Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (May 27, 1926)
THE gEBM ISTOB ggKAXTK HEBMISTOK, OBZGOV. shovelful of rocks thrown In to keep from forming lumps. After five minutes of tumbling the ■mixture can be sepe rated from the rocks by sifting through chicken wire. It is then ready for use but must be applied as a dust In the heat] of the day, for It takes heat to vapor. | lie the gas in the Blacklesf. The added precaution should be taken of storing this material in slr-tlght container^ In oidqr that the gas might not be lost before being used. Jl BOOST THE BANK THAT IS BOOSTING HOME TWTT.wr.STS Thu is a home institution. We are working for the good of our community, for the prosperity and development of this section, and for the individual welfare of our friends and neighbors. In what way may we serve you? F ir s t N a t i o n a l B a n k of H erm iston C a p ita l, S u rp lu s a n d Undivided Profit» Over $50,000 -twayze, Pres R. Alexader, Vlce-Praa. A H Norton, Cashier W L Hamm. Asst. Cashier HERMISTON-PENDLETON STAGE ■ SCHEDULE Leave-' A. M. Hermiston ........................... 8:06 Stanfield ..................................... g :2Q Echa .............................................. 1:30 I Nolln ............................................ 8:50 POR SALP ! Barnhart ..................................... J ;io I Rieth .............................................. j;2 o I OR SALE — Fresh co B. M. Pendleton ..................................... 9:30 . aiuuier. 37-tfc Leave: p. jj Pendleton ..................................... 4;3Q FOR SALE— Sweet potato plants at j th " the Prlndle place. S. T. Davis. I t / 6 ......................................... 4:40 Barnhart ....................................... 4:50 I OR CALE—Adding machine rolls Nolln .................... ......................... 5 ;io Echo ................... .......................... 5:30 at the Herald office. Stanfield ....................................... 5:40 OR SALE— A 7 room strictly mod Hermiston ..................................... 8:00 Sunday schedule— Leave Hermls- ern house, full basement an dgood lawn. Close to school. Might trade. toni. 10:30 A. M. Leave PendVe- See C. H. Skinner. 46-tfc ton. 4:30 P. M. « NÍ iQS A lto f ether Deserving of Bad Name fta v e n 2Vof Two ravens, one » lilch lias taken ■ our continental a ime American, and the other which has taken the more 1 specific geographic naue of the north- ' ern raven, are both in eresting, croaky and not altogethei unneautiful, for In certain lights their plumage Is lustrous. The American raver. Is smaller than Its more northern cousin. It Is a resi dent of the far western United States. It is a mountain dweller, although It disdains not to descend to the val leys if man Is absmt therefrom. The raven does not like man and the rea son Is not far to seek Man dices not like the raven, bolding It with the crow Its cousin once or twice removed, as being a bird that is better dend. The diet of the Ame rican rsven, ac cording to Florence I.lerrlam Bailey, who knows the we,tern bird well, con sists “principally of cnrrlon. dead fish and frogs, varied with rodents, mus sels, grasshoppers, large black crickets and worms.” This collection of -food Is not altogether a delectable one from the human appetite standpoint, but the raven deserves well of man for making Its diet what It Is, O ld Scriptural Name a Seem to Have Passed ----- -----— D o m estic L aundry LODGE DIRECTORY QUEEN ESTHER CHAPTER No. 101, O. E. 8., meets second and fourth Tuesday evenings of each month at 8:00 sharp in Masonic halt. Visiting members welcome. Euthetnia Jackson, W. M. Kathryn L. Garner, Secretary. FOUNTAIN With the approach of hot weather our service In taking care of your laundry worries has an added appeal that can hardly be resisted by the family