Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 13, 1927)
THE gE B m ST O a ggBAXD, HERMISTON, OTLEGOH. A SA V IN G S A C C O U N T Is an ideal way for the average person to get ahead. It is an axiom that the individual who can master detail succeeds. Build ing a Savings Account calls for s itin g aside a part of income for reserve. Usually such sums are small, but in the aggregate they make for independence. Here's a suggestion: Save all of the nickels and pennies you receive in change for a year. You won’t miss them, hut you w ill be surprised what they will amount to at the end of a after you have added interest at 4 per cent. First N ation al B ank of Hermiston Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profit* Over $50,000 P. B. Swayze, Pres. R. Alexader, Vlce-Prea, A. H. Norton. Cashier W. L. Hamm, Asst. Cashier w ant aos Baby Chicks 1927 White Leghorns at $15 per 1100, or $135 per 1,000. Barred Rocks from the Henry Sommerer flock at $17 per 100, or POR SALE $155 per 1,000. Orders for 500 or OR SALE— Barred Rock pullets, O. larger takes 1,000 rates. Hatching dates Feb. 22, Mar. 1, A. C. strain. Bess Spencer. Colum bia district. 14-tfc 8, 15. 22, 29, April 5, 12, 19, 26, May 3, 10, 17, 24, 31. •FOR SALE—On easy terms, Dodge' coupe In good condition. First National bank. 8-tfc Beginning Feb. 1, we w ill do ■1OR SALE— No. 1 fresh cows. B. custom hatching at on© cent per Hammer. 37-tfC egg p;r week. Seventy-five per cent hatch FOR SALE CHEAP— Modern five guaranteed after four day test. room house. Furnace, hardwood Bookings now being made. First floors, etc. Call or see Dr. Prime. come, first served. 12-tfc C ustom H atch in g W H IT E P O U L T R Y FARM FOR SALE or EXCHANGE — 800 acre tock ranch. Box 14, Con don, Oregon. 4tp. Gerald A. White Hermiston, Oregon I Rodda rave a splendid recipe for ' voted quite a lot of their time to a speech making while Mr. H arris! study of poultry flocks and poultry proved that he came of a talented housing conditions. family and that his principal accom Mr. Holt expressed a lively inter plishment was dancing as he danced est In the Hermiston Dairy and Hog to the tune which Mrs. Harris sang show. He stated that the show was from 4 A. M. to 8 P. M. A cortiet talked of by farmers In the west solo by Norman Pennock and music ern part of the state. by McElroy orchestra were enjoyed by all. Mrs. Clark In Hospital Loren Jackson told of the club Mrs. C. B. Clark of Boardman Is a boys' trip to the Pacific Internation patient In the Hermiston hospital al. for medical treatment. The mirth provoker of the evening was the darkey comedy "Eliza and The Ladies’’Aid society of the Me the Parson.*’ Eliza told the family thodist Episcopal church will meet secrets of prominent people in the next Wednesday, January 19, in the neighborhood, even mentioning one church. Refreshments will be served, of the business men of Hermiston. and members have bee» asked to Though the parson was strongly op bring thimbles and needles so that posed to dancing he could not resist sewing may be done. Eliza’s enticing music furnished by the fiddle and his feet began to shuf PIERCE NAMED CHIEF BY fle and he succeeded in shuffling off VOLUNTEER FIRE COMPANY almoet all his cleiica’ app irel before the curtain dropped Nothing seen of the buxom Ell ’.a or the parson Department To Aid in Extending after the proglia m but traces of Wafer Main to Middle of the burnt cork were seen on Dairy Show Grounds. the faces of Charley and of Jim Mc Elroy. Otto Pierce was elected chief of Mr. Matott presided and. proved the Hermiston Volunteer Fire com himself well qualified for the posi pany at the annual meeting of the tion. Exccuses to take part In the organization held January 10. Joe