Mosier bulletin. (Mosier, Or.) 1909-19??, September 23, 1910, Image 3

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    1 2 } « for Drammed V«*l up t« 1M Ik*
1 2 } o for Dr«M«d Block U <«^
1 6 c for Live Chicken«.
3 0 c for Fr«eh E«trs.
Smith par* th* ahuv* prlcas. He doe* net
charge c o m m i s s i o n nur d i a y a j e . A d ­
dress all shipment*
“ F i« h t ln e th e B e e l T ru st”
D r. B. E. W rig h t
Have your teeth out ard plate and bridge work
don<*. For out-of-town patrons we finish plate
and bridge work in one day if necessary.
■alar Oawa.
22k Imkc TaaS
CeU Fillugi...... $1 at
Fjuatl Fitting.. .. $1.00
Sttur Fitters
50c tt
Gwtt RakW Plain $5.00
Best Rad Rabbw
P h s. ......... $7.50
Paslau EiU «»a
Pain'ess Extraction Free when plates or bridge
work is ordered. Consultation Free. You cannot
get better painless work anywhere, no matter
how much you pay.
All Work fully Guaranteed fo r fifte e n Years
Dr. B. E. Wright Co.
342* Washington St..
P ortlan d , O re g o n
Take car at depot and transfer to Washington St.
e x p la n a t io n W a n te d .
“ Oh. you are Mrs. BlIizerT" asked
the vivacious and beautiful woman, on
being Introduced to her. “I have often
met your husband. I must congrntik*
late you. He Is always such a happy*
looking jan. I have noticed that par­
ticularly every time he has chatted
with me.” That evening Mrs. Blis­
ter says calmly, but sternly to her hus­
band: "Will you be so good as to tell
me what makes you look happy when
you are talking to other women !" —
Vain Attempt to Show Off.
A youthful uiaecullne, scarce thro*
years old. was listening to a story by
his mother, but despite his devotion
to her stories, kept making unac­
countable excursions to a dear space
on the park lawn and solemnly airing
hla sole physical accomplishment of a
neat somersault. The mother won­
dered. but asked no questions. Pres­
ently. however, the mystery was ex­
plained. Another boy, seated near
the open space with his parents, rose
and walked away. The little acrobat
sighed sadly. "I guess he never even
saw me," he remarked.
R e d , W e a k . 'W eary. W a t e r y E y r a
R elieved By M urine Kye R em edy. T ry
M urine F o r Your E ye T roubles. You Will
I.Ike M urine. It Soothes. 50c a t Your
D ruggists. W rite F o r E ye Books. Free.
M urine E ye R em edy Co.. C hicago.
Where Addison Was Married.
Bt. Edmund's. Lombard street. Lon­
don. the rectory of which Is vacated
by the death of omniscient Canon
Benham, had previously possessed lit­
erary associations. The register re­
cords the marriage of Joseph Addison
to the dowager countess of Warwick
on August 9. 1718. Dr. Johnson
grimly remarks that this match re­
sembled the marriages In which a
sultan gives his daughter a man to be
her slave; and Addison used to es­
cape from the uncomfortable splen­
dor of Holland house to a coffee
house at Kensington.
M other, win find Mrs. v n n .lo V s SnntMog
Byrup tin* b- at remedy to use iol their children
during the teething period.
Rubber Planted on Waste Lsnd.
The wide reaches of waste lands on
th# Island of Singapore, which have
been of b o use since the culture of
gambler, coffee, and pepper was given
up, «re now the scenes of great activ­
ity. Rubber plants are being set out
over these wastes and seem to do
well. In the suburbs of Singapore city
* considerable area of swamp land has
been drained and converted Into a
nurse-y for Para rubber plants, which
are sold at a good profit to the plant­
W e Buy and Collect Notes, M ortgages, and Real
Estate Contracts.
No Collection No Charge.
Worcester Bldg.,
Portland, Ore.
