Image provided by: Hood River Library; Hood River, OR
About Mosier bulletin. (Mosier, Or.) 1909-19?? | View Entire Issue (June 16, 1911)
PUBLISHED EVERY ADVERTISING RATES FRIDAY BY Professional Cards......... .................p*r moalh $ .5# x , 1.00 One square................................*»'• • H. C. K1BBEE, Proprietor One-half Column............................ S t ASCRIPTION RATKS One Column ....... ............................ O n e Year Six M onths... Three Months. “ " 3 00 „ .. .a 9 00 «• One-quarter Column....................... * Business loo«»» will be charged at (> e n U per had for each ii.’aei tion. jtfral advertihe.'nedtis Will In &11 Entered as second-«la»» matter March 12. 1» H. at the pu«t office at Mosier. Oreron, under the A ct o f March S. 1K7». VOL. Ill MOSIER. W A SC O C O U N T Y , OREGON, to he expended in attracting German immigration to Oregon. Sw | It is planned to vote the money to t We are in receipt of a folder, the publication of German book , sent by L. R. Aldernjan, Super I lets. telling of the advantag« s intendent of Public Instruction, Oregon offers to t he settler muí announcing: next Monday. June J in answering letters or inquiry 19, as Annua! School Meeting J in the German language. Day. Mr. Alderman urges the j Oregon's newly formed Naval importance of every patron of J Reserve will have a flagship be A the school being present, as he is. fore the end of the month for He can make your watch keep time 'or should he, interested in the United States Cruiser Boston has •welfare of the school. been ordered transferred to dr: ty Mosier has good reason to be at Portland and will he brought proud of her school, and while here during the coming week by there are perhaps many things the officers of this organization. to be desired, we are ahead of It will thereafter lie the head many other schools in some quarters of the Reserve and will things. It is the privilege, as participate in practice cruises to well as the duty, however, of train the officers and men in o f Mosier, Oregon, „ the patrons of this school, to maneuvers. meet and inspect the school For your Drugs, Sundries, Patent Medicines, Station Portland now claims to har e house, grounds, sanitary condi the fastest motor boat in the tions and everything in general en/. Toilet Articles, Candy and Cigars, IceCream and world, the Oregon W olf having- i pertaining to the school, on this Soda Water. Everything in the Drug line. just been launched, and it made day, and discuss ways and means its first apperance at races ran ■of bettering any conditions that during the Rose Festival. This seems necessary. craft was built solely for speed A t this meeting, a director purposes and it is expected to will be elected to serve three race her throughout the country. years, and a clerk to serve one She runs at the rate of 41 miles year. As the election of a direct an hour. • or should he a matter of con- j Bankers of the state have been in sideration and judgment, it is I session in Portland the past week urgently desired that the school anu they say never before has voters of the district turn out in hanking been in such a satisfac full force and select one among tory conditions in Oregon. The them who will take as much in- ! report o f President Martin de terest in the welfare of th e! clared there was more railroad school a 3 the outgoing director, building last year than et er be Mr. Geo. Wood, has always done. fore and prospects for the entire It is taken for gran ted that ever; state were never better. With j- parent has a lively interest in our! the big crops now in sight, a institution of learning, hut there ! prosperous year is certain. nvay be some well Qualified in ‘ every respect who do not care to accept si ch a thankless position. Would Start Gymnasium. While we do not say a man has no With an interest in, and an eye Tight to refuse, for personal or open to the general welfare of ■others reasons, to fill such a M 08 jer> tbe Rev. K. li. Sicka- position, we do say he should j f()ose suggests tiie feasibility of take his turn for the public good. starting a gymnasium in Mosier. Mrs. Amy L. Gove, who has We beiieve it woul(, a g00() been Principal of the Mosier thing. fn). the boys and young COMMERCIAL CLUB T O - 270,000,000 tons of dissolved school for the past three terms, ¡ men—everybody, for that matter, NIGHT j matter and 513,000,000 tons of and who has done excellent woik to bave a where they can There will he a meeting of tho suspended matter. 