Image provided by: Hood River Library; Hood River, OR
About Mosier bulletin. (Mosier, Or.) 1909-19?? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 2, 1912)
PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY ADVERTISING R A T E » BY { Professional Cards.................. H. G. KIBBEE, Proprietor _______________ SUBSCRIPTION RATES On® Y e a r ............................................................. $1.5«' S ix M onths................................................................75 | Tn ree Months.............................................................60 i ..p er meatfc $ ,M One square...................................... " ** 1.0§ j One-quarter Colum n..................... ** ** 3 M One-half Colum n.......................... M ** 5.50 One Column................................... ** ** 9 00 Dusin*»«« locals w ill be charged at 5'centa per lies for each insertion. Luteal advertisements w ill in all cases be ehaage# Entered as second-class m atter March 12. 1909* at the post office at Mosier. O regon, und«r the A c t o f March 3.1879. MOSIER. VOL. I l l W ASCO C O U N T Y . OREGON,- F R ID A Y , F E B R U A R Y 2. 1912 ! to the party ordering them, a t legal rates, aad NO. 48 paid for before affidavits aretfu m ished. a NICHOL & ******* ■ •>******-& «u<i- I -iiiüt.ÍEIIS¡386üi Mosier’s Election Board. through united eiu,rl, united effort will came only through a The following have been | dee j clear understanding o f the whole Executive Office appointed by the* county court as election board in Mosier precinct Tiie following will lie read. question by the whole people o f our. this state. This understanding : for the primary election, to lie with great interest by held April 19th, next: Judge readers, particularly by" those | wil1 come only through the study | | Geo. Wood, Chairman, C. T. who realize the paramount im-j^T* and education of, the whole Bennett, C. J. Littlepage. Clerks. portance o f good roads in the j People. ; H. G. Kibbee, first, Geo. 1 development o f any country. i Numerous bills are about to Chamberlain, Lee Hunter. We give Governor West’ s “ pro- i ^ initiated or presented to the elamation” in toto, as extracts Isgislature ^ by the friends of from it would be incomplete and 8°°4 roads in different parts of » '> - 'V -'Zrr* i f ? *5»^ W . E. Chown Surprised. unsatisfactory. It is valuable j ^ie state; and,^ A pleasant surprise party was Whereas, it is most important literature and we trust everyone | tendered W. E. Chown on Thurs- j that the people of Oregon should will read it carefully: i day night, Jan. 25th, the occasion give deep and thougtful attention M c s ie r O regon Salem, Ore., Jan. 26, 1912. j being the anniversary o f one of to the consideration, study and 1 his numerous birthdays. It was ! Oregon is on the eve o f a discussion o f these measures. supposed to be a “ kid” party, | SwiOTsrsaBEI'^-'saa'J'a great awakening. The morrow K n œ n a E m Now, therefore, I, Oswald will bring the Panama Canal, where the host and hostess and ' ■ ■ — ■ — * ■ — West, Governor o f the State o f and with it will come unbounded the guests were to dress up as in this 0flka. alleKinK tacts which q eq C h a m b e r l a i n Oregon, by virtue o f the power opportunities with their attend-, , . .. . , , children, but only a few o f those would defeat the entry. i .... • a c ... /and authority invested, do ant influx of population and , , , . , present had sufficient courage to C. W . M o o r e . REAL ESTATE , „ , • , j • nereby proclaim the week And in Prime Condition. You can rest assured that any Pre K ig istci-. appear in short dresses and knee consequent commercial and in- . r , l i . beginning the fourth day scription or Recipe dispensed by us contains the best and Pur pants. Sticks o f striped candy mistrial growth, advancement , ,. , est Drugs that the market affords and at prices that are , | or rebruary, and ending the and “ all day suckers” were and prosperity. . . ,, , “ down-to-date.” Try us; we will show you. tenth day ot February, as GOOD passed around