Image provided by: Hood River Library; Hood River, OR
About Mosier bulletin. (Mosier, Or.) 1909-19?? | View Entire Issue (March 1, 1912)
SEVEN ARE KILLED. Farmers and Merchants Many Injured and Great Damage Done by Arkanaaa Tornado. Little Rock, Ark.— Seven persons are known to have been killed and Portland. O regon. more than a score injured in a tornado which swept portions of Lincoln, Jef MONV a r d E. BURTON - Aaaayer an a Chemlrt, ferson and Arkansas counties. The ■ ■ Loudv.llt*. Colorado. Specimen price«: Gold. iiil\er. Lead. U. G old, Silver. 75c; f l w i l 50c: Eiuo o r Copper. II. M ailing e n v e lo p « a id lu ll paio* lini greatest destruction was reported near •eut o n application. Control a n d Umpire v o r k a » Almyria in the prairie and rice lands licita d . Reference: Carbonata Ratio nal Bank. o f Arkansas county. M ID D L'D C T A M P C Seals. Stencils and Brass Mrs. EM Johnson, her three children, MJDDLA JlAmrj Signs. Celluloid Buttons and Ribbon Badges. Good Goods, Q uick Service. a hired man named McClain, and an un Send fo r com plete Catalogue No. 26. Acm e Stamp W orks. 1015 A St.. Tacom a. W ash. identified stranger who was at the Johnson home, were killed. The hus 7| f Second-H and Machin- band and an infant child were boiler«, sawmills, etc. The J. E. M artin Co.. 76 1st severely injured. A score more per 8t.. Portland. Send fo r Stock List and prices. sons were injured when their homes W anted— Men and W om en were destroyed. A child by the name o f Hamilton is T o learn barber trade. Tools free. W a g e s w hile learning. Position s guaranteed. International known to have been killed near Swan B arber School. 429 E. 5th St., Los A n geles. Cal. Lake, Ark. Seven injured were placed on a relief train to be taken to O r heart trouble; w ish to see the case I c a n ’t cure. a hospital at Pine Bluff. N o Drugs. At Terry, in the northern part of D R . D O U G LAS. D. C. county, several residences 3 3 8 U nion A v en u e N., P o r tla n d , O r. Lincoln were destroyed, and Ur. Williams and his wife were caught in the wreckage o f their home, both being injured ser W e positively pay the hi heat iously. m arket prices, as w e are manu All wires are down in the storm- fe ctu re rs and th erefore can pay Meager reports place m ore than dealers. Send for swept section. free p rice list and sh ip p in g tags property loss in the Almyra neighbor and get full value fo r your skins. N. M. Ungar Co., the Reliable hood at $100,000. Furriers. 2«2ty 7th St.. Portland. Ore A ten-inch fall of snow covers Mis souri, Kansas and portions o f Okla Bird Music?. Bah! homa and Arkansas. The snow began Lying on the soft grass; before bis about noon. A high wind from the tent, a camper sipped a tin cup of north swept snow and sleet before it coffee and listened to the birds. most o f the day, piling it in huge "You'd think from all this pure mel- drifts and demoralizing train service ody,” he said, "that birds were musi and other traffic. Temperatures are cal—that, like the New York critics, not low, 30 degrees being reported they loved the best and only the best. from various places. But, as a matter of fact, they have a RIOTING CONTINUES. degraded taste. The thrush and the lark are as wrong in their musical ideas us Puccini and Leoncavalla are Lawrence Textile Workers Resist Po said to be. lice and Militia. “ I have tested the thrush. I have Lawrence, Mass.—The millworkers’ set him to learning the notes of the nightingale. But he doesn't care for strike, now in its seventh week, was the nightingale’s divine music. He marked by a recurrence o f the riotous will have none of It. The sparrow’s scenes o f Saturday. The disturb ugly twitter, on the other hand, he ances, however, were not connected masters with delight. "The finch and the mockingbird are with the exportation of children. Police officers were forced to use the same. They won’t learn fine mu sic, the music of Beethoven or Chopin their clubs on a crowd of strike sym or Wagner, but they take to rag time pathizers who had thrown stories at and Jigs like