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About Mosier bulletin. (Mosier, Or.) 1909-19?? | View Entire Issue (June 27, 1913)
P ---------- ■' V P O U L T R Y A N D GAM E Can get you fan cy price? fo r Wild Ducks and other game in season. W rite us for cash offer on all kinds of poultry, pork, etc. SUFFRAGISTS MAY BE SUED URGES NEW CURRENCY LAWS President Tells of Need to Estab lish Credit Reform. PARTY SCALES HIGHEST PEAK DESSERT DISHES OF RHUBARB Pudding. Tapioca or Shortcake, Make Delicious Confection. Rhubarb Pudding — Mash half a Washington, D. C.—A fixed deter- pound of bag or pulled figs, or use mination to have currency legislation dates or raisins, or a mixture of all or passed at this session of congress was of any two of these fruits. Cover N a t u r e 's Oxygen W ill Make You Well, p e rfe c tly accepted by the members of the house with boiling water and cook until strong and h ap p y . N o e x e rc is e o r d ru g s . O u r water is nearly absorbed. Cut a and senate as President Wilson's text treatm en t based on n a tu ra l law . S end $1 N O W to f h e L afcr C a.. 2101 P" Si. Dept 8. S acram en to .. Cal. pound of rhubarb iti inch pieces, put a for the currency message, which he AGENTS—O u r H ousehold S p ecialty sells on sig h t. layer of the cooked dried fruit, and personally presented to congress as E a s y to handle. B ig profits. W rite today. H u st- repeat until all is used. Add a quar fcg s Specialty Co.. 6H9 E. A n k eny, P o rtlan d , O re. Direct Charge That Liquor Intersta sembled in joint session in the house Barometer Reads 20,500 Feet—U. ter of a cup of hot water and bake in Second-Hand Maehin- a slow oven until the rhubarb is soft. S. Flag Hoisted—“Te Deum” Help Antis Is Invited—Nation chamber. ’ ery bought, sold and Serve cold alone or with cream. exchanged: engines, Both Democrats and Republicans Sung by Minister. al Association Is Riled. boilers, sawmills, etc. The J. E .Jlfartin Go.. 83 1st Rhubarb Tapioca—Soak half a cup saw in the carefully-worded appeal of BU. Portland. Send for Stock Liaj; and prices. of tapioca over night and cook until the President an earnest conviction clear in a double boiler. Place in a Fairbanks, ¡Alaska—The ascent of buttered pudding dish two cups of rhu Washington, D. C. — A statement that the money situation must be dealt WRITE FOR FREE ADVICE information and booklets of value to you. from the headquarters of ,the National with before congress adjourns. Prep the highest peak [of Mount McKinley barb, cut in small pieces; one cup of PACIFIC GUANO & FERTILIZER CO. association opposed to woman suffrage was accomplished successfully for the sugar and a pinch of ginger. Pour 182 M adison S t., P o rtla n d . Or. announces that the officers of the as arations were made to begin commit first time June 7, when the party led the hot tapioca over this, stir in one tee work on the administration bill, sociation have employed attorneys to teaspoonful of butter, cover and bake examine all the speeches and litera which soon will be introduced in the by Archdeacon Hudson Stuck, Episco one hour. Put a meringue on it be of ture of the suffragists "w ith a view i house by Representative Carter Glass pal missionary for Alaska, accompan fore serving, if you iike, or serve it 633-535 C ham ber o f Com m erce Building to protecting themselves from abusive ! and in the senate by Senator Owen. PORTLA ND . OREGON ied by Robert G. Tatum, Harry P. cold, with plain or whipped cream. language which at times is practically A school fo r th e te a c h in g of T e le g ra p h y u n d e r Rhubarb Shortcake — Put two cups From the rostrum of the house Karstens and Walter Harper, reached th e p ersonal su p erv isio n of th e p ro p rie to r. A. libelous,” and “ for the purpose of in E . M yers. e x p e rt te le g ra p h e r. D ay an d n ig h t the top of the south peak of the moun of rhubarb, cut small, with a scant cup chamber the President read the brief stituting suits for libel against objec sessions. TE R M S : C ourses in ea sy m onthly of sugar in a double boiler and cook tain, the highest on the continent. In stallm e n ts, en a b lin g you to ta k e u p a well- tionable parties.” The statement! message. p aid pro fessio n a t little cost. W rite fo r full until rhubarb is tender and sugar dis News of the success of the expedi “ It plainly is clear,” he said, “ that J continues: p a rtic u la rs . tion was brought