Image provided by: Hood River Library; Hood River, OR
About Mosier bulletin. (Mosier, Or.) 1909-19?? | View Entire Issue (June 18, 1909)
.•murntm*“ .*+++*- Mason and Ball fruit jars at Nichol Bros. The river is rising again after New Canvas Gloves. Chown’ s a drop of about two feet. D EALER IN Mrs. M. H. Craft was visiting Bean Spray Pumps at Stewart’s DEALER IN in Hood River last Monday. Advertise in the B u l l e t in — Miss Phillips, o f Portland, is and get results. visiting with Mrs. D. Robinson. Have you subscribed for this * * R. R. Morrison and wife were paper? I f not, why not? Hood River visitors last Satur Mrs. Dr. Robinson was a vis day. itor in The Dalles on Tuesday. * Lige Huskey was transacting Mason, Schram and Economy A full and complete line of Fruit Jars o f all sizes at Stew business at the county seat yes terday. art’s. Amos Root was transact J. N. Mosier left on Tuesday’s 1 local for a business trip to Port ing business at the county seat and yesterday. .*+++*- ..•»¡¡•flOC»' land. Chas. Stark left for The Dalles J. M. Elliott returned on Sun Economy jars at cost at Nichol P i a n o day from a week’ s visit at Port Wednesday to work in the rail road yards. Bros. House land. Miss Keen arrived this week Mr. and Mrs. Goodwin were in C. Vincent and family left last HOOD RIVER BRANCH Friday for their old home in from the East to visit her sister, town shopping yesterday, from Good t value at Pittsburg Perfect Fencing Mrs. Chick. the Clarke ranch on Rock creek. Ohio. Studebaker Wagons Judge Barton and two daugh G. H. Fairbrother, represent- L O W I TlCCS H. F. Both fur and Geo. Evans and Buggies were Hood River visitors last ters returned from Portland on ing Fleischner, Meier Co., of Wednesday. Portland, was interviewing our Monday. A full line of the latter in carload quan Mrs. Godbersen and daughter, merchants yesterday. Paul Higley returned on Tues tity now in stock. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Littlepage day night from Seattle, where Miss Anna, are visiting friends PAUL HUBBARD, Agent at Monmouth. and Arthur Kuhn and wife, left he attended the fair. «pray this morning for Hood River to I f you want a good Spray Hood River now has a mail de livery service, the system being Pump, buy a B e a n -fo r sale by attend the Strawberry Festival, i held there today. A. S t e w a r t . inaugurated last Tuesday. P a i n t s , Oi l s , a n d G l a s s Mrs. C. G. Nichol is reported Don’ t forget the big game of J. C. Brooks of the Bulletin seriously ill with Brights disease. R o o m a n d P i c t u r e M o u l d i n g force, visited his parents at St. base ball—Mosier vs Underwood- Mr. Nichol took his w ife to the Johns last Saturday and Sunday. next Sunday. Carson Springs yesterday, hop- All Kinds of Lubricating Oils Mr. French was down from Bruce Wolverton arrived up looking ¡n£ that the treatment there will from Portland last Tuesday and The Dalles Tuesday, benefit her. went out to his ranch near town. after his ranch. WALL PAPER The hotel Ramona corner at Mrs. Mills left yesterday af- Arthur Kuhn and w ife were Hood River was sold this week E. E. F R A E D E R I C K Doors, Windows, Lath shopping in town on . Tuesday ‘ ternoi n for Portland, where she to John R. Lawrence for $10,500. I n s t r u c t o r in last from Grand View Fruit will visit friends. Mr. Lawrence intends to erect a Lime and Cement 'ss/ P i a n o and O r g a n Farms. D. A. Sturgess is in The Dalles brick block on the corner next * T erms on A p p l ic a t io n W. Husbands has just secured undergoing treatment for heart spring. This corner is said to '0 the help o f one o f the best horse and kidney trouble, - Oregon be the best business location in Washington St., bet. 2nd and 3d Mosier shoers in the state. Come and The Misses Elsie Denny and Hood River. THE DALLES : ORE. HIDES! HIDES!! HIDES!!! try him. Lurline Fisher were visiting in Roy C. Brock, a prominent 1 F L Y -C A T C H E R S , B E W A R E ! Miss Mary Middleswart is now Hood River yesterday. Bring your hides to the Bul | fruit grower o f Hood River, was at home, having closed a suc Do not go around at the' mercy o f the N. P. Sturgess and wife were in town last Monday and made A pleasant place to spend a so letin office. We buy them, rep cessful term o f school in the down from the ranch yesterday. the Bulletin office a pleasant call, Hies, providing a skating rink and parade resenting Kauffman, Davidson, cial hour is at Doyle district. I Semmel, o f Portland. ground for the disease carrying insects. N. P. was after cherry crates. i Mr. Brock is representing the mz. Get a hair restorer that really restores. S. E. Francisco’s Pool Room. Mrs. D. M. Duvall was called Mrs. Kent, of Kansas, arrived big wholesale fruit firm of