Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Lexington wheatfield. (Lexington, Or.) 1905-19?? | View Entire Issue (March 8, 1906)
LEXINGTON WHE1TFIELD S. A. THOMAS, PubtWMtr LEXINGTON .OREGON NEWS OFTHE WEEK la a Condensed Form for Oar Bosy Headers. A Resume of the Less Important but Not Less Interesting Events of the Past Week. French and German papers are die-' cussing war. King Edward has Btarted on a visit to European rulers. The battleship Oregon has left Ma nila for Fuget sound. The burning of a wheat elevator at Buffalo, N, Y., caused a loss of $175, 000. Germany has fortified its legation at Pekin against possible attack by Chi nese. , The senate committee has voted to lay the Philippine tariff bill on the table. This effectually kills the meas ure. Meridian, Miss., has been swept by a tornado, which killed over 100 people and laid waste half the town. Fire broke out and much of the ruins burned. The loss will reach $1,500, 000. Former Chief Engineer Wallace 'says the British railroad across the isthmus of Tehuantepec will anticipate in a large measure the benefits of construc tion of the Panama canal and give im mediate relief. Hermann entered a demurrer in the "ise charging him with destroying pub lic records of the geaeral land office. Argument will be heard on the de murrer March 16. It is believed these tactics will be continued, to prevent the congressman from facing a jury, as long as possible. Japan intends to secure control of all railroads in that country. Postmasters are not to be removed in future for political reasons. A great snow storm in the Becky mountains is again delaying traffic. Tne iinti-ioreien Hiruauon in uuiua is being fanned by , Boxers, who start riots. ' . " The latest account o' the Massacre at Nanchang says the trouble was caused by French priests. Germany has made new demands regarding Morocco which the Ffench promptly rejected. The senate is almost sure to pass the rate bill, but will defeat statehood, Philippine tariff and Dominican tariff. It is said the beef packers attempted to get Garfield to conceal the facts he discovered about the combine of the various companies forming the trust. Secretary Taft recommends an appro priation of $400,000 for the jetty at the mouth of the Columbia and au thorization of contracts for completing the work. Austro-Hungary has just completed a new trade treaty with Germany, Italy, Bussia and Belgium. This, it is be lieved, will in a large measure ' relieve the growing discontent. John D. Spreckles is seriously ill. Many coal operators will resist con cessions to the miners. The . senate will allow Arizona and New Mexico to vote on union, thus de feating statehood. There is small hope of settlement of the Moroccan dispute, though the czar is trying to mediate. The president recommends the army and navy to follow Togo's advice and be ever ready for war. Since January 1 the Salvation Army of England has sent 4,000 of London's unemployed to Canada. A cotton compress and lumber yard at La Grange, Texas, burned. The loss is placed at $200,000. Representative Curtis, of Kansas, favors giving most favored nations a 20 per cent reduction of the Dingley tariff. Professor Langlye, secretary of the Smithsonian institution, is dwd. He was also the inventor fo the Langley flying machine. American, French and British war ships are going to Nanchan. Six men were killed and 12 so badly injured that msot of them are expected to die by an explosion in a coal mine at Piper, Ala., near Birmingham. The house committee on agriculture has voted not to recommend any appro priation to buy seeds for free distribu tion by the department of Agriculture. This means a saving of $250,000 an nually. The deepest snow of the winter now covers the Middle West. ARMY IS READY. All Details Arranged to Send 25,000 Men to China. Washington, March 2. It is possible today to give for the first time the de tails of the preparations which the War department is making for an in vasion of China. In case of necessity, which to military minds Beems immi nent, it is the intention of the govern ment to dispatch 20,000 regulars from the United States to join a Philippine force of 5,000 men for an expedition to the Chinese empire. The troops for the Oriental service have been selected, the posts from which they will be taken are named in the plans and the proper allotment has been made among the various branches of the service. Not only has this been done by the officers who have been working out the invasion scheme, but they have perfected a plan for the distribution of the troops which will remain in the United States, so that they may be available in case of home disturbances. The scheme of invasion as at present contemplated is with the view princi pally of a combination of the Ameri can forces with those of other powers, but a subsidiary arrangement has been made to meet the possibility that the United States will be forced to act alone. If the situation in China demands the dispatching of American soldiers for a march to Pekin, within three weeks of th time of the call to arms there will not be a regular infantryman left within the borders of the United States, for it is the intention of the department to send its full force into the field, save only the infantrymen doing duty in the Philippines. As stated in previous dispatches, the officers of the War College have esti mated that 100,000 men will te neces sary to make an invading force strong enough to conduct a successful cam paign against Pekin. If by an unfor tunate trend of events it should become necessary