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About Mosier bulletin. (Mosier, Or.) 1909-19?? | View Entire Issue (March 8, 1912)
Farmers and Merchants W rit* ua for our cash offer on your Farm and Dairy Produce. I f we don’t handle it will refer you to re liable buyer. pEARSON-PAGE CO. Portlan d . Orugim. PORTLAND FREE EMPLOYMENT BUREAU W i ll fu rn ish you an y kind o f help you w ant, male or fem ale, skilled or unskilled, farm , sawmill, lo?- » i n » or any miscellaneous labor. Call, w rit# or one. N o fee* o f any kind charged in this tffice. ones— A 6*24; M ain 6555. 215 S k m 4 St. Purtksa. Or K RIIRRFR STAMPS *c**ls* n ilD D L A J lA m r j Stencils and Brass Celluloid Buttons I CURRENT EVENTS OF THE WEEK Utterly W retched Nervous Prostration L o n g Endured B efore Rem edy w a s rou n d . Miss Minerva Remlnger, U pper Bern. Pg.. writes: "F o r several years I had nervous prostration, and was utterly wretched. I lived on bread and beef tea because my stomach would not re tain anything else. I took many rem edies, but obtained no relief until I took Hood's Sarsaparilla, when I began to gain at once. A m now cured.” Pure, rich blood makes good, strong nerves, and this Is why Hood's Sarsa- hrllla, which purifies and enriches the „mod, cures so many nervous diseases. 3eneral Resume o f Important Events Get It today in usual liquid form or chocolated tablets called S arsatabs. Preserved in Condensed Form REBELS MARCH TO CHIHUAHUA Doings of the World at Large Told in Brief. Scene of Mexican Conflict Shifts From Juarez. fo r Our Busy Readers. O rozco Said to Have Deserted With Entire Command — Americans Retire Across Border. and Ribbon Badges. Good Goods. Quick Service. Bend fo r complete Catalogue No. 26. Acm e Stamp W orks. 1015 A St., Tacoma, Wash. Qovarnori ind Th ilr la I arias. In Alabama a futile effort baa juit been mads to raise tbs salary of the governor from $5,000 to $7,500. Ala bama Is one of the 16 states that pay their governors $5,000 s year. There are three states that pay only $4,600. There are seven In which the salary Is $4,000 and eight that pay $3,000 Wyoming, Vermont and Nebraska think that $1.600 Is enough for * gov ernor. There are 13 states that pay salaries higher than $5.000. tbs range being from $6.000 to $12,000. Only one state, Illinois, pays the latter amount. Five states, Including New York, pay $10.000 each. Alabama Is one of the leading commonwealths In the $5,000 group. Colorado, Florida. Oregon and Idaho are others In this group. The governors of Alaska and Hawaii, both appointive, get $5.000 a year each, while the governor of Porto Rico gets $8,000. Unpopular Hyalin#. K tri0 | fscsirsd * hyglsnls adnea- tlon, tho now partner In tho bakery strongly recommended a paper wrap per for every loaf of bread delivered. The old partner demurred. “ No good,” he said "People won’t stand for It. W e tried that once and the peper got eo dirty before the bread wee reedy for delivery that avery- body canceled their ordere.” T R Y BALL BLUING. The housewife's friend on wash day. Large package 10 cents. Blue that Is all blue. Once RED CROSS B ALL BLUE la tried, all others are discarded. There Is a reason: Liquid bluing Is a weak solution of colored water, while Ball Bluing Is solid blue, clear through. Price, 10 cents. A L L GRO CERS. __________________ The Coughs of Children They may not cough today, but what about tomorrow? Better be prepared for it when it comes. Ask your doctor about keeping Ayer's Cherry Pectoral in the house. Then when the hard cold or cough first appears you have a doctor’s medicine at hand. This cough m edicine is especially good for children. No anodynes. No alcohol. Type of Great Man. The greatest man is be who chooses the right with an inv'arible resolu Washington, D. C.