NEWS NOTES OF CURRENT WEES Resume of World's Important Events Told in Brief. W h eat prices a t Chicago a re lowered by ex cellen t crop prospects. O riental buyers are inqu irin g for prices on new flour fo r export. M exican rebels in larg e force are m oving on Ju arez, opposite El Paso, Tex. P resid en t W ilson read his m essage on currency reform to congress, and urged im m ediate action on th e m eas­ ure. Five physicians o f the U n iv ersity of P ennsylvania w ere a rrested fo r cru el­ ty to anim als in p ractisin g vivisec­ tion. R obert J. C ollier, publisher, con­ tem plates an a tte m p t to m ake a flight across th e A tla n tic in a hydro-aero­ plane. R ains thro u g h o u t th e Pacific N o rth ­ w est are m ak in g a bum per a lfa lfa crop, b u t ru in in g th e ch erries and straw b e rrie s. A rth u r Pelkey, th e p u g ilist whose opponent died in th e rin g from a solar plexus blow recently, w as acq u itted of all liab ility . E ngineers, firemen, d riv ers and helpers o f th e ice facto ries a t C incin­ nati a re on strik e , and th e city is su f­ fe rin g from hot w eath er. New South W ales, A u stralia, has bought a fu rn itu re facto ry and will m ake all the fu rn itu re needed in the schools of th e com m onwealth. C ap tain U. B. S cott, v e te ra n ste a m ­ boat builder and o p e ra to r o f th e W il­ lam ette and Colum bia riv ers and P u g et Sound, died in P ortland, aged 86 years. An 18-year-old boy in W ashington, D. C., on tria l fo r highw ay robbery, drew a revolver when th e judge re­ fused to release him and began firing a t th e ju d g e and law yers. P resid e n t W ilson signed th e sundry civil bill, ow ing to th e u rg e n t need o f cash fo r m any purposes, b u t m ain­ tained th e sam e objections th a t prom pted T a ft to veto th e m easure. P resid e n t W ilson is h av in g trouble filling diplom atic positions abroad. A tornado unroofed th e capitol a t T allahassee, Florida. A tornado in V irg in ia killed one and did dam age to th e e x te n t o f $100,000. The th re a te n e d plague o f 17-year locusts in K ansas seem s to have about disappeared. A recen t d e p a rtm e n t ru lin g will p u t a check on H indu im m igration on the Pacific Coast. An auto sta g e run n in g o u t o f Vale, O re., w as held up and robbed by ban­ d its in an o th er autom obile. A m ale su ffra g ist w as alm ost in ­ sta n tly killed w hile in te rfe rin g w ith th e races a t A scot tra c k , England. K ansas C ity em ployers say th a t boys will be hired instead o f g irls if th e m inim um w age law goes into o p er­ ation. D r. Blue, surgeon general o f th e U. S. H ealth service, declares leprosy is steadily on the increase in th e U nited S tates. The ta riff bill has been am ended to give th e P re sid e n t power to m ake re ­ ta lia to ry rates. Em ployes on elec tric locom otives have been m ade elig ib le to m em ber­ ship by the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firem en. T h irte e n w ere killed, two a re f a ta l­ ly injured and 25 o thers m ore o r less h u rt by a head-on collision o f elec tric cars in C alifornia. R eform s in th e custom s service will m ake 113 less collectors a fte r Ju ly 1, and th e p erq u isites o f many o th ers w ill be g re a tly reduced. PORTLAND MARKETS W h e a t—T rack prices: Club, 93c; bluestem , 9 8 c(h $ l; 40-fold, 94c; red R ussia, 92c; valley, 94c. O ats— No. 1 w hite, $32 p er to n ; stain ed and off grade, less. Corn — W hole, $28.50; cracked, $29.50 p er ton. M illstuffs— B ran, $24.50eared feeble as her husband sup­ near-by neighborhoods. T he nam e se­ jnly tem p erate E ngland knows. T here th e convicted offender Is punished Oregon Artilleryman Leads. ported her from th e ir p riv a te car to lected for th e brand o f b u tte r m anu­ w as not a b reath of wind; a perfum e w ithout any dem oralizing Indulgence. an autom obile. factu red here is " J o h n Day Valley Portland— W ith the artillery m en o f of flowers crept In from the garden; T his Is a gratifying reform for whose Marigold B u tte r.” nine states com peting. C aptain H iram every leaf stood black and still In th e consum m ation P resid en t T aft de­ Denmark Plans Reforms. U. W elch, o f th e O regon Coast a rtil­ silvery light. 