Lexington wheatfield. (Lexington, Or.) 1905-19??, April 04, 1907, Image 3

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iuv- , teaiu
01 11 ;tefo"-
The IJiifiirtuunfes.
winds llmt cannot hear the harps
they piny
Are deaf IleHliovenH of thn solitude;
Tliu (loworM that make us happy all the
TheHe urn thn kIkIiUckh Miltons of the
wood 1 Smart Sot,
Shake Into Your Shoes
Allen's Foot-Kawo. A powder. It makes tlnh
or new shoes feel easy. It is a certain cure lor
KweatliiK, callous and hot, tired, whine leut.
Bold liy all JiniKglslH. l'rlco lifm. Trial pack
bku mailed Fit KB. Address Allen 8. Olmsted,
Lclloy, flew York.
A Distinction.
"A cook In one respect Is different
from all human beings."
"Why so?"
"Because she never wants any other
human help In her hour of knead."
Baltimore American.
I ladvlllH, Colonuio,
Kllver, I.' ml, SI i Mold, Hllvur.7 :
mjHTON.-Assiiyer nri Chemist.
rpecimen prices: ,om,
Id, 6uc; Zlnoor
topper, il, ( yanlilo tests. Mailing envelopes and
inn price list win on application, toniroi anu urn-
pint wnrK tmllclluu. n
tioual Bank.
Uiuroucoi Carbonate
Under New Itules.
"I don't know much about your Con-
?reBHiiian h ollicial record, but l near lie h
a finished iiarliainentarian."
"He is now, you bet! lie wan married
to Miss Stronunilnd a few days ago."
I'AZO dlNTMKNT Is guarantee 1 to cure any
eaiioof lehiiiK, blind, bleeding or protruding
pllen In 6 to M daj-K or money refunded.600.
"There's three ways," observed the
philosopher on the cracker barrel, "for
a man to hand his nnme down to poster
ity. He's not to be a great warrior, or
a great statesman, or a great rascal ; and,
by jocks, once in a while there's a man
that's all three."
Not Much to Bar.
"Yes, sir," said Bragg, "I've decided
to have a long talk with the bopa and
tell him Just what I think."
"Is It possible?" remarked Nagg.
"Why? Don't you believe I've got
the nerve to tell him what I think?"
"Oh, yes; but if you tell him Just
what you think how are you going to
have a long talk?" Philadelphia
One of the Knrly Unaettlrra.
Aaron Burr was hunting for Blenner
hasselt's island.
"It's somewhere alon here, I know,"
he muttered, consulting his map again.
Tying his skiff to a tree near the top
of a neighboring bluff he waited for the
Ohio river to subside.
$100 Reward, $100.
The readers of this paper will be pleased to
leai n that there 1b at leant one dreaded disease
thai science has been able to cure In all IK
BlageB, and that Is Catarrh. II all's Catarrh
Cute is the only positive cure known to the
medical iralernity. Caarrn being a contilu.
tiunal disease, requires a constitutional treat
ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure Ik lanen Internally,
acting directly upon the blood and mucous
suriaces ol the Byntem, thereby d'stroyliig the
foundation of the disease, and Riving tne pa
tent streiigtn by ODinnng up mo omn iuiu
and assisting nature lu doing Its work, uie
proprietors have so inucn iniiii in im""
powers that they oiler One Hundred IoUar
lor any case that It fails to cure. Bend lor llbl
0lAtdd)enssnittF. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0.
Bold by druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family Fills are the best.
Feminine War.
BlfTklns Funny thing about women,
Isn't It?
MifTklns Don't know. What's funny
about 'em?
BlfTklns Why, during the courtship
a woman will fight her relations for
the sake of the man she loves, but
after marriage she will work her hus
band for the sake of her relations.
"Is Watkins an optimist?" "Yes
he'll eat hash In any restaurant In the
country." Detroit Free press.
"The Janitor Is sweeping the back
porches. I wonder why?" "I don't
know. I didn't ask him not to."
Cleveland Press.
