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About Mosier bulletin. (Mosier, Or.) 1909-19?? | View Entire Issue (June 21, 1912)
SKUNK’S WEAPON OF DEFENSE )o Awful It tl. j Effects of Its Spray That No Living Thing Will At tack It. ' -n o t c o ffe e It’s the most de lightful Breakfast Drink you ever tasted and the must uholesom e and inviyoiating. Yoa cannot but like its rich “ g ra in y " flavor and spicy aroma. As* your grocer tor — Three G’s (GOLDEN CRAIN GRANULES) —if he hasn 't got it he will get it for you. I t ’s gcod for you 3 times a day. And remem be- that there is no su b stitu te fo r 3 G’s. Machinery S econ d -H an d M a ch in e r y bou gh t, sold and e x c h a n g e d : e n g in e » , boiler*, saw m ills, etc. T h e J. E. M a rtin Co.. 76 1st St.. P o rtla n d . Send fo r S lo c k L is t and prices. FREE G O V E R N M E N T L A N D B*»nt fr u it o r a lfa lfa land in Oregon. 10. 40orl6l •«•rea. without money and w ithout price, to a favorec few who w ill »h a re expense o f pu ttin g w ater on saute J ESS E H O BSO N, o28 Ky Kxchange Bldg, l ’o rtl aut The skunk is about the size of a urge cat, and so awful is the effects >f its spray that no living thing, un- ess by mistake, will attack It, and In ’onaequence It Is quite (earless, and *111 hardly get out of the way of man. Mr. liudaon, who has had experience •f it In South America, tells of how a ooliah eagle vulture, pressed by hun ter, tried to seize the menacing tall, >ut Immediately afterwards began ¡laagering about with disheveled ylumage, tearful eyes and a profuse- y woebegone expression on Its vulture ace. After a dog has once experienced hose few dreadful drops of perfume, t will hardly ever be induced to at- ack the little Send again. But If, after tuch persuasion and banter, a poor mnine, bolder than the average, Is irged to the attack, and can seize the ikunk by the back, then the victory nay lie with the dog, but If the spray reaches the dog before It can do this, t will fall down as If shot, and not ■ecover for days. A drop on a man’s coat will render quite useless for further wear. For he preservation of life man has de veloped brain, the elephant Its tusks, he tiger Its claws and teeth, the deer ta fleetness of foot, the snake Its pot ion, the stinging nettle its sting, the rush Its thorn and the skunk its drops )f horrible odor, so powerful that it ortures the olfactory nerves past en- lurance, and pervades the whole sys tem like a pestilent ether, nauseating )ne, until sea-sickness seems almost a yleasant sensation in comparison. The Retreat From Moscow. Napoleon's army for the Invasion of Russia numbered 660,000. Only twen ty thousand returned. During the re treat thousands of horses lay groaning on the route, while thousands of naked wretches were wandering like specters, who seemed to have no sight or sense, and who only kept reeling Don’t Look at Your Face for the Signa on All frost, famine or the Cossack of Tim e’s March— Watch lance put an end to their power of the Heart. motion. The dear little old lady was Just T r y m a r in e K y e H o m e d y f o r W ed, V r a k , W a t e r y E y e s a n d O r u u u la te U E y e lid s , is cross as she could be! M o S iu a r liu ¿ — J u a l E y e C o m fo r t , All because the old-fashioned con ductor had said: "Be careful. Watch Curious Lore. out, grandma. Don’t get off the car It has beeu remarked as a cnrtoui till It stops." circumstance that Bonaparte and Wel It was probably the first time that lington were born In the same year, from the lips of a stranger came the and that Burns and Hogg, the Scotch verdict that the world had begun to poets, were both born on Jan. 25; but ook upon her as an old lady. It Is more remarkable that the two She must have known that her greatest dramatic poets of modern Eu shoujders were a bit stooped— but old? rope, Shakespeare and Cervantes, both No, not Just in the prime of life, and died on the same day In the same the very idea of that man calling out; year, April 23, 1616. It Is further re Watch out, grandma!” markable that Shakespeare, like the But after all, what matters what the great Raphael and Sobleskl, died on conductor said? There Is a rumor of the anniversary of his birth.