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About Mosier bulletin. (Mosier, Or.) 1909-19?? | View Entire Issue (March 21, 1913)
T U B E , • iE D K V L iiV Bl* ; ADVERTISING RATES R I D A '! h 7 ^ "W T ito te i H. G. KiliULL. Proprietor 4 I l i A JL HB I . ic.-rK N i: \TKS , V One Year. & IP l 111 1 18 111 j||ij Ip t Profeeelonal 'Jards....................... a*> month « . W One m o m .................................... “ “ Lj I One-quarter Column.................... ■" 44 %j I ' One-half Column...... '** U One Column..................... , .......... 44 ■* Busin««« local« will be ctiacard at S !« n U j a r Si* M h U m 4 fc fo r each insertion. ------------_^-r~ t n u r » l « ...... ru! I - a - : - » - r March l-'. i * B the n e t -.IK » t M «•!•». Orea m , u-irter the A ct March fifiüE SCHOOL CUKTLSÍS .yr tc £fir- w"i t J i'lU íflC J*J I vßtti-.LÜ [Hug an. Mar. 80.J H ood ivi\ ; , Mur. 19. At a mass inciting o f the Hot» River ai»;>l ‘-yi'o\ver.s belli Irene today from 10:3) o'clock until niyht, the proposed plan o f lilt* drillers t'> COltIO! ;.e the sellinp' agencies o f the <ii strict and to form acei.- tral ass* .•dation to handle the marketi i y of the fVoit was prac- ticaily unanimously endorsed and tiie stockholders o f the union voted to instruct the Iroard of directors to proceed to lease the properties o f that concern to the new association. The storage plant and ware- house ot tiie Davidson 1'iuit Company will also be leased and the new storage house o f the National Apple Company will be purchased for $65,000. * * The new association will be governed by a hoard o f directors composed o f six representatives o f the Ap- pie Growers* Union and three from the Davidson Fruit Com- pany. Representative growers were present at the meeting from neighboring fruit districts, which may be include.! in the new selling association when it is further perfected, according to the plans o f those promoting it. toth e party ordering them, a t lefai n MOSILR, WAsCO COUNTV. OREGON. FRIDAY, MARCH 21. 1913 VOL. V I«TV. uà ---------- .----------------- -■■■■ " I Letfal advertisements will In'all cases'tw chaiai ‘ BEGINNING AT HOME. a Bright Boy Put That the province and useful Pertinent Question to a Governor. ness of tic- instruction given iti Tlit» lurt* itoven.tir l«irniht*». the the public schools and other in ■*^v;:li«l oltl in.m*’ of i own, wit* i*x- t«Mui of rtiiMivn. oik * iiujr stitutions ot learning extend tviiile looking over Mis luift ;ir I'uvUey outside and beyond the regular K iw r lit* to ii.l an un-hin. di;t> ;u.d curriculum, is evidenced lu the soumJ aslt*t*|) near the water effort to include in the. studies v. Jn-fi. ’I'lic* hu.v was Micke) linn*«», stm of a pool fuuiily in tlie neighbor ■instruction in the general burin- liootl fulness to the system o f intoxi- The ifoveruor asked the boy why he cating'beverages. A movement wits *o dirty and ragged. The hoy ¿»xplaimnl his mniiier had a large fam- is being inaugurated to have con- ilj ami had to work hard and could tests ; ill th e d iffe r e n t g r a d e s o f i,ot him no l*>tter ckitüe». “ Blit you can keep clean.'* exhorted the s c in o la , p riz e s b e in g g iv e n Larrabce "You could wash your face for the best essays on the vari- and hands if you wanted to. That costs nothing.” <UIS Sil' '' tcis Mickey said he would try. The following lias been hand "W ell.” said the governor, "now U ed by Mr. Frank Saltzman, Press ibe time to begin.” ^.,.ent • (j; (*. T. U. o f He procured a washbasin, some soap osier, witli the request that it iUjd a towel and watched Mickey scrub himself until he shone lhen be published for the benefit ami u, ernoi got Mickey some clothes information o f the pupils in uud dressed him neatly. Mickey look oil fine our local schools who may wish "Now.” s:iid Larrabee, “ wo'll see to compete for a prize: ] about fcettlim you u job." He took Mickey to tlic store of an GRADE SCHOOL CONTESTS old German of whom the governor was very fond. M r.‘Schneider Had no Each local superintendent place for Mickey. should first obtain permission of "Hut you must have." expostulated the principal of the school to lam a bee. 