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About Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 1994-current | View Entire Issue (March 4, 2015)
A10 • HERMISTONHERALD.COM WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4, 2015 CLASSIFIEDS CLASSIFIED M ARK ETPL A C E Pla ce cla ssified a d s on lin e a t w w w . her m iston hera ld . com or ca ll 5 4 1-278-26 78 C O N TAC T US ED ITIO N S D EAD LIN ES 24 HO UR S ERVIC E 333 E. M a i n Herm i sto n , O rego n 97838 Cla ssi fi ed : 1-800-962-2819 Fa x: (541) 567-1764 Cla ssi fi ed em a i l: cla ssi fi ed s@ herm i sto n hera ld . co m W ed n esd a y Sa tu rd a y 3 p. m . M o n d a y 3 p. m . Thu rsd a y Cla ssi fi ed : 1-800-962-2819 Fa x: (541) 278-2680 • (541) 567-1764 Ci rcu la ti o n an d m ai n sw i tchbo a rd : 1-800-522-0255 cla ssi fi ed s@ ea sto rego n i an . co m Lea ve u s a m essa ge a n d w e w i ll co n fi rm yo u r a d the n ext w o rk i n g d a y. To ll Free i n O rego n : 1-800-522-0255 211 S. E. Byers • Pen d leto n , O rego n 97801 Cla ssi fi ed : 1-800-962-2819 Fa x: (541) 278-2680 Lost & Found 5 FOUND SHIH TZU Terrier mix. White with brown, in terrible shape. Call to identify: 541-567-2702 Special Notices Homes for Sale, Pendleton 100 10 CLASSIFIED LINE AD DEADLINES Edition: East Oregonian Tuesday 3pm Monday Wednesday 3pm Tuesday Thursday 3pm Wednesday Friday 3pm Thursday Saturday 3pm Friday Hermiston Herald Wednesday 3pm Monday Saturday 3pm Thursday Call Paula 541-278-2678 classifieds@ FOR SALE by Owner. $194K.3BD 2BTNew roof,all new interior doors,fix- tures,floors.2 car ga- rage.UGS,fenced back yard. Rice Ad- dition. Next to new Hospital, 541-969-9843 HOW MUCH is your home worth? Call Matt Vogler, The Weekend & After Hours Realtor for a Complimentary Mar- ket Analysis, which includes Active and Sold Comparables, 541.377.9470 John J. Howard & Associates 541-377-9470 NO MONEY DOWN! Free Buyerʼs Consul- tation discussing no money down pro- grams, closing costs assistance. Must have good credit, Call Matt Vogler, The Weekend & After Hours Realtor, 541.377.9470 John J. Howard & Associates 541-377-9470 PLEASE CHECK YOUR AD ON THE FIRST DAY OF PUBLICATION. While we are happy to make any necessary correction, we cannot be responsible for er- rors appearing for multiple days. Thank you! View all state wide legal notices online at www.public Travel 12 TURN HERE to travel the USA or travel the world. Spe- cializing in escorted tours Down Under-Come snorkel the reef and cuddle a Koala.. Turn Here Travel 541 377 6855 TURN HERE REALTY & TRAVEL 541 377 6855 Personals Over 1200 Homes for Sale www.east oregonreal Pendleton $104,000 GREAT STARTER HOME ON THE FLATS. 3bedroom home w/lots of char- acter. Extra storage in basement. Fenced backyard, garage, off street parking. Call Cari 541-377-5058. #14204935 Coldwell Banker Whitney (541) 276-0021 Pendleton Email or Call Paula @ classifieds@ eastoregonian. com 541-278-2678 to place your classified ad!! Homes for Sale, Pendleton 100 BRAND NEW 3 bed- room, 2 bath, Gor- geous City Views, Open Floor Plan, Vaulted Ceiling, Hickory Cabinets, Laminate Hardwood Floors, Ceramic Tiled Showers, En- ergy Efficient, $179,500. Matt Vo- gler, 541.377.9470, MLS15100333 John J. Howard & Associates 541-377-9470 EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY All real estate adver- tising in this newspa- per is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise any