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About Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 1994-current | View Entire Issue (July 10, 2019)
COMMUNITY A4 • HERMISTONHERALD.COM WEDNESDAy, JuLy 10, 2019 Car show features Cool Rides Event revs up with Friday night poker run By TAMMY MALGESINI COMMUNITY EDITOR Members of the Herm- iston Classics Car Club are getting revved up for their annual car show. In its 24th year, the Cool Rides Car Show is Satur- day with registration from 7-10:30 a.m. at McKen- zie Park, 320 S. First St. The vehicle entry fee is $25. The first 100 regis- trants will receive a goody bag, which includes dash plaques, an event T-shirt and more. Awards, which will be presented at approx- imately 1:30 p.m., will include nearly two dozen categories. Lisa Sturgeon, the club’s treasurer, said the show typ- ically draws around 100 entries. A big draw, she said, is the location. “The shade is really nice,” Sturgeon said. “It’s a lot better than sitting on the hot asphalt in the middle of the sun.” The event also features live music, vendor booths, a raffle (including a gift bas- ket from Comrie RV, bat- tery charger, stereo system and welding helmet) and a special game as part of the 50/50 raffle. To play, peo- ple can purchase a lei for a chance to win half the pot. Also, the club is gearing up for the show with their annual poker run. Sturgeon invites everyone to partic- ipate — people don’t have to belong to the club or enter the car show to join the Friday night fun, which includes dinner. To participate in the poker run, head to McKen- zie Park at 6 p.m. to pick up a map and scorecard. The cost is $5 per hand. When Staff photo by Tammy Malgesini Paul Dobrovolsky (second from right) talks about his five-year restoration project of a 1937 Chevrolet pickup during the 2018 Cool Rides Car Show. This year’s event is Saturday at McKenzie Park in Hermiston. People will then cruise to the five sponsoring busi- WORSHIP COMMUNITY Staff photo by Tammy Malgesini The side chrome design provides a perfect accent with the white wall tires of a 1960 Chevrolet Impala owned by John Hopkins. Registration is open for the 24th annual Cool Rides Car Show, which is Saturday at McKenzie Park in Hermiston. leaving the park, the entou- rage will “parade” through the parking lots at a cou- ple of local assisted living facilities. “We thought it would be a fun way for the people living there to see the cars,” Sturgeon said. BRIEFS experience for audiences. Sponsored by the North Morrow Community Foun- dation, Music in the Parks is funded by the Mor- row County Unified Rec- reation District and Port- land General Electric. It alternates weekly on Mon- days between Irrigon and Boardman marina parks through Aug. 12. For more information, contact Jackie McCauley at 541-720-1289 or util- ity.clerk@cityofboardman. com. Martin Gerschwitz to perform in Irrigon Multi-instrumental- ist Martin Gerschwitz per- forms everything from classical to psychedelic rock. The German-born musi- cian will perform during the upcoming Music in the Parks. The free event is Monday, July 15 at 7 p.m. at Irrigon Marina Park. People are encouraged to bring a lawn chair or blan- ket. In addition, those in attendance are invited to bring a picnic dinner. In case of inclement weather, the performance will be moved to Stokes Landing Senior Center, 150 Colum- bia Lane, Irrigon. Gerschwitz has played with Iron Butterfly, Eric Burdon and the Animals, Meat Loaf, Walter Trout Band and more. He is known for his mastery of the keyboards and violin as well as his voice. Honing his classical training and rock influence to create his own style, Gerschwitz pro- vides a versatile and unique Fellowship Fund kicks in soccer camp support According to Made to Thrive, the Ambassador Soccer Camp is a favorite that the youths they support talk about all year. More than 50 kids through Made to Thrive are counting the days until the camp, which is coordi- nated through New Hope Community Church. The Hermiston-based nonprofit organization provides sup- port for vulnerable youths to participate in adventure activities, sports, music and the arts. People in the community are invited to provide offer- ings to the Fellowship Fund through July 16 to help sup- port Made to Thrive kids. Donations can be made via (click on “give” and then choose “fellowship fund”) or text “GIVE” to 541-238- 9292 (select “Fellowship Fund”). The camp is July 16-20 at Sandstone Middle School, 400 N.E. 10th St., Hermis- ton. It’s open to youths ages 6-14. Registration closes July 14 at 11:45 p.m. The fee is $140. For questions about the camp, contact Ted Shasteen at 541-571-1833 or ted- SAGE Saturday features balloon fun Kids are invited to cre- ate their own balloon-pow- ered car during SAGE Saturday. The event is Saturday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the