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About Mosier bulletin. (Mosier, Or.) 1909-19?? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 9, 1914)
PUBLISH ED EVERY FR ID AY) ADVERTISING RATES BY « . C. KIBBEE, Proprietor SUBSCRIPTION RATES «"One Year....... « i x H mtfa« .. T h re e M unita. Bntercd as-second-class matter Mar *hTl2, 1909 at th e post Office at Musier, Cheurón, under the Act of ‘March 3, 1879. -EXAMINATIONS Professional Cards............ . M0SIER BULLETIN . .#er s m s II One square................................. “ • One-quarter Column....................* • One-half Column. re i^i •4* ...... “ One Column.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ ** Busines. lo c i. will b . c h u n l l t i M tot «aca ioMrtioc. a m „ L«K*1 auverti«amenla will in all catm I V O L V HOSIER, WASCO COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JAN U ARY 9, 1914 NAVAL ACADEMY Something New in Mosier ANXIOUS MOMENTS. 'Representative N. J. Sinnott I f you carry an unreliable timepiece, i has decided to select his candì-, I A i date for entrance to the F S. ■ j * you have a good many such moments. I f your watch needs attention b rin g it ‘ Naval Academy at Annapolis in j j to U8 We cm„ truthfully say you will be June, 1914, by means of a com- » more than pleased with our work. :p 6 titive examination. l h e com- j dependable work and satisfied custom- petitor receiving the highest & ers are our best advertisements, standing in this examination 1 J „ j- .1 r ) 4 ts r 4 ■*/- : will be appointed by Mr. Sinnott t I». r . A 1f Compare them with those you have been getting and — See the Difference — as principal, and the three stand- j H O O D R I VER, ORE. •¡ìng next in order will be named t Cost a trifle more, but worth it. as first, second and third alter nates, respectively. The four isuccessfu! candidates at the com uled to have a conference with the fanners use the most. But ! H. M . W E S T pleti ti ve examination will be per- the Wasco County Court this there is no occasion for criticism .’•mitted to take either-of the offi- week relative to the route o f the if a portion of the road funds isj •ciài Annapolis examinations giv- highway between this city and used for improving stretches of 'en in Oregon the third Tuesday The Dalles. In this regard it is road that will be used chiefly for Agent fo r D U P O N T P ow der Automobilists are in February and the third Tues understood that the WascrtCoun- pleasure. .«day in April, 1914, the candidate! ty Court, like the court here, is among the heavy taxpayers and | may select either date preferred, strongly in favor o f a road run -1 they have a right to participate .................. 4n case the principal fails in ning along the foethiHs, rather in the benefits o f road expendi- __ the official examination, and the than along the railroad track and-tures. On the other hand, the ^ Item gte succeeds, heisappoint- through the sandhills this side auto owner who lives in a city ! o f The Dalles. j has occasion to use a local mar- f || u ■■ed, etc., etc. Location o f the road between [ ket road a dozen times where lie * 1 -^ 1 ^ The competitive examination this city and The Dalles must be uses a long-distance trunk road I J . V . V / V _ y iV . rto determine who shall be prin- decided before the survey is con-j once. It is to his interest to f -cipai and alternates will be held tinued in the Spring east fro m , have the local road improved 5 tinder the charge o f Supt. J. S. | first. | i Hood River. Landers o f the Pendleton Public ‘ But, from any and every -‘Schools, at the high school build * viewpoint, it is fundamental that » i n g in Pendleton, Oregon, begin ANNUAL CHURCH MEETING j control o f road construction ning Friday, January 30, 1914, 0f should remain with the state and •fat 9 o ’ clock A. M., and will con Last Friday evening