program were accepted from but two Norton was elected assistant chief. persons present, I.eo Ilurly and Mr. Other officers named were T. II. ! Sikes. Since the;- were first time Gaither, president; J. M. Biggs, sec offenders they were excused, but retary-treasurer. Members present warned that second offenses were al for the meeting were T. D. Worster, ways punishable. F. C. McKenzie. H. E. Hitt, Carl Harry Watson seemed unusually Voyen, Otto Pierce, Joe Norton, J. M. despondent. We fear that he is wor Biggs, Curtis Simons, T. H. Gaither, ried over the recent chicken stealing C. A. Paul, J. J. Gimbel and Dave escapade which Matott explained in Mittlesdorf. detail as the last event on the pro The organization voted to spend gram. Mr. Flannagan, the bashful $150 for the purchase of four inch son, was appointed to succeed Ma pipe from the government to extend tott on the program committee. the city water mains to the middle Abundant refreshments were serv of the Dairy and Hog show grounds. ed by Hie men. The date of the next The city was asked to put up the meeting Is not definitely known. The added amount necessary to make the program as a whole Would have been improvement. Adequate fire pro well received by any town audience tection for some buildings now re and impressed one with the thought quiring a long hose line in case of that the greatest asset of the Uma of fire will be given when the ex tilla project lies In the class of peo tension Is made. ple who constitute Its rural popu lation. CHICKEN STEALING METHODS IRRIGON NEWS Finley Graybeal and family of Pen dleton spent Sunday here with home folks. Cows for saie, one or all. L. C. A pruning demonst-atior. was put Todd. 18-2p FEED PRICE QUOTATIONS on at Grim Brothers’ farm on Wed nesday of this week by R. F. Wilbur For sale— About 30 tons first cutt (Furnished by Farm Bureau Co-oper assistant county agent. Quite a ing hay. W. A. Mikesell 18-tfc. ative of Hermiston. Unless other number of fruit men attended. Elra and Ray Lamcreaux, employ FOR SALE— 2 dining tables, 2 oil wise specified, prices are per hundred ed at Arlington, spent the week-end weight.) stoves, 1 book case. Address Box with their families here. 123, Stanfield, Ore. 18-tfc Scratch, 100s ............................... $2.30 With all the petition signing dur Ejjg M ash........................................ 2.30 Good ranch with 5 room house. In- Ground O ats................................... 1.98 ing the paBt few months, a number quire .at Herald. Ground Barley ............................. 1.88 of local people arc getting consider W h ea t............................................... 2.20 able penmanship practice which is a HIGH GRADE PIANO NEAR HER- Corn .................................................. 2.03 useful accomplishment to any one. Professor Ballard of O. A. C. spoke mlston, must be sold at once. Big Cracked corn ...................................2.15 discount. Easy terms, to reliable Ground Corn ................................... 2.13 before the Grange assembly on Sat party. If Interested write Fac Mill Run 80s............................ 7..... 1.08 urday afternoon. tory Piano Adjuster, 66 Front St., Cow feed ..... 2.00.... •Jack Bullard and Walter T. Wright Portland, Ore. 19-4tc Ground Wheat ............................... 2.30 were ln Heppner last Wednesday on Shorts, 80s ........ „........................... 1.16 business with the county court. Grandpa Graybeal is gradually re Rolled B arley................................. 1.21 MISCELLANEOUS Calf meal, per pound....... .......... 3 # c covering from the e f’ects of a bad Those having asparagus plants for.1 Middlngs ............................................ 