Image provided by: Hood River Library; Hood River, OR
About Mosier bulletin. (Mosier, Or.) 1909-19?? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 13, 1912)
— LOCAL — What’s the matter with dropping in > Lecture Tonight mrd renewinK youi sahMription u. th. Rev. J. K. Hargreaves will Bulletin ! It would U- appreciated. . , „ „ . - , ‘ give the first ot a series or lec- Why not contract your house? Mrs. J. K. McGregor is visit- ^ures tonight at the Immanuel You feet a better job in less time, ing in Portland this w eek. church. This and the following1 fjlee “ H a p p y." Phone 115. Mrs. Kenneth Cooper returned discourses will l>e full of ¡idagest: the first of the week from a visit, to every one, and should be well i attended. No admission will be A good suggestion—drop in with friends in tlie Valley. charged tonight. and pay up your back subscrip- j h . D. Jones and wife, who ____ tion. own a small tract east of town, _ _ , --------------------------------------------------- left on Tuesday by boat for, Until I urther Notice .VVictroIa for Xmas, Chown’s. Portland, where they will spend the winter ' J. M. Elliott was a visitor in | ' The Dalles on Tuesday. Mrs. C. J. Littlepage returned • Gift Boxes a t’Chown’s. yesterday from Dallas, whi te *» n t iif ii • i* ske kas I*“1’" visiting the past Mrs. B. J. ^ Weller , is spending fortniifht with nti her uaukiuui, daughter ro. un^nc wirn the week in Portland. 1 Mrs. Henry Nelson. Fancy Dishes at Chown’s. | G. J. Carlson and W. A. Davis J. N. Mosier transacted busi pess in Portland this week. Xmas Gifts at Chown’s. The Ladies’ Aid Society wil meet at t¡lie church Dec. lßth. returned last week from a Thanksgiving visit with Mr. and Airs. Jas. Brown, former resi-j dents of Mosier, now living near Vancouver. Xmas! i i ii mi Xmas! Xmas! December Cash Specials • ■ "i ,11 1 1 i w i i nTmjn~m n ~ r ........ i I lia ve a nice line of toys, novelties, pictures and There is no need to go ei Sew hero to buy Xrnas fun>t cards, as I can furnisii them at 1 cent up to 25 cents. $7.00 S lices........................ : er : O #5.00 S h o es........................ 3.0(4. «.•5 oo Shoes 4.00 #3.50 Siioes......................... 2.80' 3.20 $3.00 Siioes......................... 2.40. 2.10 $2.50 Siioes......................... 2 . 00 -i .... #,4 00 Sh oes.......... regon $3.00 Shoe« . . . ............... Ladies’, Misses and Children's Shoes at same ratio* Sfewar general delivery window, will be open from 10:30 a. irq. tu 11:30 a. m. L enora H u n t e r , P. M. [' --------- ----------- Manhrute Worse than Dumbrutcj pattern that may lie required. $ â 20 r ............ ............ Comu.encing Monda-;, Decern- ')er ^ 1 D 12 , the following lu urs will be observed at the Mosier |M)atoffke: General delivery or» week days. 7:00 a. nj. to 6:30 p m . money order and postal suv-' • , , , at , 0 ,. p. in. 1 ln^ window cloaod, Qn Sundays and holiilays th e ! Mr. and Mrs. C. I). Morgan, i Victor Records at Chown’s. who lived in Mosier a number of E ditor B u l letin : There is much strong talk Big basket ball game tonight years ago, visited last Saturday and Sunday with H. E. Dean, of the organization of a Humane at Stroup’s Hall, between Mosier They left on Monday for Eu- Society in Mosier. If one sliouldj and H ood River learns. gene. i>e organized, very likely several! Mrs. Anna McLane visited in poor, mistreated horses would lie J. M. Davis, general manager Portland several days last week. glad, but how about their own- of the Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co., A .. P. Bateham, o f Portland, era? Horses are being ovèrdriv- and Howard Crawford, son of 4 pent the first of the week in overloaded and underfed, the president of the company, un’ , , town. were in town yesterday, check- nPh^entiy by severa 1 Somebody may be surprised, F. G. Sheldon attended [the ing up the stock of the local some of these days by having a Poultry Show in Portland last yard. humane officer for a guide to bet- f week. Miss Lucy Mullins came up ter conduct. Forewarned is fore- • Dr. Robinson was a prrfes- from Hood River last Sunday armec vorial visitor in Hood River yes- and is visiting at the Hudson II. C. C lark . V 'd a y . home. She is slowly recovering ' Co: inly c‘ nut. Justus T. Nefif i from a seventy sprained ankle, Fruii Grower* . : . . t omorrow j ' spent part ot Monday visiting' <’!