Image provided by: Hood River Library; Hood River, OR
About Mosier bulletin. (Mosier, Or.) 1909-19?? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 17, 1911)
T I S.udy of School Sanitation Made Ldcuiûtc 22nd Anniversary LOCAL - The handsome residence of Mr. and Mrs. J. N. ’Mosier was I brilliantly lighted last night, i TWO BARGAINS wh-n a number of their friends Two Up-to-date Bungalows for issembied to assist them in cele sale cheap if taken at once. brating the 22nd anniversary of | their marriage. G uy II. W ilso n . The noms were beautifully» ! decorated in pink and white,! F or S ale A gray mare, 8 yrs ,ith festoons of Oregon Grape, j .old. Gentle to ride or drive, ¡1 a replica of the decorations ! double or single; and new single Ihe m iage ceremony years ¡ago. The tables held bouquets| harness. Price $125. I A / « i R G. W. P a t t e r s o n Mosier, Or. oP cut flowers, carnations pre-j dominating. A bountiful wed-! A FEW of Mosier farmers | dim. supper was served, the having land for sale have se- VbTs heir" laden with every- F. O. B. Factory lected L. H. Leininger, a pioneer .imagination f, n „ 0„ , r Mosier, us M r »„e n . W to bring their land to the notice .,m> s„ rvo<] ;n (p,;ntv di Power of the public. We have upward in the center of which were pink .of 1500 acres, mostly small farms hearts. at bargains, all within the Mosier Those who enjoyed the ho".ni-( fruit belt. Address L. 11. Lein- of the genial host and hos- C o m fo r t inger, Mosier, Or. J204m were: _______________________________ Rev. ratherBronsgeest, of The Dalles, who performed the mar-1 Miss Irene Fisher was visiting i inge ceremony 22 s ears ago, Mr. at Hood River Tuesday. 1 J '‘ ls- -iolin ( rain, of 1 lie n Dalles, who were present then, j Mrs. David Robinson is visit- . ] ;,mj ' , <\ (;. man ;,nd ing in Portland this week. it Lee*. of Hoed River, Mr. 1 , • -, :and Mrs. Geo. Wood, Mr. and' RKMfLV; i J Vfo arc ’ V;.yco Co. .Agents fo r this cele Mrs Wm. Marsh was a visitor Mrs. Wm. Akers. Dr. and Mrs. brated ear, fir l when you deal w ith us you deal w ith a m Hood River on Wednesday. D. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. R. firm who w ill stand" behind the fa c to ry guaranty Mrs. R. R. Morrison was a vis- 'J- Row». Mr. ami Mrs. W. E. Write US for Catalogs and • . itor at The Dalles on Tuesday. !f Mr‘ ,a" d ^ 7 * ; , .|"hn- uin, Mr. and H. G. Kiht'ce, Mrs. J. N. Mosier was shop- Tr. and Mrs. E. N. Stroup, Mr. W A L T H S R -K 7 L U A M S H D W C O ping in Hood River on Tuesday. 'irH^ h R°rb“r, Mi Ro- nhia Morris, A. P. Bateham, Guy J. P. Carroll was a business | TT. Wilson, D. D. Hail and John visitor in Portland several day. Btirggraf. this week. ! During the evening Mr. New- „ . man and Mrs. Lee entertained a Walter Fessenden was a pas-|wilh cxcei,..a lnu.sic iind ¿¡rs. , > > senger on Wednesday’s local for porter rendered ‘ Silver ’i hr.-:;. Portland. Among the Gold” . An arm. ing ■ I v « ! f i* f for thé guests was when We will ; on 1 - ready for business with a complete A. P. Bateham was * visitor i feature i une was , , handed i i a piece n ?» each B of Of I 1 line of Lumber, Mouldings, Building Paper, Windows, in Hood River Tuesday an<* ! paper which win n fitted to Wednesday. Doors, Shingles, hoofing, Cement, Brick, Plas ¡•¡Lier section, formed a he Æ l f On sen-i 5 ^ ter, Lime, etc. Fedal Yackie was attending to ! ' " 1 1 11 I’'-1'1, w! , . , , f‘iu • was wi i:ten and t ',<> I J business matters at the county til. fo,. , ,| ^ S3«t yesterday. ,\hoi<- sentence. sntence. ' The guest 1 fore you buy let us quote you prices found their partners by match Miss Priscilla Foster returned ing the pieces. Then the part on Tuesday evening from a few ner's were required to draw each ", days’ visit at Portland. other’s picture, a prize being • a j» awarded to the best and second Mrs. J. J. Smith came down best pictures. Mrs. Geo. Wood I from The Dalles