Mosier bulletin. (Mosier, Or.) 1909-19??, February 05, 1915, Image 3

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    'THE change nay be critical and cause untold
suffering in after-life.
The modern young
woman is often a “ bundle o f n erv es“ '—“ high s tru n g ”
—fain tin g spells —emotional — frequently blue and
dissatisfied with life. Such girls should be helped
over this distressing stag e in life—by a woman’s
tonic and nervine—th a t has proven successful for
o v er 4U years.
Dr. Pierce »^Favorite Prescription
is a keen e n em y to the physica' v ^ ^ n e s s e s ot w om an. A medicine prepared by
reg u lar graduated physician of unusvai^experience in tre a tin g woman’s diseases—
Carefully adapted to work in harmony ^ H h the most delicate feminine conaiitution
It it now obtainable in liquid o n jh ^ a r-c o a te d tab let form at the
drug store—or tend 50 one-cent ste<npt for a trial box, to Buffalo.
Every woman may w rite fully and confidentially to ^
Dr. Pierce and h it staff of physicians and Specialists (
a t the Invalids’ Hotel and Surgical In stitu te. Buffalo,
N. Y., and may be sure th a t her case will receive care« A -7-
ful. conscientious, confidential
deration, and th a t
a per le need medical advice • i b* '¡ven to her free. V'jP' y y
/T T l f l G O C i
D R . P I E R C E ’S P L E A S A N T P E L L E T S r e g u l a t e
a n d i n v i f o r d f « e t o m a c h , l i v e r a n d b o u t elm.
S u g a r cots t a d , t i n y g r a n u l e s e a s y fu t a k e a s c a n d y .
C o m panio n A v a ila b le .
"T hey say th e th e a tric a l business is
H O W T O W R IT E .
I T I S T H E BEST. bad” said a m an from the w est in a
R O O K B E A L'TIFl ’LL Y ILL l S TRA TED New Y oik cafe. "If th a t’s so I’d like
to see it w hen it’s good—ju s t o u t of
l ò J P A C E S. H Y MA IL. 75c.
curiousity. I w ent to a place w here
they sell th e a te r tick ets today and
asked for one se a t for a c e rta in hit.
T he young woman behind th e co u n ter
inform ed me sm ilingly th a t th e best
could do was two in the balcony
t $4 each. ‘B ut,’ I p rotested, 'I need
D ave H ouston. Prop.
H. B. T h o r n e s , M gr.
one. I h aven’t anybody to tak e
T horoughly n io lc rn . 101 Rooms of com fort. Mod­
e ra te P rices. T h i e e m i n u 'e V walk from U nion w ith m e.’ She gave m e a n o th er smile.
D epot. W rite fo r ra te s . 72 N. Sixth St. PORTLAND. OR. ‘Mv siste r isn ’t doing anything
n ig h t,’ she said. 'U nless it is staying
t hom e,’ I said. Now, w hat do you
about th a t? ”
A guaranteed remedy for Colds and
L a Grippe, I’rice 25e of your druggist. YOUR OW N D R U G G IST WILL TELL YOU
T ry M u rin e E y e R em ed y fo r R ed, W e a k , W a te ry
I t ’s good. T ake nothing else.—Adv.
E y e s a n d G r a n u l a t e d E y e lid s ; N o S m a rtin g ;—
ji is t- E y e C o m fo rt. W rite f o r B ook o f th e Eye
by m a il F r e e . M u rin e E y e R em ed y C o., C h ic a g o .
ARD K. PO R T O N - A s s a y ., a n a l-ftem iat,
L e a d ..lie , Col a a d o . S h j < n in ja I '. u t e : o u ld .
Silver. I,, id. $1 (Inld. Silver iV i Uniti 50c: Zmo
or C opper SI. Ma: : i a i e n v e lo p e s . id f u l l p ric e Hut
n i u o n ej p lic a t ion. C o n tro l n 1 t 'm r i r . . w ork s o
Ilei red. lie ie re u o e : OurLvoaute N at io o ü l lio n k .
Long S tre tc h .
A very sto u t lady with a considerate
n atu re, had cultiv ated the h ab it of
buying tw o se a ts w hen she proposed
to v isit a th eater. In th is m anner she
alw ays hoped to rem ain in com fort
w ithout annoying anyone by o verlap­
On one occasion she handed an a t­
te n d a n t two tick ets as usual.
T he a tte n d a n t scrutinized them ,
th en looked a t her.
"W ho is going to occupy th e other
seat, m adam ?”
"I am going to occupy them both,
s ir!" re to rte d th e lady, indignantly.
“ Very good, m a’am, but th e sea ts are
on each side of the a is le !”—Philadel­
phia Record.
SN A P THIS! Absolutely new. biff profit.-: repeat
orders. Leer Supply Co., College Place. Wash.
L u c k y Editor
"Is the edito r in?" asked th e man
w ith the unbarbered h air and the
shiny coat as he fished a roll of paper
from his pocket.