*used by falling from a high Tomorrow aitrrnoon at 1 hoard walk, in Hood River. •sir sc!.», > 1 . o’clock, there will he a mee ! ing Henry Bauer returned Sunday Mrs.-C. A. Brown. Mrs ('. G. of the Fruit Growers-Association jvening from a fortnight’s visit j Stoltz, Mrs. G. A. Met utcheon, of Mosier District. The call for with his mother in Portland. The Misses Laura Hinricks, Irene the meeting is issued by John ; ,, , . ,, Olsen and Ruth McCutclieon, W. i Carroll, who urges all members Mrs. Guy Q. Styker and Mrs. K, . . .. v .. . . . . N. Akers, Hans Kollaiulftnud and to he present« Rusinessnot im-j E. L. Root were shopping in . . .. ,. i, . ... , ... L. A Mai hews were Mosier vis- portance is to he transactee, and riood liner luesilay atternoon. I.. . .. , . o , ■ ---------- — • • --------------- . ....... . ,, , . .. itors in Hood Rivet last • atur- a3 as this tin’s is is the tlie first first session session of of the the Mrs. Kraus, of I he Dalles, day year, many things of interest toj apent several days here this David EcpTes, head of t.lie tin: d.strict will L> planned to he week will» i|er daughter, Mrs. J.j , , , , ,, ,, . Amalgamated Sugar Company, carried out in 1013. a\<n| *n . president of the Oregon Lumher — ♦ - Clias Davenport took a car’nad Co. and t lie Mt Hood Railway, Announcement to The of potatoes to Portland tliis week anil largely interested in several Ladies of Mosier gnd disposed of them at a 6 »tis- Mother industrial concerns in Ore- factory price. gon, died early this week at I have secured the local AI Behrens left yesterday for SalL Luke CitV- M*’- Eccles was agency for the Standard his old homt) in West Virginia, | wel1 known in this section. Fashion Company and will called there by tile serious ill- w ness of his either. CLurcli of Christ Notes be prepared to furnish any $5.60 $4.00 S h o ts ........................ 4.80 1 $ 0 .75 S1 1 Mosier Book Store M osf Ladies’ Shoes Men's Shoes many o'hor goods suitable for Christinas presents. Mosier,. Oregon. ¡F Y O U W I S H To meet yoirr friends, stop at When Writing to Santa Claus HOTEL MOSIER. The undersigned is thoroughly All Modem and under New prepared to put down open well»' Management. I in any part of the surrounding lie sure that you use the right kind of Stationery. He doesn’ t answer letters written on poor paper. AUGMENTED BATH FACILITIES I country. Has a complete outfit, i including pipe cutting and thread ! ing tools. Does all kinds of ce GUY Q. STRYKER, Prop. ment, rock and concrete work.. | Has had 30 years’ experience in M il t o n N u r s e r y T r e e s . the well business. May be found' True to Name tor 33 Years. by addressing him at The Dalles, Ore., or inquire at Maier & Hardy Climate, High Elevation. Schanno’s Store, The Dalles. See Robt. T. Newhall, , A . E« N egus . Ho d River - - Oregon. OUR LINE OF CHRISTMAS -----------ST A TIONER Y----------- is so complete that there is no need of your going anywhere else. require. Well Work Well Done' Just come in and pick out what you Whether it be a box of children’ s paper to write to old Sa:,la, or one for your own regular corre- respond; nc.>. Yoi.’ li il-nd the prices as right as the LOCAL TIME-TABLE quality. 8 7:22 a. m. 2:45 p. m 10:20 a. m. 6:35 p. m. ; no . e 10:40 p. m. No. No. No. No. You can get ail kinds of 5, 10 and 15c. goods here, including Enamel Ware, Crockery, Hosiery, etc., etc. R IV E R . East on Sundays only for Hood River OREGON Fruit Lands Town Lots Jure Insurance West hound No. 17, at 5:30 p. m.,-flag stop i The 5 -1 0 -1 5 Cent Store HOOD 7 1 2 and Portland. DAVID ROBINSON, M. I).. P h y s ic ia n MOSIER - S urgeon OREGON If You Have a house, barn or packing shed to build, J. P. E rhart will furnish bonds to build according to plans and speci fications. Phone, 115. S. F. GOSS STUMPING POWDER PLUMBING. STEAM D. D. HAIL Mosier , Oregon ,¡ and IT W IL L NOT FREEZE IT W ILL GIVE NO HEADACH E IT IS W ATER PROOF IT HAS GREATER STRENGTH IT IS CHEAPER TH AN D YN AM ITE. and HOT WATER HEATING. Jobbing promptly attiwiriid to. Mr. Ed Evans arrived Iasi Next Lordsday morning we MOSIER - - OREGON These patterns are published Tuesday from Sheldon, Iowa, i will give a review of the Life and will remain here this winter and Work