Image provided by: Hood River Library; Hood River, OR
About Mosier bulletin. (Mosier, Or.) 1909-19?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1910)
B A T T L E W IT H 1 2 j c (o r D t m s «<1 V « l u s to 130 1 2 J c fo r D r w c d Block B oca. U O N j 3 (H), 1 6 « fo r L iv e Chicken*. 3 6 c fo r Freeh E w e . Sm ith pays the above prices P * doe* not chanre c o m m i s s i o n nor d r i y l ; e . A d dress all shipm ent* FIGHTS VICIOUSLY WHEN KEEP ERS TRIED TO MOVE HIM. F R A N K U S M IT H M E A T CO. "F ig h tin g th e B e ef Trust” P O R T L A N D , OREGON Secretary Objected to Being Sold, But Finally Succumbed and Waa Dragged Into a Trane- Peculiar Rose In Engllih Garden. ferrlng Cage. Mr. William Tweddle of Stanhope. England, has growing In his garden ■ New York.—The lion Secretary, a novelty In the shape of a helltrop« moss rose. Gardeners declare thal Cape buffalo and two blsons of the they have never before seen^ or heard Central park menagerie were shipped of a moss rose of that color. The to William Bartels of Newark recent bush, which stands four feet high ly, for a consideration, which included contains about a dozen buds, besldet two eelands, two tapirs and a pair of ostriches. two or three roses In full bloom. It was one of the busiest afternoons Headkeeper Snyder and his assistants ever put in, but finally all the animals, In their respective shipping cages, were loaded on wagons and carted away. Everything went smoothly until the attempt was made to Inveigle Secre tary, who was born in the lion house about seven years ago, into his ship Cures all humors, catarrh and ping cage. Secretary did not want tc rheumatism, relieves that tired go, and it took an hour and a quarter feeling, restores the appetite of pushing, pulling and fighting to overcome the spirit of one of the cures paleness, nervousness, meanest lions in the menagerie. builds up the whole system. With all the doors and windows Get It today In usual liquid form or barred, and hundreds of persons sur chocolated tablets called Sarsatabs. rounding the lion house, the work of getting Secretary from his cage was begun. Rose and Bismarck, the mother Good Artificial Marble. They are now making artificial mar End father of Secretary, in adjoining ble with much success In Sicily. Thi cages, lashed themselves Into a fury manufactory Is In the shadow o while their big offspring was hurling Mount Etna and there common blocki himself against the bars of his cage of sandstone are put In a tank con In an endeavor to get at the keepers. talnlng volcanic asphalt and coal tai The lion did not care to march into and boiled for 36 hours. The stonei the trap. He would put his head in are then taken out and polished an< the ope.. door of the shifting cage, It Is said that It takes an expert h snuff once or twice, and with a great roar would lurch against the bars and tell them from black marble. rush to the rear of his cage. n n eu m atic r ig s . After half an hour of prodding had Pigs are troubled by rheumatism shown that the animal could not b« more than by any other disease. Its transferred that way Into the cage, work Is so Insidious oftentimes and “ BUI- Snyder decided to try a noose. Its attacks so various In form that It By this time the lion had worn itself Is not recognized, but It may be set out, and was lying in a corner as do down as a rule that If the pig bs olie as a cat afflicted by some mysterious malady, The noose was slipped over Secre particularly one that Incapacitates tt tary's head, and then, while three In some manner, It Is rheumatism.— men pulled and three men pushed, and Country Life In America. “ Bill” did the bossing, In went the lion, like a lump of lead, to the fur H O W A R D E. B U R T O N — Assayer and Chemist thermost part of the transferring cage. ■ ■ Leadvtlle, Colorado, Specimen price«! G old Silver. Lead, II. G old, Silver, 76o; Gold. SOo; Zin« The beast waa so exhausted it could o r Copper, 11. M ailin g envelopes and fu ll price lid not move. pent on application. Control and Um pire work so This lion, named Secretary because llolted. Reference! Carbonute N ation al Bank. ho seemed to have an interest In Tents, Awnings, Sails everything transpiring In every othei cage in the lion house, has been the Cots, Ham m ocks, Canvas and Covers 1 or 1,000 at factory prices. first always tc announce the daily ra PACIFIC TENT AND AWNING CO tions and the