'Must look at him and sen what a litre liny lie is. lie is clean hold such a contest. Then the a ml neat, lie is a ttoofl talker and teacher o f the grade in which would make a good clerk. There is the essays are to he written no liner l>oy, Mr Schneider, than l ‘lc 111 ° Mickey here.” he asked to outline the Schneider was obdurate. He hail no subject for the children and to place. The governor and Mickey walked to write an ,<1(l une eat . child e ,i.„ | out of the store, much disappointed, essay on one ot the chosen sun- . .. , , .. , . J . . As they reached the sidewalk Mickey jects. When the essays are \ turned to his benefnetor and asked handed in, let the teacher select I "Mr Larrabee. If I am such a darned ii , .i .. rni line hoy us you say why don't you give the ten i, nest essays. these , me , , . , • .. a job yourself? —Saturday Lveu H. O M.WEST Mosier, R E -S O LV E D THAT HERE! W E A R E A L L - READY To SUPPLY ANYTHING IN THE. GROCERY LIKE .THE £ST QUALITYANDTWC k ^ | 3 E S T PRICE To THE EST JUDGES OF THE EST THINGS JN Oregon Dealer in i Hay, Grain and Feed Of All I j paid for before atikiavits areffumished. Kinds G R O C E R IE S BU57$ Sole Agents for Shady Brook Dairy Feed ** Horse Feed ijp Ur I WHEN YOU WANT GROCERIES COME TO \J3 AND S E T THEM, AND YOU WILL GET GOOD GROCERIES. WE ARE -SATIJFIED WITH REA- JoNA&LE PROFIT S AND WE SATISFY OUR. PATRON J WITH FIRJT-CLAJJ ¿iOODJ. YOU CAN ALW AYS BE JURE OF FREJH GROCERIES IN THU JToRE. BECAUSE OUR GOODJ JELL QUICKLY. in j Rock Springs ) Coal-LUMPj Nichol & Co., Ì a « should be used in a local contest ¡Ug Host FOREST FIRE lift aiSREPRESEHTED and a price awarded the best. In ci y schools a second contest may CURiOUS ACACIA TREE, bï timber brokers be held lietween the difTeren It Gets Peevish and Ugly and Odorous * ? F. A. Elliott, State Forester, S(;hools o f the city, and the best. when Disturbed. ' ’ ’ essay chosen for competition be- In Idaho there exists a species of the under date ot March 1811», says: tween the different schools Qf ■«•«<■ * " » " * ««titled to be M O S IE R O regon I it hda been hniught to the the county or district. T lie prize! life. When full grown it closes its attention o f the State Forester county essay should be used in I leaves together in coils each day at ( Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. \ that some unscrupulous timber competition between the d iffer-! “ taTia CUr‘S ‘U tbt‘ aUaPL‘ brokers are misrepresenting the en^ counties tor the state prize. when the tree has thus settled itself . „ , c , i p ro v is io n s o f the. co m p u lso ry pa- t i o l la w which was e n a c te d by the recent Legislative Assembly and becomes effeclive June 2. Owners o f timber claims have been told that under this law it will be necessary for them to keep a patrolman on their claims all Summer at their own ex pense, and this has been urged as a reason for sacrifice sales. Statements o f this kind are made purely for the purpose o f stimu- b itin g the sale o f timber lands, thus increasing the business and incidentally the commissions of timber brokers. “ The law provides that every timber land owner in the State, not residing within one ane half- miles o f hfs nronert v shall fm- m uesoi nia. property, snail rur- nish a sufficient patrol therefor during the dry season, and that in case lie fails to do so the State Forester shall provide the same at a cost not to exceed 5 cents per acre per annum. Any amount so paid by the State shall be a lien upon the land and shall be collected with the next taxes. t , • . • ,, , . It IS obvious that the maxi- mum expense to the owner o f a quarter-section o f timberland cannot exceed $8.00 per year, an amount that should scare no owner into disposing o f his tim- ber claim at a sacrifice. One o f th e b est w ays for , r. , . for tlio uisbt's sleep it is suid that If General Subject: What is the lt wl„ fiHtter 118 „ S ta te d in a g la s s o f b e e r »vine o r **r impatient at tiie disturbanee. The , „ n er. ’ j i ofteimr. It Is averred, the foliage is molested the more violent will become Special Themes: The e ffe c t o f ,he shaking or the branches l inally. It Is further alleged. If the shaking is alcohol