that America act alone, there would be no attempt at the outset to reach the Forbidden City. Tentative plans, in caBe America goes alone into the fight, contemplate a joint army and navy expedition to seize one of the greater coast towns in China. This might or might not have an effect on the Chinese government, but, because of recent events, it would seem that the Chinese governments is not all powerful in the control of its affairs, and as a consequence such a seizure might be of little avail, save possibly for indemnity purposes. RAISE PAY OF RURAL CARRIERS. Cortelydu Recommends an Increase When Routes are Adjusted. Washington, March 2. This state ment has been furnished the Associated Press tor transmission : "In the matter of rural carriers' pay, it can be authoritatively , stated that there is no disposition on the part of the Postoffice department to cut rates. On the contrary, the-department has strongly recommended the advisability of congressional consideration of the subject, looking to more adequate com pensation. "In the recent readjustments to com plete county service, the number of routes reduced in mileage has exceeded the number increased. These condi tions have resulted in lowering the pay of the carriers somewhat. Until the service is completed throughout the country, the average of carriers' salaries based upon present legal allowance will naturally fluctuate from time to time as routes are increased or decreased in length. Under the so-called new rural policy of the department, out of a total of 34,938 routes installed up to Febru ary 1, but 27 had been discontinued. These discontinuances were mostly due to readjustments in order to complete service in counties." Continues Present Rates. Washington, March 2. President Roosevelt today issued a proclamation imposing the rates of duties provided by section 3 of the Dingley act upon imports from Germany in return for Germany's concession of minimum tariff rates on United States products. The articles and rate of duty named in the president's proclamation are the same as those now in force, which would have been terminated yesterday, but for the recent action of the German government in giving this country the benefit of its minimum tariff. Report on Female and Child Labor. Washington, March 1. The house of committee on labor decided today to make a favorable report on a bill ap propriating $300,000 for a compilation of full statistics by the department of Commerce and Labor on the condition of women and child workers through out the United States. This bill grew out of the movement inaugurated by Governor Curtis Guild, of Massachu setts, for the investigation of labor con ditions. Aid Sent to Famine Sufferers. Wasbingotn, March 2. The Nation al Red Cross today cabled to the Japan ese Bed Cross $5,000, making a total of $27,000 contributed by the Ameri can people and transmitted to Japan through that organization for relief of the famine sufferers. IN THE NATIONAL HALLS OF CONGRESS Friday, March 2. Washington, March 2. The senate today passed the bill providing for the settlement of the affairs of the Five Civilized Tribes. Under the guiBe of considering the bill, the senate Bpent practically the entire day in discussion of the railway question. The bill has passed both the house and the senate, but as the senate amended it in many respects, it will now go into coher ence. It is a general bill for the ad justment of the affairs of these tribes upon their abandonment of their tribal organization, i Washington, March 2. The first pri vate claim Bession of the 58th congress occupied the house today, 25 bills be ing passed. All these measures carried small amounts for the relief of private individuals, who are precluded under the laws from obtaining their rights. Opposition to mny of. the bills was made by Mann, of Illinois, and Shack leford, of Missouri. This opposition accounted for the small number of measures considered. Thursday, March I. . Washington, March 1. The discus sion of the railroad rate question was continued in the senate today by Dol liver, who spoke in -support of the Dollier-Hepburn bill. He said that the bill was intended merely to supplement the existing interstate commerce law, and contended for its validity from a consittutional point of view, predicting that government ownership of the rail roads would be forced upon the coun try if congress did not meet the present demand for regulation. Dolliver was not questioned, and, when he con cluded, the remainder of the day was devoted to the bill providing for the settlement of the affairs of the Five Civilized Tribes of Indians after the termination of their tribal relations. Washington, March 1. The house today passed the army appropriation bill, also the'Foraker bill providing for the marking of the graves of Confed erate dead buried in the North. The discussion developed a unanimity of sentiment in favor of marking Confed erate graves and, as the bill had re ceived favorable action by the military committee, it was brought in by Prince and passed unanimously, amid ap plause on both sides of the house. The army bill as passed carries some thing more than $69,000,000. The house agreed to a senate joint resolution, which ' continues the tribal government of the Five Civilized Tribes in the Indian Territory until the prop erty of the Indians shall be disposed of. Wednesday, February 28. Washington, Feb. 28. The details of the provisions of the army appropri ation bill occupied the house of repre sentatives throughout the day. Throughout members of the appropri ation