B a n k 's C a u t io u s
B u s in e s s
M e th o d » .
Before discounting any paper the
Bank of England requires at least two
good British names, one of whloh
must be the acceptor. It seldom holds
over »180,000.000 In bills discounted
and securities of all kinds.
W hy!
Habit« Positive]/ Cured.
authorized Keelfjf In»
___ ______ru
alitate in Oi
for iJluHtrati_
kEEiEY I nstitute . 71 l u t h
P o r t l a n d , O r e g o n .
Cured in
If It Is true that the world has gone
completely to the bow-wows, and that
vice and corruption are In control, why
Is that our penitentiaries have no
more attraction than they do for met)
who call themselves honest?
The Trouble.
“Do you find any trouble writing
stories, DawdlyT” "None whatever
But Pd pay a man well that could sell
them for me."—Philadelphia Inquirer
The Me’ Habit M
^^tfrP******* *
N o H y p o d e r m ic in je c t io n s .
You can take this treatment at the Institut«
or your home, and your money will be returned
if a perfect cure is not affected. Investigate
this. it will only take a few moments to phone
us for information. Personal and financial
reference on application. For full informa­
tion. phone, write or call at the
We w ant a n y person w ho suffers w ith
biliousness, constip a tio n , inriige* ion 01
an y liver or Mood «Ilm en to try o u r I’a\v
f’aw h ire r Pills. W e KUirnntce th ey wil
Phone. Marshall P400
Hall St.
PORTLAND. ORE.. p u ritv th e blood :ind p u t th e liver and
sto m ach in to a h e alth fu l c o n d it on and
will p o sitively cure b liousness an d oonsti
p a tio n , or we will refu n d y o u r m b n e r.
U nio n P ain less D en tists m u n y o n *8 h o m o e o p a t h ic h om e
R E M E D Y CO., P h ila.. Pa.
44 FILL Y O U R O W N T E E T H 99
I f jrou have aching teeth or cavities and you ar*
too nervous for the dental ordeal, try Fill-O, th*
home dentist. A t druggists or by m ail 2oc.
FILL 0 MFC CO.. 351 tm*n M *. Seattle. Wuk
Blumaer-Frank Drug Co., distributors for Oregor
O u t- o f -T o w n People
B heuld ren .em b er that o u r fo r c e is so org a n ized that
ire ca n d o th e ir e n tir e C iow n , B rid ge an<l P la te w ork
la a day i f i.oc«H*ary.
I'oa ltlvely painless extra ct­
ing fr e e w hen plates o r bridge# are o rd ered . W e re-
thn mfHt sen sitive teeth and roots w ithout
N o students, n o u n certain ty , b at sp eciel-
rho do th e m ost soien tid n s a d ca re fu l work,
to o
Full 8*t of T **th.................................... ....., % ijM
Bride« Work or Tooth without P l»te «t3 .S 0 to $3
Gold Crown. .................................... * 3 .5 0 to *5 .0 0
Ptec*l*in C row n .............................. * 3 .5 0 to * 5 .0 0
Gold or Porcelain Filling*........................$ 1 .0 0 U ,
Bihrar F illin g.........................................5 0 c to * 1 .0 0
Boat Plat* Made
...................................... » 7 .3 0
No eharves for Palnleiw Extracting when other
work la dona. 15 rear*’ Guarantee with all work.
Hour*. 8 a. m. to H p. m. 221W Mnniaon Street.
“Clean, 0 ’
Disinfectant Spray
Calli Water Liquid Starch
Non-Boilin? Washtn» Finid
K .AN d S CH ei ^IC a l @*
P h
a r m a c i s t s
Wt MAFgWfACTUfft » i »«uè »peci alti es
Phone luain à 13
C. Gee Wo
Tin Chines« Doctor
Thi« wondeful man haa
made a life study o f tha
ropertiea o f Roots,
erbe and Barks, and
la giving the world the
benefit o i him eenicca.
| Na Mercury, Paheena
[ ar Drvga Deed. Na
| O per at iene ar Catting
Guarantee« to cure Catarrh. Asthma, Long,
Stomach and Kidney trouble«, and all P itrats
Disease« o f M n and Women.
