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About Mosier bulletin. (Mosier, Or.) 1909-19?? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1913)
.PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY BY > H. C MIBB EE, P.ortietrtr €1 BFCK IPTIO N K A T E S O n i Year .*i.a» -Six M o n th « .. T h ree Munti*«. ADVERTISING RATES M 0S 1E R BULLETIN Proieesiourtl Cards. One square......... One-quarter Column. One-half Column_ per nivoth I 44 44 M 1. 0» IM O ne C olu m n . 9 00 Business locals *rill be chanted at olcenurper lina for eacn insertion. latrai advert istwtetiti fetUlifTall r u e s 'b e charged 'E n tered m second •< la ss m a ile r M a r c h 'l? , \90ê a t th e post I > thee at Mosa er, O regon . uniter the A c t r»î M arch 3. VOL. IV JtOSIER, WASCO COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 14, 1913 lieth the responsibility for the please their love of pomp and needed submission. A roll is display. Often necessary for the enforce- For the first time the workers In his series of sermons on ment o f discipline, but in its -use for woman suffrage will occupy “ The Ten Commandments,” Mr. a mistake is frequently (made in a big .place in »the proceedings, j Hargreaves, last Sunday, argued the subject chosen for its inflic- They are waking very extensive that the fifth -“ Honorthy father ! tion. I f parents would buffet Deafer in (preparations and promise‘to no I ami thy mother,"’ is more a sub [ their own bodies more, dhHdren something spectacular, albeit it je c t for practical consideration would need less whippings and will undoubtedly be in perfectly •of pareifts ¿ban fo r children. ! seivklings, ‘and the Fifth Com- good taste. Sc fast 'has the He said: “ There is a primary j mendment could 'be kept.” cause of “ Equd! Rights” pro- Of All Kinds law to which even this clause ------------ ------------------gressed in the last few years «of the decalogue is subject: it is tliat God never made a demand MOSIER MAN RAISES APPLES‘BE LUX that it is hardly necessary any ___ I more to argue further for uni- j Sole Agents for ’impossible of fulfillment. The '(Lo» Angles Tribune.) j versal suffrage. »right of a parent to the honor of ;a son depends altogether on Edward L. Howe, packer of j whether said parent is worthy t'ne finest apples in the world, is Poultry Lecture •of honor, for a relation which passing « fe ’” da vs at the Van involves obligation is always re Nuys. Mis ILehowa fruit farm, Professor James (Dryder, of ; products at ¿viosier, Ore., sell ini ciprocal. the Oregon Agricultural Col- dining rooms of Los Angeles “ It is a great misfortune for a the , „ ^ _ . lege, will give a *fhen tälk” at ^ aftern00n. In_ «child when he cannot, or for any at 25 cents an apple and m Pans ^ reason does not, honor, respect at the leading hotels, this same vitttions'have been (sent to many ¿¡¡and «bey his or her parents. variety brings $1 per. This price1 Mosier people to attend this in- good in Berlin Vienna, «The undeveloped life, like the holds T _ . . . «teresting'lecture and it is honed th tehe advantage of ¡ship in an untried sea, needs the Lonaonand other large»«cities *o ^ «control o f one who knows, who which Howe ships his truH. *the opportunity. Those who “ My apples are not touched by •cares, and who is able to direct. cannot, however, will have a ■ b ^«L T r'the «am V’ iwtur! e The learning‘of obedience is so the hand of man untilthey «reach said smcl HoWre Howe, m «necessary that it should he made the consumer, •tomorrow afternoon in Hood 4 ■«» -m » «+•- as easy as possible, and to this describing his method o f putting River. We understand tliat a •end more depends on the condi the apples on the market. “ I ‘large delegation will go from * tion « f the one in authority than call them >a ’ de luxe’ apjfie, Al •bale, proVidiug ¡the through though they are different varie •on that of the subject. train which