Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Lexington wheatfield. (Lexington, Or.) 1905-19?? | View Entire Issue (March 8, 1906)
rioi a? U -n GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS .Loans and Collections a Specialty. Also A GENERAL LAND AND REAL ESTATE Businesss done by W. B. McALISTER r I 11 L . -1 I .Jn -nl UOOa VV ileal Lanus aim Sale at Reasonable Prices. Office in O LEXINGTON, Eaocs ke IdeLONG'S g High Class Portraits. All the latest style Mounts. X Developing done for Amateurs. JAMES DELONG f LEXINGTON, - - OREGON 8 K. K. FULL6R S LIVERY FEED AND SALE STABLES First Class Rigs Special attentionto LEXINGTON, OREGON. ?EOEll 'Gfl LEXINGTON g BANK does a Pknlnn TMim I lc fnp viiuilg iuwh ivio iui q Bank US OREGON O O STUDIO J g Reasonable Prices, g S Careful Drivers Commercial Men LOCAL NEWS 1 William Gllbreath, brother of L. S. Gllbreath, of this city, was a member of the debating team of Whitman College, that defeted the Pacific University team last week. W. A. Jones, who spent the past six weeks In California, returned to Lexington the latter part of last week. He says there are many places in the country that do not equal Lexington. FOR SALE Horses, broke and Hack, two Gang plows, walking plow and double Harness. Call on or address. 21-tf F. H. Gentry. Rev. Miller closed his series of revival meetings last Sunday evening by taking a collection for reparing the Congregational church, which amount ed to about $400. The meetings are being conducted this week by Rev. Jones and Graham. The Portland Journal and Telegram are devoting considerable space to roasting the other fellow about sub scriptions. They are both good papers and either of them have a larger sub scription list than The Wheatfield. That ought to settle the matter. C. A. Johnson has purchased the Beymer property now occupied by A. D. Inskeep, Mr. Johnson Is en larging the house and will remove his family there shortly. Mr. Inskeep will occupy the new residence property of C. W. Christenson on Knob Hill. We have a good second hand Dutchman Plow, 14 inch three bottom run two seasons, will put new shares and landsides on It and sell on fall terms at $42.50, a snap, or we will sell for less without the third bottom. ' Leach Bros. J. H. Aitkin of Huntington, candi date for state treasurer, was In the city Wednesday looking after his In terests with reference to his candidacy. Mr. Aitkin made this office a pleasant call and Impressed the political man as a strong and clean man. Eugene Register. - On Saturday March 10th Dr, W. 0. Manion, one of the Supreme Medical Directors of the United Artisans, will ! visit the Lexington lodge. The Doctor is said to be a good speaker and particularly strong on the fine business features of the order. Meeting will be held in the lower hall. Everybody in vited.' Hemp H. Wheeler, who has been an invalid for some time, died at his home Tuesday evening. ' The funeral services will be held today at 10 o'clock a. m. Mr. Wheeler was born at Lemp, N. H., January 5th 1836. He has lived in the Western States since 1860. Mr. Wheeler leaves a wife and two sons, Irvin and Bert, to mourn the loss of a loving husband and a kind an indulgent father. There is much room for improve ment in order at public gatherings In Lexington. We do not believe that It It from a desire to be "tough" or "rowdie" that Impells these young people to make this disturbance, which so greatly annoys those around them, but through carelessness and reckless ness. Why can't this be changed and let the name of Lexington go broadcast as one of the most orderly towns In the county. We have a good town, good people and let us strive for a good name abroad. Alwayt Keepi Chamberlalu'i Cough Remedy In HI House. "We would not be without Chamber lain's Cough Remedy. It is kept on hand continually in, our home," says W. W. Kearney, editor of the Indepen dent, Lowry City, Mo. That Is . just what every family should do. When kept at hand ready for instant use, a cold may be Checked at the outset and cured in much less time than after it has become settled in the system: This remedy Is also without a peer for croup in children, and will prevent the attack when given as soon as the child becomes hoarse, or even after the croupy cough appears, which can only be done when the remedy is kept at w. p. McMillan's LUMBER, DOORS, WOOD AND COAL Lexington. A good many people find It easier to sing "I am thine, 0 Lord," when they have left their purses at home In an other pocket. It's not by being against many things that you will save the world, but by being for a few things with all your might CONTEST NOTICE. Department of Tha Interior United States Land Office The Dalles, Oregon, February 20, 