He (about 11:30 p. m.) I do wish I
hnd money enough to travel. She (sti
fling a yawn) May I not lend you your
ca rf a re ? Boston Transcript.
She Do you think our ancestors
were monkeys? He Mine were. The
whole bunch didn't leave money enough
to buy a toothpick! Chicago News.
Stella! wonder why sentiment at
taches to a first kiss? Bella It's like
the first tooth ; you've got to have It be
fore you get the second. Brooklyn
First Chauffeur There's one thing
I hate to run over, and that's a baby.
Second Chauffeur So do I ; them nur
sing bottips raise Cain with tires.
Miss Swelilngton What prompted
Miss Golddust to take that old bache
lor? Miss Wellington (sarcastically)
Kleptomania, I guess. Llpplncott's
Mrs. Newedde Certainly you may
take some of those biscuits to your
friend. Is he hungry, too? Weary-
No, cnum; he's a geologist! New Or
leans Picayune.
Church Does your wife spend much
of her time shopping? Gotham She
says not. She says she spends most of
her time waiting for her change.
Yonkers Statesman.
"Now, Johnny," asked the teacher.
"what do we see In the country besides
crass, trees and flowers?" "Patent
medicine signs!" was the pro-.npt reply.
Louisville Courier-Journal.
"Dubley has an automobile, hasn't
he?" "I don't know." "Why, I
thought you told me you saw him with
one vesterdav?" "Yes, but that was
yesterday." Philadelphia Press.
. "What becomes of a Joke when It
gets too old for the almanac?" "The
theatrical program gets It." And from
there it's but a step to the musical
comedy, eh?" Philadelphia Bulletin.
Customer So you sell these watches
at $5 each? It must cost that much to
make them. Jeweler It does. Cua-
Then how do you mate any
Jeweler Repairing them.
That Is LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine. Simi
larly named remedies sometimes deeeive.
1 he first and original Cold Tablet is a WHITE
PACKAGE with black and red lettering, and
'cars the signature of E. W. GKOVK. !c.
Terror of the Air.
Wilfred Pa, a man who is continually
on a ship is called a sea dog, isn't he?
Gunbusta That's what they call him,
my boy.
Wilfred Well, if he's a sea dog, then
a man who is continually on an airship
must be a skye terrier. Judge.
riTO St. Vitus' nance ana all nervous iiis-aBen
Hlo permanently cured by Dr. Klines Great
Nerve Restorer. Send for FKEK 2trial bottle and
treatise, iir. It. ILKllne, LA.. 981 Arch bt,, Plilla.,l'a.
Another Recora.
Redd My chauffeur has made anoth
er recora.
Greene Good! What Is It?
"He was the first one to be fined In
town in 1007." Yonkers Statesman.
Mothers will fini Mrs. Window's toothing
Syrup the best remedy to use lor their childroa
luring tho teething period.
The Foxy Wooer, i
"Why were you in such a hurry to pick
up my glove when I dropped it.'
I thought there might be something in
it for me, some time." Cleveland Leader.
by Mail
On savings deposits of a dollar
or more, compounded twice
every year. It is just as easy
to open a Savings Account with
us by Ma i as if you lived next
door. Send for our free book
let, 'Tank.ng by Mail," and
learn lull particulars. Address
Oregon Trust &
Savings Bank
Portland, Oregon
Sixth and Washington Sts.
Hr W'MI?
'It Is perfectly natural to rub the epot that hurts, and when tlie muscles,
nerves, joints and bones are throbbing and twitching" with the pains of
Rheumatism the sufferer is apt to turn to the liniment bottle, or some other
pvtprnnl nnnliratifin. in flti effort tn tret relief from the disease, bv nroducintr
counter-irritation on the flesh. Such treatment will quiet the pain tempo- j tomer
rarilv. but can have no direct curative effect on the real disease because it : money?
does not reach the blood, where the cause is located. Rheumatism is more . Stray Stories.
