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About Mosier bulletin. (Mosier, Or.) 1909-19?? | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1911)
\ W HEN TOU CO TO P O R TLA N D . A T TH E NEW STO P HOTEL FOSTER 1 M mi Dam Stmts, Near Deyst MO Room s w ith H oc an a W n to r and T elep h o n e. C old R u n ning F r o * B aths. Rates 50c, 75c aad $1.00 per Day Special rates far Rasa aW Boari fr«e a n t* k a meets every train or boat WE BUY OLD GOLD ■ l | k a l p r ie M paid fa r S ilv e r . O ld J a w .lr y . C a M U N C L E M Y E H 8 . P a r t y y e a r . In P o rtla n d . 11 S ix th , b atw aan O ak and Pin a. 1 1 ATENTS > 1 * IV E P tiM IA l 1 W As a Tonic and Regulator Y0U t llV IU 1 . 0 . MARTIN, 4 » m i « » '« ■ 000 Okawbtr Coauasrss WrMa fa# |nf|rfliltlOR POteTLAHD, O KI. " ,n* KODAKS W r it e far catalogu es and lite ra tu re . D e v e lo p in g and p rin tin g . M ail ord ers g iv e n p ro m p t a tten tio n You will find Hos te tle r’s Stomach Bit ters absolutely trust worthy. It is backed b y a 58 years’ record in cases o f Bloating, Flatulency, Indigestion, Costiveness, Cramps, Diarrhoea, Malaria, Fe ver and Ague. TRY 1 BOTTLE TODAY. The genuine has our Private Stamp over neck of bottle. Re fuse all others. Portland Photo Supply Co. 140 T h ird S tr e e t P O R T L A N D , ORB. A Concomitant. BELMONT AUTO SCHOOL "Ia a sham battle always followed Ym e * U e t a * » ■ ■ * a e r a d o » a èrm e "1 don't mJ wwk»< n d ta l a a b e r U e i rim by a festive celebrationf” 1 a n X lk ta r a t H n d b ro w M i n i ftafc « » t a d m i . t a » d d Tòta» d 11! a d Id x n a l a i o d tn m amk. i¿ T | r a a S t s r , y a m (osota »uro samt i j im a . i d know. Why do you aakT" "Bocauae whera there la a sham battle, there o u g h t m the fitness of thing*, to ba lome sham pain.” 2M ari SwfiM*. Tartari It. OTTUMWA WOMAN PORTLAND ART ASSOCIATION CURED Sky lights Tanks Gutters Down Spouts Steel Ceiling l a BAYER 3U4 Market Portland. Oregon BEND PO E CATALO G U E. RECIPROCITY IS MUNYON’S WORK TALK OF CITY READY TO SIGN Becomes Law When Approved Big Success Shown by Numbei of Callers. by Taft and Canada. Vote on Measure 53 to 27— Insurgent« Local Man Talla San Francisco Head- Fight to Last— Triumph for c lartars o f Rsmarkabla Raliaf President. From Rheumatism, Washington, D. C.— The recipro city trade agreement between the United ¡States and Canada embodied in the reciprocity bill, that proved a storm center in two sessions of Con gress, passed the Senate Saturday without amendment by a vote of 53 to 27. A majority of Republicans voted against it. Of 53 votes for it. 32 were Democrats and 21 Republi cans. Of the 27 against, 24 were Republican and three Democratic. This action settled the whole Can- solan reciprocity question so far as Congress is concerned and save for executive approval and the Canadian Parliament ratification. virtually makes the pact the law of the land. Congressional practice will delay the affixing of the President's signa ture until next Wednesday, when the House is again in session. The re ciprocity bill having originated in the House, must be returned there for engrossment and for the signature of Speaker Clark, while the House is sitting. The Canadian Parliament has not yet acted on the agreement and with one exception of the provisions of the bill as passed by Congress will not become effective until the Pres ident Issues a proclamation that Canada has ratified the pact. The exception of this procedure Is In the paper and pulp section of the bill, which It Is announced will become Immediately effective when the Pres ident signs the law. School of Uta SHIP GIVEN UP. T h ir d ya a r b a sin s O c to b e r 2. 1811. D RA W ING . PA IN TIN G . PO RTRAIT. Lire, SKETCH. ILLUSTRATION. DESIGN AND CHILDREN'S CLASSES. For circular A p p ly la M U S E U M O F ART, F i f t h s n d T a y lo r S t roots. P O R T L A N D . O R E G O N COMBINGS mo FALSE HAIR Made Over. Any Style. W rite for particulars. FRANCES HAIR STORE 101 b a n s* . Cane Gad Art. SAN FRANCISCO. Cat Ä .iy £ n s i& a J i Root dont and Day School fo r < if M istan o f St. Joh n Baptist M. A sadsais and lls n s a ta r y I Masts. A rt. Xlosntisa, Oynaaal d o « address T H E S I S T E R Si O ffto o SQ. S t. H o lo n s H a ll By Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound Ottumwa. Iow a.