Lexington weekly budget. (Lexington, Morrow County, Or.) 188?-1???, May 29, 1890, Image 1

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YOL. 2.
NO. 35.
Terms of Subscription :
On Year. M-W
Biz Mouths, 50 cents,
Invariably in advance.
Rates or Advertising i
On square (ten lines or leas), first Insertion
11.00; each subsequent Insertion, 50 cents.
Special rates with regular advertisers.
All transient advertisements must be paid for
tu advance.
Job Printing
Of every description executed with neatness and
JJ 1?. SHIPLEY, M. D.,
Medicine, Surgery & Midwifery,
Attomey-at-Law and Notary Public,
Attorney for the North American Attorneys
and Tradesmen's Protective Union of Connec
Attorney-at-Law and Notary Public,
Money to loan on Improved farms. Office in
First National Bank.
Constable and Collector,
Will attend to auctioneering.
Notary Public and Conveyancer,
Deeds, Mortgages and all others Legal Instru
ments car fully drawn. Applications for State
and school Lauds made, and Peusions obtained
Land Agent and Notary Public,
Filings In ken on government laud. Real
estate advertised and Bold on commission. New
comers are invited to call and be tilled full of
solid facts about the advantages of Morrow
country. Office hours from 7 A. M. to midnight,
Budget building.
General :-: Blacksmith
And Horseshoer,
I do anything in his line In a neat and work
manlike man ui; i. Horses shod with rare and
Shop on C St, Lexing oil. Or.
Wagon and Carriage Maker.
Arcade Street, Bet. C and D,
Islington. ... Oregon.
Livery & Feed Stable
NELSE MiGNUSON, Proprietor.
outltl. Furnished for Commercial Men
at Reasonable Rate.
UorivS at the. disposal of patron.
Comparisons Between the Bouts of Oldeti
Times and 8iinilar Events of a Later
The oft-quoted phrase of the Latin
poet, "'Mens sana in corpora sano" a
sound mind in a strong body expresses
tersely the value of physical culture and
the luterpendence of mental and physi
cal strength. But the value of bodily
strength and dexterity, great as it is,
has In our day, especially, perhaps, la
England, been somewhat exaggerated.
Boys have been more anxious to be
good oarsmen than good scholars, and
to play In the cricket eleven or win the
100-yards race tiiau to be at the bead of
their class. The- undue importance at
tached to athletic prowess was doubt
less the result of a reaction against the
almost complete absence of the means of
bodily training and exercise in the
schools of a century or two ago. But
the clear-sighted Greeks in this, as in so
many other matters, drew distinctions
of which we in later days have some
what lost sight. Bodily exercises were
classified by the Greeks in three groups:
Gymnasts, agnostic, and athletic.
Of all the public exhibitions of gym
nastic exercises in ancient Greece the
Olympic games were by far the most
famous, says the San Francisco Chroni
cle, and an account of them will serve to
explain the nature of Greek sports.
They were first established in lhe year
776 B. C, and were not finally discon
tinued uutil about 400 A. D. They were
held once in every five years at Olym
pla, a small town in the province of
El is on the western coast of the Morea.
Men of distinction termed bellonodikss
(judges of the Hellenes or Greeks), clad
in purple robes, presided over the games.
Noue but free-born Greeks were allowed
to offer themselves as competitors, and
in order that noue might be kept away
by war or political disturbances a gen
eral truce belweeu all the cities of
Greece was proclaimed and safe conduct
to and from the games insured to all
competitors. The first competition was
a sprint race of 125 yards, aud to this
were added from time to time wrestling,
discus-throwing, boxiug, and chnriol
raclng. The runniug track was called
a stadium and was a little more than 600
feet in length. The original race was
once up the course, but in time races of
double the course wore added, and we
hear of races twelve, twenty, or twenty-four-courses,
the last making a distance
of about 8.000 yards. There were short
races for boys of half a course.