last to subside when 27 N . F irst St., Portland. O r anything unusual had happened tc mar the serenity of his surroundings 1 T A H A I T C and k o d a k “ Bill" said he was sorry to part with •A i w U n X V O S U P P L I E S him, but there would soon have to be W r it e fo r catalogues and literature. Developing end printing:. M ail orders given prom pt attentior some room made for the three cubs Portland Photo Supply Co. He weighs In the neighborhood of 40C 149 T h ird Street PO R TLAND . ORE pounds, and was considered one of the best specimens In the Central park col lection. His value is said to be about $1,700. The two eelands were received ai the zoo earlier In the afternoon. Thej Tliey won the grand prize for Roses at the Seattle Exposition las are the only ones In the Central park year. They are planted in Portland’s most beautiful gardens. Lai» collection. In the last ten days two oi ferld plants by express. Send postal for catalogue today. THE S1BSJP these animals have been received bj . “ Portland, ROSE NURSERIES, 1180 C, Milwankic A' * ' * 0re| the New York Zoological society, con* tng from the duke of Devonshire. - F ILL Y O U R O W N TEETH ’ ! Will Take a Solid Stand in Na- tional and State Politics Sarsaparilla t£ F IL L -O FILL-0 MFC CO., 351 Empire Bldg., Seattle. W a * B lu m a e r-F ra n k Drug: Co., distributors fo r Oregror T RY MURINE EYE REMED Y For R«t, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyee tad G R A N U L A T E D E Y E L ID S Murine Doesn' t Smart—Soothes Eye Pair The Coat of a Soul. A recent query aent out as to tha coat of saving a soul In Chicago brought some interesting answers. It was found that the Mormons figured on spending $1,600 for every person converted, whereas the Volunteers ol America set the cost as low as $5. These were the highest and lowest orloes named. Pettit’s Eye Salve for 25c. Relieves tired eyes, quickly stops eye aches, congested, inflamed and com M u r in e E y e R e m e d y C o .,C h ic a g o mon sore eyes. AH druggists oi Howard Bros., Buffalo, N. Y. Drertati S*H H e r b , Ere R . « d r , Ltaid. 2 k . 50c, $1.M M u rin e E y e S a lv e , in A s e p tic T u b e s , 2 5c, $1.0C ETE B O O K S A N D A D V I C E F R E E B Y M A I I ASK YOUR GROCER FOR LOS. BRAND OF Blueing Ammonia “ Clean, 0 ” Disinfectant Spray Cold Water Liquid Starch Non-Boiling Washing Fluid K . a n ° ¿ ^P c h e m ic a l ® . h a r m a c is t s ^1 Wt MANUFACTURE AU 0«UO SRCCIALTlgS Phone Main 113 401 Mam S i Vancouver, Washingto Safety Valve or M em ory. He who forgets nothing learns noth ing and becomes a Bourbon. By all means pluck from the memory the sorrow that else would take root there, and cast It Into forgetfulness, the unfathomable waste basket of ob livion, and raze out the written troubles of the brain. Your forget- tery Is the very safety valve of your memory. __________________ Labor. If It were not for labor men eould neither eat so much nor relish «o pleas antly nor sleep so soundly nor be so healthful nor so useful, so strong nor so patient, so noble or so untempered. —Jeremy Taylor. FI NKE B R iS. Cured in Drink Three 'The Me’ H abit Cured N o H ypoderm ic Injections. Y ou can take this treatment, at the Institute or your home, and your money w ill be returned if a p erfect cure is not affected. Investigate this, it w ill only take a fe w moments to phone us fo r inform ation. Personal and financial reference on application. F o r fu ll inform a tion. phone. write or call at the NE AL 183 M adison S t . P oitland , O rison > COFFEES TE A SPICES BAKING POWDER - EXTRACTS JUST RIGHT <n CLOssna so a r la n o INSTITUTE Phone. Marshall 2400 ^354 Hall St ________________ P O R T L A N D , O R E .J W. L. DOUGLAS H A N D -S E W E D C U A C C PRO CESS O f l U C O H U T S «3.00. «2 SO, »3 00. «3.30, »4.00, «S.00 WOMEN 8 *3.30, «3,*3.30, *4 CUT RATES IN PAINLESS DENTISTRY BOYS' *3.00. *3 50 & *3.00 THE STAND ARD P a in le s s E x tra c tio n . . . . . F r e e FOR 30 YEARS S ilv e r F i l l i n g s ...................... 50c l G old F illin g s .................,,.,.7 5 < Thay are absolutely the 22 K . G old C r o w n s ................ $2 moat popularaud beatahoea P o rc e la in C r o w n s ................ $2 for th* pries ia America. M o la r G old C r o w n s ...............#4 They are tbe leaden every- B rid g e W o r k . 22 K. G o l d . . . . * In la y F ill«, P u re G o l d ......... t? where because they bold V e r y N ic e R u b b e r P l a t s . .. .