Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (July 2, 1925)
« A fle ft j t ir. LOCAL AND PEKSONAL • BREVITIES • S om eth in g N ew Bring in Tour Films O'—.... ... la ts n s t GtaaaaU H a n - 4 Ih sse A bsat l b . a t » U d ■ Lily P icnic Pa .k a g e , co n 'I I' 0 O K E G O jr . SPECIA L J R ed Star and F lorence A u to m a tic OIL ST O V E S Mr». Ed. Parr and son Clifford of Hoquiam. Washington, mother of Mr». Herbert Shealey. left .Monday morning for their home after a few days here with her daughter. Mr. Shealey will accompany them ag far a« Olympia and from there will go to Seattle. tains 3 5 p ieces, 2 5 c PO R TO JELLY FR U IT - Star and Florence Automatic Oil Stoves. f in is h in g d e p a r t m en t, th ro u g h u p -to -d a te Bottle makes 8 glasses of jelly PO R TO Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Tilden motor ed to Prineville Wednesday to attend 1 the American Legion state conven tion that was In session the latter' part of last week. For Iced Drinks--All Flavors You cannot afford to cook ove,- * hot range when you can get oil stoves of this quality at such low prioes. m eth o d s and e q u ip m en t and ex p ert h a n d lin g , can h elp y o u g e t th e k in d o f Mrs. C. E. Boyd and daughter Mary and Mrs. Ball and two daughters. I Evelyn and Margaret, of Taft, Cali fornia. are visiting at the Slg Davis 1 home. The two ladies are old I schoolmates of Mrs. Davis. RED STAR DETROIT VAPOR........ 3 Burner___ _____________ . $40.00 BED STAR DETROIT VAPOR--...... 4 Burner....... . ....................... $48.00 RED STAR DETROIT VAPOR......... 6 Burner Range. . . . . . . . . . . . _$75.00 RED STAR DETROIT VAPOR-...... ® Burner Range.................... $92.50 FLORENCE AUTOMATIC.................... 2 Burner.................................. $18.50 FLORENCE AUTOMATIC................... 3 Burner........... ........................ $24.00 FLORENCE AUTOMATIC.............. 4 Burner ............................... $30.00 p ictu res y o u want. T o u se a sla .ig -x p r es- sio n : “ W e ’re th ere * . fin ish .” the MITCHELL DRUG COMPANY Hermiston, Oregon 2 0 Per C ent C ash D isco u n t BUSINESS LOCALS Marlon McKee of Wasco, has ac- Sea C. D. Porter for all kinds of cepted a position with the Mitchell ingurance. At Dodd.g offflce. 21. tfe Drug Co. In this city. 1 We are giving Special Bargains Vane Boynton is now driving a every Saturday. See our ad- in ' new Chevrolet coupe purchased re- this issue. Oregon Hdw. & Impi. Co. centty. STORE CLOSED -ALL DAY- % SATURDAY, JULY 4 O tto C. P ierce K I N G S L E Y ’S H E R M IS T O N 'S H O U S E O F B. Hammer and daughter Bessie I left the latter part of last week for Dayton, Washington, where they vis ited Mr. Hammer’s parents, return ing Monday of this week. IN C . Q U A L IT Y Bud and Lou Hooker and Dick Upham left last week for a two weeks camping trip on the John, Canfield ranch near Ukiah. They made the trip on horseback, using a pack horse to carry their' equtp- ment. A N D S E R V IC E " Screen Doors and Box Factory Wood We w ill have a car o f box fa c tory wood th e la st w eek o f June. L et us know b efore th is car ar rives if you w an t som e o f this cheap fuel. Our Screen Door stock is com p lete. T h ese doors are m ade w ith 16 m esh w ires. T h is is a very fine w ire th at w ill k eep out m osqu itoes and gn ats. Be sure to see th e se b efore buying. «. Joe Norton and Raymond Crowder j left Thursday night for Prineville ] where they attended the state con- ¡ventlon of the Amercan Legion. ¡They both report t good time and emphatically state that Prineville •‘knows their stu ff’ when It comes | to entertainment and putting on a show that’s dif.t tent. Crowded went ag a delegate from Hermiston Post number 37. Materially Youre , Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. R. A. Brownton, Mgr. j B. S. Kingsley is a business visi tor in I’f rmiston this week. He states that Earl is steadily improv ing from hig recent illness. Jess Goff was In Hertniston Fri day and exhibited some samples of Hard Federation wheat which he had taken from his field in the Holdman district. The wheat on the light lands of the Holdman dis trict has done well this year and Mr. Goff states that it will be ready to harvest in ten days. Rev. Young and family left Mon day for an outing at Wallowa lake, Russell Blessing accompanied them. Mrs. R. A. White, Mrs. S. J. Mc- Keen and Misg Ada Soneson were dinned guests at the W A. Leath ers home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Samuels. Poitland, were guests Sunday the O. C. Pierce home. These prloes stated are the Regular Retal Prices on the Stoves in the Northwest, but in ord.r to reduce our stock ws have decided to make this Big Reduction. O ur I Misg Goldie Mumma. who la a I teacher In the Portland schools. Is 'visiting her mother In this city. Miss i Mumma expects to leave soon for Bremerton and Seattle and from j there to Seaside for a vacation. 