here by a messenger solved. Add the juice and chopped “ The scrutiny of the material put it is our duty to supply the next bank sent by Dr. Stuck, who is resting at rind of one lemon. Make a shortcake out by the suffragists has become | ing and currency system the country Base camp. Archdeacon Stuck ex by your favorite receipt, but cut and H ours, 10 a . m . to 6 p. m.. i 5714 more thorough since Miss Inez Milhol- needs and that it will immediately the pects to return to Fairbanks in Au bake it like biscuit. When done, break o r by a p p o in tm e n t land, in a public meeting, stated that need it more than ever. “ We must act now at whatever sac gust and will go to New York in Oc- i open, butter them and arrange on a DU. JOSEPH ROANE ; charges of an alliance between the hot dish. Put the rhubarb in be anti-suffrage and the liquor interests rifice to ourselves. It is a duty which tober. Chi ro pra ct or tween, and when serving pour the Dr. Stuck and his assistants erected the circumstances forbid us to post { had been made, ¡and the fact that no SPINAL ADJUSTMENTS a six-foot cross on the summit of the juce over them. } suits for libel had been instituted was pone. I should be recreant to my great S cientific T re a tm e n t of all A c u te and C hronic 1C mountain and said “ Te Deum” M others w ill flrul Mr*. W in slo w s Soothing deepest convictions of public obliga good proof that they were true. D iseases. L icensed P ra c titio n e r. S u ite 424-6-7 the highest point. Observations Syrup th o h .'st rem edy to u»o lo r th e ir c h ild re n ^ rc a d ^ B u ild in g ^ e a ttle ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ “ Miss Milholland ought to know, tion did I not impress it upon you with on made with the mercurial barometer 4 u riu g th e te e th in g p e rio d . and probably does know, that no state solemn and urgent insistence.” The President defied the custom of indicate the height of the mountain is ment has been made either on the pub- Not Infantile Necessities. D A IS Y F L Y K I L L E R g E tfS T K E -S ; [ lie platform or in the press, which is 100 years for the second time by de 20,500 feet. Dr. Stuck said this can To be an “ infant” in a legal sense be checked by comparing the reading j Hie*. Neat, d e a n ,o r livering the message in person. The suffragists namental, convenient. | in any way libelous. cheap. L a s t s a l l A joint committee led by Majority of his barometer with the records is not the same as being an infant. have skilfully avoided giving expres s e a s o n . Made o f Leader Underwood and Senator Kern taken at Fort Gibbon on the same A recent case in London was concern metal, can'tspillortip sion in public to a libelous statement, over ; will not soil os ed with the question of what consti met the President and escorted him to date. InJ u r e a n y th I n g . though they have approached danger Guaranteed effective. The expedition, which left Fair tutes an "in fan t’s” necessities. The the clerk’s desk on the rostrum. Sold l y d ealers, or ously near to it. 6 sent l y express pro- At both house and senate ends of banks March 13, expected to reach the young man, who was sued by a furni “ To say that any interests, liquor or paid for {1. ture dealer, had bought, among other SASOLD BOHE&a, 150 DolUli A n .. BrocVJja. H. t . other interests, are supporting a cause the capitol and among both Democrats summit of Mount McKinley early in (hings, 24 candlesticks, 38 weapons, 61 is not in itself libelous, but if the suf and Republicans the conviction was May, but was delayed three weeks pictures, an Indian spittoon, Burmese a passage three miles long fragists in public or in the press ever deeply fixed that the President’s “ sol cutting Wise Old Gentleman. emn and urgent insistence” on cur through ice thrown across the ridge by and Chinese gongs, 23 snuff boxes and make a statement that the liquor in- two stuffed iguanas. Refusing to pay An old gentleman, whose character terests are giving help to the National rency legislation would result in im an earthquake last summer. the bill, the young man pleaded “ in was unimpeached and unimpeachable, ! association The party found much evidence of mediate activity in the legislative opposed to woman suffrage seismic disturbance on the upper fancy.” The judge gave judgment for for some slight cause was challenged or to any representative thereof, a branches. ridges. The upper basin