Image provided by: Hood River Library; Hood River, OR
About Mosier bulletin. (Mosier, Or.) 1909-19?? | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1911)
Loss of Appetite Which I* so common In the spring or upon the return of warm weather. Is loss of vitality, vigor or tone, and Is often a forerunner of prostrating dis ease. It Is serious and especially so to people that must keep up and doing or get behindhand. The best medicine to take for It Is the great constitutional remedy Hood’s Sarsaparilla Which purifies and enriches the blood and builds up the whole system. Get it today in usual liquid form oi c h o c o la te d tablets k n o w n as S arsatab s. AGENTS and SOLICITORS newly patented article; carried in pocket. Send 16c in stampa for sam ple to Pocket Door Lock Co., ISO Mohawk B ld g.. Portland, O regon. M O H A I R w à 0DE5 and Bead Tomato««. Orowera having a choice variety of Bmatoee ahould aelect tha beat and larlleat ripe fruit for seed A dozen fines of this same kind planted In the tame soil and given the same fer' 11- zlng and culture will show marked inferences In order of ripening and In he yield. Let the fruit get fully ripe: he pulp of the tomatoes should be 10ft, the seed can then be easily iqueeied out Into a pan of water. Let b e seed remain In the water over light; the next day drain off, then rash In several waters to remove the nuctlage. strain through muslin, iquseto the water out of the seed, ben spread the seed on papers to dry n the sun. The seed should be dry ind hard before wrapping up. Mark tach variety distinctly, and the date if ripening. Keep In tin hoc «way Tom mica. Wear This Stylish Suit! T h e m an who la ad m in 'd la th e sw ell* _ dronecd m an whoa*» clo th e* are faeh ¡e n a b le , aud are ID I I at > lea. Y o u w il l b o t l m t 11 1* 1« In y o u r u e iic h lm r lto o « ! 1 1911 ats lee a r e ju a t iu. G e l l id s atilt —th e a w ellea t. clnaaleat. anappiewt it> le we e \e r cr e a te d —and b e t t e r y o u r a p p e a r a n c e ! THIS IS OUR IOC At W p want one m an us our n pitw eillative in y o u r n e i g h b o r h o o d . Y o u 'v e g o t a lot o i fr ie n d * T h e y w e a r clo th e*». It i* th e earnest th in g in th e world to get th e m to ord er th e ir lothe* from v o u . P r lc M . $7 6T nnd ip. T h ose ord ers m eun a h lg b u s i n ess th a t m o r e th a n d o u b le s y o u r a u liir y . an«l th e work is th e easiest, cle a n e st, n ice st occupation rl in th e world New rep resen tatives m ake $5 to S10 a day Y o u sim ply tak e th e o r d e r am i m easu rem ents snd mail thorn to ua Wo mskcthocleihoa. ■hipthorn on.approval to four friend and hi»nd you the profit money. A Regular Cluchl That s the beauty of being in buat- uesa for yourself Sit right d wn now; write use postal or a letter for the free out fit to repreaoutativea. And you get thi •wollesi suit o f fskhionsble tailor-mad«», sil w«<d 1911 clothes aver worn la youi neighborhood. If y.>ur personal appear anc- aud a big business 11 » " i th a posts' or a 2-cet t «tamp t.> you. then act n o w - w n u u s today Address UtanCAN WOOLEN MILLS CO.. Dept 512. Chicot W r ite 'Today for Prices THE H. F. NORTON CO. 9J3 and315 Front St. PORTLAN D. ORE. Ï r f\ T \ A IT C \J JL J i l I V ö AND KODAK SUPPLIES W rite for catalogues and literature. Developing and printing. Mail orders given prompt attention RHEUMATISM DIVINE RIGHT OF KINGS King James' Complacent Estimate of Royal Dignity aa Expressed In 8 peech. Portland Photo Supply Co. 149 Third Street ^ /f ^ T T l V l V P O R T L A N D . ORB. A T Send for prices and /n r l l l N .Olii pine tags. THEO. BERNHE M CO. 247 A sh S t., Portland. Ore. "i I f so send today for 1 X a 1 ^ . z book “H ow to g e t well 1 " ■ and keep w ell.” DR W. FREEZE. Neurologist. 308 Merduals Trust Bldg. Portland. n A Thrilling Event. H. E. Dunn used to b« traveling pas senger ageut for a western rallrond, but gave that up and went to a small town to live Dunn frequently felt the need of excitement. Once, when he was really depressed with the mo notony of his life, he saw a wildly ex cited crowd gathered on a vacant lot. Prominent citizens were there hop ping up and down, gesticulating and shouting; and Dunn felt that the un expected had happened and something was doing. He rushed to the lot and gasped out: “ What's the matter?" “ Matter!” shouted a rampant etti- sen. “ Matter? Why, we are going to hive a swarm of bees.”