In which the health and well being of the housewife receives consideration. For a nominal charge all the drudgery of wash day and Ironing day can be banished from your home and done by us with the most modern machinery possible to buy. That— / Cigar«, Tobacco Barber Shop V ' neyard a l o. jr, RECLAMATION LODGE Wo. |« Ç * . _______j b Thursday ■ __ «vinta* la Mack « Hall, at t „T:S0 T .» P.J*. F. V iatâac •< b ro th e rs c o rd ia lly in v tta d . Our S erv ice is Satisfactory ❖ W. U. McMillan R. A- B K. R. and 8. V PROFESSIONAL CARDS S E R V IC E Dr. F. V. PRIME DENTISTRY Dental X-Ray and Diagnosis Hermiston, Oregon Bank Bldg. Phone Conneotlone YOU WANT CALL 25-J COUNTRY HAULS SOLICITE! Is proven by the large list of satisfied customers we serve every week in this territory. We welcome new customers. Whether It Is finishing work, rough dry work or Thrlf-T- Ser vice you seek, you are bound to be satisfied if the old reliable Domestic Laundry handles it. "’"“To. IF IT'S T. H. Gaither J TRANSFER AND DRAY W J. W ARNER Attorney-at-Lav Hermiston i : : Oregea H S. McKENZIE, M. D Domestic Laundry Inc. Wm. Shaar, Agent Phone 461 LAUNDRY Eye. Ear. Nose and Throat Office: 1-2-3 Inland Empire Bldg. Pendleion, Oregon We Wash Everything But the Baby. JAMES L. SEARS, M. D. FOUR TIMES A WEEK SERVICE Physician and Surgeon Office phone 733 Res. phone 909 Office in First National Bank Bldg. T roy L aundry H e r m is to n H o s p it a l C om pany Maternity Cases Especinlly Solicited AUCTION SALES! A writer calls attention to the Inter esting names found In certain sections, such as the village home of his child We can care for you cheaper and give you better service than you Pendleton, Oregon hood days where the names were al QUALITY SERVICE can receive at home. most entirely scrip ural, so there were Matthew, Mark, etc., lthoda, Sarah, Minor Operations Can Be Performied Here. Joseph, Benjamin, etc. The three sons of our blacksmith were Shadrach Meshach, and Abednego, the latter be ing shortened to Bendy These passed, and their place was taken by family Phone 39-J HERMISTON, OREGON names—Charles, William, Henry, etc. A FEW IFS AND WHY! The Twentieth century brought a hid FOR SALE— 750 pound Primrose sep eous change in the direction of "gen IF you intend having an Auction arator. Enquire Inland Empire tlllty 1” with such horrors as Gladys, HULLER TO THRESH SEED and Lumber Co. 43 tfc Doris, Daphne, Sydney, Herbert THIS FALL IS ASSURED IF you want to sell at good prices, ("Bert” or "Erb”), He says: "1 have known a girl with the beautiful name FOR SALE or trade 15 acres, part and of Irene often summoned hilariously as alfalfa, part orchard, and some In Neglect of the liver results In self 'Come on, young Pene.’ while a child Company Formed to Take Care Of IF you want an auctioneer who asparagus. For partculara call at poisoning! Not so quickly, perhaps, Crop if Acreage Left is can speak German as well as by the name of Audrey was surprised Herald oftce. 7-tfc but just as surely as If you drank when I told her that 1 er name was a Sufficient. English, You do not have to crate your poison out of a bottle .If your Uver variant of Etheldreda.—London Mall. Sweet potato plants from hill-select WHY the man you are looking for A company has been formed and furniture when moving In our closed iB not doing its work of heping diges ed seed, 100 $1.10. A. D. Smith. plans have been made to secure a padded van a we have furniture pads tion, eliminating waste from the High University Honor 32-8tp bowels and purifying the blood, you When LL. D. Is conferred upon a peed huller to take care of thrashing for all kinds of furniture. will always be troubled with sick man it Indicates that he has a pro alfalfa this fall, if a sufficient acre MISCELLANEOUS Our big closed van has electric headaches, nausea, biliousness, bad