1 his total of all thru, being conscientious and | me(,t ,,nd ,,vt physical exerci8e Mosier Valley Commercial Club j 783,000,^000 tons represents more painstaking to a degree, was re- of the svsteinatic kind; where belt I this evening to consider the than 350,000,000 cubic yards of elected to serve another term, j they can get proper instrUction employing a rock, or 610 000,000 cubic yards but resigned for good and suffi- ag to the be8t methoda of (level. advisability of / . , , oh , i of surface soil. It this erosive cent reasons, and the hoard has oping. thr bodv. W e beIieve j( manager for the club. I lie club actjon ba(] been concentrated on secured the services of an in -1 can be accomplished, with a Httie now has under consideration the the Isthmus of Panama at the structor who comes with the j e f f o r t . O f course, the beginning application of Mr. A. S. Ashley, time of American 'occupation it highest recommedations. The would be gmaI)> as the fund for a gentleman who has been for a would have excavated the prism for an 85-foot level canal in about genUeman is Mr. J. E. Johnson, itarting the gymnasium would number of years private secretary 73 days.—Geological Survey to William McMurry and who for o f Castle Rock Wash. His as- have to come (;ron, popular sub- Press Bulletin. sistants will be Miss Agnes Han- scription. It is quitG pr, , i.p, the last year has been the mana •son, of Winlock, Wash., for the ... ger of the Baker City Commer . , ... . . . . however, that every person m intermediate room, and Miss Mo3ier W0l]1(l be R,ad to contrib- cial Club. The definite location of the e x - ! ■Hazel Huntington, of The Dalles ute to snch a fund for 8llcha pnr. Mr. and Mrs. Ed L. Howe re- in the primary room. All the and that it would he possible hii>it booth will he decided on! A N N U A L SCHOOL A lE r.l- in g . L A R A WA Y Hood River's Reliable Jeweler for s Vatches, Diamonds, Jewelry F R ID A Y , FIFTH NOTICE! Beginning M A RC H 1st all busi ness will be done on a cash or 30 day basis. On Bills not paid by the 15th ot the following mondi from date ot purchase, credit will be refused un til settlement. W. E. osier CHO Ore Local teachers are well qualified H,r their positions, and there is •every reason to believe that Mosier’s school will continue in its high standard set by the out going teachers. Remember, the annual meet ing occurs next Monday. Be sure and come. to raise a sum sufficient to err :p This evening and other important | turned the first of the w^,ek from Portland. a room fairly well with para matters will he discussed. Every member of the Club as phernalia for ordinary gymnas Miss Isabel Rogers, of San Jose, wed I as every citizen of the Dis ium work. Cal., is visiting the family of C. As for a room for the work, trict is urged to attend this C. Clement, at Grand View. there is none available for such meeting as there are matters of, Mrs. W . A. Stark left yester purpose, outsideof Stroup’s Hall, importance which must be acted day for her home at Hood River, except the basement of the upon at once anckas these mat after visiting here several days Christian Church. We under ters are of interest to you, it is, with her daughter, Mrs. Akers. stand, however, that the therefore, to your personal inter- Rev. Mr. Blake, of Hood River , as well as yeur duty to your OUR PORTLAND LETTER officers of the church have elf and to the community to Valley, will preach in tlie Im- offered the use of this room for P ortland , O re ., June 13.