Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 15, 1925)
(The Wnmafcm Wratò •e «a No. 6 D U T Y , OREGON, OR HERMOSTON, OMATULA CO THURSDAY, OCTO BER 15. 1925 ▼OL. XX THIRTEENTH ANNUAL SHOW DECLARED BEST GIVEN Happy Day’s animal show fur At the close ot the dance Saturday night the thirteenth annual Hog and nished the free attraction for both days. The dogs were well trained Dairy «how passed into history. T*he board of directors and others and their capers and antics evoked connected with the show promised laugh after laugh during the per a hatter and bigger event this year formance. The main attraction for both af and all those who attended will vouch for the statement that they ternoons was Mrs. Callahan’s dancing made their word good. There was pupils. A moveable platform waa entertainment galore for both young placed In frone of the grand stand end old and these features, a long and the back and side wings decor felt need of the show, contributed ated with bows and shrubbery that In a large measure towards its suc- i gave It a woodland effect. A good rwa. There was not adull moment I many who were unable to procure a f-o m the opening event until the Beat In the grandstand gathered ’»et «train of the music at the dance, around the platform for a better which closed the festivities, had died view of the performance as they away. Those in charge of the show danced about with perfect rythm and grace to the music deaerve a great deal of credit for and ♦heir labors. They willingly gave furnished by the orchestra and -band. of their time in order to maks the It proved a big drawing card as pre a »fair interesting and enjoyable for dicted and Mrs. Callahan and her ♦h»lr neighbors and outside visitors. pupils contributed In no small meas Difficulties which would have ure to the unusual success of the stomped moet people, in connection thirteenth annual show. Rosella with some of the amusements, arose Matott, the youngest dancer on the at the last moment and waB straight program, scored a big hit with the ened out only after a good deal of crowd. The little girl Is an acro time and effort had been put forth bat and dancer from her wee • „ ..„revel the tangles. The merry- toes to the top of her dainty head -„. -oond refused to set up until its and if the natural talent which sho owner was guaranteed a certain sum has is developed as she grow«_ older Of money. The kiddies had been her career in thig line of work should prcmled this feature and it would be assured. On Friday Hermiston high and never do to disappoint them so a contract was signed containing the the second football team from Pen stipulation of the guarantee While dleton high tangled on the local en route to Hermiston from Port gridiron. The .gamle lacked Inter land a part which was necessary for est inasmuch as the Pendleton aggre Its operation was lost from the truck gation was outclassed in every way. and upon arrival here it begin to Hermiston took the visitors into look like the merry-go-round would camp by a score of 32 toO. Friday night the local post of b-ve to be dispensed with. However ♦he entertainment committee \ ex- the American Legion staged a smok p’ained to the owner that it was up er in the Legion theatre. A large to him to make good and after tele crowd attended and witnessed some phoning and making various trips fast and furious boits. The first to different points it was set up and bout was between Eugene Parks put into operation. When those re- and Floyd Pierce, two miniature fig p.-nsll !e for the merry-go-round hters. The two little fellows did not heard the shouts of childish glee wait for the gong to sound but and observed the youngsters crowd started right in to mix it the mom ing around the swing Jostling each ent they crawled through the ropes. other in an endeavor to catch the Both of them would at times let go vprscs and carriages for the next a big healthy swing and fall to the M« they felt amply repaid for all floor from the force of them, much heir trouble, even if they did have to their consternation and surprise. to nay out a little money, the amount This drew a good many laughs from ken In not equaling the guarantee, the crowd and the youngsters was ,t was well worth the price. The given a big hand when they were erry-go-round will no doubt be a lifted from the ring. The next fight was Smith versus 'cature of the show every year.