$4 their shape. I t better, l R u b b e r P la te on E a r t h .............. . g7 look bettar aad wear loa- A L L T H I S W O R K 18 G U A R A N T E E D . rer thaa ether make«. D o n 't th ro w y o u r m oney a w a y . A d o llar saved They are positively tbe la tw o d o lla rs earn ed. O u r origin al reliable M odern »o a t economical shoes for y o a to bay. W . L. Pain less Methods and o u r p erfe c te d office equip Douglas name and th * re ta il p ries a n stamped m ent saves u s tim e an d y o c r money. BOSTON DENTISTS. 5th * Harr Item. Pert land on tie bottom — v a lu e g u a ra n te e d . ATRIP TO PORTLAND FREE Entrance 2911_• Morrison. oyt*>*te Pownffier and Meier S Prank Established ia P -*land 10 yean. Open m i l I asd Sahara aani 12,Hk tar paopie w% T A K E N O a U e a r i T U T B t If TOOT dealer saaaot ssp p ly yoa w r it * (or M a il Order Catalog, # . L. DOUGLAS, T LTHE KEYSTONEi TO HEALTH IS HOSTETTER’S H ood’s I f you have aching: teeth or cavities and you are too n ervous fo r the dental ordeal, try F ill-O , the home dentist. A t d ru g g is ts or by mail, 25c. 000 RAILWAY MEN COMBINE Move is Strictly Non-Partisan, Intended Solely to Better Workers' Condition, STOMACH B ITTE R S and New York— For the first time in the history of railway unions, members and delegates representing 83,000 men of the four great divisions o f railway employes in the East, voted unani mously at a meeting here to take con certed action in national and state politics. “ The proper place to settle Ques tions affecting labor is at the ballot box,” said W. S. Stone, of Cleveland, O., grand chief of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers. “ Whatever your political affiliations, do not let party lines blind you to your interest or prevent you from doing what you think is best and right. See that the men you vote for stand for the right principles, regardless o f party, and support these men who meet the requirements and you will not only be doing the best thing for yourselves, but for the public. “ ThiB is not a political move at all, as is generally understood, but a move to get away from the old lines.of parti san politics.” In pursuance o f this plan, the meet ing voted to send out a series of eight questions to state and national candi dates, particularly to candidates for the legislature and congress, asking for a definition o f their attitude on the universal adoption o f safety appli ances and an employer’s liability law where such does not already exist, company pensions for superannuated employes, hours o f labor and other matters o f kindred interest. CH EAP SO D A DANGEROUS. Alcohol, Coal Tar Dye and Ether Compound Menace to Health. New York— The cheap soda water which is retailed on street corners to school children and passers by at a penny or two a glass is, in most rases, an alcoholic beverage with a larger percentage o f spirits than ordinary beer, according to an analysis made by Professor M. S. Allyn. o f the Massa chusetts State Normal school. "T h e syrups with which these cheap sodas are flavored frequently contain 10 per cent o f alcohol,” said Professor Allyn. “ This .is twice as much as there is in beer. Take, for instance, a "straw berry’ flavoring which I bought at a stand on the lower East Side. The red color in the syrup is obtained from a coal tar dye and the flavor is given by an ether compound.” 600 C A D E TS ARRESTED. Disrespect to Tactics Officer and In subordination Charges Made. West Point, N. Y .— The entire cadet corps is under arrest and facing a gen eral court martial for gross disrespect to Captain Rufus E. Longan, instruc tor in tactics, and insubordination. Major General Richard H. Barry, su perintendent o f the military academy, sent the four classes of 500 young men to their quarters after mess and a board of officers is endeavoring to And out why the cadets "silenced” Captain Longan. They won’ t tell. The whole corps has stood out against General Barry’s insistence; first class men with almost perfect records in scholarship and con duct have remained as stubborn as tail- enders whose demerits run up into the hundreds. A ll that General Barry and the board have got out o f them in reply to questions as to why they refused to eat in Captain Longan’s presence or refused to speak when he was among them is the statement: “ We have formed a dislike