— Philadelphia Saturday Evening Post. The Limit. “ He absolutely lacks the business Instinct." “ Does he?” “ Why, he'd have no more Idea of business than to open a garage In Venice.” — Chicago Record-Herald. M u n you ’s R heum atism R em edy relieves p a lp s iu the legs, arm s, back, stiff oc sw ollen jo in ts . C ontains no m orphine, opium , cocain e o r d ru g s to denden the paiu. I t neutralizes the acid and drives ou t ull rheum atic p oison s fro m the s y s tem. W rite l*rof. M unyon, 63d and J e ff erson Sts.. P hila., I»a., for medica) ad vice. a b solu tely free. prepared tor tmeruency. “What makes you keep giving mi fish for dinner day after day?” he In quired. “ Are you particularly fond ol it?" “No,” she replied, “ I was wholly unselfish. I read a lovely recipe about how to remove a fish bone when 11 sticks In your throat, and I wanted tc try It”_____________________________ SEVEN YEARS OF MISERY All Relieved by Lydia E. Pink* barn’s Vegetable Compound. Sikeston, Mo. — “ For seven years I suffered everything. I was in bed for four or five days CITY REAL ESTATE AND HOMES at a t i m e e v e r y month, and so weak 330 Railway Exchange Building, Portland, Or. I could hardly walk. I cramped and had backache and head ache, and w a s so S k y lig h t s Tanks G u tte rs nervous and weak D o w n S p o u t s S t e e l C e il in g that I dreaded to see anyone or have /. C. BAYER anyone move in the 204 Market Portland. Oregon room. The doctors S E N D FOR C A T A L O G U E . gave me medicine to ease me at th o s e times, and said that 1 ought to have an operation. I would not listen to that, J 5$ IN S IS T U P O N ^ and when a friend o f my husband told him about Lydia E. Pinkliam’s Vege table Compound and what it had done for his wife, I was willing to take it. K e ro s e n e Now I look the picture o f health and feel like it, too. I can do my own house l . A. KLEIN S CO.. I k .. DUlribakn j 28 F r o n t S tre e t Portland, O r e ^ * work, hoe my garden, and milk a cow. L can entertain company and enjoy them. I can visit when I choose, ana walk as far as any ordinary woman, BELMONT AUTO SCHOOL any day in the month. I wish I could talk toevery sufferingwomanandgirl.” —Mrs. D uma B eth cn e , Sikeston, Mo. The most successful remedy In this country for the cure o f all forms of female complaints is Lydia E. Pink- BELMONT AUTO SCHOOL k ham’s Vegetable Compound. REALTY COMPANY It is more wide'y and successfully East 23d and Morrison. Portland, Or. used than any other remedy. It has cured thousands o f women who have been troubled with displacements, in THE EMPIRE LINE flammation, ulceration, fibroid tumors, H ave you seen the E asy Run irregularities, periodic pains, backache, ning E m p :re Cream Separator that bearingdownfeeling, indigestion, or ihe Lauaon Frost K in g G as and nervous prostration, after all other oline Engine? If not, you should, for they are both lead means had failed. Why don’t yon tryit? FARMS, ACREAGE ^ WESTERN Gr r MANTLES ers in their line, and the prices are right. W e will he glad to send you catalogs. EMPIRE CREAM SEPARA TOR CO.. Ltd. 326 Flanders St.. Portland, Or.^j NO D U S T SWEEPIN6 COMPOUND Cleans and b righten s Car pets. Rugs. Linoleums and Floors. A bsorbs the germ laden d ust. S aves dusting and beating carpets. Less Majeate. Sir John Randles, representing Eng land at the foreign steel magnates’ banquet In Chicago, praised American business energy and alertness. “ The following conversation," said Sir John, "which was overheard be tween a manager and a clerk In the water works of a certain English town, could never have occurred In America. What the manager said was this: “ ‘I am compelled to ask you. Smith- son, to change your desk to the floor below, for you not only sleep during working hours, but. to make matters worse, you snore so loud that you con tinually wake up our revered superin tendent I' “ This cigar tastes like It was mads of cabbage," growls the customer. "H u h !” replies the clerk. “ If vou knew the wholesale price of cabbage this year you wouldn't Insinuate that It could be put In a flve-cent cigar.” Per bbl.. 200 lb s .. . |f>.00 Per bbl.. 150 lb s ... 