Lexington weekly budget. (Lexington, Morrow County, Or.) 188?-1???, August 07, 1890, Image 4

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    Jaritt Botes.
- -I "
Pertinent Paragraphs.
The vine hopper U doing wu-ii tow
ctiiof in Freano county. It is easily
poisoned with parte greeu in water or
a solution of Milestone is recom
msncled as euro to kill them, thoug . ;
spraying must he clone before sunrise in
the morning or after sunset at night to
. be effective. M. Denlke writes about the
liest to the Fresno Republican aud says
starch enough mixed with water to stick
t ho insect's wings together and applied
u a spray will end its depredation.
There are now three creameries on Kel
liver, lu Humboldt county, which looks
iui though tho first one had boon a pay
ing Investment. All tho conditions arc
favoruble there. . A ; bettor dairying
i ljlnate vttiinot be' found, nor a better
soil for pastures, than that western
slope of the coast range and In the
latitude of Humboldt ' county. ' Then
there Is no market near, where the good
pilyato .dairyman could drive to town
umi dispose of his product. Huf, co
operation, as. represented In the creaiiiery,
whlla relieving the fanner's family of the
drudgery of butter and cheese making,
Insures a good and uniform product, all
of which Is marketed together ut the
rtiuullest possible cost and by parties ex
perienced In marketing. There have
been creameries which were failures,
but one under efficient rnauagement,
located In a natural dairy country, can
not fall to be moro profitable than the
old plan of Individual butter-making and
Canada thistles are getting a firm foot
hold in the Sacramento valley and
under the California system of grain
farming they bid fulr to become a more
Intolerable nuisance than they are In the
eastern states. Where grain, hoed crops,
fodder grasses and pasture are alter
nated there Is llttlo troublo In keeping
the Canada thistle under control, If It
is mowed Just as It Is coming Into bloom
the root lacks vitality to make a now
growth and dies. But by plowing It year
by year, as In wheat growing, it is
propagated rapidly, as when the routs
aro broken to pieces by the plow each
piece sends up shoots and develops Into
u healthy plant. For tho same reason
they are difficult to kill by hoeing
A beet Held of 1200 acres which William
V. Claffoy Is cultivating near Castrovlllo
Is enld to be the largest In tho world.
UalToy Is an antl-C'hlncse-worklngman-democrat
and a dairyman on a irgo
scale, and If the sugar factory should fall
him he would doubtless mako moro than
the current sugar factory price by feed
ing the beets to Btock. The factory pays
four cents a bushel.
Many cherry trees in HuntuCruz county
have len killed by water on tho roots.
Their owners had no Idea they coidd
got too much water, but tho unusual
rains last winter did it. The Santa Cni7.
mountains, which ten years ago were
considered worthless because of luck of
water, produce matrnlflcenl fruit to the
very tops without irrigation.
F. V. Hunter writes to the Sew .'
Iflumf Farmer that he dusted every hen
throe times two evenings with apart
and used seven pounds of buhach
that cost UOc a pound on 100 hens, rrak
lng four and one-fifth cents a hen. Tho
result was marvelous. His chicks grew
so ihut ut six woeks old they lookod to
be twice the age, and this result ho lays
largely to tho fact tint tho chicks and
hens were absolutely ti ' fr mi vermin.
Ho very properly oojicK.iU nn Vutmuctit
with Urn li'UMk': ("Mutiy llttlo things
contribute to their growth. But those
llttlo things pay." Viniltry raising do
ponds moro upon little tklngs for suc
cess, probably, than many other occupa
tion. Constant war"th, freedom from
vermin and good food ami drink aro the
throo principal need In tho poultry
yanj, liutall thv"Utttu tliinspuyf
Whv not talk this matter over in the
granges, and get tho legislature to pass
a law to the effect that nil ldnd that has
u good crop of squirrels must pay a tux
of from too to $5 or more per acre, and
have usoessoiri go round aud enforce the
law, yes, null their colon to tho mast
and say : " We will exterminate tilts pest,
uud all land-owners that Ignore tho law
shall have their land go delinquent and
be sold for-tnxes."- Tnka off your county
bounties on scalps, nud put on a Que,
and a heavy one, too, aud. It . won't be '
tlvo j ears boforo our glourlous golden
state Is rid of her worst evils. Well,
tho qiHHitlon Is; -How will we do 11 ;
Them iro tecral ways, Lot the ntiiU)
uiih4m.i" a heavy tax on land which Is
overrun with them; then poison or kill
them, any way to get rid of Uium. I
have u way, and It's cheap, aud it fetches
theni every time, Two or three men or
tioys can 'get over several acres In a day.