— "F o r years I was almost a constant sufferer from female trouble in all its d r e a d f u l form s; shooting paina all over my body, sick headache, s p i n a l weakness, dizziness, d e p r e s s i o n , and everything that was horrid. I tried many doctors in different parts o f the United States, but Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegeta ble Compound has done more fo r me than all the doctors. I feel it my duty to tell you these facts. M y heart is fu ll of f gratitude to gri you fo r my cure.” —Mrs. H a r r ie t E. W a m p l e EB, e 524 S. Ransom Street, Ottumwa, Ic lowa. Consider This Advice. ST. A l MARY'S A D M IT A N O C O L L E G E For Girls. Coadncud by tbe SISTERS OF THE HOLY RAMIS OF JESU8 AND MARY. Grad.. J.adamu and Ctllaftsu Cannae. Music. Art. Elocutioa sad Coamer* d a l Dcfts. Maddmt amdDay Student/. Refined Moral aad 1st« Uectaal Trniaia«. W rile forAnaouaceacat. Addrees U i T t M W P t RIO K * . Mary', Atadamy. Portland M ills College N E A R O A K L A N D . C A L I F O R N IA W ith t h « b e g in n in g o f th is yo n r M ill« O o llo g « d o o o o n ly c o llo g o w o r k . T h o r o s r o n o lo n g e r • n y 8 «m ln n r y c o u r s e « . T h e only Woman’ s College on tbs Pacific Coast. Chart - •red 1115. Ideal climate. Entrance and graduation re- «uiremenu equivalent to those of Standford and University of California. W e ll equipped laboratories. Grounds com prise one hundred and fifty acres. Special care for health, out door life. Pres. Luclla Clay Carson. A. M.. Litt. D.. LL. D. For catalogue addrees Secretary. Mills College P. O.. Calif. liM*mp«l 8 iil Chauffaur. "How do you IIko your now chsuf- fou ri" “ H t’i uttorly lmpoaalblal On Park Hotfhta avenu* yaaUrday ho oomplotoly missed two dog*. oca baby, • telegraph polo, and another automo bile. I «at afraid ho baa had some Stoat disappointment In Ufa that baa taken tka aplrtt out of him.1* Another Divorea. atood at the bar of luetica and awdo bar aad appeal. She aaked. poor dove, the cue tody of the pu* and the aatomobOa.— LoulsvUlo Courier-Jour nal. __________________ She To Fellah Braaa. Braaa takoa a moat beautiful polish If It la waahad in a mixture of one ounce of alum and a plat of lyo boiled together for a abort time; apply with rag or brush while hot V COFFEEC ) TEA SPICES ■ARINO POWDER -»«T R A C T S . JUST RIGHTS CUttSETAMTUa aaRTLAMU o » t 7 _ K êçley ALCOHOL OPIUM— T0IACC0 “ ' s ir Osrsd. I circular. T it illi«. P o r t l a n d O r e g o n H o woman should submit to a surgi cal operation, which may mean death, until she has given Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound a fair trial. Bark Espada Now 150 Day« Out of Gray* Harbor. Aberdeen, Wash.— The bark Espa- da, 150 days out of Grays Harbor for Adelaide, South Australia, is believed to be lost with all hands. The Espada cleared from Aberdeen over the bar. That is the last heard of her and as the normal passage time on this run Is 75 day«, marin ers believe there Is no hope for the craft. The Espada was commanded by Captain Inghart Jacobson, of Tacoma, and was manned by ten men. Among the passengers on the trip, which is thought to have been fatal for all on board, was Mrs. Jacobson, who was formerly Miss Olga Anderson, of 2156 South M street, Tacoma. The bark loaded at the Slade Mill with a full cargo of lumber for the Australit port. Unless she struck a storm It is the belief of local sea men t^iat she ran aground, as it would be almost impossible for a ship to sink in midocean when filled with lumber. Reinsurance on the Espada has gone up In the last few days and it is now denied. Efforts have been begun to trace the missing vessel. This famous medicine, made only PITCHER SOLD FOR *22,500. from roots and herbs, has fo r thirty years proved to be the most valuable tonic and invigorator o f the female Pittsburg Buy* O’Toole From St. organism. Women residing in almost Paul for Biggest Price. every city and town in the United States bear willing testimony to the Minneapolis. — Barney Dreyfuss, wonderful virtue o f Lydia E. Pink- president of the Pittsburg