Rae Notice for Publication W e will guarantee you a new thatch in a suddenly last Saturday to the in Mosier this week and is visit & Hatfield, of New York City, Not Coal Land. short time if you use Clarke’s Dandercide. S o f t D r i n k s , C a n d y , C i g a r s bedside of her mother, who lives j ing her daughter, Mrs. Higley. and was up here looking over Department of the Interior. W e have depilatories also that are sure, near Portland. I f you want the best grubbing the fruit prospects for the sea- T obacco : U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon safe and speedy in action, as well as all I son and interviewing the grow John Evans is having lumber machine, buy a Swenson. May 17th, 1909 kinds of toilet and dressing room articles hauled to his lot on Idaho street, Alex Stewart. ers. O re C o n Notice is hereby given that Carl J. Mosier, at moderate prices. ’ Fredrickson, o f Mosier, Oregon, who, on One o f the big features at the where he will erect a commodi-j Mrs. F. Allington and little August 6th, 1902, made Homestead En- ous bungalow. son left for Kelso, Wash., on celebration at Hoed River, on E l e c t r i c P o w e r f o r W H IT E try, (Serial No. 02638,) No. 11332, for Lot 1, South H alf North-east Quarter, Don’ t forget that the Bulletin Wednesday, to visit relatives for July 5th, will be an Indian war S a lm o n V a l l e y . j South-east Quarter North-west Quarter, a month. dance, in which about a thou printery is able to turn out firsts I Section 3, Township 1 North, Range 11 Mrs. Wm. Johnson returned sand F. F. A .’s (First Families East, Willamette Meridian, has filed (Portland Journal, June 16.) class job work on short notice at notice o f intention to make Final five- CHAS. N. CLARKE • HOOLÜRIVER, OREGON on yesterday’s local from The of America) will participate. The Husum Light & Power year proof, to establish claim to the reasonable rates. Dalles, where she has been with The Indians will appear in their company has completed its line land above described, before the Regis Ed L. Howe came up last Sat-i her father, who is quite ill. ter anu Receiver o f the United States war costumes and will make a into White Salmon, and before Land Office, at The Dalles, Oregon, on urday from Portland and will Robert Evans and family have the 23rd day of June, 1909. { GOOD COOKING QUICK SERVICE i spend some time at La Howa, moved up to the Townsend place. fine showing. This event alone the end o f the week the town Claimant names witnesses: will be supplied with electric his country villa. Mrs. Howe Bob will take charge of it for the will attract lage crowds. Isaac M. Thomas. ThomasC. Godber- new owner, Mr. Stephenson. “ That’s as fine a goose as I lights and power for manufac son, Mrs. G. F. Godberson and Axel E. When in Hood River take your meals at j| arrived on Sunday. Peterson, all of Mosier, Oregon. The cherry crop is just c o m i n g ! ever saw. Brother William,” the turing purposes. Mrs. C. J. Littlepage and on. several growers making pastor said to his host. “ Where C. W. MOORE, Register. daughter, Ruth, left on Tuesdav small shipments to The Underwood boys didn’t (First Pub. May 21. Last Pub. June 18) outside did you get such a fine one?” for a fortnight’s visit with points. The crop will be light ! “ Well, now, Mistah Rawley, ” show up last Sunday to play the this year. friends at Portland. game of base ball, which was Notice for Publication I Mr. Yancy of Gilliam county, ! said the carver ot the goose, I Stanley J. Eastman returned with a sudden access o f dignity; scheduled for that day, with the United States Land Office,The Dalles, has been in town several days Instead, some of Oregon, May 11, 1909. Tuesday by boat, from Portland. looking for a location. He has “ when you preaches a sermon I local team. Notice is hereby given that the He states that the Rose Carnival seen several good places near! never axes you where you got it. the members o f the “ Seven- Northern Pacific Railway Company, was a great success. town, but has not decided as yet Seems to me dat’s a trivial mat Mile” team, assisted by a num whose postoffice address is St. Paul, ber o f the Mosier players, took Minnesota, has this 11th day of May, what he will do. ter anyway.” Hoed River will celebrate the 1909 filed in this office its application to the Underwood team’ s place in a select under the provisions of the Act F or S ale Thoroughbred Fourth of July on the 5th this There are some men so consti- lively game. The score v, as 13 of Congress, approved July 1, 1898 (SO young Plymouth Rock chickens j tu ted that they go straight for the year. Mosier’ s big time will be 597, 620) as extended by the Act on the Morton place, two miles pleasant things as a bee pitches to 8 in favor