25c lAl * During the month of July we will allow 20 per oent discount for Cash on our entire stock of Red Oregon Hardware & Imp]. Co. LOOK OUT FOR SELF POISONING Many men dig their graves with their teeth. Constipation 1« a ter rible curse. Stagnant decayed mat ter In, the stomach and bowels may cause serious trouble. Take HOL Neglect of the liver results in self LISTER’S GOLDEN NUGGET TAB LETS for constipation before It is poisoning! Not so quickly, perhaps, too late. Results guaranteed. Mitch but Just as surely as if you drank poison out of a bottle .If your liver ell Drug Co. i8 not doing its work of heping diges Completing an automobile trip of tion, eliminating waste from the 1,600 miles In Washington. Idaho bowels and purifying the blood, you and parts of Oregon. D. F. Shirrod will always be troubled with sick of Uniontown, Washington, reports headaches, nausea, biliousness, bad he found the people In nearly every breath, gas, sour stomach or constipa district in this vast territory are tion. highly enthusiastic over the prosper Cleanse and tone your liver! Put ity that must come In the near your system in condition so you feel future. Barring the unexpected Mr. your very best again! Try just a Sherrod made the confident predic spoonful of Dr. IL S. Thacher’s ex tion that th(e lnt^fmountaln and cellent Liver and Blood Syrup after Pacific Northwest states will come the next few meals and notice the into its own this year. quick Improvement In the way you ’at, sleep, look and feel— the return if strength, vigor and energy. You will be completely satisfied; other- READ THE WANT ADS vise there will be no cost. Plant That Change» It» Location at W ill To thus« who have made it a study, plant life teems with wonders. Take, for example, the Loranthus, a species of mistletoe, if this plant Buds itself in a situation unfavorable to Its growth it will throw out a root by which It Is ennbled to move to another site, the means of locomotion being a flattened disc that acts as a sort of foot. The moving process is repeated until a sat isfactory position for development has been found. Another plant, the Clusia, lodges Its seeds In the branches of a tree, whence the roots grow downward and strike In the soli. From these suspended roots branches grow on all sides, until the tree by which they are supported be comes literally suffocated. These and other queer happenings In plant life are related In “The New Book of Gardening.” Explaining "Gringo" Legal Blank* For Sale at The Herald Office A D A M G O O D TIM ER A SNAPPY SPARK EVERY TIME Easy starting in cold or wet weather... F05I £roof. More Power. Smoother running motor. Starts your motor on the mag- ir»to.‘ ? it is a positive Make and Break Timer, using Genuine Tungsten polhts. the same as used on high priced cars. It is self lubricating and requires no grease or oil Inside the shell. Put it on and forget It. Guaranteed for one year. FREE! This Coupon is Good for »ample Bottle Dr. Thacher’s I/ver & Blood Syrup f presented before the supply for free dlstribtlon Is already given iway. Read the full deails above, hen act at once, as this offer is 'Imited. Get a trial size now by presenting this coupon to Mitchell Drug Company. Ol AM ERICA N SH O E S H O P Hermiston (next door to postoffice) Expert Shoe Repairing A trial order is resp ectfu lly solicited , and all work gu aran teed . Parcel P ost paid on e w ay. All I W ant Is a Trial. J. H. FA R R A — v ~ - ---------------- /m i I A li ■ ■ TIVELY WATER PROOF NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, May 22, 1825. Notice is hereby given that Mar garet Johns, widow of Cato J. Johns, of Hermiston, Oregon, who, on May 10, 1922, made Homestead Entry No. 024391 (La Grande No. 021330) for N W tf, N»i s w q , Section 22. Township 6 North, Range 28 East Willamette Meridian, has filed not ice of intention to make final three year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before W. J. Warner, United States Commissioner, it Hermiston, Oregon, on the 9th v t * * * * * * * lay of July, 1925. Claimant names as witnesses: Frank Jewett. W. T. Roberts, F B. Swayze, Harry Spinning, ail of Her mlston, Oregon. J. W. Donnelly, Register. ! O. F. Weeks inclines to the view that "Gringo" was derived from the word “Greek.” Hs says: “When English speaking people began coming Into Mr. and Mrs. Willard Felthouse Mexico they found the people with and family left Tuesday for Wallowa whom they came in contact unable to understand their language, Juat as Lake for a vacation. they themselves were unable to un- ---------- ' derstand that of the Mexicans. When Frances Vaughan of Palo Alto I "ddre88Pd by « “«‘«ve quite naturally California. 