As regards speed it is very doubtful
whether the Greeks equaled the per
formances of modern days. From what
has been said of the fleshiness and gross
ncss of athletes and from representations
on vases, which show us men running
with their arms spresd out lo increase
tiieir speed, as the Uerm in commenta
tors say quaintly enough we may fair
ly conjecture I hat their performances
weie moderate as reirards lime. The
Greeks luul no menus of inking lhe time
of races nl all accuriilely, and ran mere
ly to see which competitor came in first,
and not to beat records.
Many instances of very long runs ar
recorded in Greek history, but these are,
of course, tests of wind and endurance
and not of speed. As the runners wore
no clothes it was impossible to distin
guish them in any other way than by
means of a herald, who proclaimed the
name and city of each competitor as be
advanced to the siartiug-post. The
races were run in heats of four, and the
man who drew a bye was thus often
saved a heat. The winner of the final
beat received the prize, there being no
second or third premiums. For the
wrestling the body was anointed with oil
and to counteract the loo great tdipper
iness sprinkled with snnd. This was
done in special room of the gymnasi
um called the konisterium, or sanding
room All kinds of feinti and tricks were
used In wrestling, and many things were
permitted which modern rules do not
allow. The contest was begun with the
competitors standing uprlgnt, but was
continued after they were on the ground.
A man was not defeated until he had
been three times thrown. In the group
shown in the cut one of the wrestlers
has his leg twisted around the leg of his
antagonist, and is forcing his right arm
The third event was the throwing of
the discus, a piece of iron or stone of
circular shape, but of the weight of
which we have no accurate means of
judging. One specimen of a discus has
indeed been found which weighs about
four pounds, but we do not know
whether it was intended for the use of
boys, youtbs, or men, uy eacn or wuicn
three classes of competitors disks of dif
ferent weight was employed. The atti
tude of a discus-thrower is very clearly
shown in the famous statue, of which
a cut is given, and every pose of which
is enumerated in a passago of Statins,
describing a contest of this kind. The
distance to which a discus was thrown
is also doubtful, though one author does
mention of 100 cubits (150 feet) as a fine
Javelin-throwing was performed at
first with sharp-pointed spears and wag
intended as a preparation for actual
warfare, but in the latter times pointless
spears were used. For throwing at a
mark, however, it is probable that light
spears with points were employed.
Disc-throwing thus tested strength and
distance of throw, and javelin-throwing
accuracy of aim.
The leaping wag probably what we
now call the broad or long jump, for
mention js made of a certain Phaylins
who jumped "beyond the dug ground"
(which wag turned up with a spade that
the point reached by the jumper might
be easily seen), clearing a distance of
fifty feet. This was probably a stand
ing jump, and ag the modern jumper
can, with a run, clear only tweuty or
twenty-one feet, it is perfectly Incredi
ble. To assist them in standing Jumps
the Greeks carried in their hands piece
of metal or dumb-bells.
The five enumerated contests formed
the Pentathlum or five-fold competition,
and the prize, according to one authori
ty, was awarded to him only who had
been victorious in all. According to Mr.
Mnhaffy victory in three contests wag
sufficient, but it appears that sometimes
the running and wrestling were omitted,
snd it may have been on these occasions
that three successes constituted a vic
tory. The most dangerous sports of all re
main to be considered, the boxing aud
the pancratium. Greek boxers were
not content to use the naked fists, but
bound tiieir hands and wrists wilh
leather thougs. Later on these thongs,
which were termed mild or gentle, were
studded with pieces of metal, and then
the blows must have been frightful,
though intentional killing of one's ad
versary was not commended. It seems
that though great skill, endurance, and
courage must have been required for
such contests the Greeks did not under
stand the scientific principles of boxing.
We read of a boxer getting up on his
toes in order to deal a deadly blow upon
the top of his adversary's bead, and a
boxer was commonly spoken of as a
man "with his cars crushed."