shows evi the plaintiff. by a dissolute young Hotspur, who j suit for libel will be instituted within was determined that the old gentle 24 hours. REBELS MOVING ON JUAREZ dence of a violent upheaval and the At Least Something New. ridges are badly shattered, but the man should give him honorable satis are looking for this opportun- First Mother—“ How was the baby faction. The old gentleman very good- • ity. “ We summits are not marred. and when it comes we will take Constitutionalists Control Railroad show?” Second Mother—“ Fair. Of naturedly refused to fight, and the Archdeacon Stuck confirmed the as of it to the uttermost. and Defeat Federais. fellow threatened to “ gazette” him as advantage cent of the north peak by Thomas course, there’s not much change in the “ One conviction for criminal libel a coward. “ Well, go ahead—I would El Paso, Tex.—An American em Lloyd and three companions in 1910, styles, but the display of accessories, will do a great deal to check the flood rather fill 20 newspapers than one as five-minute detachable nigh of malicious untruths about the wo ploye of the Madera Lumber company being able with field glasses to see the such coffin,” rejoined the old gentleman. ties, cry mufflers and self-starting men who are opposed to votes for wo who arrived here Wednesday from flagstaff erected by the Lloyd party cradles was particularly good.” men which have been circulated by Western Chihuahua reported that when they accomplished their feat. Happiness in Work. suffragists.” March of Progress. Pancho Villa, constitutionalist com AGUINALDO VISITING JAPAN To augment human happiness, a Abner Wombat was born In a log mander in that state, instructed him writer in the Edinburge Review re cabin, but every one of his grandsons marks, must be the purpose, main or POINCARE TO ¡VISIT BRITAIN to inform the American consul in . Secret Mission Believed to Be to has a dress suit. Such Is life in incidental, of every person. Abso America. Get Philippine Independence. Juarez and all others interested that lutely incidental with most, it must be Ruler of France to Follow Example the constitutionalists would reach Tokio—The newspapers here report believed. The activities connected of His Predecessors. Juarez and begin an attack on that the arrival in Tokio of John Aguinal with the business of living in a world London — President Poincare, of do, son of Emilio Aguinaldo, the for with other men and women absorb us. port next Thursday. mer Filipino revolutionary leader. Happiness is a by-product of these France, following the example of his Villa’s forces have captured the en They say he wore Japanese dress and predecessors since the conclusion of activities of the common life. the friendly agreement between his tire line of the Mexico Northwestern came to Tokio secretly, being followed country and Great Britain, has chosen railroad from Bustillos to Casas Gran- later by a suite of three Filipinos. N o th o u g h tfu l p e rs o n u s e s liquid b lu e . I t ’s a pinch o f blue in a la rg e b o ttle o f w a te r. A sk f o r England for his official visit after his The newspapers reflect the impression Red C ro s s Ball B lue, th e blue t h a t ’s a ll b lu e . election, and will arrive at Spithead des, according to the American, who, which obtains in some quarters that with four other men, occupied four on the Dreadnought Jean Bart to be Agiunaldo has come to Japan to take Called for Blood. guest of King George and the Brit days in the trip to El Paso on a hand- advantage of the negotiations between “ Sandy looks as if he had been the nation until June 27. He will be car. Villa told the American that his ' Japan and the United States to secure fighting.” “ He has been fighting; a ish Y O U .RSELF; in other fellow said something in his presence accompanied by Stephen Pinchon, forces would be strengthened by a de the liberation of the Philippines from about ‘musicians and bagpipers,’ and . French minister for foreign affairs, tachment that had been destroying the American rule. words, your lazy liver. You and other high officials. A dispatch from Tokio June 17 said Mexican National railway between Sandy sailed into him.” , have been overloading the | Upon the president’s arrival at Spit- Moctezuma and Chihuahua City. The reports from Kobe announced the ar head he will be received by an im rebel commander estimated that the rival of Aguinaldo there on his way to stomach