Mosier bulletin. (Mosier, Or.) 1909-19??, June 27, 1913, Image 2

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Resume of World's Important
Events Told in Brief.
W h eat prices a t Chicago a re lowered
by ex cellen t crop prospects.
O riental buyers are inqu irin g for
prices on new flour fo r export.
M exican rebels in larg e force are
m oving on Ju arez, opposite El Paso,
P resid en t W ilson read his m essage
on currency reform to congress, and
urged im m ediate action on th e m eas­
Five physicians o f the U n iv ersity of
P ennsylvania w ere a rrested fo r cru el­
ty to anim als in p ractisin g vivisec­
R obert J. C ollier, publisher, con­
tem plates an a tte m p t to m ake a flight
across th e A tla n tic in a hydro-aero­
R ains thro u g h o u t th e Pacific N o rth ­
w est are m ak in g a bum per a lfa lfa
crop, b u t ru in in g th e ch erries and
straw b e rrie s.
A rth u r Pelkey, th e p u g ilist whose
opponent died in th e rin g from a solar
plexus blow recently, w as acq u itted of
all liab ility .
E ngineers, firemen, d riv ers and
helpers o f th e ice facto ries a t C incin­
nati a re on strik e , and th e city is su f­
fe rin g from hot w eath er.
New South W ales, A u stralia, has
bought a fu rn itu re facto ry and will
m ake all the fu rn itu re needed in the
schools of th e com m onwealth.
C ap tain U. B. S cott, v e te ra n ste a m ­
boat builder and o p e ra to r o f th e W il­
lam ette and Colum bia riv ers and P u g et
Sound, died in P ortland, aged 86 years.
An 18-year-old boy in W ashington,
D. C., on tria l fo r highw ay robbery,
drew a revolver when th e judge re­
fused to release him and began firing
a t th e ju d g e and law yers.
P resid e n t W ilson signed th e sundry
civil bill, ow ing to th e u rg e n t need o f
cash fo r m any purposes, b u t m ain­
tained th e
sam e
objections th a t
prom pted T a ft to veto th e m easure.
P resid e n t W ilson is h av in g trouble
filling diplom atic positions abroad.
A tornado unroofed th e capitol a t
T allahassee, Florida.
A tornado in V irg in ia killed one and
did dam age to th e e x te n t o f $100,000.
The th re a te n e d plague o f 17-year
locusts in K ansas seem s to have about
A recen t d e p a rtm e n t ru lin g will p u t
a check on H indu im m igration on the
Pacific Coast.
An auto sta g e run n in g o u t o f Vale,
O re., w as held up and robbed by ban­
d its in an o th er autom obile.
A m ale su ffra g ist w as alm ost in ­
sta n tly killed w hile in te rfe rin g w ith
th e races a t A scot tra c k , England.
K ansas C ity em ployers say th a t
boys will be hired instead o f g irls if
th e m inim um w age law goes into o p er­
D r. Blue, surgeon general o f th e U.
S. H ealth service, declares leprosy is
steadily on the increase in th e U nited
S tates.
The ta riff bill has been am ended to
give th e P re sid e n t power to m ake re ­
ta lia to ry rates.
Em ployes on elec tric locom otives
have been m ade elig ib le to m em ber­
ship by the Brotherhood of Locomotive
Firem en.
T h irte e n w ere killed, two a re f a ta l­
ly injured and 25 o thers m ore o r less
h u rt by a head-on collision o f elec tric
cars in C alifornia.
R eform s in th e custom s service will
m ake 113 less collectors a fte r Ju ly 1,
and th e p erq u isites o f many o th ers w ill
be g re a tly reduced.
W h e a t—T rack prices: Club, 93c;
bluestem , 9 8 c(h $ l; 40-fold, 94c; red
R ussia, 92c; valley, 94c.
O ats— No. 1 w hite, $32 p er to n ;
stain ed and off grade, less.
Corn — W hole, $28.50; cracked,
$29.50 p er ton.
M illstuffs— B ran, $24.50<ri25 to n ;
shorts, $26.50(o27; m iddlings, $31.
B arley— Feed, $26.6(K(/27 per ton;
brew ing, nom inal; rolled, $28.60(</:
H ay — E aste rn Oregon tim othy,
choice, $18(//:19 p er to n ; a lfa lfa , $13«ii
O nions— New, red, $1.25 p e r sack.
V egetables— A rtichokes, 75c dozen;
asparag u s, O regon, 60c(//$l; beans.
3fti8c pound; cabbage, ljj(<i2c; cauli­
flower, $2 per c ra te ; com , 40c dozen;
cucum bers, $1 b o x ; eg g p lan t, 25c
pound; head lettu ce, $2.50 crate.
P otato es— New C alifornia, 2 |c lb.