1 first get a lot of brush or small sticks
uud tie a small rag ou the oud of eac,
making a kind of swab, tlio U k being
about two feet long. Tuke two tcu-pound
lard-palls and make a handle of hoop or
two pieces of wits or rope, lHtt ooal oil
In oue and sulphur luths other, tlum gel
an old galvanized pall or powder-keg
and cut a hole lu the side near the
bottom to mnkt a draft. Now make
a fire and you aro all ready, with a tew
extra ohlps In a sack to replcuish your
tire. Htlck youf swab lu the coal oil end
theu In sulphur, lust In lire, then In
hole, and shut her up, and I will
guarantee he U a cooked gHso ; and If
you llko, you can open the holes in a
few day nud ta o out the sticks aud use
them In other holes. I have done it
several time with good success. ! don't
think I ever missed a time.
It burn long euough to truothcr thorn
and then goes out and don't always bum
the rag off the stick, so you could use It
again tor other holes. I know It Is about
as swre, and I Utiult about etteap, a
anything I win get. tbrr. JJitntl Pnt.
A disease resembling yellow fever but
which u fatal lu newly every caj u
rorgtirg lu imw wmuum.
OoaerVatlons on Current Topic.
The Sargent prize for poetry at Har
vard, so difficult of attainment that it
has rarely if ever befofe been won in its
entirety, was taken this year by Miss
Helen L. Keed of Boston from sixteen
male competitors. Opponents of coeduca
tion have been unpleasantly surprised
this year by girls taking high or the
highest honors In literary competitions
In several institutions-- ofj gloaming,
but this is, the greatest triumph of
the rlils uud will -be-tif nmeti -moral lnJ
flumice in the advancement of their
claims to recognition mi u level with
their brothers.
The democrats of Coluau and Mendo
cino counties are running women for
comity school Muderlntendciits, and the
republicans of Mendocino county are
doing the suiue, .while the prohibition
canJMate for state superintendent of
schools is Miss 8. M.Hevorimee of Uiiroy.
There have "been .several female county
superintendents ift tlii- fctate recently
and they . have , b h , very. .io-ffuL
Mrs. Martin, superintendent of Sonoma
county, is among the number, unci her
efficiency is conceded by all. ' -
Miss WU'ard on Woman' Drebs.
Miss Frunoe ElWillaid, In her last an
nual address, gives the following expres
sion to her Ideas' h t he subjet of
woman's dress:
" Woman's everlastingly befrilled, be
dizened and bedraggled style of dress is
to-day doing moro harm to children, un
tiorn, born and dying, than all other
causes that compel public attention. With
ligatured lungs and livers as our past In
heritance and present slavery, the wonder
Is that suoh small heads can carry all
we know. Catch Edison and constrict
him Inside a wasp waist-coat, and bo as
sured you'll get no more Inventions;
bind a bustle upon Bismarck, and fat
well to German unity; coerce Robert
Browning Into corsets, and you'll have
no more epics; put Parnell Into petticoats,
and home rule Is a lost cause; troat
Powderly In the same fashion, and the
powder mine of failure will blow up the
labor movoment. Niggardly waists and
niegardly brains go together. The cman
cipation of one will koep pace with the
other; ligature around the vital organs,
at the smallest diameter of the womanly
figure, means an Impoverished blood
supply at the brain, and may explain
whv women scream when thoy see a
mouse, and why thoy are so terribly
afraid of a term which should be their
glory, as It Is that of their brothers, viz,:
strongmlnded. .