— From Inner consciousness that should tell Fennell's Shakespeare Repository, one If one Is growing old. IW «. __________________ "Don’t look at your face to see If A u t o m o b ile E y e In s u r a n c e n e e d e d a fte i ige is creeping on. Watch the heart. E x p o s u re to Sun. W in d s and D u st. M u r in e E y i Beware of allowing care to make K e m e d y fr e e ly a p p lie d A ffo r d s R e lia b le R e lie f. N o S m a r tin g —J u s t E y * C o m fo r t —T r y M u r in e srows’ feet there. Oliver Wendell Holmes summed up Black Sheep Not Wanted. the philosophy of life when he said; Australian wool growers have beon "I am seventy years young today.” officially warned by an English chain Every birthday should see one’s heart her of commerce not to breed from younger. The only way to keep from black or gray sheep; to take the srowing old Is to keep growing young. greatest care In selecting rams from The only time to begin growing young flacks as free as possible from black Is before one begins to grow old. hairs; to slaughter all black and gray There are mental attitudes and limp 'amba. ing worse than those of a faltering foot. There are aches and pains Lesson All Should Leam. 2 aused by selfishness and narrowness Plutarch said to the Emperor T ro much worse than those of rheumatism. jan: "L et your government commence Begin this moment to grow young. In your own breast, and lay the foun dation of It In the command of your Some Time to Walt. temper and passions.” Here come in One evening an Irishman chanced the words, self-control, duty, and con to drop Into a quiet meeting house of science.— S. Smiles. the Quakers, and being rather aston ished as to what manner of place It quiet and VCIII FR P t,utl 's *«S sn7 W, St* was, resolved to remain rviLLtn ao4 km, ul He behaved with remarkable H i... Neat, clean listen. ornam ental, conven decorum until a broad brim, no doubt ient. cheap. L&ati spirit, Informed his a ll season. M ade ol moved by the m etal, can’ t ap ill 01 "I have married a wife,” evi tip over: w ill n ot sol hearer: o r in ju re anythin;; dently being about to use this as a Guaranteed effect! v< Pat was excited and called out, Bold by dealers oi text. 6 te n t prepaid f o r SI “The dlvll ye have.” HAkOLD SOUZXs, 150 b e K alb A v e „ Brooklyn, V . T This Interruption rather confused the young man, but he continued: "I As to Buying. have married a daughter of the Lord.” Whatever we wish to buy, we ought This was too much for our Emerald first to consider not only If the thing Islander, who exclaimed: "Sit down, be fit for us, but If the manufacture ye spalpeen! It’ll be a long time be of it be a wholesome and happy one; fore ye see your father-in-law.” and If, on the whole, the sum we are going to spend will do as much good On Boston Common. spent In this way as it would If spent Comparatively few people know that In any other way.—Ruskla. .here was once a “ spinning school" m Boston Common. Wlnsor’s ‘'Memo- la! History of Boston” records that jpon the arrival In Boston of gome Irish spinners and weavers a spinning raze took possession of the town, and the women, young and old. high ind low. rich and poor, flocked Into he spinning school, which for want of letter quarters, was set up In the Com mon, In the open air. Here the whirr wheels was heard from morn- Doctors Could N ot H elp Mrs, if ng their to night.” Thirty-five years later he Society for Encouraging Industry T e m p le to n — R e g a in e d ind Employing the Poor again used Health through Lydia E. he Common as a spinning school, ibout 300 young women appearing Pinkham’s Compound. :here. SUREST TEST OF OLD AGE RECORD OF A CHEAT MEDICINE Hooper, Nebraska. — “ I am very glad 6o tell how Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound has helped me. Forfive yean I suffered from female troubles so I wa« scarcely able to do my work. I took doc- to n ’ medicines and used local treatment* but was not helped. I had such swful bearing down pains and my back was so weak I could hardly walk and could not ride. I often had to sit up nights to sleep and my friends thought I could not live long. A t my request my husband got me a bottle o f Lydia E. Pinkham’s Veg etable Compound and I commenced tc take it. By the time I had taken the seventh bottle my health had returned and I began doing my washing and was a well woman. Atone time for three weeks I did all the work for eighteen boarders with no signs o f my old trouble return ing. Many have taken your medicine after seeing what it did for me. I would not take $1000 and be where I was. Yoa have my permission to use my name if it will aid anyone.’ ’ —Mrs. S usie T em ple to n , Hooper, Nebraska. ThePinkham record is a proud and peer less one. It is a record o f constant vic tory over the obstinate ills o f woman— ills that deal out despair. It is an established fset that Lydia E. Pinkham’ s V e g e t a ble Compound has re stored health to thou sands of such suffer ing women. Why don’t you try it if you » fn e ft lir ifw »? Cat Put Up Vicious Fight. While calling at a friend’s ranch the other day, a young Italian nobleman, who Is ranching near Monterey, C a l. was attacked by a huge Maltese cat. a pet of the household, and severely bitten on the hand and In the back He was walking up the steps of the house when the tat attacked him The snlmal sank Its teeth Into the fleshy part of his back and clung to him with bulldog tenacity. In attempting to pull the cat off his back, the victim was bitten on the hand. The cat followed him to the gate, and he waa obliged ‘o use a club to drive It off. Laborer Finds Old Coins. A laborer working on tbe Jericho turnpike at Com mack. L. I., dug up a hag of old coins. Within s minute >ther diggers were lighting for posaes- ■lon of the coins. Tbe bag was rea med, with half Its contents gone, by William O'Brien, foreman of the gang. Some of the coins were date* 17S2. None wee of earlier date than the -arly part of the eighteenth century. The Real Grievance. Friend— You’ve got to admit there’s aotbing In Tripoli worth fighting for. Italian Diplomat—Certainly. Friend— Then why do you want to keep on fighting? Italian Diplomat— W e’ve got to pua- lah the Turks for giving ua tha Im pression that there w as— Satire. VOLCANIC ASH 30 FEET DEEP All Animal Life on Kadiak Is land Destroyed. Only Water Fit for Use Is Distilled By Revenue Cutter Manning— Natives Panic-Stricken. Cordova, Alaska — Wireless mes sages received from the revenue cut ter Manning, in Kadiak harbor, and from the Alaska Packers' association Ashing stations at Karluk, Chignik and Naknek, said that there has been no report o f loss o f life on the island. No word has been received from the settlements on the mainland at the foot o f Katmai volcano, where the greatest suffering exists, if any o f the people o f that section survived the eruption. Captain Kireland W. Perry, o f the Manning, reported no more eruptions have occurred and the air is slowly clearing o f the smoke and ash, the re turning light revealing in greater de gree the real horror and devastation wrought by the outburst o f the Aery mountains. The refugees who were aboard the Manning have regained a certain amount o f conAdence with the return o f normal conditions in the air and are leaving the ship to endeavor to reach their former homes, which lie in ruins. The people on the island have found it difficult to make their way about, the ash in some places being from 20 to 30 feet deep. Nearly all the houses are in ruins and those that withstood the attack o f the hail o f ash and stones are uninhabitable because o f the Ane silt which drifted through every crevice, making useless the stores o f food and clothing. The wharf at Kadiak, at which the Manning has been lying, was kept reasonably clear o f ash by constant playing o f the cutter’s Are hose. Only a small place was cleared and the roads are virtually impassable. The problem o f feeding the desti tute people is a serious one. Efforts are being made to reach the govern ment experimental farm near Kadiak, which was stocked with a large herd o f imported cattle and sheep, which, if found in At condition, w ill be used for food. The only water the people at Ka diak are using is that distilled from sea water by the Manning, all other supplies being useless because o f pol lution. A t the Ashing stations o f Karluk, Chignik and Naknek, no loss o f life occurred, but great damage was done by the fall o f ashes. Preparations were made at the Ashing stations to take all on board the cannery tenders and seek safety at sea, but the people have decided to stay near their prop erties as long as conditions are en durable. It is feared that the Ashing season at all stations affected by the ash will be a complete failure because o f the polluted water, large quantities o f pure water being necessary to prepare the salmon for canning. Total darkness covered the entire section about the canneries, which are on the Bhore o f Sbelikoff strait, for 40 hours. CUBAN T A S K D IFFICU LT. Naval Forces Prepare to Remain In Island Many Weeks. Washington. D. C.