Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1926)
H T O iIS T O ir HJBRÀLD, I The Umatilla County Bee Keeper»’ aaaoclatlon baa ordered a carload of cans for July 1 shipment. The cans will range In size from two and a half pound cOntalnpraAo^f9 pounds WJF. or fire gallons. *' O ne 5 0 c T ube Parke-D avis T ooth P aste w ith each $ 1 .0 0 Purchase' o f Parke - D avis Toilet A rticles. SHAVING CREAM TAR COCOANUT OIL SHAMPOO -EACH 50c- Parke-D avis T oilet Cream s are w ell know n to m ost of our C ustom ers. To advertise Parke-D avis T oilet A rti cles w e have put this sale on several tim es and sold m any Parke - D avis T o i l e t Cream s. BUY EARLY PHONE ORDERS F IL L E D $ 1 .5 0 FULL R ETAIL V A L U E FO R $ 1 .0 0 Just the thing for the summer everyday wear, priced 60c, 76c to »1.00. J. H. Reid, well known farmer, is confined to his home on account of an injury to the muscles of his leg. A tendon In his leg was torn loose when he slipped in Jumping across an irrigation ditch. S P E C IA L -S A T U R D A Y F. F. Fields of Yakima was a busi ness visitor here early thtg week. Dr. and Mrs. F. V. Prime and fam ily have gone to Portland on a tr'p. We have a special stock of lumbur for this purpose. Will Gra ham, C. J. Vollva, P. P. Sullivan and Geo. Gcnn have built god chicken houses recently. F. B. Swayze transacted business in Boardman Wednesday. Kyle M. Long of Pendleton trans acted business here Tuesday. Our Cedar Flume Stock Is complete In all widths and lengths. The M. E. Missionary society will wieet in the church parlors Thursday. May 27. A New Stock of Screen Doors. MATERIALLY YOURS Mr. and Mrs. C. S. McNaught re turned Sunday from Portland aflsr a visit of several days. TUM -A-LUM LU M BER CO. Phone 111 Paul E. Pollman, vice-president of the First National bank of Baker wag a visitor on the project Monday. Miss Margaret Neary completed her year’s work with her school near Pilot Rock and returned home Mon day. -1 8 Cedar Flume Lumber ■ ■ No. 2 C om m on Ask us to show you our stock of No. 2 Common Good serviceable material for cheap construction. May be used in a surprising number places in your building operations, at a substant ial saving. FUEL : Slab Wood for summer use. The a ■ best range fuel for the warmer ■ 3 days. 3 Nut Coal in stock at all times. 3 Inland Empire Lumber Company Phaae'331 Ms ’ The Yard «f Beat Qaality H . M . S T R A W . M G R. Exclusive Repreientative» of National Builders Barean Company «¿aaz-- M EADOW BROOK B ody-B uilding ICE < D aily D eliveries excep t S u n da7 Telephone Your Orders to the Farr, Bureau Co-operative. Y ou can g et ice an y tim e o f d ay from the Farm Bureau CALL US AND WE WILL DELIVER THE ORDER City Meat Market PHONE 131 W E W A N T TO KNOW YOU A C M E Q U A L IT Y A N D W A N T Y O U TO K N O W US Paint •«¿Varnish Thia Acme Quality Paint and Varnish Servioo Station 1» looal headquarter» for cheerfully given advici on all paint matters—and for Acme Quality Products. See us. That the best way for you to be come agreeably acquainted with us is to let us clean, repair and press your clothes. One trial will con vince you that our mutual business acquaintanceship will be worth while. W . L. BLESSING H ard w are IM PERIAL CLEANERS Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Cooper of Port land are here as guests at home of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Smith. 7 hey are Mrs. Smith’s parents. Oron O. F elth ou se W e are C losing O ut Our Tire Stock 10 PER C EN T O FF O N ALL TIR ES and T U B E S Knerr’s Repair Shop A GOOD CUP OF TEA Is not an accident. Tea has to be made correctly to be pleasing to the palate. We brew tea that pleases customers at M ary Jan e T ea S h o p p e-H o tel Corlis T, salad and sandwiches served at. any hour. Get the habit of dropping in for a cup of tea and a sandwich. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Episcopal services will be held Sun day evening at 7:30 at the Christian Selente hall. Rev. Hinkle will con duct the service. All are welcome. FRESH MILK The Neighborhood club of Colum bia district will hold their next meeting at the home of Mrs. George Bancroft In Hermiston, on Wednes day, May 26. In honor of the birthday anniver sary of Harry Straw a dinner party was given last Thursday evening by Mrs. Staaw. Covers for six were laid at Hotel Corlls. affair which cards were played at the Straw home. Frank Smith Is the owner of a new Ford coupe purchased from th e( Kellogg Motor Co. Francis Sharrard of Willows, Oregon, hag Just purchas ed a new sport roadster. Mr», A. A. Washburn and two children of Cascade, Idaho, are here as guests at (he home ot Rev and I Mrs. C. W. Durston. Mr». Washburn Is Mrs. Durston'» mother. _ *►- * t Willard Felthouse thinks this 5 world is getting better and better as a place In which to live. Thej reason Is that he has been ahoo»l-,g a 60 on the Herjnteton golf course, WILL BE REAL BAR A p p etizin g Mr. and Mrs. Charles