J ost rare1 red from Pekin. CLma—eafet aura
and reliable. Unfailing in Its works.
I f you cannot call, write for symptoan hla ah
ind circular. Inclose 4 cents In stamps.
The C. Gee Wo Medicine Co.
1€2Vi first St., car. Morris on, P ortland, Or.
This le Rather Neat.
An English critic of American so­
cial conditions says that men In this
country are too much Inclined to pat
women on pedestals. The only an­
swer to such criticism Is pity for the
nation that has not such a beautifully
tecorativo use for pedestal*
Dismal Outlook.
"Do you bellevs we shall ever have
onlversal peace!” “ Not unless women
quit offering higher wages to their
neighbors’ cooks.”
Strong Winds and Sand Storms
cause granulation o f the eyelids. PET­
TIT’S EYE SALVE soothes and
quickly relieves, 25c. All druggists or
Howard Bros., Buffalo, N. Y.
French Woman's . Long Sleep.
A curious case Is that of a woman
In the hospital at Alencon, France,
who has been asleep for 30 days, and,
unlike most patients who fall Into a
lethargy, this patient has a perfectly
normal temperature. Her teeth are
B e r lin N o t 8 0 S lo w .
rigidly set, and she baa to be fed
In Berlin, where much wood Is
through a tube, which was Introduced
burned, they are not so slow. A mo­
with great difficulty, and has been left
tor truck drives up to a house and de­
between her teeth.
livers a load of logs. A motor sawing
machine rolls up under Its own power,
How He Knew.
cuts, with saws run by gasoline, the
“ ‘Love Is blind,' ” said the pessv
wood Into fireplace lengths as desired, mlstic looking man, quoting this worn-
cleans up the litter and moves on. out chestnutty axiom with as much
Very little noise.
fervor as Its originator could have
dofie. "How do you know? ' question­
ed the severe-iooklng woman with the
Veranda Chat.
“ How’s the society over at your ho* high cheek bones.
“ Pm married,”
telT" “Very classy. I haven't heard aald he.
anybody mention less than a million
Educational Dlaclpllna.
dollar."—Louisville Courier-Journal.
Most persons will find difficulties
and hardships enough without seeking
them; let them not repine, but take
them aa a part of that educational dis­
Write for catalogues and literature. Developing
and printing. Mail orders given prompt attention cipline necessary to fit the mind to
irrlve at Its highest good.—Charles
F o r t la n d P h o t o S u p p l y C o .
149 Third Street
N e th & C o. *¡8 “
Powerful British Windmill.
What is «latmed as tha largaat aa«
Frontier Celebration and Roundup «lost powerful windmill lo Orsat Brit­
ain has just been complated at Wllloa-
Will Be “ Wild and Woolly.”
don. where its capacity la being tried
Pendleton— The final touches of the under varying conditions.
It la In­
program for the Round Up and Fron­ tended tor a farm near Bristol. Ita
tier celebration which is held at Pend­ use there being to generate electricity,
leton this year, September 28 to Octo­ supply rower to run crushing machin­
ber 1, have been made, the list of ery and work the pumps, from the
prizes and purses finally decided upon, ! trials mode It la said this new wind
the wild horses secured, the famous machine Is capable of generating suf­
bucking horses secured and everything ficient electricity for 300 lights, to
is ready now. The program with the crush oats and grind maize, work an
purses and prizes is as follows:
electrlo lift, cook the food and heat
Bucking contest for the champion-1 a room at a cost of Hd a unlL
ship of the Northwest: Purse, $125
Lived In One House 94 Year#.
and silver mounted saddle and champ­
lit the village of Stathe (Somerset)
ionship o f the Northwest
One half o f the contestants in this on the banks of the River Parrett, re­
event are entered to ride the first day sides William Broome, who has lived
the whole of his life—ninety-four
and one half to ride the second day.
