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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1926)
THB gm asToy ggjuLP, g a n g —oar, Vidim atom i Strali» *11 - 4 ^ 4 A d d ic t a v . «A w *, m a s ommoit , a wvww a iv m v v until paid and for the further at titled suit of any and all right, title on the ISth day of May, 1*1*. HONEST AND FAITHFUL SERVIOS of *200 attorneys fees and tor plain claim or interest in end to the J. B. RYAN, WE ARE GROWING TO Poetofflce address, Spokane, Wash Published «very Thursday at Her tiff’s coats and disbursements taxed premise* In aeid mortgage and here day by day. That is because wo ington. miston, Umatilla County, Oregon by at *47.36, which said decree and inabove described: and tor such please our customer* with ths Joseph S. Harvey, editor and man Judgment and order of gale have been other relief that equity in the mat RALEY, RALEY A STEIWER AND kind of vulcaulzlng work we do. duly docketed and enrolled In the ter may require. H. J, WARNER, Poetofflce ad ager. Our up-to-date vulcanizing machines office of the clerk of said Court, and This summons Is published pursu dress. Pendleton, Oregon. together with good matrlals and Entered as second class matter In and by which said Judgment, de ant to the order of the Honorable Gil (36-7te) Attorneys for Plaintiff. workmanship turns out a first class December, ISO#, at the postoffice at cree and order of sale it was direct bert W. Phelps, Judge of the above CANDIDATE FOR Hermiston, Umatilla County, Oregon. ed that the hereinafter described real entitled Court, duly made and enter Job. property In Umatilla County, Oregon, ed on the 10th day of May. 1926 Subscription Rates REPUBLICAN NOMINATION together with the tenements, heredi- directing that publication herein be PACIFIC TIRE COMPANY *2.00 aments and appurtenances thereto made once a week for a period of six One Year __ _________ ___ Sue M onths_______ ___ _____ *1.00 aelnnglng or in anywise appertaining weeks consecutively In the Hermis 20ey8 E. Alta St. Pendleton, Oie. (Payable In Advance) and also all of the estate, right and ton Herald and the first publication interest of said defendants In and to herein Is made pursuant to said order J ANOTHER OPPORTUNITY OFFERS the same, be sold by the Sheriff of ______ I Umatilla County, Oregon, to satisfy McKay dam is about finished. The! said Judgment and all coots, of Umatilla County. canyon of the mountain stream which' Therefore, I will, on the 26th day has been the scene of great activityI of June, 1926, at the hour of two for almost three years will soon re-1 o’clock In the afternoon of said day, j ABRAM METHOD turn to Its wonted calm and placid-!at the front door of the courthouse Primary Election, May 21, 1926. OF BLOOD TESTING AND TREATMENT Ity. When the builders leave, how-i In the City of Pendleton, Umatillai CANDIDATE FOR NOMINATION , CONTINUOUS RESIDENT AND TAX ever, the canyon will have been' County, Oregon, sell all the right, (Paid Adv.) — FOR— transformed and McKay creek's wat- title and interest which tire said de-[ PAYER IN PENDLETON FOR MORE erg will have been captured for de-|fendants or either of them had on) THAN 30 YEARS. 29 YEARS IN cades to come for the use of man In 1 the 12th day of February, 1925, or PENDLETON, OREGON PANE EMPLOY, 17 OF WHICH his conquest of the desert. j since then have acquired or now have WERE WITH THE FIRST NATION Many of us in the west end of ’ In and to the following described AL OF PENDLETON. 13 YEARS Umatilla county have paid only pass-1 premises situated in Umatii.’a County ing attention t0 the construction'State of Oiegoo, to-w.i: IN PENDLETON IN OTHER AC of Umatilla County The Southeast Quarter cf Section work. We knew It was being done. COUNTANT WORK, NEARLY TWO 20 and the North Half of the We are Informed now that It will On Republican Ticket OF WHICH WERE IN THE COUNTY Southwest Quarter and ths be completed earlier than anticipated Primary Election, May 21, 1926 TREASURER’S OFFICE. IF ELECT Southeast Quarter of the South and at less than the estimated cost. The responsibility for the excellent west Quarter of Section 20 and the CANDIDATE FOR I stand on my record as former ED WILL NOT ASK COURT FOR Northeast Quartor of Section 29 record on the work goes to the engin REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR County Treasurer— honesty, faithful-! A FULL TIME DEPUTY. W TT.T. and the Southeast Quarter of eers, Ralph Connor, In change of con ness and courtesy— and will work in NOT ACCEPT DEPUTYSHTP IN REPUBLICAN NOMINATION • he Northwest Quarter of Section struction, and Ralph Lowry, In the performance of my duties solely ANY OTHER COUNTY OFFICE. 