“No,” replied the office boy, "he has
Just gone out.”
"T his is the third tim e I have called
to see him ,” growled the caller, "and
each tim e you have told, me th a t he
h as ju s t gone out. W h at’s th e explan­
“I don't know," answ ered th e office
D e g e n e ra tio n o f th e House.
boy, "but I guess he m ust have been
born under a lucky s ta r.”—Lippin- \ No jokes are b e tte r appreciated
c o tt's Magazine.
th a n those th a t are m ade unw ittingly
by sober-m inded men.
P e rfe c tio n F a r O ff.
Not long ago a solem n m em ber of
“So you w ent on record for prohibi- ■ congress from Iowa w as holding forth
in th a t body in a p essim istic strain
"Y es," replied the man w ith the a n ­ about w hat he felt to be a g re a t fall­
cient silk hat. “I'm ready to vote for ing off in the r h a ^ c t e r and stan d in g
It. But I can 't help hoping th a t th ere of th a t au g u st body.
"Since I cam e into th is house four
will be a deadlock or an investigation
or som ething to cause the usual de­ y ears ago,” he announced w ith the ut­
m ost gravity, "th e confidence of the
lay.”— W ashington Star.
public in it h as much dim inished.”—
Philadelphia Public Ledger.
N aturally So.
“A irships are very expensive, are
they not?"
‘‘Well, they m ake the money fly.”—
New York Sun
If Jap an keeps on w anting to send \
a n arm y to E urope w hat will happen?
A nsw er: They may let her.
It requires a good tonic laxative to
keep the body of the p atient as strong
as possible to counteract the effect of
the poisons created by the grip bacil­
lus. An expectorant tonic w ith some
laxative qualities is the safest rem ­
edy. Such is Peruna.
Mrs. Gentry Gates, 8219 F irst Ave.,
E a s t Lake, Ala., w rites:
"I had a
bad ca se of grip. I tried P eru n a and
It cured m e. I can safely say it Is a
fine medicine.”
Mr. George E. Law, 13'$ N. F ra n k ­
lin St., Brazil. Ind., w rites:
"I am
satisfied th a t P eruna is a wonderful
rem edy for grip, and I do most h ea rt­
ily endorse and recommend It.’’
Most Skin Trouble
Readily Overcome
Active Principle of a
Famous Remedy Works
i ne
Lo ok M o th e r!
If to ng ue is coated,
cleanse lit tle bo w els w ith “ C a li­
fo rn ia S y ru p of F ig s .”
M others can re s t easy a fte r giving
“C alifornia S yrup of F igs,” because in
a few hours all th e clogged-up w aste,
sour bile and ferm enting food gently
m oves out of the bowels, and you have
a well, playful child again.
Sick children n eed n ’t be coaxed to
ta k e th is h arm less “ fru it lax ativ e.”
M illions of m others keep it h andy be­
cause they know its action on the
stom ach, liver and bowels is prom pt
and sure.
Ask your d ru g g ist for a 50-cent bot­
tle of "C alifornia Syrup of F igs,”
which contains d irections for babies,
children of all ages and for grown-ups.
Shoe S to re.
“I supopse you m eet m any kinds of
“No, th e y ’re all alik e,” said th e shoe
clerk. “E very w om an who com es in
h ere th in k s sh e's a C inderella.”—
P ittsb u rg h Post.
T here are rum ors of a flanking
m ovem ent in th is fierce ham w ar now
in progress.
Is he a public b enefactor—th e man
who m akes two sm all loaves ot bread
grow w here one large one grew be­
The s tre e t c a r com pany officials
seem to be su fferin g from acu te jit-
T hey a re adding to th e fu rn itu re at
W ashington. P re sid e n t W ilson sup­
plem ents his cab in e t by a round table.
N e w ta n g ie a .
A steam launch belonging to a B rit­
ish battlesh ip recently sprang a leak
while crossing from P ortsm outh and
rapidly sank. N earby an old sa lt w as
leisurely row ing a boat, but he made
Portland —"AH wool men agree th a t
no atte m p t to come to th e rescue. The
lau n ch ’s crew m anaged to swim to the the coming season will be the most
boat, and as they scram bled in one of interesting, and perhaps exciting, that
them said to the b oatm an: "W hy on
e a rth didn’t you give us a hand? Did : the W estern m arkets have seen in
I n’t you see we were sinking?"
! many years.
Beyond th is they w ill
"L o r’ bless yer,” said th e boatm an make no prediction. Prices, of course,
| stolidly, “ I thought yer c ra ft was one
o’ those blessed su b m a rin e s!”—P h il­ will be good, but w hether they will be
adelphia Public Ledger.
high, or how high, no one cares to
A P uzzle.
A dealer needs a brave speculative
The lady of the house w as explain
ing things to the new maid.
disposition to undertake forw ard busi­
“A n’ w h at’s this, m issu s?” asked the ness in the face of the conditions this
girl, indicating a m etal bottle.