- At an ealy hour Friday morning Smith, both boys weighing 160 farmers from the county and visi pounds. The younger Smith swung tors from other sections of the some swift blows to the beak and county began to arrive in this city. chin of the older Smith that could The morning was spent in visiting hardly be called brotherly taps. This the different booths and stalls that go was declared a draw. The boy that took the real beating contained the farm and live stock of the evening and suffered more exhibits. If there was any who lfad the least punishment than all the rest of the bit of doubt concerning the produc participants combined was Whitey tiveness of the Umatilla project Cox when he met Red Woodard In a when It comes to diverisified farming four round fracas. Cox Is Just and the raising of vegetables and about ag tough as you can find other farm products it muBt have [hem and if he hadn't have been he been dispelled when they cast their could not have withstood the rain <JI eyes on the exhibits. It was enough punches that landed on everything to make any resident swell with out hig gloves. Woodard drew blood pride an ddemonstrates the wonder the first round with a sock to the ful possibilities the project affords oeezer and kept It coming during along this line. All of the exhib [he three remaining spasms. Cox its were arranged very tastefully managed to get in a few blows now and this feature of the show alone and then but they were Ineffective was worth traveling miles to view. and Woodard was awarded the decis The livestock exhibit was also ion. Both weighed 140 pounds. good and one after visiting this de Toughy Kennings of Hermiston now partment ot the show could see why knows what it is like to hear the Hormlston has the right of putting tweet tweet of the birds and the forth her claim of being the home tinkie tinkle of little bells In the ot the world’s best dairy cattle. distance, for Bill Knight of Irrigon The poultry exhibit, although not put him to sleep in the third round as large as last year, was one of the of a scheduled four round go. In finest on the ground. It showed the second round Toughy was knock that a lot of time had been used to ed down and wae saved from being plan and arrange the exhibit. It counted out by the bell, the referee was Indeed a rare and inspiring counting nine at the Up. In the sight to poultry fanciers. fall Kennings hit his head on the The woman’s exhibit was one of floor of the ring and he wag groggy the best ever gathered together for no doubt more from the effects of the event. A description tof this the tail man trom tne actual oiow department appears elsewhere in When they came up for the third these columns round Knight landed a right to the In the afternoon of the first day chin and Toughy took the count. a record breaking crowd passed Knight is a fast little scrapper and through the gates. There was twice is fast developing Into a fighter that as many paid admissions on the will make it tough for anyone of first day this year tha nlast year. his weight who enter* the ring with The opening event on the program him. Both weighed 128 pounds. tor the afternoon was the appearance Bull Hamman and Wildcat Wood of Quen Hois Jackson and her at ward was next on the card. Wood tendants, Edna Wisenor, lorene ward did most of the fighting dur Lomax. «Nancy MeNaught. Isabelle ing the last three rounds while Dodd and Anna Stephens of Umatilla. , Hamman wa, busy covering up try The queen and her attendants were ing to ward them