upon the nervoussystem. continued the tree will at length emit Why business men demand ab a nauseating odor quite sullicieut to induce u headache in tho case o f the » stinence on the part o f their em person disturbing the tree. ployes. In Iduho it is called (he “ angry tree,” and It is said that it was discovered by The effects o f tobacco. men who on making camp for the night Markings; Essays shall be placed one end of a canvas covering | over one of the sensitive bushes, using graded one-half on subject mat- it for a support Immediately tiie free ter, one-fourth on Style and'1 began to jerk its brunches sharply, grammatical excellence and one- motlon continued with increasin'.? f,.m M, ■tm.parance o f n o t»r “ nervousness until at last eaiue a l o u i u i o n a p p ea l d iice or p a p e i, sk.lioni„ . ,Ml„ r ,|Ult ,|1B tired which sliall inclliile penmanship, campers to a more friendly location.— and S p e llin g , Harper’s Weekly. Number of Words: The max-1 Q"ue~ En ,ifh. ' niU111 numbet ol void s shall be Tokyo contains some queer speci- 0,16 thousand and the minimum rueus of English. One would scarce- ; five hundred. I & 1,e fnralliar with the name “Uow- Jimlu Maru" painted on the bow of a * rizei The prize shall be Japanese junk, and jet “ Howjindu” is called the “ Mary C, Upham” i not a bad reproduction of "H ow do you j I»ize, and shall he thirty dollars | ^ ^ f ^ ' L r V t h e honl'tarever i heard. Having the courage of his ig | AH prize essays, with the ex- «»ranee, he treated it as u single w ord. ; ccption o f the Anti-Naicotic |ilied fo Hnl||llB v,,ssels and K8V# it prize, should be sent to the Na- with pride to his honorable junk tional Superintendent, Mrs.Edith Another Japanese refers to himself as the “cheerful berber,” a laundrvman Smith Davis, 561 33rd Street, i . , gives notice that be is n “ high wash j Mlhvaukie, Wis., before August man,” and a snrtortal artist describe» I 15th o f ea ch y e a r * * *■ j C . O. B u r r o w s , M O S IE R - - m gr . ORE. - . , timberland owners to comply coming show has been with the law is to join County formed and officers elected. The ,urwl ou Beneroslty Fire Patrol Associations that dales are November 1-8. Ex- lhnD *° " * * '’'*' have been organized in most ot hihits of all soil products, both “Illustrate it papa. I think I shall the timhei'ed counties o f the fruit and vegetables, are want- understand tt better.” —New York Jour State. It is expected that every e(jt aI1d farmers throughout the ° Jl ------------------- timbered county will have such Northwest are urged to plant; Entertaining Him. kn otgamzation before the fire their crops this year with the Daughter o f the Doute— Is tt right season arrives. The experience ¡.ipu ;n mind o f nlaeinir their wt",, n,otl,*r "ay8, tliat J»0 are * ’**lf ot these associations, some o f bggt samples on display in Port- , hi!d Bnt what makes you askr which have been in existence land and competing for the many i Daughter ef the House—l was only for four years, -proves that ade- prizes to be offered. wondering what made you give your self such a funny face.—London T ele quate patrol can be secured at a (faph. __________________ cost o f from l i to 3$ cents peri j Shelter of Safety. acre, and if all o f the timber- A conference for the Conser-1 Let ns go into this department store land owners join, the acreage vatioti o f Human Lffe, the^ first ^ th<j #bower u oTw „ cost will be materially decreased, ever held in the Pacific North-; q prefer this harness shop." uld b*r Protection from fire at a cost o f west, will lie brought together husband “Yon won t s«? so many from $3.00 to $4.00 per quarter- at Reed College, Portland. May ¡ yon w n f - P i ttsburgb Host ■ectior. should be welcomed by 9-11. Exhibits, lectures and j Not Necessary, all timberland owners, and it is moving pictures will call atten- w ife —w hst do you mean by telling hoped that no one will be induced tion to dangers which threaten! ttrs '»•wwVi husband T'™ my advice aoout anything? Husband- to sell their holdings through public health, and remedies will Well. my dear, I don’t Yon don’t watt misrepresentations made by un- be pointed out. Boards of to be asked. reliable timber brokers for the health, education ana physicians, Grief hallows hearts eren while M selfish purpose o f increasing com- peace and eugenics societies will sgee heads.