Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1925)
THE HERMLSTOK HERALD, HZHjQgTOJr. QB38GOX ALL GROCERIES ARE BAR6AINS AT BURKE’S SALE CONTINUES! At Cost or Less Sale Reg. Price Price Boy« Union Suita ............................... . ......75c >1.35 Goat Hair gox, 40c............................... 2 for 75c 60c Two Rig Loaves of Bread............................ 25c Two pound cans Peanut Butter.................. 51c 60c Borden’s Milk, large...................................... 11c 15c Roast Beef, 12 oz cans.......- ........... 22c 30e Corned Beef, 12 oz cans ............................ 24c 30c Clam Chowder, 5 cans............ 51c 65c Lye Hominy, 5 cans.....................................51c 65c Campbell’s Soupg ..........................................11c 13c Campbell's Soups, 10 assorted....................1.05 1.25 Orated Pineapple, No. 2 cans..................20c 25c Grated Pineapple No. 2 cans ................. 24c 30c Sliced Pineapple No.. 3 cans.........................32c 40c Mecco Salmon, No. 1 cane......................... 25c 30c All Jello .................................. ......................10c 13c Jams, 1 pound cans, 3 cans.......................69c 75c 3 Jars Jelly ............................. .......................32c 45c Vienna Sausage, 2 for.................................... 25c 15c Deviled Meat ................................................ 05c 10c Barrel Molasses, 3 for.................................... 56c 75c One pound Jars Honey.................................. 19c 25c One-half gallon pails Honey...................... 78c 1.00 Sliced Beef, small Jars, 2 for..................... 25c 45c Sliced Beef, med. Jars, 2 for....................... 35c 45c Sliced Beef, large Jars, 2 for.................... 65c 80c Ripe Olives, large ....................................... 23c 30c Heinz Baked Beans, large........................ ...23c 30c Heinz Baked Beans, med. .................„ ......15c 20c Heinz Baked Red Beans ...............................15c 20c Quarts Apple Butter ...................................42c 60c Pints Apple Butter ........................................24c 30c 20 PER CENT OFF ALL BOTTLED GOODS. K. C. Baking Powder .................................. .43c 50c 25c K. C. Baking Powder ............................ 21c Schillings Baking Powder ......................2.15 2.50 Schillings Baking Powder ......................1.10 1.26 Schillings 1 pound Baking Powder..3 for 1.32 1.50 Royal Baking owdor ................................... 44c 60c Country Club Coffee, 1 lb........................... 48c 50c Royal Club Coffee, 1 lb................................51c 55c Corn Starch, 1 lb......................................... 11c 15c Gloss Starch 1 lb......................... 11c 15c 15c Kellogg’s Corn Flakes .............. 11c Puffed Wheat, 2 for................................... 26c 30c 90c Mothers Oats, Premium, 2 for................. 76c 40c Kerr’s Oats, package ................................... 34c 65c Kerr’s Oats, 9 pound sack............. a..........57c Pepp, 2 packages............................................25c 30c 45c I pound Pearl Barley, 3 for......................25c 70c 7 pounds Best Rice ..................................... 55c II pounds Best White Beans......................96c 1.10 10 pounds Best Red Beans.. ...91c 1.00 Bulk Cocoa, 5 pounds.................................. 32c 50c 25c Bulk Cocoa, 2 1-2 pounds for.................16c 25 pound box 40-60 Prunes........;............2.95 25 pound box Figs .................................. 2.70 4 cans Sun Bright Cleanser..................... 26c 3 cans Old Dutch Cleanser.................26c 2 Barrels Molasses ........................................37c 5 0c 30c Canary Bird Seed ............................. 2 for 25c Sifted Pea« ....................................... 