“T h a t is a bottle w hich will keep year. N evertheless it is said con­
things eith er hot or cold, w hichever tra c tin g has been done to a consider­
you desire,” replied the m istress.
“Well, foh the land s a k e !” e ja c u la t­ able e x ten t in U tah and it is also re­
ed the girl. “ How is it gwine to know ported th a t some contracts have been
w hether you w ant things hot or cold?" signed around A rlington. The term s
—Philadelphia C hronicle-Telegraph.
were not mentioned, nor could the re­
ports be verified.
C onservation.
Sheep grow ers are confident th a t
Moe Rose— They say women lose
m ore than 60,000,000 h airpins every prices w ill go to a high range and
tom e of them are talk in g of a 25 or
Jo e C ose—Yes. And It is such a
W ith stocks in
w aste of our n atu ral resources th a t 30-eent m arket.
they are talk in g conservation by m ak­ A m erica a sjo w as they are and spot
ing w ireless hairpins. — Brow ning's prices here and abroad continually ad­
vancing, th ere is no doubt the 1915
m arket w ill open very strong, but buy­
ers are not w illing to concede th a t
farm ers w ill g et the prices they are
The demand for eggs was b e tte r the
W h at blessed relief! The m om ent
resinol ointm ent touches itching skin, la tte r p a rt of the week, and receipts
the itching stops and healing begins. cleaned up quickly. Oregons w ere held
T h a t is w hy doctors have prescribed at 32 cents, case count, and 33 eents
it successfully for n ineteen y ears in candled.
even th e severest, stu b b o rn est eases
W heat business came to a stop in
of eczem a, ringw orm , rash es and many
o th e r torm enting, u n sig h tly skin dis­ th e local m ark et this w eek, and for
eases. W ith th e help of w arm baths th e first tim e th is year th ere w ere no
w ith resinol soap, resinol ointm ent re­ sales on the M erchants Exchange.
sto res th e skin or scalp to perfect Most of the dealers evidently had
h ealth and com fort, quickly, easily and nothing to offer, and those w ith a sup­
a t little cost. At all druggists.-*A dv. ply on hand w anted too much for it.
Bids for m ost deliveries w ere ad­
V ir tu e N o t R ew a rd ed .
vanced from half a cent to 1J cents,
W illie cam e hom e from school cry­ w hile asking prices w ere generally 1
ing b itterly. “M other,” he sobbed, " I ’m
not going to try and be good any to 2 cents above bids, and in the case
of prom pt bluestem th e spread was 3
m ore.”
"W hy W illie, w h atev er Is th e m at­ cents.
A rrivals of poultry and m eats w ere
te r? ” inquired his m other.
"Boo! h o o !” sobbed W illie. “ I w as m oderate and prices w ere steady and
in school today and I—I saw Teddy unchanged.
Sm ith put a bent pin in th e t-te a ch er’s
B u tter and cheese moved at last
chair, and because I did not w ant
te a c h e r to s it on th e p-in I—I pulled quotations.
W heat— B id: Bluestem , $1.45; fo rty ­
his ch air away, and he sa t on th e floor.
He gave me a th rash in g for pulling fold, $1.44; club, $1.424; red Russian,
his ch air aw ay when he got up, and $1.36; red F ife, $1.38.
when I got outside the school Teddy
O ats— No. 1 w hite feed, $36.50.
Sm ith h it me for pulling th e pin a-
Barley — No. 1 feed, $32.50; brew ­
aw ay and not m indin’ my own b-bus- ing, $42.50; bran, $30.25; shorts, $31.
iness.”—London Tit-Bits.
M illfeed— Spot prices: Bran, $305/)
31; shorts, $32@ 32.50; rolled barley,
G A S E S O R D Y S P E P S IA $34.50@ 35.60.
Corn— W hite, $36 ton; cracked, $37.
H ay— E astern Oregon tim othy, $14
“ P ape's D ia p e p s in ” m akes S ic k , Sour,
Gassy S tom achs su re ly feel fin e
@16; valley tim othy, $12.50; grain
In fiv e m inu tes.
hay,‘,$10@ 12; alfalfa, $12@13.
V egetables — Cucumbers, hothouse,
If w hat you ju s t a te is souring on $2@2.25 dozen; peppers, $4 c rate; a r­
your stom ach or lies like a lump of
lead, refusing to digest, or you belch tichokes, 86@90c dozen; cabbage, l i
gas, and eru c ta te sour, undigested @ ljc pound; celery, $2.50
food, or have a feeling of dizziness, cauliflower, $2.25; sprouts, 8c per
h eartb u rn , fullness, nausea, bad taste pound; pum pkins, l i e ; squash, 14c;
in m outh and stom ach-headache, you carrots, $1.25 sack; beets, $1.25;
can g et blessed relief in five m inutes. parsnips, $1.25.