— Naval officers are of the opinion that their task of policing eastern Cuba will be a long one, for orders show that colliers are being made ready to carry supplies to the vessels in Cuban waters sufficient to meet their needs for weeks. The collier Hector is scheduled to leave Hampton Roads for Key West, and probably will proceed from there to Guantanamo. The collier Celtic is under orders to leave Boston within a fortnight, and her cruise also in all probability will end at Guantanamo. The commander o f the gunboat Pa ducah reports great uneasiness in San tiago and vicinity. Reports also came o f ominous movements o f the insur rectos and o f appeals for help from plantation owners. From one source came a rumor that Cuba itself had fostered the insurrec tion for certain political purposes, but that the movement had gone beyond its control. The State department knows nothing to conArm this rumor. .There was talk at the War depart ment o f sending some army officer to Cuba to make an impartial investiga tion o f conditions there and if possi ble to act as an intermediary in re storing peace between the factions. It is the common belief that if in the end intervention in Cuba is a nec essity, there must be sweeping changes in the organic law o f the re public to guard against the recurrence o f conditions that have made the pres ent insurrection possible. RATE REDUCTION ORDERED. Medford Merchant* Win Contention With Southern Pacific. Washington, D. C.— The Interstate Commerce commission has ordered a reduction o f from I I to 12 cents a hundred pounds in class rates one to four, inclusive, on traffic over the Southern Pacific from Medford, Or., to Hornbrook, Klamath, Ager, Mon tague, Gazelle, Edgewood, Weed, Sis son and Dunsmuir, Cal. This reduc tion is based on the showing o f Med ford merchants that existing class rates complained o f are materially higher than class rates over the same road and for similar distances in Cali fornia. Figures were produced to show that the Southern Pacific maintains two classes o f rates, one on each Bide of the Oregon-California line. The road contended that the higher rates in Oregon were justified by the mountain grades, but the commission found there was little difference between the grades o f Southern Oregon and North ern California. The new rates w ill go into effect July 16. HOUSE FAVORS BORAH BILL. Irrigation Committee Urges Home stead Measure Be Passed. Washington, D C.— The house irri gation committee favorably reported the Borah bill which has passed the senate, directing that patents be is sued to all homesteaders on govern ment irrigation projects as soon as they comply with the homestead law and cultivate half their entry, the government to retain a lien upon the land to cover all unpaid water charges. This will enable reclamation settlers to get title in three years instead of waiting ten or more, as now required by law. An amendment requiring payment A U T O PARADE GORGEOUS. o f 40 per cent o f the water charges before receiving the patent, was Out-of-Town Cara Win Three First* struck out. at R ote Festival. Cuban Troops Are Active. Portland — Three o f the highest prizes in the annual Rose Festival au Havana— News from Washington, tomobile parade were awarded to that orders for additional warships at neighboring Coast cities, Pasadena, Havana have been countermanded has Cal., taking the highest honors o f Fes been received here with the liveliest tival week. The prize winner was satisfaction, dissipating the peril of designed by a woman. The Seattle immediate intervention. Ad club’s entry took first prize for the The government continues to im best decorations with artificial flowers, press the fullest confidence in its abil and the Lyle, Washington, Commer ity to stamp out the insurrection. cial club won first honors in the class General Monteagudo, who is in com for clubs and societies. Several other mand o f the Cuban troops in Oriente, oyt-of-town entries received liberal is so satisfied with military conditions and cordial applause along the entire there that he does not deem it neces route. sary to augment the forces now in the The parade was by far the largest field with a contingent o f 3000 veter ever held in connection with the Rose ans offered by General Juan Mario Festival, 600 cara participating. Menocal, ex-president o f the Veterans’ association. Czar Unveils Statue. Government reports show that the Moscow— A monument to Alexander troops are still pursuing the insur I I I was unveiled Thursday by the em gents in an effort to make an envelop ing movement, but the insurgents are peror in the presence o f two-score reported as threatening the city of members o f the ruling fam ily and dep Guantanamo despite the presence utations from Bulgaria, Servia, and there o f a strong force o f marines and all parts o f Russia. Seventy-nine a contingent o f Cuban troopa. wreaths were laid at the base o f the monument. The event was one o f the Government Prepares to Aid. most brilliant in the reign o f Nicholas Washington, D. C.— The Federal II. Thirty regiments took part in the march along the Moscow river, while government is moving sw iftly for the hundreds o f thousands o f Muscovites relief o f the volcanic sufferers. Cap stood at point* o f vantage and cheered tain Bertholdt, commandant o f the heartily. revenue cutter service, has issued or ders to rush the cutter Tahoma or Mc Culloch to the assistance o f the refu South Feel* Earthquake. Augusta, Ga.