and thus clogging Result, However, Is the Same. mense fleet composed of England’s total number of troops that wiH ap the capital. It developed that Aguin the bowels. You can easily Occasionally a man finds himself in latest warships, which will fire a royal aldo conferred in Kobe with several debt not because he is dishonest, but salute. He will proceed to Portsmouth pear to attack Juarez will be about Japanese, and in some quarters it was stir these organs into because he is a bad hand at mental dockyard, where the Prince of Wales 1800. healthy activity by the believed that his visit had to do with a In a battle at Neuvas Casas Grandes, arithmetic. and the Duke of Connaught, repre Chihuahua, last Saturday, Villa’s movement for the independence of the daily use of senting the king, will offer him a for fnreps captured that place, killing 47 Philippines. The foreign office at To mal welcome. King George will be at federais and capturing 50 more. The kio said it had no knowledge whatever station, London, to receive prisoners were promptly executed by of Aguinaldo. S t . H e l e n s H a l l Victoria his 'guest and escort him to York Villa’s order. P o rtland , O regon R e s id e n t a n d D a y S c h o o l f o r G i r l s ■\ Houke,_which ha^ been placed at his Juarez is garrisoned by about 1000 Egg Breakage Causes Big Loss. In c h a rg e o f S is te r s o f 8 t .J o h n B a p tis t (E p isc o p a l) disposal. Washington, D. C.—Nine per cent federal soldiers, commanded by Gene Collegiate, Academ ic and E lem en tary D epartm en t« ,, Music, A rt, Elocution, Domestic A rt, Dom estic Scienoft ral Francisco Castro. General Inez of all the eggs shipped to market in Sym nasium. ’ F o r c a ta lo g a d d re ss— : f . - Many Violators Arrested. Salazar, ex-rebel, who came to Juarez the United States are broken in tran T H E S I S T E R S U P E R I O R , O f f ic e 80 Tacoma, Wash.—Fifteen violations a week ago from Chihuahua, ordered sit, according to statistics gathered by S t. H e le n s H a i l of the government’s regulations were out a small scouting party on a special the department of agriculture. To re found here Sunday on the steamers train over the Northwestern with the duce this enormous breakage, which Tree Absorbed Lamp Post. When an old elm tree in the ave and launches that ply out of Tacoma expressed object of picking up strag yearly causes a loss of millions of dol Gave H e r All H e r R i g h t s . nue at Bushey I’ark, near London, was harbor by the government cutter Cor- glers from his defeated command who lars to producers, and raises the price cut down, the Iron framework of an inne, with Captain Mart Gismervig are said to be retreating northward of eggs for consumers, the department A woman was charged at Greenwich old street lamp was found embedded in and Customs Officer Ned C. Adams on from Casas Grandes. ' is conducting extensive experiments to (England) police court with allowing the trunk to a depth of several Inches board. No activity is reported from the determine the safest manner of pack- a donkey to etray, Immediately after about 25 feet from the ground. It Is a young man had been fined for a One captain of an excursion launch neighborhood of San Ignacio, Chihua ; ing eggs for shipment. believed that the lamp must have been with a large party on board, was hua, 40 miles south of Juarez, where The waste from the breakage of similar offense. Mr. Symmons—"You nailed to the tree many years ago and won’t have a feminine grievance If I gradually became surrounded by the found drunk at the wheel. He was a force of constitutionalists is said to eggs in New York City alone last year fine you the same as the man. If I ordered below and the vessel turned was more than 11} million dozen, out have been camping for the past few wood. charged you less you would say you over to the mate. A large fine awaits weeks awaiting orders for a concerted of a total consumption in New York were not having your rights. No, the this master when the case is put up to movement on Juarez. ! that year of 127,689,600 dozen. same as the man.” Collector of Customs Harper. Pearson-Page Co., Portland Archdeacon Reaches Top of Mt. McKinley, Alaska. Anti-Suffragists Wait for Posi tive Evidence of Libel. Machinery I n G ir l h o o d I W omanhood The women who have used OR I)r. P ie r c e ’s F a v o r i te Prescription will tell you M otherhood A ssist Nature now and then, w ith a g e n tle c a th a r tic Dr. Pierce’t Pleas- a n d Pellett tone 1 ip and invigor ate li v e r a n d Jbowels. Be sure y o u g e t w hat y o u a ek fo r . f ----- that it freed them from p a in — helped them over painful periods in their life—and saved them many a day of anguish and misery. This tonic, in liquid form, was devised over 40 years ago for the womanly system, by R.V. Pierce, M. D., and has been sold ever since by dealers in medicine to the benefit of many thousand women. Now—i f you prefer—you can obtain Dr. Pierce’e Favorite Prcecription tablets a t your druggist a t If I per box. also in 50c site or send 50 one cent stamps to Dr. H. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N . Y, for trial box. M. & M. SCHOOL TELEGRAPHY J Who Put “ U” in Blues? HOSTETTERS Stomach Bitters AILING WOMEN OF H L E AGE Crack In Panama Canal Alarms. Panama—Numerous alarming ru mors of damage have gained currency as a result of the crack that recently developed in the cut-off wall of the Mrs. Hilbert Tells of Her Dis northwest wing of the Miraflores locks tressing Symptoms During of the Panama canal. One report had it that the gates had pulled away some Change of Life and How portions of their supporting masonry and that the cost to demolish and re She Found Relief. build the damaged structure would be $1,600,000. The canal engineers say Fleetwood. Fa.—"D uringthe Change the crack is only a minor one and that of Life I was hardly able to be around it probably was due to a slight settle at all. I always had ment of the masonry. a headache and I was so dizzy and ner War on Cancer Outlined. vous that I had no Minneapolis — The last day of the rest a t night. The American Medical con flashes of heat were vention, was marked association’s by a discussion so bad sometimes plans for a nation-wide organiza that I did not know of tion and movement to combat cancer. what to do. Dr. J. Bloodgood, of Johns Hopkins “ One day a friend advised me to take university, outlined the movement, Lydia E. Pinkham’s which has been started in New York. V e g e t a b l e Com Dr. Bloodgood explained the nature of pound and it made me a strong well wo the American Society for the Preven man. I am very thankful that I fol tion of Cancer, which will be launched lowed my friend's advice and I shall formally in New York in soon. The recommend it as long as I live. Before organization was indorsed in addresses I took the Compound I was always by several surgeons. sickly and now I have not had medicine Rain Follows Prayers. from a doctor for years. You may pub St. Louia—An hour after prayers lish my letter.” —Mrs. E dward B. H il for rain had been ordered in the bert , Fleetwood, Pa. Such warning symptoms as sense of churches of Belleville, 111., a suburb suffocation, hot flashes, headaches, back near here, a heavy rain storm broke aches, dread of impending evil,timidity, the two months’ drougth throughout sounds in the ears, palpitation of the Missouri and Southern Illinois Sunday. heart, sparks before the eyes, irregu A hail storm completely blanketed the larities, constipation, variable appetite, lawns of Forest Park with ice, while weakness and inquietude, and dizziness, streets here were flooded for several are promptly heeded by intelligent wo hours. Lightning did connsiderabte damage men who are approaching the period in life when woman’s great change may to the property. be expected. Nome Sends Out Million. Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com Seattle, Wash.—A million dollars pound invigorates and strengthens the female organism and builds np the weak in gold, the first shipment from Nome, ened nervous system. It has carried Alaska, this year, was received by the many women safely through this crisis. steamships Senator and Victoria, which completed their first round trip of the season to Bering sea Sunday. / Strike Causes Ice Famine. Japan Again Apologizes. Cincinnati — Ice manufacturers of this city are unable to agree on any method of dealing with their striking engineers, firemen, drivers and help ers. This city and others on the Ken tucky side of the river are now prac tically without ice, as the union plants supply only hotels and cafes, and the ice sent from other sources is inade quate for the demand and is being sold by the city only on physicians’ certi ficates. Mayor Hunt received notice that many carloads of ice have been shipped from lake points. Tokio—A