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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (March 11, 1926)
ie Herald Keeps Close to Ike Heart and Mind of the Umatilla Project. ÌX. < (Hite Ibrmtefcm W rath VOL. XX BETWEEN 128 AMD ISO TOMS Cast tad Higfr School Orchestra Hard PENDLETON FLASH TAKES FAST At Work for. Boost of BOUT FROM SCARBERRY Next Week. GOES TO MARKET EACH DAT Quality Hay Will be Off Before Harvest. • _______ , eented at the auditorium of. the Her- I miston high aehool. on Thursday I evening, March 48, by the girls’ glee Local Boys Famish Openeis in Card Put on Here Under the Legion Auspices. KERRY 1DTT MAMED AS LOCAL RED GROSS HEAD H. E. Hitt, local business man, ha* been designated director of the Uma tilla county chapter, American Red Croae. for the Hqrmlston district, according to notice he has received from Mrs. G. E. Holt, of Pendleton secretary of th« chapter. All the work of the chanter 'his year w ill be on a purely v ilu n t.v y basis with no paid executive, it Is expected that considerable good w ill be accomplished through the efforts of volunteers. No drive win be made for members,. but everyone will be afforded a chance to become members. Memberships may be paid for and cards secured either at H itt’s store or at tc First National Bank of Hermistoh. f ■■ - u HERMISTON, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 11, 1926 Girls Glee Club ALFALFA MOVES I T PILUNG IS WINNER I o Give Operetta MARKET IN VOLUME IhwrS't Mar, 17 IN WRESTLING BOUT Jr N0.27 Roy Ritner W ill WATER SUPPLY IS STEIWER ISSUES Seek Nomination FORMAL PLATFORM From Republican URGED RY BOARD PENDLETON ATTORNEY SEEKS Ottice °i- Representative Umatilla and Morrow U. S. SENATE OFFICE Counties Sought. of EFFORTS BEING MATH! To GET 1 DR. MEAD TO WAIT Pledge to Work t for T . a Farm Belief r , , — * » n t announcement by A Roy W. . . R it-N cw . Bill Before « Couerna Maw Be — T —— P S - . - ,A . ... ...Ill .. — AA . ’ ner of Pendleton that he w ill be a! Reduced Taxe*, Lìquor Law of Material Aid to People candidate for the republican nomi Enforcement Made. On Project. a m i a a nation for Joint representative from nk Pilling of Pendleton, mid club of the high school. T rainine Morrow and Umatilla counties has Frederick Steiwer, Pendleton at eight wrestler, disposed of Os- Th» combination of warm w inter! for the operetta has been under wi , torney, has Issued a formal state- JU8t been made. He formerly serV- ■ Efforts have been launched by and plenty of growing grass and feed for some tim e u n d e direction CBr * * rb erry of Spokane in the ment or his platform as a candl- «<I 1« the senate. The republican' ihe officirl board of the Hermiston on the ranges for sheep and cattle; of Miss Ruth Beyler, p n d th« mem- tea,B event of i smoker that Was date for the republican nomina- nom ination for the senate Is expect-'Irrigation district and by the Uma- hr», not prevented a steady movement bers of the cast are working hard here in the auditorium Mon- tlon for United States senator from •<* to be sought by L. L. Mann who tilla project farm bureau to Insure o f alfalfa hay from the Irrigated to make the presentation a big sue- night under the auspices of the Oregon. The platform include« as h«s served as representative from a supply of water for the project I American aL eg io n . The Pendleton districts In ... the west . end ---------... of Um atilla cess. its first article a stand for relief to the euunty. Mr. Rltner's platform, tthis spring and to see if Dr. Mead county, according to statem ents The east Includes the follow ing Iftnh was on the defensive the great rgriculture, for tax reduction, for made as a part of his announcement, w ll, refreln from cu ttin g o ft the made by Hermiston hay dealers. characters: Princess Chan, Doro- part « f the time before Scarberry PURE SEED BILL enforcement of the laws governing wa» follows: ¡w ater b ecaif» of delinquencies GETS ENDORSEMENT At present the movement to mar- thy H itt: Mai Ku. a Japanese ju g g ler!took the f,rst fal!