" Our degradation in the lino of bandag
ing the waist has reached such a point
hatt Helen Campbell says It Is a requisite
lu fiiHliionublo Loudon stores to have
the women clerks not larger around than
twenty Inches, and clghtoen-Inch waists'
are preferred. J.ook at the monstrous
deformity, by constrictive surgery, as
applied to the avcrago fashion plate : and
think what bellttlomcnt of power and
happiness it means to the poor creatures
who wear these wuiHts, and to their
children. .
"Bonneted women uro not lu normal
condition for thought; high heeled
womon aro not In normal condition for
motion; corseted women ore not lu
normal condition for motherhood; each
of tho constrictions and contortions In
volved by these crimes In dress Is a
distinct violation of loving law given by
our Heavenly Father for our highest hap
piuess and growth. I wonder that men,
In their magisterial power, do not forbid
this thing by statute, In the interests
of those that are to be.
"But ethics and aisthcti.es must go side
by side In the blessed work of dress ro
form, for that Is nature's , nay. .The
pioneers did not see this, and their
b looraoro' speedily dropped into , In
nocuous desuetude. But tho modern
led by Mrs. Anna Jennosa Miller, that
Hebe of tho new fashion plate havo sat
at naturo's feet; and on my recent east
ern trips I learned what 1 knew to be
true in progressive Chicago : that the best
aro also coming to bo the bravest women ;
that among them there is an absol te
crazo for getting rid of corsets; and that
the divided skirt Is worn by tens of
thousands whom you might not suspect
of so much good sense and courage.
" Moitplng. '
There is a littla skill required to per-
ti'i in eveu this pieci) of work so that tho
eft'oet Is satisfactory. Formerly, before
painted floors were almost the rule In
every house, It was a much more arduous
performance; but to keep a paluUd flour
looking lU best one needs some experi
ence. Unobservant or heedless workers push
the limp tig litiet the baso-boards, which,
ufter a few mopplngs fchow a soiled
streak the whole length of them, which
annoys a good workman. Better leave a
space the width of ono board untouched
by the mop aud afterwards or liefore
wipe it up with a doth by baud.
In mopping a floor, whether It Is
painted or not, thebeat offooulop'nJson
lt being well rinsed. No matter how
much strength Is laid out ou It, If the
last water In which the mop Is wrung
out Is not clean, the floor will look dingy.
Freshly painted floors are beet cleaned
when a third or a holt skim-milk is added
to the water. The oil In tho milk makes
tho paint shin.' as clean water will not.
Soapsuds Is a little too strong to use
on fresh paint, removing not only the
dust but the paint also, but after the
coat of paint Is well hardened It may lie
used to good advantage. It Is etcvr to
clean a floor qulto often than to let It
get the start of you, so as to require a
severe effort of strength to bring It to
look well.
Knit underwear, after It has been worn
and cast aside, makes excellent material
of Moh to manufacture" mow." The
tulnps should l thoroughly rinsed after
using, aud dried in the Bun, Xrt'Aa.ifK.
It bos been discovered tnat lire czars
Sw) at ywutdua hus lMn unUvtuiUrW).
WomliTfiil Oi'Kiiutt itlml Wl.iili tin''
peror William II ,4 ut H9 ('uihiuikI.
The uneei tuint y ami invsteiy uMcli
surround the pulley of the ueing Em
peror of (iermuuy. the innovation
which are -being Made" h him in his
army, the eliiuies ;it, ttie uniform
of the soldiers, the introduction ot
smokeless powder, ami the new rules
promulgated with lel'cVeiice to eligi
bility to certain subordinate ofiiees.
all give especial interest just now to
the subject of the general character
and eliicicuev of the military power of
Germany, i lie world u as' astonished
when, now nearly a score of years ujjo,
the Germans march-,! into ihn er
capital of France and etacleil not only
the territory of Alsace uud Lorraine, but
a large tribute of cash besides.
r. c i.-. i ,
meanly ui r ranee nan tieeu re
garded asihe ideal army of the world,
us Napoleon hail heiui regarded as the
ideal soldier of the1 world. 'The out
come of the Franco-Prussian War was,
therefore, a great surprise to thoso not
arl are:of the changes which had been
going ou in the armies of tho two
nations. The fact is, that during the
last quarter of a century no country has
given such practical assent as has Ger
many to the wisdom cf the injunction,
"Joi)na of peace pScpare for nvar."
