Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Lexington weekly budget. (Lexington, Morrow County, Or.) 188?-1??? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 14, 1889)
WEEKLY BUDGET THURSDAY NO V K M R K K 14, 1880 HF-TIiIh notice wnrhd with a blue pencil in dicate thnt your nubaeriptian ha expired, and if tou with the. paper continued you should remit flie price of ftuhwriptivn at once. THE WEATHER. Thursday, Friday and Saturday lair; bnlance if the wi-i'k cloudy; Unlit sprinkle Monday; showers Monday and Tuesday nights. Tem peratures reported by W. U. MeAlfsler: 7 a, M. 12 M. 7 P. . Thursday :U fifi Friday 'Ji 72 40 Kiiliinliiy id r.S 50 Sunday : SO 4!f Monday ;w 4N 40 Tuesday M 4li WeilucMliiy .Hi 70 40 BRIEF NOTES. Another dunce ut the armory to-morrow night. Bargains in everything at II. McFar land & Co's. (Jeorne Nohle's little hoy died at Ilepp- Jier last Sunday. Last Tuesday was a bad day for women, vats and chickens. Alva Leach's new house on Arcade street is almost complete. II. L. Keyto left lust Thursday for a trip to the i'uget sound country. 1'. E. Hamilton, formerly of Lexing ton, is now located near Cameron, Idaho. Kichard Madmen's little girl is dan gerously ill with pneumonia at Ileppner. It is expected that the armory will lie well tilled with dancers to-morrow night. Eighteen teachers arc now engaged in the public school work of Morrow county. Teachers' examination at Ileppner on the -'7th instant. See notice in another column. W. 13. Wilson, who has spent the summer in Washington, returned last evening. r. Ueoghegan has been called to Ileppner quite often lately on profes sional business. II. McFarlund & Co. are prepared to buy wheat at their platform. Cash paid according to quality. Take your five-gallon oil cans to the City drug store and have them Tilled with coal oil for $1.05 each. Don't let your name be dropped from the IU'ikikt's subscription liht. Look out for the blue mark at the head of this column. Quite a number of new settlers have arrived in Morrow county lately as will appear by reference to births in another column. It has been suggested that a debating society he organized here for the coming winter. Now is the time to start it. Talk it up. Mrs. Tibbetts, who recently purchased the Kenton property on Water Htreet, has built an addition and is otherwise improving the house. One thousand jack-rabbits wanted Viy II. McFarland & Co.; to be delivered on Tuesdays and Fridays. Fifteen cents -each will be paid for them. No admission feo will be charged to the dance by Company I) on Thanks giving night. The boys will do their best to make it a pleasant affair. Superintendent Stanley visited the Lexington school last Friday. He ex pressed himself as well pleased with the manner in which the school is conducted by Mr. Hod son. ' Mr. Meeks, formerly associated with W. (i. Scott in the lumber business, has returned from Washington ami w ith his family moved into A. J. Breeding's house on Water street. In order to reduce their stock of dry goods, clothing, hoots, shoes, hardware, glasswaie, etc., H. McFarland it Co. are now positively ottering great reductions in prices for cash or wheat. 1'ostmaster Whito informs tho IU dokt that there remain uncalled for in the Ella postoflire letters for Mrs. Lido Hop kins, Jo Willard, Mrs. K. A. Hendricks, O. 1'. Nelson and L. Hendricks. Eli Summer, who resides two miles below town, has recently improved the appearance of his house by the addition of a veranda, and Joe Gibson's paint limuli liuu ulwik itwroiiMpd tiiu .miif.rol efl'ect. George, Marion Evans three-year-old son, fell out of bed last Saturday night and fractured his collar bone and shoul der blade. Ir. (ieoghegan was imme diatelv summoned, and the little hoy is now doing well. Here is an opportunity to get your home paper and one of the best Ameri can magazines for a prico within the reach of all the IU'imikt and the Co vniji'ililitn for