A moat terrible contest is related by
Pausaniag. Two boxers of great skill
and strength could neither of them get
at the other, aud therefore agreed to re
ceive a blow turn and turn about. The
first struck his adversary full on the top
of the head, while the other drove his
fingers into his adversary's stomach and
pulled out his entrails. The dying man
wag crowned victor on the ground that
the five-fingered blow was a foul one.
The pancratium, or complete combat,
was a combination of boxing and wrest
ling, and those who trained for it were
termed paocratiasts. They did not wear
thongs upon their hands, for these
would have been hindrances in the
wrestling, but all tricks of wrestling and
boxing, except absolutely illicit ones,
were permissible. Biting seems to have
been the only means of violence which
wag not employed, unless we except
kicking, which was rendered of no avail
by reason of the competitors wearing no
After the competitors bad thrown
each other the contest was continued on
the ground, and sometimes the combat-
anti were choked or bad their fingers or
toea broken. The pancratium wag the
lowest and most brutal of Greek sports
and wag not in favor with the Spartans,
who considered it, as well they might,
an uneentlemanliks business.
Of smaller and less violent exercises
we may mention btill-plnying, which
was much recommended by Greek phy
sicians. It whs practiced by men, boys,
women, and girls in a part of lhe gvm
uasiuin specially reserved for it. The
balls varied considerably in size and the
rules for the various games were numer
ous. Bathing whs much engaged in by
the Greeks, and hot, cold, and vapor
baths were attached to the gymnasia.
After violent exercise the athletes
scraped off the dust and oil wilh strigils
or scrapers of metal or bone. The cut
shows au athlele thus engaged. Warm
balbs were taken in the public or private
bath-hoiiBes as refreshment after the
day's fatigue.
The Olympic victor, in early times at
any rate received very substantial re
wards. He won a money prize of con
siderable value and wns welcomed back
to his native city as a hero and enter
tained in its town hall by the dignitaries
of the state. The great sculptors of the
day executed his statue ami poets sang
his praises In odes which in some in
stances have become immortal. But in
later days public opinion altered very
much in this regard. The polished
Greek came to virrue Intellectual strength
more than physical, and to esteem men
tal gymnastics more man uwliiy exer
cise. The severe traiuiug for prize-winning
became more aud more euacting
and tended to usurp nn athlete's whole
attention, to the exclusiou of more lib
eral culture.
Athletes fell Into disrepute iu much
the game manner as professional run
ners, boxers, and scullers have done at
the present day. The athlete was ne
match for the polished thrusts of the
philosopher's wit, and his heaviness,
dulness, and stupidity were a constant
target for the comic poet's subtle
humor. Another argument against ath
leticism was tiie brutalizing tendency of
such contests as the pancratrniu, in
which the vanquished competitor was
put to the humiliation of suing for mercy
at the victor's hands.
Finally we may sny that though the
pancratiast at any rale was not much
above the level of the modern prize
fighter the Greeks contrived, by the
combination of literary aud musical con-,
tests with physical aud by the aid of
scripture aud poetry, to throw around
their games au uncqunled splendor. The
greatest painters and sculptors found
their models and the greatest poets their
heroes among the competitors at the
Olympic games.
The Literary Tastes of tha Man of Blood
and Iron.
Although Bismarck is old and becom
Ifig less strong, be still finds pleasure
in his library, says Kdward W. Bok iu
the Laities' Hume Journal for Decem
ber. Hu is a fluent French and German
scholar, and although lie hates the
French people with au intensity that
can hardly be emphasized in cold type,
he is nn admirer of the realistic school
of fiction writers. Of these he prefers
Zola, but he is as often engrossed in the
feuillcton of one of the French dailies
as he is with a new book from the
master's hands, lie lias a small aud
valuable library. That portion of it
devoted to political history and state
craft is as valuable as any in Europe.
