Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1925)
nr Get 7 hinge in Shape for Fall and Winter Now H 'S REPAIR TIME SELECT LUMBER FOR REPAIRING Make up your mind what repair or building work you are going to undertake within the next few weeks. When you've figured out how much lumber you will need, tell us about it. We offer su’ect, carefully inspect ed lumber, shingles, lath, plank, fence posts, etc., at most reasonable prices. x Materially You re , Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. R. A. Brownson, Mgr. Phone 111 • B uster R r 0 wn 5 h ^ es 1&- Built on the famous Brown Shaping Lasts they provide real com fort for feet not yet matured. P D a in ty little shoes in the grown-up sort o f styles th at every little miss w ho has lived her first "teen” year is just crazy to wear. * Y e t underneath th eir charming good looks is "Buster Brown” soundness and long-wearing strength. BUSTER BROWN SHOE STORE PEND LETO N, OREGON NEW A ID USED Come and see Us. Auto Clearing House, Inc. 728 Thompson Street Pendleton, Oregon Phone 38 the the Orthophonie Victrola $150.00 t VUTO p a r t s You can save money- and time here. I c ir c u it c o u r t o r STATE OP OREGON 1«, IT, 1« and I I ; theaee North I I degrees 10 m inut« West 110 feet: thence North 74 dgreee 45 minutes fo r the County of Umatilla. Eastern Oregon Livestock Com. West 106 feet; thence South I I de l r f l« l» .t B as »•By. a corporation, Plaintiff, va. grees West 140 feet; thenee North ■ A k *i< t f c .c iw .a d J. W. Reese and Allda M. Reese, hie I f degrees 16 minutes west 100 feet wife, August J. Stange and Priscilla to a point 336 feet south of the 8. A. Stanga, his wife, and Anna Ar W. corner of the SEU of the SEM Mrs. George Wagner entertained thur and Perry A^thpr?. her «tus- wf Sec than 27; thence south 63 de the ‘‘500" elub at her home Decem band. Defends»b. ? J i ) £> ! (¡gross west 31* feet; thence South ber 1- ' n ! i 30 degrees West 230 feet; thence NOTICE OP SHERIFF’S SALE. By virtue of an executloii, Judg North 71 degrees 46 miputes Wee» The Oron Felthouse tracks 'are m en t, order, deeree and brdtì- ’of-'sale* 300 feet; thence sputh 36 degrees busy hauling crushed gravel for the Istued out of the above entitled West 225 feet; thence south 37 de- ____ ______ patching of Main street. The grav. : Court, in the above entitled cause, ' greee 15 minutes east 369 feet el will be put on the section from , to me directed and dated the 10th ' thence 8oulh 66 degrees west 416 the government drainage ditch to day of November, 1026, upon a Judg-!feet; thenc© North 11 degrees 15 the Hermiston service station, and , ment rendered and entered In the minutes west 360 feet to the ioter- from the depot to the Robb place. i said court on the 1st day of October, section of the north and south line 1325, In favor of Eastern Oregon through the center of Section 34; .Jack Horton, who Is employed by Livestock Company a corporation, thence, leaving the rivr channel, the government a« a forest ranger, plaintiff, and against J. W. Reese north.995 fet to the point of beglnn- wai • visitor at the J. B. Moll home | and Allda M Reece, his wife, Ang- ling, containing two hundred and In this city the latter part of last uat J. Stange and Priscilla A. Stange seventy acres (270), more or lees, week. Mr. Horton has been station. ’ his wife, and Anna Arthur and i NOW THEREFORE, by virtue of ed at Medford but recently received Perry Arthur, her husband, defend- execution, Judgment, order, de- i a transfer to Pendleton. Mrs. Hor- ianta, for the sum of »23,888.92 to- J cree and order ot Bale and in corn- ton ig a sister to Mrs. Moll and ac- gether with interest thereon from pIlane© with the command of said companied her husband on the trip November 1, 1921, at the rate of 6 wrjt, I will, on the 19th day of from Medford to their new home In per cent per annum and for the fur December, 1925, at 10:00 o'clock (1- Pendleton, stopping at the Moll home (her sum of 3388.92 together with | the forenoon) at the front door’ of on the way. 5 per cent penalty and Interest at j the County court house at Pendle- ; the rate of 1 per cent a month from (on Umatilla County, Oregon, sell a t 1 Mrs Charles Adam« of Notin was!Aprfl 5> 1923' the sald 8um belnK public auction (subject to redempt-' a visitor the latter part of last week I * * " fOr -the year Of 1922; and for Ion) to the highest bidder for cash the further sum of »370.57 together In hand, all of the right, title and at