'THE change nay be critical and cause untold From Girlhood suffering in after-life. The modern young woman is often a “ bundle o f n erv es“ '—“ high s tru n g ” —fain tin g spells —emotional — frequently blue and dissatisfied with life. Such girls should be helped over this distressing stag e in life—by a woman’s tonic and nervine—th a t has proven successful for o v er 4U years. Dr. Pierce »^Favorite Prescription is a keen e n em y to the physica' v ^ ^ n e s s e s ot w om an. A medicine prepared by reg u lar graduated physician of unusvai^experience in tre a tin g woman’s diseases— Carefully adapted to work in harmony ^ H h the most delicate feminine conaiitution It it now obtainable in liquid o n jh ^ a r-c o a te d tab let form at the drug store—or tend 50 one-cent ste - fe. e v e n fo r h u m a n b e in g s. O v e r 1. non. 000 b o ttle s sold l a s t y e a r. G r e a te s t - u : - a n d p re v e n tiv e e v e r k n o w n fo r C o n ta g io u s d is e a s e s N e a r ly e v e r y ­ o n e k n o w s S p o h n ’s. O v e r I f y e a r s on th e m a rk e t H a v e y ou u s e d t h .s g r e a t r e m ­ e d y ? W h y n o t ' I t la n o t a n e x p e r im e n t. T r y i t; b e c o n v in c e d ; le t " S p o h n 's " h e lp y o u s a v e a n d m a k e m o n e y . All w h o le s a ie j d r u g g is ts h a n d le It. Y o u r h o m e d r u g g is t ! c a n s u p p ly you, o r w r ite to m a n u f a c t u r ­ e rs, w ith p ric e e n c lo se d A b o ttle , 50«. a n d $1.00; IS 00 a n d $10 00 th e ¿oxen. L o c a l a g e n t s w a n te d S p o b n M ed ic a l Co., G o a b en , In d , V 8 . A. N e u ra lg ia There is no need to suffer the annoying, excruciating pain of neuralgia; Sloan’s Liniment laid on gently will soothe the aching head like magic. D on’t delay. T ry it a t once. H e a r W h e t O th e r s S a y " I h a v e b**n a aufferer w ith N # a r* l* h l for aeveral years and b »vo trv*d d ifferen t L ifilm rota. b u t K o a n 's L in im e n t ia th e b e e t L in im e n t f-.r N e u r a lg ia o n ea rth . I have tried it e u r r e e fu lly ; it h&a n e v e r ia u ed "— F. H. WtUmams, Augusta, Ark . Afrr. Ruth C. Clay-pool, I n d e p e n d e n t M o , sprites: “A friend of o u rs to ld u* I a b o u t your L in im en t W* h a v e been using it for 13 y e a n and ihm 't t h e m ia n o th in * like it. W e uae it on e v e r y th in * , eoree, ruta, burns, bruises, sore th ro a t, headache* and on e v e ry th in * eiae. W e c a n '. * e t alo n g w ith o u t it. W e th in k it ia th e beat L im m .n i m a d e /' SLOANS LINIMENT is the best remedy for rheumatism, I backache, sore throat and ej rain*. ■ A t .11 d u l c n , 2 5 c. | Send four cent, in »tamp* for a I TRIAL BOTTLE I Dr. Earl S. Sloan, Inc. I D«pt. B. Philadelphia, Pa. I IMPORTANT THAT PUBLIC SHOULD KNOW ABOUT GREAT KIONEY REMEDY. Scraps. D angers o f Disguise. "Did your children recognize you T urkey last >ear produced 25,000 when you played S anta Claus last bags of canary seed. T here are oportunities now f o r : year?" A m erican goods in the t ’aucasus r e - ! "I hope not. If they did it was very rude of them to keep on referring to gion. The Italian governm ent uses A mer­ m e as the funny little fat man w ith ican m achinery to m anufacture shoes I the squeaky voice.’’--W ashington Star. for its soldiers. Cotton seed hulls a re now being j used extensively instead of hay aud straw for the packing of glassw are. Jap an ese are producing m ore than '■ 20,000,000 tons of coal a y ear from i m ines in Jap an and South M anchuria. \ W ealthy P arisians have bought an j en tire block of houses in th a t city and j will te a r them down to h u n t for Ro­ man and Gothic treasu res. T he num ber of B ritish postoffice em ployes now serving in the naval or Y h i m ust conquer Stom ach Ills a t m ilitary forces of G reat B ritain am ounts to more th an 20,000. once if you would retain the con A local thunderstorm and blasting trolling