G reen F ru it — Apples, new, $1.50
box; old, nom inal; straw b e rrie s, 76(u
85c c r a te ; cherries, 5oi 8c p ound;
gooseberries, 2 0 /3c pound; apricots,
$1 .250/1.50 box; cantaloupes, $2,600/
3 c ra te ; w aterm elons, 3 |c pound;
blackb erries,
$1.60 c ra te ; plum s, $1.50 box.
* P o u ltry — H ens, 1 2 |c ; sprin g s, 18or
19c; turkeys, live, 18c;
choice, 24o/25c; ducks, old,
young, 14c.
E ggs—Oregon ranch, case count, 22c
dozen; candled, 24o/26c.
R u tte r—C ity cream ery b u tte r cubes,
28c pound; p rin ts, 29c.
Pork Fancy, 100/11c pound.
V eal— Fancy, 140/14 ic pound.
H ops — 1912 crop, 12o/16c pound;
1913 contracts, 14c pound.
Wool— E astern Oregon, 10^0/164c;
valley, 18(r|;19c pound; m ohair, 1913
clip. 31e.
G rain bags 9 o /9 |c Portland.
C a ttle — Choice steers, $7.75/« 8.50;
good, $7,250/7.60; medium, $70i7.25;
choice cows, $6.600/7; good, $6.25///.
m edium ,
calves, $8o/9.60; good heavy calves
$6,500/7.60; bulls. $40/6.
H ogs— L ight, $80/8.60; heavy, $7oz:
S heep —W ethers, $40/6; ew es, $3oz
4.50; lam bs, $60(6.60.
Retirement of National Bank Notes
to Be Restored By Consent.
W ashington, D. C .—The adm inis­
tra tio n currency bill is to undergo
some im p o rta n t changes before it is
pushed for action in e ith e r house or
The provision fo r the re tire m e n t of
national bank notes and the refunding
o f 2 p er cent governm ent bonds w ith
a 3 per cent issue is to be p u t back in­
to th e m easure la te r, it is expected,
w ith th e consent o f the a d m in istra ­
tion. T his provision w as in th e bill
before th e final conferences a t the
W hite House, bu t was tak en ou t be­
cause of th e opposition o f S ecretary
B ryan and others.
Much of th e c riticism a g a in st the
m easure am ong
m em bers o f both
houses has been d irected a t th e pro­
posal to cre a te a new kind of paper
currency w ithout w ith d raw in g th e na­
tional bank notes or providing ag ain st
a d ep reciation in value of th e 2 per
c e n t governm ent bonds th a t secure
th ese notes.
T his objection has be­
come so stro n g as to convince adm inis­
tra tio n leaders th e provision m ust be
resto red if th e bill is to pass.
C hairm an G lass and D em ocratic
m em bers o f th e house currency com­
m itte e , a t a conference T hursday,
agreed to u n d ertak e individually to
“ sound o u t” im p artial bankers, busi­
ness men, e x p e rts and stu d en ts of
financial affairs, to ascertain how the
provisions o f th e G lass bill are re g a rd ­
ed by th a t p a rt o f th e public which
w ill be affected m ost directly by mon­
e ta ry changes.
General News of the Industrial and Educational Development
and Progress of Rural Communities, Public Institutions, Etc.
Halibut Feeding Grounds Off New- Hotels, Cottages and Amusements
port Boon to Fishermen.
Increase at Garibaldi.
P ortland — H alib u t banks recently
Bay C ity— D evelopm ent along G a ri­
discovered off N ew port, Y aquina Bay, baldi Beach and a t th e life saving s ta ­
O r., are receiving much a tten tio n tion in an ticip atio n o f th e sum m er’s
softly to th e door, which I had left
from P o rtlan d sm all b oat operators. business is being rushed to the utm ost.
ajar. T he m inutes slipped by w ithout
The banks a re new and am ong the New hotels, places of am usem ent, and
a sound, and presently I began to won­
rich est kown. They are sufficient to m any cottages a re now in course of
der why C oran had not returned. His
supply all th e m ark ets o f the N o rth ­ building or have been com pleted re-
room was not far from mine. I m ust
w est w ith fresh fish from early sp rin g | cently.
have heard his foot upon the stalls.
u n til la te fall.
Many persons who bought property
( C o n t in u e d .)
He had disobeyed his orders, th a t was
T here are eig h t gasoline launches a t ut th e beach la st sum m er have erected
“My brother refuses the m ovem ent
N ew port being fitted up fo r fishing, homes d u ring the w in ter in order to his support,” she said In a loud, firm evident. However, It w as not my af­
th re e of these a re already engaged in have them ready fo r occupancy th is voice. “My reply to him Is to rtu re r, fair, and I crep t back to my point of
th e business w ith g re a t success and I season.
inquisitor. W hat are your view s on
th e opening of a cold sto rag e p lant at
L a st sum m er, which w as really th e th e subject 7”
Twelve! I heard the clock tap out
N ew port n ex t m onth w ill aid m a te r­ first y e a r th a t pleasure-seekers aw ak ­
“T he sam e, my d e a r madam , as your th e new s from the room below. 1 was
ially in th e comm erce o f th a t industry. ened to the p ossibilities o f th is beach, own,” said th e disgraceful little hypo­ nodding In my chair, barely aw ake.