pref- erence, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, relig- ion, sex, handicap, fa- milial status, or na- tional origin, or an in- tention to make any such preference, limi- tation, or discrimina- tion." Familial status includes children un- der the age of 18 liv- ing with parents or le- gal custodians, preg- nant women, and peo- ple securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings adver- tised in this newspa- per are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination, call HUD toll-free at 1-800-669-9777. The toll-free telephone number for the hear- ing impaired is 1-800-927-9275. 3BEDROOM, 2BATH ENERGY EFFICIENT MAR- LETTE. New paint, carpet, flooring. New kitchen sink, faucets, disposal. New toi- lets, H2Otank, walk-in shower. Deck, City views. Marsha 541-377-5152cell. #14166266 Coldwell Banker Whitney (541) 276-0021 Pendleton $139,900 – 3 Bed- room 1.5 Bath 1400+ sq ft. plus full basement. Very nice condition throughout. Extra dwelling could be dual living or rental. Large lot. MLS# 14049686 Rocky Mikesell Blue Jeans Realty (541-379-8690) Her m iston Hera ld Ea st O r eg on ia n Blu e M ou n ta in Ea g le W a llow a C ou n ty C hiefta in Homes for Sale, Pendleton 100 Homes for Sale, Pendleton 100 Homes for Sale, Pendleton 100 Homes for Sale, Pendleton 100 Homes for Sale, Other Areas 115 Pendleton LESS THAN $120 000 Call 541 377 6855 to access all lo- cal homes in your price range Turn Here Realty 541 377 6855 TURN HERE REALTY & TRAVEL 541 377 6855 Pendleton $295,000 - The Old West Rental Build- ing. 1.85 Commer- cial Acres with a 4000 square foot Block building. Rive thru door capable of servicing Semi-Trucks. Floor hoist, U.P.S rents their land for $650 per mouth. Can be two separate tenants etc. Call Kal 541-969-7358. RMLS#1442656 Garton & Associates (541) 276-0931 QUALITY 3 Bed/ 2 Bath homes -Lots of variety-Multiple List- ing to see ALL homes--Turn Here Realty to find the home to suit you 541 377 6855 TURN HERE REALTY & TRAVEL 541 377 6855 PILOT ROCK 3 bedroom manufactured home, 1/4 acre lot, $125K 541-443-1292 $149,900 MORE FOR YOUR MONEY! 3bed, 2bath, corner lot. Remodeled kitchen, baths feature tile- work, concrete counters. Wood floors, double pane windows, gas-log fireplace. Debi 541-379-0404cell. #15194376 Coldwell Banker Whitney (541) 276-0021 Pendleton $154,000 - FED- ERAL VETERANS SPECIALS. Pride of Ownership. Duplex at 361 & 363 and second duplex for $159,000 at 351 and 353 NE 37th Street (Riverside area) Live in one side and let the tenant pay most of your payment in rent. Current rents are $700 per side for large 2 b/r units with large fenced yard and washer and dryer hookups. RMLS# 12472382 Garton & Associates (541) 276-0931 Pendleton $199,000 4 Bed 3 Bath Home. Very nice throughout. Newer Kitchen. Co- rian Counter tops. Newer Furnace and Central Air. Two car garage. MLS#13384063 Rocky Mikesell Blue Jeans Realty (541-379-8690) Pendleton $199,000 CHARMING TURN OF CENTURY 2 story home w/base- ment. 3 bedroom, 2 bath updated kitchen. 