Riders for each day to be determined years—In the same cottage. The house
by lo t horses furnished by the Round Is his own property. Broome has al­
Up and riders to draw for mounts. Not ways anjoyed good health, la still very
less than six of the best riders o f the active and has never tasted medicine.
first two days will be chosen by the He Is a great-grandfather, grandfather
judges to.ride the third day in the final and father, but only six of hla descen
championship riding. Each contestant datna are living.—London Evening
to ride any horse and as often as the Standard._________________
judges may deem necessary; riding to
P e c u lia r C h u r c h O rn a m e n t .
be with plain halter, one end o f rope
Lambeth "Old” church has numer­
free, with chaps and spurs, no quirt, ous historic monuments, and In one of
all riding slick, no saddle trees over the windows Is the full length figure
14 inches wide to be used.
Purse di­ of a peddler with his pack, staff and
vided: first, $50 and championship dog. This Is supposed to represent
the unknown person who presented
“ Peddler’s Acre" to the parish upon
condition that his portrait and that
of his beloved canine companion
should be preserved In the church and
that bis dog should be burled tn con­
secrated ground.—Pall Mall Gazette.
401 Mam SL
Vancouver, Wnhingtoo
H A N D -S E W E D
« . 0 0 , *2 50. « 00. *3.50, *4.00, *1.00
W OM EN 'S *2 30 *3.13.50, M
BOYS' W OO. « 50 I I »3 00
They ax* absolutely tk*
■ e a t p a yol*r*o4 b**t*h*M
for tk* pcic* la A a * rlca .
T key a n tk* le*4et* ev*ry-
w k*r* k K U N tk ey bold
tkclx akape, <t bettor,
look better *x4 wear 'oa ­
rer tk * * atk*r make*
They an positively th*
mo*t econom ic*' ekoee for yea
D oaglae a* me aa4 tk* retoll price
prt are itoiap*4
■m t o e bottom — v e la * ru ueraatoed.
NO e
S T iv
I T u U T ! I If rear «Miar
u e B tr
I exep'v ye* writ* fer Mail Ore er Catalog.
W. L DOUGLAS. I w .ll.a Mae*
Not an Improvement
Gerald—"People like to walk over
me." Geraldine— "1 don’t see why they
should; you hardly come under the
head of Improved pavement”
Dark blue homespun is used f*r this
early Fall suiL The jacket effect is
novel. In front there is a panel from
waist to hem, in semi-princess sty le. Silk
la self color is used for banding and there
is just a touch o f braiding on the waist
Oftentimes the stomach
mounted saddle; second, $50; third,
needs some assistance in
$25. Fifty dollars is offered by the
its great work of digestion
management for the best bucking
assimilation and an
horse; $15 for second; $10 for third,
and $5 for fourth.
occasional dose of Hostet-
Steer roping contest for Champion­
ter’s Stomach Bitters will
ship of Northwest. Two men to each
give that assistance better
entry. The steer to have thirty feet
start o f the roper. One man to catch
than anything else you
the steer by the horns and the other
might take. Its merit has
man to throw the rope on his hind feet
been proven thousands of
and hold him.
One man dismounts
and throws steer and hog-ties him. If
times in cases of Poor Ap­
the steer is down before the man dis­
petite, Headache, Indiges­
mounts he must be allowed to regain
tion, Dyspepsia, Costive­
his feet before being thrown and tied.
Three minutes is the limit on this
ness and Malarial Disor­
ders. Be persuaded to try
Wild horse race: This event is open
a bottle today.
to all. Purse, $200.
This contest is probably the most
exciting event of its kind ever seen in
the Northwest. The contestant, each
with one assistant, ia lined up on the
T ents, A w n in g s, S a ib
starting tape. The gun is fired.