passes here at 10:20 “ Commands are authoritative, ties— Spitzenbergs, Rome Beau a. m. will Stop. Our«local agent * «not on account of the penalty ties, Winesaps and otliers. The; wired far «instructions, but had which backs them, nor, yet be man who picks fbemuisesglcves.! received mo «reply at a late hern- cause o f the severity of the tone Each apple is thoroughly cleaned last night However, as this is which utters them; hut on ac with a cloth, given a fine polish the regular passing point for * count of the virility of the com and put in a tissue wrapper this train and, fhe east bound mander. There may he formal which hears the tiame o f the local,¡it wetiM'be well for those »submission to the regulation with variety and that of tube packer. •wishing to go to he in readiness * Î penalty attached, but not real ! The handlers o f the fruit through at «the station at train.time. 1 this process wear gloves. Then | subjectivity. the apple is fJlaced in an individ-1 “ If parents would lie obeyed, O v e T h e m Now al carton. In this rt is packed if they would be honored, let in «hipping boxes«nd served in | them bring their own bodies un j the hotels of the worid where •Closed eyes.'Oan’ t-see'the white roseF; der such subjection as will pro Only the best viands are to be ‘Cdld hands, Can't hold them, you duce a normal vitality with its know; | found.” Breath that is still can not ga th er accompaniment of unconscious Howe has been packing 'his The sw eet 'bdbrs that from them E. A. R a c e , m g r authority. There is a force, a Wow. fruit in this mantitrr for about sort of psychic power, goes from Death, w sthti [Wfcce beyblul dream ing, the person of the self-restrained, i five years and has been increas Its children o f ertVtlt ddth endow. ing (lie size o f his ranch until*he virile man or woman which L ite is <he tunelfn hdlp'thorn, Has about 200 acres devdted to +* ’« L ^ *» ^ «» So give»themNhe'HdWefS llbw. makes conformity to their wislt- the raising and marketing 'only es easy and natural. Where HSl-e dVe the stru ggles and striving, the best o f fruit. Such virility does not exist in the H ere are the cares and the tears; “ Anything with a blemish is N ow , now ig'th e'tim e to he sm oothing one in authority, obedience, even Oregon 'thrown into the discard,” ’ he T he «frowns, the fu rrow s and tedls. to a good command, is made very W hitt, t o deaff ears, are kind sajiin gs; said, and that accounts fdl’ Dhe 'difficult on the part o f children, Is a J e w e le r and Optician o f m any years exp erience. reason that he 1ms secured ‘a W h a t, to «tiHed 'heart*, the deep I f you have a ‘ “a ick ” tim e-piece, lie can cure it. and that because o f the pro vow ? high price for fruit when apples I f you have eye'ttou D le, he can co rre c t 'it by fitting ydU pelling psychic force. Non-- N aught cun avail, a ft e r parttltfe — With proper lenses. produced all'around his territory (jiv e them the flow ers now. submission to regulations on t he I f you have je w e lr y o f any k in d 'to rep air, he can do it. t were bringing orfly 56 •cetftes a part o f children is, .possibly in Oust a k»*d h r.«-g reetin g , ' I f you Want new je w e lr y o f any kind, lie has it. box. the majority o f cases, the result -Outft s wart?. Htiml-<*«g-p*orr mile. I f you want A N YTH IN G in Ids line, he is the man toco n sd lt. They are «the flowers thiit will.