P u t an end to stom ach tum ble forever
Green F ru its — Apples, 75c@$1.50
by g ettin g a large fifty-cent case of box; casaba, $1.65 c rate; pear, $1@
P ap e’s D iapepsin from any drug store. 1.50; cranberries, $9@11 barrel.
You realize in five m inutes how need­
Potatoes, 24c pound.
less it is to suffer from indigestion,
Onions— Oregon, buying price, $1.25
dyspepsia or any stom ach disorder.
I t ’s th e quickest, su re st stom ach doc­ f. o. b. shipping point.
to r in the world. I t’s wonderful.
E ggs — Fresh Oregon ranch, case
count, 32c; candled, 33c.
A Puzzle.
Poultry— Hens, 12c pound; mixed,
“The soldiers who use noiseless l l @ l l i e ; broilers, 18@20c; turkeys,
rifles, pa—”
dressed, 21c; live, 18c; ducks, 14@
“W ell, my son?”
“How can they m ake re p o rts?”— 16c; geese, 12@14c.
B u tter — Cream ery, prints, extras,
B altim ore American.
32c pound in case lots; be more in less
than case lots; cubes, 26@27c.
U n p le a s a n t C o n s tra in t.
T eacher—Johnny, can you decline
Pork— Block, 8J@9c pound.
to e a t?
Veal— Fancy, 12i@13c pound.
Jo h n n y —Yes'm, I can, but I don’t
Hops — 1914 crop, 10@12&c; 1913
like to.—Comic Cuts.
crop, nominal.
Hides — Salted, 14c; salted bulls,
H e r C harm s.
“I suppose you m eet many kinds of 10c; salted kip, 15c; salted calf, 19c;
green hides, 13c; green bulls, j9c;
“ No, th ey 're all alike,” said the shoe green kip; 15c; green calf, 19c; dry
clerk. “E very woman who comes in hides, 26c; dry calf, 28c.
h ere th in k s she's a C inderella.”—
Wool — Valley, 17@18c;
E astern
P ittsb u rg h Post.
Oregon, 15(ii!20c, nom inal; m ohair,
1914 clip, 274c.
H ap p y.
C ascara bark—Old and new, 4@44c
"T h ere goes a happily m arried pound.
C attle — Prim e ste e rs' $7.50@ 8.00;
“T h a t so?”
“Yep. N either of ’em cares for the choice, $7.25@ 7.50; medium, $6.75@
m odern dances.”—D etroit Free Press. 7.25; choice cows, $6(1/6.80; medium,
$5@6; heifers, $5@7; bulls, $3.50@6;
stags, $4.50(ii6.
H ogs — L ight, $6.25© 6.80; heavy,
Sheep— W ethers, $5.75@ 6.65; ewes,
$5@5.7S; lambs, $6.25@ 7.80.
V egetation m ay be h u rt bv *•—
operations, bu t th e w ireless plant*
! continue to flourish.
The riv e r Seine is on a ram page. In
o th er w ords th e Seine ap p e a rs most
I A man. quite a b it of a jingo.
¡ W as se n t down to S anto Domingo;
¡ W hen the sen ate got p ry in ’.
It landed on Bryan,
And dug up th e ho t stuff. By Jingo!
A w om an's jaw w as dislocated by a
All. A lo t of henpecked husbands
would like to know w here th a t icy
spot is.
If& Bj
p*op!* h a r* m arr* I* 4 th* way
8 . 8 . overcom es skin tro u b les.
T he ex
pl&amtion Is th e fa c t th a t S. S. 8. works
la th e blood an d th<* blood is re a lly a n.
la trlc a te an d e x tra o rd in a ry m ass o f a rte ri* «
a a d re in s.
W hen yon come to rea liz e th a t th e skin
an d th e flesh benea h a re com posed o f a
n etw o rk o f tin y blood v essels you solve the
m ystery.
T h ere a re w o n d e rfu l m edicinal p ro p e rties
l* 9. 8. S. t h a t follow th e
of t b 0
blood s tre a m s J u st a s n a tu ra lly a s th e most
n o u rish in g food elem ents.
I t Is re a lly a re m a rk a b le rem edy.
ro n ta ia s o n e in g re d ie n t, th e
tiv e purpose
sf which Is to s tim u ia -e th e tissu e s to the
h e a lth y o»el*-'*: n o f its ow n e ss e n tia l n u tri­
ment. And th e me.i; nai elem en s of th is
m atch less blood p u rifie r a~e J u s t a s essen­
tial to w ell-b alan ced h e a lth a s tfc» n u tr i­
tion* elem en ts o f th* m“a ts , g ra -o s, fa ts
s a d s u g a rs o f o u r d a ily food.
N ot one d rop o f mineral* o r d ru g s ! i used
tm its p re p a ra tio n .
Ask fo r 9. s. 9. and
lu st !n*i«r upon h a r in g it. And if you de-
•Irs sk illfu l a d v ice an d counsel upon any
m a tte r co n cern in g th e blood a n d skin, w rite
to th e M edleal i**»partment. T b * 9 w ift
Bpeclfle Co., r,29 S w ift B ld g . A tla n ta . Ga.