found knowledge of the laws of his age of the crop Is left for seed, ac lights and sleeping quarters over the profession, or that department of cording to a statement by James breath, gas, sour stomach or constipa WANTED— Let me work your bees,' tnowledge In which he Is working. Neary. He suggested that farmers driver’s seat, and on long runs we tion. LL. D. Is the oldes*, highest and most can drive day and night. for a wage or on share plan; write, Cleanse and tone your liver! Put raluable university degree nnd Is con anticipating leaving their alfalfa for “The an Who Cries Sales address J. Voungntan, Hermiston, your system In condition so you feel ferred only on su-h is have made seed notify him or leave word at Let us give you a price on mov- Everywhere” Oregon. 38-2tc your very best again! Try Just a themselves very eminent by their skill, the Herald as to how much acreage ing your goods. they will have. spoonful of Dr. H. S. Thacher’s ex learning and original work. It la sel- REAL VALUE IN Good Used Dodges. His prices are reasonable and he does "For those who have never raised _ ,. cellent Liver and Blood Syrup after lom conferred before the recipient Is Oregon ii?24 Dodge Touring, 1923 Dodge •the business. Fhone 339 seed before,” said Mr. Neary, I wOuldiF*”1“1® 1011’ Sfty years of age. LL. D. Is usually the next few meals and notice the Conferred as an hi noriry degree, but Sedan, 1923 Dodge Screen. Black quick improvement in the way you •thurtleff, Chicago, and McGill propose suggest that as soon as possible al Sale Dates can be had at ths office. and White Garage. 38-ltc eat, sleep, look and feel— the return :o confer It upon the completion of re- ter the first cutting is taken off that the ground be cultivated In FOR RENT— Modern four room house of strength, vigor and energy. You lulred work and examinations In any order to get rid of thistles, pigeon with bath, nice lawn, $15. Call will be completely satisfied; other jf the higher departments of knowl- gras3 and sand burrs. The Irriga sdge. LL. D. Is sometimes conferred wise there will be no cost. Inland Empire Lum. Co. 37-tfc is a third degree in line with LL. B. tion periods should also be arranged ind LL, M. with work in law schools. so as t0 avoid watering while the Pasture for horses, $2 per month FREE! This Coupon is Good for bloom ia on, as this starts new Sample Bottle cattle, $1.60. Gulllford & Hamp growth, and the bloom will drop Treating the Thermometer ton, Echo, Oregon. 3 6-3tp Dr. Thacher's Liver & Blood Syrup Next Door to Hermiston Light Co. In a certain vllltge the squire gave without forming any seed and Is one « if presented before the supply for l thermometer to every cottager, and of the causes of a poor yield.” WANTED— Calves, beeves, hogs and JEFFERSON CORD TIRES 10,000 Mile Guarantee He also suggested that any ques ooultry. Phone or write Her free di3trlbtlon Is already given tarefully explained Its nse. Soon after their ar-lval a district tion about alfalfa seed production 30x3 1-2 standard......................$10.00 miston Market. 27-tfc away. Read the full dealls above, then act at, as this offer Is rlsitor entered one house, where a that growers may have to ask be put With T'’be on wheel .............$12.60 Watch, clock and Jewelry repairing. limited. Get a trial size now by lew thermometer hung In the middle in the form of letters to the Herald 12,000 Mile Guarantee if the room. The visitor compliment- 30x3 1-2 Oversize......................$11.50 See Newell, next door to Sappers. presenting this coupon to Mitchell id the owner, and Inquired If she re for discussion, and that experiences 18-tfe Drug Company. With Tube on wheel ............. $13.50 In raising the crop be given. membered the Instructions. “Send in your questions and also "Ay, that I do,” war- the reply. “I John says he keeps bi3 CHAMPION CORD TIRE BURK la headquarters for Army NOTICE OF ANNUAL SCHOOL Tire ................................................