only if2A). Sample copies nay he seen at this oflice. As seen from the streets of Lexington the Blue mountains, now covered with a fresh fall of snow, present a handsome appearance; but to those who have not yet finished hauling wood the snow doesn't look at all pretty. Since the birth, about three weeks ago, of his first boy Tom liroughton has been one of the proudest fathers on the bunchgrass. The important event was not reported at tho time because Tom, in tho exuberance of his joy, forgot to inform the printers. Constable I'.oon is again at work on his house on Water street, and says he w ill finish it this time. When completed it will look well. Hoon already regards it with a good deal of complacency ; "they say" that on the way up town lie always turns around several times to note the effect of distance. The Morrow county teachers' institute w ill convene at Ileppner on the evening of the L'.Stli instant. An interesting pro gramme has been prepared for the oc casion. State Superintendent McElroy, of l'ortlainl, l'rolessor Stanley, of the Monmouth normal school, and other prominent educators will be present. Land Office Bulletin. Our WVhinston correspondent eml the j lollowiiiK Information: Iu the following bind contest decisions the names of the successful ! l.arties are marked with au: The Halle dis-i tilit-ll-nry l'ro.t vs. S. p. railroad com-; van;, win. A. lalhiuii vs. N. I', railroad mm- , Win. A. HaihinB vs. N. V. railroad com pany-, rioocri l"rrti.n v. .. r. rinlroa-l com jiaoy. William Wiiliauoi v. S. ruiiroad coiii mil y, l h:i. K, ( art-on v. S. IV raiir.-ad coin j. any, l.a lirunde di-trict J hn Mi: r- hit!. vs. V 1'. railroad rumiany. .lumen V. Morri Mn vs. N. 1'. railroad cnipiiit), JuqcpU W. Jitelor' vu. y 1'. railroud eouii'uu,.. ALPINE. Mart. Richardson has purchased (J. W. Hansell's place and took possession this week. Mrs. A. B. Mackey made a visit to Echo on Tuesday's stage, returning on Thursday. K. M. Graham has moved on C. G. Bringham's place and is Btingly fixed for the winter. As you pass this way and see the largest pile of fuel on Sand Hollow you may know that yon are at Kev. V. C. Ual'laher's. Miss Gertie Saver" our Softool teacher, visited Lexington last Friday. Miss Minnie Gallnher took charge of the school during Miss Saver's absence. Encle Jake Wattenburger is absent this week with some other persons pros pecting in the Blues, and reports are in circulation that a good find has been made. T. P. Mathews is here with a fine band of sheep numbering 2,400. We as sert that the shepherd's crook over his shoulder is the orly crooked thing about Tom. Robert Hynd has come among us with a band of sheep, and being a vounir. man of sterling qualities the young ladies should certainly be excused for casting sly glances in that direction. Charles Bringham came in from Long Creek a few days Bince, and now his genial countenance is seen upon our streets, while "old Crowder" is allowed his usual daily rations of post hay. A special school meeting of our dis trict has been called to elect a director in place of V. B. Adcook, who will soon leave us for an extended visit to friends and relatives at Adams, and will prob ably visit his old home in York state before his return. Our school will close Friday, Novem ber 21M, and on the evening of that clay an exhibition will be given by the pupils of the school, assisted by the teacher and scholars of the l'ine City school. A good programme has been prepared and a pleasant time may he expected. All are invited. Admission free. Soi.kmn Sam. Ai.pinb, November 10, lsso. Now autumn jonniner puts to rnut And chilly winds to blow tie-in; Tlie ii-e ereaiii joke is Kointr out. The stovepipe joke is coining in. limtim Courier. FROM SOUTH SPRING. Grandpa Garret is quite ill at the res idence of C. M. Long. .1. ('. Stockdalo has begun the seeding of 150 acres of wheat. Charles Mitchell, of Butter creek, vis ited friends in