1.60 fall which he experienced shortly 3ale, or those wanting to buy plants Oyster shell ......................................... 90 before the holiday.. A number of lodal men are sign cee Tom Fraser, Sec. Growers’ assn. Whole oats ...................................... 1.88 19-2tc Salt, half ground.................................45 ing up with the Pacific Woodmen, who are organizing a local at Uma tilla. ..liiio your broken furniture to me NOTICE TO WATER USERS Judge R. L. Benge and G. A. Bleak- to be repaired. Tom Jensen. Under the new contract of June 23, man were in the community last Sat 17-tfc 1926 between the United States and urday inspecting road work being Watch, clock and Jewelry repairing. the Hermiston Irrigation District all done here. See Newell, next door to Sappers. Operation and Maintenance charges 18-tfe must hereafter be paid in advance. No water w ill be delivered by the FARMING PHASES SUBJECT District in 1927 until the O. & M. Polands for Profits. Stillings. 37tf OF TALK BY J. T. JARDINE charge of $2.40 per acre Is paid. This FOR SALE—Adding machine roll« charge, together with the construct at the Herald office. ion charge of $2.05 for 1927 Is pay Director of Experiment Station» Ad able to the Sheriff as taxes as here dresses High School On REAL ESTATE EXCHANGES AND tofore. A tax receipt showing the INSURANCE. J. M. BIGGS, RE payment of the O. & M. charge should Complexity of Work. ALTOR. 26-tfc should be presented to the District Some of the complexities that at office at the time, or before water tend agriculture were presented to Hermiston Second Hand Store.— delivery is requested. students of the Hermiston high school Furniture and Hardware, Bee Sup W. J. WARNER. plies, Harness, Saddles, Wagons. (17-4tc) Secretary. by J. T. Jardine, director of Oregon experiment station work, la a talk 35-3fc made last Friday afternoon. Orig MINNEHAHA MEN FOLK PROVE inally scheduled t0 speak in the ADDING machine rolls at the Herald SELVES GOOD ENTERTAINERS morning. Director Jardine was un office. able to be here early enough ln the WILL TRADE $11,000 equity in 180 Play, Readings, Songs Given in Big day to speak before the afternoon acre Willamette valley ranch, all session. Community Fun Fest By cultivation and on paved highway Ordinarily when the term farming close to Salem, for improved 40-60 Men at School. is used the public thinks of those acre alfalfa and dairy ranch near who produce raw crops, the speaker Hermiston. Good buildings and (Special Correspondence) said, and his talk was devoted in water. Address, E. B.-R., 819 East There is considerable sickness In great part to a consideration of 64th St. N„ Portland, Ore. 19-ltc the community, the most serious Ill other factors that enter Into the busi ness being among the smaller child ness. NOTICE OF HEARING UPON INAL ren. He paid attention to the need of REPORT Warm days have caused farmers to scientific Information about pest In the County Court of the State of get busy with plow and pruners. We control, soil content and similar sub strongly suspect Clint Jackson and jects. The question of financing Oregon for Umatilla County. In the Matter of the Estate Chester Harris of planting a few farming operations and the farmer’s early watermelons. of relations with banks and bankers was Charles L. Shutter, Deceased. The program given by the men of also discussed as well ss several Notice is hereby given that the the community at the school house phases of marketing which is grad undersigned administratrix of the Saturday evening proved beyond ually undergoing an important estate of Charles L. Shutter, deceas question that as entertainers they are change. ed, has filed her final report with master hands. Almoet every man In the Clerk of the