2 additional lots w/gazebo, park like gardens. Dori 541-310-1001cell. # 14045482 Coldwell Banker Whitney (541) 276-0021 Pendleton Pendleton $154,900, Pano- ramic City Views, Newer 3 bedroom, 2 bath, Excellent Con- dition, Open Con- cept, Vaulted Ceiling, Master Suite French doors open to deck, RV Parking, Call Matt Vogler, 541.377.9470, MLS:15642931 John J. Howard & Associates 541-377-9470 $199,900 SPACIOUS 1 LEVEL HOME ON CORNER LOT. High end fin- ishes, custom kitchen/great room w/tile, formal dining. Basement wine cel- lar. Vick 541-969-9441cell. #15522215 Coldwell Banker Whitney (541) 276-0021 Pendleton Pendleton $159,900 RANCH STYLE SHERWOOD HOME. Natural light, open floor plan, vaulted ceilings in mid-century style home. Master suite, family room. Large, private backyard. Jef 541-2760021/Dawn 541-310-9563cell. #14427298 Coldwell Banker Whitney (541) 276-0021 Pendleton 20 $109,000 D ea d li n es fo r a d verti sem en ts to a ppea r i n the Herm i sto n Hera ld fo r a ll cla ssi fi ed li n e a d s. W e Accept $169,000 – 4 Bed- room 2 Bath on North Hill. Hard- wood Floors. Cen- tral Heat & Air. Large back deck. Garage. 1924 Sq. Ft. Nice inside and out. MLS# 14211391 Rocky Mikesell Blue Jeans Realty (541-379-8690) Pendleton $184,900 - NEW LISTING! 5 bed- room, 1.5 bath home with nearly 3000 sq. ft. of living space. Detached garage and storage building. Call Shane (541)379-7802. RMLS# 14259192 Garton & Associates (541) 276-0931 CLASSIFIEDS GET results! $219,900 ATTENTION TO DE- TAILS! Very well maintained Sher- wood 4bed, 2bath w/attached salon or in-home office. Up- dates throughout. FAG heat/CA. Fenced w/dog run, UGS. Glenn 541 276-0021. #14238892 Coldwell Banker Whitney (541) 276-0021 Pendleton $244,900 DAYLIGHT RANCHER. 4bed- room, 3bath, 2778 s.f.(m/l), 2car ga- rage, deck extends entire length of homes south side. Home sits on an oversized lot. Kevin 541-969-8243cell. #14268337 Coldwell Banker Whitney (541) 276-0021 Pendleton $269,000 AMAZING VIEW/LO- CATION on the Umatilla River. 4bed- rooms, 2full baths, 2half baths, 3,396 s.f. (m/l), stunningly remodeled kitchen. Deck, wonderful porch, garage, stor- age. Jef 541-276-0021. #14079019 Coldwell Banker Whitney (541) 276-0021 Substitute Motor Carrier needed in Hermiston Route #245, Heppner, Lexington & Ione. Also taking information sheets for walking & motor routes for those interested. 211 SE Byers Ave., Pendleton 333 E. Main St., Hermiston 541-276-2211 or 1-800-522-0255 Pendleton $5,000 Price Reduc- tion to $154,900, One Level, 4 bdrm, 2 bath , family room, master suite, walk-in closet, family neigh- borhood, private backyard, Call Matt Vogler, 541.377.9470, MLS: 14409224 John J. Howard & Associates 541-377-9470 Pendleton COLLEGE VIEW, Contemporary 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath, Open floor plan, Custom Kitchen, Quartz Countertops, Master Suite, Large Backyard, Mature Landscaping, UGS, RV Parking, $234,900, MLS15467924, Matt Vogler, 541.377.9470 John J. Howard & Associates 541-377-9470 Pendleton Excellent Condi- tion, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, Newer Town Home, good location, close to park, Open floor plan, patio, fenced backyard, ga- rage, nice finishes, $113,900. Call Matt Vogler, MLS15424175 John J. Howard & Associates 541-377-9470 Pendleton OASIS IN Adams! Over 4000 sqft on half acre. Newer Construction, high ceilings, open floor plan, provides con- temporary country living. Was $299,900, now $265,000, Matt Vo- gler, 541.377.9470, MLS: 14059418 John J. Howard & Associates 541-377-9470 Pendleton REDUCED!! NOW $65,900! Cozy 2-3 bedroom on the flat. Zoned C-1. Metal roof, patio. Shop.RV parking. Walk to shopping,restaurants etc. MLS#14030539 CALL;MARGE LAPP Pendleton Southgate Realty (541) 276-1957 VIEW 3 Bed 2 Bath with great garage and storage room, Trex deck, fenced yard $124000 Call Kerry 541 377 6855 to take a tour Turn Here Realty TURN HERE REALTY & TRAVEL 541 377 6855 WHEELER COUNTY, Twicken- ham, OR – 7,744.08 deeded ac. with 3,407 BLM ac. of grazing allotments. 