4.00 75-lb. m etal drum 2.50 Order by mail or through your grocer. CRESCENT CHEMICAL CO. 526 W ash ington St.. Portland. Or. Free from A lco h o l Since May, 1906, Ayer's Sar saparilla has been entirely free from alcohol. If you are in poor health, weak, pale, nerv ous, ask your doctor about tak ing this non-alcoholic tonic and alterative. If he has a better medicine, take his. Get the best always. This is our advice. V, • publish our form u las uers W o boni ah a'oohol from our madialoaa W a area you ta sonati!« your dootor A sluggish liver means a coated tongue, a bad breath, and constipated bowels. The question is. “ What is the bestthing to do under such circum itancea?” A si your doctor if this is not a good answer: ‘ ‘ Take laxative doses of Ayef’ « Pilla.” —■«a« ,y tea i. c. I i m Ca.. Lawau. Mm — The state of monarchy Is. the so- premeet thing on earth; for kings are not only Qod's lieutenants upon earth, and sit upon God's throne, but even by God himself they are called gods. There be three principal similitudes that Illustrate the state of monarchy. Oue taken out of tho word of God and the other two taken out of the grounds of policy and philosophy. In the Scriptures kings are called gods and so their power Is after a cer tain relation compared to the divine power. Kings are also compared to the fathers of families; for a king Is truly perens patriae, the politic fa ther of his people. And lastly kings are compared to the head of this mi crocosm of the body of man. Kings are Justly called gods, for that they exercise a manner of re semblance of divine power upon earth; for If you will consider the at tributes to God, you shall see how they agree In the person of a king. God hath power to create or destroy, make or unmake at his pleasure, to give Ufa or send death, to judge all and to be judged nor accountable to none, to raise low things and to make high things low at his pleasure, and to God are both soul and body due. And the like power have kings; they make and unmake their subject, they have power of raising and casting down, of life and death, Judges over all their subjects and In all causes and yet accountable to none but God only. They have power to exalt low things and abase high things, and make of tLeir subjects like men at the chess— a pawn to taka a bishop or a knight— and to cry up or down any of their subjects, as they do their money. And to the king Is due both the affection of the soul and the serv ice of the body of his subjects.— From a Speech of James I. Defore Parlia ment In 1609. HOW TO DOCTOR THE TREES Som « Simple Directions for Treating Cavities Which Are 8 till Small. Many of the so-called tree doctors, as well as the people who employ them, have become so elated over the idea of tree surgery that they find ■tome cause for treating almost every and any tree, regardless of Its neces sities or the results of such treatment, or whether It Is worth while to spend either time or money upon them. A word of caution Is therefore not out of place. If you feel that your trees need attention, look Into the matter of tree doctoring, so that you may know something about It. and then call upon a responsible man with a good reputation to do your work. When the tree has been neglected and cavities have formed In the trunk of the tree, something should be done to stop the Increase of the opening, for, after It has become so large as to en circle the greater portion of the tree, or where the entire center has been destroyed. It Is not worth the time and money It takes to properly treat these trees. In cases where the tree can still be treated the cavity should be scraped and cleaned of all dead wood, then give the cavity a thorough wash ing or spraying with a solution of cop per sulphate. This solution, applied to all parts of the cavity, will kill all the remaining rot spores. Now the cavity is ready to be filled with a ce ment mixture, using one part of ce ment to three parts of clean, sharp sand. This Is packed Into the cavity, filling It to one Inch of the finished surface, and then apply a covering