1 heard the clock chim e serves a large m easure of credit. Copenhagen At an e x trao rd in ary Navy Bean to Be Important Crop. lery corps, atta in e d th e h ighest p er­ th ree-q u arters of an hour In s o m e ! At o th er th an th e tw o colleges con­ session of the R igsdag the prem ier, Q uinaby The navy bean will be one centage for problem s solved in the beneath me. The last stroke had | ducted by the governm ent hazing con­ M. Zahle, said th a t a new cab in e t had o f the im p o rtan t crops in this section “ field artillery school of fire” a t F o rt room barely shivered Into silence when 1 ] tinues to a g re a te r or less extent, and been form ed in o rd e r to secure such th is year, about 60 acres being p lan t­ Sill, Oklahom a. May 18 to Ju n e 18. saw C oran appear upon the la w n .! w ith a varying m .a s u re of severity, am endm ents to th e co n stitu tio n as ed. In addition to th e beans th a t will C aptain Welch was also well up in the w alking tow ards the sum m er house, j and w ithin th e past few days cases would m ake effective the popular de­ be placed on the m a rk et in a dried list in the contest o f th e num ber of th e outlines of which I could dlstln- j have been reported In which one mand, shown in th e recen t elections. s ta te considerable acreage will be de­ sal vos fire! )>er m inute, ranking six th gutsh am ongst the heavier shadow s of young man died from th e effects of He added th a t elections for both voted to green beans, th e o u tp u t of in a class o f 20. H is score was 3.23, th e tre e s by which It was surrounded. hts com rades' 111 tr e a tm e n t while an­ cham bers would be held on an equal w hich has already been contracted to the highest m ark being th a t o f F e r­ I rem em bered my orders, an* crep t o th er youth w as so seriously Injured j guson, o f New Y ork, w ith 3.86. P ortland canneries. universal suffrage basis. MR CORAN’S ELECTION should spring upon my back and ron me over, I cannot Im agine.” "This la much as I expected,” snarled bis accuser. “E ffrontery and Im pudence are ever the assoclatea of crime. Inspector, you will oblige me by producing the handcuffs.” "I should like a word In private, Mr. C oran.” They walked off together, leaving me alone with Mr. Thom as Appleton, who offered a cigarette. ‘ H as th ere been an epidem ic of lunacy In the neighborhood?” he In­ quired politely. “No,” I said, laughing in sp ite of m yself. “But how, In heaven’s nam e, do you explain your visit to the sum ­ m er house a t th is hour of th e night?” "I am afraid I m ust decline to an­ sw er you," he said, and quietly tu rn ed the subject. Coran returned, w ith a face of vin­ dictive indecision. U nder his veil of au sterity th ere had sm ouldered a dan­ gerous tem per, w hich was close upon bursting Into flame. But, a fte r all, he bad excuse enough. H eaven alone knew w hat baulked am bition, w hat treacherous Insults be had come to associate with th is young man. The sam e passions actu a te hum anity, w hether they view th e world from one end of th e telescope or the other. “ I have decided to w aive your a r­ re s t for the present,” he growled. "It would certain ly create a g reat scandal In B rendon,” said Appleton, firmly. “You count on th at, do you?” cried the elder man. “You think you have a hold upon me, th a t I am afraid of you. Take care, sir, tak e care.” “You choose to bo m ysterious, Mr. Coran. I