further apology was offer ed to Arthur Bailley-Blanchard, United States charge d’Affaires, by Keishiro Mutual, under secretary of state for foreign affairs, for the action of the persons who wrote on the walls of the embassy June 18 an inscription di- rected against the United States and calling Americans the enemies of lib erty and justice The under secretary called and voiced his government's re gret. The foreign office had sent a formal apologetic message immediate- Steamers Collide in Fog. Snake Kills Two Children. San Francisco — In a dense fog ten miles outside the Golden Gate the steamers Missourian and Daisy Mitch ell collided bow-on Wednesday. As a result the Daisy Mitchell, a small lum ber carrier, bound here from Grays Harbor, made her way into the harbor with a large hole in her bow and a quantity of water in her hold. The Missourian, of the American-Hawaiian line, a 10,000-ton steamer, bound out for Seattle, also returned to harbor. It is not known what damage the Mis sourian suffered. Grand Forks, N. D.—Between the bodies of her two children, aged 5 and 7 years, whom she found dead when she attempted to awaken them Sunday morning, Mrs. David Grant, of Beach, N. D. found a huge rattlesnake sleep ing soundly. The bed clothes had been out for an airing Saturday, the snake evidently being brought in with the quilts. When the children retired, both complained of being “ pinched,” but soon went to sleep. It was the rattler that had dealt them a death blow. Airman Falls 1000 Feet. Meteor Is of Pure Gold. London—An aviator, Farbairns, was drowned off Shoeburyness Tuesday evening. He had flown from Brook- landa with a new type of machine with which he projected a trans-Atlantic flight. He fell into the sea from a height of 1000 feet and sank before a friend who was cruising in the vicinity was able to rescue him. The machine, which was of 350 horse-power, was completely inclosed and provided with a glass conning tower. Fresno, Cal.—Fred Williams, a far mer of McFarland, near Rakersfleld, brought to Fresno for the purpose of having it assayed a chunk from a me teor which he says he discovered on his ranch at a depth of 16 feet when digging a well. The chunk has the appearance of solid gold. Williams was unable to find an assayer, but took the chunk to several jewelers, who pronounced it cryita'lized gold. Wil liams says the mass weighes 20 tons. lv s if te r t h e n e r n r r e n r e Treaty Renewal Refused. Arabs Are Put to Rout. I/ondon A St. Petersburg dispbatch to the Standard says that President Woodrow Wilson has declined Russia's request for a renewal of the treaty on commerce except on the absolute con dition that American Jews are allowed to enter Russia freely. Rome —A severe battle fought be tween the Italian troops and the Tri politan Arabs at Ettangi cost the lives of one Italian officer and 19 soldiers, while five officers and 217 men were wounded. The Arabs were completely routed. Impure Blood Gets Good Bath W onderful How Quickly Your E n tire System Awakens W hen th e Blood is Cleansed. I f y o u a r e flow n w ith r h tu m n tlB in ; If y ou s n e e z e , fe e l c h ille d , a r e c h o k e d w ith c a t a r r h , h a v e a c o u g h , o r y o u r a k in Is p im p le d o n d I r r ita te d w ith ra s h , e cz e m a , o r a n y o th e r b lo o d d is o rd e r, j u s t re m e m b e r t h a t a lm o s t a ll th e Ills o f lif e co m e fro m Im p u re blood. A n d y o u c a n e a s ily g iv e y o u r blood a good, th o ro u g h c le a n s in g , a b a th , b y u s in g 8. S. S. T h e r e le n o n e e d fo r a n y o n e to be d e s p o n d e n t o v e r th e Illn e ss o f blood Im p u r itie s . N o m a t t e r h o w b a d ly th e y a t t a c k t h e s y s te m , o r h o w u n s ig h tly b e c o m e s th e s k in . J u s t re* m e m b e r th e r e Is o n e In g r e d ie n t In 8. 8 . 8. t h a t so s tim u la te s th e c e llu la r tis s u e s th r o u g h o u t th e b o d y t h a t e a c h p a r t s e le c ts Its o w n e s s e n tia l n u t r i m e n t fro m th e blood. T h is m e a n s t h a t a ll d e c a y , a ll b r e a k in g dow n o f th e tis s u e s . Is c h e c k e d a n d r e p a i r w o rk b e g in s . 8. 8 . 8 . h a s s u c h * specific In flu e n c e o n a ll lo cal c e lls a s te p re s e rv e t h e ir m u tu a l w e lfa re a n d a ffo rd % p ro p e r r e la tiv e a s s is ta n c e to e a c h o th e r. M o re a tte n tio n Is b e in g g iv e n to c o n s t r u c t i v e m e d ic in e th a n e v e r b e fo re a n d 8 . 