a pig to hog-wash. them, following some arrests. A "Hark to that burst of .melody from small number o f infantrymen and u the pine copse! You’d think the sing troop o f cavalry were sent to the ers .nsplred. But If thrush or lark scene and dispersed the crowd, w hich or mockingbird went to New York, offered no active resistance to the sol the critics would say their music was diers. as rotten '•- ‘ h-t n» Tbptq of Tosca. The city officials gave back to the parents most o f the children who were L. . y i . i . i i l w i C s ^ u r t . "Possums are abundant around taken in charge as they were about to Wattsboro,” says the Luenenburg Trlb be placed on a train en route for Phil The children had passed une, "but a man In that neighbor adelphia. hood went out hunting the other night the night at the city poor farm. The parents o f these children will and after his dogs got after some thing he cut down two trees and be called into court to answer to Leaders finally ran his own cat into the dining charges of child neglect. o f the Industrial Workers o f the room at his own heme.’’ World said that another attempt would be made to send children to Employed a Substitute. Two small city boys, visiting the homes provided for them in other country, wore afraid of a horse which cities. was quietly grazing near. They made The leaders maintain that the au no movement toward driving the horse thorities overstepped their rights in away, but it was evident that they de preventing the departure o f the chil sired its absence. At last another boy dren. Federal investigation by con hove in sight. “ Oh, Billy.” one of the gress, it is said, will be welcomed by waiting boys called to him, “just throw the strikers. Thus far more than 300 children a stone at that horse, will you? We’re have been sent out o f the city under Band of Mercy, and we can’t.” the direction of the Industrial Work Society Friends. ers o f the World. Mrs. Gossip—How does It coma The strike leaders and some o f the that Mrs. Newrich invited you to her parents declared that they have a party? I thought you were enemies. legal right to send their children away Mrs. Sharp—We are, but she thought for a vacation. At the poor farm, on I had nothing fit to wear and wanted the other hand, the officials said that when the parents called for their chil to make me feel bad. dren they said they had surrendered Double Rigged. them under misapprehension and that The most modern typewriters are they are now desirous o f taking them rigged for billing—and some of them home and keeping them there. for cooing.— Philadelphia Record. Write us for our cash offer on your Farm and Dairy Produce. If we don't handle it will refer you to re liable buyer. p e a RSON-PAGE CO. On Farming. "Father,” aaked Johnny, “ what la ! the difference between farming and agriculture?" "Well, ray son; for farming you need a plow and a bar j row and other Implements, and for agriculture all you need is a pencil and a piece of paper.”—Baltimore Sun. Machinery ASTHMA RAW FURS M E X IC A N MUSTANG LIN IM EN T FOR SPRAINS. I G . M . N o rth ro p , B is b e e , A r iz ., w r it e s : “ I h a ve been usin g M exica n M u s ta n g L in im en t fo r a sprain ed fo o t w ith g r e a t resu lts. I I I t ’ s a n a w lu lfiu e rem edy fo r such ailm e n ts.” I t p e n e tr a te s q u ick ly , r e m o v es a ll in fla m - | n a tio n a n d red u ces th e sw ellin g. Rebels Between Two Fires. Douglas, Ariz.— A company o f Fed eral soldiers, led by Commissaria Cal les, of Augua Priesta, fought a brief battle Sunday morning with the rebel band which raided the Elias ranch, near the border. The rebels retreated under fire, leaving two dead on the field. Calles and his force overtook the rebels 15 miles south o f here. No pursuit was given, as Captain Trujillo with another force o f federal* is com ing up from the south and the two forces hope to catch the rebels be tween them some time shortly. | 2 5 c . 