of ono part cement to one part sand. This Is put on eo as to bring the filling to a smooth surface, making It conform to the contour of the tree trunk. A coat of coal tar may be ap plied to discolor the cement and aid In making the filling water-tight. He Wae Scared. There used to be a sheriff In a Green mountain county of Vermont who for 40 years had driven his p la nners — murderers, moonshiners, thieves— through the woods In his bug gy to the county Jail and yet who had never carried a revolver nor used a pair of handcuffs In his life. He had a strong band, a brave heart and a stutter. “ Weren't you ever afraid?" aome one asked him one day. “W-well, I 'How once t w-wus t-t-tol- 'rable well skeert,” he admitted, slow ly. “I h heard 8 81 P Perkins, the barber, wus g gone d daft an’ wur c-carvin’ p people up. an’ I c-calc'lated It wuz my official d-dooty to g go an’ arrest him. 8o t w went d-down -to 8-81’s shop, an’ w-went In, an’ 8 81 c-come at me w-wlth a r razor In each h-hand. An’ then t Tlow I wus t-tol Table well skeert.” "W hat did you do?” "W-w-well," said the old sheriff, spitting thoughtfully Into the sandbox beside the stove, ”1 wus s-so i s skeert that I t took 'em s-a-away from him.’ — Every bod r’e. Force of Habit. “Do you know. Dr. Knlfem walked deliberately past me today and never spoke." “ Don’t mind that, Emmy. He’s so used to cutting people tliat he did It without UanklLg.” 85,000 COLONISTS FEW COME IN 30 DAYS RULES FOR DIETING We Give Avuay Absolutely Free of Cost Tea Much Trifling With Digestion Thee« Days and Much Harm Results. Railroad Officials Say Southern Coast Benefits Most. M ore In One Month Than in Forty- Five Days During Same Period in I9IO. Chicago — Revised statistics com piled by officials o f the Harriman line and reports furnished by representa tives of other railroads which handled colonist passenger business to the Pa cific Coast during the 30-day period ending April 10 disclose that all rec ords for that class of travel during the annual spring period were smashed this year. Tables that have been compiled show that 85,000 persons traveled from hundreds o f points in the East, North and South cities on the western edge o f the continent while the special rates offered by the various lines were in force. This figure, it is declared, exceeds by fully 15,000 to the total of last spring when colonist rates were offered throughout a period of 45 days. The travel this year was distributed as follows: ’ Southern Pacific, via Ogden, 15,- 320; via El Paso, 9,929; via Los An geles, 868; via Portland, 3,761. Oregon - Washington Railroad & Navigation company, 11,600. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe, 20,- 000. Northwest route, via Hill lines, es timated, 15,000. Via other lines, estimated, 10,000. It is estimated that fully 50,000 of all those who traveled on colonist tick ets this spring went to California and extreme Western states other than those classified in the Pacific North west group. The Santa Fe carried practically all o f its colonist travelers to California, and the bulk o f this class o f business over the Harriman lines went in the same direction. Data compiled by representatives of the Harriman roads for the spring period ijf 1910 shows that 29,170 col onist passeners were transported over the Southern Pacific line during that time, and during that time and that 10,490 others traveled over the Ore- gon-Washington Railroad & Naviga tion company’s roufe. The total for the Santa Fe road this year, it is declared, shows an increase o f fully 15 per cent over the business done last spring. A table prepared by passenger traffic officials of the Harriman lines in re gard to colonist travel to California from the spring of. 1901 to the fall of 1910 shows the following figures: Via Ogden, 385,750. Via El Paso, 179,678. Via Portland, 45,794. Via Los Angeles, 14,106. Total, 625,328. The Santa Fe road is offemg a spe cial rate of one fare for the round trip to points in California account o f the Electrical Supply Jobbers’ association convention. Here are a few rulea that the girl who le determined to diet does well to observe There Is too much trifling with our digestion these days, and not the least harm Is done