o f the hill team. It o Stat. PRESCRIPTION SPECIALISTS f Congress, approved Ma’; 17, l ‘H>3, on Saturday, the 3rd. east o f Mosier, adjoining A. P. for a clover top as soon as he is is expected ti nt the Underwood the S 1-2 of SW 1-4 Sec. 14! W 1-2 of F or R e n t - A store room in Bateham’s farm. Inquire of out o f the hive. They like every- boys will be on hand next Sun NYV 1-4 Sec. 23, Tp. 1 N ., It. 11 E W M . HOOD RIVER OREGON Any and all persons claiming adverse O . H a n s e n I thing. best part o f town —16x50 feet. 6 -1 8 -lt I f they go to a concert day. ly the lands described, or desiring to Large glass front. Inquire of E. Mr. Flemming had the misfor ; they find at least one vo;ce that object because of the mineral character --------- -------------- oi the land, or for an; other reason, to N. Stroup, Mosier, Oregon. tune to lose a valuable mare last 1 suits them and wonder how God The Ladies’ Aid Society met at the disposal to applicant, should file could put so much melody into a thiir air, ¡davits of protest in this office, Wm. Hudson returned last week. The animal had evident single throat. They enjoy the the home o f Mrs. Belle Booth on on or before the 24th day of June, 1909. Sunday night from Arizona ly been shot, though whether ac j spring, they love summer, they Wednesday al’ ernoon. Five new C. YV. MOORE, Musical Register. where he has been spending cidentally or not, Mr. Fleming is j luxuriate in the autumn, they members were enrolled, making ! praise the winter. They are a total membership o f twenty- (First Pub. May 21. Last Pub. June 18) Instruments some time looking for a location. not prepared to say, nor who did pleased under any and all circum the shooting. five members. stances. They are the people N o tic e —A ll persons wishing NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. i Alex Carlson o f Seattle, a A fter the regular business was pie cherries can obtain them by brother o f C. .1. Carlson of Mos you like to have for customers if United States Land Office, you are a merchant, for clients if transacted the society was trow - phoning E. 0. Winan’s, No. 151. ier, left for his home last Mon The Dalles, Oregon, May 25, 1909 you are a lawyer, for patients it t»d to a very interesting program Drop a dollar and a half in the Notice is hereby given that the 6-18-2t day, after visiting a week or you are a doctor, but you don’ t * Northern Pacific Railway Company, consisting o f papers prepared by slot and draYv a prize—the Mosier so with his brother. This is Miss Weltha Lasley, who has Mr. Carlson’s first visit to Mos often get them on the sick list Mesdames Booth aud Root, Mrs. whose post office address is St. Paul. Bulletin delivered at your postof Minnesota, has this 20th day of May, for they can cure almost any been visiting the family o f C. J. ier in fourteen years. fice for one year. kind o f disease, even “ brain Root giving a sketch of the early 1909, filed in this office its application 1 Contractors & Builders to select under the provisions o f the Littlegage for several weeks, R. M. Ross, Mosier’s new storm,” with a bottle o f laugh history of Mosier. Special mus Act of Congress, approved July 1. 1898, left on Tuesday for her home at banker, came up from Portland ter. “ to be shaken while taken.” ic was also rendered by Mrs. J. (30 Stat. 597, 620) as extended by the L. A. MESSING Act o f Congress, approved Mav 17, E S T I M A T E S F U R N I S H E D Corbett. Monday night, and spent Tues - Ex. Howard Porter and Miss Bertha ■ooe the N W 1-4 M V 1-4 Sec. 13,’ E 1-2 W atch m ak er an d J e w e le r Booth. Mrs. Torter is one of \ E l- 4 S e c . 14. T. 1. N\. R. 11 East, H. C. Bowers and daughter, day making arrangements for YV. M. ON A P P LIC A T IO N the opening o f the bank. He M o s ie r C o n g r a t u ij y t e d . our newest arrivals in Mosier, liv Any and all persons claiming adverse Mrs. A. A. Wright, with her returned to Portland Tuesday 28 years experience. First class From an article appearing in ing on the Dr. Templeton place. ly the lands described, or desir two children, o f Portland, came afternoon, work guaranteed. All Watch ing to object because of the mineral the Irrigon Irrigator o f Nov. 22, She has a very fine voice which character up on Wednesday and are visit o f the land, or for any other and Clock Work Yvarranted for Prof, McCann, formerly prin 1907. we take the following ex i m . the dia oaal to appllcai t. shows excellent training. ing with Mr. and Mrs. Ed L. cipal of tin' Fossil High School, one year. Try our work and it tract. This article was written by should file their affidavits of protest in The Society decided to bold a this office, on or before the 8th day o f Howe, at La Howa. was in town last