5 0 c . $1 a b o ttle a t D ru g & G e n l S to r e s | Will Pray for Rain. San Francisco— Archbishop P. W. Riordan has issued a communication to the Catholic pastors o f the diocese re questing that an hour be set, accord Is our pride—our hobby—ou r study fo s years *n<t ing to the convenience o f the priests now our lu c c e e , and oura is the b elt painless work and parishoner celebrants, devoted to to be found anywhere, no m atter how m uch yon pay. C o m p a re o u r P r ic e s . the saying o f mass, beginning Monday W e finish plate and bridge work fo r out- interceding for the blessing o f rain o f-t o w n patrons in which, he points out, is needed all over one day i f desired. ________ Painless extraction free when plate« or ' the State of California. bridge work is order- Many o f the priesta made immediate Consultation on free. response and arranged for the special MolarCrowns $ > 5 5 . .0 0 service to be held at 7 A. M. daily un 22k Bridge Tw th4. til relief is gained. Gold rilling« ___ Painless Dentistry 1:88 Enamel Pilling« 1 .0 0 H ood’s Sarsaparilla Acts directly and peculiarly on the blood; purifies, enriches and revitalizes it, and in this w a y builds up the whole sys tem. Take it. Get it today. In usual liquid form or in chocolate coated tablets called Sarsataba. STONE THAT BURNS ITSELF East of the Jordan Lime la Made From Rock That Contalna Its Own Fuel. While making a trip through the H&uran district recently the writer’s attention was attracted to a curious •tone which might be described as a “self-burning limestone.” Our party came upon some natives burning it and was enabled to see the operation. This district is south of Damascus, east of the upper Jordan. At this place the rock lay in a stratum between or dinary limestone; it was of grayish black color, and when freshly broken bad an odor of petroleum. Near by were outcrops of what looked like the same material many rods long and 20 to 30 feet thick. Quarrying is easily done with primi tive picks and other tools, as the rock Is quite soft and full of seams. The stone Is broken Into small piece* with hammers and piled up against the bank of rock. A wall of the same material about two feet high is roughly laid up around the pile on three sides, making a pile of small stone eight to ten feet long and nearly as wide, and two feet at the front, rising to nearly three times that height si the back, where it lies against the lank. In building the wall around the pile imall holes are left for draft and In khlch to start the fire. When the kiln Is ready to burn a few small bunches of straw are placed In the holes men tioned, lit with a flint and steel and in a short time the whole pile has lg- uited. The mon then begin working on a new- kiln while the other burns and cools. After about two hours of burning the >tono has all become converted Into iime, except the stones In the wall and the very top layer, which are only about half burned. When cool the lime Is air-slacked and eifted to remove any pieces not thoroughly burned, which are thrown Into a new pile to be fired again. The workmen told us that It made a very black Bmoke with a bad odor like kerosene burning. The lime is white and said to make a very strong plas ter, superior to the ordinary lime burned with brush. This stone is so located that, should It prove to be of commercial value, it could be easily transported.—Consular Reports. mmm AND IlIX IR o r S E N N A Cleanses the System effectually; D isp e ls colds and Headaches; due to constipation. Best for men. women and c h ild re n : young and old. To get its B en eficial effects, always note the name of the Company ( m o r n ia F ig S y r u p C o . plainly printed on the front of every package of the Genuine DENTIST Do you w an t to be your ow n dentist? Do you w ant to d o aw ay w ith biff dental bills and the dread o f the dental chair? Do you w ant to have ffood, sound and beautiful teeth? I f you uae Fuchi Dental Paste it w ill abnolutely prevent d ecay and ffive to the teeth that pearly w hite appearance and to the ffuma the firmness and colou r o f health. Tubes. 