- but in the rest the liquor traffic. ) “I am In favor of fewer laws, a The activity of the district board ket Is being made at the rate o fm a id , A nita Paulsen; W u Ling, a the match he was the aggressor la addition to that part of the state income tax with a property and the farm bureau followed re > etween 125 and 150 tons of baled maid to the princess, Margaret W at. niost o t the time and won w ithout a A resolution endorsing the Good- statement printed below, Mr. ¡'ax offset, a normal school for celpt of Dr. Mead’s letter In which hay each day. Dealers stated th a te r m a u ; Ow Long, governess to the great deal of trouble. ing-Ketchatn, hili which is now be Eteiwer declared far a fair deal to «astern Oregon and the completion he interpreted the present law as The match was lively enough to they expect to see the bulk of the ¡Princess. Edna Bokish ■fore congress was passed by the Um«' remainder of the crop moved during The chorus of Japanese girls w ill k efp the crowd up and -com in g tilla project Farm Bureau at Its re labor and for barring undesirable | of the present state highway system requiring that payments for at] ex- ” rrch though there w ill probably include Georglanna Briggs. Dorothy throughout. Scarberry seemed to cent meeting. The bill provides for a'lens, for curbing and controllng! w ,th market roads as feeders. I am c fpt one y e a i>8 maintenance charges 1« rome movement during April and Isom. V irginia Redds, Sylvia Evans, an edge id the ea y y going and protection in th e matter of buying tine narcotic evil, for a merchant opposd to any Increase In the gaso- be paid before water could be de- May. Grace Jackson, Dorothy Shotwell, i made P,en tT of trouble for Pilling. seeds. The resolution was as fol n arine and for efficiency in g o v -, Hn« tax without a proportionate re- livered. ernment. The chief part of the duction In auto licenses, to any! Telegrams were sent to the reel«- I Jices paid havei given gjrowcre A lice Dyer, N ell Reeve«, Edna Wdse-»iThe Spokane man was particularly lows: statement follows: ¡legislation which w ill tend to crip *matIon service by both the district an average of about 811 per ton In nor and Jean Laundagtn. ¡adept with his .legs and clamped on Whereas. The Umatilla Project By this formal announcement 1 Pl« the Pendleton Round-up and to. board and the farm bureau, and the the stack, prices of from 811 to 815 The school orchestra w ill furnish head scissors holds repeatedly that and adjacent territory is largely am declaring myself a candidate for; the adoption of the Dennis resolu-( board supplemented Its tele&Tam v ---------« _ > — ----------- a a - called all of Ptlllng'e cleverness Into per ton f. o. b cars having b een I , a the music for a th v . e operetta. made up .a t alfalfa acreage, creat tha republican nomination for the "on prohibiting a state Income tax. with a letter setting forth the prea- play to break. paid for some ttane, depending on' ■■ ■ ---- ---------- ing a constant need for alfalfa seed offlce of United States senator from: "My legislative experience extends €nt situation In respect to the ne- Scarberry was given the first "fall ccndlt'on of hay. Off grade hay and, i I Oregon. ,<-rsr a prlod of 15 years in both gotiations on a new contract. The after 28 1-2 minutes of fast work. hag been a drug on the market. Whereas, Severe losses have been If elected my course will be de- house and senate. In 1921 I was, board hopes that water delivery w ill He won with a head scissors and One of the best markets for loc reported where farmers unknowing termlned in accordance with the president of the senate. During the be assured as a result of the ex- body ptn. P illin g took the second ally grown hay has been in the ly purchased imported seed not statements hereinafter set forth and world war I went pverseas as field in IS 1-2 minutes w ith a crotch hold change of Information on the part Puget Sound area, the dealers said. p rof. b . J. Hurd of O. A. C. held adapted to this locality and, according to the accepted principles representative of the American Red of the reclamation service and tha and body pin. A Japanese scissors It Is used largely as feed