
the futore.
Mr S t e w a r t s t a te s th a t the adantage
of this c herry ia t h a t i t ripens late
enough in the season to escape the
rains which som etim es destroy the
cherry crop.
Work has been s t a r te d on the h ig h ­
way p e n e tr a tin g the Cascade n a ­
tional forest as f a r aa the foot of
Cooper'a Spur on the n orthaast base of
Mount Hood, and before anow (lies in
late a utum n it ia expected, according
to County < ommieaioner Hannum, th a t
the way will be completed.
The new road. whieh ia being built
with f u r d s raised by p rivate tubserip-
tion, will connect with Upper Valley
roada and with * m axim um grade of
seven per wnt will m ake the snowftelda
of Hood accessible to the motorist*.
The new highway will in e g r e a t d e ­
gree e lim inate the old ste ep toll road,
the term inue of which ia a t Cloud Cap
Upper Valley rancher* are donating
their service* and wagons and team*
to t h e ente rprise.
In an a tt e m p t tu e xtinguish the
(tames when his autom obile cau g h t fire
Sa tu rd ay a fternoon on the e a s t e x te n ­
sion of the Columbia River highway
ju s t west of Hosier, Kalph W ittenberg
sustained severe burn* on hi* hands
and a rm s
Young WitlenLurg. who
was accompanied by his m other, Mrs.
H e rm an W ittenbe rg, had backed up on
a steep grade to allow a c a r th at had
stalled ahead of him. g e t out of the
When he s t a r te d hia engine it
back fired and in an in stan t the I t tom
of the car was a mass of flames.
The burning of the W ittenbe rg ear
occurred near the point where a few
hours e arlie r the automobile of Dr. C.
J . Sm ith , the hrakea having burned
out. backed over a precipice and turned
turtle .
O r e g o n , F r id a y , a u g u s t n , i 9 ic .
*• S o k a n e In te r s ta te F air a n d L iv e S to c k
S h o w . S e p te m b e r 4-9
' —— '
Good credit is something everyone wishes to have for him­
self. One of the best ways to establish your credit in the
community is to keep a bank account. By adding to the
bank account you will be able to pay bills when they are due
and keep your credit good.
m o s ie r , w a s c o c o u n t y ,
M osier
fo r sa ri. insertion.
EnUrod s* ao.ond clo*. oistur March 12. 1*» kc
Car Burned on Hosier Hill
Strong endorsem ent for the initiative
measure looking to the eetablishm ent
of a s t a te normal school a t Fandleton
has been publicly given by Prof. Rob
e r t C. French, of Portland, format
president of the normal school located
a t Weston. Prof French was for a
num ber e f yeare at the head of the
normal echool a t Weston and was still
se rving when t h a t school wee t h e n
Probably no man knows bet
ter than he the u r g e n t need of a stand
ard normal school in an e a s te r n Oregor
city with public echool* sufficiently
large to give the norm al atu d n r.u a m ­
ple practice training.
" N o other section of Oregon is as d e ­
pendent on its public school* for social
and c ultural influence* aa e a s e t r n Ore
g o n . , " be eaid in discussing tbe m e a s ­
“ Professionally trained teaeher* are,
there fore, even more necessary to the
welfare of e a s te r n Oregon counties
than to more accessible section* of the
“ The previous history of the normal
school in e a s te r n Oregon proves t h a t a
large num ber of young people, to whom
other educational inatiiutiona a re not
easitly aeressihle, are ready to avail
them selves of the privilege* offered by
a normal school to prepare them selves
for comm unity service in public school
" A n im m edia te e stab lish m en t of
such a school a t some c entral point
aaeh a* Pendleton would prove a g reat
asset to tbe a ta le of O re g o n ."
Fruit Growers Attention
Will sell direct to planters, less agents commission, choice
lot of cherry, jiear, apple and prune trees in one year old 3-4
and 4-6 ft. grades budded and grafted on b est w hole roots
and guaranteed true-to-name. Please write or phone
Enjoy The Good,
Long Smoke
A Full Vain« cigar affords ami you'll
aay it is lb« l>e«t smoke for th e money
to lie bad on earth. Tbe Full Value ia
not just a n ordinarily good 6c cigar. It
ia a smoke t h a t yon c annot m atch for
th e prfee th e world over.
£. E.
P ro p rie to r " T H E
P eo ple s navigation C ompany
CHARLES NELSON, M a n a g e r .
leaves The Dalles 7:00 A. M., Sundays, Tuesdays and
Thursdays. Arrives at Mosier at 8:15. A. M.
leaves Portland on Mondays. Wednesdays and Saturdays
from Oak Street Dock.
Passengers and freight.
Mosier Dock in charge of J. W. Huskey, who will meet all
boats and attend to transfer. Phone No. 85.
The Bulletin Office
wants your
Quality of Work the Best
are printed
According to Requirements
of the Pure Food Law