Image provided by: Hood River Library; Hood River, OR
About Mosier bulletin. (Mosier, Or.) 1909-19?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1909)
— LOCAL — Bean Spray Pumps at Stewart’s Have you subscribed for this paper? If not. why not? Mason. Schram and Economy Fruit Jars of all sizes at Stew art’s. August magazines can he had at the i arber Simp. If you want a good Spray Pump, buy a Bean — for sale by A. S t :. wart . Men’ s, Wome .’sand Children s Shoes a" greatly reduced prices Nichol’ s Bros. F o r S ale .- G >od family horse, weight about 1100 lbs. Inquire ot M. H. C r a f t , Mosier. Ore. f The hank iixtures for the Mo- sier Valley Bank arrived this week from Portland and have been installed. The hank now S 2 presents a decidedly neat and « business-like appearance, and the officials as well as the patrons o f the Mosier Valley Bank a'e certainly justified in feeling proud of this young hut thriving institution. i There is on exhibition in our office a piece of carving which shows remarkable skill and technique, considering that the only tools used were a Rouge chisel and a jack-knife. The subject is a dog’ s head, and it is not necessary to label it, either. Windsor 1 risko is the artist, and a number o f cuitics have com plimented his work very highly. Why buy a suit? Leave youi old one at the Fu’letin office have it made new. E. Burt and Vv. Drisko weie business visitors at The Daihs yesterday. ft fi Ï 8 I -*+-F+>- A. E. LAKE The Popular Clothier” DEALER IN Men’s Clothing. Furnishings and Shoes 1 THE DALLES, OREGON I ) Corner 2nd and Washington Sts. / eiOINN»«* 19tn 1 H § i j <C vl vr «¡ 4rU ¡UJ A W >1 *3 yV K O f- l£ c l Ü •! Dru Goods. Shoes e n a Notions are still going at reduced v te The PEOPLE are itine the BENEFIT. ej m Ç. Annual Fair 19th S E C O N D E A S T E R N O R E G O N D IS T. We must make room for Ike NEW and COMPLETE Line of Fail Goods. Wni. Hudson has about com pleted the improvements on his W A S C O , F i C O D R IV E R & S H E R M A N C C S . residence on the hill and it pre sents a tine appearance, with the AT addition of a verandah and a coat of fresh paint. These im Ira Evans was a passenger on provements, with the beautiful OCTOBER . , , S, , yesterday’s local to The Dalles, 1 view obtained o f the Columbia A ttt returning in the afternoon. river, make it one o f the most ■» n FRUIT. AGRICULTURE, STOCK AND SPEED. Messrs. C o co a i and Patter- dtractive places in town, JL. w JL BETTER EXHIBITS, BETTER STOCK, BETTER?SPEED AND son, two Portland capitalists, ^ . , , , were in town yesterday lookmg , ° ' )e "J lhe * ne* JJ anos of the BETTER CARNIVAL ATTRACTIONS THAN EVER BEFORE’ up some land. hundreds of costly instruments mat Lners P.ano House sells, For Information. Address Mr. Kay Sturgess and wife, ot each year, was sold the other day Portland, came up last Satuulay to Mr. C. A. McCargar for his C. L. PHILLIPS, President, J. M. PATTERSON, Secretary. night and spent Sunday and magnificent, new home at Mosier, Monday with re atives. Oregon. Mr. McCargar is one of por Sale, Frank Ginger and his mother, the most successful apple men in j Petite ,)rLmes in any quantity, ¡A ll B usiness entrusted tc Mrs. Harlan, were visiting in this territory, and will take up delivered in Mosier at 1 ct. per T he C are of the D e a l e p in R e a l E s t a t e his future residence at Mosier. pound. E d F. R e e v e s , The Dalles on Tuesday. The piano in question is the w on-; Mosier, Ore. Mrs. Fred Evans and little son We have some B argains in derful combination o f Pianola of The Dalles, Oregon are spending the week with improved and unimproved and piano comprising a highest For Sale. WILL HAVE PROMPT ATTENTION friends at The Dalles. lands in the wonderful fruit grade piano with the genuine At a bargain- A Svenson stump Capital - - $100,000.00 belt o f MOSIER. Distance Mrs. Harlan has moved into pjanola action concealed within puller in good condition. Address I Surplus and undivid from the town o f Mosier, E. 0. WlNANS, the rooms in th ; rear of Stroup s jta case. It is finished in a rich ed profits - 100.000.00 Mosier, Ore. on the O. R. & N. main line, ! J . S . SCHENCK, P r e s i d e n t building, recen y vacated by Mr. dull finish case o f Circassian wal praise from