It is doubtless safe to say that to-day
no other nation so nearly approaches
perfection in its military organization
and In its preparation of details for
ivory possible sort of a campaign ns
does Germany. Two days after war
had been declared between France and
Prussia In 1870 an Ambassador met
Gen. von Moltke leisurely strolling in
Freidrichs strasse in Uetiiu and look
ing in the shop w indows. The diplo
mat, after exchanging n few words
w ith the General, excused himself, re
marking that a military man must be
very busy just then "O. no. i am not
busy at all," was the General's reply.
"Our orders have been given."
A few years ago w hen the autumn
mant'iiveis of the Hanover and Sehles
w ig-llolsteiu tiriuv corps were held. It
was learned that in the bureaus of the
general slallicttclrs w ith ready stamped
and addres6d to every department and
commanding ollicer'of the several
army corps, and that all the horses ol
private ownership were assigned In the
regiments or batteries to which Ihey
would bo attached in case of rt ijiiisitiou
for war.
Tho hole country is organized for
war. and every in.fividual capable of
bearing arms knows where to go and
what to do In the event of a call for his
services. All the railway officials and
all the telegraphers are in the military
service, ami the heads of those depart
ments arc general officer who organize
them to meet the exigencies of u war.
All the railway lines in Germany can
be requisitioned for military service in
the time it takes to dispatch a half
dozen telegrams ami every superior
officer kuou s cviclL to what locality
lie must betake himself. Information
on this subject is furnished in printed
manuals w hich are issued nt the first
iudicaliou of a coming war with any
country. Every regiment has its depot
of service outlits, which can be dis
tributed at an hour's notice, and every
corps has its depot of general stores,
urn btilance wagons, held telegraph ap
paratus, aud baking-eats in a condition
of complete efficiency.
Plans for every conceivable sort of
campaign are kept in the archives of
tho War Office and of the Empcrw'j
palace. These plans have all beeu case
lullv prepared as the result of councils
held by tlio leading Generals. In .the
event of the prospect of a war wi'iich
may demand a modification of the
ready-made plans, the changes are
mads during tho t'liploniatiiv period"
which always precedes active hoilililics,
and w hich may be' protracted by the
Auibammioi's from Borlitt for the pur
pose of giving the Generals tiling to ur
rangc for the campaign.
I'leuc hes bile In u Irani e.
Major Perry, the illiterate aud ignor
ant Fdgclielil country nvgro, who,
while In w hat appear to lie a tranou
sleep, preaches learned and eloquent
sermons, is still attracting a great deal
of attention, and scleral enterprising
citizens of Fdgelicld county uoiv have
the human phenomenon in charge mid
nre exhibiting him to large audience.
The Hindus operandi is as follows:
Perry goes to bed and lies outstretched
in full view of the Bttdieuce, and by the
time the spectator have assembled is
fast asleep. After t few moments of
iiU'aivntly sound slumber, his muscles
begin to twitch, his, limbs to contract
aud his Ixidy becont'es contorted In un
seemly shapes. This spasm soon pasc
otf ami then he begins to preach. He
takes his text from the Bible, naming
hook, chapter and verso, all the time
lying Mat oiVlfis hack, ' with' his" eyes
shut, and for half an hour or more
preaches, using strictly grammatical
aud even eloquent language. At the
conclusion of his sermon he sings a
hymn to an old air, but the words of it
entirely new and of his own comoosi
t ion . Then eouics a prayer, sucf he
dismisses the vonjiivgation. Tho text
for the sermon preached by Perry
Thursday night was announced by
htm to be found in D.iuiul vi., ill, anil
that it read as follows: "Then said
Daniel unto the king, O king, live for
ever.'' The words of the text will be fonnd
to be exactly correct, which is certain
ly marvelous w hen it is positively
known that the negro caunot road "a
word, nor ha i he ccf heard the text
in question read or spoken to hint by
anyone. Four reputable physiciaus of
Edgcliehl, S. C.-Urs. Trotter, Bustler,
btrothcis aud Jennings were present
on this occasion, and made physical,
anatomical and psychological examin
ation of the preacher, nud pronounced
the mytcry as one bevond their ken.