which the “ kids” Our Creator in the beginning ^ , . . Lands _i i i . . ROADS W EEK, and I do hereby. K - N - 0 = X “ A-C oid Tablets. P r iv a te Form u la enjoyed. . ; HOOD moulded our state with kindly i , . , ,. , earnestly recommend to the peo- The evening was most pleas-1 hands. When we think ot h ert . . , , ■ , . Specialty The place to get a good, i , , pie ot this state that during this; antly passed with juvenile games ' delightful climate, her hun- . , ,, , , square, clean meal. j Mosier period the question of good roads Oregon Mosier, Oregon. and conversation and after re -1 dreds o f miles of golden beach, legislation be given careful Mosier people especially in- j ---------- freshments o f cake and coffee I her lofty mountains and rushing I , |thought and study through vited to call when in Hood the company dispersed at a very lakes streams, crystal W. A. HUSBANDS and ■ , • , . , .. . , ■ •r public and private discussion ana River. —early hour. , , beautiful harbors, her magnni- *. B lacksmith . c , • • through the columns o f the press, 'Those present were: Mr. and eent forests and rolling prairies, 1, , .. .. , . 1 ,. i n i i In order that knowledge pertain- ferlile valleys and roaming . , , . 1 J L j l Mrs. Chown. Dr. and Mrs. N. . , „ , . • , mg tnereto may he increased, Shoeing and GeiiM-al ; Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Fred herds, of her waving gram and J public sentiment crystalize and i | Evans, Mr. and Mrs. P. L. luscious fruits—a land dotted Repair Work. SUMMONS effective legislation secured. Arthur, Dr. and Airs. D. Robin- with prosperous cities and pro- In the ('¡rotiil Court o f the State of Satisfaction guaranteen In testimony Whereof, I have ison and Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Oregon, for Wasco County. ductive farms —we must admit!, , , ,, T H E D A L L E S E L E C T R IC W O R K S i MOSIER OREGON , ,. ,. . j hereunto set my hand and caused i Kibbee. tnat nature has tully performed I , „ , „ , , , , , , , OLL1E J-OLITZ, Plaintiff have opened an electric store in the Sturgess building , , . , lhe Great Seal o f the Slate to b e ; her part, the tederal govern- „ , , . ±,_\ vs. A ll B u s in e s s e n t r u s t e d * • , , , - ..... affixed, on this the twenty-sixth and are prepared to handle your electric installations of ment too has treated us fairly in , , T A t a meeting of the Horticul- WILLIAM I’oLITZ, Defendant. ., ,. ■ e day ot January. 19)2. T he C a r e ok t h e To William l’olitz, Defendant: | tural Society on Thursday after- the way o f appropriations for, OSW ALD WEST. all kinds. In the name o f the State o f Oregon: the development ot our water- ,, ; noon, it was voted to hold a , , G overnor . You are hereby required to appear and ways and even the railroads j special mass meeting on Friday, answer the complaint filed against you Drop in and see our display of fixtures. have awakened to the re a liza tio n _______ ~ of Tiie; Dalles, Oregon ¡Feb. 9th at 1 p. m., in Stroup’ s in the above entitled suit on or before o f our needs and their opportun- ; HOOD R IV E R SEN TIM EN T Hall, to discuss “ County L i f e l March 8th, 1912, and if you fail so to ! w | [, h a v e PROMPT ATTENTIOM FAV O R S “ ROGUE R IV Education.” The school children answer, the plaintiff will iipply to the I ities and are checkerboarding $100,000.0» Court for the relief demanded in her 1 ' upital the state with bands o f steel. of all the districts are urged to E R P L A N .” complaint herein, namely: Kora d e c r e e Surplus and undivid- In view of these things we are ; be present and every man, forever dissolving the marriage con- j C( profits - 130,000. Of prompted to ask ourselves what i woman and child welcome. tract now and hert tofore < xisting he One word tells it all, unanimity. J. S. SCHENCK, P r e sid en t Program not yet prepared. tween plaintiff ami defendant. should we do in the way o f co-j A fter listening to the weighty M a x A. V ogt This summons will ho served upon o f . W ILLIAM S operation with these several j argum