— gymnasium purposes. “ Let it corne out and have a voice in manuel Church, Mosier, next Sunday morning and evening. That this will be the biggest! be throughly understood,” said these matters. ________________ All are cordially invited to attend. year that Oregon has ever known, j Mr> Sickafoose. “ that this is in with the biggest crop total in its no way connected with the history, is the prediction m ade; church. W e are simply offering by Dr. James \Y ithycombe, di-Ohe room for the benefit of the rector of the United Slate Experi- ruhlic, as there appears to he no ment Station at Corvallis. He ] 0 tber p|ace that can he secured estimates that the total value of without tro much expense.” Oregon crops_for 1911 will be' while the basement of the more than $125,000,000. church is in some wavs not ad- Loggers of the Columbia River apted to gymnasium work. having Basin will go to Vancover, B. C. a ]ow ceiling, it will answer the to attend the third annual Log- purpose until a better one can I k * ging Congress to lie held there bad. At any rate, the offer ip June 22-23. The conditions that made in* good faith and the obtain in this industry wifi lie citizens should take advantage discussed thoroughly and all mat of it and make an effort to start ters o f interest to timbermen will the gymnasium. There are be taken up. It is expected this several young men in town who will be one of the most important are willing to give instruction gratuitously. The only expense, aside from the initial cost of the necessary apparatus, will l>e Ijutht and fuel, and that can lie met by a small monthly mem- bership foe. We would suggest ^]iat the citizens get together and d() about it, -and the lo something some 16, 1911 NO. 15 - ’ NiCHOL & CO. ~ The 0 ~ W . R. & N . (yo. will sell tickets to Portland during Rose Festival week for one first- class fare and one third for the round trip. Sale dates: June 5, 7. 8 and 9, 1911. Final return limit, June 12 , 1911. C arlton pai.i for before affidavits R O S E kiMMI FESTIVAL , ^ char8#<* to the party ordering ihWtr at fcpftl raw *’ an^ Portland, Ore., June 5 to 1 0 ,1 9 1 1 The Arthur & Burt Drag Co., , Prescriptions a Specialty. JU N E ANNUAL j Go To •meetingsevei held in the history of Northwest logging and there promises to be a large attendance, Tillamook wih celebrate the the opening of its railroad from 4hat city to a point in the Nehal- em \ alley near Wheeler on July 1. This road will probably l>e opened between Portland and Tillamook in the Fall. (ierman-speaking societies of this city have raised a fund to he used in connection with a sum provided by the Commercial Club 5 M L. P e p p e r 1 General Merchandise M o s ier - - O regon L A W Y E R 3061 East Second St., Long Distance Phone, Main 2201 The Dalles Oregon C. H. JENKINS, 1). M. D. D e n t is t OFFICE OVElt BUTLEK BANKING COMPAN Y PHONES: ! G eo . C h a m b e r l a i n REAL ESTATE Fruit -Prom All Points Lands Oregon-Washing! on Railroad Office 2S Resilience 28 B HOOD RIVER EXCURSION FARES EAST 1911 OREGON a Specialty & Navigation Company TO PARES Mosier Oregon Chicago....................................... $72.50 ( PUBLISH Elt) 6 0 .0 0 Council Bluffs VV. A. HUSBANDS Omaha Department o f The Interior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon Kansas City B lacksmith St. Joseph May 22nd, 1911. NOTICE is hereby given that Frank St. Paul Shoeing and Generál 6 3 .0 0 Horse W, Saltzman, o f Mosier, Oregon, who, i St. Paul via Council Bluffs, 60.00 on June 28th, 1904, made Homestead! Minneapolis, direct, Repair Work. 63.00 No. 13630, Serial No. 03238, for WAS ] Minneapolis via Council Bluffs, 70. (H) Sa I ¡«faction guaranteed w |, Sec. 17, Tp. 2 North, Range 12 E St. Loi is NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION MOSIER W.\l„ 1ms filed notice o f intention to PALE DATES make final five year proof, to establish ' claim to the land above described, be May 1«, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 24 , 25, 27, 28 and 29. fore the Register and Receiver o f the U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore June 5, 7 , 9, 10, 12, 16, 17, 21, 22. 28. 