8. 8. Is th e h ig h e s t a c h ie v e m e n t In th is line. F o r m a n y y e a r s p e o p le re lie d u p o n m e rc u ry . Io d id e of p o ta s h , a r s e n ic , p h y s ic s, c a t h a r t i c s a n d " d o p e ” a s re m e d ie s f o r blood s ic k n e s s , b u t n o w t h s p u r s b o ta n ic a l 8. 8. 8. is t h e i r s a f e g u a r d . T o u c a n g e t 8 . 8. 8 . in a n y d r u g s to re , b u t in s is t u p o n h a v in g It. T h e g re a t S w if t L a b o r a to r y In A tla n ta , C a ., p r e p a r e s th is fa m o u s blood p u rifie r, a n d y o u s h o u ld ta k e n o c h a n c e b y p e r m itti n g a n y o n e to re c o m m e n d a s u b s tit u te . And if your blood c o n d itio n is s u c h t h a t y o u would lik e to c o n s u lt a s p e c ia lis t fr e e ly and c o n fid e n tia lly , a d d r e s s th e M ed ic a l D e p a r tm e n t, T h o B w lft S peclflo Company, l« o S w ift Bldg., A tlanta, Oa. HOMESTEAD ROOFING DIRECT FROM FACTORY You save both the wholesaler’s and re tailer’s profits when ordering, for we manufacture this material. 1- ply, weight 35 lbs. to 108 sq. 2- ply, weight 45 lbs. to 108 sq. 3- ply. weight 65 lbs. to 108 sq. Write for samples or order direct from this ad. Satisfaction guaranteed. M UR« J . E. B E R K H E IM E R M F G . CO., T a c o m a . W a s h . Great Virtue. There Is no greater everyday virtue than cheerfulness. This quality In woman Is like sunshine to the day, or gentle renewing moisture to parched herbs. The light of a cheerful face diffuses Itself and communicates the happy spirit that inspires It. The sourest temper must sweeten In the atmosphere of continuous good humor. As well might fog and cloud and vapor hope to cling to sun-illum ined landscape as “the blues” and moroseness to combat Jovial speech and exhilarating laughter. There is no path hut will be easier traveled, no load but will be lighter no shadow on heart or brain but will lift sooner in the presence of a de termined cheerfulness. It may at times seem difficult for the happiest temper ed to keep the countenance of peace and content, but difficulty will vanish when we truly consider that sullen gloom and passionate despair do noth ing but multiply thorns and thicken sorrows. ' When Yo ur Eyes Need Care Pessimism of Mr. Mutshaw. “It Is a great pity,” a trifle grimly remarked Stanley Livingston Mut- shaw, who had several unappreciated Frankenstelna on his hands, a boll on his neck and a grand grouch on his soul, "that some children nre so sadly afflicted with bashfulness; and It Is a still greater pity that others ain’t. Al so, I have observed that a brother-in- law never dies and seldom resigns. And I believe we are going to get this season a darn sight more rain than we need!” T ry M arin e E y e R em edy. N o S m a rtin g — F e e ls F in e — A c ts Q uickly. T ry I t fo r R ed , W eak, W atery E yes a u d G ra n u la te d E yelids. Illu s tra te d B ook In e a c h P a c k a g e . M urine Is compounded by onr Oculists—not a "P a te n t Med icine"—b u t used in successful P h y sician s'P rac tice fo r many years. Now dedicated to th e Pub I .la u id b lu e 1« a w .u lc s o lu tio n . A m id i t. B u y lic and sold by Druggist s a t 26c and 60c p e r Bottle. R e d C ro ss H a ll B lu e , t h e b lu e t h a t ’s a ll b lu e . A s k M arine Hyo B ahrein A septic Tubes, 25o and 60c. y o u r g r o c e r . M u rin e E ye R em edy C o ., C h ic a g o Raw Meat Popular In Italy. Travelers report that In Italy the devouring of raw meat In restaurants la now ao common ns to be—to wo men, at any rate—a public annoyance. The waiter brings the slab of beef steak and exhibits It to the eyes of the man about to lunch, who watches the process of cutting and of sprin kling with a little oil and vinegar. Over the dish is then poured a raw egg. Neverl Wife—"In a battle of tongues a woman can hold her own.” Husband —“M—yes, p'r’aps she can; but she never does.” Moral Lesson Watted. "Say, mother,” asked a dreamy Ed gar, "when I grow up I’ll be a man, won’t I?” “Yes, my son,” seizing the opportunity to press home a needed moral, “but If you want to be a renl man you must be very industrious at school and learn how to behave yourself. You must not be dull or lazy, If you want to be a man." “Why, mother,” came the wondering query. “Do the lazy women turn out to