for produc- a conference w ith the melon grow Whereas, Red clover seed pro of the republican party. I have no Gross and was attached to the Fifth board. accounted for F illin g ’s second and ing dairy herds. Outfits that work er8 here on Tuesday of th is wek. duction may become an important private interest to serve but w ill, Division A. E. F. I have lived In! x bill has just rec- illy been In deciding fall after about 37 minutes. ’arge numbers o f horses have also, Rev. condor and Rev. Jones as- Industry in this section and. endeavor to the best of my ability) "'Is district for the past 43 years: troduced in congress which ts of Both boys expressed a w illin g been In the market in greater m ea s.: gisted with the services at th e M. Whereas, Inferior imported clover to serve the nation and all the “nd during the past 20 years have vital Interest to the Umatilla pro- ness to return to Hermiston to wres- iire since spring construction work b . church Sunday evening. Rev. seed now seriously competes with people and every part of the state i ,)een engaged In the farming busi- ject. j Warner, attorney for te any contender the Legion cares h ss opned. Tillamook has offered condor formerly preached here, seed grown In the U n ite! States. It will be my purpose and ambition new .” : , be board, had the following rtate- to put up against them. Tentative only a fair market this year, manjr a touring car was wrecked some Therefore, he It resolved by the to support those things which Ore-! .... . raent relntlve to It and its bearing plans are under way to hold more ranrelllatlons of orders having been distance west of Irrigon on Mon- Umatilla Project Farm Bureau, a 1 jon the local situation. gon approves and which are In ac BIG SHEET OUTFIT’S bouts in the future. Ijmt night's recelved from that area. The Port-, day night. One of the occupants farmers' organization w ith 299 cord with the nation’s best Interest. LAMB CROP IS GOOD “The bill was prepared by th e bout was the first w restling card land market has absorbed some o f .b ad tw o ribs broken which necessi- members— --------- j reclamation service,” said Mr. War- During the campaign I shall sup that has been put on here for a V m a'l'la county’s hay. but the move, tated his being taken to the hospital That wfl heartily endorse, the plement this statement by such dis Tom F. Boylen Jr of the P en d le-. ner. "and provides for chargboffs number of years, and the lively In m ent there has noti ¡been except- Prof. Kraus w ent to Hermiston Goodlng-Ketcham Seed "Bill (S2465 c issio n o f the points referred to ton Sheep Co. ranch. Butter creek, on all projects, Includl ia the Uma- terest displayed has led the Lglon H R 8118) now before congress, and herein as may seem necessary. tonally heavy. Monday evening to help Judge a wae in Hermiston Tuesday. Lamb-) tilla. of practically all charges on to believe that fans w ill welcome All of the best grade hay In the , debate between McLoughlin high urge the support of Oregon’s con W ithout pretending to cover all Ing Is under way on the ranch now this project as recommended by tha som e more good card«. west end w ill have been moved w i t h - echool ’ at M ilton-Freewater and gressional delegation. issues I declare myself in favor of and about five bands have already board of survey nnd adjustment. P illin g has been livin g In Pendle In the next few weeks, dealers pre- Hermiston high, school, but ow ing F. P. Phipps, legislation relating to the follow ing J lambed, ton for more than tw o years and "It also would amend the -fact find. dieted. The cleait up of the old to m neS8 of one debator the con- Presidetn Umatilla Project Farm propositions: ‘‘The five bands gave if percentage}cis’ act by taking away the method has a big follow ing in the Round-up crop Is expected to be of aid In the te8t had tp be postponed, Bureau. of increase of 120 per cent and the of payments of five per cent of the Agriculture m arketing o”f the new crop by thej Local young men • are bolding town on account of his speed, ag I stand for Justice to the farming lambs are husky and vigorous," j