Do n o t allo w som e ze* u§ c le r k s elo-
aueae# over s o m eth in g
:st a s ro o d ” ss
"• 8 8. to fool you w ith th e sam e old
■Haeral dr-ig«
B ew are o f a ll * u b * tltu te a
b u i l t op en S. S. S.
N o . «. 1*1*
W B1C* **“ ■* *• nGfrti—r», pl«M
M— l l i l »«PCT.
W atch your gold coin is a w arning
being sen t out. W h at’s the use when
it’s all going out and n othing coming
An im plem ent firm is conducting a
c a te rp illa r school. However, th e Aus­
tra lia n craw l is not p a rt of the course.
Down in T exas they are placing a
bounty on sto rk visitations.
sam e coyotes and o th er night-howlers.
W h at will become of th e grand
sp o rt of skeeing when all th e whl-
skees a re banned from th e sta te ?
F ro m D is te m p e r , M o u n ta in F e v e r, a n d all
o th e r fo r m s o f C o n ta g io n h y u e in g S p o h n ’s
D .» te m p e r C o m p o u n d . P u t on th e to n a u e
o r In th e fe e d
F a fe a t a ll tim e s fo r all
a g e s a n d s e x e s , u n d e r a ll m n d ltlo n s S a m e
fo r D o* D is te m p e r a n d C h ic k e n C h o le ra .
A c ts on th e blor-d, e x p e ls th e g e rm s . R e ­
m o v e s w o rm s fro m s to m a c h a n d I n te s ­
tin e .
a fin e to n ic a n d a p p e tlx e r
A b-
.o !u teI> - fe. e v e n fo r h u m a n b e in g s.
O v e r 1. non. 000 b o ttle s sold l a s t y e a r.
G r e a te s t - u : - a n d p re v e n tiv e e v e r k n o w n
fo r C o n ta g io u s d is e a s e s
N e a r ly e v e r y ­
o n e k n o w s S p o h n ’s. O v e r I f y e a r s on th e
m a rk e t
H a v e y ou u s e d t h .s g r e a t r e m ­
e d y ? W h y n o t ' I t la n o t a n e x p e r im e n t.
T r y i t; b e c o n v in c e d ; le t " S p o h n 's " h e lp
y o u s a v e a n d m a k e m o n e y . All w h o le s a ie j
d r u g g is ts h a n d le It. Y o u r h o m e d r u g g is t !
c a n s u p p ly you, o r w r ite to m a n u f a c t u r ­
e rs, w ith p ric e e n c lo se d
A b o ttle , 50«.
a n d $1.00; IS 00 a n d $10 00 th e ¿oxen.
L o c a l a g e n t s w a n te d
S p o b n M ed ic a l Co.,
G o a b en , In d , V 8 . A.
N e u ra lg ia
There is no need to suffer the
annoying, excruciating pain of
neuralgia; Sloan’s Liniment laid
on gently will soothe the aching
head like magic. D on’t delay.
T ry it a t once.
H e a r W h e t O th e r s S a y
" I h a v e b**n a aufferer w ith N # a r* l* h l
for aeveral years and b »vo trv*d d ifferen t
L ifilm rota. b u t K o a n 's L in im e n t ia th e
b e e t L in im e n t f-.r N e u r a lg ia o n ea rth .
I have tried it e u r r e e fu lly ; it h&a n e v e r
ia u ed "— F. H. WtUmams, Augusta, Ark .
Afrr. Ruth C. Clay-pool, I n d e p e n d e n t
M o , sprites: “A friend of o u rs to ld u* I
a b o u t your L in im en t W* h a v e been using
it for 13 y e a n and ihm 't t h e m ia n o th in *
like it. W e uae it on e v e r y th in * , eoree,
ruta, burns, bruises, sore th ro a t, headache*
and on e v e ry th in * eiae. W e c a n '. * e t
alo n g w ith o u t it. W e th in k it ia th e beat
L im m .n i m a d e /'
is the best remedy for rheumatism, I
backache, sore throat and ej rain*. ■
A t .11 d u l c n , 2 5 c.
Send four cent, in »tamp* for a I
Dr. Earl S. Sloan, Inc.
D«pt. B.
Philadelphia, Pa. I
D angers o f Disguise.
"Did your children recognize you
T urkey last >ear produced 25,000
when you played S anta Claus last
bags of canary seed.
T here are oportunities now f o r : year?"
A m erican goods in the t ’aucasus r e - ! "I hope not. If they did it was very
rude of them to keep on referring to
The Italian governm ent uses A mer­ m e as the funny little fat man w ith
ican m achinery to m anufacture shoes I the squeaky voice.’’--W ashington Star.
for its soldiers.
Cotton seed hulls a re now being j
used extensively instead of hay aud
straw for the packing of glassw are.