off. Woodward on horseback and County Agent Fred led the fight all of the way and wa* Bennion, who acted as announcer, 1 given the decision at the end of introduced her Majesty and the lad ¡the last round. The main event of les 1* waiting. A special box In the the evening, a six round go be grandstand decorated witb bunting tween Frenchy Smith of Irrigon had been set apart, and was waiting and Kid Thomas a Filipino of Pen to receive the girls, apd from this the dleton. was a fight that will long queen and her attendant« viewed the ■ be remembered by the fans who events In the arena and In front of Attended. The boy* are evenly the grand stand. Both days the ap matched In every way and have aa pearance of her Majesty and ladles j ranch love lor each other a* two wae the signal for a round of hearty • fld eat* with their tall* tied to applause fro ® KSMfcl bac subjects. g e th e r. The tw n went after eneh other tooth and nail and mixed It in a manner that kept the fans on the edge of their seats all through the go. In the Becond round Frenchy pulled a stunt that lowered him a hundred per cent in the es timation of the crowd. In this round he walked from the center of the ring over to where Thomas’ seconds were standing and hit one of them a wallop In the jaw. Aftdr thia unsportsmanlike conduct on his part moat of the fans present would have liked to see Thomas knock him for a row of sauce dishes. In the past Frenchy has stood in good with the fans but a repetition of his actions at the fight here he will be ready for the boneyard so far as fighting Is concerned. Most everyone en joys a good scrap but they want to see the participants fight clean. The fight was declared a draw. Joe Udey acted as referee. After the smoker there waB a dance at the Hermiston auditorium. The Legion also sponsored this event. As an added attraction Friday there was calf riding for boys and a mule race. The show this year was the best ever presented by the association and the good that It accomplished cannot be estimated In dollars and cents. Following Is the list of prizes awarded m the various epartments; Division A— Dairy Cattle Registered Jerseys Bull, 3 years or over, Jersey Breeders’ Assn. Bull, 2 years and under 3, F. M. Guiwits. Bulls, 1 year and under 2, R. E. McFalls, first, Association second, A. W. Agnew third. Cow, 4 years or. over, L. C. Todd, F. M. Gulwlts. Heifer 18 months and over, Lor en Jackson, F. M. Gulwlts, Clint. Jackson, Logan Todd. Heifers 1 year and under 18 months, Loren Jackeon, A. W. Ag new, L. C. Dyer, George BeJsse. Helfer under 1 year, Walther Ott, L. C. Todd, F. M. Gulwlts, A. W. Agnew. • Grade Cattle Cow 4 years or over, L. C. Todd, H. E. Hahby, L. C. Todd. Cow 3 years and under 4, L. C. Dyer, Clint Jackson. Cow under 3 years, Logan Todd, C. W. Tilden, L. C. Dyer. Helfer 1 year or over, C. W. Til den, L. C. Dyer. Helfer under 1 year, L, C. Todd, L. C. Dyer. C. W. Tilden. Get of sire 4 animals, any age, either sex. E. L. Jackson, A. W. Ag new, L, C. Todd. Special Entry Holstein hulls. D. H. Prindle. Holstein cows, T. H. Haddox. Boys’ and Girls’ Club Jersey calf club, Walther Ott, Lor en Jackson, Robert Bennett, Thomas Lenhart, Mildred Pardee. Holstein calf club, Owen Hunt, Lowell Stockard, Chas. Hunt, Carl Haddox. Division B— Swine Duroc Jersey Best boar, 1 year or over, B. E. Anderson. Best boar under 1 year, George Strohm, Oscar Mlkesell. Best sow, 1 year.or over, Oscar Mlkesell, P. P. Sullivan, L. E. Sul livan. WOMEN’S DEPARTMENT AT Best sow under 1 year, flBwr Mike- play of aparlan products, Buhman TWO F ARM HOUSES SHOW EXCEEDS FORMER ONES Bros. Jens, Shovbo. BURNS DURING WEEK sell, George Strohm. Best display of cooked products Four hogs, either sex, any age, get of one sire, Oscar .Mlkesell, Geo. conslsting of both food and candy, peter Norquist and W. C. Isom Dwell- Display Was Attractive!? Arranged using honey instead of sugar, Mrs. • ¡ngj Destroyed in Store Building in Downtown