by the notion tor undereatlng. Never diet on the advice of & friend. Her regimen may have done wonders for her and will put you to bed or make you a eorry-looklug wreck. Don’t diet (o excess at any time. Girls, make sure she knows dietetics. Many physicians, good in other things, have little knowlege of the effect of food upon the system. If you want to diet from a cause, as from diabetes or kidney trouble, do It religiously; almost better not begin than to do It spasmodically, letting up whenever food ternpe you. If you only diet for the sake of fig ure or complextlon, count the cost be fore starting. Cutting out the foods of ordinary family meals Is hard. Ask yourself, “ Which means most to me, the loss of a few pounds or being a nuisance at mealtime?" Don’t keep on dieting If you feel that It disagrees with you. This holds good even when your food list 1 b care fully censored by a phylslclan. The best of them will make mistakes Find out In time what Is wrong. Don’t diet to excess at any time. Women often go to the point of weak entng their entire system by injudi ciously following a doctor's advice. Common sense and moderation are good things to hold to In the matter of food. __________________ The People’ s Common Sense Medical Adviser, in Plain English, or Medicine Simplified, by K. V. Pierce, M. D., Chief Consulting Physician to the Invalids’ Hotel and Sur gical Institute at Buffalo, a book of 100ft large pages and over 700 il'.ustrutious, in strong paper cover«, to any one «ending 21 one-cent »tamps to cover co«t o f mailing only, or, in French Cloth binding for 31 stamps. Over 6ft0,000 copies of this complete Family Doctor Book were sold in cloth binding at regular price of $1.50. Afterwards, oue and a half million copies were given eway as ubove. A new, up-to-date revised edition is now ready for mailing. Better send NOW, before all are gone. Address W o r l d ’ s D is * ruNSAKY M edical A ssociation , R. V . Pierce, M. D ., President, Buffalo, N. Y« im . P IE R C E S F A V O R IT E P R E S C R IP T IO N TH E ONK RE M E D Y for w om an’ s peculiar ailments good enough that its makers are not afraid to print on its outside wrapper ill every ingredient. N o Secrets—N o Deception. TH E O N E RE M E D Y for women which contains no alcohol and no habit-forming drugs. Made from native medicinal forest roots of well established curative value. la a deceptive disease thousands have it and T D n | T R l F* don ’t know it. If you want 1 good results you can make no m istake by using Dr. K ilm er’s Sw am p-R oot, the g "e a t kidney rem edy. A t d ruggists in fifty - | cent and dollar sizes. Sam ple bottle by mail free, also pam phlet tillin g you how to find out if you I have kidney trouble. Address D r. Kilm er «& Co.. Bingham ton, N . Y . ART CREATION Panam a-Pacific International Exposition. E verybody buys T ran sfer Emblem in tw elve colors, three beau tifu l maidens representing: Com merce, M anufacturing: and A griculture, size ten inches, b iggest sellers on Earth, transfers on any thing. A g e n ts w an ted. Sam ple by mail 60c. Don’t delay. A d dress 1915 Exposition A d Co.. S32 M arket S t.. San Francisco. Taking tha Rain Cura. The complexion cure of the Irish so ciety belle Is the rain cure, according to the Pall Mall Oazette. The Irish woman puts on her raincoat, and a small hat, without veil, and saunters out for a brisk walk In the hardest downpour, letting the fresh drops play on her face as they will. When she returns to her home she changes her wet clothee, rubs her face with a soft, warm towel and rests all her facial m u s c le s .__ TR Y MURINE EYE REMEDY for Red. Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes andGranulutedEyelids. Murine Doesn't Smart—Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid. 25c, 50c, $1.00. Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, 25c, $1.00. Eye Books and Eye Advice FYee by Mail. Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago. Love In England. “In England,” says the London Dally Mall, “ love dwells and remains In the Inmost secret recesses of the soul; It does not circulate about In the air. That Is why the air In England Is somewhat cold. And that la why closed up hearts there burn so In tensely. For the English love Is not the delightful occupation of youth, It Is the very warp through which the whole life Is woven.’’ Queetlon of Dlspoeltlon. Dissatisfied Patron—Gentle dlspoel tlon 1 Why, he wants to bite the head off every dog he meets. I've been ; WIRELESS REPORTS, ORDER. swindled!” Dog Merchant — “ You didn’t ought to keep dogs at all, mister. Ships Carrying Passengers Must The animals you ought to keep wlv Have Equipment July 15. your temperament Is silkworms."— Washington, April 17.— In May and Punch. June the department o f Commerce and Labor will prepare for enforcing the law which requires passenger- carrying vessels o f tha United States to be equipped with wireless on and after July. 15. All vessels which are already equip ped will be required to register them selves by wireless when 100 miles at sea with a navy wireless Btation on shore. The Navy department will in struct its operators to take such in coming messages daily between 8 a. m. and 6 p. m. In this way the department o f com merce and labor and the customs col lectors at ports will know what ships are equipped. Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets cute constipation. Constipation is the cause af many diseases. Cure the cause and you cure the disease. Easy to take. Bismarck W i i Superstitious. The great Prince Bismarck was not without superstition and this al ways was noticeable on the eve of the new year. From nine o'clock that night until after midnight he would not take water In any circumstances from a glass. It was an ancient tradi tion in the chancellor's family that any one who set the legend at defiance would pass through a serious Illness. M o t h -r a w ill find M rs. W ln a io w -s S o o th in g t y r u p tu o b oat ra in ed r to u m lo i t h e ir cUUUren lu r in g i b * lo a t h in g p e r io d . Taft Plane Hie Vacation. Washington — If congress remains in session through the hot weather, Prasident Taft probably will become a pronounced week-end commuter, jour neying from Washington to Boston and Beverly whenever he gets an op- opportunity. The president hopes to get some sort o f a vacation in his new cottage near Beverly if he has to take it a few days at a time. Mrs. Taft will go to Beverly late in June. After Mrs. Taft and the Taft children open the cottage, the president is expected to begin his week-end trips. Ship Searched for Opium. Seattle, Wash.-—One hundred men began searching the Great Northern liner Minnesota for opium. Since the steamship arrived in port she has been under constant surveillance. The rev enue cutter Areata and the revenue launch Scout have kept their search lights playing on her all night to pre vent opium being thrown overboard. The men who have began the search are 30 customs inspectors, and all im migration inspection men that can be spared. Only two five-tael tins of opium have been found thus far. Celebrate America Day. Paris—Commemorative o f the sug gestion published April 25, 1507, at the city of St. Die, France, that the new world discovered to the west of Europe should be called America, by which appellation the Western Hemis phere has since been known, a Fran- co-American celebration will be held at St. Die, June 3, 4 and 5. Accred ited representatives o f 21 American republics have accepted invitations to participate. Hot Steel Kills Six. Desperate Dentistry. An original Hamburg youth, wht had a tough toothache the other day, got himself posed In front of a mirror, and shot out the offending molar with a revolver. Had the bullet not land ed In the opposite shoulder, and prov ed more difficult to extract than tha tooth would have been, this novel made of home dentistry might have been considered quite Q success. IC I D N F Y I MONUMENTAL PULL Bad Breath WORTH * :C % ---------------------------------------------------- >' - SAVE BEST HENS FOR MATING Leg Band and Trap Nest Are Almost Indispensable for S u c c e s s - Care of Flock. » if* ® « , Write for Briers andôomple \ v . j i g vO |c n ei& L o . ^ r O RTLANp^0f^ The season Is approaching when the poultry keeper will be gin to pick out his best birds for the next sen- j £ Wlible^ole Agents son's matings. None but the best should be used In the breeding