29 and 30. gon, on the 27th day o f June, 1911. July 1, 2, 8, 4 , 5, 6, 19, 20, 26, 27 and Claimant names as witnesses: 28. Richard Evans, Lee Evans, Jr., Er nest Evans, William Stevenson, all of August'3, 4,‘ 5, 14, 15, 16, 17, 21,22, 23, 28, 29 and 30. Mosier, Oregon. September 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 and 7. C. W. M oore , Stop-overs "within limits in either di Register. Je23 rection. Final return limit October 31st. One way through California $15,00 additional, REPORT WM. At Mosier, in the State o f Oregon, at the close o f business, June 7, 1911: DO LLARS CTS - t o T h e C a r e o f th e First National Bank of The Dalles, Oregon WILL HAVE PROMPT ATTENTION Capital - - $100,000.00 Surplus and undivid ed iwoiits - 100 , 000.00 J. S. SCHENCK, P r e s id e n t McMURRAY M ax A. V ogt Cashier DAVENPORT HARNESS Co. General Passenger Agent PORTLAND, OREGON NOTICE FOR GAY YOWELL, Mgr. PUBLICATION Harness ( p u b l is h e r ) Loans and discounts.................................... $46,092 62 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured......... None Stocks and other securities....................... 15 00 Furniture and fixtures............................ 1,430 95 Other real estate ow ned........................... 1,000 00 Due from hanks (not reserve b an ks)____ 3,4*5 22 Due from approved reserve hanks........... 8,140 2d Checks and other cash item s.................. 448 20 Cash on hand................................................. 2,465 52 T o t a l .......................... $63.077 77 DOLLARS C IS $10,iNX! (X) 813 02 . 48,096 41 175 (X) . 1,402 34 . 2,591 00 T o t a l .......................... $63,077 77 | STATE OF OREGON, „ COUNTY OF WASCO, ss - I, Robt. M. Ross, Cashier o f the above-named hank, d o solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best o f my k n o w « « « »mi R o b t . M . R obb , Cashier. CORRECT Attest. J o h n P. R os . s , D a v id R o b in s o n , J . N. M o s ie r , en trusted OR Of the condition o f the Capital stock paid ip ............................ Undivided profits, leas expense, and taxeH paid.......................................... Individual deposits subject to c h e c k .. Demand certificates o f deposit........... Cashier’s checks outstanding’ .............. Time certificates o f deposit.................. B u s in e s s OREGON Vice Pres. MOSIER V A L L E Y BANK LIA BILITIES - Inquire of any O-W. R. & N. Agent E d M. W il l ia m s For Mor- Complete information NO 53. RESOURCES A ll - Directors". Subscribed and sworn to before me this 13th day o f June, 1911. D D. H a il , , , Notary Public. [Seal.] and Saddlery Good? Tents, Wagon Covers, £ tc Department o f The Interior, Hand-made Harness a Specialty U. S. 1,and Office at The Dalles, Oregon, May 13th, 1911. HOOD RIVER - OREGON — ■ ---------------------j ^ NOTICE is hereby given thut Mari etta Hihireth, of Mosier, Oregon, who, on October 8th, 190.1, made Homestead, No. 05386, for iota 3, !, and NKISW4, Rfop. Sec. 7, Tp. I North, Range 12, EWM>, C. II. DUNSM ORE, has filed notice o f intention to make DEALER IN Final Commutation Proof, to establish Fresh and Cured Meats claim to the land above described l r- Country Produce for the Register and Receiver o f the U. S. Land Office, at The Dulles, Ore gon, on the 21st day o f June, 1911. MOSIER M A RK ET Mosier - Oregon Claimant names as witnesses: R o b e r t T. N e w h a l l Gerald Wyss, Roy Abernathy, Fran E. Cram and Fedal Yackie, all of Mo sier, Oregon. G. W M oore , Register. Representing M il t o n N u r s er y C o Growers o f Reliable Nursery Stock Je 16 HOOD RIVER - OREGON Nationid Educational Associa inn tory, known as the “ Timber and Stone Law,” at such value as might he fixed San Francisco, July 8 -1 4 ' by -appraisement, and that, pursuant For parties des’ring to attend to such application, the land and tim the aliove meeting, a special ber thereon have been appraised, the round trip rate of one and one- Umber estimated 007,000 hoard feet at third fare lias been made by tl e 75 cents per M, and the land $220.1X1; that said applicant will offer final Oregon-Washington Railroad and proof in suppoft o f Ms application and Navigation Company from u 1 ► sworn statement on the 13th day o f points on its lines in, Oregon, ■ I dy, 1911, before the Register and Re Washington and Idaho. Tickets ceiver of the IJ. S. Land Office, at The on sale June 22nd, July 1st and Dalles, Oregon. Any person is at liberty to protes't 0 th. With going limit July 10th, this purchase before entry, or initiate and final return limit Sept. 15th, a contest at M y time before patent is 1911. Stop overs allowed at Port sues, by filing a corroborated affidavit land and south thereof within go- in this office, alleging