47 ac. of irrigated bottoms. 2 +/- miles of John Day River frontage. Hunting for deer, elk, upland birds, waterfowl and Mouflon sheep with LOP tags. $3,975,000. #03414 The Whitney Land Company 541-278-4444 Homes for Sale, Hermiston 105 SUNRIDGE ES- TATES, Move-in-Ready, Contemporary, 3 bedroom 2 bath, Vaulted Ceiling, Cus- tom Kitchen, nice fin- ishes, Spacious Master Suite, pro- fessionally land- scaped, fenced backyard, $194,900, Call Matt Vogler, 541.377.9470, MLS: 15291404 John J. Howard & Associates 541-377-9470 UMATILLA COUNTY, Pendle- ton, OR – Auto de- tail/paint shop & stor- age units. 1,800 sf shop with paint booth, ada restroom and awning. 5 ea 10ʼx14ʼ storage units on 2 city fenced lots. Perfect for owner/op- erator or 2-3 worker operation. Possible lease or lease/pur- chase available. $239,900. #03014 The Whitney Land Company 541-278-4444 $105,000 – 3 Bed- room home close to High School and City Center in Pilot Rock. Plenty of room for your family and lots of parking. MLS# 14141294 Rocky Mikesell Blue Jeans Realty (541-379-8690) Pilot Rock $485,000 COUN- TRY Living! Gor- geous 4 Bedroom, 3 Bath Custom home on 8.9 Acres South of Pilot Rock. Large Garage and 40x60 Shop. Creek and 2 Ponds. Gorgeous Garden. MLS# 13340891 Rocky Mikesell Blue Jeans Realty (541-379-8690) Pilot Rock $92,500 – 3 Bed- room 1 Bath Central Heat & Air. Recent Full Remodel. Large Utility Room. Large Lot. Fenced Yard. Newer Roof. New paint inside and out. MLS# 14117382 Rocky Mikesell Blue Jeans Realty (541-379-8690) Ukiah 2-ACRES 3 bedroom 2 bath manufactured home, 16x24 ft. addition family room. 16x27 ft deck. 30x50 ft Business/Shop w/ loft. Heated, air-conditioned. Bathroom on itʼs own septic system. Zoned F4 for Home/Business, 400 yards from city limits, quiet country living. Call for appointment: 541-567-5929 $267,500 Homes for Sale, Other Areas 115 BAKER COUNTY, Keating, OR – 1,312 acre timber parcel with mountain pas- ture. Located 10 miles from Keating Valley and 1 mile from Balm Creek Reservoir. Stream and springs. LOP tags for deer and elk. Located adjacent to Wallowa Whitman National Forest. $1,150,000. #00714 The Whitney Land Company 541-278-4444 Pendleton RMLS# 14568917 NEW LISTING 4 b/r 2 full baths fenced side yard in Reith . Not a drive by. $109,000 Call Cathy 541-215-0103 Garton & Associates (541) 276-0931 Pilot Rock FOR SALE 5 Bed/3 Bath. 2800sq/ft house on 2 acres. Enterprise Oregon in Valley Heights. + At- tached 1000sq/ft shop. See on Craigslist. $400,000. Call: 801-712-0737. Email: FOUR BEDROOM two bath in Pilot Rock. Forced air heat and air with gas stove. Spacious fenced back yard. $129,000 - Greg at 541-969-8526 GILLIAM COUNTY, Arlington, OR – Rare rural investment property. 1,271+/- of dryland crop, CRP, pasture and wind tur- bines. 88 ac. cur- rently seeded to wheat, 732 ac. in CRP w/7 yrs. re- maining, 444 ac. of range and 10 wind turbines all contrib- ute to the diversity of this investment lo- cated in north Cen- tral Oregon. $1,800,000. #01214. The Whitney Land Company 541-278-4444 $119,500 3 Bed 2 Bath with shop. Sev- eral other outbuild- ings including an Original Log Cabin on a foundation. Very nice. Rocky Mikesell Blue Jeans Realty (541-379-8690) Homes with Acreage 125 Pendleton $395,000 - 69515 Emigrant Rd. 71 tim- bered acres with a view of the Walla Walla Valley and the Blue Mountains just 15 minutes from Pendleton! 