29 and the Northeast Quarter charge of the engineering. for pullc Interests and public econ WILL APPORTION THE COUNTY — FOR— FOR UMATILLA COUNTY of the Southwest Quarter of Sec It is good news that cost of the omy. FUNDS AMONG THE DEPOSITORY tion 29 and the North Halt uf May 21, 1926 dam Is I cmh than was originally esti If elected, I guarantee, there will the southeast Quarter of Sec BANKS STRICTLY AS THE LAW mated, because the economy worked be no deputy hire unless ABSOLUTE tion 29 and the Southwest Quar by the builders means less costs to REQUIRES. LY NECESSARY. - ter of the Northwest Quarter of the buyers and users of McKay's (Paid Adv.) (Paid Adv.) Section 28, all in Township 6, waters. AT THE PRIMARY ELECTION South Range 31, E. W. M. con We In the west end of the county taining approximately 640 acres now face as big a problem In seeing MAY 21, 1926 that those waters are used by the together with the tenements, here-1 (Paid Adv.) right men In the right way as the dkaments and appurtenances there-, government engineers faced In see to belonging or in any wise appertain Call in and let us teU you in person what we can do for yon ing that the dam was built as well ing; and also all of the right, es- ¡ at this Beauty Shop. A satisfied customer is our best advertise fate, title and Interest of said de-! and as economically as possible. ment. Come and see for yourself. Their work will have been completed fendants in and to the same; ealdj All the latest methods are used at this Beauty Shop and all soon after a period of a little more lands to be sold at public auction, work is done under sanitary conditions. than three years. Now comes the to the higheet bidder for cash in, task of seeing that the waters to be hand, the proceeds of sale to be ap-i SLOAN BONNET AND BEAUTY PARLORS impounded by the dam they were the plied In satisfaction of said execution Marcelling, Facial and Scalp Treatments are Our Specialties agents In building are put to work and all costs. Smart and Exclusive M’llineryat Most Reasonable Prices. Dated this 19th day of May, 1926. Settlers will be, In fact, they are 645 Main St., Pendleton, Ore. Telephone: 380 R. T. COOKINOHAM. CANDIDATE FOR REPUBLICAN now needed to man these new acres. In a sense some pioneering will be Sheriff of Umatilla County, Oregon. NOMINATION FOR necessary. But the labors will In no 37-5tc vise compare to the labors already THIS ISJTHE PLACE done on the present Umatilla project IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE A system of balanced farming has STATE OF OREGON FOB been evolved by our present farm UMATILLA COUNY. ers. Schools, churches, roads and The Federal Land Bank of Spokane, other agencies that add to the pleas a corporation, Plaintiff Farmer and tax-payer, residing in ure and profit of life have been es vs. this district for forty-four years. tablished. The Westland district Ernest Stricker, a bachelor; Stanfield comprising 10.000 acres that will be Experienced legislator, serving in National Farm Loan Association, a under ditch in the spring of 1927 is house and senate since 1915. As corporation, and Inland Irrigation next door to Hermiston. The land is president of senate in 1921 killed Company Inc., a corporation, De OR ANYTHING IN THE HARNESS LINE comparatively level and well adapted Portland "1925 Fair" bill, saving fendants. to irrigation. i state *3,000,000. SUMMONS Steps have already been made to Equity No. 4206. Sponsored laws for loans for seed secure co-operation from Pendleton wheat, farmers "seasonal license To Ernest Stricker, the above Portland and the Oregon Chamber of for trucks and removing one-half named defendant. Commerce in securing settlers. cent tax on distillate not used on In the Name of the Stats of Ore Oregon has another chance to grow HONEST AND FAITHFUL SERVICE TO ALL roads. » gon: You are hereby required to along with Umatilla county. Helped pass "Market Road” law appear and answer the complaint in If I am nominated and elected I will during - the term of my in 1919 giving farmers road to get the above entitled suit within six Nearly everyone has some Ideas office stand for rigid economy In expenditure; agalnt enactment of produce to market. weeks from the first publication of of his own about government and unnecessary laws; for reduction of axes; against public officials CANDIDATE FOR REPUBLICAN NOMINATION For state income tax with -property politic». Friday, May 