—Baliey. missions.” , co-operate. J H IM A N D D ealers in a ll kinds o f “What’s the matter, 8mith? Yon look all to the bad I Well, I’ll tell you. Thiaga are tipMC at home. The kid’s sick—wife rn out. Pranldy, I ’m up again* Simply cunot get any halp. Your wife trying to do all the workf Yea—and the washing, too. Wet), the washing Isn’t eodiard. lt 'tl Vtthy that’s the longeat hardest day’s work she does. Do you mean to say that you have electric light and noqk Thor Elec tric Washing Machine I A Thor? Sure I Oet after that Veow. Don’t Ut your wife break her ba't* over a wash board. Qet her a That Electric Washer quick.” E lectrical A pparatus 3 Cent» r Supply Co. 1» a Jeweler ami Optician o f many years experience. I f you have a “ sick” time-piece, he can cure it. I f you have eye trouble, he cun correct it by fitting you with proper lenses. I f you have jewelry o f any kind to repair, he can do it. I f you want new jewelry o f any kind, he has it. If you want A N YTH IN G in his line, he is the man to consult. His prices are right ami so is his work. P A T R O N IZ E Electric Wiring & Hood River Oregon W. F. L A R A WA Y H ood R iver, O re, B E C O N V IN C E D AN EASTER OFFERING w o rth o f electricity will do the average weahing fore family of eia. a n d Supplies. o f a box o f our high grade cigars will be acceptable to any man. They have a flavor and aroma that charm, a smoothness that makes the smoking o f one a continuous delight. If you want to please some man, give him a box o f these cigars. Telepkeee todarfor, S. E. FRANCISCO, himself as “ the sublime tailor.” A ! shop signboard bears the words “ Nour | tshing Drugs.” " For' ’ continued the parent "there is no more forcible way of conveying or impressing jour meaning.” Shortly after the boy was being lee- ‘ f c » » » -X-»* In Business 50 Years Proprietor “ TH E O A K S .” C O L O N IS T Encouraged by the success of its initial performance the Pa-, ¿ little hoy^was ad^sed"by his father cilic Northwest Land Products to use illustrations in bis conversation Show will hold a second and whenever they should occur to him. la r g e r e x p o s itio n o f soil w e a lth * . U ,, A .. ^ Ti6xt Fall. A n o r g a n iz a tio n fo i i FARES W ESTBOUND W h a t pleasant memories are associated with the w ord grill! Memories of the cosy grill-room, the savory ▼¡ends and the happy tete-a-tetes, or rollicking parties. Grill is the magic word in cookery, and— The G-E Radiant Electric Grill Is the mapric device in electric cooking. H e re in a single handy little device you have a toaster, broiler, stew pan, water heater, fryin g pan and griddle for baking pan cakes. L ik e all electric cooking devices tt is ready f o r use in mn instant, and two or more kinds o f cooking such as broiling and frying, or toasting and stewing etc , can be done ot the same time. Right on the dining room table too, or in the silting room, nursery or sick room I f necessary. P a c if ic L ig h t & p o w e r “ A L W A Y S A T YO UR SE R V IC E .” March 15 to April 15, 1913 Send For The Folks W H ILE THE FARES ARE LO W The Low Fares apply from the following and many points in the blast, to any station on the O-W. R. & N. in Idaho. Oregon and Washington: : Atlanta, Ga. | Bai timor«, Md. j Boston, Mass. ! BufT.I... N. Y. ; Charleston, S. CL * 1 n-tmit. Mici,. , j Fort Wortn, Taa. Minneapolis, i Chi casto 161.70 64.76 66.16 47.60 63.90 43.60 40.76 ».00 38.00 Louisville, Ky. Memphis, Tenn. Milwaukee. Wis. Montromery, Ala. Muaco***. Okla Naw York City New OrUrau St. Paul M 942.86 42.80 36.70 ».16 36» 66.00 48.06 30.00 Oklahoma City Philadelphia. Fa. Piti,bur». Pa. SL Loah.Ho. Den , CoL Omaha. Neh kallea. Cit». Ma. Leavenworth. Kaa. DUI M.K CT-OO u m mm tot SOM » » PREPAID ORDERS Tickets will be delivered without extra charge to anybody at any point where Colonist fares apply, upon deposit with any O-W. R. & N. Agent o f the amount For full particulars drop a card to C o . F. A. A l l in g t o n , Ageist O-W. R. & N., Mosier.