5 cans 89c »1.25 NOTICE TOR FUIICATI0N Department of t|ie Interior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, Nor. 30, 1925. Notice Is hereby given that Ed ward Kunze, of Boardman, Oregon, who, on Dec. 14,1920 made Home stead Entry No. 021468 for WH NBU being Unit ’’B” Umatilla pro ject, Townzhlp 4 North, Range 26 East Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make final three year proof, to establish claim to the land above d&scrlbed before C. G. Slayden, United States Com missioner at Boardman, Oregon, on the 11th day of January, 1926. Claimant names as witnesses: W. A. Price, Calvin Erwin, Claud Meyers, Paul Smith, all of Boardman, Oregon. I | I ' J. W. DONNELLY, R egister.' LOOK OUT FOR SELF POISONING Neglect of the liver results In self poisoning! Not so quickly, perhaps, but Just as surely as It you drank poison out of a bottle .If your liver Is not doing <ts work of hoping diges tion. eliminating waste from the bowels and purifying the blood, you will always be troubled with sick headaches, nausea, biliousness, bad breath, gas, tour stomach or conattpa tlon. Cleanse and tone your llverl Put your system In eonditlon so you feel your very beat again! Try Just a spoonful of Dr. H. S. Thacher’s ex cellent Liver and Blood Syrup after the next few meals snd notice the quick Improvement In the way you eat, sleep, look and feel — the relurn of strength, vigor and energy. You will be completely satisfied; other wise there will be no cost, FREE! This Coupon ii Good foi Sample Bottle Dr. Thacher’t Liver A Blood Syrup If presented before the supply for free dlstrlbtlon Is elieady give* away. Read the full deal Is above, then act at, aa this offer Is limited. Get a trial size now by presenting this coupon to Mitchell Drug Company. OHE DAT ONLY—FINE DISPLAY On December l»ih , Saturday be fore Christmas, will be shown a fine display of hats, coats and dresses tor women and mtsseu. Hermiston produce A Supply Company, i 'f t I HERMISTON, ORE. HERMISTON ORE. Sale Reg. • ' . Price Price ALL CANNED FRUIT 25 PER CENT OFF. 3 lb Cans Crescent Baking Pow.................70c 80c Ladles’ Cotton Hose, black............2 for 25c 20c Ladles' “Kid Boots”......... .................. ...... »2.25 »3,50 Gun Powder Tea ....................................... ....42c 60c English Breakfast Tea ...............................42c 60o 2 pounds 20-Mule Team Borax....................25c 35c Large Sea Foam ....... 2le 30c Large Bar-None ............................................33c 40c Steam Refined Borax, 4 for.......~................30c 10 Rose Cream, 6 for........................................25c 30c Pay Day, 6 f o r ............................................... 25c 30c Ivory, 3 for ....................................................24c 30c Crystal White, 23 bars for ..................... 1.00 1.15 Sunny Monday, 27 bars for.......................... 1.00 1.3$ Dried eas, 9 pounds for............................... 79c 1.00 5 pounds White Karo Corn Syrup .........46c 65c 5 pounds Dark Karo Corn Syrup ............ 41c 50c 5 pounds Mapellne ..................................... 67c 70c Carton Winner Matches ..............- ..............25c 30c 45c Diamond Matches ........................................37c One quart Fly Spray ...................................95c 1.25 10 cent Ink Tablets, 3 for..........................25c 30c 10 cent Pencil Tablets, 3 for........;......... 25c 30c 5 cent Pencil Tablets, 6 for...................... 25c 15c 5 cent Pencil Tablets, unruled, 3 for...,10c 3 Five Cent Pencils ......................................10c 15c 6 3-for-5c Pencils....................... 5c Ball Blue, 3 boxes....................................... 43c 60c No. 2 Lamp Chimneys ............. 32c 40c 20c No. 2 Lantern Globes ................ 14c No, 2 Lamp Wicks, dozen .........................15c ALL ALUMINUM WARE AT COST. Amalzo Oil, quarts ........................................51c 65c Bon Ami Powder .......................................... 12c 16c Mustard Sardines, 3 for................................. 25c 30c 4 5c Olive Oil Sardines,3 for...............................35c 30c Smacks, 3 for ................................................ 25c 60c No-Rub Naptha, 12 for ...............................49c ALL EXTRACTS 30 PER CENT OFF. BULK SPICES ONE-HALF PRICE. Nutmeg ............................................................12c 15c Cinnamon ........................................................ 