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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1926)
THB fflBBlflSTO R HZKJLLD, HZBM IgTO», OBBOOX. S^irmtobw Serai* Published overy Thursday at H er- vtstoa. U m atilla County, Oregon by Joseph S. Harvey, editor and m an ager.___________ __________________ Entered as second class matter December, ISO#, at the postofftee at Hermiston, U m atilla County, Oregon. Subscription Rates One Tear -------------------------------- #2.0# Six Months — ------ ---- —— .......... #1.0# “ M E E T YOU A T T H E F A IR ” COURT SAYS STATES CANNOT^SET RATES St. Paal. — State courts have no regulatory powers over freight rates, the supreme court held la the salt of the Minnesota railroad and warehouse commission to compel railroads operat ing In the state to abide by a rate order. The suit. In which the lower round for the Northern Pacific and other roads Involved, grew out of an order by the Interstate commerce com mission. establishing rates for certain commodities higher than the state- ordered rates. The federal commission's order fol lowed petition by Fargo, N. D„ and Watertown. S. D , Interests asking that the Minnesota rate be extended Into North and South Dakota to remove existing discrimination which prevail ed because of higher rates in the Dakotas than In Minnesota. The fed eral commission, however, established its rate for the entire territory. The Minnesota commission held that the higher rates developed a condition of discrimination throughout Minne sota and sought to compel the rail roads to abide by the lower state tariff. The latter part of next week, Fri day and Saturday, October 8 and 9, will see the presentation of another Hermiston Dairy and Hog Show. Plans for the annual affair have been in the making for many weeks, and the management has about com pleted all of the details to insure that the fair will be handled satisfactorily. It’s a mighty good idea, this hold ing of a fair at this time of year. Harvest is over for the most part, another year of production has been secured and the season has passed its climax. At this time when the greater part of the hardest work has been done, when it is possnble for producers to get a check on their results for the season and when the products are available to speak for FIGHT RECEIPTS $1,895,723 themselves is the time to pause for a time to see just what has been done. T un n e/e Share *200,000 and Dampsey W ill Receive *700,0001 The project produces a wide vari ety of crops. We who live here be Philadelphia, Pa. — The receipts come used to the versatility of pro from the Dempsey-Tunney champion duction made possible by the advan ship bout in which Jack Dempsey lost tages of soil, climate and the skill the championship were announced as of our farmers that are found here. »1,895,722. It is well worth while, both from the The total attendance waa 125,732. point of view of the actual producers It was also announced that Demp as well as for those of us who are sey’s end of the receipts would amount not on the soil. And it is good for us to approximately 1700,000 and Tun- to show visitors just what our count ney’s to about »200.000. ry is good for in the way of pro It was estimated the promoters ducing. would have a profit of about »500,000. Everyone should plan to forget the The government collected »172,339 usual routine during the days of the as admission tax from the Dempsey- show so that a real study of the ex Tunney fight. hibits can be made. The best dis plays in the history of the show are W ,C. T. U. Plan W ar on Weta. in prospect. More livestock will be Los Angeles, Cal,—An army of 1,- in the stalls than ever before, ac 000,000 members to combat the wide cording to present indications, and spread publicity of the "wet forces” in other departments interest on the : Is the plan of the Women's Christian part of exhibitors is lively. Several Temperance Union for 1927, It was amusement features have been plan disclosed by speakers at the 62nd an ned. The management has planned nual convention here. The million the show with the idea of providing workers will "blast with figures and something that will prove interesting facts” any publicity of the antl-pro- to those of all nges. I bibltlon forces tending to show that ' prohibition Is a failure. FRANCIS G. BLAIR 3*5 Known Dead In Florida Storm. Miami, Fla.