Another remarkable tliiug is that this
unconscious preaching goes on every
uight, no mailer where he may be,
wticthev before au imdicnco or not,
except ou Friday night, when lie is
dumb. ' " -
Kam lighting is ,0 (ivi,lo
e.i'iuiig ute allcctions of t'
inpe of
4.,,v, u.jo.i among u,o iKitii'cs
Tin-Gubernatorial question is. after
all. a deleat one. l'iit.bi;rl I'liron-
"How ate ion cmning . u '-" " inquired
the man of his wet hoot. Wnthiiriton
It will he a cold l.;y for Algiers wheu
the monarch of that country dies.
"Who is that tellow who has been
talking about Withers ail the evening?'
"That s Withers." I'm-k.
"Brevity is the soul of wit." "Per
haps. But I assure you there is little
fun in being short." " I'mk.
'Great are the uses oi adversity"; but
they aren't half so great as the misuses
of prosperity. -AMamt Vt'sj.
If you would get up a crusade to in
terest ecrtaiu able-bodied men, make
it a Santa crusade. - Yunkas Ua.zetlc.
Tight-lacing is possibly entitled to
consideration as an economic measure.
It prevents waist.-- Wushington Fuit.
A great mauy fools would easily pass
tor philosophers if it wasn't for their
fatal mouths.--Ashland I'kss.
Never extend sympathy to a man
with the small-pox. He hates dread
fully to be pitted. Mnyltumton Leader.
The ancients excelled 113 in many
things. Now, there was Job, a boiler
that never exploded. San Francisco
"Put not your trust iu riches," but
tliere9 no objection to your putting
your riches in trusts. Yonkcra States
man. There are so mauy people who pray
for a change of heart who ought to
pray for a change of hen. -Atchison
Fashionable ladies are not fond of
hard work, aud yet they know what a
toilet is to dress for diuncj:. Vears
When a girl elopes with her coach
man soma other man is 9aved from
getting a mighty poor wife. Buffalo
"That's the fellow I'm laying for."
remarked the hen, as her owuer camo
out with a nan of corn meal. Harvard
When a man is hungry he takes a
little aliment for his ailment. Homeo
pathy gets a close call here. Bingham
ton Leader.
Don't fret about w hat your reputa
tion will be after death. Tombstones
tire mighty -Mtnbe.- Burlington
free I'itss. '
Widows are like the lights which
have always burned they catch lire
more easily' than others. Anti-Adulteration
"Will you marry me, Ethel?" said
the youth. "My family is all that one
could wish for" "Then why do you
want me?" Life.
When the bad boy puts a bent pin in
the teacher's chair he is at least justi
fied in predicting an early spring.
Somerville Journal. "
"0, James, come quickly, Freddy
has swallowed his mouth organ." "I
that so? Then there's music In the
heir." HoDtoniaii.
"Yes, said Fogg, "as a success 1 have
alw ays been a failure, but as a failure I
have been an iinqtialilieil uoecss." -Boston
What do you lind is the lii.Jt re
quisite in business'.'" "Pluck," re
turned the dealer in live goose feat hers.
lurjur's Btnar.
A man's better half lays down the
rules in the house, but she usually al
lows her husband to lay down the car
pets. lHriiti Hi i..
' Do your boarders loaf
parlor in the evening''
daughter is learning to
piano." - Uotoa Courier,
iroiiiul your
' "No; my
play 011 the
She t facetiously ) -J
call Your horse Cuoid because he's such
love of a horse, ' He - "Not exactly.