for this officer.” The penalty provided by law for this degree o f insubordination is dismissal from the military academy. Exiles Return; Stoned. Managua — Ex-president Cardenas, with other prominent conservative ex iles, has arrived at Corinto from Punta Arenas. A t Leon about 1,200 middle-class liberals attacked the train on which were many ladies, shouting “ Death to Estrada, Chamorro, Carde nas and the conservatives.” They stoned and fired on the train and some of the passengers returned the fire. No one on the train was killed, but several were slightly injured, among the number being General Richard Sussman, consul at New Orleans. Tw o Confess to Robbery. Seattle— J. F. Warren, special gov ernment agent for the Second judicial district o f Alaska, received a cable gram saying that two men now in jail at Nome have confessed to complicity in the theft o f $14,346 from the sluice 1 boxes of the Pioneer Mining company. Mr. Warren has not yet learned wheth er the reported confession hns impli cated Marius Johansen, or John Ty- berg, who were arrested recently in this city on a charge of being implica ted in the robbery but believes they I also are guilty. Whites Worst Sufferers. Washington — There were 569 deaths from acute anterior poliomyeli tis, or infantile paralysis, 16 from pel lagra, 55 from rabies, or hydrophobia, and nine deaths from leprosy in 1909, in the death registration area o f conti nental United States, which comprises over 65 per cent o f the total popu lation, according to statistics for 1909. O f the 569 deaths from infantile para lysis. 552 were o f white and only 17 of colored persons. 700,000 Men May Strike, Berlin—Germany industry is seri ously disturbed by strikes and lockouts. Unless the disputes can be ended with in the next few days, 700,000 men will become idle. The 40,000 striking shipbuilders show no signs o f weaken ing. The managing committee o f the Socialist party is aiding in the support of the idle men. A short course o f the Bitters will quickly correct, tone and sweeten any case o f “ bad stomach.” This is a proven fact. Try a bottle and see for yourself. It is for Indigestion, Dys pepsia and Malaria. Valu able Assistan ce. L IT T L * THINGS W ORTH KNOW ING. The surface of the earth Is said t«. be 196,971,984 square miles. In German cities food prices are bow about as high as In the United States. Lavender and rose perfumes are ctedlted with the virtue of being mi crobe killers. Traveling cranes are now equipped with scales, so that tha load may bs weighed In transit. Lucknow boasts of tbe largest room In the world without columns. It Is built of a kind ot concrete. In the forty years, 1868 to 1908, Jap an’s yearly foreign trade increased from $13,000,000 to $407,000,000. There are about 3,000 weddings every twenty-four hours, taking the en ! tire world Into consideration. A metal seat, hinged aud suspended 1 by chains from a window casing, has j been patented by an Ohio man for win- | dow cleaners as well as for use as a shelf on which food may be placed to | cool. FASHION HINTS Children always lovo to have a *flngor In the pie” and to help with whatever Is going on. When mother or nurse does everything for them they are deprived of a great deal of pleasure and will not be so well fitted to struggle for themselves when the time comes as they would have been If they had been accustomed to do things for themselves. They should be encouraged to be useful and to as sist with any preparations that may he going on. Sherman $iay & Co. ESTABLISHED 40 YEARS SIXTH, A T M ORRISON ST., PO R T LA N D , OR. vyw-we We want you to try this Piano IN YOUR HOME FREE. We want you to try it at our expense because— A t iho end of thirty days the Piano ITSELF will convince you of the following facts: I t ’s the best value on earth for the price ($275). I t ’s M USICALLY and MECHANICALLY right! s We know there is so much real value in this Wellington Piano—w e’re selling for $275—-on easy payments—that w e’re willing to let it be IT 'S O W N SALESMAN. It wit! tell it’s own story to you—in your home—if you’ ll send us tha coupon. Please sen.< me lull particulars concerning this unusual Piano offer. Name............................................ Adaress. to i I g I agH Dr. B. E. Wright B U SIN E SS COLLEGE i Sliil^kiilL'l J X 1 .3 Ä M A S*.FAsa WASHINIÍTIIN&TENTH STS.. PORTLAND A d ju stm en t. Divorce Is Increasing, Insanity is In creasing, parental authority Is de clared to be prostrate, the boy Is not what be was! Surely we must be beading for the bow-wows, and pro gressing fast. Not at all. We are merely getting adjusted to the great est changes In the conditions of hu man existence that any one genera tion of men has seen In centuries. And possibly It ts true that high prices oi food are helping our adjustment by driving some city dwellers back Into the country.— Harper’s Weekly. C om plaln ers. H um or In Signs. Asia has the highest mountains ot the world as well os the deepest "sink holes.” The Lukahun depression In central Asia Is 400 feet below sea level and there the yearly amplitudes of the barometer are greater than any where on earth. Helping Her Out ” Have you a young chicken T I am rather green at cooking.” "Such being the cose, madam, don’t you think you'd better have an old, experienced fowlT” — Courier JournaL Mothers wifi find Mrs. Winslow's Boothtai Syrup the best re m e d y to use lot their children urlsg t h a t e e t h iu g p e rio d . The Great American Pie. Steak, salad, fish, potatoes in all forms, may be thrown Into the furnace In a huddle, but when the close of his repast approaches, when tbe pie hour Is about to strike, It la the duty ol every true American to reflect. Then he should attack the plo firmly but reverently, never In the spirit of ooe who runs a race. You Can Get Allen’ s Toot-fase fR t f. W rit© A l i e n s . O lm ste d , L e H oy, N . Y ., tor a Ireo s a m p le o l A l l e n ’s F o o t-E a se . I t cu ret ■ w e s t in g , hot s w o lle n , s e llin g feet. I t m ak e« n e w o r t ig h t shoes e a sy . A c e rta in c u r e tot c o rn s. I n g r o w in g n a ils a n d b u n io n *. A l l d r u g gists » © lilt . 25c. D o n 't a c cep t a n y su b s titu te Peculiar Excuse. A teacher In a girls' school recently had the following excuse for abeence banded her by one of her pupils: “ It gives me much pleasure to write te you because I have a worryment, aad you should please excuse my Annie, who does not come by you because •he has te go to the hospital with her slater’s acre eyes.” N o t a drop o f A lco h o l Doctors prescribe very little, if any, alcohol these days. They prefer strong tonics and altera tives. This ia all in keeping with modern medical science. It explains why A y er’s Sar saparilla is now made entirely free from alcohol. Ask your doctor. Follow hia advice. A W « publiai* s i r fo rm ata« m. W a fetal oh aleafeal froaa a a r n s d ia is M W a a r f a y a a ta vers For the college girl a Norfolk lult is just the thing. Honie:.pun seem s to fit the style better than most materials, and this one of brown had a collar of lighter brown velvet. It was belted in a very businesslike wav with brown leather. A PH ASE OP SPRING. T h e W a n d e rin g A s la tlo Features. ----- ata y --- 50c m GsW RskW Phln $5 00 What Is odious but noise, and peo ple who scream and bewail! People whose vane points always east, who live to dine, who send for the doctor, who coddle themselves, who toast their feet on the register, who Intrigue to secure a padded chair and a corner out of the draught. Suffer them once to begin the enumeration of their In firmities, and the sun will go down on the unfinished tale -—Emerson. Our W ar. 22k Bridtt TssA $3.5« UsFAsp..... $1« FJW $ 1 . 0 « Mary was a little girl who did not tike to wait, but one day her mother, having several guests, Mary waa made to wait anyway, so Just about the time dinner was under goad head way, she poked her little curly head In at the dining-room door and said: “I don’t care If I do have to wait; that was an old sick turkey, anyhow.” —Norman E. Mack’s National Month IT. _________________ _ The war we wage must be waged against misconduct, against wrong doing wherever It Is found; and we must stand heartily for the rights of •very decent man, whether he be a man of great wealth or a man who earns a livelihood as a wage worker or a tiller of the soil.