Wednesday, Addison Bennett after ho had at will speak for itself. Located at J . K. McGregor July, 1909. the head o f Main Street. The B u l l e t in will begin soon with a view to purchasing a tended the banquet given by the fair about the first week in C. YV. MOORE. small tract of fruit land o f B. Mosier Commercial Club, in December, and the following lad General Real Estate Dealer Mosier - Oregon the publication o f the early his E. Duncan of II.»od River. Prof. Register. | November, 1907. The quotation ies were appointed a committee i Fir t Publication Jure’ 4: Last Publication July 9) tory of Mosier. The history will McCann will teach at Condon follows: to have charge: Mesdames Mc Town Property and Fruit Lands be compiled from the writings of this year. “ The future o f Mosier is not Get your Job Work done at the Sturgess Rid^e. Gregor, Fraederick, Robinson, shrouded in mystery. It will be several of the earlier settlers and Improved and Unimproved. I. M. Thomas and family who Bulletin office. A fte r the Carl Bowman made a flying will he full o f interest. Watch have been rusticating in the one o f the gems o f Oregon from Craft and Booth. a fruit standpoint. They have close o f the program dainty re trip to The Dalles last YYeek. — Information cheerfully Furnished We have the latest in type for the first installment. hills near Dee. for a couple o f the soil, climate and the “ know freshments were served by Miss Mr. Morden o f Fort land, came and stock. An order for weeks, returned home last Tues Write or call. Henry Hildreth, w ife and day. Their return earlier than how.” No finer grapes, apples, es Bertha and Jennie Booth. up ami remained a couple of printing is sure to be gotten strawberries, peaches and cher three daughters, o f Fargo, N. anticipated was occasioned by a The next regular meeting will days on his fruit ranch, return MOSIER out on time : : : - OREGON ries were ever grown than they received by Mrs. D., arrived in town Monday telegram Our work is neat and guar raise there, and they know how be held with Mrs. Botnfur on ing Sunday. —Mr. G. W. Grose night and went out to Mbs Edna Thomas to the effect that her to handle and ship their products Wednesday. June 23d, at 2:30 p. is thi ning apples.—C. A. Hage anteed to be satisfactory in DR. H. L. DUMBLE mother was seriously ill at her to the U'st advantage. Their Hildreth’s homestead, several home in Iowa. is l usy attending to his bees. — every’ respect : : Mrs. Thomas strawberries are as good rs were m. miles south o f Mosier, where left on Tuesday night for her The society is soliciting work. Theo. Coates took several snap ever grown, and they are about PHYSICIAN A N D SURGEON Pulls «tump 7 feil mother's bedside. they will spend a short time. H onarch J teel diameter. O n l y a week earlier than Hood If any one has sewing, any bach s u ps o f the ball players. Now Steel Stump P u ll« elors need Ix'dding or other sew t ey surely ought to win. N. P. River’s. . F a c to r y in the r -JT world making their OREGON We congratulate the people of ing they would like to have done was down to Mosier Sunday HOOD RIVER j own Steel Castings. Guaranteed foe Mosier. and feel sure tnat they they can leave orders with Mrs. watching the lull game. J. E. N I C H O L S S W _ : . . „ No 500 horte power r u . neral Director strain. Catalogue and discount». Address : have aroused themselves to a Stewart or Mrs. Amos Root and Undertaker and F wonder it looks like rain.—Geo. Will practice in Mosier and struggle for supremacy whieh AM « alls prom ptly attend.*«!. night *r lav. city <»r country h'm hu/m ing a Specialty will 1*' successful, and will n the society will gladly do the Stilrgess was on the ridge Tues Nichols flklfr.. C «r. Oak and F ifth Sts Sp« vial attention given M «••. ? l o t ' r May lie reached by long dis " M. hOLLOCK day. E. W. Huskey Yvatehed th >ir town oneni the best-known work cheap.’ HOOD R IV E R . O R E G O N cri\ m * a ph c n*. w HOOD RIVER OREGON p ice s in Oregon.” A M e m b e r . t le ball game Sunday. tance phone. Home phone 16. General Agent for Oregon — LOCAL — ALEX. STEWART A. E. LAKE The Popular Clothier General Merchandise Men’s Clothing, Furnishings I MOSIER and Shoes I i I Exclusive agent for THE DALLES, OREGON I Hamilton Brown & Co. Corner 2nd and Washington Sts. J EILERS’ OREGON GROCERIES The J. Miller Co. Slices DRY GOODS HARDWARE BOOTS and SHOES and Terms H. GLENN & CO. Farm Machinery Syracuse Plows, Harrows and Discs Always in Stock W e are ready to meet any bona fide cash price on any line that we carry. AM I ^ THE GLACIER PHARMACY i I DEBUSSEY’S ! Chop House and Restaurant \ THE HALL DRUG STORE I. C. Nickelsen Books The Dalles, Or. Hardwick & Nord Mosier Oregon a- Zimmermann Steel Co., Lone Tree, la.