entof Mr. M iller’sand the you outside o f the State o f Oregon by Vice Pres. Cashier agencies for the development of lucid and epigrammatic exposit-j Addison (Rabbitville) Bennett, publication thereof once a week for s i x _______ _______________________ ___ the state? It is true that we ion on marketing by Mr. Gwin, 1 who has been touring Oregon consecutive weeks in the Mosier Bui- j - ™ _ have given good laws, good Mgr. o f the North West Fruit writing up the various sections letin, a newspaper printed and pul>-1 JV i O o I I L I l i V l A l v K E X of the state for the Oregonian, fished at Mosier, in said County and ! government and good schools Exchange, there remained but will be in Mosier next Monday ____ State, by ______________ order made and entered here- C . H. D U N S M O R E , and many other desirable things one course for the hundreds of ■ afternoon and evening to meet I ¡n on the 19th day o f January, I»12, by to those who have come with in Hood R iver fruitgrowers assem DEALER IN the people and gather data for ; Hon. W. L. Bradshaw, Judge o f said SCHOOL NOTES our borders, but much o f this good bled in the Commercial Club Hall, River young men who form the Fresh and Cured Meats a write-up oil Mosier District, j Court, and the date o f first publication ATHLETICS has been nelified by some o f the at Hood River, last Saturday. Schubert Trio, at Stroup’s Hall I Plans for his entertainment will be January 26th, 1912, and the Country Produce on Monday night last, but they things we have failed to do and The meeting was highly in About two months ago the have not been perfected, hut it, ¡date o f the last publication will be chief among these is our neglect favor o f Mr. M iller’s proposal made up in enthusiasm what High School athletic association is hoped that the business men I March 8th, 1912. J o h n G a v in , in the matter o f the construction and unanimously reserved that a they lacked in numbers. Many organized a basket ball team, and fruit growers Wll make a ! ... „ ,, , . , , people will brave worse weather . . . . Attorney for Plaintiff. special effort to attend a meeting o f good roads. committee ot three be appointed , ,, , , . . . . electing for their captain, Leoi t i m e t a b l e h > r r i v e r b o a t s which will be held In the even- , that ot Alonday night t o 1 Without good roads there can to meet with like committees than . ,. , | Higley, and for manager Edwin ing Notice of Final Hearing. hear some mediocre production, e , BA I L E V (JATZAUT. be no great development and no from Wenatchee and Rogue • , , , , bturgess. In the County Court, c f tin* State of* and stay at home when some en- „ . , Leaves Portland for 'l'lu* Dali* s Mon great progress. What we need River to discuss the advisability ^ . . . e i ■. - Owing to the fact that the Oregon for Wasco County. tertainment o f real merit comes . . ,, Mr. WmEskins. o f The Dalles, day«, Wedm «days and Fridays. most is more people—more j o f faking over the controlling . r. . . .. . ., . ., number ot men was small we leaves The Dalles for Portland along. Certain it is that those , has located here, having charge In the Matter o f the Kstate people in the rural districts. | stock in the N orth W est Fruit . , , , , , Were at first handicapped, of Tu«*»(!ay»,- Thursdays and Saturdays. who stayed at home missed a XT ... . „ , of the electrical store which The And in order to attract people to Exchange. The committee, to Mrs. M. J. Huskey, deceased. <► , Nevertheless we Tell that, we are high class recital, any one num- . . , r„. . . , . Dalles Electric Works recently the rural district we must make j he composed of one director, one Notice is hereby given that the under TEAL, ,, . gaining ground, i his is due in ber o f which was worth the price . . ,, . started in the Sturgess building. signed, as administrator o f tiie < si; l< rural life pleasant and attractive. independentshippeTandonebusi- . . . . I.eavwB Portia mi for Tiie Ilallrs measure to tne enthusiastic inem- of admission. , , , , . It is reported on good authority o f Mrs. M. J. Huskey, deceased. D ps i M'S'.luy, Thurs lay bik I Sunday. You cannot maroon a new ness man was appointed and the . hers of our team and in great I .eaves The Dalles fur Eortlanil Mon- True musicians, like poets, i abiiity and effort of that the Pacific Light & Power Hied his final report as such admiuis- settler and family on a farm on „bowing were selected: P. S. y, Wednesday ami Eii iay. I Co. will have the “ juice” in Mo- lr!,*<,r- thr « ‘»‘ »O " r *!