— Three distinct earth gees. Delegate Wickersham, o f Alas quake ahocks were felt here, at Co ka, and Senator Jones, o f Washington, lumbus, S. C, and Savannah, Ga., both introduced resolutions for the im early Thursday morning. Houses mediate appropriation o f $60,000 for were rocked and the sleeping inhab the relief o f the volcano victims. The itants roughly awakened. L ittle dam house adjourned before action on the age was done and no one was hurt. Wickersham resolution could be taken. Here the shocks were fe lt more dis Hasty Strikes Deplored. tinctly on the hills about the city and in the residence quarter. There was Little Rock, A rk.— Hasty strikes considerable alarm among ignorant were condemned and a better educa classes, and before the last shocks had tion o f workingmen in general, that ceased many were at prayer. The v i they might more intelligently study brations were east and west. the problems o f both capital and labor Mississippi Again Rising. was urged by President Wilson, o f tbe Washington, D. C.— The floods in Patternmakers’ league in an address Louisiana again have become aerioua, delivered before tbe International necessitating another appeal to the brotherhood o f boilermakers and iron army for aid. A message to the War shopbuildera, meeting here in biennial The two organizations department tells o f the breaking of convention. every protection levee weet o f Bayou, are allied. The greater part o f the Louisiana, from Labadiville ta the day's session waa routine. Gulf o f Mexico, about 90 miles, cover Strikers Threaten Violence. ing almost every eetate in the vicinity o f the river. Thousands are home- London— In an inflammatory speech leae, and unless help is sent immedi to the dock strikers Ben Tillett, the ately many w ill be suffering for food. leader, made a violent attack on Lord Davenport, chairman o f the Port o f China Wants *6 3 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 London, whom he declared reaponsible Peking— Premier Tang Shao Y i has for the strike. He continued : “ The informed the financial group repre employer* want the government to senting the powers that he required turn out the soldiers to shoot yoa. I 90,000,000 taels ($«3,000,000) during want to say that i f there is any shoot June. I f he doe* not obtain this, he ing, I am going to Uke a gun and says, ha will consider himself free to shoot Ix>rd Davenport.“ The strikers borrow elst attempted to bold op a meat convoy. REBS MAY FIRE W. L. D O U G L A S ACROSS BORDER SHOES W . L. Dou|lft> makes and tells i ___ $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00 ahoea than any other m anufacturer in the world «2.50 «3.00 «3.50 «4.00 «4.50ft«5.00 FOR M EN, W O M E N AN D BOYS tV .I,.D o u g la s $ 3 .0 0 Si $;t..~>(> alioes a re w o r n b y m illio n s o l m en, because they a re th e beat In th e w o r ld fu r th e p rice W . L. D o u gla s $ 4 .0 0 , $ 4 .5 0 A $ 5 .0 0 shoes e q u a l C u stom lie n e li W o r k c o s tin g $ 0 .0 0 to $ 8 .0 0 W h y does W . L. Douglas m ake and sell m ore $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00 shoes than any other m anufacture- in the w orld ? BECAUSE : he stamps hit name and price ca the bottom and guarantees the value, which protects the w earer against high prices and inferior shoes o f other makes. BECAUSE : they are the most econom ical and satisfactory; you can save money by wearing W. L. Douglas shoes. BECAUSE: they have no aqual fo r style, fit and wear. DON’T TAKE A SUBSTITUTE FOR W.LDi Mexican Insurrectos Would Vio late Neutrality Laws. Leader Saya Mexican Consul la Re cruiting Troope on American Side—Government Denies. El Paso, Tex.— Mexican insurrectos would not hesitate to fire into Am eri can territory from Juarez if any troops recruited by the Mexican fed eral government on American terri tory attempted to cross the Rio Grande here. Colonel Pascual Orozco, Sr., father o f the rebel chie^and head o f the Juarez garrison, in this way re plied to the demand o f Colonel Steev- er, commander o f the department of Texas, that no rifle shots or bombs or shells must cross into the United States from Juarez at any time. Colonel Pascual Orozco Baid that while he would direct his men to avoid as far as possible firing into El Paso in case o f fighting, yet if any men re cruited, as he alleges, in El Paso by E. C. Lorente, the Mexican consul here, composed the attacking . force, he would feel justified