than skin deep it is rooted and grounded in the blood and can only be The Widow I want a man to do odd
reached by constitutional treatment IT CANNOT BE RUBBED AWAY. Jobs about the house, run on errands;
Rheumatism is due to an excess of uric acid in the blood, brought about by ! one that never answers back and Is al
the accumulation in the system of refuse matter which the natural avenues j ways ready to do my bidding. Appll
of bodily waste, the Bowels and Kidneys, have failed to carry off. This cant You're looking for a husband,
refuse matter, coming in contact with the different acids of the body, forms ma'nm. Brooklyn Eagle.
line acid which is absorbed into the blood and distributed to all parts ot the
body, and Rheumatism gets possession of the system. The aches and pains
are only symptoms, and though they may be scattered or relieved for a time
by surface treatment, they will reappear at the first exposure to cold or
dampness, or after an attack of indigestion or other irregularity. Rheuma
tism can never be permanently cured while the circulation remains saturated
with irritating, pain-producing uric acid poison. The disease will shift
from muscle to muscle or joint to joint, settling on the nerves, causing
inflammation and swelling and such terrible pains that the nervous system j more, does he?"
is often shattered, the health undermined, and perhaps the patient becomes ' better give It up.
deformed and crippled for life. S. S. S. thoroughly cleanses the blood and
renovates the circulation by neutralizing the acids and expelling all foreign
matter from the system. It warms and invigorates the blood so that instead
of a weak, sour stream, constantly deposit
ing acrid and corrosive matter in the mus
cles, nerves, joints and bones, thebody is fed
and nourished by rich, health-sustaining
blood which completely and permanently
cures Rheumatism. S. S. S. i3 composed
of both purifying and tonic properties
just what is needed in every case of Rheu
matism. It contains no potash, alkali or other mineral ingredient, but i3
made entirely of purifying, healing extracts and juices of roots, herbs and
barks. If you are suffering from Rheumatism do not waste valuable time
trying to rub a blood disease away, but begin the use of S. S. S. and write
us about your case and our physicians will give you any information or
advice desired free of charge and will send our special treatise on Rheumatism.
$3.00 AND $3.50 SHOES
Men'. Hlioed. 85 to HM.iO. Hoys' Shoes, W.1 to 1.25. Women'.
Shoe, W4 to Wl.fiO. Mi8.es' & Children', shoes, M.5 to Wl.OO,
W. L. Douirlas shoos are recognized by expert judges of footwear
to be the best in style, nt ana wear produced in tins country. n.acu
part of the shoe anu every detail ot tho making is loaned alter
and watched over by skilled shoemakers, without regard to
time or cost. If I could take you Into my lanre factories at
Brockton. Mass.. and show you how carefully W. L. Douglas
Shoes are made, you wouiu tnen understand wny they noiu their snapo, nt Dette
rear longer, and are of greater value than any other makes.
W. u Donina name una pnne ii Brainpan on uw nwiom. wnim nrorm in wearer aparnin msrn
prlwa ami interior shot-. 'Puke So MiMltut4. Hold by tn bert hoe dealers everywhere.
fast Color tytittt uttd exciuiively. Catalog mailed ree, W. JL. lUl(iLA(, lirocktou.MiM,
The Finest Gardens
Are always reported when Portland Seed Co.'s "Diamond Brand"
Seeds are planted. Why ? Because we sell you the kinds that grow
best on this Coast. Our handsomely illustrated and descriptive
, Annual tells all about our Seeds, Plants, Roses, Spray Pumps.
fertilizers, incuoators, Brooders, poultry and Bee supplies.
Aik (or Book No. 260 w. tUo hv i ipocltl etitlof
ol Tree Shrubi, Etc.", Book No. 261 on requ.it.
Portland. Oregon 1 SpoKano. Wash.
Mr. Borem She asked me to sing,
and Insisted upon encore after encore.
Miss Tepper Yes; she told aie after
ward that anything was better than sit
ting there and talking to you all the
evening. Illustrated Bits.
"Wyndley doesn't play the cornet any
"No, he thought he a
"Bad for h'.s lungs.
elj?" "It wasn't that. One of the
neighors shot two keys off the instru
ment while he was playing it." Cleve
land Plain Denier.