The iron chancellor is quite a connois
seur in books and has added without
very much expense at any time to the
small librarv that ha began to gather
when a student. Ho is a good Greek
and Latin scholar also, and often amu
ses himself by translating from the
original. He is not nearly so volumin
ous a reader as Mr. Gladstone and is
not always looking for a gem or some
thing that will repay the persual of a
stupid chapter. He once explained to
a friend that the book must interest
him at the beginning or lie would have
nothing to do with it. Ho pays little
or no attentioi- lo English or American
literature, and, although many of the
English and American men of letters
have been presented to him, he is not
well acquainted with their work. He
possesses a well-tlmnilied copy of
Whittier's poems and likes to spend an
hour or so occasionally with "The
Autocrat of the Breakfast Table."
When gome great work lias appeared
in either England or America and is
translated into German Bismarck reads
it, but it must be of surpassing interest
to engage his attention. Of the Eu
glish and American magazines and
newspapers be knows but- little. The
various representatives of Germany in
Great Britain and the United States
send to the German war office transla
tions of everything bearing on German
affairs, and these are tiled and proper
ly indexed for reference, with copies
of the original, but only occasionally
does Bismarck feel sufficient interest in
them to devote his own time to reading
and studying up the subject. He pre
fers German literature and German
music, and he can not bo blamed per
hapg for not patronizing letter when
he is such an ardent believer in state
craft and warfare. Ho is a profound
student of sociology, and a philosopher
as well, and one of the rules of his life
has been not to undertake what ha
could not accomplish. He unhesitat
ingly pleads ignorance of American
men of letters, but is always willing to
Humble ugliness does not make a
weed, nor does beauty prevent the
name from being deserved. An in
stance in point is cited: The blue
ageratum, which is a cherished border
flower, but which, transported to
Ceylon by an English lady, has there
become, in truth, a weed, so rapidly
running wild in the island that it now
cost over a million and a quarter dol
lars annually to keep it down in the cof
fee plantations.
To the small boy who has to wear his
father's made-over apparel, life Beeuw
one dreary expnnts.
The Wind ol'a Cannon Ball.
Sir Robert Rawlinson.K. C. B., sends
us the following striking narrative:
"On the morning of the 10th of June,
1855, I was riding in company with
some military officers on their way to
the trenches before Sebastopol, and
entering the ravine known as 'The
Valley of the Shadow of Death,' when
in the act of turning round to go back
was swept down with my horsa by a
42-pound Russian steel shot. The shot
passed in front of me, from left to
right, cutting the reins out of my left
baud aud passing through the thin
jacket under my right arm. I had in
my right hand trousers pocket a small
leather purse with a steel rim to it and
a little silver in it. This purse bruised
the strong cloth of the pocket and my
flannel shirt, as also the crest of the
pelvis. My own impression was that
the shot had struck me full iu the
abdomen, and that I was cut in two.
I fainted and my wound bled copious
ly, aud I was taken to the nearest tem
porary hospital. Now, as to the wind
of this shot. It could have had nothing
to do witli my wound. As explained,
the shot traversed across tho abdomen
aud met wilh nothing solid but the
purse and money in my pocket, and the
contact was siillieient to break the
strong cloth of the pocket under the
purse not above it the flannel shirt,
and the flesh ami bone of the pelvis.
And remember, so slight must have
been the touch of the shot on my
clothes that they were not abraded or
marked; the thin summer coat being
perforated, but the outer edge not
broken. How could the wind perform
this freak P The full front force of this
shot,if only 1,000 feet per second, would
have a striking power of about 40,000
pounds; but, cannoning on me in
front, the force or blow might be
only equal to a severe blow by a
man striking below the belt. If this
shot had passed over auy mora solid
portion of the body, aa the head or the
baek.sudden death would have been tho
result; but as it barely touched the
clothes upon the abdomen the effect
lessened. At all events, I was severely
wounded by a forty-two-poiind rouuil
shot, and most certainly not by the
wind of it; and by reasou of the grand
surgery of the late Sir James Fergus
sou I am now alive to tell the tale."