Club of ham's Vegetable Compound. the National League, today purchased M rs . P in k h a m , a t L y n n , M ass., Marty O’Toole, St. Paul's spitball in v ite s a ll sick w o m e n to w r i t « pitcher, for $22,500, the highest price h e r f o r a d v ic e . H e r a d v ic e is fre e , ever paid for a ballplayer In the All c o n fid e n tia l, a n d a lw a y s h elp fu l- history of organized baseball. of the bidders dropped out of the running with the exception o f Drey fuss and Mike Cantlllon, who was acting in the role of agent for Charles Comlskey, of the Chicago .Americans. O’Toole announced himself as sat A T o n ic , A lt e r a t iv e a n d R e ç o iv e n t. Th* isfied to go to Pittsburg, but said b ea t r e m e d y f o r K i d n e y i , L i v e r a n d B o w e la. he would like to have Kelly go with Bradicatea Pim ples, Eruptions and Disordera o f th e Skin. Pu rifie» the Blood and fiv e a him. Dreyfuss is said to have of T o a a , S trength a a d V ig o r to the en tire ayatem. fered *5000 for Kelly, but Lennon is desirous of realizing at least *7500 for him. High Recommendation*. Previous to the purchase of Marty "W hy did you leave your laat O’Toole the highest price ever paid place?” aaked Mrs. Hiram Daly of tba for a baseball player was $12,500, would-ba cook. "I haven't left me which the Philadelphia Club of the laaht place,” replied the applicant. "I American League gave for Pitcher "L e fty ” Russell. He was purchased haven't any laabt place to lave. I've from Baltimore last year. been workln' for meself for the past year, an' I can recommend meself to Upper Berths Not Taken. yea very bol(bly.” — Boston Tran Chicago.— There have been so script. __________________ many empty upper berths in Pull man sleeping cars, ever since the Swallowed Her False Teeth. law went Into effect reducing the Through swallowing her false teeth, rate on them, that the proposal is apparently while she was asleep, Mrs. now underconsideration to reduce Alice Dear, 61 years old, of Sewell them still further on the combination This plan, which has been road, Battersea, died. The cause of plan. her death was discovered at a post submitted for approval of the Pull mortem examination.—London Chron man Company, will give a traveler bbth the upper and lower berths for icle. 50 cents added to the price of the Know Nature. lower alone. He who knows that secrets and vir Five thousand sleeping cars are tues are In the ground, the waters, tba operated in the United States and heavens, and bow to come at theaa Canada. enchantments—is the rich and royal Burn* Denie* Kidnaping. inaw—Emerson. Indianapolis, Ind.— W. J. Burns re It’s Up to You. turned here from Europe and ap Tou may get a job on your front, or peared In Judge Markey'g branch of on your backing, but whether you bold the criminal court to answer to four It or not depends on wbat you have grand jury indictments on charges of kidnaping John J. McNamara, the In you. labor leader, and taking him to Los Angeles, where he is held on charges o f being implicated in *ev i eral dynamiting outrages. Burns waived arraignment, and gave bond by a surety company of $2500 on each indlctmeDt. Judge Markey said he would *et the case for trial in September or October. Y ou r H air Contrary? Texa* Seem* to Be Dry. Is it inclined to run away? Dallas, Tex.— With what is esti Don’t punish it with a cruel mated to be three fourth* of the vote In today'* liquor election count brush and combi Feed it, nour cast ed, the Prohibitionist* are leading ish it, save it with A yer’s Hair by the narrow margin of 3461, ac Vigor, new improved formula. cording to the returns of the New# Up to midnight 339,775 votes had Then your hair will remain at been accounted for. Return* from home, on your head, where it all the larger towns are in. and a# belongs. An elegant dressing. i the rural districts are against the saloons it teems a safe prediction \ Keeps the acalp healthy. at this time that the state has gone Deer net change the taler ef the holt. A uers F o rm alte w i t « < •haw it to y a a r Boot or Ask him ate««« It, thon « o oo ho oojro We certainly believe this, or we would not tar to. Ayer't Htir Vigor, at now made from our new improved