"Has your wife got your den fixed
up yet?" "Yes. and you ought to see It.
It's the coziest place In the whole
house." "I suppose you find great com
fort in It, don't you?" "Oh, she won't
let me go In it It's merely to look at."
Milwaukee Sentinel.
"Young Jolllem always says me
right thing, doesn't he? He never
seems at loss for the proper reply."
"Well, I saw him nonplussed once."
"How was that?" "Miss Keene asked
him if he thought she looked as old as
she -was." Cleveland Lender.
"Did you ever succeed in swaying an
audience to laughter or tears at will?"
"No," answered Senator Sorghum; "I
recognize the fact that all the world's
a stage. I don't care to be reciting
speeches. I want to be one ot tne men
in the box office." Washington &tnr.
Teacher Now, boys, what is the vir
tue of magnanimity? r-uplls Aw?
Teacher What is It If a big boy want
ed an apple very badly, and were to
meet a small boy with one in a place
where nobody could take the small
boy's part - Class (with eager Il
lumination) Dat's a cinch! Balti
more American. ,
A Natural Mnntclan.
i.n ,u,,-rVr ctnaa P.hnllv Tiwdon
choose his domes 1 tie a totaiiy wiui
"That's easy. He goes altogether by
ear." Cleveland Leader.
Speak about death when there Is a
church member around, and If he is
old-fashioned, he is pretty apt to add,
"And after death the Judgment"
A Jealous woman treats the man she
loves the way a cowboy does a broncho
Vegetable Preparatiortfor As
similating iherocdandBegula
ling the Stomachs and Bowels of
Promotes Digcslion.Cheerfur
ness andRest.Contains neither
Opium,Morptune nor Mineral.
Nor Harc otic.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
flmtfjun Seal'
Clailtid Aigar
mlnyrK rttmr.
A perfect Remedy forConstipa
Fion, Sour Stonvach.Diarrhoca
Worms .Convulsions Jeverish
ness and Loss OF SLEEP.
Facsimile Signature of
the .
W 1
II nriTi liiiTTirm : .1
J EXACT COrr UP WnArBtJt. 1 J J i
For Over
Thirty Years
See Ui More You Go Elsewhere
Gold Crowns Brldite Work, per
tooiMS; Piatt tS: Silver i'lUlnt's,
60c; Uold Fillings, (1.
W rirnt Sirrt ru BTLAii 1), OREGON
Made In all Btylos and all sizes. Oct water and oil
anywhere. Host Drilling Tools made. (Jet calm
logs and prices. BEALL & CO.
321 Hawthorne Ave. Portland, Or.
Portland Oregon
With S2-iiae Illustrated booklet, giving 1,009
uses lor llnrax In the Home. Farm and Dairy;
and a Souvenir Picture, 7x14 In., 10 "olors
free for 6o and your dealer s name. Adilru
I'aclllo Coast Borax Co., Oakland, CaL
he is breaking:
Subdues him or kills
When you buy
you want
and long
These and marry
other good points
are combined In
You c&rrt afford
fo buy any other
'A. '
Oil. G. GEE WQ
Wonderful Home
This wonderful CbU
ne.,e Doctor Is called
Knat because he cures
people without opera
tion that art. R veil up
to die, lie cures wi n
those wonderful Chi
nese herbs, roots, buds,
barks and vegetables
that are entirely un
known to medical Sci
ence in this country through the use of those
harmless remedies. This lumouidoctir knows
the action of over 600 dinerent remedies, wlilcrx
ne usessuccessiutiy in dinerent cuseasss. tig
guaran'ees tocure catarrh, asthma, hind, throat
rheumatism, nervousMess, stomach, liver, kid
neys, etc. i has hundreds of testimonials.
Charges moderate. Call and see htm. Patients
out ot the city write for blanlts and circulars.
The C. Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co.
162 Drat St., S. E. Cor. Morrison
Mention paper Portland, Oregon
P. N. I).
No. 14-07
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mention this paper, I