pow er in health m atters. operations on a new s tre e t railw ay in England were responsible for tw o ru ­ Such ailm ents as Poor A ppetite, In ­ m ors of n a \a l battles. digestion, Biliousness, C onstipation, Salubite a new explosive, is 50 tim es m ore powerful th an dynam ite, an d is Colds and Grippe soon underm ine much safer, for it will explode only your health. H elp N atu re conquer hy m eans of a percussion cap. - A cargo of salm on recently shipped them w ith th e valuable aid of out of V ancouver consisted of 5.000,- 000 cans, valued a t $500,000 w hole­ sale. Laid end to end, the cans would reach a distance of 452 miles. The testim onial 1 am to give you comes unsolicited. I have been su ffer­ ing from lum bago for teu years aud at tim es was unable to -Gaml erect. A Mr. Dean of this city, saw me In my condition (b en t over) and Inquired the cause. I told him th a t I had the lumbago. He replied, "If you get w hat I tell you to, you need not have it.” 1 said I would tak e anything for ease. He said. "You get two bottles of Dr. K ilm er's Swamp Root and take it, and if it does not fix you O. K. 1 will pay for the medicine m yself." 1 did so and am a well man. For five m onths I have been as well as could be. Be fore I took your Swamp-Root was in constant pain day and night. This may look like advertising, but it seem s to me most im portant th a t the public should be m ade fam iliar with this treatm en t as it is th e only one 1 know which is an absolute cure. 1 owe u great, deal to Dr. K ilm er’s Swamp- Root, and am anxious th a t others s it­ uated as I was should know and take advantage of it. H oping th a t this testim onial may be of benefit to some one, 1 am. J. A. HOWLAND, 1734 H um boldt St.. Denver, Col. Constipation causes many serious S tate of Colorado diseases. It is thoroughly cured by City and County of D enver ss. Doctor Pierce’s P leasan t Pellets. One Personally appeared before me, a a laxative, three for cathartic. N otary Public in and for the city and county cf the S tate of Colorado, J. A. H is F a v o rite . Howland, known to me as the person country clergym an on his round whose name is subscribed to the above of A visits interview ed a youngster as to statem en t and upon his oath declares | his acquaintance w ith Bible stories. th a t it is a true and correct statem ent. ! "My lad,” he said, “you have, of DANIEL II DRAPER. course, heard of the parables?" N otary Public. "Yes, sir," shyly answ ered th e boy, whose m other had instructed him in L etter ‘„o Dr. K ilm e i A C o., sacred history. “ Yes, sir." B in g h a m to n . N . Y. "G ood!" said th e clergym an. “Now, Prove What Swamp-Root Will Do For You which of them do you like the best Send ten cents to Dr. K ilm er & Co., of all?" T he boy squirm ed, but a t last heed­ Bingham tpn, N. Y„ for a sam ple size bottle. It will convince anyone. You ing his m other’s frowns, he replied: “ I guess I like th a t one w here som e­ will also receive a booklet of valuable inform ation, telling about the kidneys body ’loafs aud fishes.’ "—Advance. and bladder. When w riting, be sure R em a rk s by O n e’s N eig hb ors. and m ention this paper. R egular A fter nearly every m arriage the fifty-cent and one dollar size bottles neighbor women offer gratuitous in­ for sale a t all du(ig stores. su lt to th e groom by saying: “And her m other had such high am bitions O u r O w n P o p u la r B allads. for h er d au g h ter!"