1» a guest of Miss Doris'1! ^ ? * ? . . ‘h* /« '« “‘ar expression. K « AVI i That 18 aI1 to me.” The word Swayxe at her home in this city. , Greek In Spanish 1. “Griego” (pro nounced Gree-aye-go), and what more A baby girl was bom to Mr. and natural tbun that the Mexicans, hear ❖ Mrs. I .ester L. Beardsley, of Coyote, ing this word nsed so much, came to ♦ speak of the forelgnera as “Gree-aye- on the 26th of June. ♦ goea,” which enally enough became F. H. Seeley, of Chicago and Phil- « corrupted into "gringoes." This ex Miss Luclle Sullivan hns left for pression was beard wherever English- will personally be al the Pendleton ♦ an extended vacation to Portland and speaking foreigners were encountered. hotel, and will remain in Pendleton ♦ Ocean Beaeh. Monday only, July 6. Mr. Seeley says: The Spermatir Shield will Happine»» Set Down not only retains any cas© of rupture Headaches are often cgtulkd by a» "Flame of Life" perfectly, but contracts the opening ♦ Const Ipat ion— HOLLISTER'S GOL I always think of happiness as a ♦ DEN NUGGET TABLETS quickly rid flame. I always have, all my life. in ten days on the average. Being a vast advancement over all other for you of Constipation. Mitchell Drug It's Just a fancy of mine, but It'a as Co. clear as anything. Fire—a lighted mer methods—exemplifying instan lire throwing a gleam across the gay taneous effects immediately appreci eat day. an Inextinguishable fire. Be able and withstanding any strain ♦ cause, however it dies down, you can or position no matter the size or ♦ W ork of Many Year» find embers at the heart of Its ashes to Count a Billion and build it up again with what you location. Large or difficult cases, ♦ ♦ It is practically impossible for even have, Florence Ward writes in "The or inclnsional ruptures (following operations) rperially aollcltet. This ♦ the trained mathematical tnlnd to con- Flames of Happiness.” instrumei t received the only award ! celve a billion objecta of any kind, Almost without knowing It, almost aaya tlie Family Herald. In dealing in spite of yourself, you do Just that, in England and in Spain, producing with the subject of "one billion." Sir Tou take what you have: Ixtve, of results without surgery, injections, Henry Bessemer, Inventor of the Bea- course, if yon are one of the lucky medical treatments or prescriptions. ssmer steel process, on one occasion ones who have It, or friendship—any Warning— All rases should be cau- said: thing that means happiness to you. ttoned against the use of any elaa- ■ "Let us try In Imagination to ar Sometimes the fuel that comes to your range (hla number for inspection: hand is the Joy you have in your own tie or web truss with understraps. I Ihit a 2b-cent piece on the ground and mind. In learning and thinking. In as same rests where the lump is and g pile upon it as many as will reach books and plays and ntualc, clear not where the opening is, producing, twenty feet in height. Then let ns flames. complications, necessitating surgical place numbers of similar columns In Sometimes It’a religion. Most peo operations. Mr. Seeley has docu dose contact forming a straight line, ple, after they’re older, keep It burn ments from the United States gov and making a sort of wall twenty feet ing with work, hard, dean work and ernment, Washington. D. C.. for tn- high, showing only the thin edges of the little things that make It crackle apection. He will he glad to demon- j the coins. Imagine two such walls Jokes and nonsense and hit» of tigg running parallel to each other and ing and laughter. Now and then, of atrate without charge or fit them if , forming, as It were, a long street. If course, you pile It with driftwood of desired. Business demands prevent I wa keep on extending thdke walla for your ambitions, end yosr dreams stopping at any other place tn this hundreds of miles we shall still be shoot np and up. It'a a lira that coats aeetlon. far abort of the required number It you something, happiness: bat P- S.— Every statement in this no- is not till we have extended our Imag keep It going g$ dfe has been fverifled fckfone the | inary street XflMlH miles that »«, ' [ „ suppose mat FwhatM.'Federal and State courts.— F. H. •ball have presented for Inspection roura.' f^ aley. Heme otUc«, J17 ft. Dogr- our h up number of coin».” 5 — ’ wrn gt., Chicago. k. -vs» EXPERT HERE The Undertaking Business former ly owned by J. T. Brown, at 704 Thompson Street, Pendleton, has been t ’lr n ever by T. B. Bomboy. and will be conducted at the same place. Phone 63. Lady Assistant. ■ ■ ■ THE ADAM GOOD TIMER IS POSI P e a rso n ’s G a ra g e ■ Y O U TCLL CM ♦ ♦ ♦ •» ♦ ♦ ♦ RUPTURE Announcement ■ ■ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ The only thing that keeps boot leggers in business is customers. SATISFIED CUSTOMERS is what keeps us In business! It is our aim to help you cope with the High Cost of Living by giving you Just what you want in high quality... MEATS CITY M E A T M A R K E T JOHN ELLIS, PROF. ' J ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ « ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ■ ■ ■ Jj a * ♦ « H O N E Y LABELS T o Y o u r O rd e r and at Reasonable P rice* THE HERMISTON HERALD I