one * the Ked- the important and notable events not; turned over to tin u e throughout that day -and ¥ t h e following, if necessary to of the year took place in Mosier, eral Government.” O ld Fashion M ill Feed i * Bran Shorts to the party orderin. th.m, at lacaj raid for before affidavit, a r. furnished Satisfaction IS Contentment Middlings Grain, :M ill Hay, NO. 45 No Contention for satisfaction if you buy o f our new fine o f Underwear and Sweater C oats-direct from the whole sale house. We believe in and practice:—A reasonable price on new goods. N o price on second hand goods, for there are none in our stock. .Feed Oregon Mosier. 1 Springs The Store where Service and Satisfaction a re Classmates. M o s ie r : COAL : O fc È G Ô N MAKING A N of a box' o f our high gradé chocolates, bon bons, etc., in volves no risk o f refusal. The box is so dainty, the candy it contains so tempting that ito girl under 90 would think‘pf declining such an offer. Amd once the candy is tasted Vou couldn’ t take back your offer under any circumstances. try I Ttim-A-Lum Lumber Co. '•complete the test. For the con the annual meeting of the Im ven ience o f i'oys in the southern manuel Church. Important be E. A. R a c e , m g r . THAT NEWSPAPER LAW AGAIN iportion o f Mr. Sinnott’ s district, cause Immanuel Church is every ''■a separate examination will be j body’s church, arid notable on it. We are again reproducing this t held on the same day and hour, [accOutit o f the harmony and good S. E. FRANCISCO, article for the benefit o f some of 4 ►* » *- -• • 4 »' Proprietor “ T H E O AK S.” fa t whrch the same'questions will will that was exhibited in the jour subscribers who are — i ■ ■ ^Le asked, in the Central School j discussion o f (he past year’ s | what negligent about p a y i n g %abKrib%r u i„ be responsible* UD- •Building, Klamath Falls, Oregon.; work and planning for the' work their back subscriptions, and we j.j| an eXpt-egg notice with pay- The latter examination will be o f the coming year. The pastor, earnestly request that you send ment is sent to the publisher. H. G. K IB B E E »under the direction o f Supt. R. j Re v. J. G. Tate, presided in a or bring in your arrears without I ______________ IH. Dunbar, o f the Klamath Falls very able manner. Reports from delay. I f you have kept your! An Exception, "public-schools. Any competitor various officers and committees receipt for the last payment, you “When « fellow starts to do anything •may select the place more con were read and approved. The . , , ... he cun always succeed If tie only sticks know how much you owe. It tolt- N O T A R Y P U B L IC v en ie n t to him; but i f “he wishes | following officers were elected you haven’ t, you can easily find j "N o t nlwuys. H ow nboiit you when «to take the examination he for th is'year: Executive Com- out by inquiry at this office. i y°u s,iirt *° remrn-e « sheet o f sticky «hould Immediately notify either; mittee, F. Butterfield, Mr. Ev- , . . , . I fly pnper that you’ ve snt down on?” — M o s ie r ‘‘•Supt. Landers or Supt. Dunbar, ans, Thos. Lelliott and W. A. | We do not anticipate being' London Telegraph ■ as the case may be, in order that Husbands; Treasurer, F. N 1 forced to ‘invoke this law, as we Innocence Faked. believe there are no ‘ ‘dead beats” ! '.suitable arrangements may be Austin. If von want to see n picture o f inno on our list, and that our delin- cent honesti Just get a look ¡it a man’s made for the same. | For the Sunday School: Super- subscribers have merely I fm-e in n street e u r after the couduc- Aiiy young man may enter the intendent, L. A. Mathews; Sec- when their subscrip- / u,r ,11IS f0,'-’uiti-ii to collect his fa re.— '{ n o l i i i i n t I I , ' . . . . . . 