formula, ia a great preparation lor the bair and acalp. Stops falling hair. Cures dan druff. Promotes tbe growth of bair. »■ * f u , j . c. A e e e O L e w »«., M m . ' The apparent success which Profes sor James M. Munyon, the world- famous health authority, has been meeting in San Francisco has started much discussion. The continuous stream o f callers has kept Dr. Mun yon'* expert representatives busy every day for several weeks at the main store o f the Owl Drug company, San Francisco, where he has estab lished headquarters for meeting the people. Munyon's following teems to be enormous. Those who believe in his theories seem to think he possesses the most marvelous powers for the heal ing o f all sorts o f diseases. Munyon, hitnsef, laughs at this. He says: “ The hundreds o f cures which you are hearing about every day in San Francisco are not in any way due to my personal skill. It is my remedies, which represent the combined brains of the greatest medical specialists science has ever known, that is doing the work. I have paid thousands of dollars for a single formula and the exclusive right to manufacture it. I have paid tens o f thousands o f dollars for others of my various forms of treatment. That is why I get such remarkable results. I hav« simply bought the best products o f the best brains in the world and placed this knowledge within the reach o f th* general public.’ ’ Among Munyon’ s callers yesterday were many who were enthusiastic in their praise o f the man. One o f these said: "F o r six years 1 suffered from rheumatism. My arms and legs were afflicted so badly that I could hardly work, and I could not raise my arm to my head. The pain was most severs in the back, however, and I was in perfect torture. I tried in many ways to get cured, or even to secure temporary relief, but (nothing seemed to help me until I was persuaded by a friend to try Munyon's Uric Acid course. It was the most marvelously acting remedy I ever saw, within a week the pain had most gone and in side o f a month I considered myself entirely cured. I can now go out in the worst weather— cold, or w et oi anything else, and I have not felt any suspicion o f a return o f the disease. I think that every person who ha# rheumatism and does not take th« Uric Acid course is making a great mistake.” Letters addressed to Professor J. M. Munyon. care Owl Drug Co., San Francisco, Cal., will receive as care ful attention as though the patienl called in person. Medical advice anc consultation absolutely free. Not s penny to pay. Playing the Fiddle. Mgr Jamas P Turner, chancellor ol the Roman Catholic archdiocese ol Philadelphia, has a trait In commoi with the late Arcbblthop Ryan which enable# him to decide to do something without leaving a ttlng. Like bis late chief, he usually tell# a story and then escapes committing himself. Since tbe balloting for • successor to Arcbblthop Ryan be ha# been Importuned, cajoled and other wise held up for a word that would give an Idea as to what waa tbe re suit of the balloting. As he It swore to secrecy he must keep quiet. To a group of newspaper man h« said: "Once there was an assistant to • man who held a responsible position Thle assistant took upon himself much of the credit for hie employer's popu larlty. One day ha complained b> laying: ‘I'm tired of playing second fiddle' " 'The trouble with you le that jot are trying to play first vjoltn befor« you have learned how to play that tec ond fiddle,' wee hie employer's kindly but firm admonition." Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery The heart becomes regular as clock- work. The red btuod corpuscles are increased in number—snd tbe nerve* in turn are well fed. The arteries ere filled with good rich blood. That is why nervous debility. Irritability, fainting spells, disappear and ere over come by this alterative extract ol medicinal roots put up by Dr. Pierce without the use ol alcohol. Ask your neighbor. Many have been cured of scrofulous conditions, ulcers, "lever-sores," white swellings, etc., by taking Dr. Pieroe's Discovery. Just the refreshing and vitalizing tonio needed lor excessive tissue waste, in convalescence from levers or for run-down, anaemic, thin-blooded