A medical correspondent quotes Prof.
Sir T. Louemore upon the matter thus!
Tho time explanation of tho appear
ances presented in those cases which
were formerly called "wind contu
sions" appears to rest in the peculiar
direction or degree of obliquity wilh
which the missile has happened to im
pinge against the yielding aud clastic,
skin, together with the positiou of the
internal organs injured between this
missile and other hard substances in
tiieir neighborhood. The sucfiteo itself
is not directly torn or cut into, because
the impact of the projectile has not
been sullieimitly direct to effect an
opening; but the parts beneath are
crushed by the pressure to which they
have been sulijecled between the com
bined influence of the weight and mo
mentum of the shot on one side and of
some hard resisting substance ou the
other, 1'utl Mull Gazelle,
The Itcnutles of Andalusia.
As regards her statue and mold, the
Audalusian girl is almost invariably a
petite brunette, and although not all
are plump, and many are too stout,
the majority have exquisitely symmetri
cal tapering limbs, well-developed
busts (flat-chested women aro almost
unknown in Spain), and tho most
dainty and refined hands and feet. Re
garding these feet Guiltier makes the
most astounding assertion, that "with
out any poetic exaggeration it would be
easy here in Seville to lind women
whose feet an infant might hold in its
hands. A Frunch girl of 7 or 8 could
not wear the shoes of an Andulusian of
20." I am glad to attest that, if the
feet of Sevillian women really were so
monstrously small fifty years ago, they
are so no longer. It is discouraging
to see a man like Guiltier fall into the
vulgar error of fancying that, because
a small foot is a thing of beauty, there
fore the smaller the foot the more
beautiful it must bo. Beauty of feet,
hands, and waists is a matter of pro
portion, not of absolute size, aud too
small feet, hands, and waists are not
beautiful, but ugly. We might as well
argue that, since a man's foot ought to
be larger than a woman' therefore the
larger his foot the more he has of manly
beauty. If Andulusian womeu really
had feet so small that a baby might
hold them In its hands, they would not
be able to walk at all, or, at least, not
gracefully. But it is precisely their
graceful gait and carriage for which
they are most framed aud ad mired.
All Spanish women are graceful as
compared with the women of other
nations, but among them all the Andal
usiansare pre-eminent in the poetry of
motion, and this is probably the reason
that, although regular facial beauty is
perhaps commoner in Madrid than in
Seville, I found that you can not pay a
greater compliment to a girl in North
era Spain than by asking her if she Is
an Andulusian. It would be useless to
seek among the land animals for a gait
comparable to that of the women of
Seville, Cadiz, Malaga, and Granada;
and when you compare it to the motion
of a swan on the water, a fish in the
watc", a bird in the air, it is the birds
and the fishes that must feel compli
mented. Henry T. i'iniek in Scrilmer.
"My lad," remarked Judge Spencer
to the little boy who had Just taken the
witness stand, "do yon understand the
nature of an oathf" "Yes, sir; I was In
i pap's office yesterday when his coal bill
I wag presented." "Mr. Clerk, enroll tut
witness." St. Joievh Him.
The Styles In Englimil Tha French and
the Knirllsh Way of Trimming tha Nails.
The style of wearing all the hair od
top of the bend Is dying out. Many
fashionable wo
meu are wearing
their hair la a
loose knot, low
on the neck. This
is a revival of the
style of hair
dressing of ten
years ago. Mrs.
Langtry intro
duced it and made
it popular. The
the lanqtrv knot, fashion 1 a g t e d
three years; but it is doubtful whether
it will last three years this time. Hair
dressers prophesy that it won't last otie.