*« f i-.f . artists or inventors, are born, j our coach who hag spent not a an ocean of mud, no matter how j Davidson, Truman Butler, W. B. | sier within the next three weeks; of ()reK,m f,,r W:,sc,, County- "" said Court, in an order duly made and beautiful the spot, and expect t o : Dickerson, They are to report not made. I oere aie plenty ° f I little lime in drilling us. TAHOM A. and Mr. Eskins is ready any ■ entered, has Hppointed Monday, the 4th mechanical musicians who un find him happy and content. Hej|iack to the fruitgrowers as soon Between The llalles and Cascade Our first game which we play t.ime to give esimat.eson the cost day o f March, 1912, at the hour of demands good roads leading to ns possible. With such an array derstand music perfectly but ed with The Dalles C. B. C’ s l.o: ! s I.eaves the Locks Monday of wiring buildingsand to do the 10:00 o'clock a. rn., as the time, and morning ami The Dalles Tuesday morn^ the church and the schools and 0f business heads upon the who cannot interpret it properly. resulted in a victory for the i the County Court House in Dalles ( ’ily, work. ing, making trips one way each day.. good roads leading to the mar- committee it is obvious that what The Schubert Trio is composed visiting team with a score o f 10 Wasco County, Oregon, as the place j of musicians who love and feel for the hearing ot the same. . 1# Steamers Teal and Tahoma stop on. kets and lie is going to locate in eVer decision they may make to 41. But this did not discour : g at Batehatn’ s Landing, 'i'ahomix | persons having any objections to -ah. their art and, especially in ihe that section where those ad- wj|i be the best for Hood C a r l t o n L. P e p p e r re|>ort are hereby notified to he pres * I lops on flag nt lower landing. age us as much as might have case o f Mr. Chandler, the violin -------- at said time ami place anil present any vantages are to be found. River and therefore Mosier. been expected ami the following I such objections. ist,, can carry their audiences It is not only our duty but it _______ , , , week we played the Hood River L A W Y E R VVhal’s the matter with dropping in Dated January 4lh, 1012. with them in their interpreta is in keeping with good business ami renewing your subscription to th » High School 2nd’s. They too C. T. B e n n k t t , Noted Lecturer Coming. 305A East Second St., tions. The baritone solos by Mr. to build good roads. Money Bulletin? It would he appreciated. Administrator. carried off the laurels, scoring 10 I.ontf Dislance IMion«. Main 2201 Osgood, the instrumental selec- spent for good roads is money i to 28. Neither di<l this our well spent. When we speak o f N ext Monday evening, Febru- tions o f Mr. Hoerlein and Mr. Oregon. second defeat wilt us. In fact * *le Dalles spending several millions o f ar>’ 5th, Miss Belle Kearney, the Chandler’s masterly handling o f it rather tended to heighten our ” dollars during the next few years n,)te4 traveler, lecturer and the violin were appreciated by ■ . spirits, for we argued that we NOTIC E FOR PU B LIC A TIO N . . In road construction many are w l’ L*r v-'^ appear at Stroups the music lov ^eis, particularly as . . . (Pub li »her.) , i ,• j , , , had improved in team work and Department o f the Interior red under disadvan- , . . . . staggered by the proposal and Mosier, givin g one of her the irio labored tares as, as. owing owing to the U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, ! • the figures. They apparently'^amou 3 Uctures which have tages .... tempera- : , . theiLiCt° ry Was UO‘ 8° W e want