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About Mosier bulletin. (Mosier, Or.) 1909-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1909)
X .r a i i .T i a B P .w a r » r .^ r . ■— LOCAL — OUR EXPERIENCE Buggy j{or>»le cheap. Inquire .»t livery ’stable. A Is worth MONEY TO YOU jj B. E. DUNCAN & CO. Have you subscribed for this jpaper? If not, why not? ORCHARD a suit? Leave youri (old one at the Bulletin office and j ihave it made new. S. D. Fisher can funnast baled hay and straw in any quantity, from a bale to a carload. Inquire at livery stable. 11-12-m Davidson Building j ll , B u s in e s s T he C a r e entru sted to For Anything in o f th e First National Bank of Tlie Dalle?, Oregon WILL HAVE PROMPT ATTENTION Capital - - $100,000.00; Surplus and undivid ed profits - 100.000.00 J. S. SCHENCK, P r e s id e n t \ E d M. W il l ia m s M a x A. V o gt • ___ t|, Vice Pres. Cashier LANDS Hood River, Ore. | Hardware, Dry Goods, Shoes, Fur nishings, Wagons, Buggies, Hacks or any kind of Farming Imple- ments, Cheaper to Subscribe. I have taken over the stock of Will Erect Store Building. H.G.KIBBEE- stationery, post cards and school Once upon a t i - a man, wl o Ground was broken yesterday books formerly carried by Stew Mrs. John Wallberg was a vis- for the erection o f a store build- was t°° oconomieal to take a pa- N O T A R Y P U B L IC ing on the lot adjoining A. Stew- l)er> -sent his hoy to borrow the art, Nichol and Chown, and will ti^or in Hood Riyv-r yesterday. art’s store on Main street, pur copy taken by his neighbor. In ca.ry a complete line. M o sie r - - - O regon Thanksgiving Post Cauls at chased recently by Nathan P. his haste the boy ran over a stand lM -2 t J. E. COLE. Cole’s Book Store. Sturgess. The building will be o f bees and in ten minutes looked L'A L. Lamb returned last Tuesday 124x4u feet, with living apart- like a watery summer squash. Local Train Service. NOTICE OF PUBLICATION. Ilis cries reached his father, .morning from a fortnight’s visit; ments upstairs, O. R. & N. Nut Coal Land. with relatives at Dayton, Wash.! Mr. Sturgess will have no dif- who ran to his assistance, and Department of the Interior. Train No. Du<- United States La..d Office, W est Bound. Mrs. # . F. Bothfur r e f u n d ! ficulty in securing a tenant for failing toseea barbed wire fence, 9 5:15 A. M. - ” - ■ week’ ■ s visit • the store, as he has already had ran into it. breaking it down,cut The Dalles, Oregon, Nov. 10th, 1S09. j (on Tuesday from a 11 ting a handful of flesh from his Notice is hereby given that Howard several applications for it. In with friends at The Dalles. H. Smith, o f The Dalles, Oregon, who ! East Bound. fact, so great is the demand in anatomy and ruining a pair of on April 14th, 1903, made Homestead, j Next Thursday the noble tur 10 10:26 A. M. ? $4 pants. (Serial No. 02866), No. 12*168, for El-2 key sacrifices his life for the Mosier for buildings of all kinds, : : : 10: ¡0 P. M. f 12 Tht old C O W took advantage of NE1-4, E l-2 Sel-4, Section 13, Twp. 1 I that so soon as the erection of good of the nation. (All mail trains.) one is contemplated it is spoken the gap in the fence, ran into the North, Range 11 East, Willamette Mer Ernest Evans and wife have idian, has filed notice of intention to for. Mosier’s growth is not phe- cornfield and killed herself eating make Final five year Proof, to establish , moved into town and are occupy nominal or of the mushroom va- green corn. Hearing the racket described be- T ^ X axp ayer5 o f W a s c o in g a tent house in W. Husband’# riety, but a steady, consistent j the wife ran, upsetting a iour- claim to the land fore the Register anti Receiver or trie 1 J yard. County. and healthy development, which gMImi churn full o f rich cream United States Land Office, at The Miss Jennie Booth, who is bids fair to continue through the j°to a basket of kittens, drown- Dalle s, Oregon, on the 21st day of Dec- N o U c e js h e r e b y Rj ven t h a t th e teaching school at Celilo, came winter months, despite the in-D'lg the whole flock. In her hur- e“ namfel| as witneMe. : ! Board o f Equalization for Wasco are our Tooth Washers and the praise down on Saturday’ s local and clement and unusual weather, ry she dropped a $7 set of teeth. of them. They are pure, fragrant and Bert Martin, John Stagman, Horace County will meet in the Assess- .spent Sunday with her mother. | The greatest hindrance at pres- The baoy, left alone, crawled Martin and L. O. Dawson, ail of The or’s