pens, and if the breeder has hatched eggs The Three Great Chances. from his best hens of last season he | Every human being—man. womata Is reasonably suro of some good birds. If a breeder Is trying for per and child, hero and convict, neurasthe fection In any form, the leg band and nic and deepsea fisherman, athlete the trap nest uie almost Indispens nnd Invalid—needs the blessing of God through three, and only three, able. The careful breeder can estimate great channels: Responsibility, recrea very closely the value of the young tion and affection; work, play and stock for future breeders. He knows love. With thi so any life Is happy In the good and bad points of each of his spite of sorrow and pain, successful birds, and has mated to overcome despite the bitterest failures. With defects and Improve points already i out them n man breaks his heart, good. Every year he Is nearer perfec- j severs his conscious connection with tlon, and every year greater care Is : God. If you want to keep a head taken of the flock, for he has learned strong, fatuous youth from overreach the valuo of cleanliness and proper ing himself you try to give him re food. Insects will never sap the life sponsibility, recreation, affection, if of his flock and kill tho vitality of you want to put courage and aspira hlg breeders. Tainted food or water tion into the gelatinous character of never reaches them, everything is n street walker, or tho flickering men fresh, pure and clean. They have tality of a hysteric, you labor to fur plenty of room In their winter quar- nish just the sRme trio— work, recrea ters, and he provides exercise by tion and affection. In every case the throwing the grain In chaff on the healing power which you want to glv# floor. He does this In the evening is renl life, nnd real life means Just after they have gone to roost, nnd these three things. The same need« they have had their breakfast long are fixed for all of us—and the same before he has had his own morning all-sufficing bounty In the supply. If we ran get and keep In touch with It. meal. After he has learned the right way —Richard Cabot, in the Atlantic. and got a fairly good start, the work is easy and plensnnt, and seems to swing along without any difficulty. As In everything else, it Is the begin- i ner who experiences the difficulties, j for he has very little knowledge to be gin with, nnd often pays dearly for = TRY = the knowledge ho acquires, but It does not take long to understand the most essential points In poultry keep ing. One must keep on learning, however, there should bo no standing still; every day something helpful may be learned, and It Is well to keep a notebook In which to Jot any little Item that may prove helpful later on. for It Is not well to trust one's mem ory too much. FOR BETTER HEALTH HOSTETTER’S STOMACH BITTERS If you have lost your good health let the Bit iers help you to regain it. A 58 years’ record backs up its merit in cases of RllllVIS I P o l l i t s B - E v e H Scilve SUE EVES Treasured Tree«. Two trees to be seen In the main itroet of Thorehavn, the capital of the Faroe Islands, have an Interesting history. Trees resolutely refuse to grow In these Islands, except In some few sheltered spots, and the lnhabl lants therefore prize them greatly. When the road was made It was de cided to leave the trees In the middle of the carriage way rather than be guilty of the crime of felling them.— Wide World Magazine. Stomuch, Liver and Bowel Ills and Malarial Disor ders. A ll Try it today. Druggists. Wrong Kind of Bonee. The proprietor of a little restaurant In Forty-fifth street, New York city, ran short of soup bones and tele phoned to the butcher’s. "I want some bones.” he said. "Send me around quick a lot of the beat you have. I want them ror making soup.” “ Who do you think this Is?" came over the wire. "Why, ain't you Binks, the butcher?” naked the restauranteur. “ No, this Is Bunks the undertaker. In Sixth avenue.” was the response. rjfqALCOHOL e j ¿¿•/J OPIUM — TOBACCO 1 Ü 1 1 H*hlta Positively Cared. Only authorized Keeler Ine ¿4 *.Jf'tituto in Oregon. Writ# for illuHtrutoa circular. KfELFf INSTITUA. 