this vicinity last week. James Harrison made a business trip to Umatilla county during last week. Sheriff Howard and G. W. Harris were in the neighborhood on Tuesday of last week. O. W. Pecker and family have left for Grande Konde valley, where they will reside in the future. W. J. MeAtee, the butcher, was in the neighborhood lust week and pur chased five head of beef cattle from A. Andiews. Three wagon loads of immigrants from Pakota passed this way a few days ago en route to the Willamette valley, lliey were not very well off financially, and .Morrow county oilers fur better induce ments to a poor man than the long; set tled Willamette. Soi tii Spring Saok. South Si', November 9, lssi). Op all the (md and irloomy words That mankind ever writ, There Rre no sadder ones to me Thau these two: "I'lease remit." Jiretiange. JORDAN FORK. .T. M. Keys is putting in 100 acres of tall gram. School will commence in the Will iams district next Monday. Mesdames Kly, Short and Wilson vis ited menus here a short tune ago. Misses Hvnier and Ella Blake have been visiting Mrs. Wilson, of Jordan rork. George I'tt, of this neighborhood, will spend the winter with relatives in .Missouri. .Misses Mollis and Ista Elv, of Saddle, visited their sister, Mrs. 0. J. Wilson, hero last week. Mr. Moore, who has been visiting bis folks on Light Mile, has gone to Albany, expecting to make that Ins future home Wilson brothers, who have just tin ished seeding 500 acres of fall wheat say that Morrow county is all right as a arming region. Frank Engleman has gone to Wash ington territory, where he will spend the winter, r rank s many friends on Jordan Fork will greatly miss him. Topby. Jordan Fokk, Nov. 10, Ihhd. FOR SHADE AND FRUIT. The Russian mulberry seems to be well adapted for this section, and those who have tried it speak well of it. L'ncle Jaka Earnst, who has a fine young orchard, says the mulberry suits him. He will plant quite a number of the trees next spring. II. II. lloopes, of Ella, has four trees of the black variety and one of the white, three years old from which he this year gathered quite a lot of berries. The black ones are said to be much superior in flavor. On the Tom Cherry place, now owned by Crane liros., there is also one tree which yields an abundance of fine fruit. Iho Biixikt invites communications from those w ho have had experience in growing the mulberry here. Egyptian Meal and Broom Corn. When a canny Scot admits that any thing is equal to oatmeal, it must be j pretty good. Geordie Brown, of Social ridge, recommends meal made from Egyptian corn, and after a thorough test of a generous sample from his ranch the lirnoKT heartilv concurs in his opinion, r, l!iwn this season raised some broom corn that is good enough for any country ; g sample can bo seen at this oflice. He also shows a queer looking grain which is a mixture of amber cane and Egyptian corn. The stalks (frew eight feet hih and combined the gl qualities of Itotti the parent plants. He Kill eii'ciiuiciit further with it. THE NEICHB0RS. VMATll.I.A COl'NTY. Pendleton East Orcgonlan. I. II. French is very ill at his Vinson home. Four pear trees near Milton yielded $70 worth of pears, at two cents per pound. Josiah Clore is very low, and his friends fear that before many days he will be no more on this earth. Isaac Kriotts sold 7fi0 head of lambs and wethers recently to Iliesche & Bed gar at $1.50 per head for the former and !f2.!30 for the latter, a good round price. Miss Mildred Uartlett, daughter of Mrs. C. II. Wheeler of l'endleton, and Thomas II. Wilson, of San FranciBeo, were married at Oakland, Cab, on the 3d instant. About $ 1,000 remains of the Long Creek road appropriation, and this will be expended erelong. The result will be a tine mountain road from l'endleton to the (rrant county line. Eleven handsome specimens of the wild goose tribe were captured fourteen miles north of l'endleton by J. F. John son on