—Additional surveys and ' rechecks made In the storm devaatat- 1 ed southeastern coast of Florida show- ed 365 known dead, 1100 injured, prob- , ably 600 seriously, In hospitals, and I property loss of approximately »166,- 000,000. Baer Referendum Vote In Wisconsin. Madison. Wls. — Wisconsin voters can express their opinion at the polls this fall on whether they desire • restoration of 2.76 per cent beer. Canadian Liberals Again In Control. Ottawa. Ont.— The Liberal party re turned to power In Canada after an eclipse of 88 days, when Arthur Melgheu, Conservative leader, resign ed, and Mackensle King assumed the premiership. Surplus Estimated at *200,000,000. Washington^ D. C.—The federal gov Francis Q. Blair, rseontly oloctsd ernment will have a surplus of more president of the National Educatlonal than »200.000,000 for the fiscal year association, bas bssn stats superin 1927, the treasury estimated. tendant of publie Instruction of Illinois Al Smith Renomnlated by Democrats. aines 190«. Syracuse, N. Y.— Democrat* of New York state unanimously and for the fifth time nominated Alfred E. Smith of New York City for governor. The nomination was accompanied by a demonstration of tremendous enthus iasm. Washington. D. C.—Oregon Is one of a minority of states showing a de New York Republican* Nominate Mills crease in federnl income tax receipts New York.— Ogden L. M ill* of New under the 1926 revenue year which York City, was nominated a* can ended June 30 last. didate for governor of New York state The effect of the tax reduction law, at the republican state convention. the treasury department reported in Its summary of Internal rovenue col T H E MARKETS lections for the fiscal year effected at the last session of congress was to Portland reduce Oregon Income lax receipts by Wheat—Big Bend bluestem, *1.36; 6 per cent. hard white, federation, soft white and Although Income tax receipts from western white, »1.34; hard winter, the entire United States Increased 12 »1.31; western red, »1.31. per cent from 192b to 1926. the aggre Hay—Alfalfa. »176001» ton; valley gate payment* of Oregon taxpayers timothy, »17.50018; eastern Oregon amounted to »6.399.176.86 during the timothy. »21021.50. fiscal year of 1926 as compared with Ilutterfat—44c shippers' track. »6.784,101.67, a decline amounting to Eggs— Ranch, 36012c. 6 per cent. Cheese Prices f. o. h. Tillamook: The states of Washington and Idaho Triplets. 29He; loaf 2«H r per lb. also showed declines In both Internal Cattle—Steers, medium. »7.0008 00 revenue and income tax receipts. In Hogs— M ed ia* to choice. *11.000 come tsxes dropped from (12.334 154.38 16.00 In Washington In 1925 to (12.156.713.14 Sheep Lambs, medium to choice. In 1926. equivalent to 1 per cent. The »10 0001» 60. Idaho decline was from (1.437,069.46 Seattle. to (1,128,838.03 or 20 per cent. Wheat—Soft white, western white. Big Rend bluestem. Rig Bend dark GRAIN COMPANY IS ACCUSED herd winter. 11.333*; hard winter, northern spring. *1.331*; western red. Rig Read dark northern Secretary Jardine Charge* Attem pt to (1 3 1 'e ; spring. »1.341*. Manipulate Board of Trade Price Hay— Alfalfa. (2S; timothy P. 8.. Washington. D. C. — The Armour (20; do. mixed. (20. Grain company of Chicago was order Rutter—Creamery. 42O43c. ed by Secretary Jardine to show cause Egg* Ranch, 333*9433*«. why an order should not he issued Hogs— Prime. »16.2*916.60. directing all contract market* to re Cattle -Steers, choice. 67.600* 00. fuse trading prlvllegea to the company Cheese — Oregon fancy, SOOSlc; It la charged by the secretary that the company had attempted to mank standards. 19c; Washington fancy pulate the market price on grain on triplets, 27c. WESTERN INCOME TAX SHOWS DECREASE the Chicago Board of Trade. In viola tion of the grain futures law. Hear ings will be held in Chicago October 11 before Fred Leea, designated as referee in the case. Hogs—Good. *14 26014 86 C a ttle - Steers, good. »7.0007 1*. Want Ads Bring Sem ite Nebraska Judge UpkeMe Sente nee. Hartington. Neb.—Lienor law viola tore wbo come before Coanty Judge Wilbur F. Bryant will continue to re ceive bread and water aentencea, the 71 year old judge announced after he completed a five day teat of the diet he has imposed for years. “ Tom Thumb," Famous Midget, Dead Loa Angeles. Cal.