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About Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 1994-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 2016)
COMMUNITY A8 • HERMISTONHERALD.COM Hermiston School District hosting college and career night The Hermiston School District is hosting its third an- nual K-8 College and Career Family Night on Feb. 18. The event will run from 5-7 p.m. at Armand Larive Middle School, 1497 S.W. Ninth St. Students will be able to explore their options after high school by talking to rep- resentatives from various col- leges and career paths, while parents will be provided in- formation about ¿nancial aid and other opportunities. Students who attend will receive a free piggy bank, and drawings will be held for free books. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 2016 Highway 395 committee still seeking corridor improvements By JADE McDOWELL Staff Writer A year after a citizen advisory committee was formed to improve Highway 395 north of Hermiston, in- terest is still high but funding is not. “We want this industri- al area to thrive,” Umatilla County planning director Tamra Mabbott said. “We want to see new develop- ment come in there.” The advisory commit- tee, made up of property owners along the 395 cor- ridor, is looking for funding to implement landscaping, paving and safety improve- ment ideas for the highway and roads around it. The group’s focus is on imple- menting a February 2015 re- port centered on the stretch from Punkin Center to Ben- sel Road that lies between Hermiston and Umatilla’s urban growth boundaries. Mabbott said the com- mittee’s biggest focus right now is road improvement. Many of the roads branch- ing off of the highway, in- cluding Old¿eld, Lauback and Birtrand, are roads that are open to the public but not part of the county’s road system. If area property owners don’t decide to ¿x potholes or come up with the money to pave the roads on their own it doesn’t hap- pen. And poor-quality roads don’t encourage new devel- opment. “The roads out there are pretty tough,” Mabbott said. Committee members haven’t given up on ¿nding grant funding, but they have also discussed rallying sup- port for a local improvement district, which the owners of 51 percent of property that might be included in such a district would have to ap- prove. “It all depends on get- ting information out there,” committee member Bryan Medelez of BJK Transport said. “It’s dif¿cult, I think, but not out of the realm of possibility.” His father Benny Me- delez said his top priority for traf¿c safety along the corridor would be to see a traf¿c signal put in at Bag- gett Lane. Several trucking companies and construction companies with heavy ma- chinery enter and exit the highway in the area. ANNIVERSARY Stoddards celebrate 60th anniversary On Feb. 13, 1956, a young Marine and his bride slipped away to Yuma, Ariz., to be married. They had met just three months before at a Serviceman’s Dance at the YWCA in San- ta Ana, Calif. It was the only time that either had been to the dance. Despite friends’ and neighbors’ dire predic- tions that “it won’t last a year,” the couple is celebrat- ing 60 years of marriage. Loren served 22 years in the U.S. Marine Corps. When he retired from the service in 1975, they moved from Ha- waii to Washington state. He went to work for Reinell Boat Company and later the Bay- liner Boat Company. He also worked as a rural route mail carrier in Everett, Wash. In 1983 they moved to Eastern Oregon and he de- livered rural route mail in Hermiston and operated a small family cattle ranch. Beverly worked as a regis- tered nurse at Good Shep- herd Hospital for 27 years. Now both are retired and they are enjoying travel and hobbies as well as their eight grandchildren. They have three children: Debbie Pugh (Pete) of Moses Lake, Wash., Sandra Van- Dyke (Terry) of Arlington, Wash., and Don Stoddard (Marie) of Roseburg, Ore. No anniversary celebra- tion is planned, but they are looking forward to a cruise later this year to celebrate this important event. PUBLIC SAFETY LOG SUNDAY 3:04 a.m. - A female in Boardman reported someone hit her at a karaoke event. 8:26 a.m. - Stanfield police received a report of a husband assaulting his wife. 11:40 a.m. - A parent told Stanfield police their son heard a bullet whiz by a male on North Wayne Street, possible from a .22 caliber gun. 1:01 p.m. - The Morrow County Sheriff’s Office and Oregon State Police responded to a report out of Benton County, Washington, of a 9-1-1 caller in the Irrigon area that sounded like a juvenile male stating “I will kill her.” Police were not able to find the source of the call or an emergency in the area. 8:01 p.m. - A man outside Hermiston on Highway 395 North reported someone got into his pick up and loosened the alternator belt and drained the battery. SATURDAY 12:59 p.m. - A Hermiston-area man reported his ex-girlfriend called him more than 80 times Saturday and would not stop harassing him. FRIDAY 11:04 a.m. - A Stanfield resident re- ported two people poked holes in his RV. 4:38 p.m. - A man asked the Umatilla County Sheriff’s Office to have a deputy contact him after receiving information that a man threatened to kill his mother. THURSDAY 11:30 a.m. - A man reported the theft of sod from property on Southwest 11th Street, Hermiston. 