Jap an ese are producing m ore than '■
20,000,000 tons of coal a y ear from i
m ines in Jap an and South M anchuria. \
W ealthy P arisians have bought an j
en tire block of houses in th a t city and j
will te a r them down to h u n t for Ro­
man and Gothic treasu res.
T he num ber of B ritish postoffice
em ployes now serving in the naval or
Y h i m ust conquer Stom ach Ills a t
m ilitary forces of G reat B ritain
am ounts to more th an 20,000.
once if you would retain the con
A local thunderstorm and blasting
trolling pow er in health m atters.
operations on a new s tre e t railw ay in
England were responsible for tw o ru ­ Such ailm ents as Poor A ppetite, In ­
m ors of n a \a l battles.
digestion, Biliousness, C onstipation,
Salubite a new explosive, is 50 tim es
m ore powerful th an dynam ite, an d is
Colds and Grippe soon underm ine
much safer, for it will explode only
your health.
H elp N atu re conquer
hy m eans of a percussion cap. -
A cargo of salm on recently shipped
them w ith th e valuable aid of
out of V ancouver consisted of 5.000,-
000 cans, valued a t $500,000 w hole­
sale. Laid end to end, the cans would
reach a distance of 452 miles.
The testim onial 1 am to give you
comes unsolicited. I have been su ffer­
ing from lum bago for teu years aud
at tim es was unable to -Gaml erect. A
Mr. Dean of this city, saw me In my
condition (b en t over) and Inquired
the cause. I told him th a t I had the
lumbago. He replied, "If you get w hat
I tell you to, you need not have it.” 1
said I would tak e anything for ease.
He said. "You get two bottles of Dr.
K ilm er's Swamp Root and take it, and
if it does not fix you O. K. 1 will pay
for the medicine m yself." 1 did so
and am a well man. For five m onths
I have been as well as could be. Be
fore I took your Swamp-Root was in
constant pain day and night. This
may look like advertising, but it seem s
to me most im portant th a t the public
should be m ade fam iliar with this
treatm en t as it is th e only one 1 know
which is an absolute cure. 1 owe u
great, deal to Dr. K ilm er’s Swamp-
Root, and am anxious th a t others s it­
uated as I was should know and take
advantage of it. H oping th a t this
testim onial may be of benefit to some
one, 1 am.
1734 H um boldt St..
Denver, Col.
Constipation causes many serious
S tate of Colorado
diseases. It is thoroughly cured by
City and County of D enver ss.
Doctor Pierce’s P leasan t Pellets. One
Personally appeared before me, a a laxative, three for cathartic.
N otary Public in and for the city and
county cf the S tate of Colorado, J. A.
H is F a v o rite .
Howland, known to me as the person
country clergym an on his round
whose name is subscribed to the above of A visits
interview ed a youngster as to
statem en t and upon his oath declares | his acquaintance
w ith Bible stories.
th a t it is a true and correct statem ent. ! "My lad,” he said,
“you have, of
course, heard of the parables?"
N otary Public.
"Yes, sir," shyly answ ered th e boy,
whose m other had instructed him in
L etter ‘„o
Dr. K ilm e i A C o.,
sacred history. “ Yes, sir."
B in g h a m to n . N . Y.
"G ood!" said th e clergym an. “Now,
Prove What Swamp-Root Will Do For You which of them do you like the best
Send ten cents to Dr. K ilm er & Co., of all?"
T he boy squirm ed, but a t last heed­
Bingham tpn, N. Y„ for a sam ple size
bottle. It will convince anyone. You ing his m other’s frowns, he replied:
“ I guess I like th a t one w here som e­
will also receive a booklet of valuable
inform ation, telling about the kidneys body ’loafs aud fishes.’ "—Advance.
and bladder. When w riting, be sure
R em a rk s by O n e’s N eig hb ors.
and m ention this paper.
R egular
A fter nearly every m arriage the
fifty-cent and one dollar size bottles
neighbor women offer gratuitous in­
for sale a t all du(ig stores.
su lt to th e groom by saying: “And
her m other had such high am bitions
O u r O w n P o p u la r B allads.
for h er d au g h ter!"—Exchange.
A w orking girl lived in a flat th a t
looked out on the court;
In v e s tig a tin g Stars.
She loved her finnan haddie, though
T he classification of the stellar
she w asn’t any sport.
as being carried on by H ar­
The fum es th a t rose from N elly’s flat spectra
vard university, is a vast one, en tail­
’bout 6 o'clock each night,
ing investigation and recording of
W ere pungent, penetrating and they 200,000
brought about a fight.
“Cut out the honey odors," yelled u
ent will provide 4000
m ean old m an next door,
for firefighters. The govern­
And as the jan ito r approached they goats
m ent gets everybody's so easily it
m ade an awful roar.
"W ho’s cooking fish for supper?" , ought to raise the num ber all right.
cried a woman with a grouch,
liis P re d ic a m e n t.
