Lexington wheatfield. (Lexington, Or.) 1905-19??, May 31, 1906, Image 7

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    YTL .1
vvnen tne
Hair Falls
Then It's time to act! No Hm
to study, to read, to experi
ment! You want to save your
hair, and save it quickly, too!
So make up your mind this
very minute that if your hair
ever comes out you will use
oyer's Hair Vieor. It mikP
the scalp healthy. The hair
stays In. It cannot An no
thing else. It's nature's way.
n kla testimonial -Oold
lor over aixty years."'
H- Ay;r 0o- "".
ISO manufaoturftn of
Tti inn iMinwiiiiimMuJ
Neirlected Opportunities.
Mr. Sldener had made his first pub
lic Speech. His BUbloct WflB imltl.
Iniquities of Industrial economy and
..c iiu ins treatment had been ade
quate. He was not sure. He waited
ior nis wires verdict, but she was
strangely silent
She hud listened to him from the gal
lery of the town hall, and im hnti
expected her to meet him at the door
afterward, and to say, as soon as they
were out of heariug, "Oh, it was simply
Brum, iwiuy r nut they were half-way
home, and she had said nothing of the
"Well," he began, awkwardly, when
iie couiu Dear it no longer, "what did
you tiinik of my speech?"
"What you suld was all right," she
answered, with guarded enrhiiuinom
"But it seemed to me you didn't make
tne most of your opportunities "
"Opportunities?" repeated Mr. Slde
ner. "What do you mean. KffleV"
"Why," Mrs. Sidener replied, "you
nuu ever so many chances to sit down
Deiore you did."
A Bruin t Her Better Juti.
"Ain't you rather young to be left In
charge of a drug store?"
"Perhaps so, ma'am; what can I do
for you?"
"Don't your employers know It' Ann.
gerous to leave a mere boy like you in
cuargo or sucn a plnce7"
I am competent to servo win
madam, if you will make known your
"Don't they know you mlerht nnlaon
some one?"
"There is no danger of that miwlnm
what can I do for you?"
"I think I better go to the stnrn Innrn
ine street."
"I can serve you Just as well n
can aim as cneapiy."
"Well, you can eive mo a -Pnnf
stamp, but It don't look right" Hous
ton fost.
Onr Tendencr to Worahlp Heroee.
The names of many heroes hnvo h-on
presorved for posterity In th rmm.
claturo of places In the United Httoa
evidence of our tendency to Indulge in
hero worship to quite an extent. We
have postofltces boarinir tha nnm r
every President down to and including
Roosevelt Only two of his predeces
sors are lacklnc In the Hut nt n,,
V. vvuuu CO.
Naturally, the favorite In the naming
ot towns ana counties is Washington,
i i oniy resident for whom
a State has been named. Rut nrwa
than Presidents enlov th hnnnM
Successful soldiers, sailors, statesmen,
editors, authors. Inventors. th h
of ancient history and mythology, and
ereu uuuuiar BCTOrS and nth of on .h...
a nite distinction. Our list of post
offlces is a long one and contnin t.In,..
from almost every language, living and
ucuu, nuu cnosen on almost vr
coivable principle or Impulse. Two
counties in Kansas present a curious
association of Ideas. Greeley County
has for Its capital a town called Tri
bune, and Ulysses is the countv ant
Mrs. Blondine My late husband was
jeaious to tne last.
Mrs. Neighbors Indeed !
Mrs. Blondine Yes.
died be requested nie Bot to wear
mourning ror him and h Wt,
- m JVSUaV
d better In black than anything else.
Dalatilr 1idhh.iI
The author bad been dragged faint
ing from a crowd of shannon
"Almost like my last book," be mur
mured, recovering hi a MnM.
The listeners, befmr of doltf
ceptlon, knew then that the book had
rauen dead from the press. Phlladel
lum ruDiic Ledger.