Strohm. W. G. Rodda. I --------- District and Visited By Many- ~ Poland China Division E— Farm Products I Two farm houses in this vicinity Best boar 1 year or over, H. J. The women’s department of tha Best one farm display, Mrs. S. L .’caught fire and burned to the ground Stillings. Dairy and Hog show waa a great suc- Best boar under 1 year, Thomas Carson, W. J. Logan & Son, A. W. during the past week. Agnew. Pete Norquist's house In the Col- cess thlg year surpassing any previous Lenhart. H. J. Stillings. Potatoes, Rural type, 45 pounds, umbia district was destroyed by exhibit In this division. Mrs, F. M. Best sow, 1 year and over, H. J. A. D. Smith, Geo. Btrohm, S. flames about seven o’clock Saturday Gulwlts was appointed superlntend- Stillings. Carson. ¡night. All of the family were in ent by the board and wag assisted Best sow under 1 year Thos. Len Potatoes. Netted Gem, 4 5 pounds, town at the time of the fire. The by Mesdames F. P. Phipps, L, C. hart. H. J. Stillings. Tilford Still A. D. Smith, G. Strohm, Baxter Hut. household goods and other effects In Dyer, J. S. Dyer, H. Shesely. F. ings. ' the house were lost. There was Bilderback and Isom. Best sow and litter farowed under chlnson. Corn, 15 ears, W. E. Logan, W. J. some insurance carried upon the, Owing to the value and delicacy of 10 weeks, H. J. Stillings. many articles on display it was de- Four hogs, elter sex, any age, the Logan A Son, Baxter Hutchinson, dwelling. Corn, 12 stalks, W. J. Logan & Wednesday morning the W, C .' elded to exhibit in an up town build- get of one sire, H. J. Stillings. 1 Isom home north of town was burn- ing instead of in the tent at the Best 3 fat barrows, any breed or Son. Squash, 2, Mrs, S. L. Carson, W. ed to the ground ag in the case of fair gounds, and the warehouse of cross breed, Tilford Stillings, Geo. J. Logan & Son. the Norquist house there was no one the Hemlston Produce A Supply Co. Strohm, Stock beets, carrots or mangels. ' home at the time. Men drove out was used. The display of hand- Best single barrow, any breed or cross breed, Tilford Stillings, George Leonard Nation, H. W. Loudermilk, ¡from town to the scene of the fire work was attractively placed, and Onions, 30 pounds, Earl Carson, land carried out articles of furniture was from Boardman and Irrigon as Strohm. Mrs. S. L. Carson, W. J. Logan A and clothing. According to reporta well as fom Hermiston and vicin Special Premiums I no insurance was carried. ity. Entries were also made by the Grand champion boar, Thos. Len Son. girls sewing clubs from Milton- Wheat Special— W. J Logan A ' -------------------------- hart. Freeweater, Columbia and Mtnne- Grand champion sow, Thos. Len Son, ribbon. haba. Several beautiful artlclea Barley Special— L. E. Sullivan, hart. , were entered for display that were ribbon, W. J. Logan & Son, ribbon. Division C—Sheep ribt eligible for prizes. These added Milking Contest Ram any age, Experimental sta Pet, T. H. Haddox, owner, first: tion, George Strohm. Mrs. Ella Grim, for a number of much to the attactlveness of the Ewe, over 1 year, Experimental Fay, Gerald Haddox owner, second; years a restdent of Irrigon, paged room as did the exceptionally fine station, W. E. Logan. ¡Star. T. H. Haddox owner, third; away laRt Friday morning. Funeral display of flowers. Jellies, pickles, canned fruit, cann Ewe, under 1 year, ‘Experimental : Blossom, Clint Jackson owner. services were held at the Grim home fourth; Bonny, N. B. Whitford ow Sunday afternoon andinterment took ed vegetables and cakes, pies cook Station, W. J. Logan and son. ies and loaves of bread were shown Pen of four lambs either sex, get ner, fifth. place at the Irrigon cemetery. in generous quantities and called Division E— Women’s Dept. of 1 ram, bred and owned by the Loaf of white bread, Mrs. A. W. exhibitor, H. J. Stillings. The Wadsworth store was burglar forth much interest, as did an en Flock, 1 ram over 1 year, ewe Agnew, Mrs. Nick Faler, Boardman. ized again