SAGE Center, 101 Olson Road, Boardman. The free activity is available while supplies last. Also, partic- ipants are encouraged to tour the museum exhibits. Also, admission is free. The SAGE — Sus- tainable AGriculture and Energy — Center is an interactive visitor’s cen- ter. It provides informa- tion about technology within the Port of Morrow and beyond. There’s also a museum store, which includes Tillamook ice cream sold by the scoop. Center hours are Sun- day through Thursday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Fri- day/Saturday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Regular admis- sion is $5 for adults, $3 for seniors/students and free for children under 5, active military personnel and vet- erans. There is a $20 maxi- mum for a family. For more information, call 541-481- 7243 or visit www.visit- gon! For the first time in Eastern Ore First Christian Church “Proclaiming the Message of Hope, Living the Gospel of Love” Sunday School 9:15am Worship Service 10:30am 567-3013 775 W. Highland Ave., Hermiston The Full Gospel Home Church 235 SW 3rd Phone 567-7678 Rev. Ed Baker - Rev. Nina Baker Sunday: Sunday School........10:00 am Worship...................11:00 am Evening Service........7:00 pm Wednesday Service..7:00 pm “Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.” 1 Pet. 5:7 St. Johns Episcopal Church Join Us On Our Journey With Jesus. Scripture, Tradition and Reason Family service 9am Sunday N.E. Gladys Ave & 7th, Hermiston t. PH: 567-6672 We are an all inclusive Church who welcomes all. Pay one price for two great services: high-speed Internet DAILY MASS: Monday-Friday ...............................English 7:00 am Thursday...............Spanish 6:00 pm SATURDAY:.........English 5:00 pm ...............................Spanish 7:00 pm SUNDAY:..............English 9:00 am ..........................Bilingual 11:00 am ..............................Spanish 1:00 pm Offi ce..............................567-5812 First United Methodist Church Worship Livestream at Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors Rev. Dr. Jim Pierce, pastor and a full-featured home phone Bundle and save today Simply Broadband Max BROADBAND ULTRA + PHONE + SECURE 19 67 97 99 12 Mbps + Free Wi-Fi Router + 2 Year Price Lock Protect Your Identity, Devices & Files 6 Mbps + Free Wi-Fi Router + 1 Year Price Lock Call today and pay less Pastor David Dever Sun. Bible Classes...................10:00am Sun. Worship Service..............11:00am Sun. Evening Worship..............6:00pm Wed. Prayer & Bible Study......6:00pm Seventh-day Adventist Church Saturdays Sabbath School........9:30 a.m. Worship Service......11:00 a.m. English & Spanish Services 567-8241 Hermiston Jr. Academy 1300 NW Academy Lane, • Hermiston 1520 W ORCHARD AVE Sunday Worship Service 10:30 am Classes for Kids @ 9:15 am SEEKING JESUS, SHARING LIFE, SERVING PEOPLE NEW BEGINNINGS CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP Worship Service 10:30 AM Sunday School 9:00 AM Pastor J.C. Barnett Children’s Church & Nursery Available 700 West Orchard Avenue P.O. Box 933 Hermiston, Oregon 541-567-8441 VETERAN BENEFIT Per Month Per Month With Qualifying Phone Service 125 E. Beech Ave. • 567-3232 565 W. HERMISTON AVE. Sunday Worship 11am • 541-567-3002 Nursery available Check us out on Face Book Save with Frontier Internet Bundles LANDMARK BAPTIST CHURCH Our Lady of Angels Catholic Church Hermiston 191 E. Gladys Ave , Hermiston OR Serious speed! nesses to pick up cards for their poker hand — return- ing to the park by 7 p.m. for dinner and to determine the winners. The car club will provide the meal’s main dish. Poker run participants are asked to bring their own beverages (no alcohol) and a side dish or dessert to share. The Hermiston Classics Car Club holds business meetings the first Friday of each month — usually at Desert Lanes, 1545 N. First St. During the summer months, group members hang out on Friday nights from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at Les Schwab Tire Center, 830 N. First St. “We’re just there to have a good time and give peo- ple an opportunity to see the cars,” Sturgeon said. For more information about the club or car show, contact Sturgeon at 503- 410-9906, hermistonclas-, visit www.hermistonclas- or search Facebook. 855-972-6641 You can’t get get BS BS from a buffalo. You can’t You get can’t BS from a from buffalo. a buffalo. *Internet access service and charges not included. 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NEW THIS YEAR: Veterans town hall meeting 6 p.m. july 26 with odva director kelly fitzpatrick same location Help Prevent Blindness Get A Vision Screening Annually WZ^Ed/EWZdEZ^,/Wz Ask About A FREE 3 Day Vacation Voucher To Over 20 Destinations!!! W W W. E X P O.O R E G O N D VA .C O M To share your worship times call 541-278-2678