committee, beaded by Chairman Tawney, were in controversy with Chairman Hull and the members of the military committee. Each contest was an effort either in the direction of reducing or restricting the amounts carried in the bill. In some cases the appropriations committee was - success ful, and in others the military com mittee. Washington, Feb. 28. The treaty between the United States and the Do minican Republic, under which the former undertakes to collect and dis burse the customs revenues of the lat ter, was reported to the senate in exec utive session today by Senator Lodge. While the treaty was given a place on the senate legislative calendar by the report made today, it will not be called up until after the railroad bill has been disposed of, and even then it may go over for some time. For three hours, lacking three min utes, today, Foraker held the attention of the senate while he read a carefully prepared speech on the railroad rate question. His speech was a protest against any general legislation, on the theory that the existing Elkins law could be so extended as to make it an swer all the requirements. He did not fail, howe er, to point out what he considered the ' defects of the Hepburn-Dolliver bill, and he made the declaration more than once that it woudl fail to remedy the evils com plained of The speech was listened to by a large attendance, both on the floor and in the galleries, and at its Smopt Makes an Enemy. Washington, Feb. 27. When the senate takes a vote on the Smoot case, it is quite likely that Senator Hey burn, of Idaho, will vote to unseat Mr. Smoot, notwithstanding it has always been understood that Mr. Heyburn was a Mormon sympathizer in his own state, and was elected by Mormon votes in the Idaho legislature. Be hind this apparent change of front on the part of Senator Heyburn lies an interesting story that developed during the course of bis now famous speech against Boosevelt's forest reserve policy. close the senator was warmly congratu lated bj a number of his colleagues. Tuesday, February 27. WaBhignton, Feb. 27. The senate today agreed to vote on the statehood bill before adjournment on Friday, March 9. The proposition was made by Beveridge, and there was little diffi culty in reaching an understanding. The suggestion immediately followed a speech in support of the bill by Hop kins, during the course of which Hale suggested that the territories were not prepared for statehood, and suggested that their admission be deferred. The remainder of the day was devot ed to the discussion of the bill provid ing for the settlement of the affairs of the Five Civilized Tribes of Indians, the major portion of the time being given to the provision for the disposal of the coal landB in Indian Territory. Washington, Feb. 27. Military mat ters held the attention of the house to day, the army appropriation bill being under consideration for amendment. That General Corbin and General Mac Arthur might become lieutenant gen erals, the provision abolishing that rank was eliminated on a point of order raised by Groavenor, of Ohio, who sub stituted an amendment to abolish the grade after these officers had been pro moted, but this, too, met defeat. Mem bers of the appropriations committee disputed the right of the military com mittee to appropriate for an apparatus for fire control of field artillery, but without success. Only eight of the 50 pages of the bill were passed upon when the house adjourned. Monday, February 26. Washington, Feb. 26. The death of ex-Speaker David B. Henderson was the subject of appropriate action in the houne of representatives today, when, after the transaction of less than a day's business, resolutions of regret and esteem were adopted and adjourn merit taken as a further mark of respect to bis memory. Several bills relating to the District of Columbia were passed, incorporating the Lake Erie & Ohio River Ship Canal company. The bill will be put on its passage the first thing tomorrow. During the consideration of district legislation, Sims, of Tennessee, made a severe arraignment of the form of the District. It was un-American, cn- repuolican and un-democratic. A bill was passed giving a national charter to the National Society of Sons of the American Revolution. Washington, Feb. 26. The Hepburn railroad rate bill was reported to the senate today by Tillman, in accord' ance with the action of the senate com' mittee on interstate commerce last Friday. Large crowds assembled in the galleries, anticipating a field day of debate, but were disappointed. There was little of interest in the pro ceedings regarding the bill. A brief statement from Tillman with the neces sary arrangement for printing the re port of the hearings before the commit; tee and a promise that a formal report would be made later, was followed by a few remarks from Aldrich, showing the position' of the five Republicans who opposed the bill as reported. Aldrich indicated that there would be no un necessary delay, but that the bill would be discussed in accordance with its im portance. Clapp called up the bill to dispose of the affairs of the five civilized tribes in Indian Territory, and the prelim inary discussion was mainly criticism of the disposition of the coal lands owned by the Indians. Dick occupied the floor during the afternoon, continuing his speech in sup port of the joint statehoood bill. Among the bills passed was one ap propriating $75,000 for a public build ing at Moscow, Idaho, and one at Baker City, Oregon, costing $75,000. Five Year Census of Agriculture. Washington, March 