gross average annual acre Income gressiveness and good sportsman time It Is ready to »ell. ¡weekly practice in preparation for Conference Is Held ship. He wrestles In Pendleton un industry. UnJes« the farmers can Mr. Boylen declared. "Prospects end would substitute Instead a pro- ---------------- ;--------- i the coming bass ball season. Irrl- der the auspices of the American Rev. Albert S. Hisey, superintend, produce and market their products for good quality lambs are cxcel- vision of equal annual payment« Anrilory fto Sponsor Sa'.'e . gon may enter the league to be form. ent of tjie .eastern district of the profltably all branches of society lent.” Legion w restling commission. ranging over a period of from 20 tp Tocai ladies w ill form the com- ed among near-by townjs. Local boys furnished the prelimi Methodist Épiscopal church of the must suffer. 1 w ill work for legis-i ,4 0 years from the date of the orlg- •ttee that Is to handle the annual Mr. W arner and son Harvey have naries Monday night. Young Reedy Oregon conference, was here Tues lation to aid In the orderly market-! 1)Ina\ contract, at the option ¿«f 4Nk Bee Keepers to Meet r. r; et Me- Not appeal for the d is -! been under the weather w ith flu. and Holman wrestled for the cur day night for the regular quarterly Ing of exportable surplus and will) The Umatilla Project Beekeepers' secretary of the Interior. A number of sport fans from tain raiser. Reedy took tw o falls conference. Reports from the var ab'ed American veterans of the: "It contains a proviso, however, give every assistance: ¡to th» con- association has planned a meeting v-or'd war to be held here the week here attended the Scarberry-PlUlng and used pile drivers In both cases. ious departments were submitted ¡»tractive efforts now being put „f the membership that w ill be held that this amendment to the fact of March 22-27* through the sale .match at Hermiston Monday night, Kid Woodard and Young Cox did and a check of tjie work of the forth to balance and stabilize a g ri-, pr,day evening, March 12 In the finders' act is not applicable to any f the lltt’e artificial forget-me-! Mr. Dennison of Newberg, O e - some fast boxing for four rounds to church waa wade. Wednesday night cultural production and sale. | library. Arrangements w ill be made contract which has been negotiated nots on the streets and in buildings gon. Is moving his fam ily to the a draw. F, . Gulwits was the third Rev. Hisey and Rev. Henry Young: Taxation at the meeting to buy supplies for nnd approved by the secretary prior stores and offices by a corp of ladies Doble fruit farm vyhich hq, has man on the mat and officiated for went to is h o where conference was) i favor reduction of tax. burden) ¡his year’s operatine. The Hpec- to the passage of the bill and is and girls of the city. The Amerl- j leased. H e has five children who all three events. held. K*v. iitkey’s lieadquaters are by reducing expense of government j |a| cntnmlt'ee that was appointed as executed before July 1, 1928. can Legion A uxiliary h a s be^n j w ill enter school. In Salejh. "The bill also provides -authority In this I ani in full accord with the a result of the economic conference named by Mayor Prime to handle Mrs. Helen M. W alker, county administration of President Cool-j w jil also confer after the regular to the secretary of the Interior to Jepthe N. Kelly preparations for the sale which w ill; school sperintenfent, spent half a The death of Jepthie N. Kelly, Idge. I am for rigid lim itation of meeting and discuss plans for a mar- deliver water In 1926 to all delin Examinations Are Sought he part of a n a tio n ’ wide activity! day v isitin g «school here Tuesday, past 71 years old, occurred at the quents where a contract la being The need of examination of the expenditure» by elim inating from ) ketlng scheme in several hundred communities, to She seemed highly pleased w ith hospital here Wednesday afternoon. negotiated in good faith. eyes and teeth of school children the government pay rolls all persons assist the cause and activities o f , conditions. ']/( He resided at