1 . . . . .. "competitive examination who is iretary, Bernard Nichol; Treas- P 1 ^ 0 en. Cincinnati Kmpdrer vnow, arid was'on Dec. -1st, 1913, jurer, Dr. Robinson; Librarian, ' f.'ons expire or have been neg- Shoot with the rifle o f concentration ■ an actual resident O f‘ the Second Mrs. W. A. Hukbandsr Choris- '£en a ou a em inir ° 1 * have trusted our s u b s c r ib e r s l,ntl 1f,,lvp the slm trm o f scatteratloa ■Congressional District o f Oregon ter, Thos. Lelliott; Organist, ,. , , , V to tho other fellow Sheldon just as we liaye been trusted, •and is of the required age. In Mrs. I). Robinson, thru” o rd er to enter Annapolis in 19Í4 Mr. Tate, the pastor. Is preach- C hildren ran Bffve yon m any tedious step s; buf the tirtfd- how in thunder can we ‘ ‘make I est m oth er hates to send n child Into n dark cellar, and ■ a candidate must lie between the ing-fine, helpful sermons every; matlbr ' -children d islike to j;o there. Althomth detail ; have he-n Ki * . „ -■ages Of H 6 and 21 years on the ¡ Sunday. He is proving to he g o o d ? ” I t ’ S simply a N-o cellar need b e dark now-n-days, to te r fify children can supply you wftW any o f yOU help me^ and I llhelp’ i.he out, a package t^ l to a local 'date o f 'one or the other of the just the man for the place. Hav- and worry o ld e r p eop le. A ray o f sunshine from ftn other fellow. t} So Caritè thru hank con tain» ^ $ 7 1 , in U. S. TruiH- thing in this line ht most itw o official examinations, which ing had experience in business WQ need lhe money. 1 Ul*y nnt<*H was taken and a package o f reasonable prices. :-: -will be held in Oregon on the life, he seems to feel "and know n-,, , itiaeazfnvn s-lihslitutoi!. The* sudati tu li he supreme court or the f third Tuesday in February or the the needs of the people. He is 1 lion was round out til! the package con ven ien tly located In the cellar-w ay w ill brighten the T R Y H IM A N D third Tuesday in April, 1914. A a keen student o f the Bible and United States recently made *l ' reached the hank, wlien the cashier darkest cellar at th e m ere touch o f a switch. •candidate is eligible the day he a progressive Sunday School ruling which in substance makes : found the bundle o f “ I.aff” magazine», R E C O N V IN C E D T h e M V l o w ' w . l l . . . Edison M a id . L a m p , a n I k . m o d .c o - •becomes sixteen and ineligible worker, ready at all times to do the subscriber who takes his He started to read some o f the stuff norm«-.I la m p , fo r o a l a m n , halls, cloaala and o lk a r part, o f Iha house w hich naad lia h l only in term itten tly fo r brief • the day he becomes twenty. his part in advancing the spirit paper out ot the p o s t office and ^ IH ri'ctaw to‘m ak eu M h l periods a l a lim a . T r y a fa w and raaliaa their eonveniaaco. Tin Dalles Oregon The competitive examination ofJove, goodfellowship and hap- ( rpfiises to pay th e subscription, ¡f they would place hnn on theaul>- ■ will be written in form and will piness in the commnnity. j guilty o f felony and as liable to j scription fist o f " l. a lf ” for fife. In or- 1 ' embrace’ th e'follow in g subjects: A fter the business session th e ' arrest as other who defrauds ; der to get you in a good humor and j 'English Grammar, Geography, ladies served lunch and e v e r y - ; says the Olympia Indepfende.nL i lA»ip you forget eve» your Big trouble»,, ni. * h . - , tioiw stic o í Enunciai, we will agree*'to I I rp folowinir is a Avnopfun o f! st?nd , 3ou ... ..., fo r "A L W A Y S vt YOUR SERVICE,” TJ. S. History, Arithmetic, Alge- body had a general good time. StfMMOMS. r for r one yea. at the I ou ♦the U. S supreme court decision ridicnlouely low price o f 50 cent». A. If. rbra and Geometry. No separate * regarding delinquent subscYip- This National M agazine o f Fun is i. examinations in Spelling am! In the r i m i l i Court o f the fìtuto o f I - StTM-jWóHffS m aking g rea ter »tiid e s I rian any other Oregon, fo f Wasco County, Jtions and is published