Cell, Hunmodu. Caeni end Covert
must then rope, saddle, mount and ride
1 or 1,000 at factory prices.
his wild horse once around the track.
27 N. First St*. Portland. Or.
Pony express race: First prize, $50
cash and silver mounted bridle; second,
$30, and third $20. Each rider to have
two ponies and one assistant. No race
hones can be entered.
E Y E R E M E D Y i~ »■» U» It
Ladies’ relay race: First prize, $75 Liquid Fona, 25c, 50c. Stive Tube*. 25c, $1.00.
cash and Northweat championship cup;
second, $50, and third $25.
Men’s relay race (cowpony): First
prize, $75 cash and silver cup; second
$50 and third, $25.
Packers race: First prize, $25 and
Stetson hat; second $15 and third, $10.
In this contest the entryman must fur­
nish his own horse, saddle and rope.
The load to be packed will be furnished
by the management.
These are the main events. The
others are; Maverick race each day;
barrel race, three races, one each day;
cowpony hurdle race; slow mule race;
men’s cowpony race each day; Ladies’
cowpony race each day; ladies’ riding
contests; ladies’ shooting contests; la­
dies’ roping contest; men’s riding,
New. Handsome, Instructive, Up-
to-Date. describing
roping and shooting contests; Indian
squaw races, Indian races, Indian rid­
ers and war dancers.
As a side feature there will be Buf­
falo Vernon, who throws a steer single
handed and holds him down with his
Free on request Write now. men­
teeth. This is an event that has been
tioning: thin paper.
put on at the Cheyenne shows with
J . B. P 1 L K I N G T O N , N u r t e r y m a n
great success. Vernon rides into the
P o r tla n d , O r . g o
arena on a horse, jumps from the horse
to the back of the steer, slips down be­
tween the horns, gets a strangle hold
and downs the steer. It is wildly ex­
Special rates o f one and one-third
fare have been made by all railroads
from all points in the Northweat.
TRY M U R iü E " Ü i r *
Ed. Howa'a Philosophy.
Atchison Globe.
What a busy man is compelled to ne­
glect would keep a lazy man employed.
The funniest jute hair the girls are
arearing is the kind that shoots out a
long way behind.
There are all kinds o f tastes In this
world, including people who enjoy the
illustrated tong at a moving picture
Did you ever note how cordial and
pleasant a hostess ran be when her
summer guest announces that she will
depart the following dayT
Unprofitable Employment.
Galveston New«.
Probably there ia no more unprofit­
able employment on earth than that of
counting the buttons down a woman’«
The experimental use o f th# phono­
graph on Saxon railways la reported
by Consul Thomas H.
Norton, o f
Chemnitz. Two local inventors have
patented a system which ia adapted to
both trains and a tat ions.
Union and Confederate Veterans
Mingle at Atlantic City
‘ Dixie" Arouses Cheers—Movement
to Unite Grand Armies to Elim­
inate Sectional Feeling.
W h a t is C A S T O R I A
C astoria is a h arm less su b stitu te f o r C astor O il, P a re*
Atlantic City. N. J., S ept 20.—The
e o r ic . D rop s a n d S o o th in g S y ru p s, i t is P leasan t.
con ta in s n e ith e r O p iu m , M o rp h in e n o r o th e r N a rco tio
hotels, piers and board walk ate crowd­
su b sta n ce. Its a g e is Its g u a ra n te e . I t d e stro y s W o r m s
ed with old soldiers and their families
a n d allays F everish n ess. I t c u re s D iarrh oea a n d W in d
here to attend the 44th annual encamp­
C o lic. It reliev es T e e th in g T r o u b le s , c u re s C o n stip a tio n
ment of the Grand Army of the Repub­
a n d F la tu len cy . I t asslnillu tes th e F o o d , reg u la te s t h e
lic. Every train brings re-enforce­
Ntoinacli a n d D ow els, g iv in g h ealth y a n d n a tu ra l sle e p .
ments to the crowd that began arriv­
T h e C h ild re n ’ s l ’ a u a ce a —T h e M o th e r ’ s F r ie n d .
ing last week.