Von see he's blind."-- Life.
F.ditha "1 wonder why the dudes
wear one eye-glass?" Deborah "To
prevent seeing more than they are able
to comprehend.''- Jeireters' II cikty.
Probably the most harmless man iu
the world is the man who talks a great
deal about the number of girls ha
smiles at in the course of the dav.
Atchison Olol.
Il you lend a man io he simply get
that "much iu your debt; but if you
allow him to wheedle you out of a hun
dred you've mailt; him an eneniv for
life. - 'J111 hje.
Czar of Russia (just out of bed)
"Whit has become of my undershirt?"
Valet "Plcascyour Majesty, the black
smith's putting frosli rivets In it."
Hoslun Herald.
'" "That fellow's a regular bore." "So
he is. lie's all the time claiming de
scent from the ancient Ilomans." "That
explains it hisancestorswere augurs."
IV. ,)'. Herald.
Thf world is full of would-be phil
osophers; but, like the niajorty of
physicians, we do not lind them taking
their.stock prescriptions when occasion
tinsel. Boston Budget.
Onto in a while a girl fall in love
witlik man because he is "so delight
fully jvicked." It isn't long after tho
wedding that the "delightfully" is drop
ped. 7 c r Haute Express.
Yon bve your wife?" "Yes."
And she livcsyou?" "Yes." "Then
vhere does the incompatibility come
iu?' "I cant live on her income, much
less support her."- - Epoch.
Temperaii'o Lecturer Whcu vou see
nn old hat orcoat Muffed in a broken
window it iicans whisky! It means
gin' t,Iiiierru,tioii from the audience)
Or sham pai.v. -V. J". Tribune.
Dc Kiqite (winso opinion isu't worth
much anyhow) n that 0110 of the few
' liings that mak 11 desirable to bo a
woman is her avknowiedged rielit t
take a mean aUantai;c. Wasiiutytun
Near-Sighted Policeman (gazing
.'imiii afar'nt two ttotliing dimiuiu-s)
Well, thoso felhiws do have a soft
thing of it. Nothiif to do but to
stand there till day and sleep." .V. J".
"Pa, what docs l;e word itacund
iiicitnf' "Well, iny boy, when you
don't behave yourself rind y ou sec "1110
jgoiugforjou with a stick, you m-iy
make up your mind that 1 ain'irucuiiiL
See?" J'ne boy sr.v, h? had b-.-eu there.
Landlady (io aciof; "And you are
going to leave me?" Yes. I oulv
meant to stay until 1 perfected myself
in the part i am going to play "this
evening." "What part is that, pray?"
"The -lean and hungry Cassius.'""
Lif. .
"I have oljsclved," remarkuj a tneau
ol bachelor, trying to be funny, "that
when one has fortune anil adds' Miss to
it he has misfortune thereafter." "iiicu
you ought to marry a widow," re
sponded a lady in black, and the funny
man went into his Au-W. - Washington
What seems to a man iuiiuisilivcuess
often seems to a woman only a natural
desire for information--for instance
w hen a vision of goiiien-haired loveli
ness want to know how her husband
got that long, coarse, brunette hair on
me left shoulder of hi s overcoat.
oiiu rcille Journal.
Cheetiul Editor --If vou could
tdiorteu your poem a little!" "Whv
there were sixteen verses when I lirst
wrote it and now there are only three."
"Exactly! Now, with a little moro
effort perhaps you can do away with
those 1 hive and theu we shall "be all
right. - - f liege tide Blatter.
"Mr. Scribbletou. I have a compli.
inent for vou." "Indeed ?" "Yes: s
friend of mine, Miss Belle Pepperton,
says tnat you are Developing very
niai Keii literary lastcs. "U, indeed
said bcnbbleton, w ith a sad smile; "it
wasn't more than an hour since I told
iHtss repperton timt l hadn't written
auvlbing for over a mouth."
Ko Malic Halt'S'i sweet a the Memory off
Tliofte TenoVr Lines.