1. Secretary Wilson, of the department of Agricul ture, appeared before the house com mittee on census today in support of the Burleson bill for the compilation of farm statistics by the government every live years, instead of every ten years. Secretary Tomlinson, of the Stockgrowers' association, also urged favorable action on the bill. Decides for -Railroads. Washington, Feb. 28. The suits known as the .citrus fruit cases, in which all the railroads of Southern California were inrtoduced, were today decided favorably to the railroads by the Supreme court of the United States, the opinion being by Justice Peckham. The cases involved the right of the railroad companies to designate the route for fruit shipped East after leav ing their, own lines. The decision of the Circuit court for tb Southern dis trict of California and also the order of the commission were reversed. SAYS WORK IS BEING DONE. HarrlsoVi Returns From Panama and , ' Praises Canal Officials. New York, Fbe, 28. Ex-Congrses-man Francis Burton Harrison returned to New York yesterday after a trip of six weeks through Central America. One week of that time he spent in in vestigating the work of digging the Panama canal. He is convinced, he says, that the administration ought to be upheld in its task. Mr. Harrison found that, although a Democrat, the officials engaged in the canal work were eager to inform . him about it. They seemed to have nothing to conceal, and they had work there, be said, to show for their efforts. He found esprit de corps among the higher officials, and he continued!., , , , , ,; . "Mr. Stevens is working to establish it all along the line. With the minor officials, who are appointed by the civil service, there is little of the spirit ne cessary for the right kind of work. . They seem to fear that Washington will change the plans and change jobs. I think that the canal commissioners should be there on the ground.. It would help a vast deal. Not all of them would be necessary two or three might do. . More work would be ac complished." Mr. Harrison was asked if he ap proved of the plans for the building of , the canal. "I think it would be folly," be re plied, "to array any party against such a work. Criticism might be all right, but not as partisan criticism . . "I believe the canal is being dug honestly, efficiently, and with earnest ness and intelligence. Any observant traveler could offer minor criticism as to what has been done and what ia being left undone, but we are not deal ing with trivialities there, nor is the canal commission to be held account able like the house committee of a so cial club. We are building a great canal, and it is going to be built." BURIAL OF JONES' BONES. Naval Hero Will Be Interred at An napolis With Ceremony. Annapolis, Md., Feb.' 28. Secretary of the Navy Bonaparte, General Horace Porter, Governor Warfleld of Maryland and Admiral Sands were in conference yesterday relative to the interment of the remains of Admiral John Paul Jones April 24, the anniversary of hia victory over the British frigate Drake. The body of the great sea fighter will on that date be removed from the tem porary vault, in which it was placed upon its return to this country, to the handsome memorial hall in the new midshipmen's quarters, and not, a had been expected, to the crypt of the new chapel, as that will not be ready in time for the ceremony. While all the details have not been, arranged, the ceremonies of April 24, which will be held in the armory of the naval academy, will be presided over by Secretary of the Navy Bona parte, and addresses will be made by President Roosevelt, General Porter, Governor Warfleld and the French am bassador, M. Jusserand. It was de cided to make the display a purely naval one except that various patriotic societies throughout the country will be invited to attend and participate. AROUSED AGAINST FOREIGNERS. Whole Population Hostile, Encouraged by Viceroy of Canton. Manila, Feb. 28. A leading Ameri can firm in this city has received the following cable from Canton : "The boycott has greatly encouraged the anti-foreign feeling. Teachers, re formers, agitators and the native news papers now have the power of that as sociation behind them, causing a re markable growth in the reform party and secet societies, while the anti-foreign, anti-dynastic viceroy of Canton, by his autocratic ruling and his antag onistic attitude to the foreign consuls, encourages .the masses of the people in their anti-foreign feeling. "In the prefecture of Chang Chew, near Amoy, recent outrages against for eign court procedure, approved by Pe kin, has strengthened the revolutionary forces, who are now eager to try con clusions with the government. "In a portion of China between the Yangtse valley and the Hongkong dis trict, dangerous anti-foreign feeling ex ists which is likely to break out at any moment." Refuse to Stand Examination. . New York, Feb. 28. The Mutual Reserve Life Insurance out a Btatement today relative to the' withdrawal of the company from the- state ot Missouri. The withdrawal fol lowed a discussion as to an examination of the comnanv bv Missouri p minora at the expense of the company. The Mutual Reserve objected to the' expense in proBpect, holding that it was exces sive and illegal. The company's esti mate of the minimum cost of the ination is $8,000, while the superin tendent's is SO.UUU. Kills State Primary Bill. Des Moines, la., Feb. 28. The state primary bill met defeat in the state senate today by a vote of 29 to 21. This ends the fight on this subject for this legislature.