71 1 TM L1 1. P o r t l a n d ,O r e g o n . La-L NOW Y ehset TIM E of tho year to hava your L*i-th out and plate and britlgnwork ilium and her*? ia tho place to get tha beat painless work ^WWtsibie. Compare our P rices, "|W«*flnl*h plats ant) I bridge work tor oat- of town patron* ia on* day if desired. 1'itinlfM * i tract 1 on |free when plate* or I Lrtdgo work i* order- led. Consultation frsa. On Wrong Scent. Half the world le one the wrong ecent In the pursuit of happiness. They think It consists In having and Blond poisoning is o ten caused by slight getting and In being served by others. cals o*- waiinds,« I lentil may result. Ham lin’s Wizard Oil w d l d r a w out t h e poison, It consists in giving and In serving heal the wound and prevent serous trou- others.— Henry Drummond. I le. ________ _________ Prisoners Do Valuable Work, In England, at Dartmoor, the pris oners have been engaged In reclaim ing the moorland, working even in win ter Agricultural prisons have been established In England, New South Wales, Prussia, Austria, Hungary, Switzerland. France, Russia and Bel gium. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Do Your Own Work. Never let others do what you can do for yourself You thereby strength en your own powers, Indeperdence and fitness to cope with the vicis situdes of life Corking Good Smoke ! " A J Motsr Crowns 15 122k Bridgt T oeth 4 . j Gold .'¡¡ling« 1. ] Enamel Filling« I Silver Fillings , Good Rubber I Pistes | Best Red Rubber Plates t You can’t sow thistle« and reap Jig*. If you plar Ferry « Seeds you grow exactly what you expect and i l p rolu sion «nd perfec tion never 5 .0 0 __________________ _ _ _ 7 .5 0 M Mr A Will, PntwiiT t*o Mtaetia Painless Extr’tion .5 0 >4 turn uoeiiHio i* run*«* MlTMOOS A ll w o rk fu lly excelled. | u n r n n te fd fo r fifte e n ye ars. Wise Dental Co.,u«. Painless Dentists fading Building. OMe* Hoars: Third and Washington. P0RTIAM0. ORf SAM to 3 T M P N U ftunday*. « t o g No. • 11 r i l K N w r itin g to a d v e r t i s e r * p i e * « « T m e n t io n t h i s p a p e r . W. L , . D O U G L A S “ For months I had great trouble with my stomach and used all kinds of medicines. My tongue has lieen actually as green as W. L Douglas Spring Style« include more grass, my breath having a had «xtor. Two weekssgoafriend recommended Caecarets Snappy and Up-to-Date Shape« in Oxford« and after using them 1 can willingly and and High Cut« than ever before produced. cheerfully my that they have entirely W,L.I)ougl;u warrant* every pairof In« 8boon to hold their shape. cured me I therefore let you know that I ] Took and nt better and wear longer than any other make, giving •hall recommend them to any one suffer jo a bettor value for the money than you can obtain else where. ing from such troubles.’ ’ -Chas. H. Hal- r r be w art of Mum*ruvTE * . ~ % a pern. 114 K 7th St., New York, N. V. T h e g e n u i n e h a v e W . ! . . D o u g l a s n a m e n n d t h e r e t a il Pliw nt Palatable. Potant. Taata OtnL p r i c e s t a m p e d o n t h e b o t t o m , w h ic h g u a r a n t e e * f u l l v a lu e 15 V/«*] *2 ’ ° * 3 • 3 »° & * 4 S hoes IM Do Goal Navar Hiak-n. Waakan or Orlpe Philadelpia— Five workmen were a n d p r o t e c t s t h e w e a r e r a g a ln u l h i g h p r ic e * a n d i n f e r i o r *h>»e*. lOr. ¿hr. U c Navar «old la balk. I * , r a I If y*»nr dealer - annot snuply you with the genome W. I..|>nmrlas shoe*, write ■ o v r SHOCS killed, a superintendent so badly for M.til Order Catalog. Hhoe* sent direct from factory to wearer. *11 chi harges cca - prepaid. W , I .. U * u g l * « , 1 4 3 S | »*rk MS., H r o i k i u u , M %7 O O ,$ 2 . 5 0 4 9 3 . 0 burned that he lived but a few hours, two fatally injured and 12 others ser iously hurt at the Midvale Steel works at Wayne Junction, when a container, filled with molten steel gave way, and the liquid splashed over more than a Color mora l o o A brighter and faster colors than «ny other d va. Ona 10c pack««« colors silk, w o o l and cotton equally and la guaranteed to «ivs perfect rasulta. Aak daalai. ©« wa will «and postpaid at 10c a package. W rit« for free ‘ score o f the employes. PUTNAM how to ----------------------------------- dys, blaach and aux c o — lo » -------- FADELESS DYES MONKOE DRUQ COUFA. PAKT, Quincy, minât*