Five thousand veterans gathered in
the Savoy theater and listened to a
patriotic sermon by the Rev. Robert
Bears the Signature of
A. Elwood, chaplain of the department
o f Pennsylvania.
Commander Van Sant and Hilary A.
Herbert, of Albany, ex-secretary of
the navy and a general in the Confed­
erate army, were the principal speak­
# #
ers at a large gathering o f veterans on
the steeplechase pier.
U se
General Herbert eulogin-d the mem­
bers of the Grand Army. He told how
the wearers of the blue and th# wear­
ers of the gray were welded together
in the cause of the Union.
Commander-in-chief Van Sant and
General Daniel E. Sickle» both said
they would work for the proposition
advocated by General Herbert, of
bringing the grizzled veterans o f the
North and South together.
It is be­
lieved that this demonstration of feel­
ing will end the agitation against the
placing of a statue of General R. E.
We want you to try this Piano IN YOUR
Lee in Statuary Hall at Washington.
HOME FREE. We want you to try It at
A remarkable scene eccurred with
our expense because—
the entrance of General Sickles.
he swung down the aisle the veterans
At the end of thirty days the Piano
arose as one man and four o f his com­
ITSELF will convince you of the following
mand lifted him, chair and all, and
placed him on the platform while the
It’s the best value on earth for the price
band played “ Dixie” and the crowd
cheered as General Sickles grasped the
folds of a huge silk flag, with Com­
mander Van Sant, General Herbert
I'-'..*., l
know there is so much real value In
stepped up and said:
“ Had I been told when I was in Antie-
this Wellington Piano—we’re selling for $275—on eojg payments—that
tam that in the years to come I would
we’re willing to let it be ITS OWN SALESMAN.
stand side by side with Federal sold­
It will tell it’s own story to you— in your home—if you'll send us the
iers and grasp the Stars and Stripes
with them, I would have been insulted.
Please sena me lull particulars concerning this unusual Plano offer.
But I love that old flag now.”
Commander Van Sant said he was
Name............................................... Address.
proud of the fact that no American
army ever surrendered to anything
but an American army.
A ripple of applause greeted the
F a s c in a t io n o f Uoir.
Effect of Sound and Color.
mention of Colonel Roosevelt during
T v e ’eard of Nero a playlng on Ms
Every one Is familiar wltb tbs •«
the Grand Army leader’s address. The
fiddle, sir, when Ms 'ome was a burn­
name o f President Taft was men­ ing,” said the landlady, putting down facts of sound upon the nervous. Har­
monious sounds please and gratify, Ur
the local paper, “but this ’ere game of harmonious sounds displease and le
golf must be tha most fasklnatlng rltate. Sweet music, the singing
'obby tn the world. I've been reading birds, the purling of a brook. Call
Entire Fleet of Battleships May Be about the fire up at the golf ground pleasantly upon the ear, soothing an«
last FYlday. and It says. 'The fire bri­ delighting the hearer. The screeching
Built on Coast.
gades promptly responded to the call,
San Francisco— A fleet #f battle­ and when darkness closed In they of a rusty hinge, the banging of •
ships for the Chinese navy is to be were still playing upon the vulns of door, the sound of a discordant piano*
Irritate and annoy the hearer. If
built in San Francisco. Millions will tbs clubhouse.”—Golf Illustrated.
long enough continued, such sounds
be spent here in the purchase of sup­
will produce an evil condition s f
Nothing Uglier.
plies and for the living expenses of
Nothing Is uglier In American life nervousness.
thousands o f workmen needed to turn
out the gigantic order, if the efforts of than the tendoncy to delight In tear­
Novel Tool Chest.
some of the foremost financiers of this ing down reputations. Wo consider
For use In manual training schooK
ths old Romans brutal because they
country are crowned with success.