Sunday -night, entrance try of food p’-oducts sweetened with Loaf Cake, Mrs. T, H. Haddox, being made by unlocking the front honey in place of sugnr. over 1 year and ewe lamb, Experi Judges were Mrs. Fred Bennion, Miss Imogene Paul. mental station. door. About 310 in money was Layer cake, entry open only to taken. Mrs. Jack Alien and Mrs. Ralph Pen of 4 fat Iambs, H. J. Still girls under 18 years, Miss Anna 'tas-ell. all of Pendleton. ings. Gaither. Best fat lamb, H ,J. Stillings. Gerty Graybeal and her brother Rolled cookies, Miss M. B. Gui- “Happy” made a trip to Hermiston COMMUNITY CLUB Division D— Poultry White Leghorn, old pen, L. CS. wits. Sunday. i l l ' WILL MEET OCT. 20 Applt pi?. Miss Florence Wough- Dyer. White Leghorn, young pen, Grace ter, Mrs. Richards. A pleasant little social affair took The next regular meeting of the Canned fruit, 5 Jars, three or place at the church on Tuesday eve Elliott, Mrs. Haddox. Community club will be held Oct. Rhode Island Reds, pen any age, more varieties. Miss M. B. Guiwits, ning when Batie Rand’s team was 11. Thl8 meeting will be rather un- Dr. Beletskl, Margaret Blanchett. Mrs. A. W. Agnew. entertained at a weiner roast as the usua, but ve,.y m tlng for tM. tlm< Canned vegetables, 5 jars, 3 or result of having won the congest Barred Rocks, pen any age, Mrs. of the year being entirely a nature F. L. Jewett, Mrs. H. M. Sommerer.' more varieties. Miss M. B. Guiwits, for new members n the Y. P. S. progiam. Mi*. Swayze will give a All other breeds, pen any age, Mrs. Joe Udey. paper on “Autumn Coloring in Trees Pickles, 5 Jars or bottles, three or Mrs. F. H. Reiks, Ida Ulman, Geo. While Raymond Allen was on hi J ” Mrs. Shesley a paper more vareities, Mrs. Fred Rteks, Ir way to school Monday morning h Gould. on "Refoietrastlon” and Mrs. Baker Ducks, pen any age, Esther Belet rigon, Mrs. W. G. Rodda. was struck by an auto on the high jn "The M’glatlon of Birds.” These Jelly, 5 glasses, three or more var way. Quite a bad gash was made skl. L. E. Sullivan. should he interesting to everyone and Geese, 1 gander 2 gese, L. E. Sul ieties, Mrs. Fred Rieks Irrigon, Mrs. in the back of his head which neces we . e xtending a cordial invitation A. W. Agnew. livan. sitated his being taken to Umatilla to the public. Division B— Women’s Dept. Turkeys, 1 male 2 hens, W. A.. for medical attention. The Injury Sewing and Millinery Mlkesell,. Donald De Moss. is not serious. FIRST REGULAR MEETING OF Ladles wash dress, Miss M, B. Best dozen white eggs, L. C. Dyer. Best dozen bown eggs, M|y. S. Guiwits, Mrs. Frank Woughter. Bishop Wisdom has installed quite PARENT-TFACHER ASSOCIATION Display of practical home made a large radio set. He has been able L. Carson, Dr Beletskl. garments, 5 or more articles, Mrs.F. to tune in on stations as far distant The Paretn-Teacher association Boys’ and Girls’ Club C, McKenzie, Mrs. Will Stokes. Pen of 4 hens, Alice Dyer. aB Calgary, Can., and San Antonio, will hold Its first regular meeting Sewng and Millinery rhursay afternoon at 3 o'clock, Oct. Pen of 4 pullets and cockerel, Reta Texas. Display of infants garments, 3 22. In the school auditorium. • Dyer, Alice Dyer, Gertrude Hall. The following program has been Boys’ and Girls’ Beekeeping Club or more articles, Mrs. F. C. McKen Prof. Kraus and family were visi Best Exhibit. Lowell Stockard, zie, Mrs. J. J, Gimble. tors to Pendleton and the Hermiston arranged: Child’s dress, size 2 to 8 years, fair last Saturday. Clement Stockard, Sherlock Stock llnging, Patriotic Airs..................... Mrs. J. F. Gorham, Boardman. ard. .................Led by Girls’ Glee Club Knitted sweater, Miss Laura Pomona grange meets here next Calisthenics.................Seventh Grade Division D— Honey Specimen comb honey, no less than Phipps. Saturday. A large countrywide at Report on Girls and Boys Club Knitted scarf, Mrs. Thoa. Camp tendance Is expected. 