50c; large tube. $1. ITH *ND D R L F A A \ I U I T I Y 1 ■ LM JIII P reserve the beauty and you th fu l appearance o f the face by the application o f Fuchi Maiiaag« C ream, w hich feeds the akin, thereby filling out and p reven tin g w rinkles and deHtroying blackhead«, and gives the akin the blush and glow o f youth. T he m arvelous com plexion o f the high clan« O ri entals. w hich has been a m y a te r ^ to Europeans, ia due to the use o f preparations m ade from this re ceip t. P u t up in glaHR, $1. This ia the first tim e the above-m entioned pre parations have been offered for «ale in Am erica. A limited su pply ia to be had by addressing Aviators Daring in Wind. Oakland, Cal.—Despite the hazard p i.t,. 5 .0 0 Best Red Rubber _ Plate« 7.50 ous conditions imposed by a treacher ous wind, all o f the aviatiors except Painless Extr'tien . 5 0 M. W A. Wttf. N m i r aaa M BE ST M ETHODS Miss Blanch Scott went aloft to please U Tiun tmtusau m rem *« A ll w o r k fully guaranteed for fifteen years. the large crowd assembled for the closing day’s programme and thrilled (B ran ch ) f U C h l L A B O R A T O R I E S the spectators with figure flights, Suite 9. 342 W ash in gton St., Painless Dentists fMlinc Building. Third and Washington POBTIARO. Oft spectacular races and long glides from P. 0 f m n Crdrr «referai P ortla n d , O re g o n Oftlc« Hoar«: • A. M. to A T . U . Sundays. • is 1 great altitudes. The aviators will go to Sacramento, where a meet is scheduled for the com B A K E R ’S ing week. Silver FflRrra Got* RuMer .5 0 _ . . W ise Dental C o .,i» c . OUT O f TOWN PEOPLE can receive prompt treat, ruent« o f Hon-Poicmoss, H *al th- bull dia« rm edlM from C. GEE W O tha Chiasm doctor. Try o e c e more i f yon hare bee* dortorln « with this one and that one and have nut obtained per manent relief. Let this great n a tu « healer diag- aoae jo jir case and prescribe some remedy whose action i. quick, .a re and «nfe. His prw rip tion s are compounded from Roots. H erts. b .,i * and Bark* that been gathered from every quar ter o f the «lob s T he asrreca o f there medic'-nra are not known to the outside world, hat hare bare handed down from father to «on in the physician«' fam ilies in China. CONSULTATION FREE. I f yoa lir e oat o f town and cannot call, write fo r symptom blank and circrlar, enclosing 4 oanta in THEC. 6EEW 0 CHINESE MEDICINE CO. 162| first St., Cor. Mormoo P o r ti giad. O r e g o n . Man of 79 Flies in Air. San Diego, Cal.—James M. Sears, I aged 79, a trouist from Salem, Ohio, had the distinction o f being the oldest man in the United States to make a flight in a hydro-aeroplane. In com pany with W. B. Atwater, in the new model Curtías machine, he ascended to a height o f 600 feet and circled San Diego Bay. “ Best sport I ever tackled,’ ’ he said. Only Olive Oil ie “ Sweet Oil.” Washington, D. C.— Phet olive oil •lone may be sold under label as sweet , oil, the board of food and drug inspec tion, headed by Dr. H. W. Wiley, has | decided. Hereafter nflxturea of cot- , tonseed oil and olive oil thus Hold will be considered ^by the government aa misbranded. Bu—Kola Tablets Best Nerve and Kidney Tonic on Earth Before Taking. After Taking. W ill m ake you » 'r e p better, eat better, b e cause they rebuild y o u r broken-dow n nerves. A ct on the kidneys and g iv e perm anent relief fo r backach e ami ail M adder trouble« only by the M l KPH Y D W ’ G CO.. 2 « ■ ••da Mt . Cor. F ifth . Portland. Oregon. 2 Sr a b ox. § boson II.O O. by m ail, poatogr paid. TROOPS FACE MEXICAN CRISIS Ready for Invasion, If Neces sary, to Protect Rights. Patrol Bei -g Rapidly Re-inforced— Vasquistas Approach Juarez and Residents Flee. El Paso— Four troops o f United States cavalry patrol the Rio Grande with orders to cross into Ciudad Juar ez. if necessary, to protect American life and property. With the 2 2d Infantry and three companies of artillery entrained at San Antonio for this city, and at least 1,000 Vasquistas at Bauche, 14 miles south o f Juarez, the situation general ly is considered the most critical since the recent outbreak in Chihuahua. The troops at Bauche are command ed by