McKenzie are the parents of a seven and a half pound boy born Friday morn ing. Rev. C. W. Durston left today for Walla Walla to attend the annual district conference of the Free Methodist church. THESE WILL Hermiston Produce and Supply We’e proud of our reputation. Try us and you will agree that we deserve it. So changed were the floors that Mrs. Spurling, back from a week’s visit to the city, could hardly believe it was her own house. Jim had had Frank Lovejoy, the painter, get busy with Acme Quality Floor Paint and Varnish. The floors were refinished and beau* tified. In fact, all the wood* work smiled a welcome. And Mts. S. said if a week and a little Acme Quality could make such a differ* ence, she’d go away again and not come back fo r a month. 5 new stocl^ on hand for your ■ flum es and repairs | ■ ■ b NO TRY0NS. GAINS. It Is generally known that the meats we sell are of superior qual ity, and our prices are no higher J than those asked for inferior grade meats. A Surprise for Mrs. Spurling ffl NO COME BACKS. BE DISPLAYED IN THE WINDOW AUD M eats from PO U L T R Y H O U SE L U M B E R ■ ■ ■ ■ A ■ ■ ■ ■ MEN’S AND BOYS’ SHOES AT A SLLE PRICE OF A NY PAIR C. M. Ramey, district deputy of I the Modern Woodmen of America, SENATOR WARREN i was a visitor here this week. He “No M f-m ade man ever left out came down in the interests of the ! adoption ceremonial that Is to be the w orking parts.” ; held in Pendleton May 27. The camps of Hermiston, Boardman and Milton have been invited to attend. I The Walla Walla officers and team I will be present at the ceremonial to ¡exemplify the work. Hand painting on dresses done by Mrs. J. S. Dyer.—(Adv. Y ou r S p rin g W a n ts R. A. Brownton, Mgr. WE ARE GATHERING UP 50 PAIRS OF LADIES, CHILDREN'S FOR $1.00. Occitrene®» o f Interest Gleaned Here and There A bout the C ity and N eighborhood R. E. Chloupek was here Pendleton Tuesday. that the Home Pattern Co. want you to have your list. Must be In before May 31. We hope at least one car may be claimed here. All you need to do Is to choose the twenty best selling pat terns out of list we hgve handed you for the last two months. Send In an empty p at trgn. envelope and you win. ; , L adies and M isses B loom ers A. D. Hubbell of Boardman was in Hemiston the first part of the week to receive medical attention for his i right foot. The member was injured last Saturday night when a horse fell ion It. Most of the injury was con fined to the ankle which w>s brulstd and wrenched, a- LOCAL AND PERSONAL ■ BREVITIES • Subscribe for The HeraId~$2.00 W in th e Ford Car We are showing some new and inexpensive HERMISTON, OREGON PHONE 101 Don’t forget If you are to The ladies Aid of the Methodist Episcopal church will hold a cooked food sale at the Hermiston Market Saturday, May 29. MITCHELL D R U G C O M PA N Y HERMISTON, OREGON READ THE WANT ADS J. A. Reeves, mail carrier, la the owner ot a new Tudor Ford sedan which he purchamd this week from the Kellogg Motor company. TOOTH PASTE ALMOND LOTION CREAM Grocery Stock Purchased Leo Hurly. owner of grocery stores at Stanfield and Hermiston, last week purchased the stock of grocer ies of G. Kurrle at Stanfield and has moved the stock to hie Hermis ton »tore. Mr Kurrle will continue h ie meat market business at Stan field. • Stated commualentioB ot Queen Esther chapter, O B. 8. next Ttl«a- day night. Social. By órdef W. "M. Y O U R CHOICE O F COLD CREAM ITOir, QBBttOY. Dr. and Mrs. J. L. Seare wart Pen* dleton visitor» Wednesday. FREE SATURDAY, MAY 22 VANISHING CREAM ■ i.« » i FARES 1 /-T. V 1 I J F r a i It A f w P ick les and C h eese D o n ’t F o r g e t „ BOUND TRIP TO DENVER ......... OM AHA KA N SA S C ITY . D B S M O INES S T . L O U IS ............... C H IC A G O ............... D B T R O IT ............... C IN C IN N A T I C L E V E L A N D .. . TORONTO . A TLANTA PIT T SB U R O W A SH IN G TO N PH IL A D E L PH IA N EW YORK B O STO N I $67.20 f 70.35 I 70.35 I 76.30 k 80 3 5 85.OS F 10467 f 105 15 ? 107 61 r n a to I 116 40 > 11881 1 1 4 0 .6 1 f 143.97 f 146 45 [ 153.51 hi effect dntyl * R E D RO CK Quality Meats alwa « somoutv é J K js 5/ ^ ^ l Maÿ22and SeptemberlS Q k tf Ä c a m Limit October S J 9 2 t B O V E are exam p les o f th e generous low round trip excursion fare» w h ich w ill ob - tain d a ily on th e U n ion P acific t o all im p ortan t E astern P o in ts from M a y 22 t o S ep tem b er 15, F in al return lim it O ctob er 3 1 , 1926. A HERMISTON MARKET M. W. SIMS. PROPRIETOR WE DELIVER. Liberal stopover privileges both going and returning. F. C. Woughter. Plan your nusinoaa or vacation trip East via the historic Agent, and scenic U, P. T ra il. W a ll help you arrange your itinerary, map o ut side trips to Zion National Park, Herm iston, Y r llo w s to n e a n d o th e r v a c a tio n apeta, fu rn is h a ll in fo r - D E PE N D A B L E BUTCHERS Oregon, motion. make your rucarvatians and got your tickets. UNION PACIFIC 411 Phone 411 t