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About Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 1994-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 17, 2016)
FROM PAGE A1 A16 • HERMISTONHERALD.COM in a league, and they have a game from that league in the morning, then are scheduled continued from Page A1 to play in Hermiston later in Gammell said. “I just enjoy the day. Gammell has to ac- it. It’s fun. The kids like it. commodate those teams into The teams like it. It’s good the larger tournament struc- for the community. I’ve WXUH VR WKH\ FDQ IXO¿OO ERWK lived in Hermiston almost commitments. This weekend, a three- all my life. My kids were raised here. It’s good for lo- team group from Moscow, Idaho made the trip, and they cal business.” The planning for a mas- had some requests. They sive youth sports tourna- wanted the ability to watch ment that uses eight sites each team play. They didn’t — Hermiston High School, want any of their games Umatilla High School, Stan- overlapping with each other. ¿HOG 6HFRQGDU\ 6FKRRO$U- It gave Gammell a bit of a mand Larive Middle School, scheduling headache, but it’s Sandstone, Desert View Ele- IXO¿OOLQJ UHTXHVWV WKDW KDV mentary, West Park Elemen- made the Hermiston Youth tary and the Columbia Court Basketball tournaments pop- Club — starts weeks in ad- ular. “We actually got it done vance. First, Hermiston Youth (Saturday),” Gammell said. %DVNHWEDOO $VVRFLDWLRQ WKH “(Sunday) when it goes to organization that puts on bracket play all bets are off four of these tourneys a year, because you just play wher- PXVW ¿OO RXW LWV ¿HOG 6LQFH ever your record (dictates).” Other tournaments orga- 2006, these tournaments have grown. Headlined by nizations from around the Best of the West, these tour- region have noticed, and naments garner interest from call and ask what Hermis- all over the region. Teams ton Youth Basketball does from Boise, Yakima, the to keep growing. Gammell Tri-Cities and more come to had to turn down two doz- en teams for the Best of the Hermiston. “(It’s) pretty tricky when West. “I think that’s one reason \RX¶UHWU\LQJWR¿WWKHH[DFW QXPEHURIJDPHVLQWRWKHH[- our tournaments are so suc- act number of empty spots,” cessful. We try to do things Gammell said of scheduling. like that to bring teams “It’s just like a huge jigsaw here,” Gammell said. “We do our best. We try to look puzzle.” Sometimes teams from DWLWDVDQH[SHULHQFHIRUWKH Yakima or the Tri-Cities are people. We try to do different AAU: +LJKZD\ $ RQH EORFN DUHD RI -HQQLH $Y- enue was blocked off continued from Page A1 during the work Tuesday morning. County is known for. The $3.7 million high- Crews from the city of Hermiston followed the way improvement project drilling team, vacuuming VWUHWFKHV GRZQ VL[ PLOHV GLUW DQG GHEULV WR H[SRVH of the highway, between Southeast Fourth Street utilities. Work on the Jennie and Highway 730. )RU WKH QH[W ZHHN WKH $YHQXH LQWHUVHFWLRQ LV H[SHFWHG WR FRQWLQXH DOO project will have two sep- week but cause only mi- arate crews working — nor delays to traffic on one overnight, working HIGHWAY: WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 2016 E C N A L G A N T umb A er of teams: girls) 0 boys, 33 (5 3 8 — ) (Feb. 13-14 , 44 girls) f the Game -24) — 104 (60 boys 9 boys, 27 girls) o e v o L e . 23 6 (5 For th West (Jan . 5-6) — 8 34 girls) Best of the Holiday Classic (Dec -15) — 83 (49 boys, Hermiston koff Classic (Nov. 14 ic Autumn K STAFF PHOTO BY SAM BARBEE Tracy Gammell (right) gives an explanation to parents 6aturday during the )or the /ove of the Game $$8 EasketEall tournament at West Park Elementary. things, like we do our all-star game now.” That all-star game is a fun ZULQNOH$IWHUWKHFRQFOXVLRQ of the tournament, the best players from the most suc- cessful teams are selected to play a game on the main court with painted keys and the mid-court logo. The starters are introduced by Joe Thomp- son like a varsity game. In ad- dition, coaches get gifts and there is as much