the Moll home. with 5 per cent penalty and Interest Interest which the said abov© named at the rate of 1 per ent a month from defendant^ or either, any or all of M. E. Bazaar— Place, Campbell’s Apr|j 5, 1924, the said sum being them hav© or had in and to the warehouse on Main street. Time, 1 ! V taxes for the year 1923; and for above described property or any o’clock P. M. Date, Saturday, Dec. a further sum of »341.18 together part thereof to satisfy said execution 12. with 5 per cent penalty and interest Judgment, order and decree, Interest, at the rate of 1 per cent a month costs and accruing costs. L. H. Berry left Sunday for Port from April 5, 1925, the Bam© being R. T. COOKINGHAM. land. Mr. Berry has been confined taxes for the year of 1924; and for Sheriff of Umatilla County, Oregon to his home for life past few weeks a further sum of »1500.00, attor By S. S. Stokes, Deputy n account of sickness and is making ney’s fees; and for the costs and Dated this 14th day of November, the trip for an ex-Ray examination’ disbursements of said suit. Said 1926. at a Portland hospital. execution and order of sale com I ’ First publication November 20th manding me to make sale of the fol . 1925. Orville Berry motored to Pine City lowing dscribed property, to-wit: Last publication December 17th Friday. In Township four (4) North 1925. Range twenty-eight (28) east of Mrs. F. C. McKenzie and Mrs. Loig the W. M,, Slxty-elght and three- I Schultz were visitors In Pendleton tenths (68.3) acres in SH of SE% Monday. Section Twenty-seven (37) lying south of the 0. W. R. & N. right of Burl Wattenberger of Pine City, way. I was a Hermiston visitor Friday. Mr. One hundred twenjty-^even and Wattenberger came over to a’tend three-tenths (127.3) acres in S o u th s the minstrel show given by the high of South % Section twenty-six (26) I school. lying south of the O. W. R. & N. right of way. M. E. Ladles’ Aid Bazaar Decem- Thirty-three and seven-tenths I ber 12. Get your Christmas presents (33.7) acres in North >4 of N. E. ’4 I at the MH. E. Ladies Aid bazaar Section Thirty-four (34) lying north Saturday, Dec. 12. There will be of th9 Umatilla river. fancy work, aprons galore, candy And forty and seven-tenths (40.7) cooked food, and, of course, the acres in North *4 of North. >4 Sec- | White Elephant booth. THE NEW tlon Thirty-five (35) lying north of the Umatilla River, mor© particular Art Schmidt wwho was Injured In ly described as: la football game with Pendleton re- Commencing at the one-quarter I cently while a member of the local corner (Iron pipe) between Sec high school team was taken to the tions Twenty-seven (27) and Thirty- Pendleton hospital Thursday. The four (3 4 ), Township Four (4) North Injured member, a knee, has been Range Twenty-eight (28) East of giving him considerable trouble and the W. M.; thenc*© north 1103.5 feet L IK E P IC T U R E lit wan thought best to place him in to the south line of the O. W. R. & I the hospital where he would receive N. right of way; thence easterly I medical attention. along said right of way 7,954 feet, more or less, to the Intersection cf Clifford Dooley, who has been the north and south line between I visiting at the Ed. Jackson home left Sections 25 and 26, at a point 1169.6 Have you heard this wonderful I Monday night for Lewiston to visit feet north of the corner of Sections I with frlendR there. Mr. Dooley is a 25, 26, 35 and 36; thence south musical invention; if not you are I nephew of Mr. Jackson’s. 756.6 feet; thence west 1773.6 feet: missing something. Come into, our thence south 1003.6 feet to the cen store and ask to hear the new Ortho Lela Addleman, of Pendleton, la a ter of the channel of the Umatilla I guest at the Merrill Potter home this River th e n c « 'd o w n th e ch an n el o f phonic Victrola. Yes, we sell them said river North 79 degrees 30 min week. on payments— pay $2.00 each wbek utes West 295 feet: thence north 60 and we w ill deliver the new V ic degree« 30 minutes West 385 feet; New Fall and Winter Styles In thence South 81 degrees West 250 trola in time for Christmas. Ask rs hlldrcn’a coats, ladleg coats and dresee. Ladle«,' men’s and chlld- feet to a point 360 feet south of (he about our budget payment plan. I ten’s hosiery and underwear. Bar- southwest corner of the SWU of the eley corsets made to measure. Also SB (4 of Section 28; thence South I eoat and dress material by the yard. 80 degrees West 330 feet; thence F a c e yohr order early if you Mis. Emma Johnson, third house North 75 degrees West 858 <feet; want delivery for Christmas. | east Catholic church. Not at home thence South 82 degrees west 192.6 for businesg Wednesdays. 