Thursday, lie reports the eack- lers pleiuitnl and the sport immense. The Umatilla Indians, near Wallula, are catching salmon in large quantities, This is lessening the number of this species of fish in the northwest, and in a few years the people will be salmon hungry. Heal estate dealers report a singular anomaly. While l'endleton people are buying property at 1'uget sound, several sound speculators are investing monev in l'endleton. A fair exchange is no robbery, and there is no kick coming Killing brothers contemplate bringing their stock from the range in the Big Bend to Weston, where they can pro cure teed during tho winter. 1. h. Sal ing and b rank are now engaged in gath ering them up preparatory to this move, Sam Nicely has a female mule which is the mother of two thriving and friskv female colts, sired bv a Cleveland Bav stallion. His story may be hard to swallow, Vint anyone disbelieving it is earnestly invited to call at his ranch on Juniper and confirm with his own eyes tho truth of hum 8 statement. There is an air of business about l'en dleton just now that is now and actually refresh intr- The numerous and hand some stores are donning a metropolitan air which gives tone and backing to the town to strangers. Hie handsome dis play windows of the merchants are much remarked about, l'endleton is becoming noted for her handsome stores and solid firms, who do business on the broad-gauge principles. till.l.IAM COl'NTY. Fossil Journal. A shooting match and ball will tako place at Fossil on Thanksgiving. The parsonage of the M. K. Church in Fossil lias been completed and turned over to t lie directors of the church. A grand old-fashioned spelling bee, in which the pupils of the Mayville, Fair view and Heeeher Flat schools took part came oil" at the Fairview school houBe last Monday night. Val. Wheeler is back from Eaton, Col orado, where be has been assisting Henry I ii. .i, 1,. ...... ;., ,,;,, .. i,; i, -.,,. r - t - lie says there was a foot of snow when he left, hut lie got out of there just in time to escape tho blizzard, one of the severest that has visited Denver for sev eral years. Col. J. Caven has picked and put up nearly three tons of choice winter ap ples from Ins orchard on l'ine creek the paat few weeks. We have not seen even in the far-famed Willamette valley, the place of our nativity, any finer Bald wins and yellow Newtown pippins than those of Mr. C'uven'a orchard. 'Tin very wronn for men to swear When any! hing's awry. And with h little tliiiuKlilful care They'll mop it If they try. Yet. Hi'ter nil, tliere'rc Kreater wrongs TIihh men who wililly rant, And they're the looks a woman dont Who want to swear and cau t. Exchange. Rye at Ella. Among the farmers in tho vicinity of Klla rye is rapidly gaining favor, both for grain and hay. Up to the present time the grain has always commanded from two to four cents per pound for seed, it is a tmre crop in any season, and the yield per acre of hay is usually much greater than wheat. This season II. II. Hooten has sown 42 acres ; J. F Deos, !0; John Handy, 81); Crane liros., '.); I). K. and (. Iiarles Jayno, 40; J. K Vamdeave liaH volunteered 30, and 8ev eral others whose names we did not learn have sown various amounts. House Burned. Last Monday evening, just hefore dark. J. II. McFarland's house on Juni per canyon was totally destroyed by lire with all its contents except a sewing machine, rocking-chair and some bed clothing:. The loss is estimated at about $800, with an insurance of $000. Mr. and Mis. .McFarland were returning from ft llfaitrhVirir'H when tlif Urn Hturtil and only got home in time to save lUe lew tmngH anove mentioned. A delcc tive flue is (supposed to have been the cause. UOHN. KKVTK In Lexington, November 7th, to Mr. and Mr. 11. L. Kevte, aMin. Illtiil liHT") V Near iVxIiiKlnn, October 2Ttli, to Mr. Hurt M r. Thomas iiroiiLrliton, a, son. MJI.LKK Near Saddle. November 1 J III, to Mr. and Mrn. (ieoro W. Miller. adaoKliter. FJLKINS NeMr Snddle. November lit h, to "Mr. and Mr. Jfifet.h r likins, a son. CASK In He,.ner, November Mil, to Mr. and Mrs. IJeitjttuJWi ose, a ilauiniter. IIAIiKK Jit Ileppner, November 1st, tf Mr. and Mr. John Hairer. adiiuuliter. CHAPMAN' On Inn linit.