merchandise as one can stand. It’s much more than simply a basketball tournament. “We get a lot of teams now from out of town who stay in the hotels,” Gammell said, “so it gives those teams that have nothing to do in the eve- ning something to come back (for).” If they don’t want to go back to the gym, however, they go spend their money in the area. Perhaps they go have dinner, or order a pizza, or see a movie. The numerous out- of-towners provide a boon for the local economy, something the Chamber of Commerce is YHU\H[FLWHGDERXW “I’m telling you what, its a great opportunity for the business owners here LQ WRZQ´ FKDPEHU ([HFX- tive Director Debbie Pedro said. “These tournaments bring throughout the year hundreds of thousands of people to this communi- ty who might not come to Hermiston before. Those that do might have their fa- vorite spots to come back and eat at or shop in.” So are players, too. Sat- urday afternoon, freshman She said the chamber Jordan Thomas was sitting doesn’t have any economic up in the mezzanine on the ¿JXUHVIURPWKHIRXUWRXUQD- north side, running the score- ment weekends to provide board for the court below businesses, but she said it’s a her. Kylee Smith was doing good idea and will pitch it to the same on the south court, and Sydney Stefani was the chamber. Once the tournament is there, too. “These kids are playing underway, there is no time to UHOD[,QDWZRKRXUVSDQRQ basketball, and I was once 6DWXUGD\ *DPPHOO ¿QLVKHG DWWKLVOHYHOSOD\LQJ$$8´ up the results for the morn- the freshman Thomas said. ing games, posted it online, “So it’s always good to vol- ran to her house a half mile unteer and do clocks for away, grabbed sandwiches, them so they can come play ran them to West Park Ele- basketball.” mentary, spent 15 minutes Smith said the visibility there answering questions RIWKHJLUOVSURJUDPEHQH¿WV from parents and patrons, both ways. and hustled back to the high “You can tell with some school where the process of the girls teams, they look started over again. up to us,” Smith, a junior, It just never stops. said.”They think that’s pretty Gammell isn’t the only cool. So it’s fun seeing how volunteer. Though more help some of the girls react when is always welcome, a no- they see some of us. They ask WLFHDEOHJURXSDWORFDO$$8 us questions about basketball. tournaments is the girl’s It’s fun to tell stories about our basketball program. Head SDVW H[SHULHQFHV ² $$8 coach Steve Hoffert and as- high school, all of that.” sistant coach Juan Rodriguez “I think it shows a good DUH YLVLEOH ¿JXUHV ERXQF- H[DPSOH WKURXJK DOO WKH ing around, talking to folks, JLUOV WKDW SOD\ $88 IRU laughing. Hermiston,” Stefani said. RQ WKH $'$ VLGHZDONV ramps, and one during the day, moving the traf- ILF VLJQDOV DW -HQQLH $Y- enue. Later phases of the project will focus on in- stalling medians to block turns at the Elm Street in- tersection, updating traf- fic signals, and repaving WKHHQWLUHVL[PLOHV The repaving work is H[SHFWHGWREHJLQLQ0D\ and all work should be completed by July. STAFF PHOTO BY JENNIFER COLTON Crews from the city of Hermiston and the Oregon Department of Transportation work Tuesday morning to Yacuum cOear the dig site for the reOocation of the trafÀc signaO at -ennie $Yenue and Highway 395. At Community Bank, You Can Count On Us To Be: T ransparent R easonable U nderstanding S traightforward T ruthful Real Estate Financing . Equipment Purchases . Operating Lines of Credit At Community Bank we have sown the seeds to support the growth and sustainability of farms and businesses in our rural economies for over 60 years. By helping you to thrive and prosper, our communities continue to thrive and prosper as well. We’d love to hear from you - the coffee is on us. LEASE STK# 16T249. PLUS TTD AND ON APPROVED CREDIT. GROSS CAP COST $19,982. MSRP $21,055. LEV $13,686. TOTAL DUE AT INCEPTION $1,699. 36 MO/12,000 MILE PER YEAR LEASE. AFTER $1,000 LEASE CASH PROVIDED BY TOYOTA FINANCIAL SERVICES. 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