In addition th ere is a sailin g schoon­ found the num ber o f v isito rs and buy­ crite. “How does the cause progress A fter all. It w as a trivial m atter, this
e r from S eattle, a t p resen t held up ers constantly grow ing as th e season In B rendon?"
trum pery blackm ail. H alf an hour
by a lien, and C aptain R. E. Voeth advanced, until the m onth of S eptem ­
"I tr u s t th a t In a few w eeks our local more, th o u g h t I, pulling out my w atch,
has resigned his position as m aster of ber, when the crow ds w ere larg est.
branch will have been placed on such and I will get to bed.
th e yacht Sea O tte r and tak en charge
Accom m odations w ere inadequate a basis as to be a model to the whole
The affair w as becom ing extrem ely
o f the W anderer, w hich he will tak e la s t season, b u t th e m any new hotels society.”
m onotonous. I dared not light a cig­
to N ew port to engage in the h alib u t w hich have been erected and enlarged
"A unt Is ra th e r a crank on antl- are tte , fo r I felt certain th a t Peace
all along the beach will be able to care
w hispered Miss Emily In would notice the glow from outside,
In q u iries about th e h alib u t banks for th e increased business w hich is e x ­
be careful. If she tackles and th a t I should h ear of It In the
have been frequently made by P o rt­ pected.
m orning. T en m inutes, a q u arter of
land m erchants.
C ap tain T abell, of
T h a t G aribaldi beach will be popu­
an hour—w hat was th a t m oving under
th e P atsy, reported th a t he had ob­ la r th is sum m er, is shown by the num ­
the trees by the edge of the drive? It
served launches fishing fo r h alib u t ber o f advanced bookings fo r accom­ betw een us.
A fter the ladles left, Coran began a was a m an—two men. I crouched for­
when he arriv ed on th e p resen t voy­ m odations. In its convenience it is
w ard w ith every nerve In me suddenly
age, and his rep o rt is one of m any of the m ost favored reso rt fo r P ortland gloomy autobiography. His fam ily, he aw akened.
th e sam e kind.
people. The beaches afford am ple a t­
T hey w ere a good th irty yards
T here w ill be a survey m ade o f the tractio n for s u rf bathers, w hile for England a t the tim e of th e London es­
apart, the one following the o th er w ith
BRYAN NOW READY TO DEAL banks by th e g overnm ent and doubt­ those wh'o p re fe r o th er out-door capade. No account of the affair, stealthy strid e s—not th e so rt of w alk
less C aptain Voeth, who found them am usem ents th ere is hunting, deep sea which appeared In only one paper,
w ith which honest men go about hon­
la st sum m er w hile on th e launch Ollie and fresh w ater fishing, m ountain had reached them . He had left for
Russian Diplomat Advised on S.,
Sheffield shortly afterw ards, and It est business.
will receive c re d it for his valuable clim bing and fine roads fo r m otoring.
Treaty Negotiations.
W hen the leader cam e to the path
The railroads have announced addi­ w as not until ten y ears la te r th a t the
d eath of his fa th e r had given him a w hich led tow ards the sum m er house
tional tra in service fo r the season.
W ashington, D C .— R esponding to a
couple of thousand pounds, w ith he tu rn ed down It, leaving th e drive to
suggestion made some tim e ago by the GLADSTONE GETS LECTURER
w hich he bought a share In his pres­ his right. He avoided th e gravel,
R ussian governm ent, S ecretary B ryan
STORM HURTS GRAIN FIELDS e n t business, w hich had greatly pros­ keeping to the silen t tu rf which
has inform ed A m bassador B akhm eteff
fringed It. H is companion followed
th a t he would be glad to e n te r into ne­ Baumgardt to Be Heard Thrice at
C oncerning T hom as Appleton, the him step by step.
Coming Chautauqua.
Heavy Rains Turn Little Walla
g o tiatio n s for a new tre a ty o f trad e
It w as a curious spectacle, these
young man whom he suspected, he
and comm erce betw een A m erica and
Walla River Into Torrent.