Office in the Court House antiseptic, cleansing both tecth and j ums removing the tartar and giving through the spilled miik into the , uaius, Dreg Mrs. A. M. Forslierg and chil ent to the development o f the for said Wasco County, on Mon a sweet perfume to the breath. W e C. VV. M o o r e , Register. dren defj; oil Tuesday for Port town is the difficulty in obtaining parlor and ruined a $20 carpet, j day, the 18th day of October, aiso have Tooth Brushes, Powders and (Fisrt publication Nov. 19. L a st pub. Dec, 17.) land, where they will reside this lumber. Not one of the many During the excitement the eldest I 1909, and will remain in session Soaps for dental purposes, and every .Winter. buildings erected here this year daugher ran away with the hired itqrisite for the bathroom and toilet. for one week, or longer if neces Notice for Publication. man, the calves got out and the 1 Our lines of Fancy Soaps, Perfumes sary, for the purpose of equaliz A. P. Bateham and John Car- has been begun or completed on United States Land Office, The and Sachets are second to none in dogs broke up eleven setting ing the assessments, correcting Dalles, Oregon, November 10, 1909. yoll are attending the appje fair Lime, because o f the delay in quality, but rather low in price. hens. Notice is hereby given that the North errors in descriptions, etc. .at Spokane this week. Mr. Bate getting the lumber, most of M o r al -. —Subscribe for youri which has been shipped in from J. W. K o o n t z , ern Pacific Railway Company, whose ham is one of the judges at the ! outside points. This emphasizes home paper.—Ex. post office address is St. Paul, Minne Assessor for Wasco County, Ore. fair. sota, has this 5th day of November, the great need of lumber yard 1909, filed in this office its application Mrs. #i»rbaya Dunsmore left in Mosier. Some enterprising A few apple growers in the to select under the provisions o f the last Saturday for Spokane, y/hej'e firm or individual could do a good Hood River district who formerly j Act o f Congress, approved July 1, 1898 CHAS. N. CLARKE - HOOD RIVER, OREGON Notice for Publication she will spend a month visiting business here in this line, as marketed their fruit through the I (30 sta t. 597, 620) as extended by the her daughters. Not Coal I,and. there will be a constant demand union are shipping independent- 1 Act of Congress approved May 17, Department of the Interior. Ed. Iy. Howe and wife return- : for lumber in the town and sur- ly this season to New York 1906, L o t i, Sec..20, Tp. 1 N ., R. 12 E. W M . Serial 05507. (ed on Saturday last from Port- ! rounding country. u S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon points, using some left over un- j Any and all persons claiming adverse QUICK SERVICE | land ant} will sjiend several weeks j ______ _____ September 27th, 1909 5 GOOD COOKING ion wrappers in packing their J ly the lands described, or desir at Lehowa, their country resi TO MOSIER VALLEY PROP fruit, which is declared to he of! ing to object because o f the mineral Notice is hereby given that Edward When in Hood River take your meals at i dence. an inferior quality b y purchasers character of the land, or for any other C. Brown, of Mosier, Oregon, who, on ERTY OWNERS. reason, to the disposal to applicant, February 6, 1905,made HomesteadEntry in the American metropolis. Don’t -forgot that tfie school! should file their affidavits of protest in ■ (SerialNo. 01556) No. 14176, for the SE ^phildrop will give an , entertain- j We have recently opened an There it is again. Some persons this office, ou or before the 21st day of Quarter NE Quarter, N E Quarter SE ment in ¿troup’s Hall tomorrow I office at Hood River for the do not appreciate was has been I December, 1909. Quarter, Sec33, Tp. 2 North, Range 12 E W M ., has filed notice o f intention to C. W. M o o r e , Register. night. Admission free. Attend j handling of orchard lands and done in their interests through aj make Final Commutation Proof, to es- we are making a specialty of well-established organization and pml enjoy a good program. ! tablish claim to the land above de- are doing such acts that will tear Mrs. J.M. Mosier arriyed from Mosier Valley fruit lands and High Grade Pianos. Cash or ! scribed, before the Register and Re down the good work of the past ceiver o f the United States Land Office Portland last Friday and has easy terms. Paul Hubbard’ s Mu- at The Dalles, Oregon, on the 22nd day Been spending the week with her a description