"The mothers of to-day do not sing
as the mothers did in laii" syne," said
a man whose business cares have never
overcome and crowded out the soul of
poetry and the memory of a happy boy
noott. "ion seldom near a woman
singing about the house now."
"So it is. The modern mother does
not sing as our dear jld-fashioticd
mothers used to sing. She has little
time to herself, and if she didn't have
the advantages of a musical education
she says she cannot sing.
men, too, trio songs of to-ilay ure
not like and never will be like those
old songs. They do not touch the
heart and give the heart's feeling utter
ance through the lips. There nrfc
beautiful songs set to music, of course,
and wonderful voices sing them on the
stage ninl 111 the drawing-room, but
bow seldom it is we hear a song that
thrills and charms in and brings the
"pearls of feeling" to our eyes. A
voice pleases us and we bear homo the
satisfaction of having heard an artist of
nrtists, but wo will forget the singei
and the song long before we forirct one
word or note of the one who sang
Bouuio Doon" aud "Annie Laurie."
There arc t'10-e of us who will never
forget the summer evenings, the ripple
of the brook in the distance, the stir of
tho woodbine leaves around the w in
dow, the sw eet fragrance of the "birk"
.from the neighboring wood, when the
mother sang "Afton Water" and rocked
her baby to sleep.
And then there were other songs that
stirred our childish hearts, "The
Soldier's Dream":
Our bugles sun? truce, for tLe uight cloud had
And the sentinel stui 8 set their watch In the
Y hen thousands hud sunk to the ground over
powered, The weary to sleep and the wounded to dlo.
BeiHwIiig- tliut niiflit on uiv pallet of straw,
Uy the wult-seuilUK fuKyot Unit guicriled the
In the dead of the night a sweet vision I suw,
And thrice ere the niui uiujf I uivuiued it
Our childish imagination could
picture the soldier, always handsome,
in his uniform lying down on the field
of battle to sleep under the stars, the
pine knots' biazo scaring away the
prowling wolves, aud he dreaming of
hearing his "own mountain goats
bleating aloof," and of hearing "the
sweet song that the corn reapers "sung."
There was another song, old, very
old: "On the Lake Where Drooped the
Willow," the story of a girl who died
in autumn. And: "I'll llang My Harp
on the Willow Tree," which later-dav
Bacon-ShaUspeareans tell us was dedi
cated to her Majesty, Victoria. There
was "Jeannette and Jeannt," "Old
Kentucky Home,1" and "Suwauee
River," and to-day we cannot listen to
O, tnko me to my kind old mother,
There let uio live imd die,
whether sung in soft, weird tones of a
jubilee singer, the pathetic ones of
little Kavauagh or the every-day street
Arab, without a rush of tender feeling.
There was another song, a regular
bed-time song in its wooing sweetness.
It v9 "The Cuckoo":
W'lien winter Comes the wood is uiy homo,
In summer 1 sing iu the meadows.
How we liked to hear about the little
bird that hid itself away in the brush in
the winter, and in the springtime its
plaintiff "cuckoo." "cuckoo," was tho
sure harbinger of south w inds and w arm
Aud last and best of all w as that somr
of "Clari. the Maid of Milan":
'Mid pleasures und palace though we maf
Belt ever so huul.e, there no pluc lik
Kb, there is 110 place like home, and
there are no songs like those of the old
time, and there ij no music half so
sweet as the memory of those tender
Dotes. ll'ttt'aio A". .s.
Too Muc h for Her.
Among the servants of a well-kuow u
aoue in Lewis-ton is one voting woman
5f native "O.d Country" wit who never
is at loss for an expedient, islie at
tended a call at the door the other
lay.' vi here a stt anger presented him
self und aked to see the lady of the
house. "Wh it name shall I savf
'Mr.Slill jeulieiincr.'' said he. "Loir par
Ion, sir." said be. "tilleiiheiiiiof."
reSM .ited he. The girl hesitated at tue
name, w nich w as oidcutlv beyond the
intricacies of her ieech. :i,id then-
ipeninir t ie door to tlio parlor said,
with a iairjd,i. ' Step iu, .sir, if vpu
please, aud and biingthe tie.me with
VOU. " V.i tcisie'll Joll ,',:((,
A CouelueslcV lroof.