—Exchange. A w orking girl lived in a flat th a t looked out on the court; In v e s tig a tin g Stars. She loved her finnan haddie, though T he classification of the stellar she w asn’t any sport. as being carried on by H ar­ The fum es th a t rose from N elly’s flat spectra vard university, is a vast one, en tail­ ’bout 6 o'clock each night, ing investigation and recording of W ere pungent, penetrating and they 200,000 stars. brought about a fight. “Cut out the honey odors," yelled u T he governm ent will provide 4000 m ean old m an next door, for firefighters. The govern­ And as the jan ito r approached they goats m ent gets everybody's so easily it m ade an awful roar. "W ho’s cooking fish for supper?" , ought to raise the num ber all right. cried a woman with a grouch, liis P re d ic a m e n t. “T his a in 't no Friday feast day. Do Absent-M inded Man—Darn it! Four you get me? I’m no slouch.” But Nelly faced them calmly, as she tim es 1 carried my w ife’s le tte r and forgot to mail it. Now th a t 1 rem em ­ sauntered through the hall. And as arom as w afted 'round, she ber It, I’ve forgotten the letter.—Phil­ adelphia Ledger. w arbled to them all: Chorus: On T h e M a rk e t “I may not su it your sniffers, but I S tern P a re n t—B o you w ant my know w h at’s good to eat, daughter, huh! Got any money? My fish may be quite smelly, but Suitor-—Yes, sir. How high do you thank God! I'm pure and sw eet: You guys can e a t your sau erk rau t : quote h er?—B oston T ranscript. and cabbage, if you wish, T he average m an shudders when he But, heaven will protect the girl who sees those lurid Yuletide crav ats In w orks to buy her fish !” the shop windows. Compromise HOSTCTTER’S Stomach Bitters E ig h t P re sid e n ts S erve M exico Less T h a n F iv e Y ears. in The flight of Provisional P resident G utierrez from Mexico City opens th e way for the eighth president Mexico has had since 1911. The list follow s: Porfirio Diaz, abandoned presidency May, 1911. Francisco de la B arra, provisional president, May to D ecember, 1911. Francisco Madero, president, De­ cember, 1911, to February, 1913. V ictoriano H uerta, provisional p re s­ ident, February, 1913, to July, 1914. E. C arbajal, provisional president, July-August, 1914. V enustiano C arranza, provisional president, A ugust, 1914, and still claims title. Eulalio G utierrez, N ovember, 1914- January, 1915. Roque Gonzales Garza. Next. F o r P o in ts O n ly. "Shall I put a little more brandy In the punch?" asked th e host. "No,” replied the hostess. "Be con­ te n t to leave it as a punch. Don’t make It a knock-out."—W ashington Star. H is F a u lt. Mr. Siowboy (calling on g irl)—You seem —e r—ra th e r d is ta n t this evening. The girl—W ell, your ch air isn 't nail­ ed down, is It?— B oston T ranscript. N o t Good L o o k in g . Diner (critically )—T his isn ’t a very good-looking piece of meat. W aiter—W ell, you ordered a plain steak.—Boston T ran scrip t. H orrors! The tea shops in Potro- grad have sh u t down because of th e scarcity of w ater. S o rro w s o f Song. "T he old songs used to talk about unrequited affection,” said the bald- headed man. “ Yes. Somebody w as supposed to I be heartbroken abuut som ething all | the tim e.” “T here's no danger of h eart trouble w ith these up-to-date songs. The only risk you run is th a t they will m ake you catch your breath till you get asth m a.”—W ashington Star. Bonds A re L ig h t. “And a re th e divorce laws so very liberal in your sections?" "L iberal? Say! they are so liberal th a t nobody ever beard of a woman j crying a t a w edding out there.”—De- | tro it Journal. N o t in H is Clsss. Angry em ployer—Do you mean to contradict m e? You haven’t as much sense as a donkey. C lerk—No sir, I don’t pretend to set my opinion against yours.—Boston | T ranscript. Tacoma — A pples — Green cooking, 50c box; S pitzenbergs, W inesaps, Rome B eauties, A rkansas Blacks, Staym en W inesaps and Black Twigs, A M ental Fe at. 75(y babies you ever saw.”—Mrs. een th e standard rom odyfor fe­ m ale ills. No one *lck w ith wom an's ailm en ts does justice to herself If she does not trr tills fa ­ m ous m edicine m ade from roots und herbs. It has restored so m any su fferin g wom en to h ealth . B ^ ^ W r l t e to LYDIA E.PIYKHAW H EM C ITE C O . C O t r i IIFXTIAL) l.V>N. MASS., for ad vice. Vour letter w ill be opened, read and an sw ered by a wom an au d held in strict coniidence.