yesterday and l received first prize and Mr. John •A left today for Portland. ; Burggraf -ond prize, O ' The * . * 7 t r*T> U K m A Geo. Chamberlain spent the °* 'B.ncdi” v:-s pin ved land furnished much fun. This first of the week in Portland at- . .. i game appeals to the gentlemen— tending to business matters. w),v? Ask N T ', or „«> No order too small or none too large to Messrs. Will Wright and S. E. ! ° f the < : « r v< in fell, v s. ’ ecei ve careful ; tie ntion v A .1 most 11111» ciij'oium: enjovable evening was a ■» Francisco were business visitois ¡I n ! spent and at'c hour the A at The Dalles on Wednesday. snei : j o-ilests dennrted, wishing the ! B L. II. Wilson came up from “ bride and groom m an y years Portland last Friday and spent vet of wedded bliss, several days with his son, Guy. < J — Guaranteed for One Year Speed Style Satisfad Turr • • 1 With a view of maintaining j health in the school rooms, and .......■ :u.iuy u.,d ronistive D u r i n g AT COST th e m o n th o f F e b ’y I w ill s e ll Í ‘#e, ' tne ‘,d l“ department a“ in " R of Bac * ’ . F F o r C ash S t t l u l d d e e l b v a a k k e ev W n H a h . , S r W a o g - o n n n s s , H a e c W k s s dren twrioingy in the University of a n d B u g g i e s a t p r i c e s b e l o w Oregon is making a comparative: Special Reg. Price [study of the actual conditions of! 2 12 in. Wagons with bolster spring and ventilaton and healing in the spring seat, $100.00 $85.00 school buildings of the state.,1 2 2-4 in. T\ agons, same as above, 110.00 90.0(1 The results will he set forth in a 3-in. Wagons, same as above, lio.00 95.00 bulletin to aid in developing the 3-in. half truck, gear only, wide tire, 15.00 75.00 1 1-4 in. platform Spring Wagon, with brake, 135.00 proper sanitary conditions in both 120. CO 1 1-8 in. Studebaker 1st grade Buggy, leather city and country school buildings, top and brake, 125.00 100.00 which will be serviceable to 15-16th Studebaker Boggy, same as apove, 1 10.00 100.00 school boards in the construction 15-10th “ ” ................ 100.00 85.00 I of new buildings and the re-j Studebaker Juniors, 8.50 0.50 modeling of old. Statistics show that the vital 1 resistance of children falls otf with the beginningof school age. Experience also has repeatedly ¡shown that a much shorter time i under strictly sanitary condi tions with abundant fresh air, is M o s ie r , O r e g o n . ;producive of greater results in the school room« than a longer time in unsanitary rooms. As an REMEMBER exaggerated example, witness A. J. Derby That I will soon have on the die Open Air Schools in England market some very choice resi L a w ye r dence lots in Mosier at the most ! land Germany, The bulletin of the department reasonable prices and terms. ! OREGON I am spending considerable HOOD RIVER plete with practical plans' for in- time and money in locating the suring proper sanitary conditions '■! r° f V1-™ lu* _ in scnools, and will be put in the the most sightly and convenient! /\|£>V t*f hands of every school board in residence district on theColum-j x YVCU L i the state. —U. o/O. Press Bui-: bia River. j Notary Public $1,000 E.-M.-F. I Conserve Vitality of Children \-Lim Lumber Co. ? A. R A C E , , Manager, ! Alex. Stewart* Iet,n*____ i.___ Athletic Club D. D. HAIL - Fire Insurance OREGON ;Mosier MOSIER . . . . No trouble to answer questions , L. A. Grant, wrestling and boxing instructor, has opened a club in Hood River and will put on wrestling and bpxing tourna- ments. Those wishing to take) part in them can do so by join- 1 ing the club. Silver and gold! medals will be given to the win ners. Here, Mosier athletes, is ! For sale by Burggraf & Stur- a chance to get a medal. gess in all parts of Mosier Dis- [ trict. Fine Bargains. See us Subscribe for the Bulletin. before buying elsewhere. We Miss Itaxie l ’arpenter returned bave small and large tracts. Ten Saturday from a brief visit