Boardman. He was In some effective manner was dis whose service are not essential, "The proviso in this act makes It prom- Silverton— Plckl® factory America’s wounded and disabled: J, born in October, 1854 in California. cussed at the weekly meeting and and by exercise of sound discretion Ired here thi; season. desirable that the district’s new world war veterans. DEBATE date changed H U w ife preceded him. in death. luncheon of the Hermiston Commer In refusing to permit the United contract be executed as quickly aa President Coolidge heads the list ON ACCOUNT OF ILLNESS Fuupral services w ill he held Fri cial elute: TueeAfty. Supt. Cherry States to engage In private busi possible.” Astorla— Porthandled 13,992 tons of eponsorts of thje Fqrget-Me-Not day afternoon at 2 o ’clock In Board- said that the state law requires a ness except where demanded by of freght over term inals In January. hmm the Her. man w ith Rev. Henry Young In appeal. Proclamation« have been, The dual debate between physical examination to be made economic necessity. I favbr sim Miss Swayze Honored Issued by national, state and eivlc' Qn b|gh v h o o , toanl8 and the charge. pler laws respecting federal income annually and, permit« It to be made 18th Amendment. Congress must Miss Doris Swayze, daughter of Mr. officials, urging patriotic support McLoughHn hIgh * .hool teams, by the teachdr.... An effort has been tax with lees annoyance and burden not make ineffective the plain Intent ¡and Mrs. F. B. Swayze of Hermiston, Rebekahs Initiate of the Appeal. The proceeds from FrhcduIed prJg,„ a„ y for Monday made to secure? the aervices of the to tax payers. of the constitution but must provide who is a senior at Stanford univer The local Rebekah lodge initiated the s a l . of forget-me-nots w ill be! |g h t o f th ,„ weck> had to be p08t. Law Enforcement. county nurse for the work, he said. means for its preservation and to sity, was recently honored by elec three candidates Wednesday night uhed to aid in th e rehabilitation. on account of the rt,nMB I believe In the principles of the Insure respect for Its provisions. tion to Cap and Gown, an honorary Dr. Prime told of the way examina at their regular meeting. T h e ,d e welfare, relief and h osp italisation , * Mlg8 SbotweU who „ „ tions were made In former years. 18th Amendment and the object» For law enforcement positions j I society sometimes called the Mortor assistance of American w o u n d e d , ^ , ^ wUh tonam tl8 M ontoy and gree team from Pendleton was here by It. I favor men who are In sympathy Board society. Only six women The club postponed action on sev .sought to be obtained a id put on th e work. Following disabled or Injured In a ctive ser became so ill that she could not ap eral other matters. Joseph S. Har Stand for Its observance and Its en- with* the particular laws they arc were elected this year, and Miss th« work of the evening a soc'nl see. vice during Jthe world war. pear. She was treated at the hos slot» was held In honor of the visl- vey, near owner of the Herald, talk forcement and for the enforcement I app0)nte<! to enforoe. Swayze has the distinction of being of the law s enacted pursuant to the pital at Gollege Place and" w te able the only one of the six receiving a ed inform ally at the neeting. Federal Aid, Public Domain J* I t Y CLUB WILL to return home, .but She Is still 111. I will make unrem itting effort to unanimous vote from the electing The debate w ill be for the cham • gain foi Oregon a Just measure of body, GIVE LUNCHEON TUESDAY pionship of Union, Umatilla and Mor federal aid. I stand for develop . row counties. Dorothy Shotwell ment of all resources and for fed BEN JOKY OF HERMISTON Next Tuesday, March 1«. at Hotel gnd coft8tftnte the af. eral aid In Irrigation and the col GETS MOLALLA CONTRACT Cerila w|H be held the second lunch- flnnatlTe teftm and b and onization of projects already built. , eon of the Community club. T b s ,Vn, . , rd Mr. Ben Jory of Hermiston has re- I favor federal aid for roads and d e r a t i o n s , menu and program w ill aQ(J R fcn< fc fJ 5 ^ . Increasing federal