O regon C ity —One of th e in terestin g
spoke m ost bitterly. H e was, Indeed, slow-moving shadow s th a t drifted for­
R ussia. No a tte m p t has been made fe a tu re s o f th e com ing C hautauqua to
Pendleton—A terrific hail, rain and In th e middle of his denunciations ward through the night, now alm ost
actu ally to open neg o tiatio n s as yet. be held Ju ly 8 to 20 a t G ladstone Park,
w ind storm th a t sta rte d betw een Pen­ when Peace slipped from his chair obscured beneath th e branches, now
I t is understood th a t th e am bassador, will be the B. R. B au m gardt lectures.
dleton and P ilo t Rock, on McKay and moved softly to the window.
show ing In black silhouette ag ain st a
who has com m unicated S ecretary B ry­ P rofessor B aum gardt is perhaps the
creek, S aturday, sw ept n o rth easte rly
W ith a sw ift je rk he drew the blind patch of moonlight.
a n ’s m essage to his governm ent, is best-know n C hautauqua le c tu re r in the
over the U m atilla Indian reservation aside and stared out. From w here 1
As the first man m elted am ongst
a w a itin g in stru ctio n s from St. P e te rs­ field today.
about tw o m iles above th e agency, in­
th e tre e s about the sum m er house, the
B aum gardt first a tta in e d renown as creased in velocity, and strik in g the sat I could see an em pty stre tc h of
law n w ith shrubs beyond show ing o th er moved forw ard sw iftly for a
S ecretary of S ta te B ryan said th a t a scien tist, la te r as a g lobe-trotter,
h eadw aters of the L ittle W alla W alla darkly In the sum m er tw ilig h t
score of step s and then halted for a
th e exchanges had not passed beyond and finally as a lectru er. He has ac­
riv er, raised it th re e fe e t inside o f an
"A lovely evening,” he said over his m om ent, crouching behind a clum p of
th e expression of a m utual desire to quired a w onderful know ledge of the
hour, according to rep o rts received shoulder.
laurel. Suddenly he sprang up again
have a new tre a ty , and th a t th e re had e a rth , having trav eled in every in te r­
We both w atched him In surprise as and ran s tra ig h t forw ard, cutting a
been no a tte m p t to o utline the basis of e stin g corner of th e world, and a t the here.
T his m arks the first serious dam age he dropped the blind and walked back corner across the low er edge of the
a new convention.
sam e tim e continued his scientific to crops in U m atilla county from
to his seat, stopping on his way to pat lawn.
I t had been rep o rted from St. P e­ studies o f th e sta rs and planets. This
storm s this year. The farm ers around th e te rrie r th a t lay on a m at by the
T here w as no shouting, but I could
te rsb u rg th a t P re sid e n t W ilson had w onderful know ledge, coupled w ith a
C ayuse sustained heavy losses, th e ir window.
notified th e R ussian governm ent his m ost in te re stin g personality, and an
hear th e fain t tram ping of a scuffle
g rain being beaten down so flat they
“Is th e re anything the m atterT ” and the thud of falling bodies. T hen
a d m in istratio n would be w illing to en ­ ex cellent delivery, has elevated B aum ­
will have to use engines on th e ir com­ asked Coran.
te r into a new tre a ty only on th e con­ g a rd t to a suprem e place on the A m er­
all was still again.
bines in order to save it.
“It we a re to keep our business h ere
ditio n th a t
A m erican citizens be ican lectu re p latfo rm . H e lectures on
P eace had told m e to rem ain In th e
The hail w as in th e form o f icicles, a secret you m ust not talk too loud—
“ freely a d m itted ” to Russia.
house. B ut P eace had n ever expected
Ju ly 18, 19 and 20, th e final three which cut leaves
from trees and th a t Is all.”
two m en; I w as sure of th at. I crep t
evenings of th e C hautauqua and a fit­ mowed down v egetation like knives.
“1 don’t u nderstand you.”
WORKS ON, DESPITE FORTUNE tin g close to th e assem bly.
down th e stairs, out through the
The to rre n tia l
dow npour rendered
"One of your household was listen ­ F rench w indows of the draw ing room,
roads alm ost im passable up McKay ing a t th e window.”
and so across the lawn to th e trees
Flagman and Wife Allow They’ll
creek, near Cayuse, and in the north
School Has Agricultural Club.
“Do you m ean to tell me th a t I am
end o f the county.
Though some of spied upon by my own people?” cried about th e sum m er house.
“Fix Up Nicer Now.”
Mt. View ru ra l school, in B enton th e g ra in may rise, m ost o f it w ill
As I passed through them I saw a
Coran, angrily. “W hat gave you such little group standing In w hispered con­
Spokane — L a te st reports received county, has an ag ric u ltu ral club w ith
have to ripen on the ground.
an Idea?”
from Sprinfield, III., by Mrs. Minnie an advisor chosen from am ong the
versation. T hey turned sharply upon
’T h e dog there.”
Beadle, o f 401 Chelan s tre e t, who re ­ neighboring farm ers, to m eet every
me. One w as a stran g er, but his com­
"A bsurd!"
R; .lrhman Becomes Aviator.
cently w as made one o f the h eirs to a fo rtn ig h t through th e sum m er to plan
panions w ere P eace and, to my v ast
$175,000 e s ta te le f t by a siste r in th a t and discuss e x h ib its for the S ta te fa ir
R ickreall— F lying a t the ra te o f 40
surprise, old C oran him self.
city , places h er sh are in th e e s ta te at and the local In d u strial fa ir n e x t fall. m iles an hour, Jo h n A. R iddell, a he lay he could look under th e low er
“Well, Mr. P hillips,” said th e detec­
m ore th an $45,000, or double w hat
Seniors of the A g ricu ltural college, ranchm an, gave Polk county citizens
tive, “and w hat do you w an t?”
w as a t first th o u g h t to be h er share.
under the extension division, have in­ th e ir first chance to w itness from th e ir draw n com pletely down. He raised
“I thought—” I began.