in acre tracts that we can sell you at the right price on easy terms. Portland, All correspondence promptly The flowers, the frogs and the angwere(j We will take care of tramps are good indications that; ‘ you. Spring is “ pretty near off.” _ Fruit Lands Oregon MOSIER BarberSk°p Razors put in firat-elass condition. J. E. COLE. DAVID ROBINSON, M. D. P h ysic ian an d S urgeon MOSIER - OREGON Many school children have B u r g g m f & S t U r g e S S had, are hawing or are going to | The Reliable Dealers have measles, and even a few | ! adults are pestered with them. ! MOSIER oregon M o s i e r L u m b er C o. Lee Evans returned yesterday! .-ah ml .«otes A large number of Mosier! from The Dalles, where he has ^ 'ri' I Ruscher was absent G eo . H a a c k e , Pres. JOHN G. ZOLLS & SONS ? A T C rr A rT']? people are planning to attend the been attending county court as a ‘ All kinds of Building lecture of Elbert Hubbard, in ' Contractors in Stone. Bnick and Con Robert Scearce was absent) juror. ¡Monday and Tuesday of this; Hood River next Monday even Material on hand, in creto Work ■ i r* John Bürgernf arrived homo ¡ vc k . M O S D ì c. ft* • J IT L A N D S A S P E C I A L T Y ing. The affair will be over in [ Hood River Oregon cluding lath and shingles Tuesday night from Portland, L o Nichols, Wilbur Denny time to catch the 10:20 train We are 1 re to stay, know values and can offer you Estimates given for ma where hr has spent the past ; nd Roland Depee, who have home. reliable en ice. terial for building. . . In en abs* nt on accounl of the T h e M o s i e r K ills monili. Thirteen Mosier Odd Fellows I measlea, are again in m Inol. We solicit ;• ’)'• --s e tl • N , of “ A Square Deal’ ’ M O S I E R - - OREGON Ralph Duvall and wi fo this went over to White Salmon last All pupils stavi tig at home for L a n d & O rch ard V IO lutin on I < \ d property, week moved out to f Î. L. Car- causes other tila n sickness are [Saturday evening to attend the roll’s ranch win TO Italph will advised to stivrly that the work I district convention. A number C om pany misled may ìe more readily work this season. W ell W ork 7 ¡of other visiting lodges were ma lo tq . T> , . M . 1 present and two degrees were ..'♦It 1 I j G O a . Store E. A. Enee arrived in Mosier, The lectures to be given to the W. H. K3 5LV* v >1 p. W ell D one ; conferred. Our boys say they Inst Tuesday nnd v> :ll have chan uer, ry Societj by Dr. Johnson, ; 'talion« | h,uj the time of their lives. v .'o ui j eeth , Dr. Robinson, of die Tmn-A-Lum Lumber Go W edeal in improved and unimproved ! lienor; tl Cat o oí , and His family will join him h v The undersigned is thoroughly ! i’esterday was a red letter day Jr. Hot Tllqlt tant 1 jsi ness soon. prepared to put down open wella t ’.0 for Madras, in Crook County, 'riiK'ipl ”, Will •e give i some our Booklet o f Bargains. iii any part of the sfftrounding , when that town was joined to t u'cll, til date o which W rn. Johnson wrent to Bor'ti Linio in fjr . country. Has a complete outfit, MOSIER, - - ORE. All a ron t s . eil lau J. the outside world by steel rails, ! land Wednesday to co-suit ll j will tie including pipe cutting end thread- tre invited to ill- and p; i ing tools. Does all kinds of ce- snogialisl. in regard to the con; li i >- I a dream of half a century real-1 UH Hi* i*iRgî*;-w *-«* a *^*: - -ÍUíOt»- ■ :&■, « ized. About 7000 people from LINE LAUNDRY W ORK” | ment. rock and concrete work. tion of his health , which luns 1 » I cue with matnihs nml dispatch ! Has had 30 years’ experience in » ue pictures which were or been very poor of late. all over Crook County gathered the well business. May be found dered tur tue school looms have These pictures at Madras to celebrate the event. Hood River I.amulry Company by addressing him at The Dalles, S. W. Ileppnor, of H vrdRiv^r. been ìecvived. J. K. COLE, M osier A gent Ore., or inquire at Maier & who