-r ereek, November .r,lh, to Mr. aii'l Mrs. Jlaker Umioiiaii, a Hon ZMvYIUtlKI). MclioN AI.I-'LA ItSO-At ( Town Hoi k. (Ill liam county, November -'illi, Kenneth .Mc lionabl iiii'I MiH Laura damn. CHOP MILL T,i"R THE rONVKSIKNf'KOKTirOHK WHO HfUT In i-ri-imr-! t run the clinp mill un Tuck any uua nuiuraay ui t-ncji wclk. r A NT H I KAHTKRV A VP WESTERN f f iMrto-r t kwtw Umt Iu Morrow county can bf-f'njinl fr vaeunt IhimI mid linprond cIhImih ftr sal' i licup, aud Lhut the noil litre tttiiuot bv txccilc!. GEO. 1' MORGAN, (Late Chief Clerk U. 8. Land OHlce) THE DALLES, OR. Room O, Zjaml OiHce lluiMing. REOrLAKI.Y ADMITTKn TO PUAOTK'K tnfort Local Land Olticos nncj Depart- tiu1 ntn at WnshiiiKton under prnvtsiona of tin? circular of ihe Cicucral Land Oilice, approved .ii tt iv ii yj, iwi, If You Have Lost a Land Right, Or have had trouble about your land, "rRiTE to :m:ei I CHARGE NOTHING For CorrcHpO'iidoiicCf and may be ablo to help you. If I take your cne I nm wlllinc to wail until the worJt la sueccaafully done before my fee 1 due. YOU WILL FIND GOOD ACCOMMODATIONS -AT- (THgtLEXINGTOHHOTELQ ,1. W. KKDFORD, 1'uoiMt. FIRST-CLASS FARE POPULAR PRICES. flUIK TABLE IS ALWAYS Hl l'PLIKI) WITH I Iho best in tho market. Curi'tol attention jitild to the wants of quests. No ChineNe ein j. Invert. The house Is kept ill the neulest pos sible manner. 3?OARI, PER WKKK $4 00 3AHI AND IjOIXUNU 5 00 !iNOLK Mkai.m 25 . LOWJINUH, 25 AND 50 C'TH. NOTICE. A n NOTKH ANT) ACCOrXTH DI'K THK linn of II. McKitrlunrt & Co. must lit Kft- tlH by the l.rth "f NoveiniVr, or rout of colltsc tfou will br mldcd. TMh Ih poitlvflv t lit- butt (.'411. i:l) H. Jltf A1U.A.MI n V U "LTOrND A HMAU, MKMOHANIH'M HOOK 1 Owner chu 1irv nnvw by npplj iiiK Hi thin onice ana proving property. "UTAXTED-MKN OF CAPITAL AND KN- V V riry to take a look nt Lcxinuton mid Ntir round tn country with a view to vstiiblifthiiiK a name nere. TAXTKI) MOKR MVB WHIXKHH MKX TV to htrHte in Lexington, the finest place iu naNieni wretfou tor a iiirivuiK town. IfANTKD M KN OK MHK. VIM AM) KN V vray to locHte in Lexington und prevent mm irom tHUinif rnni. "fKKSOXAr,-IK THK MAN WHO W A NTH 1 t( M'll his I'lnlm will full at thin otllce he will hear of Hnmethinff to Iiih advantfiue. T)KIlHOXAI-THK CAPIIAI.IHT WHO HAS I rontrol of one dollar ran hear of a proflt- n! ne inveatment by cauiuat Uie iwihikt omee f AXTKD MOItK FAHMKKH TO HF.TTI.K T? In Morrow eonnty and liHKtcti the day whlrh inuro to rnme when thin will he one of the rtchettt UKrluilturtil reKloiiH iu the North went. TIFTY-TWO NI'MHKItH OF THK LFXINff X ton Wkkklv Hiiiiokt for II. If you are not taking it, (tulmcrlbe for It; KUlmcrlbu now. T"EKP IN MIND TIJK FACT THAT LEX IV tntftori Ih In tho mltt of a fine farinf n country and that now iHthetirneto locate here. p)MK TO LEXINOTON; LOOK AT THK LO J ration; look at the ourrouiidlnjr ronntry: l(Htk at your Mire and deeldu that thin In the ))taee to Invent itn coittetiU. VJ HKTTER LOCALITY THAN THIK CAN i h" found for the fnriiicr to Hemilre home of Ma own and "grow up with the coun try. TJCNI) A PAI'KK THAT IfONKHTLY HE 1 lfcvf'M in the future of Morrow county hn hii fiKrlritUural ditrif-t and always hImihIm ly mat hi iici. j ne lit uu bt ii only 41 pi-r year, iu nuvance. T4VH NO-A F1KHT-CLAHH LOCATION FOIt i iiUNineHM men oi energy aim loreoiKut lxiiiKton, Morrow county. Or. f OHT HKVERAL CHItONIC CROAKF, ItS 1 i who have been In the habit of fotiHtantlv HhiiHhiK tblN country n a farmlntr diNtrlct. Kinder will pleatte keep under hw k and key, !KRSOS8 WIHII1NV) TO HKLL IiKKDKM 1 rtiiw lu'i or undeeded I'lainm should i at the Ht'fKiKT nfllcf. No change for advertU