of the great reformer, | in the Designer and are The Town With a Future with His son, Alfred. ! Martin Luther, after whom the practically the same as those Unde Dick Evans has moved 1 Lutheran Church was named, published by the Delineator. his family into town for t|,e ’ Umugh he was not the founder M osier B ook S tore . winter and they are occupying Mat church. In the evening we will preach a chart sermon General Surveying, Plat the John Evans residence. IN YOUR entitled "Salvation in Type. ” S tore Y our apples Tlie Ladies’ Aid Society ex ting and Drafting Everyone is given a cordial In our New Modern Cold Storage MAY - GRAIN - FEED tends hearty thanks to the many welcome to attend all our ser -1 Plant. -ifriends who assisted in making Phone connections. vices. Equipped with the latest the Bazaar such a success. H. C am pbell C la r k . DRY AIR 5.VSTEM i Mrs. P. E. Thomason and Ii! M blister. W. A. H U SBAN DS D R . H. L . D U M B L E W e have every facility for hand*; tie son arrived yesterday from B l a c k s m it h : PHYSICIAN and U I R G K O N Wanted al Once ling, ship; ing anil delivering. Farmington, Wash., for a brief Horse Shoeing and General OREGON HOOD RIVER visit with her sister, Mrs. Stew- W aited Second-hand trunk, steamer Charges Reasonable H . G . K IB B E E Repair Work. Will practice in Mosier and art, and mother, Mrs. Warren, preferred. Must he in fair con- To contract slashing. Inquire UNION MEAT COMPANY I May lie reached by long dis N O T A R Y PUBLIC before returning to her home at dition, at a reasonable price. at Bulletin office, or write Box Satisfaction guaranteed Turner, Ore. tance phone, Home phone 61. Address Box 205, Mosier, O r e .} Warehouse Dept., Portland, Ore. MOSIER - - OREGON d 6 tf M o s ie r - - - O r e g o n 154, Mosier, Ore. ADVERTISE Home Paper I H. M. WEST C IV IL E N G IN E E R General Commisson Merchant Mosier - - Oregon Mosier - - Oregon Do Your Christmas Shopping Early this Year Jewelry -W e have a splendid line of Jewelry, consist odium sized Pearl Handled Knife, full brass lined* Handkercheifs — Men’ s white and colored handkerchiefs silk, plain, hemstitched, lace and embroidered at’ ing of Breast Pins. Bar Pins, Beauty Pins, Emblem three blades of best grade steel, a very neat knife, j good full sized ones, e a c h ....... ............... 5 C prices ranging from ........ 5c, 10c, 15c and 25c U p! Pins for the different orders Bebekalis, Odd Fellows and a good o n e .................................................... $ 1 . 2 5 : Fine Japanese handkerchiefs for men, silk finished, Woodmen, Artisans and others. Silver Thimbles, Boy’s Metal Handle Knife, with chain at Arm Band, Suspenders and Ties — Put up in nice Christ plain hemstitched and initial ......................... 1 Oc Bracelets, Rings, Hatpins, Cuff Buttons of all kinds, mas boxes are always nice presents, and very accept tached, one blade................................................ 5 C Pure Linen handkerchiefs for men, neat hemstitched Stick Pins, Watch Chains, and Watch Fobs, anil able. We have an exceptionally fine line of these Razors We have some special bargains in this line. border .................................................................. J 5 c many other articles in this line dial vs ill make very goods in all grades. Razors that are worth $2 each, made by W . R. Case Pure linen handkerchiefs for men, better grade, neatly appropriate gifts. Arm hands from 5c up to all silk ones, with fancy rib - di Sen, bright, clean stock, that we are selling at hemstitched, plain and with initials.. .2 5c, 3 5c up bon I miws . Baads —In endless variety. Gold, Silver, Pearl, Glass, o n ly ......................-.................................................. $1 Men’s pure silk handkerchiefs, plain and with initials. Suspenders and Ties in neat holly boxes, for 25c up. and in all combinations, for 5c and up. Glass Gold We also have a full line of Williams’ and Colgate’s good grade of silk, full sized..................... 