—Theodore Roose v e lt __________________ S.W Crswss.... $ 5.00 % ¿ 4 M a ry’ s R even ge. A New York shop exhibits a card warning everybody against unscrupu lous persons "who Infringe our title to deceive the public." The shopman does not quite say what he means, any more than the proprietor of an eating house, on the door o f which may be read the following announce ment, conveying fearful Intelligence to the gallant tars who frequent port: “ Bailors’ vitals cooked here.” H ave your tooth out a rd plate and bridge ’_____ done. For out-of-tow n patrons w e finish p la t« and bridge w ork in one day if necessary. P R IC E S ; W h ic h P le a a e a O rch estra N e a r ly a F e a la r s E very o aa. The season of the year has come when tbe wandering orchestra goes around, cornet, clarinet and barytone, and last but not least the big bass horn, says the New York Sun. Cornet may shriek and clarinet creak and then barytone soften things some, but for grand effects, vast thunder In tone, all depends on the big bass horn. Hear its rumble and rebound, its swelling surge of sound, its deep and mighty oomph— ah! Let the cornet squeak and the clarinet bleat and the barytone mildly ponder— lost, all lost, submerged and swallowed up In the bass horn’s mighty thunder. Spring is the season when the wan dering band comes, when the weather mellows and people open their win dows, and generally It seeks the In terior courts of fiats and apartment houses, where Its audience flatters It self with the fancy that this is a pri vate concert given to It alone and Is willing to pay accordingly. But the band has Its vicissitudes. Sometimes It Is cut off abruptly In the middle of the first number by an ob durate janitor who comes In and says “ Sklddoo!” Sometimes somebody looks out of a window and says softly, ‘‘Sh-b! You mustn't play here. Somebody sick." Then as the news works around to all the players the music peters out with a wall; but commonly the band Is welcome, and now th* cornet screams, and now, now hear the big horn boom, with avalanche-llke rever berations within those enclosing walls. Loud as It Is ever, yet for some rea son or other It always sounds loudest now In the spring. This may be be cause people have missed It through the winter, and now It comes as some thing new, but the more likely reason Is that the bass horn man stores up thunder In the winter, which he turns loose in greatest volume In the vernal season, when he first brings the horn Into play. Be that as tt may, there Is no sound that so appeals to people as that of the big bass horn, In whose deep and bil lowing and all pervading roar Niagara and Vesuvius are combined. Her Preference. Kansas City Journal. “ How would you like to go to the theater tomorrow night?” asked the young man who had just been intro duced. “ In an automobile?” answered the girl. Sounds Plausible. Charleston News and Courier. Perhaps the high cost o f living is due to the fact that there are about 5 • 000,000 people in New York living on the rest o f the country. Java coffee growing is now being in troduced into Porto Rico to meet the American demand for a "h igh ly flav ored aromatic coffee.” * Pellagra and malaria, which are much alike, are being eucceaafully combatted by the government in Italy. Unless (hers is dally action of the bow els, poisonous products sre absorbed, causing headache, biliousness, nausea, Siam buys more sewing machines dyspepsia. V e wish you would as* your from America than from Great Brit doctor about correcting your constipation bp taking laxative doses of Ayer’ s Filia. ain, Germany, Belgium and France combined. ■ s i l »T S fc s J .q A y *» o ».. -------- - — Best Red RahW __ Fisks............ $7.50 P sb I ssi litrsrtMS 50s BEST M ETHODS Painless Extraction Free when plates or brid ge w ork is ordered. Consultation Free. Y ou cannot pet better painless w ork anywhere, no m a tt«« how much you pay. A ll W o rk Fully G u a ra n te e d fo r F ifteen Y e a r « D r . B . E . W r ig h t C o 34 2} Washington St., Portland, Oregon Take car at depot and transfer to W ashington St. Looking Back. You will find, as you look back upoa your life, that the moments that stand out—the moments when you have real ly lived—are the moments when you have done things In a spirit of love. An memory scans the past, above and beyond all the transitory pleasures of D an ger o f V egetaria n Shoes. “I ’m a vegetarian,” he said, "but 1 life there leap forward those supreme draw the line at shoes I wore a pair hours when you have been enabled to of vegetarian Bhoes on my vacation In do unnoticed kindnesses to thoee Maryland, and one warm afternoon, round about you. things too trifling to after my good Maryland dinner of speak about, but which you feel have fried chicken, hot corn pone and entered Into your eternal life.