“T his a in 't no Friday feast day. Do
Absent-M inded Man—Darn it! Four
you get me? I’m no slouch.”
But Nelly faced them calmly, as she tim es 1 carried my w ife’s le tte r and
forgot to mail it. Now th a t 1 rem em ­
sauntered through the hall.
And as arom as w afted 'round, she ber It, I’ve forgotten the letter.—Phil­
adelphia Ledger.
w arbled to them all:
On T h e M a rk e t
“I may not su it your sniffers, but I
S tern P a re n t—B o you w ant my
know w h at’s good to eat,
Got any money?
My fish may be quite smelly, but
Suitor-—Yes, sir. How high do you
thank God! I'm pure and sw eet:
You guys can e a t your sau erk rau t : quote h er?—B oston T ranscript.
and cabbage, if you wish,
T he average m an shudders when he
But, heaven will protect the girl who
sees those lurid Yuletide crav ats In
w orks to buy her fish !”
the shop windows.
Stomach Bitters
E ig h t
P re sid e n ts S erve M exico
Less T h a n F iv e Y ears.
The flight of Provisional P resident
G utierrez from Mexico City opens th e
way for the eighth president Mexico
has had since 1911. The list follow s:
Porfirio Diaz, abandoned presidency
May, 1911.
Francisco de la B arra, provisional
president, May to D ecember, 1911.
Francisco Madero, president, De­
cember, 1911, to February, 1913.
V ictoriano H uerta, provisional p re s­
ident, February, 1913, to July, 1914.
E. C arbajal, provisional president,
July-August, 1914.
V enustiano C arranza, provisional
president, A ugust, 1914, and still
claims title.
Eulalio G utierrez, N ovember, 1914-
January, 1915.
Roque Gonzales Garza.
F o r P o in ts O n ly.
"Shall I put a little more brandy In
the punch?" asked th e host.
"No,” replied the hostess. "Be con­
te n t to leave it as a punch. Don’t
make It a knock-out."—W ashington
H is F a u lt.
Mr. Siowboy (calling on g irl)—You
seem —e r—ra th e r d is ta n t this evening.
The girl—W ell, your ch air isn 't nail­
ed down, is It?— B oston T ranscript.
N o t Good L o o k in g .
Diner (critically )—T his isn ’t a very
good-looking piece of meat.
W aiter—W ell, you ordered a plain
steak.—Boston T ran scrip t.
H orrors! The tea shops in Potro-
grad have sh u t down because of th e
scarcity of w ater.
S o rro w s o f Song.
"T he old songs used to talk about
unrequited affection,” said the bald-
headed man.
“ Yes. Somebody w as supposed to I
be heartbroken abuut som ething all |
the tim e.”
“T here's no danger of h eart trouble
w ith these up-to-date songs. The only
risk you run is th a t they will m ake
you catch your breath till you get
asth m a.”—W ashington Star.
Bonds A re L ig h t.
“And a re th e divorce laws so very
liberal in your sections?"
"L iberal? Say! they are so liberal
th a t nobody ever beard of a woman j
crying a t a w edding out there.”—De- |
tro it Journal.
N o t in H is Clsss.
Angry em ployer—Do you mean to
contradict m e? You haven’t as much
sense as a donkey.
C lerk—No sir, I don’t pretend to
set my opinion against yours.—Boston |
T ranscript.
Tacoma — A pples — Green cooking,
50c box;
S pitzenbergs, W inesaps,
Rome B eauties, A rkansas Blacks,
Staym en W inesaps and Black Twigs,
A M ental Fe at.
75(</85c box; Delicious, $ 1.65@1.75.
"G irls and photographers havo one
C ider—30c gallon; Oregon, $3 keg,
paradoxical quality in common.”
25c gallon.
"W h at is th at?”
Comb honey— Y akim a, $3.25 crate;
“ Both can give a positive negative."
strained honey, $5.50; Idaho, $3.50;
—B altim ore American.
Nevada, $3.50.
P ears—Y akim a, $1.50 box.
A Bad One.
C ranberries, $8.25@ U .
"Is this anim al
V egetables— Cabbage, home-grown,
14c pound; carrots, local, 75c@ $l; am "Amphibious
as a lion, m a’am. He
beets, home-grown, 75c@ $l; turnips, wud bite ye in a m inute.”—Life.
$1.35; potatoes, Y akim a, $22(r/,23 ton;
W hite R iver, $17@18; B urbanks, $22;
T h e Reason.
onions, green, 20c dozen; Oregon
" It seems to me they are getting on
brown onions, $1.75 @ 2; Yakim a, | very badly w ith th a t C hinese lantern
$1.50; garlic, 15c pound; radishes, I decoration.”
local, 20c dozen bunches;
parsley, | "Well, naturally, my dear, th a t Is a
40c dozen bunches; lettuce, head, 60c so rt cf thing which Is alw ays hanging
dozen bunches, $2 c ra te ; spinach, local, fire."—B altim ore American.