as a mat- •Punctuation, hut these subjects g o o d : ROADS iti the t'ir. uit CodVt *íí *tiie State o f ■^er'of information' for all those magazine b efore the Am erican public G k o rgk K a r l •will be graded froth tlie manu- Or< unii for Wuai o County. today. It in a magazine I hut will ke« p P lain tiff "scrii»ts turned in by competitors; “ Extensive highway improve- I who are subscribers to news- the whole fam ily in a good humor. The I ' i : » ii L II. C h I c m ;, V8 Hn thexitker subjects. staff o f F aff! contains artists, caricft* f i)A ^ K a r l l'lnintiir, ment should begin with the im -;l,at,era: Defendant 1. Subscribers who do not turists and writers who rank am ong) Fuller information as to the provement of the main traveled • Now timi, it is possihlp to st'iiii j)>A cbiger , tiie best in tiie country. I t is highly scope o f the examinations in the highways -used by farmers in give express notice to the con In the name o f the State o f Oregon, illustrated and printed-in colors. I t will I ii'fendiint. merchandise hv Baieels Post, we •different subjects can be oh- hauling their produce to mar- trary are considered as wishing keep the whole fam ily cheerful the You are hereby required to appear and T< !:> a i'nn;;;n the above named (W- answer the complaint filed HRulnsl you S l l g g o s t th a t plltd (I you tained by 'Witting to either Su- ket’,“ asaertSformarSenator Jon- to renew their subscription. year round. You can afford to »pend : In the alxtve en titled «Kit oil or lie . perintendent Landers at Pendie- athau Bourne. Jr.,-Chairman of 2. Subscribers ordering the! 50c a yea r to do this. Send this cMp- fore the 2nd duy o f February, 1911, anything in !!,«• waj of IV- I'lp- In Ih»* Naim* <*f thè StiiK* ni “ton or Superintendent Dunbar at ( |le Joint Good RoadaCommittee. discontinuance o f their periodi fring and F IK 'IY C K N I o today to trie and i f you fail to so appear end anawer tio n s A llo t!, I)« /.R i l ’ ai- : You arc hereby r**qui*ia U» »ispear Publishers o f f.afT! Dayton, O H o, fo r an n vt*r thé roitlpl^vic ÜU m I agaiifst Klamath halls. Competitors ‘ "That is one reason wiiy my cal the publisher may continue nr i l l-wlff • plead thereto, the p lain -('¡cin t'S t l l l l t v o ! tin to one y e a r’s subscription. The regular yon i » H m * «b o ve efffitletl suit, on ór •should register at once upon de- p|an for federal Aid leaves con- to sehd it until ali arrearage has price is $1.00, but we are making tins tiff, fo r want o f any such answer or ht .\#i I ' m * f.lh itti y o f .himiiiry, 19 M, other pleading or appearance, will ap K id in g to take the examination.,Tn>| o f construction with the been paid. 8 P K C IA L O F F K ll to get acquainted. ¡uni i f yiui 1 * 11.1 to su Hppi-nr arid ply to the court for the re lie f prayed * states. I f control should he answer sai ! ci inplaint. the plaintiff 3. I f subscribers neglect, or fo r in his complaint, to-w it: The Druggist o f Hood Riv will apply to the Court for tilo Notice to the Public. : SURVEY OF RIVER ROAD CONTINUES vested in the federal Bureau, refuse ’ to take their periodical For a decree and judgm ent herein, decree prayed for in her complaint, td- The tw o leHuii-i; ma|;;t?.int h o f the adjudging and decreeing that the bonds ........ there would lie danger o f disre- from the post ffiee, they are re- for them. He c-m muk I them to : w it; Says the Hood River N e w *:— gard of local needs and wisiies. sponsible unti they settle their Pacific ('oast, the I’ acilic Monthly ami o f matrimony heretofore existin g be Km- a decree o f the Court fo re ve r the Sunset, have been consoiidatetl tween plaintiff ami defendant he for- you cheaper than you can p i ‘Change in the weather and dis- It may lie that in a few states hiil and order their paper dis ’ liss'di Ing and holding fo r naught the under the title o f ' 'Sunset the Pacific % v*r dissolved, and thaf the plaintiff them at home. appearance of most of the snow the greatest need Js for inter continued. I kum !