3 bed- room, 3 bath, 2397 sq. ft. ranch style home. Large shop capable of storing 2 motor homes. Plus a 2 car garage and carport. New four stall barn with guest room and a nice tack room! Stocked trout pond. Call Kal Gar- ton at 541-969-7358. RMLS# 10042964 Garton & Associates (541) 276-0931 Acreages 135 FOR LEASE APPROXIMATELY 7.65 acres of farmland, fenced, irrigated from owner well, suitable for row crops or alphfa. Lease term negotiable. Interested call: 541-922-5580 or 503-393-3074 Reach the buyer you're looking for with a low cost, effec- tive classified ad. Acreages 135 Pendleton REDUCED!! NOW $108,900!! Located off HWY 395 S., this 1.61 AC. has a newer well. Near new hospital, lab & clinic. Swell place for that new home!! MLS#12398538 CALL;MARGE LAPP Pendleton Southgate Realty (541) 276-1957 Commercial Property 140 OFFICE SPACE at 412 SE Dorion Ave, Pendleton. Across from courthouse, great legal office with reception, 2 private offices, breakarea and private RR. 860 SQ Ft. WMA Holdings, 541-310-9329 Real Est. Wanted 150 BE BOLD! Add A HEADLINE Only $1 per line, per day 1-800-962- 2819 Rentals, Pendleton 200 1 BDRM apt., clean, W/S/G included. $400mo. + cleaning deposit. 1212 NW Ellis 509-994-4768 Rentals, Pendleton 200 NORTH HILL home: 2 bed 1 bath storage area, $800 month+deposit. No Pets (541) 457-2564 Pilot Rock Rentals 210 2 BEDROOM 1 bath house in Pilot Rock. Newly remodeled, detached garage, large yard, new appliances, $700 mo, 1st & last plus $300 cleaning deposit. No Smoking/Pets Available March 1st Call 541-276-2228 for appointment. Business Opportunities 310 classifieds@ hermistonherald. com Call 541-278-2678 Ask for Paula or Email us !! Seeking Substitute Carriers! If we donʼt have the newspaper route you want or you donʼt want a permanent Route, yet you are willing to be a substitute carrier? Let us know! We have a need for substitute car- riers in all areas. (800) 522-0255 Employment 335 1 BED upper unit of tri-plex, w/s/g-gas-laundry included No-pets/No-smoking $630/mo-$800-dep. Avail. March 1st Call-Pam 541-377-2466 1-BEDROOM duplex, Just remodeled and painted-laundry rm w/washer-&-dryer appliances-furnished bonus-rm-basement- storage W/S/G-paid No-Smoking $525 541-276-3381 1BDRM APT. $335 p/m W/S/G paid, off street parking. Secure mail delivery, ground floor 541-377-7474 2 BED manufactured home w/fenced yard, incl.-washer+dryer $$500 dep Avail march 15th Call Pam 541-377-2466 3 BED-1 bath w/covered porch, fenched yard $800/mo.+$750 dep Avail March 15th Call pam 541-377-2466 FURNISHED SLEEPING ROOMS Heat, Water, Garbage furnished. Call after 5 pm 541-276-6809 CALL PAULA AT THE EO OR HERALD NEWSPAPERS TODAY !!! 541-278-2678 We can now put highlighting in your ad in 6 different colors!! Blue, Cyan, Green, Magenta, Red & Yellow!! Call Paula @ 541-278 2678 to place your classified ad TODAY! CUSTOMER SERVICE SYKES is hiring Join our People-First Team Apply Today FULL & PART-TIME Truck Drivers needed to haul bulk edibles in pneumatic trailers, home daily. Class A CDL endorsements for tankers and doubles. Must be over 23, 2 years experience. Benefits. Email resume and driving abstract to randy46@charter. net or fax to 509-240-1583 Carriers Needed in Pendleton Route 37 SW 32nd & Isaac Ave. Route 58 SW 30th & Isaac Ave. Route 39 SW 24th & Olson Ave. Route 61 NW 7th & Johns Pl. Route 75 NW 5th & Despain Route 79 NW 6th & Gilliam Looking for substitute on call carriers 211 SE Byers Ave., Pendleton 541-276-2211 or 1-800-522-0255