The "Langtry knot" is worn to advant
age by young women wilh shapely beads,
pretty hair, and plenty of It. A bunch
of bright hair looks pretty enough be
neath the big, fashionable, romantio
looking hats. Lndy Claud Hamilton al
ways wears ber hair low on her neck in
a loose knot. But her hairdresser gays
she has a lot of lovely hair and a per
fectly haped head. A small quantity of
hair never looks so meagre or miserable
as when it is twisted up into a button
ana worn under
a large hat. Mid
dle aged women
with none too
much hair can Bet Wi
and rolls of arti
ficial hair can he
cunningly arrang
ed among the
real hair, and
worn with a sense
of security on
top of the head, tub Grecian knot.
but not on the neck. The sketches were
made at Mrs. Carniichael'g, the hair
dresser snd manicure of Conduit street.
The "Grecian" knot is founded on
Mary Anderson's style of bairdresalng,
but is softer, piettier, and more elabor
ate. The half of the hair nearest the
bead has to be crippled, the other half
is left straight and twisted into a ring,
and artificial curls are stuck In the mid
dle. A Uuffv fringe is worn in front.
Fringes are as popular ng ever.
The artiBt has sketched a couple of
the nails of the period. One in the En
glish style, the
other the French.
The rounded nail
is English, the
pointed one
French. These
two styles are
admirably gym
nlicul of the
s ylo and conver
sation of tha
wearer. The Eu
tilish woman
rounded and pleasant; lhe French wo
man remarkably poiuled. The proper
length of the little ringer nail in the
poiuled style is about a qu itter of an
Inch. I 'alt Mall (j.uette.
Jefriluvls' Iteinarkalile Memory.
Jefferson Davis had a memory for
faces aud names that lias probably
never been excelled by that of any
public man iu the United Slates. It
has been said of Gen. Sherman that
when he meets a man who was Intro
duced to him twenty years previously
he will recall his name and the circum
stances of the Introduction, and will
talk over the incidents of their first
meeting. Both Grant and Lee posses
sed to n great degree the name faculty
of remembrance, but neither Sherman,
nor Grant, nor Lee could do what Mr.
Davis did. At his ollieo iu Richmond,
as President of the Southern Confeder
acy, and iu his visits to Hie front of the
army, lie treasured up iu bis memory
the names of every olllecr and soldier
with whom he came into contact, and
he never forgot lliem. While he was
at his lieauvoir plantation last winter
there cumo to him a uoruout and
broken-dovvu man who nimbi a claim
ou his charily as having been K l.ieiilen
ant in a certain Mississippi regiment.
Davis taxed his memory u moment, aud
then told the applicant' thai hi: was a
fraud, and that a man bearing an en
tirely different name was iho Lieuten
ant of lhe company which the mendic
ant hail specified. The beggar made a
quick exit from the housti, and was
never seen around it again. J'hiltttlri
phia Jiiiutnr.
The Weight of Drupe.
iSoytnoiid has lately published an in
teresting article on the weight of drops,
it is well known that the weight de
pends upon the exterior diameter of
the dropjriug tube, the interior
diameter having no influence except
upon the velocity of the flow. The
nature of the liquid determines tho
weight, whatever may bo the propor
tion of the dissolved material it may
contain. Boymond used a droper of
oue-eigl.Ui of an inch in diameter ami
determined the weight by a very deli
cate balance. The mean of bis results
gave: For 15 grains of distilled water,
20 drops; alcohol of GO degrees, 62
drops; alcoholic tinctures from 60 to
90 degrees, 5,') to (il drops; ethereal
tincture, Hi drops; fatty oils, about 4H
dros; violate oils, 50 drops, aqueous
solutions, whether diluted or saturated,
'M drops; wine, 8U to 8i drops, and
hiudaiiiini, about .111 to 35 drops.
liuujran'a Hook.
The "Pilgrim's Progress" hits been
translated into Amharic.the language of
Abyssinia. The book ban now been
translated into eighty-four languages.
what little WVXSSrar
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