— A telegram re London suffragists continue to riot tion; who resists the sorest tempta Second-Hand Machin ceived by private persons here from ery bought, sold and and smash windows. tions from within and without; who El Paso drew a grave picture o f con exchanged: en gin es, boiler^, sawmills, etc. The J. E. Martin Co.. 76 1st Manchu troops and loyal police bears the heaviest burdens cheerful ditions on the Mexican border. The £t.. Portland. Send fo r Stock Liat and prices. ly; who Is the calmest In storms and telegram said that fighting between guard Pekin from mutineers. Device for Securing Quiet whose reliance on truth, on virtue, on Federals and rebels began at Chihua To give quiet to dwellers in noisy A parcels post system is included in Wanted—Men and Women God, la the most unfaltering.—Chan hua City at 11 o ’clock Sunday, and streets an English builder has simply T R Y MURINE EYE REMEDY the postoffice appropriation bill. Many a child is called dull and stupid To learn barber trade. Tools free. W ages while cing. that many Americans were in danger. for Red. Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes used windows with double glazing. In learning. Positions guaranteed. International when the whole trouble is due to a lizy General Orozco is preparing to move sick rooms, lecture rooms and others Barber School, 39Vs N . Th ird St., Portland, Oregon Americans in Northern Mexico are and Granulated Eyelids. Murine Doesn't Ninety Years In On* Service. liver. We firmly believe your own doc on the City o f Mexico with an army of Smart— Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists the sound of street care and the rum rushing across the border at El Paso tor will tell you that tn occasional dose Perhaps the world's record for serv- Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, ble of wagons were greatly diminished A C T 1-1 I I A ° r h eart trouble; wish to 5,000 men. of Ayer’ s Pills, sugar-coated, will do such v'e Is held by the occupant of a grave and other points, fearing massacre by A fte r traveling for ten years as a in the churchyard at Battle, Sussex. Mexicans, despite denials by adminis 60c, $1.00. Murine Eye Salve in and the sound of voices was made Im children a great deal of good. Ask him. Aseptic Tubes, 25c, $1.00. Eye Books Mudu bT thu J. O. ATIR CO . I.nwell. Mu,. perceptible;_______________________ DR. D O U G LAS, o r e . clown in a circus, Raleigh T. Wilson, England. This Is Isaac Ingall, who died tration officials that President T a ft and Eye Advice Free by Mail. 3 3 8 U nion A v e n u e N .( P o rtla n d , O r. o f Lincoln, Neb., has resigned to take In 1798 at the age of 120. For ninety intends to intervene in Mexico. Murins Eye Remedy Co., Chicago. Feverish activity prevailed Sunday up the ministry. years he was in the service of the in the War department, which usually Give the Best, Sarah The Inland Pet Stock and Poultry Websters of Battle Abbey. is deserted on that day. This activ Every normal person Is born with a association has established a central Thompson of Belfast served 83 years ity, around which a veil o f secrecy W e positively pay the hip heat message for humanity, with a sacred market prices, as w e are manu depot in Spokane from which poultry with one family, dying In 1895. facturers and therefore can pay was thrown, is believed to mean that obligation to give his best to the and eggs will be delivered direct to more than dealers. Send for Bud Doble more troops will soon be moved to the world. Your talent was not given free price list and shipping tags consumers. The greatest of all horsemen, says; “ In border. and get full value fo r your skins. merely to provide the necessities and n y 40 years’ experience with horses I have N. M. U n g a r Co., the Reliable Mexican federal soldiers dashed iound Spohn’s Distemper cure the most Furriers. 202 hi 7th St.. Portland. On. El Paso — A telegram saying that luxuries of existence, but to make the across the border at Brownsville, Tex luccessful o f till remedies for the horses. It world a little better place to live in, as, and arrested two revolutionists, a the greatest blood purifier.’ ’ Bottle,60 -, fighting for the possession o f Chihua to pay your debt to humanity, to make escaping with their prisoners into »nd $1.00. Druggists can supply you, or hua City, capital o f the Mexican state the largest possible sum total of a r.anufacturers. Agents wanted. Send for o f that name, had begun, was followed Mexican territory. Free book. Spolin Medical Co„Spec. Con by the hasty departure o f the rebel soul.— Becker. The temperature at Billings, Mont, tagious Diseases, Goshen, Ind. garrison at Juarez to join their com Digestive Powers or Insects. C PJ T S ^ Good gardeners fell 13 degrees in one hour, reaching Eye Water Before or After. rades in the fight. 1 B -w are those who Some Insects digest their food first 26 below zero. Five hours later it “1 thought that In the fifteen years Two telegrams bearing on the fight raise good flow and eat It afterward. They are so was 14 above. Much suffering and of my practice of medicine,” said a ers and vegetables. Good were received by General Ynez Sala built as to be able to take only liquid loss to stock is expected. flowers and vegetables come physician, " I had answered almost zar, the Juarez commander, from food and they Inject a digestive fluid from good seeds. V’e pro A $50,000,000 merger has been or every possible ‘fool’ question; but a Braulio Hernandez, one o f the rebel duce good seeds—tho Infer Into their prey and thus gradually dis ganized at Klamath, Oregon, to con ence is obvious. For sale new one was sprung on me recently. leaders in the district about Chihua solve It. sucking In the liquid so everywhere. trol the Klamath Land company, the A young man came In with an in hua. Neither message was as detail I AM A R E A L S T U M P P U LL E R Hot Springs company, the Pioneer flamed eye, for which I prescribed ed as its recipient could have wished, formed until nothing remains but the IMS SEED ANNUAL Will pull them all, large anil small, and pile them just like a 100-H. P. dry skin. Press Publishing company, the W hite medicine—to be dropped Into the eye but both were sufficient to dispel lan Free on Request D O N KEY ENGINE. Will clear TW O acres to the Donkey’s one, using less or D-MFEKBYiCO. Pelican Mineral Springs company, the three times a day. He left the office, guor which has characterized the work O n ly One " B R O M O Q U I N I N E ” no powder at all. Am operated by one horse and one man. Dctrslt. Wch. Klamath Investment company, the S, but returned In a few minutes, poked o f the Juarez forces, and the detach T h at is L A X A T I V E B R O M O Q U I N I N E . I « * W rite and find out why you should know about the AM E R IC AN STUMP r the sig n a tu re o f E. W . G R O V E . U se d the 0. Johnson company and the W hite his head in the doorway, and asked ment o f from 800 to 1,000 men was fo PU LLE R . T H IN K TH IS OVER; Stump land does not pay TAXES, but whan W o rld o v e r to C u re a Cold in O ne D ay. 26c. Pelican Hotel company cleared it pays everything. This Machine is guaranteed to stand wear and tear Shall I drop this In the eye before speedily placed on board three sec and pull your Btumps, or no pay. Address tions o f a freight train. Curious English Custom. meals or after?’ ”— Everybody’s Mag A prominent doctor o f Maryland azine. __________________ Every Easter a curious custom lr claims he has entirely cured himself M e x ic a n FOOD S A M PLE S S T A R T L E . observed In rural England, the auc o f tuberculosis by injections of rat The Rialto. tloneer putting up a field and accept 3. F) selvage , Agt., 410 Uakct Eida^, P.riiuj, Or. Waterfront, Foot Connecticnt St.Scatlle. W»sL tlesnake poison, brought in tablet The architect of the famous Rialto form from South America. bridge in Venice was Antonio da Pon Sand, Salt, Alum and Glucose Among lng bids only so long as a number r boys are running a race over a fixe Adulterants Used. Children from Lawrence, Mass., te. The bridge is a single arch, 90 New Haven, Conn.