to roll Up the January 9th, 1912. are not aware that the several pleased and instructed thousands lure, the piano keys stuck, and ‘ _ * till hitrh„ nt H . Rivpr v n T ir„ . . . . „ , w „ of people all over the country. Mr. Osgood was handicapped by f 0 1 ? " ,n 5,,Kher at H<f fl R,v/ .e' NOTICE i. hereby gwer, thatWa'mr counties in this state spent over a wiu. cold ' l° - mRht Come on an<1 r<>ot for ureM G , M“ is e” Portland, h‘ “ p ,wh(°1 8<' 8,1 ten millions o f dollar, during the Miss Kearney is considered to o home team Oregon, did, on Un be one o f the most popular, It ¡8 hoped that later in thej ^ .ul A L_ Al L , 11 th day of April, 1911, flh- in this past six years for road work, The gills too have the basket office Sworn Statement and Applira- much o f which was lost through logical and brilliant orators in 8eason these young men m aybe ball fever. Our trouble has been tion, No. 06666, to purchase the HEI lack o f system and knowledge the United States, and without a heai-,| again in Mosier by a much much the same as that o f the N E / Section 24, Township 1 North, doubt w’ill captivate her audience. jarger audience. as to scientific road building. boys, that is in securing our Range 11 East, Willamette Meridian, Senator John Sharp Williams,' ________ _____________ The question o f good roads and the timber thereon, under tiie our players, and it was not until provisions o f the act o f June 3, 1878, has been fairly well discussed o f of Mississippi, says of „er: EMRY—HUDSON. Jan. 20th that we organized. We and acta amendatory, known as the late and we have learned more Miss Bell- Kearney ha3 ren- about road building during the dered distinguished set vice to On Monday, January 29th, at held onr first practice the 31st “ Timber and Stone Law,” at sucli past few years than we ever h*r state and country. Her rec- the White Temple, in Portland,! and are convinced th a t w e Will be value a« might be fixed by appraise- I'K O C L A x ^I h 1 IO N . LARA WAY Hood R ivers Reliable Jeweler for I , Watches Diamonds, Jewelry He can make your watch keep time B O YC E CAFE ;Fruit A, M. BOYCE, Proprietor. Horse RIVER, OREGON Arthur & B urt D rug Co., First National Bank T a Dalles Works Everything Electrical Prop. Mosier knew before, but we still have ord as an educator, as a writer, Miss Mattie Hudson, o f Mosier, •at,le to sflMW 8ome V f much to do before we under- take on a large scale tiie con- struction o f a system o f high- ways in this state We need—first: the passages o f model good road laws. Sec ond: a competent man at the head o f the high way department. Third: funds sufficient to carry on the work. . . . i nese tiiinga win come only a lecturer, a philanthropist Peaces her among the leading women ° f *he twentieth century. She requires no eneorsement. Her achievements speak for her. ’ nvnt, and that, pursuant to auch the land and timber thereon have been apprais'd, thr timber estimated 80,000 board feet a t , $1.50 per M, and the land $100.00; that aaid applicant will oiler final proof in • support o f his application and sworn statement on the 27th day o f March, 1912, before the Register and Receiver o f U. S. Land Oltke, at The Dalles, t Oregon. Any person in at liberty to -prot* »t this purchase beior* entry, or initiât* a cot;test at any time l**fore patent issues, Ly filing a corroborated affida\it ‘ as application, was married to Mr. George i Players- Einry, o f Hood River, ROLL OF HONOR. The bride is well known and Primary Department. the groom is a young man of Willie Carroll, Bennie Carroll, good standing in Hr>od River, Luellen Conner ond Rosa Carroll. lieing employed by the Bridal Intermediate Department. Veil Lumber Co. at that place. Estel Akers, Clara Carroll, The happy couple, after a brief Schubert Trio Pleases. Carroll visit to the bride’s old home Vera Conner, Jenny A disappointingly small house Myrtle Conner, Mary Higley, „reeted Messrs. Chandler, Hoer- here, will take up housekeeping Laura Kibbee and Lois O.iburn. lein and Osgood, the three Hood in Hood River. Oregon