in giving his men no instructions. The Mexican government officials deny that any force has been enlisted by them on American soil. The arrest o f General Campa, who is one o f the few rebels, it is said, whose aim is to help the poorer classes, is believed to have placed General Orozco in jeopardy with his troops. Sixty picked men le ft Juarez for Chihuahua Sunday to form a per sonal bodyguard. If your dealer cannot supply W . L . Douglas sh ow , writs W . I,. Douglas, Brockton. M ass., for cats Shoe* sent everywhere delivery charges prepaid. Z e s t C o lo r l y d r l s I r e d A RECORD-BREAKING YEAR Willametta Valley Chautauqua Plans fo r Largest Crowd in 18 Yeara. j& .ije fe n s ija ff ^ P o r t la n d , O rego n / R esident and D *y School fo r G ir l* l i ^ ^ | charge o f B ister* o f 8t. Joh n Baptist (K pi*oop*l)| I O eileftale, Acad*mio and Elementary Department*. | M «sle, A rt. Elocution. Oymnaaiam. | For oetelog *«i.irr»M 1 11» M n m .» M » I It io it | O ff1co30. St. Ila-leu * llr t ll j “ The Chicago Operatic Co.,” Lou “ Rev. Wm. Spur geon,” “ S. Platt Jones,” “ Mexican Troubadours,” “ Judge F. P. Sadler,” i “Fred Emerson Brooks,” " L e e Emer son Bassett,” “ John Mitchell” are among the well known numes noted on ! the program of the Willamette Valley Chautauqua to convene at Gladstone A T o n ic . A lt e r a t iv e a n d R e s o lv e n t. The Park, Oregon City, Or., July 9 to 21, best r e m e d y f o r K id n e y s , I J v e r a n d B o w els. 1912. These are only a few o f the K ia d ic a te s P im p le s , K fu p t io n s a n d D is o rd e rs e S k in . P u rifie s th e B lo o d a n d g iv e * features their booklet tells ua about, o T o f n th e , S tr e n g th a n d V ig o r t o th e e n tir e system . and it looks as if the 19th year o f the Chautauqua would be the beat yet Extensive improvemens are being Advocates Leavaa of 8oap. made in the beautiful Gladstone Park, hemleul friend of the Sclentlfla the directors evidently expecting a American A V suggests that a campaign bs ,merl< record breaking crowd. Even the P. Started against the common cake ol R. L. & P. Co. has caught the spirit aoap. About 60 years ago there was and is reballasting its branch line sold a form of soap 1 r travelers, con which leads into the park and thereby sisting of a booklet, about two Inches facilitate and improve its half hour by four Inches, In which small leaves car service from Portland and Oregon of soap paper saturated with aoap City. __________________ were bound. Each leaf contained enough soap for one washing of the Learn Him Something. "Poets are born and not made.” said hands. It Is suggested that one might the young man with the pale. Interest profitably dispense, through a penny. C ALIFO R N IA IS FLOODED. ing face and the long hair. "Are they?” In-the-slot machine, a paper towel In which is folded a sheet of soap paper, Thousands o f Acres Inundated, With replied his wife. "W ell, I'll show you tor convenient use In puhllo la v » that they are made sometimes. I ’ll Great Loss. make you watch the baby while I go to r l e s . ______ ___ San Bernardino, Cal.— Flood scenes «hopping this morning or you shall R ed C tobb B a ll B lu e g iv e s dou ble v a lu e fo r y ou i ««n e y , goea tw ic e as fa r as a n y o th er. A a k youi are common along the treacherous Col never have another dollar that my * gro c e r. orado River. Through a dozen or father sends to me.” more breaks in the dykes between Old Saw Nothing of Value In Pearl*. lit t le th in g s lik e b lu in g. D o n ’ t sc- Fort Mojave and Yuma, the flood- B p e t w t h a r t i e f r t y f o on When the army of Qalerlus sacked r blu in g. A ak f o r H od Cruee B all waters are pouring over thousands o f ue, th e e x t r a good va lu e blue. the camp of the routed Persians a bag acres o f alfalfa fields and truck farms. of shining leather filled with pearls Nervous Children. Lincoinville, the first town inundated, fell Into the hands of a private sol T h « nervous child has In him tht has been almost obliterated, and the dier, but the latter, while carefully making of the brilliant man, but he il peiple o f Blythe and Randall are leav preserving the bag, threw away lta generally spoiled In the making. You ing their homes in boats. The entire contents under the Impression that Palo Verde valley, one o f the richest muet be patient and long-suffering anything that could not be used for in Southeastern California, is threat with the boy or girl of nervous tem useful purposes hnd no other valu* ened by inundation and the Imperial perament, else you will do your child Never scold or tease valley, with products valued at