24 pounds, A. E. Wattenberger, Buh Governor Work at state Fair..Oscar Mlkesell bell, Mrs. F. P. Phipps. man Bros. Pierce has agreed to deliver an ad A good attendance Is desired. Display crochet, 3 or more arti dress in the afternoon. Specimen extracted honey, not less than 24 pounds, H. W. Louder cles, Mr. Joe Dyer, Mrs. Guy Cronk. M0THERS AND DAUGHTERS Display of embroidery, 3 or more All roads will lead to Irrigon on milk, Buhman Bros. BANQUET OCTOBER 28 Specimen beeswax, not less than articles, Mrs. H. Shesley, Mrs. Henry Saturday evening, Oct. 31, as the blgi carnival will take place that 10 pounds, Buhman Bros., H. W. Young. A mothers and daughter’s banquet Appllqued bedspread, Mrs. Grace night. Loudermilk. will be held In the Methodist church Single comb necleus 3 banded Macomber, Boardman, Mrs. W, A. (Received too late for publication Wendeday evening, October 28, at 7 Italian bees, Buhman Bros., W. G. Mlkesell. P. M. Girls under 18 In last week's Issue) Rod da, This ls a community affair and Knitted Sweater, Miss Nancy Me Mrs. Ella Grimm has been quite Single comb necleus golden Ital all mothers and «laughters of the Naught. ill this week. It is hoped by all ian bees. Jens Skovbo. 'own and surrounding country are Knitted scarf, Miss Laura Phipps. that she will Improve soon. Largest and moat attractive dis- ---- ■ — 1 i . cordially invited to attend. An ex- Mr. C. W. Caldwell, an old resi '■eptlonally good time Is assured for dent of Irrigon, died the moning of Sept. 31. The funeral services wer„ the commlttee ®re «ran gin g held at the Caldwell horn In Irri- 1 f,ne Pro«r"m- Motherless daughters and daugh- gon and the remains were sent to tarless mothers are especially urged Eugene for burlai. to borrow one and come. They’re N ot A ll in Pittsburgh A contest Is being held between I he members of the Irrigon young DISECTOR OF RECLAMATION ECONOMICS VISITS PROJECT people’s society, the contest to close Octobefr- 11. The losing! side will entertain the winners with a wein Mr. Andrew Weiss, assistant dir er roast later. ector of Reclamation Economics, bureau of Reclamation, Denver, Col- Violet Knight, who won a trip irado, passed through Hermiston re. to the State Fair, returned home cently. He was on his way to Saturday and reports having a fine Madras, Oregon, where his head i time. quarters will he while he reviews -ondltlons on the North Unit of The party which was given for the Deschuten project. His plans the winning side of the Country '•al’s for a re i to Hermiston later Gentleman contest SatuiWay 'night at which t h - will study the proved to be quite a success. Every- , „cononi,c r i -r ♦♦■„ Umatilla one reported having a fine time and rapid« d' co p w .n t. It is c'aimed delicious refreshments were served •-y the Ifes-.ll"' ta '♦ Association by the committee. c - ’y that t’ ? Cr«’ r re . ■ » g pi o'-’-ms. with f -! r Mrs. Albert Allen has returned whll ire • ' ’ t tha t i “ elr | to Irrtgon to make her home this pro, - I’s * ilb....... b- ’-.>►-<• Into winter, having moved Into one of most ca-'- Ur. rot r--'- r—lawtBT Mrs. Wadsworth’s houses. The re the enrlneerlr- ’-.ta , i-it lt< c .u d l--g turn of this family adds 5 pupils to settle- qnt and f - -on.- ic prob- the school. lemc connected the: .1’ Mr. Chss. Stewart Jia-t his two brothers from Idaho visiting him DATFS I 0R “TEN COMMAM1MFNTS’’ CHANGED (his week. The Ten Commani'inants, acknowl. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Graybeal were!pdged by moving picture critics to called lo Pendleton last week on ac- b(, , he ye#r>|| count fo the Illness of their son. do„, w,„ b„ „hown at , he 1^<lon Frank Graybeal. He has Improved thentr<. j 0_ 31 and now and has gone back to his o f-’ , Th)g p|ctur„ was originally ' advertised for October 18. 17 and ¡18. but owing lo a conflict and a big B«< rtani.l a« for S a r e»»h or tro d , for heney demand for the production, s l« t*r er.oodw'or'otlier or White Leehors sob««*. Jebs Leak. IH s U le e s e n h «4 tews. d ,te 1 t0 b »UbetttUted.