— Even the food course. The moment the blndermo* testified before the house committee feet In length, and is exceedingly boy reaches the goal the hammer fall that they were forced to pay 5 cents a strong and graceful. It Is crossed by chemists at the Connecticut Agricul and tho meadow Is knocked down t week fo r drinking water in the textile means of ascending and descending tural station are surprised by the FO R R H E U M A T IS M . mills, and that the water was totally steps, while on the top are two ranges result o f a series o f tests they have him who has made the last bid. Thl I M r «. O liv e Ilu n tin g to n ,N o rto n s ,O re .,s a y s : | of shops, dividing the structure into just completed, which show that o f having been satisfactorily settle) unfit to drink. “ I consider yo u r M exican M u sta n g L in - 722 samples o f food, drink and drugs those present sit down to a meal c T a ft pleads for a common sense tar three parallel streets. I im ent the best o f liniments. I h ave used I analyzed, 232, or nearly one-third, bread, cheese and spring onions.— Lot j i t fo r different ailm ents and It a l w a y s ! For MEN, WOMEN and BOYS iff policy. | g a v e sa tisfa cto ry results. I t is especially I T HE ST ANDARD OK QU A L I T Y I f you use Eye Salve use the best. were adulterated below standard or don Tit-Bits. | g o o d in cases o f In fla m m a to ry Rheuma-1 FOR O V E R 30 Y EA R 8 Yuan Shi K a i’s imperial troops be P e t t i t ’ s E y e S a l v e is the standard, misbranded. The wooden nutmeg was | tism and a ll form s o f lameness.’’ Natural Trait. s reliable and costs no more than infer not in evidence, but other things T H E N E X T T IM E Y O U N E E D SHOES gin rioting in Pekin. | 2 5 c. 50c. $1 a b ottle at D r u g & G e n ’l S to res | ior goods that are unknown. Used b' were, for example: The people who are weighed in the 've W . L. Douglas shoes a trial. W . L. Thirty-six grammar school clubs o f Physicians and Oculists, helps where al. O f 290 samples o f milk, were balance and found wanting are apt to ouglas name stamped on a shoe guar Portland have formed a baseball lea others fail. It is not the T u b e or Box both complain that the scales are out of antees superior quality and more value that cures, it is the S a l v e that does the skimmed, 87 watered, and gue. order. __________________ work. Guaranteed by Howard Bros, skimmed and watered. for the money than other makes. His Many Seattle brokers fear indict under the Government Food and Drug! O f 46 samples o f summer drinks, 10 name and price stamped on the bottom Aluminum In Place of Paper. is our pride—our hobby—-our study fo r years and ments in the Columbia Orchard swin Act. Don’ t be deceived or misled. Tni contained benzoaic acid, 2 coal tar now our success, and ours is the best painless work protects the wearer against high prices Pressed sheets of aluminum ere only really antiseptic Eye Salve that ha« dyes, 20 saccharine, and 8 artificial dling case. to be found anywhere, no matter how much you pay. C o m p are o u r Prices, used for wall covering in place of and inferior shoes. Insist upon having been in the market for years. Sold by colorings. " | W e finish plate and Attorney-General Wickersham pro Druggists throughout the known world. paper. the genuine W . L. Douglas shoes. Take I bridge work fo r out- Only 4 out o f 27 “ cider vinegar tests when the Bar association draws I o f - town patrons in Rone day i f desired. samples were genuine. The rest were no Substitute. If your duulurrannot supply W.I,.Dougluu Extenuating Circumstances. the color line on his assistant. I Painless extraction •hoc*, write W . I ..Douglas, Brockton, Mass-, for catalog. Shoes sent ■ free when piates or •very where delivery charges prepaid. F a s t C o l o r E y o lo io usod. The judge told the lawyer to stand made o f distilled vinegar, boiled cider, 1 bridge work is order- From a business standpoint the led . Consultation Ires. ip. "W hile your contempt of court apple waste and dried apples. month o f February, 1912, was the best Sand was found in chocolate. I Molar Crowns $ 5 . 