* o f matrimony hereU ifor« exist Mnnthly.” lie awarded the cuhPdly o f the mlnnr ims made it possible to oowtinae state high\\a>s. I f so, the local ing between the plaintiff and the de 4. I f snbScriliers move to I t is the intention o f tiie publisher children o f j.laintiff and defendant, to- fendant and fo r auch other re lie f ha • the survey » f the Columbia River authorities should so determine, other places without informing to spare n< money nor e ffo rt to make w it; W iliie Karl ami <«• -Urge Karl, and [ to the Court may seem equitable. forsuch other and further r e lfe f aa to| Sunset— tit • Pacific Moutnly a creilit to highway in this county, » ’ though and not have the maiter de- tiie publisher and papers are This Summer.* ia published in the it was lielieved a short time ago cided for them by officials in sent to former address, subscrib the W fn t i ind îi in>:tg»BÌn«* oi Malin, ul thè Court u aj m m equitahle. value and i ifi\ ilCC*. M osten Rtn.LKTIN, n w eekly newspfe- Tliia s’inmnna is prldivheil in t h è 1 'the rncleir.ent •weatb-r would Washington. ers are responsible. prr o f gi nernl circulation published hi T o i*ifro rhice it to n#*w r» ! W*» Moaii r Rulli tin, a weekly newsimpi-r - 'm ake it necessary to discontinue “ I see'no occasion for materi- Wasco County, Oregon, fo r six ( • ) ot f-i'iiern! clm iiiffh tii l'iiliPxhed in 5. fionrts have decided that will tnak m ffdU I consecutive w.-eks, being seven ¡sanes ’ the survey until next Spring, al controv^rsy'lielw^en the ndvo- rvi’iv*p’.g periodicals from lie - Sciai 50a iti »lau)| n, anti y. c win |,i.i l « i n (,'.vantj , Oregon, for six (6j I thereof. In compliance with an order The chief of the ’ crew ha.t in- cates o f improvement o f n air office or moving And leaving Liicm J'*“ * *¡tiiiif I , :.ti .1 (Vt rtiv, ! tiu g aeven (7) la-1 ¿.i, ù. 11, . <♦ »1 I ... Z in f Vie Hon. W. L. n rad sh a». Judg. i t formed Judge SlAiHou that tiie traveleii market roads and the uncalled f.»r ;s prim a facia ovi- tho n<*xl ffffur t” oiith«,. and fr DI .«»I Í «n e i thereof, in '-nrr.| liance w th an or- I ' the Circuit ConVt of* the S la te o f Ore- ifN Y ì ) V R der o f thè Horwirstile W . I *. Fl'siialtaw , yeu a frei survey to the city would be com ad viwates «>f construction o f dertcc o f intention to d fraud, j gon for Wasco County, which order Id h i|;i- n f fhe ( in-tort C oa ti o f t e U-d M U -1 pleted early next month. It is trans-state or inter-athte' muds. jilkted the 17th day o f N’o- i-miier, 1913, (5 I f ¡udmcriliers ijiy ¡n ; d- famo.:a ; s ta te o f ( ) '- p-. i -f ;r Wirsco Cminlv, ■■row estimated that this portion In general, the roodifused chief-,vance* they are bound to g n i and »he dat«- o f the' fffr.t | nbfication at packed i- w'.ich onk-r' •:« liu ti.!’ Lhe I7th day u fi i-g t i liiis sum m on»' r.x the 2lat day o f No- --of the survey wilt cnat close to ly by farmers will, when con- notice ht the end o f limdTr'ti ! Ira-mi-»*r. 'ini8,'*«ud tre i l« ; , o f thè i » ember, am! C •• . h o f t»ie *^<t .«* lii s’ ion o f t'f! t ruminons ia Ih- ' ’’ io.OOO. as the present cost i»er nected, form a slate highway, do nbfc waht to continue taki pllhlimtio-i o f sip- inoiis •* the -Jr*d i;?fv A r 'm ile is running to approximately The roads used by aiitobioI>ilists ¡f otherwise tiie puM !i< r t-lauasiy, lpt1. l ‘il Kl> sS 2 TiH. Maior Row I by is ached- are. as a rule, the same rnadsdatHii«iSize<l Ki -lend i* -¡ «d . Fiti.D W . tVuaoN. AU h I i » ' > ^or i'i»itt(i(7. ORE. M O SIER L. S71.01Î0 ROBBERY COM INI The Tombstone —----- -Man -------- No Bugaboos Down Cellar Edison Mazda Lamp Pacific Power & L igh t Co. DRUGS? SURE Chas. N.-CL .iKe, ■ADVERTISE Home F fn »t'