people. Stick to this safs and sane remedy and refuse all “ just as good " kinds offered by the dealer who is looking for a larger profit. Noth ing will do you half as much good as Dr. Pierce’ s Golden Medical Discovery. “ S am S lo a n ” A Good Cigar THE TR U TH AB O U T BLUING. ^ Talk No. II. The well often runs dry where they ■nake bottle blue. It's easy to sec. Dnly a little quantity, say half a cent >r a trifle more, in the double itrength kind and a large bottle of water and the delusion is completed. Buy RED CROSS B A L L BLUE. Get 1 pure blue. Makes clothes snowy white. A SK YO U R GROCER. P in e a p p le Evaporated Milk C ream . A L L E N & LEWI S Distributers, Portland, Or. is the h a n d ie s t thing in the p an try. It is pure and a lw a y s ready to use. The Dawn of Scientific Knowledge Learn a Profession where the de mand is greater than the supply. T h ere is n o w a s t e — us e as m u ch or as little as you need, a n d th e r e s t k e e p s longer than fresh milk. Counted Ante for Two Veers. A marvel of scientific research, saya our Berlin correspondent, bae been accomplished by Professor Young, who has been Investigating the In terior condition of anthills. By dint of patient observation Professor Yemg discovered that an anthill two feet In height was Inhabited by 92,780 ants. Other anthills of almost tbe «erne else were found To contain *7,- 500, 63,000 and 48,000 anti respective ly. Theee observations and the count ing of tbe tiny Inseots occupied two yeexs.— London Evening Standard. Honorable, Dignified, Lucrativa Write for Literature and Information. It will bo to YOUR advantage. Invalids and others needing skilled treatment* write for particulars. 409 Commonwealth Bldg., Portland, Or. Blessing ingllsh Crops. Th* quaint ceremony of blessing th* crops was observed the other evening on th* Earl of Craven's es tate at Blnlay, In Northeast Warwick shire, *aye the London Dally MalL Meeting at th* parish church, tb* vicar and a number ot parishioners formed Into procession and various well-known farms were visited. Give« fine results in ell cooking T a il your grocer to »and L ibby'» M ilk Wanted a Witness. Neighbor (whose bell le rung late)- — "What do you want?" Clubman— "Sorry to trouble you, Frau Schmidt, but I must go back to th* club, as my wife won't let me In, and I wanted to be able to call you aa a witness that I waa her* at ten o'olock.— Fllegond* Blatter. Mother* win Ond Mrs. Windows Soothing lyrup tbs best romedv to use for their chUdren lurleg the teething period. Relloa ef Past Agee. An Interesting discovery waa mads recently at Bplttal (Eng.) by a num ber of workmen. While digging oper ations were being carried on, a quan- 'Ity of human bones were turned up. This was followed by the unearthing of a number of atone coffins, each containing human remains. The cof fin* bore no resemblano* to th* mas- ilve sarcophagus reoantly disinterred Need* ot the Church. at Barwlok, but oonslsted simply of "What la th* greatest evil to be rough atone slabs. remedied In th* modern church?" la a queatfbn whloh a Topeka minister Medarn Teachara Crltlalsad. aaked a lot of business men. On* re Our aduoators are owl-wlaa, our plied: "Mak* th* womea taka oft tsecherà are pedante aad all tbelr am their hat* and fix the seat* so that bi tlon la thè turnlng out of emootb, man oan *l**p In greater comfort,"— well-pollshed phllletlnes. It la cer- Kansas City Journal. lalnly unfortunate that tbe favored Couldn’t B* Otherwise. type of sapertntendent ot our publle A doctor we* called to th* bedrid* «ducatlon should be euch a hopeless Ha pbtllatine, poaseesed of all thè concalt of a fond mother's baby boy. of th* mediocre business man. Rou diagnosed tba ailment aa aout* rheu tine la hls Ideal. Origlnallty la matism and tb* mother responded «puroed and aupprasaad— Dr. Bada quickly: "Acute rheumatism? I might have known It; everything he does or Sidia. __________________ saya I* Just ae cuts." Neble Ideal. Action of Drainage Waters. Ia the effort to appreciate various Recant experiments In Germany In forma of greatness, let us aot under estimate th* value of a simply good dicate that drainage water* do not Ufa. Just to be good; to keep Ufa take any more