be women when they grow up?" Remember Him? What has become of the old fash ioned dentist who used to give you the tooth to take home with you? They Know All About Us. No Time. A French writer says that Ameri “Have you ever had nervous pros cana a coal-black china dinner tration?” "No. I work for a salary service use when In mourlng. which stops when I’m not on my Job.” —Chicago Record-Herald. Simple Lines. What we all need la grand simple lines In our characters and our work as well as In our toilettes. YOUR LIVER REGULATES YOUR SYSTEM LIVER WITH REGULXTC YOUR One Thing That Holda Ua. Most of us would be financially well- to-do It wo didn’t have to pay our debts.—SL Joseph News Press. The Tortures of Prickly Heat and all akin nffectlons are quickly al leviated and In a short time complete ly cured by using Tyree's Antiseptic Powder. 25c. at druggists. For free sample write J. S. Tyree, Chemist, Washington, D. C.—Adv. Record for Lazlneaa. The lnzteat man Is reported In Ar kansas, where he conducts a shoe store In a little town. A woman en tered his shop one day and said she wanted to buy a pair of shoes. The lazy man, who was sitting on a box at one end of his establishment, look ed at her, yawned wearily, and then said: “I can't wait on you toddy. Come In some time when I'm staudln’ up.” -S an Francisco Argonaut. GRANULATED EYELIDS la lla m e d o r S o re Eyoo o nd S tie s p rom ptly h e a le d w ith Roman Eye Balsam “DIDN’T HURT A BIT” i t w h a t th ey a ll a ay of our Painless Methods of Extracting Teeth. O u t-o f-to w n peo ple» can have th e ir p la te and bridgw- w ork finished in one day if necessary. An absolute g u a r antee. backed by 28 years in P o rtla n d In the Car. "My dear sir, I don’t mind your walking briskly all over my feet, but I wish you wouldn't loiter on them.” —Life. Solicitous. He—"I wish I had money. I'd trav el.” She—"How much do you need?” —Judge. Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets regu j late and invigorate stomach, liver and bowels. Sugar-coated, tiny granules, easy to take. Do not gripe. Mean of Maud. Ethel—"Jack snatched a kiss from Alice last night and she cried.” Maud —"What for—more?" 8low Work. Poverty Is no disgrace, but It Is hav- i Ing a hard time getting Itself to be popular. Dally Thought. Silence Is a great peacemaker.— j Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Legal Axiom. Keep your own counsel and you'll never need a lawyer. Guileless Paragon. Oh I for a person who Isn’t trying to work something. Wise Dental Co. OrriCC H O U R S: A A. M. t o A P . M. Sundays 9 to t P h o n e s : A 2 0 2 9 : M ain 2 0 2 9 . f a il in g B ld g ., T hird a n d W a s h in g to n , Portland OUT OP TOWN' PEOPLE c «n rec e iv e p ro m p t n .e a ts o f Ifsa-Petsc____„ He»iu-b«H41«( r — 41« C. GEE WO th e C hinese doctor. Try once more If yon h ere l-oen doctoring w ith this one end th a t one snd h are not olitsincd per- n en e n l relief. l e t th is greet nature healer diag- n o w yonr cede end p r eecril* som e remedy whose a ction 1« q uick. «nre end safe. HI« prescriptions • re oomp<>ande<l from Boots. Herbs. Bads end Bark« th a t b s ve beon get he red from every qnar- t e r o f th e ( lo t * . T h e secrets o f th ese m ed icin es ■ jjlk n o w n to th e ont«ide world, bat have b eea t< ’Vt) from fath er to «on in th e p hysicians' C O N SU LT A T IO N I f yon liv e out of town and cannot ca ll, w rite for sym ptom blank and circular, e n c lo sin g 4 ce n ts la stam ps. THEC. GEE WO CHINESE MEDICINE CO. 162} tin t St., Cor. Mori boo P o r tla n d . O r« « — . PILES! PILES! PILES! F o r t h a t tr o u b le s o m e a lim e n t u s e D R . flC H R E l'D E R ’S P I L E R E M E D Y H ig h ly reco m m e n d e d . P. N. U. N o . M , ’13 S a m p le p a c k a g e 10c. Th* Vitalita* Chemical Co. N « r tk H ank R id « . S aattla. W aak. W H E V - r i t i — ta i a d r.rtia O T a , piMOT " tlo n t h t , pa POT. EJ PUTNAM FADELESS DYES C olor m o re g o o d s b rig h te r a n d factor c o lo n th a n o n y o th e r d y e . O ne 10c p a c k a g e c o lo n silk , w o o l a n d c o tto n e q u a lly w e u and is « u a ia n to e d to g iv e p e rfe c t resu lto . A sk d e aler, o* w o w ill s e n d p o stp a id a t 10c a p a c k a g e . W r ite fo r toeA b o o k le t h o w to d y e . b le a c h a n d m l* c o lo n . M ONROE D R U G C O M PA N Y , Q u in cy , Ullnole. f t............ $1.25 f t ..... 1.60 f t ..... 1.75