21, Is the date this summons and you will take uot- buying private property at forced sa'e for private gain; for exten tax off-set and against Dennis reso when citizens have the privilege of lce that If you fall to appear and sion of market roads; for building up the business interests of the lution. expressing themselves about candi answer or plead within that time state; for better primary education; for conservation of state re Served in France with American dates. Don't fall to take advantage that the plaintiff for want thereof sources; for a Board of Pardon and the abolition of all unnecessary Red Cross attached to A. E. F. will apply to the above entitled of the opportunity. Vote! of Umatilla County state commissions; for the promotion of the farming, stock rais Court for the relief prayed for in Its' (Paid Adv.) ing, mining and lumber industries of the state; for the moral ad VOTE X NO. 50 Appetites should be keen these complaint herein towit: For Judg-1 vancement of the people and the suppression of scandals In public I have been a resident of Pendleton for over twenty years, and days with fresh strawberries and meat and decree against the defend- i affairs. ant Ernest Stricker, a bachelor, and I as I own a home I have been a taxpayer for the same length of cream tempting one frequently. I will protect the interests of the Pendleton Round-Up at all Stanfield National Farm Loan Aaao- time. I cannot boast of having years of experience in the Treas times. clation, a corporation and against urer's office, but figure I can acquire experience the same as others Farms Are Exchanged I desire to have printed upon the ballot "Economy, public decen have acquired it. The president of the United States do not A deal has been completed whereby each of them for the sum of *65.00 cy, tax reduction, extension market roads and better primary always have years of experience when elected to that office, but Duncan Campbell traded 10 acres of with interest thereon at the rate of education. CANDIDATE FOR REPUBLICAN they manage the business. If one is qualified for the office it land near Hermiston for a 40 acre eight per cent per annum from the Paid Adv. 10th day of January, 1926 and the' does not take long to get the experience. Economy is one of my farm near Milton owned by L. Bus NOMINATION FOR greatet achievements. Fourteen years, from my own resources I sell. Mr. Campbell has moved to further sum of *1923.96 with In have been able to provide and maintain a home, not only for my Milton to the newly acquired farm. terest thereon at the rate of 5 1-2 |icr cent per annum since the 10th. self, but for my three children, whom I have reared and educat The deal wa<, made by J. M. Biggs. day of January, 1926 and for any sum! ed, and I owe It all to economy. If nominated and elected as treas or sums paid by plaintiff for de urer, I promise to serve the office In the same economical man Luncheon Place Changed ner an I have my own affairs In the past. A deputy will only be Under action taken by the Hermis linquent taxes due and owing on the used when needed. ton Commercial club the regular land hereinafter described, together From Umatilla County weekly luncheons will be alternated with Interest thereon at the rate of In the future between tli? two hotels.! eight per cent per annum from the Next week the luncheon will be date of such payment and for the given at Hotel Corlls for the first! further *um of *6.50 with Interest For government economy and time, and on alternate Tuesdays the I hereon at the rate of eight per efficiency. • -IS T H E - meetings will be held at the Hotel, rent per annum from the 31et day of I’.’rmlston. Announcement of the 1 March, 1926 aud for the further sum Favor state income tax with a adoption of tbe plan was made by 'of *150 attorneys fees and for platn- property tax off-aet. Harry Straw, chairman of the com- tiff's costs and disbursements in this <1 nilttee appointed to make arrange i.ult, less the sumof *100 stock sub- REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE I have no bills to sponsor and those ments for luncheons. ! script Ion;'and for a further decree FOR NOMINATION I vote for must have merit and be ------------------------ — ‘ that the mortgage in plaintiff's of benefit to a majority of the E. B. Casteel and B W, Gilliland i complaint described, which said — FOR— people. t>T Pilot Rock were here Wodnes- .mortgage was recorded in the office day In the Interest of the candidacy of the Cbunty Recorder of Umatilla of T P. Gilliland. Pilot