many great Injury. The One Thing That Count«. Never hold the little one to ridicule. millions, is said to be endangered. Borne persons, I know, estimate hap The high tide o f the ffooda is not ex Above alt never use the whip. It is plueaa-by fine houses, gardens and pected for two weeks and while there only by the greatest mean« that tha parks—others by pictures, horses ¡ b Baid to be no immediate prospect beat can be brought out of the highly money and various things wholly re that the great river w ill break over strung child, but when the proper mote from their own speeches; but and race again into the Salton Sea, course la taken such children ar* when I wish to ascertain the real men are laboring to strengthen weak wonderfully responsive. felicity of any rational man, I alwayi places. Inquire whom he has to love. If 1 J. Beauchamp,” a When Your Eyes Need Care RAINS H EAVIEST KNOW N. Northwestern Railroad la Tied for Long Time, Pry M u r in e Up Baker, Or.— The rains, which have been the heaviest known in this part o f the country, have caused much damage. In the Snake river region there have been more waterspouts than have ever been known. The Connor creek and the Fox creek bridges were washed out, and dams on the Baache and Baker ranches de stroyed. The Northwestern railroad is tied up for an indefinite time because dirt several feet deep has been washed on the tracks for several miles. The injury to the farmers will amount to high in the thousands. The outbuildings o f the Winslow and Flick ranches in the Connor creek dis trict have been awept away and crops destroyed. Near Durkee the water has destroyed many thousands o f dollars’ worth o f crops. The roads in the Buynt river district are almost impas sable and the alfalfa has been beaten flat on the ground. Lumbering has been abandoned in the Muddy creek district because o f the roada. The crops in this and the Haines district are not advanced far enough'to be damaged. Kalter Don't Appreciate Joke. Kiel, Germany— The crown prince o f Germany has run afoul o f his father again. This time he did so by having a boat built which he intended to enter in the coming yacht races against hia father’s craft. Further more, he intended to comanasd the yacht himaelf. But the cro'wo prince figured without hia parent. The kais er showed himaelf roaster of. the equa tion by exercising hia parental end military authority and ordering hia sun to remain w ith hia regim ent * t Danzig. E y e R e m e d y . N o S m a r t in g — F e e l « F i n e — A c t « Q u ic k ly . T r y I t f o r R e d , W e a k , Wat4?rjr E y e s a n d G r a n u la t e d E y e lid s . I l l u s t r a t e d B o o k In e a c h P a c k a g e . M u r in e la com pou nded by o u r O cu lists—not a “ P a te n t M ed icin e’*— bu t used In s u c c e s s fu l P h y s ic ia n s Prao* lic e f o r m an y yvars. N ow d e d ica ted to th e P u b lic a n d g o ld by D ru ggists a t 25c and 60c p e r B o ttle. M u rin e E y e B ulve In AsepM o T u b es, 26c a n d 60c. M u rin e Eye R em edy C o., C h loago Industry Coming Into lta Own. Guayule was for years overlooked *r despised; Its rubber sontent was considered of little or no value, and when at last acknowledged this was -aid to be Inferior to other rubber because it did not come from the tropics. Yet in spite of all guayule has become an Important source of rubber supply, millions of dollars have been Invested In the Industry, factories have been erected close to the guayule fields and towns have grown up for tbe .operatives and field laborers. __________________ Ninataan Truck Harrses Burn. Tacoma — Shortly a fte r midnight Sunday a Are o f unknc wn origin waa discovered in the liv e r y barn o f the Tacoma Track company, and quiekly destroyed that struct ure, together with aheda o f tbe Uninn Iron works. Nineteen track horse* w ere burned to death and approxim ately $26, "400 pro|t- erty damage dM e. Worshiped In Ancient Days. In the National Museum, Washing ton, there Is a meteorite weighing 1/ 400 pounds. In the Yale collection 1* one weighing 1,635 pounds, and on« at Amherst 437 pounds. Some sacred stones, as the black meteorite wot* nhtped at Emesa, In Syria; the holy Kasha of Mecca; and the great stone of the pyramid of Cbolula, In Mexico; owe their sanctity to the belief thal they had fallen from heaven. Orlgfnal of 8am Wsllar, The original of Sam Weller was Sam or Samuel Vale, who waa well known as a London comedian who M o t h e r * w i l l A n d M r * . W i n d o w * « B o o t h lo a acted In the farce called "The Board Byru|> th*. b e a t r e m e d y t o line f o r th o lZ c h U U r e a ing House” and subsequently at