This is the purposes of a visit which gaaed with pleasure on wild beasts a Wisconsin man has patented a tool
Charles M. Schwab, ex-president of the tearing men to pieces. We bend not chest which may be converted Into n
United States Steel corporation and back our thumbs as we behold the work bench by clamping It to the tog
of two desks.
owner o f the Union Iron works and rending of things that are more pre­
other large plants, is to pay to this cious to a man than his body.—New
York Globe.
The man who boisterously Info
The big financier is hurrying across
you that he knows what ha la talking
the continent in his private car to
How many men are groaning In about Is always Justified In auspeotlng
meet Prince Tsai Hsun, uncle of the
emperor of China, who is due to arrive spirit at this moment over an Infatua that you may ba harboring a
on the steamer Manchuria.
Schwab Mon that made them sacrifice the ablo doubt
and his party, which comprises promi­ whole worth of life for the sake of a
nent steel magnates, will accompany nretty face and a plastic manner!
the Chinese imperial party to Wash­
Parent’s Incentive.
Many a man holds on a steadier
Ward Workers Unionized.
course because of Tommy's framed
Milwaukee, Wis.— One of the first school certificate upon the mantel-
unions o f city employes in the country plecs.
was organized here by ward workers
of the Seventh, Eleventh, Twelfth and
Fourteenth wards, and sponsored by
Socialist municipal officials.
were 30 present, waterwagon drivers,
Pure, Refined Juice <
ward teamsters, steam roller men and
“ Picked R ipe"
street sweepers. There wax some sus­
“ I have used your valuable Cascareta
picion on the part o f the wardworkers and I find them perfect. Couldn’t do
Bottled Right
as to what position they would be in if without them. I have used them for
the present administration should be •ome time for indigestion and biliousness
and am now completely cured. Recom­
A new product; a new
ousted at the next election two years mend them to everyone. Once tried, you
drink; a new appetizer ; and
will never be without them in the
family.” —Edward A. Marx, Albany, N.Y.
new healthful habit
Greater Boston is Planned.
PleRnant, Palatmbln. Potent. Taut« Good.
Do Good. N «v«r Sicken. Weaken or Grip«.
Boston— A bill will be introduced
10c. 26c, 60c. Never *old In bulk. Th« $r«n-
I t ’s Pure— Drink it Pure
at the next session of the legislature
oln« tablet «tamp 'd C C C. Guaranteed to
Nothing has been added to the juice
calling for a Greater Boston, to em­
at any ftage of the refining
brace 40 cities and towns included in
no suoar, no water, no pre
the metropolitan district and establish
Tenant’» Reward.
literally and absolutely nothing. Wo
a metropolitan council to consist of
A certain landlord called on a ten­
simply free the juice from such
mayors and the chairmen of boards of ant ona day and said: "Jones, I'm go­
matter as will filter out and then Her-
selectmen in the district
The meas­ ing to raise your rent.” "What for!"
ilize it in the bottle.
ure will not provide for the annexation Jones asked, anxiously. “ Have taxes
I t ’s Hawaiian Pineapple
to Boston of any of the cities or towns gone up i'* "No, not at all,” the land­
included in the Greater Boston dis­ lord answered, "but I see you've paint­
Grown under the tropical skies of
trict, and the metropolitan council will ed the houas and put In a new range
Hawaii. The juice of • ripe Ha­
waiian Pineapple ia juA a mixture of
have merely advisory powers in con­ and bathtub.
That, of course, ought
dew, sunshine and oxygen. k is
sidering many legislative matters.
to maks It bring more rent.”
The Kind You Ha?e Always Bought
For Over 3 0 Years.
Sherman j p a y & Co.
purer than spring water.
Montenegro la Kingdom.
Rome— It is asserted in diplomatic
circle here that during recent viaita in
Cottinje, the Montenegrin ruler assum­
ed the title of king, elevating his coun­
try to the rank of a kingdom. An
offensive and defensive alliance be­
tween Montenegro, Bulgaria and Ser-
via was signed. Each of these nations
ia pledged to give military aid to the
others in case the sovereign rights of
any of them are attacked by Turkey
or Austria.