‘lighten His prices are right and so'is his Work. •of the lack of self-control on the The hurdeM for ittUrtya nlHe. PREPARING FOR INAUGURATION part « f those who would guide. After the journey is ovCV P A T R O N I Z E H fM A N D B E 'C O N V I N C E D It would probably be safe to say WUhtlt»IV the lltse of tliem-dtow The inauguration««f 'Clov^Por1 ■ À Can they carry thorn. Who must he that 90' a o f the difficulty in dis cipline Would pass away if those Woodrow Wilson as Pbfesidörtt o f t earned? in authority, such as parents, the United States Will be /fiflfet*- <(W»! ^¡ve thctn'the'howcirs now. TH E PURE JUICE teachers, and other leaders, ent from any other presidential .01oomR W t h f e hhpPV hwvu. garden, OF THE 'iH iU tt Would put 90Vr of their exertion 'lnaugaraliwn that ever was held.: ptock«d in «theiqiirit of love; ts used to flavor our soda. That j Ifor discipline Upon themselves, Certain forms »end customs grow ' 'Blo««tfethat are earihly eefledtiorts insures a w holesom enesa that is Only equalled by its deliciousness. t f any one would or must carry up around such furtCfHPta, and in ; 'fXf flhwers'that bloom above. Try-one o f'O u r fru it flavors and you off time »(ihey come ¡to be ^ dV,h*'cann,*t tel1 wh‘<t “ the note o f 'Command, let hiro ‘Course , , , liles^inr'such Mifts will riMaw Will be TO delighted y o u ’ ll wonder pay for the privilege t*v doirig looked on-Himost as if they were ^ 4wj„iinThe«kVA dfthany, «if anything eiae could be s o 'd e li ¿ive them 'the flowers now. those things which will bring «wistteu ftito the constitution w - cious. It does not m ake any d iffe r Iwcving no edilor <«f himself into good form. Ldt stead M. L. H. e n ce which you ch oose, you r v e r ¡•■•Sir dict will he the sam e. W h at kind him practice that restraint of law at all. Tt is a ttilth that <io you |>refer? •appetite and passion, those reg many times our unwritten laws ular exercises, mental, physical are more vigorously enforced N O $ 3 . S. E. FRANCIddri, and spiritual, which permit ful I than those vdhidh ‘have 'the au P rop rietor ‘ ‘ T H E O A K S .” REPORT ness o f virile force I f a tn«n thority, power and prestige o f Of the condition o f the Would guide the nx»*al halrffcs of • courts and-the enfhegovdtnnient MOSIER VALLEY BANK »another, let him first bring his | l>ehind ¡them. A ? R o s ie r , in The State o f O regon, The »inaugural ceremonies, rtf «own habits under subjection and Ut the close of bukine**, February that not altogether because o f art least that portion o f them 4th. 1 !«8 ; ! example. There is something 1 which appeals to the public love W h a t pleasant memories are 'i n the bad example set by sen o f pomp and display, have no krsftm tCFs M il l a r s ct s associated with the word grill! iors. in the hindering of the greater authority than -custom lsOan* and tliacAHtffs...................................... *Pfc,8#7 85 »moral development o f juniors, to support thert». The proces Ov«*rtirt»ftu, swtiflM-fcticl utiMCiind None Memories of the cosy grill-room, the savory Bondi ahtl warttehU........... ............. 1,135 00 but there is more in the lack of sion, the inaugural ball, the re SthS^-s viands and the happy tete-a-tete», or rollicking Mtd other a«curit ies......................... _ tz« i » power Mu direct which results ception-all of tltese ate the cre Furniture fetid fixtures ..................... . . . ljTSo 00 parties. r A l eatfete nwnel ......................... 1.000 00 from the indulgence. Even a ation of the citizens’ ‘Committee, Other Due froi^ fcafeks (not reserve bankal............. 102 81 d r ill is the magic word in cookery, and— beast can tell when a man is un- and the Chief Executive with all Due from ap p riA ^ reserve Lanka................. 4,089 21 25 00 •der the influence o f a master the rest ef the government, has Check* arid other efeafc 'iteB’i * ........................... Caah on hand.................................................... 1 .*>5 9 ft passion, and may lie trouble- been in the habit of gracefully »TriTAL m m m »sorne; how much more a sensi acquiescing in them -se th A the tive child. Secrecy as to an in pnhlic might have a holiday and L iA U lL ltltt D O L LA R S CTS dulgence does nbt Cover It. enjoy a spectacle. But while ft Capital *Dick raid in ........................................... $10,000 00 Sumhia fand 1.W0 (k> ‘ There is nothing hidden which has been a profitable thing for •fodirilTfeii I caa expense» and the C ’lnmefelal «irttdMAs dh «hall not he revealed.’ m 153 91 is the m agic device in electric cooking. In M0r»%a t m l f e i l M ........................... 1.785 13 “ The fact that children, in or- WaaMngtan allfl for the trans p.»Atal saving* hao# * 429 15 H ere in a single handy little device you ■det t<» their own well-being, need portation interests to have a Individual dejxwit.-« »t»bji4*!^|h rlMck.......... 30.142 17 have a toaster, broiler, stew pan, water heater, to honor trad obey those in au great assemblage of people. Cashier a check* out* ........... ». 369 15 Time certificatea of tiefx»alt 1.616 00 Crying pan and griddle for baking pan cakes. thority, makes it incumbent on Congress has l>een in the ‘Mbit letters o i C re d it........................................ ^ 0 0 00 parents and «(her leaders that o f complacently footing a large •tirTAL..................... $45.905 82 L ik e nil e le ctric cu o k in g d e v ice s it is rrntlg fo r tut in they Ai their part to maT<e suen part of the cost. This year an iutiiinl, and tw o o r m ore k in d s o f c o o k in g such ns b ro ilin g and fr y in g , o r toa stin g and s te w in g e tc , can «obedience not only |w>ssib!e. but there will l»e less to .nav from STATIC O F OfUBOON. C O U N TY OF WASi-4). lie d on e at th e sam e tim e . R igh t on th e d in in g room I. Roht M R'«*. Caahier »Iso easy and natural, ami theirs the public purse, for the incom ta b le t o o , o r in th e sittin g room , nursery o r s ick room nf the a H ^ * v # -h a m * * »l ta M h . d n m d rfn n iy * w »s* r that is the large part. Childrenhave ing ? resident has refused to the above « U i a t m t i* true to the he*t o f my t f n ecessary. not learned to force themselves sanction the inaugural ball or «an krwmle lire an«l belief R« h it . M . ItosiK. Ca*hier. t o do the difficult thing. Con elaborate reception, so the «chief CORRECT - Attaah. P a c if ic L ig h t & P o w e r C o . formity is easy just in ratio hi spectacular feature o f the inau D a v i p f l o a t * t o * , J b B * F R o w , Oirr^Lfta. S d l a r r i M and iWMrt t*> hef-H-e m Ulta lift “ ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE.” the strength of character of the guration will be the military pa day nf February. 1913. mft. Kf**r.K one whose desires are to be con rade; and this will satisfy the iSoalJ Ndiary Public. formed to, and with that one largest number o f people and THE FIFTH C O W M A lM T H. NO. 50 RESOLVED 1 OUR, CANNED GOODS have come down , we were C arrying A BIG STOCK- VE CAN KEEP'OUJc, STOCK •'FJ 5 ESH B'iVKEEPJNC IT MOVING. VE CAN WHAT; - y ^ y o u CAN EAT. YouCAtT“ EAT what we can . M.WEST Mosier, to the party orddrmjr them, at levai rates, and paid for before art (davits are|f urnished. *Oregon Hay, Grain and Feed Shady Brook Dairy Feed “Big 6 Horse Feed / I i Rock Springs i l Coal-LUMPI i Nichol & Co., / I ) j j THE PRICES ON OUR GROCERIES TUMBLE- - RIGHT IN THE BEGINNING WHEN WE MARK O U R GOODG--BUT THE QUALITY NEVER FALL J. WE DON' T BELIEVE IN PALMING OFF .SECOND GRADE GROCERIES ONTO OUR C U^ T o ME R J , AND T R Y ING TO MAKE THEM BELIEVE THEY A RE FI R^T GRADE. ON ALL OF OUR GROCERIES W E KEEP THE QUALITY UP. WE KEEP THE PRICED d o w n , l e t u s . s u p p l y y o u w i t h t h e - t h i n g s YOU UJE FOR YOUR TABLE. 7 M O Ö IE R I Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. MOSIER w tz ORR W. F. LAR WA Y The G -E Radiant Electric Grill I O regon Heater Stoves J All Sizes and Prices W . E. Chown, Mosier \ A. !.. D A Y , Öregön - I’ tirsi wont -M anaukk »P H O N * % A Complete Lûv: Df Electrical Novelties and Toys for Christmas. B u y P r e s e n t s T h a t A r e I n s t r u c t i v e a n d I r it e r è ^ t ln g . Electric Wiring & Supply Co. F IR S T N A T IO N A L B A N K B U IL D IN G Hood River - Oregon