0 0 was clearly expressed," he said, "1 February in the history o f Portland. Root beer was commonly sweetened 122 k Bridge Tssth4* am going to give you the benefit of ex with glucose. I Gold rilling* 1«__ Senator Lodge sees great peril in tenuating circumstances. In all my J Enamel Fillings too peace Every sample o f table relish except q official connection with you I have treaties. 1 Silver Fillings .5 0 two had alum in it. never heard you use the expression ■ Good Rubbsr _ 1 Pistes 5 .0 0 A merger of the telephone compan 'lota of proof.’ Discharged.” I Best Red Rubbsr _ T O N G S PLA N N IN G FOR WAR, ies o f Seattle may be investigated by | p u im 7 .5 0 Unwelcome Guest at Funeral. the Interstate Commerce commission. ML W. 4. Will, F fiiihit im M. u . h i Pslnlu.l Extr’ llon . 5 0 Can be quickly strength IS mss UTAailSNU IS POSTUSO BEST METHODS A five foot long snake was the un Outbreak Is Expected at Any Mo W. J. Bryan spoke to an audience A l l w o r k f u l l y g u a r a n t e e d f o r f ift e e n y ears. ened—your liver can be welcome guest at a funeral at Katzll, ment in San Francisco, o f about 10,000 at the Gypsy Smith Victoria, Australia, a few days ago, made active— your bow San Francisco — The temporary auditorium in Portland. He favores the and Its appearance caused the wildest treaty o f peace in Chinatown,! which P a in le s s D e n tists els will be regular if you no-toll system for the Panama canal. confusion and panic amongst the Falling Bulldlnc. Third anc Washington PORTLAND, t 'H leading Chinese prayed would be made Hundreds o f thousands o f British mourners. It was only after great dif O&M Boor.: a A. Id. to S P. 11. Sunday., a to l will but take ’ permanent, has been broken and the coal miners go on strike, and the gov ficulty that the reptile was killed. The R EQ U IR ES NO M IX IN G OR PREPARATION, ALWAYS READY FOR US war cloud again hangs low. Repre ernment is trying to force the coal funeral service pfoceded without fur sentative Chinese conferred with the WNEE you BUY, DEMAND r H i S t ST. GET THE "wOOOiANA ORA NO ’ | The Way It It Done In Virginia. operators to recognize the principle o f ther Interruption. leaders o f the five tongs involved in HONEY BACK J T HOT AS ClAIMfO- C L A R K ! , W O O D W A R D D R U O C O . P o r t l a n d , O M * ! I desire to announce to my friends a minimum wage. the controversy and pleaded in vain Always in Demand. and kinsfolk that, assisted by Dr. P O R T LA N D M AR K E TS. No age has ever been so plentifully that the existing difficulties be forgot Waalllng and a miscellaneous assem Cotton Manufacturo. Lot tho Truth Stand. supplied with great minds that any ten and that peace be restored. blage of elderly dames, the first durbar In Lilian Whiting's ‘T h e B ro w » Tho cotton manufacturo was in W heat— Track prices: Bluestem, The peace envoys met with no suc ever held west of the Alleghanles was *f ’em went jobless.—John A. How It has a proven reputa 88J(3 89c; club, 86(387c; red Russian, troducid into Europe by ths Arabs. lngs” occurs this anecdote: "In the cess and asked the Six Companies to land. brought to a happy termination amid Abdurahman III., about the year >30, last days in Venice Browning was 85c; valley, 86(3370; 40-fold, 86(3 intervene. However, prominent Chin tion in cases of Poor A p the enthusiastic cheers of the new sub caused it to be commenced In Spain, reading to his son and daughter-in- 87c. ese concede that the prospect o f re ject of our realm this morning. Mother petite, Heartburn, Head from which country it spread (low ly law that 'Epilogue' which sums up his Millstuffgs— Bran, $20fr/22 per ton; storing the peace hatchet is dim and and daughter are doing well. I may ache, Indigestion, Cos shorts, $22(3*24; middlings, $30. to other European lands. He also own attitude to life and Its problems war is expected at any time. Every pull through. Sid Wheeler.