Cov* l u r i n g t h e t e e t h in g p e r io d . ent Garden theater. Sam Vale waa noted everywhere for the Wellerlsma, The World’s Grestast Slavs. Aesop probably la one of the moat such as "Come on, as the man said noted slave* that ever lived. The to hia tight boot." "I'm down on you, >len and stories he told bare de- as the extinguisher said to tbs can hted mankind for twenty-five hun dle.” "Where shall we fly, as tha dred years, and there Is no telling how bullet said to the trigger,” and "Let much longer the world will continue everyone take care of themselves, as to enjoy them. Aesop was so de- the donkey observed when dancing fora’.ed that for a long time hi* Oreek among the chickens.” Sam Vale died master could not sell him. Finally In 1848. __________________ he was sold, and tbe matter found A Confession. ttm so wise that he was aet free. “ Well,” he said, "It Is— let me • « « ! —three years since we met crosslni Hard Luck Feared. he ocean. Isn't It? Are you married "You should lay aside something fo. "No,” she sweetly replied, a rainy day.” “ And have the roof yet?” ’again.’ loak and epoll IL" g T a B r c a f >■ N e w S h e a s . A lw a y a fth a k e In A l l - a ’ r F o u l K aar, a p o w d e r , i t c u r a s h o t , s w e a t in g , s e l l i n g , » w o l l e n feet. H u re* eon iM , in g r o w i n g n a fle a n d b u n ion N . A t a ll d r u g g lft lfl a n d n I hm - a ta rea , 2 V . D o n t a e c e p t m y an tm lit u te. Ham p ie m a i led K ltK llk A d ilre a a A lle u 8. C lim a ted , L e K o v . N . Y . Soma Proof. Hunt Secretary (to Inexperiences «aalstant, who la telling him, after run, about tome poultry claim)—"But ho* do you know they ever had the fo w lil Did they show you the corpse« T’ As sistant—"No, not exactly; but It’» all right, don’t you know, they showed tne the empty roost* ”— Punch. 2000 Harvard Men Oine. New York— Tw o thousand aons -it John Harvard— m«;rr,bers o f 67 Hai’- vard clubs throogtiout the world— dined amid a wealth o f crimson decor ations in the ballroom o f the Hotel Astor. Joseph H . Choate, o f the class o f ’ 62, presided. Theodore Roosevelt, ’80, was to have been one C o f the speakers, but he had hurried away to Chicago. )The speakers in cluded President Abbott Lawrence Lowell, o f H arvard; A. L. M ills ,* Portland, Or., banker, who la an over seer o f the university, and Gen. Wood. Ship Tru ck er« Strike. Vancouver, B. C.— A large number o f Industrial Workers o f the W orld invaded the w harf where tha bliae- funnel liner Cyclops, joat arrives,' from Liverpool via the Orient, waa unloading and Induced 80 trackers to demand an in crease at wages. The stevedori ng com pang engaged other men but 'work was temporarily sus pended Tbe men who went on strike have been gettin g 26 cents an hour. find he has nobody, or does not lov* those he has— even In the midst of all hia profusion of finery and grandeur I pronounce him a being deep In ad verslty.— From Elizabeth Inchbald'l, "Nature and Art.” M exican M u stan g T Jn im en t FOR RHEUMATISM. ( Mrs. O liv e H untington.Norton*. O re.,*a jr*: I ‘ I c o n s id e r y o u r M e x ic a n M u s t a n g I ¡m erit th e b est o f lin im en ts. I h a v e used I it f o r d iffe re n t a ilm e n ts a n d it « l w a y * l g a v e s a t ia fa c t o r y resu lts. I t is e sp ecia lly | g o o d in ca ses o f In fla m m a t o r y Rheum tis m a n d a ll fo r m s o f lam eness. 2 3 c. 8 0 c. $ 1 • bottl* at Drug Destroys b o a r a r iA e o e r hnkhr oar * e d y fa r t u r n ftftj bow our n coM t, sad our* i* th * b»-*t painless n or* to bo found anywhere, ao matter how maoh you any. C o m p are o u r rrtoea. Dandruff tf*<1* th * 4 C. A T K 1 I CO.. L * w f»)l, t f * * * S tore* | Painless Dentistry * A yer’s Hair Vigor keeps the scalp c le a n a n d healthy, destroys all dandruff, a n d 1 greatly promotes the growth o f the hair. You will c e r-1 vainly be pleased with it a s ! * dressing for your hair. It k e i t * th e h a ir so ft an d , s it u *)th and promptly checks I any* falling of the hair. It | does not color the hair, and canned injure the hair or scalp. \ Consult your doctor about these hair problems. Ask Mm what he thinks of A yer's Hair Vigor. A C *s 1 ------— — -% W * finish plate sad I bridic* woe* Jot out lo t town patron* la lo n e day H H**lr*«T D .n !c«* estractios | fro* whsn plat** or I brtd«* work ia ord*r • led. C** 84 tltai' 0 * Irik I MciarCrvwm 5 $ .( 22k Bride* T**tk4 A H w o rk fu lly gu a ra a too d fo e faftoem \ W i s e D e n t a l Co ft Painless Dentists Third and ».H U ( • U a No 25-niL W H E N w ritin g to m d rm + lx m , please ■ n Moa U t o paper. __________ __ »