plant food away from pure from degrading elements, to make fertilised soils than from unfertilised. It coaetaatly helpful la little waya to those who are touched by It to keep one's spirit always sweet, aad avoid all manner of petty anger aad lrrlta blllty—that la aa Ideal as aoble aa II a r e t b * a e fe t t e n d m o s t r e lia b le c a t h a it ic a a d la difficult _______________ a y a te m e lr a n a e r . T h e b ea t r e m t d y f o r T e r p id Drives away Flies, Mosquitoes and Gnats It protects horses and cattle from attack» of insects, enabling them to feed and ileep in peace. It prevents loss of weight snd strength from worry caused by Ittacks of insects, and from the irritation of their bites and stings. There is a istisfaction in tbe relief it afford# domestic animals from the scourge of maddening parasites and flies, besides tbe profit in returns. Horses do more work >n less feed and rows yield more and letter milk when relieve«! from the frenxy ncited by constantly fighting fc swarm >f voracious, insatiable insects. Four sizes, 25 c, 50 c, 75 c and $ 1 . 25 . Dr. Pierce’s Pellets, small, sugar- k*k yonr merchant for it. coated, easy to take as candy, regulata H o y t C h e m i c a l C o . P o r t la n d , O r e g o n and invigorate stomach, liver ana bow els. Do not gripe. Our* to Rsturn It, Why gh* Chose the dawn. Lsdy— "Yes. I'va an umbrella that A woman In Cherryvale, Kan., waa ieeda mending, but I to know allowed her choice between a new :hat you will bring It back?” Um- parlor rug aad a summer gown. Th* irslla Mender—"Have no fear, mum, Journal say* that after three sleep- t allua charges mors for msndln* lesa night* ah* decided on th* dress. ban I could sell tbe umbreller for." 8be argued: "I oan darken the parlor —Boston Transcript and th* rug will look all right In sub dued light, and besides, hundreds of T h e A m e r i c a n I n s t in c t . folks will see th# drees who would "Did you read about that American never see th* rug." magnate who waa shipwrecked In the Forgiven*** *f Children. South Pacific and spent two years It la th* sweet and entire forgtve- among savages?'' "No; what happened to him?" "When be was rescued, be neee of children, who aak pity for bad accumulated 3.000.000 clam shall*.' their sorrow« from those who hav* caused them, who do net pereelv* German University Studente. that they are wronged, who never Tbe University of Berlin has nearly draam that they are forgiving, and 1,000 Studenti, Munich nearly 7,000, who mak* no bargain for apologies— Leipzig 4.000. Bonn 4,000. Haldalbarg It Is this that men and women are 2,400 la tba principal universities urged to learn of a child.— Alloa May- at th* lempira about 40,000 atudeals nalL __________________ ara sew enrolled Nearly Out ef Cheea*. A grocery salesman entering • Always In Raadtnasa. Thera wet an ofleer la Roma wboss ■tor* found tbe plaoe la charge of th* buatneea It waa to alwaye have bis delivery boy. Upon being asked loors open In order ta resalvo any where the proprietor wee, tbe boy re Roman who applied to him for help. plied : "I am tb* whole cheese bore." Th* traveling man departed, leaving a aot* for th# proprietor, which the boy promptly opened "Permit me t* suggest." he read, "that you are nearly out of cheese.”— Success. In P a r tn e r s h ip . He—"So young March and hls fath er are carrying on tbe bastases?" She—"Ta*. The old men ruse th* business while young Marsh does the carrying on v v mnn*. The D iffe r e n c e In Th* Cuatoaaer- -'T heels are too high. •mellar, pleas*— or Kill, eves would ha f h « «ketch. th e L o u ie . tblak Louis XT. Give me a else perhaps Lout* high tw—igh ”— Costs You 5c Worth More Beat tbe yolke of three egge slight- ly, add the juice and grated rind of one lemon, a pinch of salt and half a cupful of sugar. I » t simmer on the Ire slowly, stirring all the time until t thickens. Then remove end stir In t cupful of canned pineapple grated Ins and one and a half tableapoonfuls of gelatine which hat previously been soaked In half a cupful of cold water. When the mixture begins to Jell etlr In half a cupful of cream beaten to a froth and the whites of the three eggs also beaten stiff. Turn Into a mold and chill thoroughly