— Southwest Corn— New, whole, $34; cracked, established extensive manufactures of — ths familiar verse beginning, ‘One member o f the police squad in China tiveness, Colds, Grippe, Times. __________________ $35 per ton. ■Ilk and leather, and Interested him who never turned his back, but town is alert, for it is known several Malaria, Fever and Ague Hay— No 1 Eastern Oregon tim self much In the culture of the silk marched breast forward,’ and, paus gunmen have come to the local Orien Too Soon. worm. The Arabs were also tho au ing at the stanza, said, ‘It seems al tal quarter and are in hiding. The cave-man was gifted with pro othy, $15 ® 16; No. 1 valley, $13(3 14, thors of the art of printing calicoes most like praising myself to say that, phetic vision, and when he perceived alfalfa, $13; clover, $9; grain $10(3 . by wooden blocks, s great Improve and yet It Is true, the simple trutk City May Stop M erger. how hideously hairy he was, a discon Oats— No. 1 white, $32(332.50. ment on the old operation of paint and so I shall not conceal It.’ " Seattle— A court order was issued tent took possession of him. " I f au Potatoes — Buying prices: Bur -yd ¡a E. Pinkham’s Vegeta ing by hand. tomobiles were only Invented,” be here temporarily restraining the Inde Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow's Soothing D o jam w a n t to be you r o w n dentist? D o you banks, $1.15(b 1.50 per hundred. Syrup ths bust rsinedr to use lor their uhUCiea w a n t to do a w a y w ith b i * dental bille and the muttered biterly, " I should be setting ble Compound Restored pendent and Sunset Telephone "com dread o f the dental chair? D o you w an t to have g luring the teething period. Vegetables — Artichokes, 90c per will sometimes carry infection to tbs en the style In winter coats.” That sense panies from effecting consolidation of rood, sound and beautiful teeth? I f you use Fuchl tire Mr*. Green’s Health— dozen; asparagus, 10(3jllc per pound; 8v«tcm through the loiiil you eat. Paste it will absolutely prevent deeay and of having been born too soon, when their systems. The order was issued r Dental The Deadly Plpa. i urei More Throat garlic, 8(310c pound; hothouse let nliiia Wizard Oil Hamlins < ■ iv e to "he teeth that pearly white appearance has it not served to rob men of their Her O w n Statement. and to t* e ru m s the firmness and colour o f health. Parsonally we do not like the light on complaint o f the city, which claims tuce, 50(3,75c per box; peppers, 12ic Tubes. 50c; ia rre tube. 91. peace?— Puck. Raid Proportionate Share. of distress, but we think we would an equity o f $200,000 in the poles, pound; pumpkins, l}( " 2 c pound; rhu A poor fellow having with difficulty rather eDjoy seeing what would hap wires and conduits o f the Independent barb, $2.75@3 per box; sprouts, 8c; Covington, Mo. —“ Your medicine ha* Poor Economy. procured an audience of the duke of pen to a germ that tackled the kind company, which equity will be placed Probably the poorest economy In squash, IK "2 c pound; turnips, $1 @ lone me more good than all the doc in jeopardy if the merger is completed. Newcastle, told his grace he only of man who smokes a short black 1.10 per sack; rutabagas, $l(S1.10; P reserv e the beauty and youthful appearance tor’s medicines. A t the world Is to buy things you don't o f the face by the application o f Fuchl M assare cams to solicit him for something to pips.—Oalveston New». every monthly period Three deputy sheriffs who sought to Cream, which feedn the skin, thereby fiilin ro u ta n d want in order to make acquaintances carrots, $1(3;1.10; parsnips, $1(3)1.10; wards a support, and as they were of beets, $1.25. I had to stay in bed serve copies o f the order on the tele p re v e n tin r w rin kles and d e stro y b ir blackheads, you don't need.—Galveston News. Cannot Endura Human Gaza. and riv e s the skin the blush and rlo w o f youth. the same family, both being descend Onions— Association price, $2.50 per four days because of phone officials were unable to find The m arvelous complexion o f the h irh class O ri Wild animals are Irritated by the ed from Adam, hoped he should not them. sack. entals. which has been a m ystery to Europeans, is hemorrhages, and | Mistakes Must Be Expected. due to the use o f preparations made from this re be refused. “ Surely not,” said the gaze of man. If you are without Apples — Yellow Newtown, $2(3 my back was so weak Most people go over the same rou ceipt. P u t up in rises. 