Deafness Cannot Re cui
ffl&fc??' S?5b the
',, ib vausbu dy an in-
flam.d oondltlon of the mucoui lining of the
Eustachian Tube. When this tube la fnllamed
V7 .-""' mo uiuammaiion can be
fnf,?,?"' Ill ft1."'! J?'- U normal
".: '." u" aenroyea forever:
iki.ii .l. .len eauied by Catarrh
We Will ff-lVA Cln Tii .
z " , -v-. DD ivnuocu uy viarrni mat can
ClrculVrMreeby C"h tUre' Sf
Sold hv T)martf1ata 1h ' WV
Ilomart Pie.
Boll and drain a ouartnr
u.....uroin ; it will tuke about twenty
"""uikb. l ut ii i ir or r n ...n
buttered pie dish: take four
tomatoes, fresh or tinned! turn mm.,,,
of gruted cheese, two hard-boiled eggs
which must be shelled and m,t i i. .'
a little chopped onions, suit and pep-
rin tne pie disn with this, add
ing mushrooms, If In season; if not
a uuiie cold mashed notnt, in
rice, etc., may be added. put a table-
nyooniui or putter In a srm.ii ,.
pan, add a little tomato liquor, or some
i uie ripe rruit Mix with a little
water half a teasnoonfnl r
ii.h ., ... - "ri
..iLic uiuBiura or ketchup; add this to
the saucepan when It holla 0i-
- -- "i o"i wen
and pour over the pie; cover with a
uiicn layer of breadcrumbs and the
rest of the macaroni; put on a uttlo
wuuer nuu mne ror an hour.
Cream of Potato Soup.
Pare three good-sized potatoes; eov
er them with bolllni?
ra , liVO
minutes, drain and throw away the
water. Cover them with one pint of
boiling water: add n k1Ip -
bit of celery cut Into small pieces or
a quarter of a teasooonfui nt Ji
seed, and a bay leaf. Cover and cook
slowly until the nornrnoa n J.
v. icuuer,
Press the whole through a colander
Add one auart of miiir tk u.
two tablespoonfuls of butter and two
of flour. Add to the
carefully until smooth: add n rn.
spoonful of -salt a dHh nt no
' " UX1U
press through a very fine sieve. Re
heat and serve at once.
Hall's Family 1'lUi are the belt.
H0H;.?UITON--Aaye, and Chemist.
Kii'i"1!.?' ? P'ic"''- Control aiid Urn-
uj R.Vr "werencei Uarbonate Na-
; Lirvt all
n is mm of the bt
materials, in black or yellow,
full ?u&rante(l. and sold by
reliable dealer everywhere.
loa 11 .
Wanted to Know.
"I had tramp for dinner to-dn
"Is this some of him?" nird w
nusoand, poking his fork Into the meat
ratner suspiciously. Houston Post
The Dlirr...
A. II. Klrkland Of Boston In mnAnt
Ing a fight aealnst the mnth w ho.
Imported from Zurich a great quantity
Ul ",ui" parasites, and w th tha han
of the little creatures! ho mil
pie of Massachusetts hope to obliter
ate me mom completely.
"Our work may succeed," said Mr
Klrkland recently, "dr w
somewhere, and It may fail. It must
nuuueeu it we make no mlstVDi h
then, you know, mistakes are common.
Mistakes are common everywhere.
I heard a lawyer and a dortnr nn.
Ing one another this afrprnrmn .h.,t
.v.vwu MkWU.
"'You make a rood mnnv mi a.
tubes, i suppose,' the lawyer said.
" 'You too, no doubt, said the doc
tor. '"But doctors' mistakes are often
Duriea deep under ground,' said the
" 'Yes,' said the doctor, 'and law
yers' mistakes often swing six feet In
the air!'"
Portland Trade Directory
Names end Addresses in Portland of Repre
sentative Business rirms.
PHOTO SUPPLIES; Kodak developing and print
Ingi wrlle for prices. Woodard, Clarke & Co.
WAQIC LANTBKN8-Welster Co.. Portland.
"""ss Knura uu uauierns ana slides.
B-A?'.10 H0!SIKBYi Supporters, Braces; Knit to
... wcHuicuraiiv uittiiKs; oouara. uittrke.
HOHSKS of all kinds for sale at very reasonable
TRUSSES sent on approval ; we guarantee lit Id
most difficult cases; Woodard, Clarke A Co.