until time to serve. ’d ry.” Astoria Gets Torpedo Fleet Only. Washington—Senators Chamber lain and Bourne have failed to per suade the Navy Department to send a battleship to Astoria for the Cen tennis! celebration. The department advised them, however, that tbe tor redo fleet would be sent In time to participate In tbe opening exercises and remain throughout tbe celebra tlon, as previously planned. Faint ? Have »•» wesk heart, dizzy feelings, oppressed breathing alter meals? Or do you czpcrience peia over the heart, shortness ol brsath on going up-stairs and the many distressing symptoms which indicate poor circulation end bad blood? A heart tooic, blood and body-builder that baa stood tbe test o f over 40 years ef cures is WHY PAY MORE? I-tedl#«’ Two-Strap Velvet, Corduroy and Satin Pumpa In Black or Tan. reguar $2.50 va)u«s. at half prica — $ 1 -2 5 M all O rd ers Prom ptly Filiad ROYAL SHOE CO. 229 lUrriMi Si., ha. Fad u l Scctsf. Pwdug. 0». |l»ool teaywkaro, «•> tra e te aa d kUU » 1 1 file«. N«*t. elea a. ornam entai, coo v ea- LaeleaM eeeeea. Caa't Spili OC tip over, wiU aot eoli ¡or ln|uro euythla*. («uerenteed iltocte ve. Of all bealere off I M De lalb A n. F i n e s t In Q u a l 't y . L a r g e s t In V a r l « t « w i They meet ever) requirement fo r «leaning a¿ 4 polishing «hoes o f ail kinds and co lora L i v e r , B iliou an eaa a n d 8 !c k H e a d a c h e . A t D r a n t a t a ’ a r b y M a ll, t f Caata H o v r C h e m r ic a l Co. fo a r u a u . O aooow ................... . ^ RED UCED R ATES •n «11 lines on account ASTORIA CENTENNIAL PAGEANT and Children's boots and shoes, s k ln e a e l r u b b in g , » V . -French Oloss,” 10 c. i D Y combination fo r cleaning and polishing Is o f niasst or tan «hoes, 15c. “ Star” slsa, loo. C 'K W I I I T K makes d irty c a n v a s shoes and w h i t e . In liquid fo rm so It caa be ly and e a s i l y applied. A sponge la e v e r« re, so alw ays r e a d y for use. T w o slaea, 1« cents. ro u ta . r ilr.ler do«* no« keep Ih# kind yon » u l hi. nddrrw nnd th. prie* 1* •tamp, tad i. puhaw. IIT T E M O R K B R O S . 4k O O .. A lb a n y A t., C a m b r l d « « , M a m . Itient a n d I d t r y r r t M a n u f a c t u r a r t QJ Aak your tlckot agent for fu ll details ¿¡hot Eolidhe» in the World, F fi U A U G . 1 0 to SEPT. 9 J O - 'l l nñ¡7BEÑTrtt rltlngr to adv arti ter« plea«« I I VT - N a m e n ilo » this papar. f C O M ET O PORTLAND ANO BE CURED IN FIVE DAYS VARICOSE VEINS, HERNIA, BLOOD II POISON V o « e v e r « operations, man7 cases permanently cared la one treatment. Most tune aa$ lag, most natnr natural, * moat safe. * ‘ ▲ radical aad permanent cure. I 1 giv e my n y wi word and w ill alta ____ I am ear* a to other medical authorities that tL i* is a a fact. tkio a ly prepared to cure by experience and equipment, which ara the keystones to «accesa I have the beat equipped medical office on the Toast. I w ill g iv e $500 to any charity aa guarantee that « v e r y statement la this announcement te im a. 1 Invita you to come to my office. I w ill cs plaia to yon my treatment for Vaiiooee Velas. Hernia, N ervou s D ebility. Blood Poison. P I lea. Fistula. Bladder K idn ey. P rm ta tU aad all Men s A ilm en t« aad g iv e you F R K K a physical « la m in a tion; if necaaaary a microscopical and chemical analysis W «•erettala , to determ ine pathological and bacteriological eoa d itta i«. E very man should take advantage o f this op por tnnity to leara their tra e condition. A «c r m «n «n f C a r « U 1 e f ‘ y e w w e n t . A p e rm a n á ,it f'ur» U id trkml I fit*. wA itee m enata cu m 0« WVITTfM tUAMAMTII My writtengu. ailments or reinad refund every evi we « a y I guarantee to cure certain alimenta dellar you h av« paid. M y service« cost you nothing naleee I care yonr Varicose Veins, Hernia. Pilea, Fistula, Blood P o i son, or any ailment I guarantee tocare. Term s are rcaasmahla and no more than you are able aad w Illin illin g to pay tot 1 benefit«. le • P taadsys, I « A M.M» t f . 9 A C 1 ssc Pi of essor Ihrlicb* wootee mood cowffry, 1SO6" i a ^ | a f t a « « P o is e s , l ic o r e * a -r’icr. 1 *11« I « M a t s a d is tk« fr e m a s i a ñ » d a l | UR« R « Is 911111 N P o tn A R t. ! 9 #