—Henry waffles, I laydown In the farm yard Drummond. under a tree for a snooze. 1 snoozed, Rose Guess. I suppose, an hour or two. I awoke Any one cRn play this simple game. with an Itchy feeling abor^ tho feet Take a full-blown rose, hold It up I raised my head and saw a couple where nil can see, then let them write of shoep eating away calmly. They on slips of paper how many petals had finished both shoes but tbe heels they think are In the rose. The petals and uppers.” are then counted and the nearest right receives a prize. L o ts o f Fun. The sweet little sole slater of a large family was asked If she didn't have a lot of fun with the big brothers Who were at once her slaves and ty rants, her adoring and adored. "Y es’m,” came the surprising response, accom panied by a seraphlo smile, “ we have lots of fun always. Sometimes,” the wide eyes waxing fascinatingly remin iscent and dreamy, “ sometimes they fight me. an’ sometimes I fight them!” H e M ade a H it. BInkly—"My gracious, old man, you Are 1 11 banged up.” Cranklelgh— "You have hit It " BInkly—"What did you do— dispute tho right of way with an automobile?" Cranklelgh— “ No. Took a drop too much." Binkley— "Why, I didn't know you drank.” Cranklelgh— "I don’t The drop I took was from an aeroplane 20 feet from the ground.” Constipation “ F o r over nine years I suffered w it h chronic constipation an d d u rin g this tim e 1 h a d to tmk« an injection o f w a rm w a te r once every a« h o u r« b efo re I could have an action on m y b o w e l«. H a p p ily 1 tried Cascarets, an d today I am a w e ll m an. D u rin g the nine years b e fo re I uacd ( a«caretn I suffered un told m isery w ith in tern al p ile «. T h a n k * to you, I am free fro m a ll th a l this m orning. Y o u can use this in b e h a lf o f su fferin g h u m an ity B F. Fisher, R oan ok e, I lk Pleasant. Palatable. P o te n t Taste Good. D o Good. N e v e r Sicken. W eaken or G r i p * 10c, 26c, 60c. N e v e r sold in bulk. T he gen uine tablet stam ped C C C. G uaranteed t « cure or your money back. IALC0H0L OPIUM— TOBACCO Id u fl M U N Y O N 'S RHEUMATISM H abits Positively Oared. Only authorised Keeler In » ntl tu t» In Oropon* W r it « fo r il la «tra ted circular, r I nstitute . 711.11 in P o r t l a n d ,O r eg o n Union P a in l e s s Dentista ii¿ís jt H i e d r* 11 n r IlHM.r ,’ iuls L U 11 Ls a fui il càjçl « i n f v o n . I{»,ÌÌ.ÓT«,.\ I r< m i i t i l i * ;iu>t. A J |l ) r i . i is‘ . s l £ , : 2 : v O u t - o f - T o w n People fltould rcmcmWor that .. our force organi: ---------- ------------------------------ Jrce tha* . . . . I« . no we chu do their entire Crown, lirldue and Plata wugfe in a day ni*<’«>M i*ury. -------... rimitivoly __n ____ , If --- -— painleas ii extra«*- Seasickness Nothing New. him free when i>latea or bridge« are orlered. or<ler__ We r«. mote tho moat hoi nitive teeth ami root« without tha One of the most curious errors as h-iiat iinin. No Htuileni«. no uncertainty, hut •out «| j Wife«« who do the moat «olentlhc and oarefui to seasickness Is that It ls a suffering let« l.ndy attendant«. which the sturdier ancients did not I- ul I Set of T e e th ....................................... (5 .0 # b rid g e W o rk or Teeth w ithout Platen $ 3 50 to $$ know. Really there Is plenty of allu (•old C row n s. ..............................5 3 .5 0 to 5 5 .0 0 sion to tho trouble In the ancient I’ogee in in C ro w n s ............................5 3 .5 0 to $ 5 .0 0 or Porcelain Fillings. ' 5 1 .0 0 classics. Above all there was that | Gold Silver Fillings ... 50c to W ......... ................... .... bout of seasickness which, according Pent P late M ade 5730 N o charges for Painless E x tra c tin g when oUta* to Seneca, cost Cicero his life. It w ork i« done. 16 years' G uaran tee with all w ork. was so bad that rather than endure H our«. 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. 22lVfe Morrison S tre e t It any longer he put back to land, risking certain death at the hands of Mark Antony's agents If they caugnt him, as they did Tho word "nausea" ts Oroek. meaning literally "shlppl- ness." P N U W No. 40—'I# U R N w r i t i n g t o a d r e r t l l f e r i p lfe M fe m e n t io n t h i s p a p e r . For Highest Quality use BAKING POW DER 23 O u n c e « fo r 23 C en t« M ade from pure, carefully tested materials. Get a can on trial Y ou never saw such caltcg and biscuit. T h ey ’ll open your eyes. 'OssnstssO ta s rs w i