5c pound; cucumbers, $1.60© 2 dozen;
T h e P ro o f o f It.
celery, 60@76c dozen, $3 c ra te ; green
Blinks—Jones Is a financial genius
peppers, 25c pound; eggplant, 10c;
jin k s—W hat m akes you think th at?
H ubbard squash, 24c; ru tab ag as, $1.75
B Inks—He can m ake money with
sack; cauliflower, $2.50 c ra te ; a r ti­
or w ithout going Into bankruptcy.—
chokes, 90c dozen; B russels sprouts, Philadelphia Ledger.
8c pound; rhubarb, 5c pound.
Fresh M eats — Steers, 124c; cows, 10 C E N T " C A S C A R E T S ”
12c; heifers, 12* / 124c; w ethers, 124c ;.
dressed hogs, 12c;
trim m ed sides,)
164c; com binations, 154c; lam bs, 13(4 C ure S ick H e a d a c h e , C o n stip atio n ,
B ilio usn ess, S ou r S to m ac h , Bad
14c; Diamond T. C., 14c; yearlings,
B re a th —-C andy C a th a rtic ,
13c, ewes, 11c.
P oultry— Ducks, live, 10<iil2e; hens,
No odds how bad your liver, stom ­
dressed, 16 @ 18c; live, 10 @ 14c; ach or bowels; how much your head
springs, dressed, 22c; live, 14@16 c ; aches, how m iserable you are from
squabs, live, $2.50 dozen; dressed. $6; constipation, indigestion, biliousness
turkeys, live, 18c; dressed, 28ii(30c; and sluggish bow els—you alw ays get
relief with C'ascarets. They Imme­
geese, 20c.
B u tte r— W ashington cream ery, 30<i; diately cleanse and regulate the stom ­
ach, rem ove th e sour, ferm enting food
31c; Oregon, 26© 27c.
E ggs— Fresh ranch, 30c; local cold and foul gases; tak e th e excess bile
from the liver and carry off the con­
storage, 23@26; E astern 23©26c.
stipated w aste m a tte r and poison from
the Intestines and bowels A 10-cent
S e a ttle —W heat — Bluestem, I1.4B; box from your druggist will keep your
Turkey red, $1.41, fortyfold, $1.44; liver and bowels clean; stom ach sw eet
club, $1.43; F ife, $1.39; red Russian, and head clea r for montha. They work
while you aleep.
$1.36; barley. $32.75 ton.
W la da % t£l?
Reliable evidence is abundant that women
are constantly being restored to health by
Lydia E. RinkharrTs Vegetable Compound
The many testimonial letters that we are continually pub­
lishing in the newspapers—hundredsof them—are all genu­
ine, true and unsolicited expressions of heartfelt gratitude
for the freedom from suffering that has come to these
women solely through the use of Lydia E. Rinkham’s
Vegetable Compound.
Money could not buy nor any kind of influence obtain
such recommendations; you may depend upon it that any
testimonial we publish is honest and true— if you have any
doubt of this write to the women whose true names and
addresses are always given, and learn for yourself.
Read this one from Mrs. W aters:
C amden , N.J.—“ I was sick for two years with nervous spells, and
my kidneys were affected. I had a doctor all the time and used a
galvanic battery, hut nothing did ino any good. I was not able to go
to bed, but sixuit my time on a couch or in a sleeping-chair, and soon
became almost a skeleton. Finally my doctor went away for his
health, and my husband heard of Lydia E. Hnkham’s Vegetable
Compound and got me some. In two months I got relief ami now I
am like a new woman and am at my usual weight. I recommend
your medicine to every one and so does my husbaud.”— Airs. T u .u a
\V ateus , 530 Mechanic Street, Camden, N.J.
From Hanover, Penn.
P a .—“ I was a very weak woman and suffered from
bearing down pains and backache. I had lieeu married over four
years and had no children. Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound
proved an excellent remedy for it made me a well woman. After
taking a few Isittles my pains disappeared, and we now have one of
the finest lx>y babies you ever saw.”—Mrs. <J. A. Kiuanons, R.F.D,
No. 5, Hanover, Pa.
H anover ,
Now answer this question if you can. Why should a
woman continue to suffer without first giving Lydia E.
Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound a trial? You know that
it has saved many others— why should it fail in your case?
For HO year* Lydia T\ P in k h a m ’s V egetab le
Compound bus l>een th e standard rom odyfor fe­
m ale ills. No one *lck w ith wom an's ailm en ts
does justice to herself If she does not trr tills fa ­
m ous m edicine m ade from roots und herbs. It
has restored so m any su fferin g wom en to h ealth .
B ^ ^ W r l t e to LYDIA E.PIYKHAW H EM C ITE C O .
C O t r i IIFXTIAL) l.V>N. MASS., for ad vice.
Vour letter w ill be opened, read and an sw ered
by a wom an au d held in strict coniidence.