one and a half to seven Stroup. o f them. They are pure, fragrant and E d M. W illiams M a x A. V o g t nut, a very richly and handsome Notice. miles. This land is noted a,.tise;.tie, cleansing both a te< 1 1 and Vice Pres. Cashier Stanley East nan reports the ly finished wood. The superb, removing!!the tartar and giving for its fertility and is espec We are going to reduce our following sale of fruit land: A. musical qualities of the instru a sweet perfume’ to {the3'«breath. We ially adapted to the raising stock of Rhode Island Red and L. Dundas to Tiios. Leonard, of ment itself and the possibility of also have Tooth P-rushes. Powders and H. G. K I B E E E of the finest apples that can White Leghorn chickens and will boar s for dental purposes, and every Portland, ten acres of the Martin the pianola will, no doubt, add sell about 400 of them in large or be grown in the United uisite for the bathroom and toilet. greatly to the enjoyment o f Mr. small lots. Will also sell several tract, on Seven Mile. States, and needs no irriga Our lines o f Fancy boaps, Perfumes N O T A R Y P U B L IC McCargar’ s magnificent new incubators and brooders. Drop a dollar and a half in the and Sachets are ; second to none in tion. E. 0. WlNANS, home. We need more such fine quality, but rather low in price, ~ _■ 1 M o s ie r - - - O regon «lot and draw a prize—the Music • musical instruments in this com- We also have a number of Mosier, Ore. good homesteads and home Bulletin deliver •<! at your postot- , rnunity. n o t ic e f o r p u b l ic a t io n . stead relinquishments — all NOTICE. fice for one year. Not Coal Land. good bargains. I am in touch with Eastern: Department of the'Interior. John Evans new residence on Christian ¿ hurch wi!1 l)e dedicat- For particulars, call at my parties who who will visit Mosier U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore Idaho Strie, will soon he com pJ on Sunday, October 31st. office in the BULLETIN Build gon, August 3!st, 1909. this Fall to look at weH improved CHAS. N. CLARKE - HOOD) RIVER, OREGON pleted and ready for occupancy. __ _ Notice is hereby given that Howard property, and I can handle a few ing, or address, This a modern six-room house L. Ray, o f The Dalles, Oregon, who, 5 “ SCHOOL NOTES. more such places, close in, t o ; D. D. HAIL, on March 18th, 1901, made Homestead and will make a most desirable good advantage. Would also list j Lock Box 84, The enrollment is now 62. Entry (.Serial No. 04959) No. 12277, for Mosier, Ore. a few more unimproved places residence. SE1-1 N E l-4, NE1-4SE1-4 and Sl-2 SE QUICK SERVICE | Watch Mosier School grow. 1-4, Sec. 32, Tp. 1 North, R. 11 E W M ., 1 GOOD COOKING South and East of Mosier. i iLELLL. A. P. Bateha n was a business HIDES!! HIDES!!! has filed notice of intention to make I). D.H ail . HIDES! The change in the weather was Final five-year proof, to establish claim 3 visitor in Portland the first of When in Hood River take your meals at the cause of some absence this Call at the B ulletin office and to the land above described, before the the week. His daughter. Miss NOTICE i get tags to ship your hides to Register and Receiver o f the United week, trom colds. . , 1 „ „ .. . . . 1 States Land Office at The Dalles, Orc- Maude, accompanied him and The last Interdenominational Kauffman, Davidson, Semmel, of gon, on the 5th day of October, 1909 . The repaired pump is now in will attend school at the Portland Claimant names as witnesses: working order without being Convention of Wasco and Hood Portland. Academy this Winter. Joseph L. Hanna, Delaney P. Ketch- River counties will be held in G. E. Townsend primed. vouches for urn, William K. Ki t,chum and Horace B. Martin, all of The Dalles, Oregon. George Chamberlain reports Mrs. Parrish was a visitor last Mosier on Sept, 25th. Three ses- these people. « the sale recen ly of 75 acres of Thursday morning. C. W . MOORE, ¡sions will be held and it is desired Register. , that the people of Mosier will unimproveel apple lan 1, owned Notice to Creditors. (First Publication Sept. 3. Last Pub. Oct. turn out in large numbers, for by H. W. Whitney and known as ing at nine. Parents and visit Notice is hereby given that the un- j there will be some excellent 1 dersigned has been duly ap)>ointed by the Batchellor tract, to F. J. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. ors are welcome. I speakers on the program. Catterlin, o f Portland. The price I the Honorable County Court o f the United States Land Office, There are no pupils in Mosier ■ ■ ■ State of Oregon for Wasco county ex- ' The Dalles. Oregon. August 31st, 1909. paid wras $150 per acre. District. No. 52 reported for non- Ig J Bf ¿str- f ' editor o f the estate o f Axel E. Peter Notice is hereby given that the PRESCRIPTION SPECIALISTS Leading Dealers in C. A. McCargar is the proud attendance. All pupils between son, deceased. All persons having State of Oregon has filed in this office possessor of a fine Chalmers- the ages of nine and fourteen ORCHARDS AND FRUIT LAND ! claims against said estate are hereby its application, Serial No. 05219, to se OREGON HOOD RIVER j notified to present the same to me or lect under the provisions o f the Act of Detroit 40 horse-power automo have been enrolled. to my attorney, Frank Menefee, at in large and small tracts. bile, which he brought back from Congress of August 14, 1848, and the The Dalles, Oregon, within six months Acts supplementary and amendatory Portland. He will now be able Will Enforce Herd I^aw. (It pays to list your property from the date of this notice. thereto, the SE Quarter o f SE Quarter to eliminate lime and distance Dated this 17th day o f August. 1909. Prosecuting Attorney Fred W. with us.) and SW Quarter of SE Quarter, of Sec. between his country residence L. KORDEN, 20, Tp. 1 N .. R. 11 EW M . Wilson has expressed his deter Executor o f the estate'of and town. Musical Any and all persons claiming adverse mination to enforce the herd law Axel E. Peterson, deceased. ly the lands described, or desir Mr. Olaf Oss, o f Portland, ar in this district, and those cattle McGregor & Bothfur, Instruments a20sl7 ing to object because o f the mineral rived in town on Wednesday. owners who allow their stock to character o f the land, or for any other MOSIER - OREGON Mr. Oss is in t‘rested with R. M. run at large in the vicinity of LUMBER. LUMBER, LUMBER reason, to the dis|X)sal to applicant, Ross in some land near town, Mosier are laying themselve ha should file their affidavits o f protest in For the month of September this office, on or before the 12 th day of and expects t > move his family i,te to a visitation of the law. lt DR.. H. L. D U M B LE | we will give our patrons ten per October, 1909. CHURCH DIRECTORY. here in a shorn time. is stated that most of the cattle C. W. M oore , Register. cent discount on all orders Mr. Ed Ree/es has begun the running at large around here are amounting to five dollars or over. (First pub.’ Sept. 10. Last pub.Oct 15.) PH YSIC IAN and SURGEON M e t h o d is t E p is c o p a l construction of a line bungalow owned by parties in The Dalles. Terms Cash. Services first Sunday in each on his place near town which, We here publish the following M o s i e r L u m b e r Co., OREGON Notice'for Publication HOOD RIVER letter from Attorney Wilson, month, 11:30 a. m. and 8 p. m. when finished will be a most at By George Haacke. Not Coal Land. R ev . H. C. C lark , Pastor, tractive, conv >nient and commo and it would be well for all stock Department of the Interior. owners to heed the warning con dious residenc *. Will practice in Mosier and HIDES! HIDES!! HIDES!!! U. S. Land Office at The Dalles. Oregon tained in the letter and keep B a p t is t August 20th, 1909 May be reached by long dis Bring your hides to the Bul There is so much building on their cattle out of this district. Second and Fourth Sunday in Notice is hereby given that Sarah E. haml here at present, and more Here is the letter: tance phone. Home phone 61, each month, 11:30 a. m .: 8 p. m. letin office. We buy them, rep Cooper, formerly Sarah McVey, of The resenting Kauffman, Davidson waiting to bo done, that it is im The Dalles, Ore. 9, 17. ’09. R ev . W. A. S tark . Pastor. Dalles, Oregon, who, on April 18th, Semmel, of Portland. possible to secure enough car 1904, made Homestead Entry (Serial E d it o r B u l l e t i n : Notice for Publication No. 03143) No. 13385, for the SW 1- ! penters. Good workmen can C hristian It having been N ot coal land OWNED by the PEOPLE and Section 22. Township ' 1 North, Range get employment all Fall and Notice for Publication reported to me,on good authority, should be SUPPORTED by Third Sunday in each month. 