Colonel Inez Salszar, who, it is understood, will soon demand the for mal surrender of Juarez. It is hardly believed any show of resistance will be made, as Juarez is garrisoned only by about 100 men. That General Pasqual Orozco will remain loyal to Madero is the state ment contained in a message from Governor Gonzales to Mexican Consul Enrique C. Lorente in El Paso. Lo- rente also declared he had received advices that Antonio Rojas and Bar- ulio Hernandez, rebel leaders, had been captured, but further confirma tion was unobtainable. Anticipating unexpected develop ments, Juarez residents moved their portable effects to the American side. United States and Mexican secret service operatives and Texas Rangers seized a manifesto issued by Gonzalo Enrile, former Mexican consul at Brussels. The manifesto makes an attack on the president o f the United States, accusing him o f “ being re sponsible for the troubles o f Mexico and Latin America.” Officers are searching for Gonzalo Enrile. The manifesto says in part: “ There have been so many bad acts in Mexico caused by your great efforts at expansion and domination, that it would be a crime o f lese patria to suffer them in silence longer. You have created, fomented and consum mated the revolution which placed in power the traitor who is giving you our country. Your troops have in vaded our territory. In the name of the Monroe doctrine you put at h a lf- mast the flags o f your sister republics. You appropriated Hawaii, you took the Panama canal zone. The Cubans did not blow up the Maine. Spain did not. Wall street did, with its imper ialism. This crime was called ’ Wil liam McKinely,’ and he paid the penalty by a bullet of Czolgosz. ” ARMY THOROUGHLY PREPARED No Americans Shall Suffer, Is Order From Washington. Washington, D. C. — Determined that no American lives shall he sacri ficed as a result of fighting on the Mexican border, the United States troops along the Rio Grande were re inforced and orders were given that firing into American territory must be stopped, even though it be necessary to cross the boundary line to force compliance. The order, the most sweeping that has gone out from the White House in the present situation, was issued after a conference between President Taft, Secretary o f War Stimson, and Acting Secretary o f State Huntington Wilson. In addition to sending another regi ment of infantry and three batteries o f field artillery to the Mexican line, orders were issued to division com manders throughout the country to hold their companies in readiness to move at a moment’s notice. The acute situation in Mexico has had the effect o f putting the army establish ment in a high state o f preparation, and mobilization on the Rio Grande could be effected quickly if occasion should arise. You Can Help Yourself Back to health by as sisting the stomach in its work of digestion a n d assimilation — by keeping the liver active and the bowels open. F o r t h i s p a rtic u la r work there is nothing quite so good as HOSTETTER’S STOMACH BITTERS M A K E Y O U R QARD EN Y IE L D IT S LIM IT P la n t t h o r o u g h b r e d seeds. T h o r o u g h b r e d s eed s d o n o t h a p p en . f ER RY s Revolutionary General’* Uniform. A Continental uniform more than 100 years old, which waa once the property of General Christie of Revo lutionary war fame, was one of the interesting relics of the estate of the late Margaret <?. Benjamin of Ithaca, N. Y. The uniform Is of white broad cloth, with silk and satin waist, knee breeches and satin stockings. H is Security. When Ebton Folsom asked Squire Lane to lend him $200 to Invost In that dry good business, the squire dryly Inquired what Mr. Folsom had to offer him In the way of security. “ Security?” said Eben, with an air of Injured dignity. "Well, squire. I’ll tell you what I bare to offer: Three •olid silver teaspoons, a handsome brass warming pan, a pair o’ decal- comany vases, large size, and the ma terial for as much as three feather beds, if not four, right on the backB o’ my flock o’ geese, and five Plymouth Rock hens. “ You can call 'em all yours till 1 pay the money back, an’ I’ll take care of ’em free of charge. I don’t know what anybody could want more’n that for security.”