Mr. Beadle is a flagman fo r th e Spo­ spired th e organ izatio n by v isits to dooryards th e flight o f an aeroplane, his e a rs; some one approached; he
"Ob, you’ve been thinking, too, have
kane & Inland E m pire railroad, s ta ­ the school, g iv in g ta lk s on crops, cook­ when he flew in a circle from the R id­ wagged his stall, It was a friend w ith you,” he snapped. “H ere Is a young
tioned a t T re n t avenue and Sherm an ing and sew ing, p ests and soils. A t dell ranch to a point 7J m iles south­ whom he w as well acquainted. If It m an who w as thinking he would like
had been a stran g er be would have to look a t th is extrem ely com m onplace
stre e t.
th h e last m eetin g th e children ex­ w est of this city and return.
“ We like our place h e re ,” suid Mrs. am ined the te n t cate rp illar, bud moth
Mr. Riddell put his new ly-acquired run barking to the window. I t Is Blm- sum m er house; here Is Mr. Coran who
Beadle. " W e have made it our home and o y ster shell scale, discussing biplane to a severe test, p rep arato ry ple enough, surely.”
w as th in k in g he m ight help me by
"Did you see who It was 7” asked our lurking about his garden Instead of
and it would be hard for us to give it tre a tm e n t for them . Bread baked by to ta k in g it to G ran ts Pass, w here he
host, w ith a sudden change of m anner. going to bed; and here a re you w ith
up. Mr. Beadle likes his work and I one o f th e little g irls was judged c riti­ is to m ake a series o f flights.
"No,” said the little man. "B ut I heaven know s w hat Ideas In your
th in k th a t we will stay here and go on cally and found very good.
Ranch folk along the route taken by
as before. We will fix our home up
T here is a re g u la r stu d en t body o r­ the av iato r w ere disturbed w hile a t think th is conversation unwise. Shall head. P erh ap s you and Mr. C oran will
n icer now. ”
ganization, and a num ber o f e n te rta in ­ th e ir evening m eals by the buzzing we join the ladles In th e draw ing do w hat you a re told an o th er tim e."
m ents have provided funds for equip­ a ir c ra ft and h eartly g reeted the pilot room ?”
"I saw tw o m en.” 1 explained hum ­
Fifty-Eight for Federal Rail Line. ping a croquet ground, a ten n is court, on discovering th e cause of the d is­ Peace w as In his m ost en tertain in g bly. “I w as afraid they m ight get the
mood th a t night. Poor Emily, who b e tte r of you. How w as I to know
W ashignoton, D. C.— A roll o f the and a baseball diam ond, and p u ttin g turbance.
was sittin g by the French windows, th a t It w as Mr. Coran who had diso­
up a big sw ing. W hat w as le ft a t the
sen ate com pleted Thursday shows th a t
starin g sadly out Into the gath erin g beyed o rd ers?”
Few Jackson Voters Register.
end of the school y e a r is to be used for
68 sen ato rs are in favor of the bill au ­ fru it trees to p lan t on th e unprotected
"You a re both pleased to be hum or­
A shland—T here are few reg istered shadow s, w as led to the piano, w here
th o rizin g governm ent construction o f side o f the grounds, w hich cun be used voters in Jackson county, as a sm all she recalled her forbidden lover In ous," said our host, and I could see he
th e tru n k line railroads in A laska. for shade and h o rticu ltu ral instruction. num ber has tak en th e trouble to p er­ sentim ental ditties. He engaged Miss was trem bling w ith rage. "B ut the
W h eth er o r not, in view o f th is show ­
form th a t duty since Ju n e 3. Few are Rebecca In an argum ent on the local fact rem ains th a t I caught th is young
ing, th e bill can he passed th is session
eligible to sign p etitio n s o r vote a t control of licensed prem ises, w hich man en terin g th e sum m er house for
will depend largely upon the ta riff and
any special election, inasm uch as the gave th a t w orthy old lady an oppor­ a purpose we can well Imagine, in­
Ilood R iv e r—In addition to the am-1
currency program .
If tim e can be
new law invalidates the re g istra tio n tunity for genuine oratory. Even our spector A ddington Peace, I charge
found to consider th is bill so as not to
of la s t year.
T his is th e situ atio n m elancholy host w as draw n out of his th is person, T hom as Appleton, w ith
in te rfe re w ith th e P re sid e n t's pro­ be presented by local ta le n t on each which confronts th e elec to rate on the m iseries by a reference to th e w ater blackm ail.”
gram , frien d s of A lnska think th e hill n ig h t of th e second annual H orticul­ eve o f an activ e canvass in b eh alf of supply.