have no hold on you. But I should think tw ice if I w ere you be­ fore arrestin g an innocent m an.” "Innocent! W h at w ere you doing h ere ?” ‘‘T h at Is my business.” Coran turned away, w ringing his hands together In bis odd m anner when greatly excited. “Go," he snarled over his shoulder. "Go, before I stra n g le you." As I dropped off to sleep half an hour la te r I w as still w ondering why Peace had refused a bed, rem aining for the night In the garden. Could he expect m ore visits to th e sum m er house? W hy had young Appleton come sneaking up a t so late an hour If he w ere not guilty? The problem th a t had seem ed so sim ple w as chang­ ed Into a m aze of stran g e complica­ tions. I w as too sleepy to trace them further. I w as aw akened by a touch on my shoulder. It w as Coran who stood by my bedside. “W e b reakfast in half an hour,” he said uneasily. “I will be punctual.” “Forgive my Im portunity, Mr. Phil­ lips; but prom ise me th a t you will be careful before Miss Rebecca. She is so very acute. I never knew a woman w ith a keener In stin ct for scandal. And, as a father, I cannot forget the fu tu re of my poor girls. If she knew the tru th she would not leave them a penny; also, h er h eart Is affected.” "I am sorry to h ear It.” “T hank you. It Is very necessary th a t you should be discreet.” He stalked out of the room and left m e w ondering a t him w ith an am used cynicism . I sta rte d for London w ith my host by th e 9:05. To avoid suspicion. P eace accom panied us to th e statio n ; but th e re he left us. He had, he said, w ork to do In the town. Coran was cheerful w ith the lim ited cheerfulness th a t n atu re allowed him. D oubtless he felt th a t he had his en­ emy in his power. He w as very talk ­ ative concerning th e final address w hich he w as advertised to deliver th a t evening a t eig h t o’clock. It was to be th e com pletion, th e coping- stone to his cam paign, and was cal­ culated to ensure his election next day. I expressed re g re t th a t I should not be privileged to b ear It. I lunched a t my club, and, shortly a fte r th ree, retu rn ed to my rooms. T here, In my e asiest chair, reading an evening paper, who should I d is­ cover but Inspector Peace. “H ello,” I said. “I didn’t expect you back so soon.” “T his Is a very com fortable chair of yours, Mr. P hillips,” he sm iled. ”1 w as glad of a re st.” “And how goes B rendon?” “So well th a t I am going to tak e you down th ere by the 4:10 train .” I tried to draw his discoveries out of him, but he would tell me nothing. Som ething w as going to happen w hich m ight In terest me if I cam e along— th a t was the beginning and end of his news. It was sufficient to m ake me prom ise to Join him, how ever, as he very well knew. (C H R O N I C L E 9 TO BE C O N T IN U E D .) th a t his life is endangered. T his In­ d icates an u nsatisfactory situation. It show s the continued existence of an evil w hich needs to be eradicated and dem onstrates th e necessity for some rem edial action sufficiently drastic to be offectlvely restrictiv e and ad­ m onitory. Would-be hazers m ust be frightened Into good behavior.—Phila­ delphia Inquirer. W hy th e J e w e le r F a in te d . Paddy Dolan bought a w atch from a Jew eler out home, w ith a guaran­ te e to keep It In o rd er for tw elve m onths according to standard time. About six m onths a fter the purchase Paddy took It back because it had stopped. “You seem to have had an acci­ d ent w ith It," said the Jeweler. "A sm all one. sure enough, air. About two m onths ago I w as feeding th e pig aud th e w atch fell Into the trough.” "B ut you should have brought It before." "Sure. I brought It as soon as I could. Wa only killed th e pig yeeterday.” "F reak ” Shoes Not Desired. G erm an m an u factu rers have com­ bined to avoid th e m anufacture o< "freak ” shoes. >