7-te feet to a potnt 230 feet south of the southwest corner of the SEU of the FOR SALE AT SWU of Section 26; thence South Ed. McKeen and wife of Pendleton 78 degrees 30 minute« West 510 I visited Sunday at the home of his feet; thence South 450 feet; thence ¡mother, Mrs. S. J. McKeen. South 52 degrees W est 285 feet: thence West 605 feet to a point 964 Phone 101 Mr«. Holllg Percy was taken sud feet south of the corner of sections d en ly ill Friday night. She was im. I mediately taken to Pendleton by car for medical treatment and Is at the home of her father and mother in I that city. According to late reports |she 1« slightly Improved. LOCAL AND P U 9 0 N A I ■ B U V IT IE S - Night Phone 981 YOUR OLD CAR BOUGHT Hermiston Creamery Co. PAYS THE HIGHEST PRICE AND S P O T C A S H F O R YOUR CREAM. Mitchell Drug Co. MITCHELL DRUG CO. H e r m isto n S e r v ic e J. C. Robinson of Portland, who Ils distributor for Ih© Anker-Holt I cream separator, wa, a Hermiston | visitor Tuesday. S ta tio n THE LITTLE STATION ’ WITH THE BIO SERVICE If you like our service tell your friends If not, tell us. DROP IN AND LET'S GET ACQUAINTED GAS, OILS AND GREASES, TIRES and TUBES +HE Claude Kellogg made a business [trip to Portland the latter part of last week. LITTLES, Proprietors While George Challis was driving truck home from Stanfield Mon- I dey night the lights suddenly went lout and George run off the highway I Into a barb wire fence, doing slight damage to the truck. W. 8 Casady I« building a new I chicken house on his ranch. Mr. I Cassidy will Increase his flock this I year and Is erecting the building so I that he will be able to house them. J. M. Biggs made a business trip I to Kennewick Saturday. F. B. Swayxa was a business | I visitor In Umatilla Tuesday. L i | «< Alexander of Pendleton, was town Wednesday attending a meeting of the board ot dlrctora ot the Firm National Bank. While here j he was a guest at the home of bis daughter, Mrs. E. P. Dodd. Xmas Gift Suggestions--A Care fully selected stock at right prices A WHOLE HOME AND YET CONSUMES ONLY AS MUCH COAI OR LESS, THAN IS NOW USED BY OLD FASHIONED METHODS TO HEAT ONE ROOM. This is the IDEAL VECTO HEA i £ .It THIS HEATER WILL BE DEMONSTRATED AND DISPLAYED SATURDAY, DECEMBER 12, IN THE WAREHOUSE OF THE HER- MIST0N PRODUCE A SUPPLY CO. Oregon Hardware & Irnpz. the ’f Y/NCff£ST£R atom * W e Carry a Complete Line of P IS T O N R IN G For All Makes of Cars And Stationary Engines Knerr's Repair Shop When In Pendleton— . Call in and let n i tell you in person what we can do for yoa at this Beauty Shop. A satisfied customer is our best advertise ment. Come and see for yourself. All the latest methods are used at this Beauty Shop and all work is done under sanitary conditions. SLOAN BONNET AND BEAUTY PARLORS Maroelling, Facial and Scalp Treatments are Our Specialties Smart and Exclusive M’lhnery at Most Reasonable Prices. 645 Main St., Pendleton, Ore. Telephone: 380 Open for Business in New Location NEXT TO SAPPERS’ HARDWARE A Few Good Second Hand Separators at the right price, and on very reason able terms. SAVE ON YOUR PURCHASES OF DOLLS AND TOYS All Toys, Dolls sad Toy Games, one-third off Regular Marked Priee BEST NIXED CANDY AT SOe This is fia t high grade hard eaady mix. only SOc per pouad. FULL LINN FRESH CHOCOLATES, RULE AND BOXED EXTRA FINE SALTED PEANUTS, M e; BLANCHED 50c 101 HAS BEEN PERFECTED WHICH WARMS, NOT ONE ROOM, BUT L H. BERRY & SON l ea t h e r goods n * . K COMPACT, SELF CONTAINED, BEAUTIFUL HEATING UNIT AMERICAN SHOE SHOP SMOKER'S STANDS AND SETS AMD CIGAR-A-DOR FOR DESK OR AUTO MEN’S PURSES AND BILL FOLDS SUIT CASES AND RAGS HAND BAG«. BOXES CLOCKS AND WATCHES KODAKS, $8.00 TO $88.00 BROWNIE CAMERAS, $8.00 TO $5 KODAK ALBUMS HOT WATER BOTTLES. $1.50 TO $4.00—BEST GRADES RAZORS—SAFETY— $1.00 a z u o n o i The Secret of Home Comfort for Homes and Other Buildings up to 8000 cubic feet Capacity IN OLD POSTOFFICE BUILDING PERFUMES, IMPORTED PERFUMES AND TOILET WATER SETS FACE POWDERS VANITY BOXES, LOOSE POWDER AND COMPACTS ..V . INCENSE AND BURNERS FOUNTAIN PENS—PARKER'S AND MOORE'S PENCIL AND FOUNTAIN K N SETS BOOKS, POPUIAR COPYRIGHT, 75c . STATIONERY MITCHELL DRUG COMPANY Ideal VECTO Heater We buy »ad Sell for Cash—Cream, Eggs, Poultry and Groceries L. H. BERRY & SON ( PHONE 111