of your property and probably injure their pros pects for the sale of future crops sic House. Hood River. ! of November, 1909. husband. She left yesterday for |an<*the pn“ on sa" ,e __ ‘ — f /\ v r t / t / i r r/\ n / w I n We expect to send a large mini- from their orchards. The union Claimant names as witnesses: '.Portland, Where she will spend ! Lawrence Ht Leininger, O. August should take vigorous action in lier of people to Mosier in the CHURCH DIRECTORY. the \yinter. Ernquist, Viret K. Brooks, Electa E. | next six months and would like preventing the use of their trade Masten and Verl L. Masten, all of | to give pros]tective orchard mark hereafter by calling in all M ethodist E piscopal Mosier, Oregon. -LOR SALE ¡growers information as nearly over supplies of such paper.— C. W . MOORE, A complete line o f all kinds o f Harness constently on A f e w full blooded y o u n g Services first Sunday in each j | accurate as possible as to prices Salem Statesman. Register. hand, but if you prefer to have it made to order, Rhode Island Red roosters at month, 11:30 a. m. and 8 p. m. (First Pub. Oc. 8. Last Pub. Nov. 19.) -------- •- this is our specialty. W e also have a fine line of $1.50 each. Inquire of C. J. Lit- of brush land and young and R ev . H. C. C lark , Pastor. tlepage, Mosier, Oregon. Jl-12tf bearing orchards. The most deadly instrument S U M M E R A N D W IN T E R L A P R O B E S Our office is in the Davidson known to mortal man is the hu- — --------------- - TH A T C A N ’ T BE B E A T ----- ------------------ B aptist For Sjile Cheap. Building at Hood River, where we i man tongue. Dynamite is notin HIDES! HIDES!! HIDES!!! S A D D L E S , W H IP S . G L O V E S . E T C . Second and Fourth Sunday in Brand New No.' I BOSS wash can be reached either personally, it as a trouble breeder. The Call at the B ulletin office and ing machine, large size. Inquire by telephone or by letter. fewer brains there are back of it each month, 11:30 a. m .; 8 p. m. get tags to ship your hides to R ev . W. A. S tark , Pastor. *,,at this office. Yours very truly, j the freer the action. It goes off Kauffman, Davidson, Semmel, of 2t B. E. D u n c a n & Co. i on the slightest provocation. It Portland. C. A. McCargar and family ar 1 strikes harder blows than a prize C hristian G. E. Townsend vouches for ! rived home last Sjtturuay from ! fighter or a mule kicking down DR. H. L. DUMBLE Third Sunday in each month. these people. Portland-, where ■ they spent a ANNUAL MEETING. ! hill. It causes more heartaches 11:30 a. m., 8 p. m. couple o f wgeks visiting friends. The regular annual meeting of than a tax collector. A tongue R ev . J udson B rown , Pastor P H YSIC IAN a n d SU RG EO N Dr. C. A. Macrum o f f Port- the Commercial Club of Mosier can make a sore spot for years. Notice to Creditors. |And, came up last Sunday and [Valley will be held on Monday, The crimes charged to the tongue HOOD RIVER OREGON U nion S u n day S chool Notice is hereby given that the un Spent part o f the day on his fruit December tfth, at which officers are words of criticism, unkind- dersigned has been duly appointed by Every Sunday morning at ranch near town. The doctor! will be elected for the ensuing ness, gossip, scandal, lying, mal- the Honorable County Court of the had intended returning home on ' year.' ¡ico.and.hate. The aggregate of 10:30. D r . D. R obinson , Supt. State o f Oregon for Wasco county ex S eventh D ay A dventist . No. 7 which, beginning last Sun-1 At this meeting, action will be sorrow caused every year by the ecutor o f the estate of Axel E. Peter Will practice in Mosier and son, deceased. All persons having day, Vili stop at Moue) eveiy taken to amend No. 1 of the by- tongue far exceeds that o f theft Sabbath School. claims against said estate are hereby May be reached by long dis Sunday evening for the benefit I laws, changing the name of the and murder.— Ex. Meets every Saturday at 11 a. notified to present the same to me or of Mosier property owners who association from the “ Commer-j ---- m., at Baptist Church. E. S. to my attorney, Frank Menefee, at tance phone. Home phone 6L -live in Portland, but learning I eial Club of Mosier Valley” to It is said that the recent cold Erntson, Superintendent. The Dalles, Oregon, within six months 1 that this train was delayed, he "Mosier Hills Commercial Club.” snap froze a good many potatoes from the date of this notice. STEAMER Dated this 17th day o f August, 1909. returned on th^ local.