"Can you explain your presence,
may be pushed through, but stro n g tu ra l C hautauqua to be held here from a proposed road bond and o th er im ­
W hen ten o’clock came, and the Mr. A ppleton?” asked the detective,
Ju ly 22 to 28, the days w ill be filled
opposition hus developed.
ladles w ere led aw ay under Miss Re­ kindly.
w ith lectures by the b est h orticultural p o rta n t m easures. L ively efforts are becca’s w ing—they keep early hours
He did not look a crim inal, for be
being put fo rth in every precinct
Colonel's Tour Outlined.
In B rendon—1 shook th e Inspector by stood very straig h t and square. re-
m estic course will be given for the throughout th e county to line up the the band In sincere adm iration. It gardlng th e three of us with an
New York Theodore R oosevelt will
voters fo r re g istra tio n in order to
vnlley housew ives and bachelor house­
p revent d efau lt a t forthcom ing elec­ had been a really sm art perform ance, am used smile.
leave New York th e first week o f Oc­
keepers. One n ig h t o f the C hautauqua
and I told him so.
“Of course, I had no rig h t to be
to b er n e x t to m ake a series of address­
will be devoted to a comic opera. J.
The little man did not respond. In­ here,” he said. “Though why I should
es in the A rgentine Republic on sub­
A. Epping, well known as a teacher in
stead, he drew us together In a corner find a detective w aiting to a rre s t me
je c ts of in tern atio n al social in terest.
Convict Makes Escape.
P ortland, is p rep arin g “ The M ikado.” j
and Issued his orders w ith sharp p re­ for blackm ail, or why Mr. Coran
Incidentally he will v isit B razil and
Salem —W hile w orking v irta lly un­
The valley has some excellent m usical
C hile and mny m ake a trip into the
ta le n t
d er th e eyes o f tw o guards, J . W.
"Mr. Coran, a t fifteen m inutes to
tropical in te rio r o f the continent.
K eith, a convict, escaped from the eleven you will leave th e house by the
These d etails o f Mr. R oosevelt’s trip
Southern Students Here.
brickyard a t th e p e n ite n tia ry Friday draw ing room w indows and place th e
w ere announced in his behalf, am pli­
Hood R iver F ive husky young a g ri­ afternoon.
fying a previous b rie f sta te m e n t that
envelope you have prepared In the
such a trip w as contem plated. He cultural stu d en ts from the U n iv ersity ■ K eith, who w as convicted o f o b tain ­ locker of the sum m er house. When
goes to A rg en tin e a t th e in v itatio n o f o f Tennessee, a t K noxville, who are ing money under false p reten ses in you re tu rn do not fasten the catch, for
th e Museo Social.
to u rin g the W est to study horticul­ L ake county, not only slipped out o f a 1 may wish to e n ter during the night.
tural and a g ricu ltu ral conditions, a r ­ door unobserved, but cut a screen in W alk u p stairs to your bed and get to
rived here recently to ta k e p a rt in the order to conceal him self in a ditch sleep If you can. Mr. Phillips, you
Flying Rancher Has Fall.
R ickreall, Or. W hile flying a t the stra w b e rry harv est, w hich has now until the guards and convicts returned will go to your room and stay there.
H e w as m issed The window overlooks th e garden. If NOT HARD TO STOP HAZING
ra te of 20 m iles an hour, John A. Rid­ sh ifted from th e low er to the upper to the p en iten tiary .
The young men are paying ju s t before supper and a general alarm you w ant to keep w atch—for 1 do not
dell, av ia to r ami rancher, steered his valley.
suppose you can resist th a t tem ptation ' G o o d R e s u l t s H a v e F o llo w e d D e t e r ­
big 50-horse (lower biplane tow ard an p a rt of th e ir expenses by w orking was sounded.
m in e d P u r p o s e to P u t a n E n d
—see th a t your head Is well out of
open stre tc h of land to avoid sailing in orchards and g rain fields. From j
to C o lle g e F o o lis h n e s s .
sight. W hen Mr. C oran leaves th e
Creamery Output Large.
over th e tim ber, and in rounding the here they propose to go to E astern
curve the m achine dropped suddenly to Oregon to ta k e p a rt in th e g rain h a r - ! Independence — A new record has house, listen a t your door. If you
Hazing, w hich used to be ram p an t
been established by the Independence h ear anyone moving, go and find out
th e ground.
Riddell escaped any in­ vest.
| a t W est P o in t and Annapolis, has
C ream ery in the o u tp u t o f b u tte r who It may be. You u n d erstan d ?”
"Y es." I answ ered. "B ut w hat are been p re tty well suppressed through
which is 6000 pounds a day, valued a t
New Creamery Operating.
The m achine stru ck a barbed w ire
th e energy w ith which It has been
fence and both planes, the propeller
P ra ire C ity — A fte r m onths and $1680 a day, or close to $50,000 a you going to do?”