91. duke, “ surely not—there Is a penny arms, It has been found a good plaa Mrs. Asquith Threatened. I could hardly walk. tine every day. They rise at the same 2.50; Spitzenburgs, $1.75(33; Bald This is the first time the above-m entioned p re lo pretend not to see the beast at alL London— Premier Asquith is worried parations have been offered for sale in Am erica. tor you, and If all the rest of your I have been taking hour and lie down at the same hour. win, $1.50<3}2; Ben Davis, $1(3)1.75; He takes the gaze as a challenge. A limited su p p ly is to be had by addressin r relations will give you as much you'll Red Cheek Pippins, $2(32.50; Gano, over threats'contained in anonymuos Lydia E. Pinkham’s In all that space of time between bs S richer man than I am.” < B ra n c h ) fUCMI LABORATORIES $1(3:1.76. letters which are being received by V e g e t a b l e Com their rising up and their lying down Hops— 1911 crop, 38(338}c; olds, S u it, 9. 3 4 2 H W ash in g to n S L . pound and now I can his w ife. These are to the effect that they are doing familiar things. Every p a n C U R E D I N « T O 14 D A T S P a r t ia l«* . O re g o n Y o u r d ru g g is t w ill refun d m o n o i f P A Z O O I N T stay up and do my unless women are enfranchised the movement they may make Is one that nominal; 1912 contracts, 25(326c. M E N T fulls to cure any roe# o f Itching. Blind. Wool— Eastern Oregon, 14(3; 16c per work. I think it is Asquith family will be poisoned. It they made yesterday, and the day be B leedin g o r P ro tru d in g Piles In 4 to 14 days. iuc. fore that. There is no excuse, ap pound; valley, 16@17c; mohair, 1911 the beat medicine on earth for women.” has been noticed that no windows with ; I f'ALBERS BROS. ; clip, 30df31c. mirror panels were smashed by the — Mrs. J ennie G ke en , Covington, Mo. parently, for errors. But every man Cowards. Butter— Oregon creamery butter, suffragettes in their recent raid. This Naw York’s hotal men any that who Is familiar with office work, shop H o w M r s . C lin e A v o id e d is attributed to the old superstition work or any other form of human en solid pack, 33Jc; prints extra. they couldn't atop their guest* from O p e r a tio n . that it is unlucky to break a mirror. E gg»— Fresh Oregon ranch, candled, deavor knows tnat there Is always a tipping If tbay tried, and one of them ¿EST AND CHEAPEST' Brownsville, Ind. —“ I can say that Some shopkeepers are now thinking o f certain percentage of mistakes to be 21c per dozen. suggests the reason when he quotes Lydia E. Pink ham’s Vegetable Compound placing mirrors in the centers o f all Pork— Fancy, 8Jc per pound. expected. Mr. Dooley’s remark about a man has done me more good than anything their show windows. Veal— Fancy, 13(314c per pound. Ask your dealer for It. I f he does famous for hla millions: "Jawn la tb' Cannot Eliminate Love. Poultry— Hens, 16(3 16c; springs, else. One doctor said I must be opera not handle it drop us a postal card bravest man In thl' world. Ha can A periodical devoted to the drama 14(3)15c; ducks, 16(3)17c; geese, 8(3 ted upon for a serious female trouble and we will furnish you the name o f Strikers to Resume Tasks. stroll away from a table without a dealer who does pleads for plays based on some emo 10c; turkeys, live, 16c; dressed, 20(3 and that nothing could help me but an Lawrence, Mass.— Striking opera tlppln' th’ waiter.” — Boston Globe. FOR 5ICK C O W S tion other than love. The difficulty 21c. operation. tives o f the Arlington and Pacific H , s llh , c e v s f 1.