Rock, for County. State of Oregon, on the 20th Native of Umatilla county. Wheat the republican nomination for Joint day of July. 1922 In Book 76 of the farmer and taxpayer. Spent two Twentieth Senatorial District representative. Judge Gilliland has Mortgage Records of said County at years In army during the war and More than 40 newspapers in Oreg:n have indorsed Fred Steiwer been 111 with pneumonia for two page 260 thereof, be foreclosed and member of the American Legion. Comprising Umatilla County for the Republican nomination for United States Senator. What weeks and could not complete his that the premises therein described (Paid Adv.) campaign, so he bad to do it by to-wit: wonld be abetter indication of strength? L. L. Mann was born In Zena. Polk county. Oregon .and has liv proxy. His sou stated that Judge The North Half of the North- ed In the state all his life. Completed public school education; Gilliland had passed the crisis In hla All of the other candidates for the nomination have centered east Quarter of the Northweet graduated from Willamette university of Oregon; lived In Umatilla Illness and Is now convalescent. Quarter and the Southwest Quar county 33 years; has been a uecessful farmer; was a member of their fire upon Steiwer and conten t that he is the man they must ter of the Northeast Quartsr of the Oregon legislature 1909, 1911, 1913. 1923 and 1925. NOTICE OF SHERIFFS SALE UN the Northwest Quarter of Sec defeat. No one ever attacks a weak man. tion Nine, all In Township Four, DER EXECUTION PLATFORM OF PRINCIPLES Democratic leaders are exerting their effort» against Steiwer. Notice is hereby given that by vlr-j North of Range Twenty-nine, lue of an execution ineued out of If I am nominated and elected I will, during my term of office, East of the Willamette Merid They fear him. They know they canot defeat him in the general the Circuit Court of the State of favor a tate Income tax. oppose the establishment of unnecessary ian, Including a certain water election. Oregon for Umstllla County to me commissions and the extravagant expenditure of public funds, op right repreeented by 26.67 shares to directed and delivered upon a Judg pose laws designed to cripple and do away with the Pendleton of the capital stock of ths Fur Republican candidate for re« A vote for Steiwer Friday is a vot; for a Republican victory in ment and decree and order of sale Round-Up, endeavor to secure the enactment of such laws as are nish Ditch Company, excepting election rendered in said court on the 12th required by conditions In Umatilla county, and endeavor to prevent November. right of sway of United States Re day nt May, 1926. In favor of Doris the enactment of a multiplicity of laws. clamation Service Feed Canal W. Bailey, against Trace L. Baker, over and acmes said premises, LAW ENFORCEMENT— I believe Inn the enforcement of all our Slogan: Continued economy and Nellie J. Baker, his wife, In the laws; I believe in the Constitution of my country, including all its all situated In Umatilla County. and equitable distribution of amendments. suit therein pending wherein the said State of Oregon, be sold Market Road Fund*. Doris W. Bailey Is plaintiff and the and that the proceeds from the sale AGRICULTURE— The farmer has been and la today up against said Trace L. Bak»r and Nellie J. thereof be applied to the payment of a fight to maintain hla Just economic rights. I will favor any con structive legislation that will result In giving Justice to tbe farm Baker, his wtte are defendants (or the plaintiff's Judgment In the amounts Paid Adv. Slogan: "Fewer and better laws." sum of 61660 with Interest thereon aforesaid and for * further decree Steiwer for Senator Com. (Paid Adv.) £ l nt the rate of 8 per cent per annum forever barring and foreclosing nil Isaac Staples, chairman. from the J2th day of February, i>26, of the defendant» In ths shove en (P ali Advertisement) M a e M . F ried ly For County VULCANIZING Treasurer 47 X G. W. BRADLEY F or T r e a su r e r C A N C E R SP E C IA L IST C. K Cranston Dr. B. B. Brundage County Treasurer F rank S a lin g D R . J. A . B E ST STATE SENATOR C o u n ty J u d g e When In Pendleton— R o y W . R itn e r If you want your Auto Top Repaired or Recovered A New Set of Side Curtains A Tent Made to Order Joint Representative W. I. GADWA, Pendleton, Ore. V O T E X NO. 3 7 MAE M . F R IE D L Y FOR TREASURER Glenn G. Dudley Representative STEIWER L L MANN STRO N G C A N D ID A T E SEN A TO R I. M . S ch a n n ep Present County Judge VOTE 20 I X I STEIWER VOTE X 45