$8.25 angs ’un there, ami I watches 'un un your experiences and be of assistance houseandgara^e/ta.«/- Shoes. MEETING til he gets above 00.” With Tube on wheel.................$10.50 to each other,’1 he suggested, “for ed n o t o n ly b e c a u s e Notice Is hereby given to the legal ‘Quite right. Mm. Brown,” said the even though there Is no authority ALSO SEIBERLING TIRES AND Burk’s for bargains. it lo o k s b e t t e r b u t voters of School District No. 14 of visitor. "And what do you do when ion raising alfalfa Seed, each and TUBES. It goes above 007" b ecau se b e tte r looks Umatilla county, state of Oregon, that every little bit of information may Accessories, Boots and Reliners Polands for Profits. Stillings. 37tf the Annual School Meeting of said ’Why, I takes *un down and puts m ean s a b e tte r price help.” — Yes— Vn out in the garden and cools 'un District will be held at the School should he want to sell. RUBBER BOOT REPAIRING Sown a bit!”—Weekly Scotsman. Try Burk’s for bargains. House; to -begin at the hour of 2 T h at’s right, too! But H IS T O R Y IN C A K E o'clock P. M on the third Monday REAL ESTATE EXCHANGES AND in painting by a ’.' means Feet Shod With Hobnails of June, being the 21st day of June, INSURANCE. J. M. BIGGS, RE The skin on the foot of a native use Acme Quality Faint A. D. 1926. ALTOR. 26-tfc Blnghl In Australia 1, the thickest —alw ays desir .ble be This meeting Is called for the pur found on any human being, according cau se of th e 4 0 -y ear pose of electing One Director and to “Jim Crow,” writing to the Sydney Want Ads Bring Results One Clerk, and the transaction of Bulletin. reputation for depend Pasture for Cattle— Plenty shade and business usual at such meeting. “One day an old Blnghl came to me ability behind it. complaining he had sore feet, and I water. Call R. W. Buhman, Tel. Dated this 26th day of May, 1926. mw that their soles were badly 21-W-2. 35-tfc Attest: R. A. BROWNSON, District Clerk. cracked. As a poor Jol e I handed him a bag containing a dozen hobnails, and Hermiston Second Hand Store.— H. M. SCHILLING, Your needs in everything told him how they were used. He sat Furniture and Hardware. Bee Sup Chairman Board of Directors down, stack them Into his feet and that is necessary to com plies, Harness, Saddles, Wagons. 38-4tc T h is is the A c m e Q u ality marched off. Tt ree weeks later I 35-Sfe P aint and Varnish S erv ice asked him how hit feet were. He plete your golf outfit. proudly exhibited them—the hobnails Station. C h e er fu l, e x p er t WANTED — Setting hens. Phone NICOTINE DUST GOOD TO were still in the flesh.” ad vice in all m atters p er CONTROL APHIS, HOPPERS 33F11 or write State Game Farm, taining to paint m a y b e had Pendleton, Oregon. 33-10tc Dresses on Exhibition Application Should Be Made as Dust. fortheasking S e e u sto d a y . The dresses worn by wives of Presi Assistant County Agent — TRY THE HERALD WANT A D E dents at Inaugurals from Martha Advises. Washington to and Including both PASTURE for horses or cattle. E. Mrs. Wilsons, are preserved on ex A nicotine dust will be found ef P. Dodd. 34-tfc at Smithsonian Institution, Wash Hardware fective in the control of aphis and hibit ington. The worn, ii say the gown of ADKNO machine rolls at the Herald leaf hoppers on low-lying crops such Dolly Madison la the prettiest, the nifi os. as melons, cabbage, and even rose! moat artistic, mare of heavily bro- bushes, according to R. F. Wilbur, | ceded white silk, «mbroidered In bou- NOTICE TO CREDITORS assistant county agent. In fact leaf queta of flowers In natural colors. l a the County Coart of the State of hoppers are difficult to