—Youth’s Companion. T. B r c a l in N ew S h o e s . A lw a y s s h a k e in A lle n 's Foot-K ane, a p o w d e r , t c u r e s h o t , a w r e t m g , a c h i n g , s w o lle n feet, -urea c o r n s , I n g r o w in g n a ils a n d b u n io n s . A t 11 d r u g g is t s s u d s h o e s t o r e s , 25c. D ou t a c c e p t .ny s u b s t itu te . S am p le m a ile d FK EK . A d d re s s U le n S. O lm s ted . Le K oy . X . Y. If you use Eye Salve use the besL E y e S a l v e is the standard. iB reliable and costs no more than infer ior goods that are unknown. Used by Physicians and Oculists, helps where all others fail. It is not the T u b e or Box that cures, it is the S a l v e that does the work. Guaranteed by Howard Bros, under the Government Food and Drugs Act. Don’ t be deceived or misled. The only really antiseptic Eye Salve that has been in the market for years. Sold by Druggists throughout the known world. Money In Gathering Gum. A gum hunter gathered 1,30C pounds of spruce gum the last sum mer In the Adirondack mountains. Tile most he ever secured In a sin gle day was 30 pounds. HI* profits may be estimated when It la known that any druggist will gladly pay $1.50 a pound for the gura. China’* Long Waterway. China has the longest canal in th* world—the Grand. It is the longest certified waterway, and goes from Tungtu to Hangchoo, a distance of 600 miles. SAVED RDM AH DPEDATIOM Dog Derby Is Run in Cold. Nome, Alaska—The Solomon Derby race for dog teams, 65 miles, from How Mr». Reed o f Peoria, I1L, Nome to the Solomon River and re Escaped The Sur turn over the Snow trail, purse $ I,- geon’s Knife. 000, was won by Charlie Johnson's dogs in 5 hours, 47 minutes, 24 sec- [ ends, breaking all records for the Peoria, III. —“ I wish to let every one course The team owned by Mrs. C. E. j know whatLydiaE.Pinkham’aVegetable Darling, of Oakland, Cal., and Scotty j Compound has done Allan, and driven by Allan, wag sec-1 for me. Fortwoyears ond, and one o f J. Johnson’s teams i I suffered. The doc third. The weather was fine, but tor said I had a tumor cold, the temperature ranging for sev and the only remedy eral days around the 20 below mark. was the surgeon’s knife. My mother Bands Raid Border Ranches bought me Lydia E. Pinkham’a Vegeta Douglas, Ariz.— Agua Prieta, scene ofoneof the fiercest battles of the ble Compound, and Madero revolution, was thrown into a today I am a well and panic Saturday when bands of men, healthy woman. For who declared they were Vasquistas months I suffered suddenly appeared and began raiding from Inflammation, and your Sanative ranches near the border. Treasure Wash relieved me. I am glad to tell vaults of banks and merchants were anyone what your medicines have done hastily emptied and brought to Doug for me. You can use my testimonial in las. Frightened people quickly fol any way you wish, and I will be glad lowed. The refugees say the bands to answer letters. Mrs. CHRISTINA were under command of Antonio Rod R eed , 106 Mound SL, Peoria, III. riguez, a political prisoner liberated Mrs. Lynch Also Avoided by sympathizers from the jail. Operation. We have had seventy years of experience with Ayer’s C herry P ecto ral. T h i s makes us have great confi- ’ence in it for coughs, colds, 1 oronchitis, weak throats, and weak lungs. We want you to have confidence in it, as well. Ask your own doctor what experience he has had with it. He knows. Keep in close touch with him. who called. Among 'em was a good When Your E;es Need Care Try Murine Eye Remedy customer, who went elsewhere.