facts which ingand returning limits. Choice would defeat the c*try. C. W. M ookk , of routes via steamer from Port * RegistiY. land at slightly reduced fares. For more detailed information, every one if ProfK‘rly’ •*“ *■ , sion Steamer “ T. J. Potter” has fares, ect. call on any I,ocal NOTICE TO CREDITORS. if some Persist in sprinkling at been-chartered f<f this occasion, Agents of the O-W. R. & N. t o In the matter of the estate of Joeepti a11 houfs’ ° r runni" « the wat,er and will leave Portland from Ash i R. Huskey, deceased. at night, the supply cannot be street Dock 11 p. m., June 19th, N OTICE FOR PUBLICATION Notice is hereby given’ that the un- kept up. returning from Astoria at mid- 1 deraigned has been appointed by the (PUBLISHER) RATES FOR THE USE OF WATER, night, June 21st. Department o f The Interior, U. 8. County Court of the State o f Oregon, Hou*»hoid, per month, 75c. Bath, Delegates are earnestly re- Land Office at The Dallea, Oregon, for Wasco County, the administrator de bonis non. o f the estate o f Joseph R. per month, 25c. quested to make reservations for May 3rd, 1911. W EARING A W A Y OF MOTHER Rev’ T’ f ’ Hazelef ° " . field secretary of the Pacific Coast EARTH Rescue and Protective Society, Investigation by the United wj„ )ecture at lecture at the Christian GRAND LODGE KNIGHTS States Geological Survey of . Church next Sunday morning. OF PYTHIAS erosion o f numerous drainage Subject> “ The down and out Man — ------ - «»w ---------- basins of the United States show and Woman> or Diamonds in the toat the surface of the country R()lli, b ” Astoria, Oregon, June 2 0-21 , ’ l l is being removed at the average ___________________________ | For the above occasion, the 0 - rn ■ , ; 1 mt an inch in 760 years, i opE CIA L NOTICE TO W ATER W. R. & N. Co. will sell low Though litis amount seems trivial U 8 KRS. round trip tickets from all points wb<*n spread over the surface of Your attention is called to the including branches at Special the country, it becomes stupend following Rates and Rules for Low Round Trip fares, ous when considered as a total, Tickets will lie sold June 18 or even in separate -drainage the use of water, and which and 19, good for return until basins. Mississippi River, for must be strictly adhered to. There is plenty of water for June 24th. The splendid Excur* instance, carries annually to the cea 134.400.00p tons of dissolved matter and 340,500,000 tons of suspended matter.and of this total Ohio River carries 83.350,000 tons and ..Vi- ouri River contributes more than twice as much. Col orado River, which has built up for <:tse|f a vast delta, brings Sprinkling, per month, for each lot down more suspended matter or fraction o f lot, one hydrant, 75c. than any other in the United Additional hydrants, 25c. each. States, do Bering annually 387 RULES FOR SPRINKLING. tons for each square mile of its Wat, r mUít ^ Me<¡ through a , _ ... ... NOTICE ia hereby given that Albeft Huskey, deceased. All persons having B. Cornha, whose’ postt-oAice uddreS* claims against sai.f estate are hereby •r. ia Portland, Oregon, did, on the 13th i notified to present the same, property sooner the b flay o f May, 1909, file in thia office verified, to the undersigned at Mosier, Wasco Oountv, Oregon, within sfx Sworn Statement and Application, No. , months from the date o f this notice. 04866. to purchase the NKI-4NWI-4, Robert Hardv ick is making 1 ra in a g e asín, o r a total o f 100,- »pnnkler between the hour« o f 7 and land, O reg on Dated June 1st, 1911. 9 o’clock A. M., or 6 and8 o ’clock P.M. I For detailed fare from any and StNWl-4, Sec. 10, Tp. 1 North, C. T. R knnf .TT, arrangments to build a modern 740,000 Dm«. Administrator de bonis non. o f the Persona using water overtime will be station, call on any O-W . R. & Range 11, KWM., and the timber residence on his lot at the head The ri vers o f the United States thereon, under the provisions of the Estate o f Joaeph R. Hua’ ey, if«- charged extra. f| Agent. of Main Street. carry to tidewater every year act o f June 3, 1878, and act- amend« censed. J. N. MOSIER. 4 9 accommodations either through local agenta or C. W. Stinger, City Ticket Agent, 3id and Washington Streets, I’ ort- 1