above entitled the community took part In the pro Court, and that the Judge of said gram. The ladies helped In the HOLT TO DEVOTE PERSONAL Court has designated Saturday, the play "The Bashful Son" while Mrs. TIME TO HERMISTON FARMS 5th day of February, 1927 at the Rodda gave a dramatic reading which hour ot 2 o’clock In the afternoon as all enjoyed. R. F. Wilbur, Astistant County the time, and the rooms of the above "The Bashful Son” was so well act Agent, to Return to Milton entitled Court In the County Court ed and was such a finished product House, fn Pendleton, Umatilla ion that It was hard to realize that January 15. County, Oregon as the place when the actors were "Just farm folks." and where hearing Is to be had C. M. Jackson gave a dramatic W alter Holt county agent, will de thereon. All persons Interested are fending of real-merit while Roe Me-1 vote a part of his personal time to hereby notified to then and there Fall and Mrs. Matott each sang a solo| the Hermiston district after January appear and show cause. If any they and made us realize that there was 15, when R. F. Wilbur, assistant have, why said report should not be musical ability In the community o f,co u n t/ agent, returns to Milton to approved, the administratrix dis which we bad hitherto been u n aw w ' (resume his reslderce and work there, charged. her bondsmen exhonerated A dramatic reading "What Killed the - according to a statement made by Mr. and the eetate closed. Dog,” by Joe Calkins, was vary clav-, Hoit Saturday. Dated this (th day of January, erly given. E. L Jackson read The oounty agent and H. K. Dean. 1»$7. "Eulogy on the "ow” which was well superintendent of the Hermlalon ex- BEULAH I. SIMONS. ’ received. W. G. Rodda and Cheater periraent station, were on a number X l-ito Administratrix. Harris each gave « speech. Mr. of project (arms Saturday. They 4e- (Continued From Page One) used to confine its efforts chiefly to apprehending horse thieves now dir ects its energy toward catching chicken thieves. "When the thief Is caught,” the article concludes, ‘‘the organization should prevail upon the Judge for a long sentence. In one section of Illinois, chicken stealing is consider ed a grave offense, and secently when three thieves were caught, one a young woman, they*were given sen tences langing from seven to 14 years in prison. Only by such dras tic measures will chicken stealing be come unpopular.” Vegetable growing In Oregon shows stoady development, says a recent ex periment station report, with an es pecially noticeable gain In carlot ex port of truck crops to other states. Long growing season, abundant sun shine, moderate temperature and freedom from long wet weather spells In summer, are listed among the ad vantages the industry enjoys In this Rate. These conditions not only favor rapid and large growth, but protect the crops from many disease that have wrought serious destruct ion and caused enormous losses in less favored regions. LODGE DIRECTOR! QUEEN ESTHER CHAPTER Me. 101, O. B. a., meets second sad fourth Tuesday evenings of each month In Masonic Hall. Visiting members welcome. Maud M. Kellogg. W. M. Kathryn L. Garner, Secretary. W e H ave A n ticip a ted Y our n eed s in e v e r y th in g th a t is n e c e ssa r y to V in k y a k d lo d g e n o . zoa, I o . o. », ’ mer'a n e h Mondar «venin« in Odd FehowV nail. V isitin g member» curvi tally invited. W. R. Longhorn. bee. Jasp er T einp laten. N . G. com p le te you r g o lf ou tfit. C om e in and give our line the “on ce o v er.” PROFESSIONAL CARDS Dr. F. V. PRIME DENTISTRY Dental X-Ray and Diagnosis Hermiston, Oregon Bank Bldg. Phone Connectieaa W. J. W A R NER HITT W hat A, are they thinking of you and your car? Attorney-at-Law