—John No S m a r t in g — F e e l» F in e — A c t s (Quickly. T r y ,% f o r Real. W e a k , W a te r y E y e s an d G r a n u - 1 A. a ted E y e lid » . Illu s t r a t e d B o o k in e a c h P a ck * j kge. M u rin e is c o m p o u n d e d b y o u r O c u lis t » M e illc........................ d ic in e " — b u t u »ed iu sue* — n o t i ‘ P a te n t * *“ ;e » » fu l P h y s ic ia n » ’ P r a c t ic e f o r m a n y y e a r s . V ow d e d ic a t e d t o th e p u b lic a n d s o ld by D ru g g is t s at- 25c a n d 50c p e r B o ttle . M u rin e Eye S a lv e in A s e p tic T u b e s , '¿bo a n d 50c. M u rin e E y e R e m e d y C o ., C h lo a g o Novelty Brings Profits. A New York grocer has combined Howland. Chest Pains and Sprains Sloan’s Liniment is an ex cellent remedy for chest and throat affections. It quickly relieves congestion and in flammation. A few drops in water used as a gargle is antiseptic and healing. Here’s Proof ** I have used Sloan's Liniment for yean and can its wonderful efficiency. I have used it for sore throat, croup, lame back and rheumatism and In every case it gave instant relief." R E B E C C A JA N E ISAACS, Lucy, Kcutucky. SLOANS LINIMENT is excellent for sprains and bruises. It stops the pain at once and reduces swell ing very quickly. Sold by all dealers. lu t in g the loath in g perlud. Can’t Get Away From Them. “ The proof of the pudding Is in th« eating; you can’t get away from that,” says an advertisement And the Manhattan Mercury adds; "Ther* are a lot more equally trite bits ol wisdom that It seems Impossible tc get away from.”—Kansas City Star f* r lo o , 2 B o ., B O o $1.00 Sloan’s Treatise on the Horse sent ires. Addres« Dr. E*rl S. Sloan T O CUKE A COLD IN ONE D A Y T a k e L A X A T I V E B R O M O Q uinine Tablet«. D ru p elets rofu n d m oney i f it fa il, to cure. E. W . (»HO V E ’S Big nature layun each box. 25c. M ix t u r e of F a m il y B oston . N am es. This Is a good example of what 1* a common phenomena In the polyglot Balkans: A man named Pavel—that Is, Paul—had five sons; one settled In Athens, called himself Pavopoulo, the Greek form of Paulson; the second went to llelgrude and called himself Pavlovich; the third In Sofia called himself Pavloff; the fourth made his home In Bucharest under the name Pavlescu, while the youngest set up In business In Constantinople, assum ing the Turkish fm-m of Pavloglu. '•Vi ALBERS BROS. Mil J i ' 1! DAIRY FEED PIL E S CURED IN S TO 14 DAYS Y ou r d r i g g is t w ill refu n d m oney If I’ A 7,0 O L 4T - M E N T fails t c cu re any cnee o t Itch ing, Blind, B leeding or P rotruding Piles in 6 to 14 d a y .. 60c. ¿EST AND CHEAPEST Hi Ask your dealer for it. If he does Kansas Schoolgirl’s Choice of Way*. not handle it drop us a postal card One day lust week two little girls and.we will furnish you tne name of In Parsons were hurrying to school ) a dealer who does and were afraid they would be tardy. One little girl said: “ Let's kneel right down and pray that we won't be tardy.” "Oh, no,” said the other, "lat’a hike on to school »»J while ^MILLING CQjjij w .'r. a/ktn’."—Parsons Sun. ■ALBERS BROS: Thos* Bird Men. Country Cousin—Blamed If thl» ain’t the fust time I ever saw fire flies when they was snow on the ground. City Relative—Those ar« not fireflies. They are cigarette buttl falling from the aeroplanes.—Puck. KILLS r ¡ PORTLAND, OREGON P. N. U. SAGE RATS SQUIRRELS AHDJ PRAIRIE DOGS^ ¡I No #—MX W H E N w ritin g to adrrrt lacra, plaaaa TT d o n t h l . papar. nO L*R 60 P H E R i % ^ H g j rfo|Oü r SQUIRREL POISON REQUIRES NO MIXING OR PREPARATION, ALWAYS READY FOR US W fft* you Bi/v, o cm an d rncaesr. e ir r#e woooiamk baa no Ho n e y BACK/r HOT Ai ClA/ntO CLARKE, WOODWARD DRUO CO. postlamd ,O ki . Jessup, Pa. —“ After the birth of my fourth child, I had severe organic inflam mation. I would have such terrible pains that it did not seem as though I could stand it. This kept up for three long months, until two doctors decided that an operation waa needed. In All caae* of “ Then one of my friends recommended DISTEMPER, PINK EYE, INFLUENZA. Lydia EL Pinkham’s Vegetable Com COLDS, E T C , pound and after taking it for two months Of All Horse*, Brood flares, Colts, I waa a well woman.” —Mrs. JoSETH A. Stallion*, is to L ynch , Jessup, Pa. Women who suffer from female 111* should try Lydia El. Pinkham’a Vegeta On th e ir t o n g u e , nr In tka t o d p u t Spnhn’ a Liquid them. It arte ble Compound, one of the most success Com pound. G ir a t h e r ' / > t toallof route the dieeaea by Madero ie Aaked to Resign. ful remedies the world haa ever known, n pelllig the disama g erma. Itweid«o4Tthetrau- Mai no saattor how they are “ .xpaaari A tool uto. San Antonio, Tex.