represents the Washing ton wore purchased with monej from i i the entertainment fund. '1 he Schanno’s store, The Dalles, Or. Nursery Co., was in tmvn 1-st piipiis sii twing gretti interest A. E. N egus . DKAI.FR i s Saturday looking after his hi, ni thorn «ind hav e l ■eeil tinven V * ness with the fruit growers. •oms. 1 permissioni to viail all the r< 1 L uo pic tures are all copie?S of £v i e r 5 'O t h i n g , W. C. Wollarn. of TTood R j ypp 1 turnons oí i.kCimtls by noto i ar- m j DR. H. L. DUMBLE * spent several hours in town lard tisis. Voi lowing' is a li d ot’ the; Monday. Mr. Wollarn will he pictures: “‘Christ at Gettiisein- Cl THYSICIAN AND SURGEON remember, d us having the con ene” , Hoffman; “ I)oat h of Siefr- j tract of building tli*' Christian fried” , lie inrich; “ A rami! V of HOOD RIVER : OREGON hour: ‘ ‘Mi Lio s , Resa Bonheur; Í Church in Mosier a couplo o T, .nd Child” , Tepruzzi; R a t e s $ 1 .0 0 p e r d a y a n d u p L j years ago. Ì ; Galahad” . V : “ The Gle V ill practice in Mosier and ers Mil Arrangements have been m l.- “ Baby )W1 1 . uart was Unk Corner 2nu and Washington Sts May lie reached by long dis c-> with the O. VV. R. & N. Co. to also nton d but h not come i y »•owhwi- -»s »-* wx have No. 17 due hero at 5 0 , ; yet tance phone, Home phone 61. stop at Mosier next Mon V r ,iT»c3r.Tr,v.: ■ • t r a . - r « ‘F i n ■ evening, for the be -it of ttuv vs We have a nice >t of Foster . [J. i SPECIAL i i i -s' lb ' 8,:; p, ri is with front pad and belt, Regular MEN’S HATS Good ones all styles and about all sizes regu desiring to attend Elbert Hub- ’7c Good sp ial f >r Ladies. guiar 5i'c grade. values. Your choice the pair - 5c lar $2.00 and $2.50 values, your choice - - $1.69 hard’* lecture at lio (I River. J. M c G r e g o r & co. Boo ouicals, cry, Novelties, and Schc >1 Sunni i all pub, ions at lowest rates! Subscri.) A. E. ! n f nn e Popular Clothier * PINES HOTEL Furnishings JOHN WELLBERG, Prop. nd Shoes Good Accommodations THE DA LES, OREGON! 1 J MOSIER. •John Rhodes v ?lgnf d his po sit ion lure rs s ction foreman nnd left on Tuesi lay for Trout- ilale, where he has secured a similar position. His family will join him soon. II. S. Ti< gum a rived Tuesday morning to as- sumo the section foromnnship re- Hnquish<*d by Mr. Rh dos. Mens Pants BOI Beginning yesterday, Feby. 9, the hours for opening' and clos ing of the Mosier post office will he for week days, from 7 n. m., to 7 p. in. Holidays nml Sun days from 11 a. m. to 12 ’ I. Money Order window dorrs at 6:30 p. m. All -t in \'1«>4 e new \Y - have the se. Chap- price. I - ' " m l m -J J fr OREGON YTTAN w HH f o r loss than wholesale nd a finer lot. VOU 1» . suits w i t h Sn lor. 11ns is the straight bottom j il errad»» e» * li|> to . yc .t c!* o int* ntui they cost you no qiijf 5*1.50 i Do not miss looking over cur bargains in MEN’S SUITS We sure have some big values V • have the lar;:' -st and best i assortment of Men’s Tants in here for you. Men’s Suits in i ’ city, including all the new weaves and all sizes up to 50- special $2.98, 4.63. 5.18 and up. a wsi; t and from a kabuki u; to the celebrated Paragon I-------- 9 ------------------------------ Special l a d ie s ’ w ash dresses For the remainder of this week - • i cial Chat'pell’s $L'.“ > values row $1.35 we will sell these wash dresses - - ” $2.9<I values now $1.75 that are worth $2.50. 3.00. 4.00. - - i 3.Cn' values now $2.00 and 5.00 and are really big values - • $4.0*' value* now $3.00 r.t this price as yog will admit - - ** “ $5.00 values now $3.35 when you see them. Your choice $1.98. PARIS , SPECIAL With each pair of American Lady or American Gentlemen shoes we are giving a fine little leather receipt or bill holder or case. It is made of a fine piece of leather and will last a long time, and it is one of the handiest of articles for lady or gentleman. H O O D R IV E R ’S L A R G E S T & B E S T S T O R E