11:58 a.m. - A woman on West Furnish Avenue, Stanfield, reported someone tapped on her window for the second time in the last two hours. WEDNESDAY 7:10 a.m. - An Irrigon man said he has made multiple complaints about a white Ford pickup that races up and down Southeast Utah Avenue and also spins its tires in front of his home. He said the Oregon license place number is 802HSQ. 9:08 a.m. - A caller with Steve’s Assured Security Storage, 80886 Highway 395, Hermiston, reported burglars “drilled out” another unit but did not know if they stole anything. 1:09 p.m. - An Irrigon caller reported garbage all over Northwest Washington Avenue between Fourth and Seventh. 1:42 p.m. - An ambulance took a teenage boy to a hospital after he fought with another teen in Irrigon. 3:49 p.m. - A Umatilla woman on Columbia Boulevard wanted an officer to tell her neighbor to stop swearing at the caller’s sister. 4:17 p.m. - One male followed another to his home on North Ott Road, Hermiston, and screamed at him due to a road rage argument. A caller asked for a Umatilla County sheriff’s deputy. 11:11 p.m. - A mother told the Umatilla County Sheriff’s Office someone broke into their house on Lind Road and stole her son’s knife collection. TUESDAY 2:17 a.m. - Boardman police received a tip that a man could be planning to break-in and steal from a place on Sky View Drive. 12:07 p.m. - The Umatilla County Sheriff’s Office received a complaint about the Facebook page Public Lands Hunt Club, which states the following (unedited for grammar): “Since the Bundy Militia has secured public lands for the good of the people all Federal restrictions are null and void. Cattle season is open!” Page administrators are anonymous and posted the number “29” late Tuesday, possibly to total the number of cattle followers have killed on public lands. The page has 299 “likes” and several comments critical of the page and what it stands for. 1:06 p.m. - The owner of a 26-foot travel trailer at an Irrigon storage business reported someone broke in and stole multiple items, including a desktop computer and fishing gear. 3:49 p.m. - A sex offender told Umatilla police he would not be in for sex offender registration because the government deported him to Mexico. 6:59 p.m. - A driver reported she was near High Desert Marine, 30618 Bensel Road, Hermiston, when a metal barrel fell from the bed of a work-style pickup lacking a tailgate and she crashed into it. She said she was at Auto Zone, 1795 N. First St., Hermiston, and was afraid to drive. ARRESTS, CITATIONS •Morrow County Sheriff’s Office arrested Eric Michael Masterson, 24, of Heppner, for fourth-degree assault, after a woman at 7:24 p.m. reported Masterson was drunk, came home, threw a female across the kitchen and tried to hit her head on the counter top. •Oregon State Police arrested Charles Clark Jr., 57, of Kennewick, for DUII. •Umatilla police arrested Stanley Oneil McKight, 29, no address provided, for fourth-degree assault, second-degree mischief and hit and run (property). •Morrow County Sheriff’s Office arrested Curtis Dean Belcher, 46, no address provided, for duii. •Hermiston police arrested Shyan Rae McDonald, 19, and Maxamillion Bernard Eagle, 38, of 303 S.W. Desert Sky Drive, Hermiston, for first-de- gree burglary, first-degree criminal mischief and third-degree theft. •Umatilla tribal police arrested Mayro Mike Guzman, 24, of Herm- iston, for possession and delivery of methamphetamine and cocaine, driving while suspended, violating probation and on a warrant for failure to appear. •Morrow County Sheriff’s Office arrested Christine Luzette Mendoza, 42, of Boardman, for domestic violence third-degree assault after receiving a call from a woman who said her boyfriend beat her. •Boardman police arrested Saula Esau Sandoval Pinto, 25, no address provided, for third-degree rape, third-degree sexual abuse, sexual misconduct and contributing to the delinquency of a minor. LOOKING FOR A NEW CAREER? EOCI is looking for qualified applicants who are interested in a career as a Correctional Officer, Nurse, Food Service Coordinator or Behavioral Health Professionals CAREER FAIR FEBRUARY 19 TH & 20 TH 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM EOCI is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Women and minorities are strongly encouraged to apply. For questions, please call: Heather: 541-278-3610 Trish: 541-278-7352 Eastern Oregon Correctional Institution 2500 Westgate, Pendleton, Oregon Tours available, please no blue jeans.