« more milk, make r ic h e In producing such plays Is that every " I had hemorrhages and at times mills, affiliated with the Central La Makes Forgery Impossible. Cattle— Choice steers, $6(3,6.65; k ille r , ,fi4 require lee, etru. S O W K U R S I, e play must have a hero, and In making good, $6.75(36; choice cows, $6(3 yjuld not get any medicine to stop them. bor union, have returned to work and Tho forgery of all Bank of Eng cow meSicloe, eot a look. Il regelate. Ik , a hero the playwright, as well as hla 5.60; good, $4.76(35; choice spayed Jgot in such a weak condition that I would accepted the 6 per cent minimum land notoa Is quickly detected, be 4i(CMte, » 4 generalie, organ. an4 teee, * , Ike entire eretem. A ,o eitire c o r , an4 , rc-e audience, almost Inevitably adopta the heifers, $6.35(3 5.50; good to choice have died if I had not got relief soon. cause of oecret marks which are con wage increase offered. The action is lira (or L O S T A P P S T I T S , B A S K IN N IS S , view expressed two thousand yeai'i heifers, $5(35.25; choice bulls, $4.26 “ Several women who had taken your accepted generally as an indication stantly being changed They are A B O R TIO M , SCOURS, M I L S K 1 V S S , so4 ell ago by a scribe on one of the dead (3)4.50; good, $4(>/4.26; choice calves, Compound, told me to try it and I did that the Central Labor union w ill rec visible only under the microscope. olfcer stlm oelStksleop Ike srresglk o( milking and found it to be the right medicine to ommend the acceptance o f the conces walla o f Pompeii: "H e who has never $8(^8.60; good. $6.75(3 7. cow«. Tkooeen4 1 of ,ro4 tekU bcr4e ewe thole Perfected Alarm Indicator. ktsltk te R O W R U S S . loved a woman Is not a gentleman.'* Hogs— Choice light hogs, $6.50(3 build up the system and o v e r c o m « sion offered in all the mills. The In Bo cere re sen4 for eer roloeble (tee kook, A new alarm Indicator for firemen 8.76; smooth heavy hogs, $5.7!?<f£6, female troubles. dustrial Workers o f the World strike "M erc M onrr Fro* Toer Cows." Mountain stopa Wire I eta Message. twitches on an Incandescent light at “ Ia m now in great deal better health committee declined the offer. rough heavy, $5.60(^5.75. It baa been observed repeatedly as a point on a map corresponding with Sheep — Choice yesrlings, $4.60(3 than I ever expected to be, eo I think 1 board vessels atatloned west of Capa the place from which the alarm la W H E N w riting to Mrs. O. M. Americans Advised to Leave. 4.75; choice twos and threes, $3.90(3 ought to thank you for it. 0»w->- (at the aouthira tip of Aue- ’ «ton th is g**ur. set 4.25; choice killing ewes. $4.10i3 C l i n e , S. Main S t , Brownsville, Ind. Washington, D. C.— The gravity o f t .- that It was Iroposalblh to com 4.60; culls, $2.60(^3.25; choice grain- the situation in Mexico has caused municate with vessels situated In the fed lambs, $5.60(35.60; choice spring President T a ft to issue a proclamation port of Melbourne. This has been lambs, $ 4 .75(3 5; good to choice virtually warning American citizens attributed to the fact that the moun t Covrii Ijnp. lambs, $ 4 . 5 0 ( 3 4 . 7 6 ; fa ir to good to refrain from entering the country tain which forma the cape contain I « timr. Arid lambs, $ 4 . 2 6 ( 3 4 . 6 0 ; cull lambs, $3.76 and advising those now resident there Coker more g pods brighter arvd faster c ^ o rsth a r any otLe- * dve. On* lOc pac' toe package colors silk, w -x 1 and cotton equally ^ large quantities of metallic mineral* « 4 . and la auarantaed to g iv e perfect reetite ew ^ n d f g g ^ t ^ a ^ u . v m o to r, TOR COUGH S AND ’COIDS to leave when conditions threaten. Which absorb electric wavee. t * w u t ; « , t i v M '; ^ a i A u s a m i. Machinery Ao I 11 IVI A i cu~- RAW FURS AMERICAN STUMP PULLER FE R R Y 'S AMERICAN MACHINE WORKS. INC. Mustang W . L. D O U G L A S SHOES •2.25 *2.50 *3.00 »3.50 MOO & *5.00 L i n i m e n t S Painless Dentistry A WEAK STOMACH W ise Dental Co.,me. KILLS GOPHERS^ SAGE-RATS SQUIRRELS ANO PRAIRIE DOGS - I ^ R K ” rru/O 0 SQUIRREL 1 POISON ws _ _ _ _ rjrA _ TJ<r/ii$ HOSTETTER’S STOMACH BITTERS 11 WHERE DOCTORS FAILED TO HELP i DENTIST YOUTH *2 BEAUTY DAIRY FEEp; DAIRY ASSOCIATION CO, MFRS. Lyadeavllk, VL, U. S. A. PUTNAM FADELESS DYES rs m