AKTIFICIAL KYES; eyery shade and shape; as
sortment sent on approval; Woodard, Clarke Co
VBKAH SEPARATORS We guarantee I he U.a
Separator to be the best. Write lor free catalog
Uaielwood Co., Fifth and Oak.
MEN'SCLOTHINO Buffura A Pendleton, sole
MQunrnucu jmiijiioiii ol vo.s correoi clothes.
Everything In men's furnishings. Morrison and
Sixth streets. Opposite poatomoe.
rvuriiiti ruuu-ir you want your Bens to lay
more eggs write as for free particulars about PU
Portland, Oregon.
PIANOS A ORGANS - Oldest piano bouse on Pa
cific coast. Organs and Pianos on easy payments.
Write for list. Let us quote you a price. Alien A
tiilbert-Ramaker Co., Portland, Oregon.
?lete course and position seoured when graduated
his offer good only for short time. Write for par
(fraud Theatre Building, Portland, Oregon.
P. N. U. No. 22-09
rSMw flnd w,nloWi Soothing
Speaking- In All Candor.
Miss Peachley Mr. Spoonamore, have
I ever eiven vou eoorl ronn tn v,ii. t
preferred you to other young men and
wanted to marry you 7
Mr. Spoonamore No, to tell the truth,
you never have. I learn from the other
fellows that you kiss them good night
when they go away, the same as you do
Starred Haddock.
Take a good-sized hnririi, -
fins and tail, leaving the head on, and
thoroughly drylnir the fish t
a stuffing of two ounces of chopped
suet, two tablosDoonfiila k
crumbs, one dessert spoonful of pars-
miAeu neros), one egg, salt and
It Into the fish. Sew up the slit with
needle and thread. Place in well
greased basting-tin, and brush it over
with egg or milk. Sprinkle with one
tablespoonful of breadcrumbs and bake
three-quarters of
ate oven, basting it occasionally.
Salt-Rldlng- Bread.
Into a pint of scalding" water stir
two teaspoonfuls of snir
enough flour to make a soft dough.
Beat for ten minutes.
' wW IU (j,
warm place for eight hours, into a
pint of lukewarm milk etir a teaspoon
ful of salt, add enough flour to make
ouu oatter. then worir thi.
risen dough. Mix well, cover and set
again In a warm nlnr tn ,
very light Turn into a wooden bowl
and work in enough flour to make an
ordinary bread dough. Knead well
make into loaves and set tn riQQ,
light before baking.
AV(?efable PrpnnMlinn fni- & a
slmilaiing lucFoodandBegula
ting thz Stairwells andBowels of
Promotes DigestioaCheerfur-
Lconiui nr.i i 1 1 1 i -i v iiui nnn
(Wum(Morphiiie norfiiieraJL
ui aahcotic.
Anprferl Ppmorlir fnrr,.i'.
Tlon, Sour StotMch.Diarrhoca
i vorms convulsions Jevensh
neas ernd Loss of Sleep.
Fax Simile Signature of
II j
nnlihiiiin'llhllhilliiiT! Hilltltii
roL H i i hum
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
'M&vmw m ill
For Over
Thirty Years
No Hope of Agreement.
'I am sorrv tn hoar nr.i-i.tt
v . """anus
and his wife can't live together in peace,
inere Is too much obstinacy on both sides
tnats the trouble, isn't it?"
. "Yes; he's a standpatter, and she's a
FITC 2" Vltu'. Po-e and all Nervous Diseases
treatise. Ur. II. H. Klin. , Ld., 3l Arch St., Phlla.,P.
Amending the Declaration.
"My friends," exclaimed the candidate,
In a fine burst of .disinterested patriotism,
I don t want this office if you think I
am unworthy to fill Ir !
uv niuuuwl n IK rnnlr a H nl.
"And I might add," he proceeded, "that
my candidacy is not the result of any cor
rupt political bargain." .
"Yes, you might," Interrupted, an old
farmer in the audience; "but if you did
you'd be lyiV like Sam Hill 1"
Didn't Mind the Machines.
, "I hcme" ald the renter of room No.