12c 15c Pepper .............................................................. 08c 10c 4 pound pall Premium Lard .. ..1.05 1.25 2 pound pall Premium Lard ..................55c 65c 1 pound package Puffed Raisins........12 l-2c 15c 4 lbs. Raisins, Mkt. Day Special................ 36c 50c Best Granulated Sugar, 14 pounds....1.V0 25c Large Bottle Bluing ....................... 16c Noodles, etc., 3 packages...............................25c 30c Arm and Hammer Soda, 3 for.................25c 30c Sun Klst Tomatoes, large, S, P., 5 for........99c 1.25 Royal Red Tomatoes, S P„ 6 cans for....99c 1.20 Golden Sweet Corn, 6 cans for.................1.05 1.50 Palace Car Peas, 5 for..............................99c 1.25 Palace Car Corn, 6 for.............................. ..96c 1.25 60c Sauer Kraut, No. 3, 3 for.....................4 6c One lb. Tin Cups Peanut Butter, 3 for.,67c 90c Sea Port Peas, 6 cans for......... . ........ ..... 1.00 1.20 Corn ...............................................«...6 cans 98c »1.20 100 Linen Fin. Envelopes..........................21c 40 60c 100 Linen Fin. Rest Grade Envelopes...36c ■ ■ I 'Vet X ■' I T YOU have never been to >»-•», F A California it should be the < 0 .A y effort o f your life to go. T'ic î £ i c W ill gladly furnish ycu illustrated booklets giving com yle.e inftxroatioa about this land where the sun m ast of the tim e cod where you can enjoy out-of C oot life all the lim e. Convenient train connections cither via P ortland or S a l t L a k i C ity a t very reasonable round trip fares. L et us help you plan your itinerary, q u o t e you fares, and m ake all ycur arrange- WMTlt&a C. Woughter, Agent, If their egg laying ability is property developed your poultry in vestment can be made a mighty interesting one. U se the Best Methods Chickens must be scientifically fed and properly housed in mod ern, well ventilated, sanitary houses. , Eggs and Chickens are Valuable but you can increase your profits without adding materially to the expense. PLANS SPECIFICATIONS ARD SCI1” T i n e r~T C T A FREE TO CUSTOMERS. Make Your Poultry Pay Pie i i; $8.25 FOR 30x3 1-2 STANDARD CORD TIRES Profit* Uaad Empire Lumber 0 Phone 331 " The Yard of Best Qualitv ” H. M. STRAW. MGR Exulmve Representatives of National Built - ! ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ a ». There is not a better bar gain on the market today then these tires. W e were able to contract for them before the raise in price and for this reason can sell them at the above figure. BIACK & WHITE GARAGE Where Service And Quality Are Paramount NOTICF! Starting Monday, Nov. 9 ALL MEATS WILL BE STRICTLY CASH All old bills must be by the 15th p a in Starting, Monday, Nov. 9 A ll deliveries will be sent out C. O. D. IERMISTON MA k k WE WELCOME TROUBLE IF IT IS STORAGE BATTERY TROUBLE GO TO THE BUTCHER FOR BACON, GO TO THE BAKER FOR BREAD. BUT IF IT IS BATTERY TROUBLE, N E W WINTER RED CROWN’ COME TO US INSTEAD. WE ARE GROWING day by day. That la please our customer, with the kind of vulcanizing* work Vro da Our up-to-date vulcanizing machines together with good matrlala and workmanship turns out a first elaaa Job. Buy Jewelry at Burk’s SUCCESSOR TO WM. H. OGDEN ROOSTERS’ WIVES ARE PROFITABLE Hermiston, Oregon They Are Not A Cheap Tire In Quality STANDARD O IL COMPANY (CgMweh) la a a e ^ , Watches, Clocks, Rings, Chains, Pins, Bracelets, Necklaces, Vanity Cases, Cuff Buttons, Silverware, Purses, Safety Razors, Stationery AMD NUMEROUS OTHER GIFT ITEMS CHAS. G. BURK Hermiston, Ore. ■ I I 3 ■ V Representatives of the WILD TOC The quickest-start ing, full-powered gas oline that ever pro* pelted a car. On sale at the “ Red C row n” sign. »■■■i ■ VULCANIZING PACIFIC TIRE COMPANY 20«% E Alta S t Pendleton, On. Don’t trust your battery to unskill* ed hand* when MASTER HANDS are available. Schimke Battery Station HERMISTON, OREGON THIS IS THE PLACE If you want your Auto Top Repaired or Recovered A New Set of Side Curtains A Tent Made to Order OR ANYTHING IN THE HARNESS CANCER SPECIALIST ABRAM METHOD OF BLOOD TESTING AND TREATMENT Dr. B. B. Brundage PENDLETON, OREGON W. I, GADWA, Pendleton, Ore. « • a ■ : a ■ ■ s « u t