2 5 , 5 0 up We have a tine line of Keiser Ties for you to select’ Beads, good long strand of farUeads, on ly............ 10c Shaving Creams, Soaps, Shaving Sticks and Powders. Bradley Mufflers— We have a splendid line of these , # from, which guarantees their superior quality. These are all first class., as a trial will prove. Perfume—We carry Perfumes ot standard grade, prin standard Mufflers, and they arc always acceptable cipally ('óigales, which comes in different sized Lot Sharing Brushes O f all kinds and at a less price than gifts, useful and appreciated. All colors in mercer j Games — O f every description aiw^kind from jack straws ties and of different popular odors. You need not tor 5c up to tlie liestof game boards, such as basebalj, you can buy them elsewhere, quality considered. ized wool and silk, for............... 2 5 c 3 5c 5 0 c Up hesitate to give this for presents, as quality is first Croconole boards. Parlor Pool, etc. Yon must call Brushes a t..................... I Oc 1 5 c 2 0 C 2 5 c and up Fancy Half Hose for Men — Made o f selected yarns of class. The bottle f r e m ...............10c, 25c and 50c up and see them to fully appreciate the splendid assort finest cotton, mercerized wool and siik. Some an Hooks Of all kinds, including standard copyright ment that we have, and tlie reasonableness of the put up in fancy Christmas boxes with tie to match. Ladies' Purses and Hand ttags We have a splendid books, picture books, linen ami non-fading rag books, prices that we are selling them at. Second Floor. Fancy and plain colors, f o r ... J5c 35c. 3oc and 50i assortment in this line from the lowest priced to the Bibles, Poems, etc. These are marked at exceptionally highest. All A 1 values for the money. Genuine low prices. Do not fail to look them over before buy- Gloves for Men — Are always an appreciated present, Toilet Sets. Smoking Sets. Manicuring Sets, Military leather purse, full leather lined 10 -inch leather cov Sets. Shaving Sets, etc. Some of the very best val and we have a nice assortment for you to choose iny elsewhere. You will save money by so doing. ered frame with small purse Inside. Special ..$ 1 .0 0 ues that you have ever been offered. Come and see1’ from for either work, driving or dress wear. Fancy Holiday and Children’s Books, second Floor. Copy for yourself. Second Floor. right books, first floor. German Silver Mesh Bags, splendid values, golf gloves, leather gloves with fleece lining, dress gloves with silk lining, wool mittens, good heavy from ....................................................................... 7 5 e t o J .*» Neckuvar— We have a fity line of Ladies’ Neckwear in Christmas Tree Ornaments, Santa Claus masks, as well ones, as well as extra heavy knit gloves that will he all the latest novelties. Jewel Boxes, Fountain Pens, as other kinds of false facts, Christrrtas bells, in fact Pocke* Kmoes— \ splendid lot for bovs and men. all kinds of Art Goods, Fancy Hose Supporters, Pil * fine for driving. We have these with and without any and everything that goes to make this the happy Nothing oleases a bov more. Medium sized knife the gauntlet. We have anything you can wish for low Tops, Dresser Scarfs, etc., which are always nice time that it should be. with white bone handle one largo and one small atid at the lowest prices. Gloves fr o m .. ,5c t o $ 2 .5 0 for presents. blade, full brass lined^on lv........................... 6 0 c Toy Pishes — We have put in a large fine of granite Ladies' Gloves—-in all kinds and suitable for any occa We a'so have a nice line of Furs and Fur Sets, Shirt sion. in wool, silk and kid. long and short lengths. and white Enameled Dishes for the little folks. These Malium size! knife with buck horn handle, three waists, Skirts. Cnats and I tresses for ladies. Over Any lady would lie pleased with a presenflilce this. look well and will not hreak. W e also have a fine lot coats. Smoking Jackets and Suits for men. Comfy Wadas full brass bn*d onto ............ 5 0 c of plain and fancy china sets of every description, Slippers for Indies, Men ami Children. All of these ..........................................25C.50C.S1 UP ^ ndl s;Z’ I k tU ' f v* 1» U '* with neat shell handle, and most reasonable in price. Just call and look them Ladles' Handkerchiefs—We have anything you can make nice presents, and we will sell them to you at full brass linvl, tv > i l i l ' t ............................. 40c over. Second floor. wish for in this line in lawn, linen, mercerized and the right price. 1 \ E. C. BROCK THE PARIS FAIR. rm h o o d r iv e r s l a r g e st & best store