1906. A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed In this office by James McOabe, con testant, against homestead entry No. 12 106, made February 11, 1903, for SEtf NE, E2 SW, Section 34, Township 2, N., Range 25, E. W. M. by Patrick McCabe, Contestee, In which It is alleged that said entryman has wholly abandoned said land and has failed to live upon and cultivate said land as required by law; that the only im provements he has made upon said land Is a shack of a cabin which is not habitable at any time of the year; that said alleged ab sence has existed for more than six months last past; that said alleged absence was not due to his employment in the army, navy or marine corps of the United States In time of war. Said parties are hereby notified to appear, respond and offer evidence touch ing said allegation at 10 o'clock a. m. on April 12, 1906, before Vawter Crawford, County clerk at his office in Heppner, Ore gon, and that final hearing will be held at 10 o'clock a. m. on April 19, 1906 before the Register and Receiver at the United States Land Office In The Dalles Oregon. The said contestant having, in a proper affidavit, filed February 20, 1906, set forth facts which show that after due dell gence personal service of this notice can not be made, it is hereby ordered and directed that such notice be given by due and proper publication. Michael T. Nolan, 3-1-4-5 Register. ARTISAN Lodge Meets every Satur day night at 7 o'clock, up stairs In Artl hall C. W. Christenson, Ethel Wilcox, Sec. M. A. I. O. O. F. Lexington lodge No. 168. Meets every Wednesday evening at 7 p. m. C. W. Christenson M. F. Parker Sec, N. C. REBEKAH--Holly lodge No. 139 Lexington. Meets the first and third Tuesday of each month at 7:30. Ina Leach Ella Benge Sec, N. G. ill- mm tat r - No. 9873, meet in Artisan Hall every 4th Tuesday night of the month. E. E. Thomas. F. F. Klitz, Clerk. V. C. EDUCATION BY MAIL The Brown School of Coirespondence was organized to help those who want an education and are willing to work to "got it; those who left school too early and now regret it; those who by reason of present circumstances cannot at tend a regular school, but are am bitious for advancement. Our courses Include COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT Bookkeeping, Shorthanp, Commercial Law, Commercial Arithmetic NORMAL DEPARTMENT Teachers' Preparatory course, Training course for Primary Teachers, Train ' ing course for Crammer Grade Teachers TECHNICAL DEPARTMENT Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mining Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Drawing, Surveying. The requirements for admissio'n are Reading, Writing and Ambition. Send for our booklet, "PROOFS." 3$roiun School 241 So. West Temple St. LUMBER YARD WINDOWS, SHINGLES Oregon NOTICE OF GUARDIAN'S SALE. Under and by virtue of an order Issued out of the County Court of the State ot Oregon for Morrow county, on the 5th day of February, 1906, the undersigned guardian of the estate of Percy Clyde Gentry, a minor, will on, Tuesday, the 20th day of March, 1906, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, In front of the Court House In Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon, sell to the highest bieder for cash, all the right, title and Interest of his said ward In and to the following described real property, to wlt: The undivided one-fifth Interest In and to lots 6 and 7, In block 16 of the town of Lexington, Morrow County, Oregon, and all rights and improvements thereon and there with. Dated this 6th day of February, 1906. J. E. Gentry 2-8-3-8 Guardian. Heaven Revealed. By MEN.IAHIN FISKK KARRETT. 383 pp., 51-4x7 Inoei! Large Type; Fine Cloth, For a limited period this book Is offered at trade rates, So cents, with 9 cents postage for mailing. CONTENTS. The Origin of Angels. The Essential Nature of Heaven. - Character of the Angels. Testimony of Scripture. The Sure Way to Heaven. Practical Tendency of this Disclosure. Environment in Hea ven, and What Determines It. Societies In Heaven. A Heaven for the Non-Christian World. Are Earthly Relations Continued In Heaven? Meetting and Recognition of Friends In the Hereafter. Personal Appear ance of the Angels. Rejuvenescence and Growth In Heaven. Houses and Homes In Heaven. Garments in Heaven, Children In Heaven. Sex and Marriage in Heaven. Work In Heaven. The Three Heavens, and How Related. Eternal Progress in Heaven, Consociation of Angels with Men. ADDRESS THE NUNC LICET PRESS 42 West Coulter Street PHILADELPHIA, PA. Christenson Brothers CONTRACTORS&BUILDERS Plans and Estimates furnished See us before building LEXINGTON, OREGON. The Wheatfield prints the news. of Qorrespondence . . Salt Lake City, Utah hand. For sale by W. P. McMillan