- Notice for Publication A full attendance o f the mem that had been dug and sacked Y. P. S. C. E. L. rord L n , and left unprotected. One man J. N. T E A L bers is desired. Not coal land F. M. Hunter and wife left on Every Sunday evening at 7:30. Executor o f the estate_of is reported to have lost several ■ *•» — —■ OWNED BY THE PEOPLE Tuesday for Alsea, where they! Axel E. Peterson, deceased. Department of thefilnterior. hundred sacks of'fine "spuds.” BIG TURKEY SHOOT. a20sl7 have purchased^ ranch’ 'and will Leaves Portland every Mon- U. S. Land.Office at The Dalles, Oregon L ad ies ’ A id S ociety 'The very unusual and1 unexpect make their future home.1 Price1 On Tuesday and Wednesday, day, Wednesday and August 28th, 1909. Second and fourth Wednesdays e d weather caught every one REAL ESTATE Hunter ami family and Ira Evans November 28 and 24, there wi unprepared. Notice is hereby given that John 1 A. M. f each month. left Wednesday morning for the ¡be a big Turkey Shoot on the In large or small tracts, at all Leaves The Dalles every Tues- McGill, of Mosier, Oregon, who, on September 7th, 1907, made Homestead same place. All these good peo- sand beach near town. All you prices, from 1 to 9 miles from day, Thursday and Saturday at n 7 ’ o 4 ^ ~ pie will lie greatly ’missed fffom fellows who can sight a rifle, got Mosier. If you are looking for 7 A. M. for W l-2 SW 1-4 Sec. 34, Tp. 2 N. R. Mosier, where they have lived your guns ready and win a fat something leally good d o not fail Freight and Passengers Solicited H E ., and Lot 4, S W l-4 NW 1-4, Sec, so long, and the best wishes o f turkey for Thanksgiving dinner, to see me before buying. Can 3, Tp. 1 N ., R. 11 EW M . has filed many triends will go with them. , notice of intention to make Fina! make you fine offers in improved Live and dressd turkeys also , commutation Proof, to establish claim D O R S E Y B. S M IT H , Denny & Harvey’s on sale at and unimproved orchard lands Sid M. Nichol was up from his to the land above described, before the Genera! Manager. at from $20 an acre up. Have Hood River ranch yesterday. Market. Register and Receiver o f the United Portland, Oregon. also a few good homesteads, State* Land Office at The Dalles, Or«1 Mr. Nichol ha* sold his grocery gon, on the 11th day o f October, 1909. homestead relinquishments and business in Mosier to his brother, E S TR A Y . and timber and stone claims at Claimant names as witnesses'. Cook Nichol, and will devote his .«WNMWIV -*+++*- .« w o « » ) » “ , . . i One large red cow, dehorned, G. W . Grose, V. C. Young. C. J. reasonable prices. List your time and energy to le raising ffiaiks; one two-year-old steer i Fredrickson and Henry Hanam. all of property with me. it pays. of fine apples. Mosier. Oregon. daHc red, right ear cropped; one Office in Bulletin Bldg. C, W . MOORE, D. D. Hail. Mosier, Ore. two-year-old roan heifer with Register. CARD OF THANKS. Address, — Lock Box 84 small bell, no marks. Owner (FirSt Pub. Sejlt. 3. Last Pub. Oct. 1 We desire to thank all those can have ■ above described stock DEALER in For Sale by Who so kindly assisted us duringi„ „ . , , • „ our recent bereavement, in the | P pov,n« Prope* y aml P a u l H u b b a r d , Leading Dealer« in Dressmaking death pf our hoabandand father . all costs. H o o d River, O regon. D. F is h e r , M r s . G e o . I r e la n d Miss Elsie Dennie wishes td ORCHARDS a n d FRUIT LAND i\iosier, Ore. a n d C h il d r e n . announce to the citizens of Moeier in large and small tracts. that’ dii and after October 22nd Call On Stewart, Mosier, Oregon. THE GLACIER PHARMACY D EB U S S E Y ’ S 1 Restaurant and Oyster Home \ w,1j ^ glad to h?ve you gl ve U B W i t . m Harness ! Harness ! GEORGE ÌRVINE - - HOOd River. Transportation Company P i a n o s , Or g a n s , S e w i n g Machines and Sheet Music A. E. LAKE “The Popular Clothier ■j i J. E. N I C H O L S U n d e r t a k e r and Funeral Di r e c t o r A H r a l i f prtifnpr'v •tt»*n.|#nL night i t l l T . H tjf nr coui.try Em balm ing a Specialty N Ielio!« U hl* . ( o r (>«k and F ifth St». H O O D K IV F K . O K I * ¿ O N S pecial alt#n<i'>i M cvfvmc » phoie v eo >1«» up- Men’s Clothing, Furnishings f and vShoes Ì f «*. s N ¡ T H E D A LL E S, OREGON i « N ». * Corner 2nd and Washington Sts. j (i KX « MS.«léW * ( / / pays to list your property with us.) McGregor & Bothfur, b HOSIER OREGON Pianos Tuned SCu iny Machines Repaired she will accept dressmaking and sewifft# at reasonable prices: ADVERTISE IN THE BULLETIN