1197, 'that the rattle of .the typewriters
in my office doesnt annoy j-ou."
"No, sir, it does not," responded the
crusty capitalist whose office was No
1109; "but their gabble does annoy me
exceedingly." Chicago Tribune.
To Break In New Shoes.
SMS l.n,ro"in nal,s Ml bunions. Af
!n v suf?gti t f.Sni Shoe, 8tore,' 2Ao- r,f,n ' cpt
Hla Tarn Cnni..
"The boys are saying that Gayman
cleaned you out in the little game you
had at the club the other evening"
"He did but I've bought the summer
hotel at the resort owr in ni,i- .u..
he always spends his vacations. Don't
say anything to him about it, will you?"
White Fruit Cake.
Cream a half cud of burrow .
cup of sugar, beat In n hni
cold water and the whites of Slx eggs
r ?; AUU a P'nt of flour that
u0 u wen sirted w th n hooi
V. It i 11 at I MI lm
spoonful of baking powder, then fold
in lightly a Quarter mm t ,
"X' VJL Ull II 1 -'( 1
crystallized cherries, a quarter cup of
"""""w uimonns out ntA
Zllfl1 y
nf A . mvor wltu rose
water. If It is nim .n ,
.u uu in a steady oven. Cover with
Elevates Water
HEN writing to adrertUen plM
A Wltst Virginian's Awful Distress
Through Kidney Troubles.
W. L. Jackson. merchAnt nt Po.l,
ersburg, W. Va., says: "Driving about
1,11 ij5 in bad w e a t h n r
tNV brought kidney tron-
i 1 t Buffered twenty years
wita anarp, cramp
ing pains in the back
and urinary disor
ders. I often had to
get np a dosen times
T4W I mgu to urinate.
itetention set in, and
I was ohl I ottA tn tiA
the catheter. I took tn mv K.i .-j
the doctors failing to help, began using
iuu a xvmney ruiH. xtie urine soon
came freely again, and the pain grad
ually disappeared. I have been cured
eight years, and Jthough over 70, am as
active as a boy."
Sold by alt dealers.' 60 cents a box,
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
Green Apple Pie.
One heanliifir ennfui nf n0n
saltspoonful of salt, and from one-third
to one-half of a cupful of butter and
lard mixed. Mix the baking powder
and salt with the flour and rub in the
lard. Mix quite .tiff with cold water
Roll OUt, put the htittor- An i
in little pieces, and snrinHo ,i.u
Fold over and roll out. Roll up like a
iviae in two narta nni
roll to fit the plate. ' nd
, Short SuiTKeatlona.
Enameled ware Is easily cleaned with
yvtrucicu pumice stone.
Cream may be prevents
ping from the spout of a pitcher bv
ZT ? 1 U81ue 01 100 sP9it with a
uuiB uuuer.
A small piece of candle may be made
to burn all nleht bv nnttin.,
dered salt on it until it reaches the
uim-ACBi. yari 01 tne WlCK.
Candles should be stnrprl fn, i ..
" ria
eight weeks before belns im
will then burn more brightly and more
owwiy man wnen lighted at once.
If when Ironing a curtain you dis
cover a hole in it, take a piece of the
best part of an old curtain, a little
larger man tne nole. and din tho
In cold starch. Then place it over the
hole and afterward Iron over It
h Wtd MW V ' ' 1 '5f 1 twit
ufAn $W&L rf$
JHE COLUMBIA HYDRAULIC RAM i, a simply constructed and
inexpensive machine that can utilize a small fall of water for the purpose
of raising a portion of it to any desired height, hi, the farmer, friend in the
dry season" and mdispewable to those owning land high above ditche, It
will furnish water for domestic purpose,, even elevating pure water of the span
by mean, of the impure .or muddy water, a, found in some stream Require,
no attention." Pracucauy no cost of maintenance, there being no part, to get
out of order A ram wffl pay or itself in a ,hort time. Evey ram Med J
g.v.ng unnost .abaction. We keep a large ,tock constantly on hand. Write
to our Hydraulic Department today for illustrated literature.
Columbia Engineering Works
Tenth and Johnson Streets