support tow ard; celved notice from the management be appropriate to St. Patrick’s day «■ .debate coach, accompanied the the development o f Oregon rlver.s : of the Molalla Round-up that he and It is hoped that as many as affirmative team to' Mflton Monday and the Columbia and all coastal , has b?en awarded the contract to possible 'w ill plan to attend as this afternoon. The Dodd Car figured harbors. I w ill work for restore-1 furnish: livestock nnd show hands w ill be the last luncheon of the year. la a collision kt S ltte'jp n e when a tlon to Oregon of money wltheld ) for the second annual show which Those desiring reservations please truck ran Into It at » cross road. by removal of lands from 'ax tolls, ¡w ill be given this year on July 8, phone Mrs. W. J. Warner, Mrs. A. Both machines were damaged, hut I l favor fuither contribution by the; 4 snd 5. H. Norton. Mrs. F. B. Swsyxe, MrB- the ocenpaaU eeedped. w United States to public dumslit; He will tc 'c one carload of cat- Bert Haneline or Mrs. 8. J. M ckeen. A new. date has not been set for ¿1 f bucking and states from ' revenues derived from t i e . three r . The following program will be. the debate. public domain. I w ill support e f - ! -addle hor c ‘ of Indian z presented: ad cf Indien» to fort» for reforestation with sselstanc : horses aT a rr "Come Back to Brin” ■nr fnrel. tin » of the United States. I favor leg-1 the ahe ' i e ............... Ladles’ Q uarittte Thp I. G./O. F. lodge has planned Islatlon giving livestock Industry a 1 ,5 t u n » to P d - -g I'-' tb -'» Whlstlng Solo, "Wearing of the more secure « a tu s upon the nubile 'days t' she- u I irop c i». ” r. a big old fashioned dance which Green"____________Mrs Joe Udey will be given -a| ,-the audjtofium qn big ake. c nu Jory domain. ' Paper, "Ireland, Land of Scenery ■•r.f" very rhov ai; o .e r I'." no the night of St. Fnfriei*Blay. March World Peace ........Mw- E- L- c **rT7il7 . Music will be secured from I approve American adherence to year. Folk "Bridge of AthlObe” ¡Per,djeton for t],e affair Two prisea , the World Court. I am for general Pupils of Mrs. Callkhafl will be awarded for the be« Irish disarmament constatent with nat lecture to ' "dve ) mass meeting v l ” be held couples, and a cash prise w in be io n a l safety and favor a reasonably plan for draft In time of war of j T h ill1 day, March 11. at ..SO p. m. given for the b e« Caller of old r a t Atpfl» ts Conpete necessary resource» »nd the unlver-lln the M Ihodlst church. Rev R. Tbs sectional declamatory : eon ioned dance«. There Will also be » ' IRRIGON NEWS ITEMS M C u t t in g S o m e F a n c y F ig u r e s ^ , tsata for pupils In both thé grids prise for the couple that daueea a and the U gh schools of the w e« waltx he«. end are to be held In Echo. The grade pupils w ill hold their t f r - outs to determine sq^ional winner«, xbU m ovem ent,of pelatoe» from for the county contgst d i TV uradap^« p«rt Portland during - the evening, March 18. ^aud ' t h é ' Mghj month Uf F shium j traa a very haavy ■ehool contest will ha held the 'fol-JmM> accordlag tu tha report- made lowiag evening, Vtlday. March 8>-,bp tha truffle department. Nearly HermlMon win have repreaaatarivw| evm g peurnl leaving tha p o rt, fhr lu hath sMleuta. gcoanUag to Supt.. calltenri» poteta p srr M a o * Ch«TF ; • ItOOO. ■ : . ,v ,, ,in p, .r e 1 conscription of men so as to ,F . C bse. super!ntend«nt of the Anti’ l/llm tn ate a» far as possible the war falcon league, wltl deliver an »«- profltaar. |drea»’ In connection with the film I tv 11 eve In fir st principles I The Triumph of Justice,” which staad for rlghteousneas In govern- will be shown. Every cltlaen la ment and Justice to all men. In urged to attend, to hear this addroca y official course I shall adhere to and to see the picture which has so Ila.ldes Safety of American gov- stirred the state. Children must ba a t depend», upon loyally I to accompanied by paronia to secure the fundamental principie» «I right admission. The picture and lectura ar.d wrong. Frea governurant w ill ars free hut an offering w ill hg takan. endure on no other.