Cattle Firm Indicted.
Sacramento— A special to the Union
from Carson City, Nev., says that the
grand jury has found an in­
dictment against ths Golconda Cattle
Painless E x tra ctio n ....... Free company, of Nevada, of which William
Silver F illin g «......................50« E. Kent, Republican candidate for con­
Oold Filling« ........................7S<
22 K. G old C ro w n « ....................$3 gress from the 8econd district o f Cali­
Porcelain C r o w n « fornia, is president.
The charge ia il­
M olar G old C ro w n « legal fencing of government land.
Bridge W ork, 12 K . 0*11
Inlay Fill«. Pur« G o l d ......... fit
V ery Nice Rubb«r P la t«___ %A
B*«t Rubber Plate on h a rth ..................................$7
Don't throw your m *ney away. A dollar #«v«d
1« twodoliara earned. Our original reliable Modern
Pain!««* Method« and our perfected offic« «quip-
men t aave* u i time and y-nr money.
•©STOW DENTIST J. Sth R H e r r .t e o , P o rtla n d
Merrtwe. ippruSt f i a i i » and Meier a
PmrJr FnabiixboA la PuMaMt 10 year«. Open
■ndJ • and »#>*$$ until 1 2 i)0. far people wfco n A
T h e K in d Y ou H ave A lw a y s lio u g h t has b o r u e th e s l g i a .
tu re o f Clias. II. F le tc h e r , a n d has b e e n m a d e tin d er hla
p erson a l su p ervision lo r o v e r DO y e a rs. A llo w n o omo
t o d e c e iv e y ou In th is. C o u n te rfe its , T iuitations a n d
“ J u s t-a s -g n o d ’ * u re b u t E x p erim en ts, a n d e n d a n g e r t h «
h e a lth o f C h ild ren —K x p e r le n c e a g a in st e x p e r im e n t .
Castro is Accused o f Plot.
Teneriffe, Canary Islands— A man­
ifesto bearing 1,500 signatures and ac­
cusing ex-Preaident Castro, of Vene­
zuela, of organiging a plot in the Can­
aries against the life of the present
Venezuelan executive, Juan V. Gomez,
la being circulated bars.
I t ’s the Drink Delightful
Clear as cryOai, bi-autiful as liquid
amber, smooth, mellow and satisfying
to the taltr; Dole's Pure Ha*
Pineapple Juice is as much aa
tizer as a cocktail, which Ml fad k
can easily replace. Non-aicohefU
of course.
A . Good
W h ere to Find I t
Hair Vigor, new Im­
proved formula, is a genuine
hair-food. It feeds, nourishes,
builds up, strengthens, Invigor-
•teg. The hair grows more
rapidly, keeps soft and smooth,
and all dandruff disappears.
Aid nature s little. Give your
hair a good hair-food.
Doe I not change
Aik the man *1 the *nU
lor ■ glaa* or a boaUi at *A y*to
grocer for quart*
Lottie*. If you *hould not euily lad
Dole', Pur* Piaaugl*
Juice, write ut for booklet and <krac­
tion« where to get it. Seed far lids
uieful menu booklet anyway.
the color o f the hair.
f o r m uí a w ith
Show tt to jroar
d ootor
f g k h m about It.
theu do «o ho M / i
IIS Market Street.
You n«ed not hciitatu about uxln$ this
new Hair Vigorfrom «nyfe.r of it* chang­
ing the color of your hair. The new
Ayer’ s Hair VlRor prevents premature
graynexs, but does not chance the color ,
**1 r . l #
of Iko bxir even to the xli(hleil degree. \\ „»o "!,'* 3il* «*, M*
M i l l bv U u J. 0 . * * * e Oe.. Lw**U. M***.-
N o.