iiiK unleHM nale Ih effected. CATTLE RH ANY ONE KNOW I NO OF A T vacant KoverNfU'iit (juarti-r Hiid wanting n (-''Hid iiciirbbor thereuu should inform the ItnuiET oflice. r OHT THK KEY TO Hl'CCKSM, BY A J i farmer who cultiviiteN dU outcut In fl nd of corn and potHloe. A forincr owner hi lift u e for It at present, llridt-r will pi cane k-(-p ft poliato-d by iiKf until ( tilled for. UrANTKI I'KACTICAL MEN TO I N V EH tlirale the Hdvantiufcti of IjCxIiikIoii as a location for a xorKliuin milt. rrilK T'Hf'A L I'ltK E OPCOI NTRY WKEK 1 Hen in from 2 to W. The Bitokt ! only p'r year. In advHu-(, The bent U the cheap mul the cheaH.'Nt is the wl. OHT-Hi'I.KNMI fUM'OKI fNITY TO KK li cur kimxI liuffii'M ty tdow who witit lot luu(; bUort: to nn n to Muriuw tuuuty. SELLING SELLING TO TO Don't let this opportunity pass to pur chase your Fall Supplies cheap. We are Offering SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS For the Next 30 Days in Our Entire Stock. 1LVKGAIXS IN DRY GOODS, BARGAINS IX BOOTS AND SHOES, BARGAINS IN CLOTHING, BARGAINS IN HARDWARE. HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID FOR WHEAT. h. McFarland & co. LEXINGTON, OISECrOT. DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES I GROCERIES CHEAP FOR SPOT CASH I AT Northwest Corner of Main HENRY l'KOI'KIETOK OK THE CITY DRUG STORE, l kx i xa tox, on ku ox, (DR. E, T. GEOGHEGAN, Pharmacist and Manager.) KEEPS A FULL STOCK OF PURE DRUGS AND MEDICINES! TOILET AUTH'l.KH, CIIUICK PEHPTMEUY, NOTKINH, W'llOOI. HOOK 8. HTATIONKKV, CONFKCTIONKKY, C't'TI.KKY, I'l'TTY 1'AINTH, OIIJJ, UI.AHH, Ktc, KTC A FINE LINE of TOBACCO and CIGARS. The Fluent llranrin of WIIMF.M and llrKM tor Ildirliil l'urpat. g&- I'KRWKIITIONR Comimiixukii Day nit NiiillT.-l OLYMPIAS, MURRAY, M. D, Female Specialist. HAH VMM'TU'fM ON TlfR PACTF1C f'OAHT for tliti !iRt twi';itv-tW vt'nrn. A itv- tiint' Hi'Votrd to tho Htii'Iy of friimU; troitolcH, their rtniM'K Htid in red, I hnve thoiinnmU of ttttlmonlnlfl of ptTMittiM-nt iinn from the n-t people on thU f!OHnt. A poHltlvu KUHTHiitee to periiiHtiently cure nuy vt of feinulo wenk ihhm, no tnttller how Ioiik ntntiilltiK or whfit tho HtHKe, inny h. ' hnri'i ri HtonHhlc nud within the reH:h of all. Kor the hencfit of the wry pHr of my kix who nrti tmrierlittf from nny ttt the Krent imiltittile of ntlmeiitM that follow In lli? trtiin of that terrlhle (lineiiHR known mm feniHle wi-HkncHK, himI who are not aole to iay for treiitmeiit, 1 will treat frco of cIihtk''. ( oiiftultalton hy ."Hall Irne. All rorrefKinlenf ulrhtly ronft1entU1. MiMlielne piu-ke, htixftl nwi nent hy fxprcHH, with rhiinf pre-palil fur "homo" treHtment, with Kpwlfle l I ri'ftlriiiH for line. I f you nrv ollTin fnnii itny feumlu troullu, periodi cally or eoiiNtmitly, t-hlnist OLYMPIAS. MURRAY, M. D., KAHT I'OKTi.AM), iKKi'IN. THE EMPIRE AGENCY WIIX I'AV A'IKNTH A GOOI3 BALA11Y ! IiI)KKKH, WITH KTAMI', THK KMI'IKK 1 AH' lii y. WuIU WuIIr, W. T. I'. O. hot 4H$. PAY UP. I.I, ArcoI NTH AKK SO W'K. I'l.KASK nil iii'l 4'tili: un t ntir I caiiiiot ilu H. Lli.VAU.tS. OFF! OFF! CLOSE BUSINESS! CLOSE BUSINESS! T IN- TIIE- and C Streets, Lexington. WM. PENLAND. PADBERG, Climax Bitters lor i ha l.iTcr. TJsa Climax 33ittare lor the lllood. TJse Climax Sitters tor the Nteniach. CJilMAX 1 UTTERS ARK THE KING OF ALL BITTERS nm ItMMII), LlVKK, KrOMACII ANII lidWKI, For Sale by R. C. WILLS, lone, Oregon, For hiitliir-t pur hiiI t ot the I'drthiml lluoine Colli Cortland, OriKft. or at Ihr C apt In I Hn-itu-H tulltK-, twl m, ort-uoii. Moth m 'hooU art tinikr thr nimiii)'it'iit of A. I. Armtrott)(, have Mirnr cournc of atutllra anl name tatt-a of tuition. It iini tieMM, ttliorthaiul, Tyiirwriliny, Frnmanthtp ami Knglith lM-part-niriiin, I ny anl evrtnnu m hnkmin. Kludrtitiia'l-mittr-flnt Htiy linir, Korjciit Cntalrwur, aiUlrpM rrflajHl ln.lirM Mtrv. Afj fecial Ui tlnr, I'oriliiiMl. rKon. hlnn, tm K". It AlUiAISH IS HI'HINKM U)T CAN V