Hermiston H S. McKENZIE, M. D- ❖ IF IT’S Y ou never allow y o u r s e l f to g et all bew hiskered and run dow n a t th e heels. Y ou know b etter. Y ou know i t ’s a reflection on you r charac ter— you r prosperity. SERV ICE YOU WANT CALL 25-J Sam e w ith you r car! Car c o n d i t i o n reflects ow ner’s c h a r a c te r . A car can b e as old as M eth u sela h an d still m aintain its d ig n ity . B u t there is n o excuse for a per m anent rundow n look— not so lo n g as there is a can o f A cm e Q u a lity M otor Car F inish. Eye. Ear. Nose and Throat Office: 1-2-3 Inland Empire Bldg. Pendleton, Oregon JAMES L. SEARS, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office Phone 733. Res. Phone 71J Office in First National Bank Bldg. COUNTRY HAULS SOUCITEI T. H . G aith er TRANSFER AND DRAY s T A C M E Q U A L IT Y Motor Car Finish I „«« in all popular colors; each gives th e ex clu siv ely b ea u tifu l color effect o f colors m ixed b y color e x p e r ts , and reflects th e 40 y ears o f ex perien ce behind Chiropractic is a philosophy, a science and art of things natural and a system of adjustnig the oirticula- tions of the spine by hand, for the elimination of the CAUSE of Disease. Ninety p r cent of diease is caused by nerve pressure. ACME QUALITY Paint^Varnish DR. DAVID S. ROWE, Specializing in Acute and Chronic Disease. Before you .buy any paint come in and see us. We are here to serve you. Location, 2 doors west of Postoffice Hours. 10 to 6, and by appointment. Office Phone 303 Res. Phone 312 BLESSING HARDWARE CO. HERMISTON, OREGON. HERMISTON, OREGON EVERYBODY’S GOING 1 A L IF O R N IA b id s yo u turn back th e calendar C to sum m er and com e p lay in th e warm sunshine. As an added inducement the Union Pacific now offers special low round trip fares and assures you a marvelous journey on the finest of fast trains. Connections via Portland or Salt Lake City. MAKK TOUR RESERVATIONS NOW U N IO N PACIFIC ■J. L .V A U G r iA N ! ! 208 East Court St. s ANY AND J < E verthing E lectrical ! FOR YOU [ , Phone 139 ¡ H F. C. W0UGHTER, Agent, Hermiston, Oregon IF IT COST ONE DELIBERATES A LONG TIME AEOUT INVESTING A LOT OF MONEY, BUT HAPPILY— A SUBSCRIPTION TO THE HERALD We Haul INVESTMENT. MERCHANTS USE IT TO INFORM THE PUBLIC OF THEIR Barber Shop TELEPHONE 31 H o m e C ooking PAINTS, WALLPAPER, IS OUR SPECIALTY HOME MADE PASTRY AND GLASS PICTURE MOULDINGS CONTRACTING 513 Mnin St. BAR THE COURSE OF THE YEAR BY TAKING ADVANTAGE OF SAVINGS ADVERTISED. Pendleton, Oregon. SHORT ORDERS AT ALL HOUR! Open 5:30 to 9:30. R EX C A FE — READ THE WANT ADS— HEMSTITCHING, PLEATING BUTTONS and BUTTON HOLES H as Y our Subscription E x p ire d ? Come in an. renew il nex lime you an in town Mail orders promptly attended to. THE SMART SHOP Mrs. R. I . Parker. Prop. 822 Main St. Pendleton, Ore. NOW IS AGOODTIME AND WHY Phone 158 LOCAL GAINS IN MERCHANDISE, AND THE WISE SHOPPER WILL SAVE THE PRICE OF SUBSCRIPTION MANY TIMES DURING Cigars, Tobacco ANYTHING ANYWHERE ANYTIME WE SERVE 40c LUNCH FROM 11:30 TILL 3:00 P. M. Fried Chicken, home style, 50c THE TWO DOLLARS AN ■ S iS lIS III L. J. M c A te e YOU COULD HARDLY BE EXPECTED TO MAKE THE INVESTMENT THE PAPER COSTS FOR ONE YEAR IS B ■ ■ Bert M ullins A FORTUNE FOR ONE YEAR HAS A LOW INITIAL COST. l lllllM Pendleton, Ore. ; ■ H erm iston T ran sfer F O U N T A IN TO BECOME A SUBSCRIBER. i: NOT SEND IT TO THE, FRIENDS WHO USED TO LIVE HERE. AGENCY DON’T FORGET --------US-------- THE HERMISTON I l FRALI) When you need any thing in the tine of neat and attractive Printing. V. IM P E R IA L CLEANERS CLEANING. PRESSING AND REPAIRING DONE All Work Guaranteed. Give me a Trial. To please you is my aim PEER Hermiston —. B O K IS H Oregon -------------- ——