"D iscover a suitable place from com bated by the federal au th o rities
and the skidder w ere broken.
m onths of p lanning and preparing. m onth. In addition to th e m anufac­
U nder th e urglngs of the Inquirer and
P ra irie C ity a t la st has entered the tu re of b u tte r, th e company also which 1 can keep an eye on the sum ­ o th er new spapers, which detested and
Mr«. Rockefeller Feeble.
ranks o f th e b u tte r producing centers m akes ice cream . The p ro p rieto r is m er house. Good night to you.”
W hen I reached my room. I took off denounced a brutal practice, congress
C leveland —- John D. R ockefeller is o f Oregon and th e larg e volume of K. C. E ldridge. Eleven men work in
coat, placed a chair some six feet enacted legislation whose loyal and
in Cleveland once more to pass the cream and m ilk th a t form erly flowed
from the open window, so th a t energetic enforcem ent has served to
sum m er a t his F o re st H ill home. He from th is section of th e s ta te to other
stam p th e evil out. An Instance of It
is accom panied by Mrs. R ockefeller, m ark ets now is b eing m arketed here in P ortland and one trav els on the the rising moon should not show my Is reported once In a while, but usual­
More th an 1500 farm ers ship face to any w atchers in the laurels,
h er sister, Miss Lucy Spellm an, and a and much o f th e finished product con­ road.
ly In a m aterially modified and com ­
and so w aited events.
squad o f servants.
Mrs. R ockefeller sum ed by persons o f th is city and cream to this cream ery.
It w as a soft sum m er night, such as paratively unobjectionable form, and
ap|>eared feeble as her husband sup­ near-by neighborhoods. T he nam e se­
jnly tem p erate E ngland knows. T here th e convicted offender Is punished
Oregon Artilleryman Leads.
ported her from th e ir p riv a te car to lected for th e brand o f b u tte r m anu­
w as not a b reath of wind; a perfum e w ithout any dem oralizing Indulgence.
an autom obile.
factu red here is " J o h n Day Valley
Portland— W ith the artillery m en o f
flowers crept In from the garden; T his Is a gratifying reform for whose
Marigold B u tte r.”
nine states com peting. C aptain H iram every leaf stood black and still In th e consum m ation P resid en t T aft de­
Denmark Plans Reforms.
U. W elch, o f th e O regon Coast a rtil­ silvery light. 1 heard the clock chim e serves a large m easure of credit.
Copenhagen At an e x trao rd in ary Navy Bean to Be Important Crop. lery corps, atta in e d th e h ighest p er­ th ree-q u arters of an hour In s o m e ! At o th er th an th e tw o colleges con­
session of the R igsdag the prem ier,
Q uinaby The navy bean will be one centage for problem s solved in the
beneath me. The last stroke had | ducted by the governm ent hazing con­
M. Zahle, said th a t a new cab in e t had o f the im p o rtan t crops in this section “ field artillery school of fire” a t F o rt room
barely shivered Into silence when 1 ] tinues to a g re a te r or less extent, and
been form ed in o rd e r to secure such th is year, about 60 acres being p lan t­ Sill, Oklahom a. May 18 to Ju n e 18. saw C oran appear upon the la w n .! w ith a varying m .a s u re of severity,
am endm ents to th e co n stitu tio n as ed. In addition to th e beans th a t will C aptain Welch was also well up in the
w alking tow ards the sum m er house, j and w ithin th e past few days cases
would m ake effective the popular de­ be placed on the m a rk et in a dried list in the contest o f th e num ber of th e outlines of which I could dlstln- j have been reported In which one
mand, shown in th e recen t elections. s ta te considerable acreage will be de­ sal vos fire! )>er m inute, ranking six th gutsh am ongst the heavier shadow s of young man died from th e effects of
He added th a t elections for both voted to green beans, th e o u tp u t of in a class o f 20. H is score was 3.23, th e tre e s by which It was surrounded. hts com rades' 111 tr e a tm e n t while an­
cham bers would be held on an equal w hich has already been contracted to the highest m ark being th a t o f F e r­ I rem em bered my orders, an* crep t o th er youth w as so seriously Injured j
guson, o f New Y ork, w ith 3.86.
P ortland canneries.
universal suffrage basis.
should spring upon my back and ron
me over, I cannot Im agine.”
"This la much as I expected,”
snarled bis accuser. “E ffrontery and
Im pudence are ever the assoclatea of
crime. Inspector, you will oblige me
by producing the handcuffs.”
"I should like a word In private, Mr.
C oran.”
They walked off together, leaving
me alone with Mr. Thom as Appleton,
who offered a cigarette.
‘ H as th ere been an epidem ic of
lunacy In the neighborhood?” he In­
quired politely.
“No,” I said, laughing in sp ite of
m yself. “But how, In heaven’s nam e,
do you explain your visit to the sum ­
m er house a t th is hour of th e night?”