catch with sweeping floor length, tiny waist, Oregon for Umatilla County. a liquid spray for the fact that as puffed sleeves, rlthly simple, It ear- In the Matter of the Estats soon as the plants are approached passes all the othe -a. Anyway that Is what a Kansas woman tells Ewing of they disappear In a cloud, to return Herbert, aayt Capjer’s Weekly. John W. McDermed, Deceased. a few hours later when the odor of Notice Is hereby given that the the spray material has become less Legendary Spanish Hero undersigned has been appointed ad repulsive to them. A cloud of dust, Bernardo del Ca pio was a celehrat- ministrator of the estate of John W. ?H°WeVer « 7 eaUh m‘* t ° f? he,n “ This replica of historic Independ 1 parish hero of the McDermed. deceased, and has quali they are Dying away from the plants century, who signalized himself ence Hall In Philadelphia is a fine ex fied as the law directs. All persons and enough of the material adhere by his deeds of daring in the wars ample of the baker’s art It was made We Haul Anything Anywhere having claims against said estate are to their bodies to kill them with the against the Moors He Is a favorite by the chef of one of Philadelphia’s leading hotels to advertise the Sesqut- required to present the same to me'fumes, Anytime ' hero In the old Spanish ballads and Centennlal International Exposition, at the office of W. J. Warner, my The material ia easily prepared at romances, and his exploits form the which will open In that city Jons 1 When you need any LONG DISTANCE MOVINO attorney. In Hermiston, Oregon, with'hom e by tumbling togeter in a box sub> ct ■*¥eral dra nas by de and rnn to December 1 to celebrate thing in the fine of proper vouchers within six months or barrel fifty pounds of hydrated Vega According to tradition, he de- the 154th anniversary of American In A SPECIALTY . . tested the famous Rn and at Itonces- dependence. The “State House” neat and attractive from ths date hereof. 1 me. with a two pound can of nlco- T„ le, nndln< Mrn lnTnIner. w„ stando on a table at the entrance to Phone 74-M Dated this 13th day of May. 1928 tine sulfate, commonly sold undwr Bernardo lifted him In his arms and Printing. dining room of the botai. JOHN 8. WEST, the name of "Blackleaf 40." Black- squeezed bins to death, as Hercules did » • it e Administrator, leaf Is poured over the lime and a the giant -Exchange. Herald Want Ada Bring Yon Results LOOK OUT FOR SELF POISONING ioa lodge nol V u m . U each Monday eveains IB Odd MBswe hall Vi.rtlna member, cocdially la v W . W. R. Learrborn. Sec. Jasper Temple to«. M. O. Bert Mullins Penland Bros. DR. THEO. BELETSD, Veterinarian Treats all Domestic Animals. Inter state Stock Inspector < Cf»' Residence second house west of Catholic church. Phone. 82-B. TRANSFER CO. Colonel WM. F. YOHNKA John Davidson says “Beauty increases its value ACME QUALITY HERMISTON TIRE SHOP We Have Anticipated Peint^ViHiish W. L. BLESSING Come in and give our line the “once over.” H IT T DON’T FORGET --------- U S ---------- Challis Transfer & Storage [CHIROPRACTIC HAVE YOU GOITRE! Have you any abnormality of neck, throat, chest or other part of your body? We want you to know how our chiropractic adjustments will help you'. Surgery is not necessary except In extreme cases. Chlroprao- tlc usually relieves and cures. Dr. W. BOYD WHYTE Chiropractor Stangier Building PENDLETON, OREGON î J. L. VAUGHAN 5 ■ 208 East Court St. ■ ■ ANY AND ■ ■ Everthing ! Electrical ■ FOR YOU Phone 139 ■ Pendleton, Ore. Hermiston Transfer We Haul ANYTHING ANYWHERE ANYTIME TELEPHONE 31 L . J. M c A t e e PAINTS, WALLPAPER, PICTURE MOULDINGS AND GLASS 513 Main St. Phone 158 Pendleton, Oregon. HEMSTITCHING. PLEATING BUTTONS and BUTTON HOLES Mail orders promptly attended to. THE SMART SHOP Mrs. R. L. Parker, Prop. 822 Main St. Pendleton, On.