— Emilio Vasquez before submitting to a surgical opera* ly free from anythlngin jurloua. A child ran «afa- tioo. lytakalt. •Oeantaandtl.oO: IS.30 and llo.OOthe Gomez has telegraphed President Mad anean. Bold by draggi.ta, käm m, damare, u t sant ero, of Mexico, from here asking him expiase paid by the manufacturer*. to surrender the presidency of the Special Agente Wanted country and prevent further bloodshed SPOHN MEDICAL CO. and growth of the revolutionary move Chemists and Bacteriologists ment. Gomez has been advanced aa e presidential possibility by the Vaa- GOSHEN, IND„ U. S. A. quisa revolutionists in Mexico. Nevada i* Railing Cash. Carson, Nev.— Three bills designed to remedy financial difficulties in the state taxation system were passed at Saturday’* session of the legislature here. One of the bill* authorize* the state to borrow $200,000 from the school funds at 4 per cent interest; a second measure redistributes the state’s mon ey into various funds and a third ap propriates $10,000 for the expenses of the present extra session. withCoughs One of Ayer’s Pills st bedtime will esuse tn Increased flow of bile and produce a gentle laxative effect the day following. Ornamental 8econd Husband. Formula on esch box. Show it to your "1 look on a second husband as a doctor. He will understand at s glance. [ood dessert after a fine dinner and a Dose, one pill at bedtime, just one. woman oughter swallow one when of- I H i d , b y t h . J . O. A Y E S CO., L o w ell, h u t j ’ered without no mincing. Of course, - there never was such a man as Mr. Evils of Underwear. Satterwbite, but he was always mighty An Ohio citizen, eighty years old, iusy. while Cal Rucker la a real pleas- ire to me. a-setting around the house claims that he never has worn any m account of his soft constitution. underwear. Many a citizen of Africa Mr. Satterwhlte, I'm thankful to say, has done the same thing and yet failed left me so well provided for that I to get his name in the papers. .’ an afford Mr. Rucker as a kind of Possible to Be Too Busy. irnament.”—Marla Thompson Daviess A certain business man was so very in "Rose of Old Harpeth.” busy that he could not see anybody an advertising novelty and a source of profit In a butter churn, which Is In almost constant operation In his store. The churn Is driven by a small electric motor and the scheme Is to sell a patron a quantity of cream and then, for a small charge, churn It Into BEST BLUING MADE. butter. The operation takes but a Twenty years’ experience back of few minutes. RED CROSS BALL BLUE Every The Chicago fire could have been pre housewife that uees It will have no vented witli one pail o f water, hut the other. It is the only blue that Is water waa not handy. Keep a bo th' of all blue. Hamlins Wizard Oil handy and prevent Liquid bluing is discarded forever the fiery pains o f inltniumai on. after RED CROSS BALL BLUE Is tried. Makes clothes clear and white. Carried Off Dickena Debris. Large package 10 cents. AT ALL Everybody knew Dickens. He could GROCERS.______________ not dine In public without attracting Selfishness Universal. attention. Wheu he left the dining A Kansas City judge announces aa room, his admirers would descend an original discovery that selfishness upon his tablo and carry off eggshells, la the chief cause of divorce. Of orange peels and other things that course it is. It is also the cause of remained behind, so that they might most of the other troubles of human have memorials of this great and ity. Eliminate selfishness from the much loved writer.—Munsey's. nature of man and the millennium Mothers will find Mrs. W in d o w 's Soothing would be with us._________ Syrup the bast runiedy to u w tu t their ch ild ie d I’ e t t it ’ s 70 Years The Right W ay “ SPOHN T H E M ”