A Bank with a capital and hiiriilim 'it $l,76U,iiue,
and with average resources of iipwnrrtH if $4,6(10,.
Uou, mut certainly be lu a very nourishing con
dition, cue to the uniformly sale and legitimate
character of Its transactions, lor along series of
years, that Las won lor it the euttie ciifldenae of
our nst business men.
Chinese from Ensenada, haviuk been
stopped at Tia Juan a, have taken to
erosssing the line at Lakeside and reach
ing San Diego over the Cuyamaca rail
road. Jacob Ackerman of Wilkesbane, Pa.,
tied his eleven-year-old boy to u cross
and kept him there seven hour,a. The
boy was rescued in a dying condition
and Ackerman wnsi saved froitl being
lynched by lodgment In jail.
Peter Jackson, the colored pugilist,
was set upon by half a dozen men in a
snloon near Oakland who had been drink
ing and wanted to "lick tho nigger,"
but Jackson luld thom out as last a
they came, greatly to their suipiise und
Joslah and Elizabeth Potts, inwbunJ
and wife, were hanged at KlKo, .Nev., ,
June 20, for murdering Mien l-'nwcett.
Mrs. Potts was the Hrst woman hanged
on the coast except a girl who wu
lynched on the California slope of !h
Sierra Xevada in early days.
A Letter from an Eminent Physician.
Mb. Editor: At the risk of indorsing a pro
prietary preparation, I have a few words In
favor of a new laxative principle. But first,
how I came to dlscoTei it. A patient asked
about tailing Joy's Vegetable Barsaparilla, As
arsaparillas usually contain mercury or Iodides
I objected, and asked for the formula, whtob
finding purely vegetable, and 10 mild as to be to
my mind almost Inert, I consented. Imagine
my astonishment when perfect laxative action
was reported. It has two great points. Flrit,
being' purely vegetable, it is (unlike mercury)
not cumulative In the system, being easily car
tied off by the digestive processes; and tccond.
it is effective with a les quantity of ttic cathar
tic principle than has hitherto been Httaiuahle.
It iu this respect ranks as a discovery, and ap
proaches the ideul, viz.: the least medicine con
sistent with the greatest KOod. As people take
laxatives Indiscriminately, It f 1 important for
them to know at least ohm that is safe lor con
tinuous uve; hence this , .iiiiiiiMiication. The
natural laxative effects of this preparation must,
for the reasons above, Interest both the public
and the profession.
A citv nivaiciAN of tuiiity YF.AHS' pkactici.
San Francltco Examiner, March 10, 18110.
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t .ti s Arni-iry improve-i universal .inhhei
Tuorp'A cfcm Ion Presso,
Economic Paiior Cutters,
Simons' Oases and Furultum,
Ooldtnflt's Pressea und Too.'w,
Sochwl.-k Pajinr Joggers
Keysti nn '.lntus,
fane's. V v-d Ty
Ctiks, Kellers, Tatlet Composition, Etu
pCBLiauEits or
Newspaper! on tho HOME frLAN.
Stereotype Newspaper Plates
JMror.TU.s and iii.vi.tia is
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Catalogue, the ' Homh Circle," will gire you
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tains the lowest cah selling prices of over
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care given all orders. Try us once, aTSeod postal
card for Catalogue.
Yellow Dock &
Iodide of Potass
ft Li
It Cures ElienmatLsm, Xenralgia,
Oout, Catarrh, fccrornla, Tum
ors, bait llbenm and Mcr
cnrial Pains
It liiTleotnie;th crnioc. Liver and BovtU,
irltevuig Vy ixpria, Indiirttion and VonMipation.
It PMtorei the Appetite, Increase an! hardens
the ma.
It etlmulftteg tho liirr and Kidueni o uenltlij
action, rurifti the Blood, and Pennliff the Cbm
plexivn. J. R. GATES: &JCO, PROPBIfTOR.
417 b'xsome street 8, t