—Veteran circus folk mourned Sunday the passing of Darius Abner Alden, 84, who, as “Tom Thumb," a 42-inch midget, for 40 years amused thousands of circus goers with his humor ana prowess as a glass- blower In a side show attraction. CANCER SPECIALIST What "dependable really means Ponder the basic elements underlying Dodge Brothers remarkable success and one simple fact stands boldly out: The public not only believe in the goodness of Dodge Brothers Motor Car, they believe in the men who build it and the men who sell iL COMING TO PENDLETON That is w h y the w ord D E P E N D A BLE is associated the world over with Dodge Brothers name. It goes be yond the product and embraces every department in Dodge Brothers great organization. Dr. Mellenthin S P E C IA L IS T la Internal Medicine for the past fifteen year* DO ES N O T O P E R A T E Touring Car • - Coupe - • - Sedan • • - Sport Roadster • - At Hermiston W ill be at Dorion Hotel T U E S D A Y , O C T O B E R 12 Office Hours. 10 A. M. Io 4 P. M. E. R. SCHILLER Pendleton, Oregon ONE DAY ONLY No Charge fo r Consultation Dr. Mellenthin is a regular gradu ate in medicine and surgery and is licensed by the state of Oregon. He does not operate for chronic appendicitis, gall stones, ulcers of stomach, tonsils or adenoids. He has to his credit wonderful re sults in diseases of the stomach, liver, bowels, blood, skin, neves, heart, kidney, bladder, bed wetting, catarrh, weak lungs, rheumatism, sciatica, leg ulcers and rectal ail ment*. i Below arc the names of a few of his many satisfied patients in Ore gon. Mrs L. L. Peetz, Moro, heart trouble. Mrs. F. F. Hager, (daughter Marie), Walton, tonsils and ade noids. Mrs. E. C. Mulloy, Hillsboro, ulcer of the leg. Mrs. Nels Peterson, Skamokawa, Wash., colitis. Grover C. Gouthier, Coquille, Ore., colitis and ulcers of stomach. Mrs. Carl Johnson, Marshfield, ear trouble. J. W. Turner, Dalles, stomach trouble. 1 E. A. Russell, Klamath Falls, ap pendicitis. Remember the above date, that consultation on this trip will be free and that his treatment is different. Married women must be accom panied by their husbands. Address: 211 Bradbury Bldg., Los Angeles, California. $958.00 $1010.00 $1072.00 $1095.00 J. G. PEARSON. Black & White Garage, Hermiston MOTOR C A R S WE SELL Nap-A-Tan - and— Trade Builders Boots and Shoes for men and boys. All new stock and all rebuilding work guaranteed. ABRAM METHOD OF BLOOD TESTING AND TREATMENT Dr. B. B. Brundage PENDLETON, OREGON LET US RECONDITION YOUR MOTORS W e have up-to-date equipment for this work. Knerr’s Repair Shop Domestic Laundry W ith the approach of hot weathor our service In taking care of your laundry worries has an add -d appeal that can hardly be resisted by the fam ily In which the health and well being of the housewife receives consideration. F t a nomina' <-ha>qe 1 »' drudgery of wash day and Ironing d home and done by us with the most r o n > ;• ' buy. That— Our Service is Satisfactory Is proven by the large list of satlsfl-d customers we serve eveiy week In this territory. W e welcome new customers. W hether It Is finishing work, rough dry work or T h rlf-T - Ser vice you seek, you are bound to be satisfied If the old reliable Domestic Laundry handles it. Domestic Laundry Inc. Wm. Shaar, Agent Phone 461 American Shoe Shop Hermiston, Oregon Subscribe for The Herald--$2.00 Herald Want Ads Bring Ton Results PUBLIC AUCTION When In Pendleton— S a tu r d a y , O c to b e r 2 The following articles belonging to George W. Corse will be offered for «ale 1 mile west of Hermiston, beginning at 1 o’clock sharp. 1 6 year old cow fresh Mar. 1 cow with first calf 1 Jersey cow milking 100 year-old Rhode Island Red hens 1 Jackson stacker 2 buckrakes 3 mowers 1 bull scraper 1 Fresno 4 wagons ♦ 1 wagon scales 2 hay rakes 2 hay racks 1 purebred Jersey bull calf 3 months old 3 bead of horses 3 mules 1500 feet of silo lumber 1 harrow 1 hay chopper-36 inch 2 sets of harness 2 gas engines. Electric washing machine and wringer 1 sickle grinder Anvil, drill, forge and vise used in blacksmith shop Terms: All sums under $10 cash. More than $10 6 mot. time on good bankable paper at 8 per cent. P. P. Sullivan Auctioneer F. B. Swayze Clerk Call in and let ug tell yon in person what we can do for yoa at this Beauty Shop. A satisfied customer is our best advertise ment. Come and see for yourielf. All the latest methods are used at this Beauty Shop and all work is done under sanitary conditions. SLOAN BONNET A N D B E A U T Y PARLORS Marcelling, Facial and Scalp Treatments are Our Specialties Smart and Exclusive M’llinexy at Most Reasonable Price*. 645 Main S t, Pendleton, Ore. Telephone: 380 WHAT IS ADVERTISING! “Advertising is the education of the public as to what yon are, where you are, and what you have to offer in the way of skill, talent or com modity. The only man who should not advertise is the man who has nothing to offer the world in the way of commodity or service.” — Elbert Hubbard.