11 E W M .. has tiled notice o f intention Department o f the Interior. Winter, if building activity con Uni toil States Land Office,The Dalles. to make Final five-year Proof, to es that the Herd Law, which was 11:30 a. m., 8 p. m. the PEOPLE. U. S. Land Office at The Oregon tinues, as it promises to do. ! Oregon, August 21, 1909. tablish claim to the land above de voted for at the last election, is R ev . J udson B rown , Pastor August 28th, 1909. Notice is hereby given that the scribed, before the Register and Re C. J. E. Carlson brought into being violated in the Mosier Val Northern Pacific Railway Company, ceiver of the United States Land Office Notice is hereby given that John our office yesterday some speci ley. I take this means o f stating BEST SERVICE between Port- McGill, o f Mosier, Oregon, who, on j whose postoffice address is St. Paul, U nion " S unday * S chool at The Dalles, Oregon, on the 27th day mens of the King aople that are that the provisions o f this law- Minnesota, has this 18thday o f August, land and The Dalles and way September “ th, 1907, made Homestead Every Sunday morning at 1909 tiled in this office its application to o f September, 1909. dandies, and no mistake. They will he rigorously enforced by Entry. (Serial No. 04200.) No. 16700 . points. Claimant names witnesses: i for W l-2 SW 1-4 Sec. 34. Tp. 2 N. R. were g^own on his place south me and that any complaints of 10:30. D r . D. R obinson , Supt. select under the provisions of the Act Anna (lodherSen and Thomas Godber- of Congress, approved July 1, 1898 (30 S eventh D ay A dventist . 11 E.. and Lot 4, SW 1-4 N W 1-4, See east of , town, on . a . dry sen, of Mosier, Oregon; George Mc . , . hillside, its violation which will be report- i Stat. 597. 020) as extended by the Act 3. Tp. 1 N ., R. 11 EWM. has filed Sabbath School. Vey. o f Portland. Oregon, and Victoria STEAM ER of Congress, approved May 17, 1900, notice of intention to make Final Ruskuhl. o f Kingsley. Oregon. Meets every Saturday at 11 a. the N W 1-4 of SW 1-4 Sec 29. Tp. 2 N ., commutation Proof, to estai lish claim the past six months. This speaks *,on- J. N. T E A L C. W. MOORE. m.. at Baptist Church. E. S. R. 12 K ..W M. Serial No. 06177. to the land above described, before the well for the soil and climate o f F r e d W. VVil 8JN, Register. Loaves Oak Street Dock. Port Any and all person* claiming adverse Register and Receive? 8 f the United Mosier. 1 Prosecuting Attorney. Knit son. Superintendent. (First Pub. AtS/T. 27. Last Pub. Sop.24) ly the lands described, or desiring to land. at C A. ill.. Monday, Watch for New Announcement T H E D A LLE S , O R E G O N . 5 6 7 9 1909 r\ n r \ ÂI o Mosier. í T 9 Oregon. D. D. HAiL First National Bank THE GLACIER PHARMACY I I I a I i D EB U S S E Y ’ S I Chop House and Restaurant | THE H A LL DRUG STORE ï. C. Nickelsen Books The Dalles, Or. Transportation Company iSj«*» - KX3K.. J. E. N I C H O L S U n d e r t a k e r a n d F u n e r a I !) i r e c t o r All em u* prom ptly N ichols R U i , Cur. Oak city or n a ia tr) Embalming a SpecijJt a- »1 F ifth Sts. HOOD RIVK*. ORFOOtf U nfeh t < r da Y. P. S. C. E. Every Sunday evening at 7:90. Spftctal at am i hi r iv e n M v 'e r i<ei>plv upon re« rti. nir m pi.o i# n L a d ie s ’ A id S o c ie t y Second and fourth Wednesdays 01 «men montlt. object because of the mineral character of the land, or for am otlur reason, to the disposal to applicant, should file their affidavits of protest in this office, on or before the 5th day of October. 1909. ti'irst Pub. W ANTED. Man with $150 to buy tensores o f fruit land and do r.crk near home to the amount o f $250 in C. W. MOOP.E. Cult quick. Reg;«ter. pa.t payment. V.ig 27. t.a»t Pub O f it D. D. H ah . M Ore, Wednesday kfid Friday. V/e Solicit pour parroting?.' -------- D O R S E Y E. SM ITH . (-.•'ne i"i U r-ir cor. States Land Office at Tue Dalles, Ore; gon, on the 11th day of October, 190V Claimant names as witnesses: 0 . W . Grose, V. C. Your.g, C. J. Fredrickson and Henry Hanam, all of Mosier! Oregon. C. W . MOORF. Register. (FlrM Po'e Crpt. 3, L»Oi Pub. iV t. H