"I am afraid I m ust decline to an­
sw er you," he said, and quietly tu rn ed
the subject.
Coran returned, w ith a face of vin­
dictive indecision. U nder his veil of
au sterity th ere had sm ouldered a dan­
gerous tem per, w hich was close upon
bursting Into flame. But, a fte r all, he
bad excuse enough. H eaven alone
knew w hat baulked am bition, w hat
treacherous Insults be had come to
associate with th is young man. The
sam e passions actu a te hum anity,
w hether they view th e world from one
end of th e telescope or the other.
“ I have decided to w aive your a r­
re s t for the present,” he growled.
"It would certain ly create a g reat
scandal In B rendon,” said Appleton,
“You count on th at, do you?” cried
the elder man. “You think you have
a hold upon me, th a t I am afraid of
you. Take care, sir, tak e care.”
“You choose to bo m ysterious, Mr.
Coran. I have no hold on you. But
I should think tw ice if I w ere you be­
fore arrestin g an innocent m an.”
"Innocent! W h at w ere you doing
h ere ?”
‘‘T h at Is my business.”
Coran turned away, w ringing his
hands together In bis odd m anner
when greatly excited.
“Go," he snarled over his shoulder.
"Go, before I stra n g le you."
As I dropped off to sleep half an
hour la te r I w as still w ondering why
Peace had refused a bed, rem aining
for the night In the garden. Could
he expect m ore visits to th e sum m er
house? W hy had young Appleton
come sneaking up a t so late an hour
If he w ere not guilty? The problem
th a t had seem ed so sim ple w as chang­
ed Into a m aze of stran g e complica­
tions. I w as too sleepy to trace them
I w as aw akened by a touch on my
shoulder. It w as Coran who stood
by my bedside.
“W e b reakfast in half an hour,” he
said uneasily.
“I will be punctual.”
“Forgive my Im portunity, Mr. Phil­
lips; but prom ise me th a t you will
be careful before Miss Rebecca. She
is so very acute. I never knew a
woman w ith a keener In stin ct for
scandal. And, as a father, I cannot
forget the fu tu re of my poor girls.
If she knew the tru th she would not
leave them a penny; also, h er h eart
Is affected.”
"I am sorry to h ear It.”
“T hank you. It Is very necessary
th a t you should be discreet.”
He stalked out of the room and left
m e w ondering a t him w ith an am used
cynicism .
I sta rte d for London w ith my host
by th e 9:05. To avoid suspicion.
P eace accom panied us to th e statio n ;
but th e re he left us. He had, he said,
w ork to do In the town.
Coran was cheerful w ith the lim ited
cheerfulness th a t n atu re allowed him.
D oubtless he felt th a t he had his en­
emy in his power. He w as very talk ­
ative concerning th e final address
w hich he w as advertised to deliver
th a t evening a t eig h t o’clock. It was
to be th e com pletion, th e coping-
stone to his cam paign, and was cal­
culated to ensure his election next
I expressed re g re t th a t I
should not be privileged to b ear It.
I lunched a t my club, and, shortly
a fte r th ree, retu rn ed to my rooms.
T here, In my e asiest chair, reading
an evening paper, who should I d is­
cover but Inspector Peace.
“H ello,” I said. “I didn’t expect
you back so soon.”
“T his Is a very com fortable chair
of yours, Mr. P hillips,” he sm iled. ”1
w as glad of a re st.”
“And how goes B rendon?”
“So well th a t I am going to tak e
you down th ere by the 4:10 train .”
I tried to draw his discoveries out
of him, but he would tell me nothing.
Som ething w as going to happen w hich
m ight In terest me if I cam e along—
th a t was the beginning and end of his
news. It was sufficient to m ake me
prom ise to Join him, how ever, as he
very well knew.
(C H R O N I C L E 9
C O N T IN U E D .)
th a t his life is endangered. T his In­
d icates an u nsatisfactory situation. It
show s the continued existence of an
evil w hich needs to be eradicated and
dem onstrates th e necessity for some
rem edial action sufficiently drastic
to be offectlvely restrictiv e and ad­
m onitory. Would-be hazers m ust be
frightened Into good behavior.—Phila­
delphia Inquirer.
W hy
th e J e w e le r F a in te d .
Paddy Dolan bought a w atch from
a Jew eler out home, w ith a guaran­
te e to keep It In o rd er for tw elve
m onths according to standard time.
About six m onths a fter the purchase
Paddy took It back because it had
“You seem to have had an acci­
d ent w ith It," said the Jeweler.
"A sm all one. sure enough, air.
About two m onths ago I w as feeding
th e pig aud th e w atch fell Into the
"B ut you should have brought It
"Sure. I brought It as soon as I could.
Wa only killed th e pig yeeterday.”
"F reak ” Shoes Not Desired.
G erm an m an u factu rers have com­
bined to avoid th e m anufacture o<
"freak ” shoes.